How to understand who you are to your cat - a slave, a friend or a caring parent

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12/17/2021 owner reviews 7,

Cats are often perceived as solitary and independent creatures, and to some extent they are. Although they are quite reserved compared to most dogs, cats are quite capable of affection and true communication.

When a kitten chooses you, the feeling is incredible. It's like a wizard or witch meeting someone you know. You should be able to recognize this wonderful feeling of shared connection as most cat parents will tell you this.

But how do cats choose their owner? For some cats, treats and attention determine their choice. For others, it may be the feeling of comfort and security they feel while being in the same room as their person. Head banging, slow blinking and hugging are some of their love signs.

If you're interested in learning more about how your cat chose you, don't worry, we've got you covered!

  • How cats choose their owner
  • Do cats have a favorite owner?
  • How do cats choose their favorite owner? Early binding
  • The secret is communication
  • Personality matters

How cats choose their owner

Before we can understand cats, we must first understand all cats. The relationship between people and cats has been built over thousands of years. Some studies suggest that this process lasted about 12,000 years. As human civilization developed, it developed agriculture and began storing grain. This change marked the beginning of a new alliance.

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The grain brought mice, and some feral cats saw this as easy access to food. Gradually, some of them approached people, and thus the domestication of cats began. Who knew that from one small group of cats our world would be filled with millions of loving furry hearts?

The moral of the story is that once again the cats have made their choice.

A cat is not a dog

It just so happens that the love of animals is usually viewed through the prism of dog behavior. The behavior of cats is very different from that of dogs and there are a number of good reasons for this.

It's worth starting with the fact that dogs were domesticated much earlier than cats. From the moment of domestication, dogs began to go into human homes, and cats were often kept near the home or property. In the process of evolution, domestic cats acquired the “habit” of behaving with restraint and being useful, for the sake of their own benefit - safety, food, and satisfaction of social needs.

This is interesting! Modern cats can be divided into: native and artificially bred. The “closer” a cat is to its wild relatives, the more independent and detached it behaves in everyday life.

How do cats choose their favorite owner?

Cats are hard to please. Maybe decades of adoration have turned them into picky little lords. For some, this is a quality to be avoided, but for true cat lovers, this is what makes cats so special.

Perhaps it is this difficult position that pushes us to the edge of madness and this incessant desire for feline recognition. But what criteria should we check off their list of requirements before a cat decides to not only adopt us, but allow us to love them and get that love back?

Early binding

A bond between a person and a cat can occur at any time. In other words, a cat is never too old to choose you! Of course, forming a strong bond with the kitten you're fostering will usually be easier simply because he's so impressionable.

According to studies of cat social behavior, the socialization period for cats begins to shorten at 7-9 weeks of age. During this period, communication with cats, other animals and, of course, people prevents feelings of fear. Of course, older cats who are used to the presence of people will not feel this fear, but it is true that many homeless cats have had to rely on this fear to survive.

This period of kitten socialization often results in the cat becoming attached to another cat or to their trusted caretaker. I had the pleasure of experiencing the love between a rescue kitten and an older cat I found on the street. It really taught me that while it is easier to bond with a kitten by becoming its mother, an adult cat can have the same potential for love.

The secret is communication

If you go to couples therapy, the first thing you'll probably hear is that communication is key. Well, cats are no different. So, whether you are the owner of a kitten or an adult cat, you must learn how to effectively communicate with them and meet their needs.

A study of 12 cats and their owners by Moria Galvan and Jennifer Vonk of Oakland University in Rochester helped shed light on cats' ability to monitor and pay attention to human emotions. This study showed that animals behaved differently when their owner smiled than when they frowned. The smiling owner received a positive response by purring, rubbing or sitting on the lap. On the other hand, the frown was met with less enthusiasm.

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Personality matters

The relationship between people and cats is a two-way street, and compatibility can be important. Just as each person is a unique individual, so are our feline companions. Various factors determine their preferences, which are influenced by how early they were socialized, their personal quirks and, in some cases, their breed.

A team of researchers from the University of Helsinki has produced an impressive report on “Breed Differences in Inherited Behavioral Traits in Cats.” According to their research, they were able to study 19 breeds and see which ones were more likely to seek out human contact. They found which breed was more reserved when it came to strangers or new stimuli. They also discovered which breeds were more likely to show signs of aggression towards family members, strangers or other cats.

The breed of your cat may be an additional factor, but as previously established, there are several layers to a cat's personality. Cats exposed to a variety of people and animals can grow into social and carefree individuals. But that doesn't mean everyone does; some may be more withdrawn and distant, just as a kitten accustomed to one caregiver may never feel comfortable with strangers.

Understanding cat psychology and behavior is key to keeping your kitten happy in your home. It is important that their happiness is achieved not only through nutrition, but also through providing security, comfort and tender attention.

How to form an attachment correctly?

The choice of an owner by a cat occurs at the very beginning of acquaintance with the territory. If one person lives in the apartment, then the pet will not have much choice and the connection will be established by itself after a while.

If a family lives within the house, the situation becomes somewhat more complicated. The cat begins to absorb and instinctively analyze the attitude towards itself from the first moment of its appearance. She is initially looking for a person who will perceive her as an independent being worthy of respect.

Very rarely does a cat focus on the physical aspects of everyday life, for example, feeding, petting or changing the contents of the tray. A much more important aspect is being attentive to her needs, helping to satisfy her instincts and recognizing her right to a certain territory.

As a result, there are several rules that should be followed:

  1. You should not force your love and adoration on your cat. Give her time to get to know and explore her new environment;
  2. Be attentive to her demands and requests. Since the cat is trying to find its place in the house, it can demand access to any room, often mark corners and doors, play mischief, defining the boundaries of what is permitted. Patience and commanding concern will help at this stage;
  3. Communicate with your cat and spend as much time as possible with her. Try to play while supporting the hunting instinct. Affections, conversations and cozy gatherings also play a vital role;
  4. Learn your cat's habits and favorite treats. They will help you establish contact.

Quite often, despite all efforts, cats for some reason choose the wrong people as owners who want to be them. There’s nothing you can do about it, you can only continue to establish contact. After some time, the cat may decide to recognize another person.

Top 18 manifestations of love

There are signs of a cat's love for its owner, which can be seen in the animal's behavior. The pet treats the person well, even if it seems that he is constantly doing dirty tricks: he tears up the wallpaper, marks your shoes and the bed. This behavior may indicate resentment or lack of attention on the part of the owner. For some pets, a full plate and a clean tray are not enough; they also need companionship and your love.

However, the character of the animal must be taken into account. Some cats do not like affection and communication, do not go to hands, do not sleep with people. The person they adopt may occasionally pet and hold the pet . In this case, the main sign of love will be eye contact. Therefore, do not require all of the items listed below from the animal. The top 18 manifestations of cat love are collectively created based on the observations of scientists and pet owners.

Memories of childhood

  • " Milk move ". Pay attention to small kittens that knead their mother while feeding. Such movements improve milk production. If the pet gently tramples them like dough before lying on his lap, he loves and trusts the owner as his own mother cat.
  • Sucking clothes, licking hair . Some cats like to bury themselves in hair or lie on their chest, sucking on their owner's jacket. Perhaps he was separated from his mother early or she abandoned the kitten. Therefore, the pet asks from you for love and attention.
  • Shows and allows you to stroke your belly . If the pet trusts its owner, it can sleep on its back, roll from side to side during play, and expose its tummy. Do not ignore such impulses and stroke them, at this moment cats express love.

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The most common signs that a cat loves its owner

Once you fall in love with these cute animals, you just can’t imagine how to live without them. If an animal and a person have the same personalities, both enjoy the idyll in the house. Signs that a cat loves its owner are different. More often, a pet's affection is expressed in loud chirping. Moreover, such a manifestation of love from cats to the owner can be a little annoying.

The chattering noise prevents you from falling asleep or wakes you up early in the morning. Purrs quickly develop a feeding routine. If you feed the animal every weekday before leaving for work, then on the weekend it will already be waiting for a treat early in the morning and will not let you sleep. You need to close the door to the bedroom, which is not always convenient or possible.

If we describe in more detail how a cat shows its love for its owner, it is worth mentioning first of all that these animals love to rub against their legs, which sometimes makes it difficult to even walk. The feeling that the animal is not allowing passage.

In some cats, the manifestation of love for the owner is expressed in the desire to constantly be held. Some purring individuals like to rub themselves on a man's face, others are ready to lick him like a dog.

There are other habits of cats that speak of love for their owner. Some may find it strange that an animal sucks dirty clothes or licks under the arms. Many purrs are attracted to the smell of a loved one's sweat. Some cats express signs of love for their owner through a “dance,” which is more like marking time. There are special glands on the pads of the feet. In this way, the animal marks its territory and its person.

The most common signs of how cats show love for their owner include their desire to constantly be near him. Pets especially like to sleep next to, on the head or chest of their person. Some signs of a cat's love for its owner can be observed in the form of licking. In this way, the animal shows concern, tries to calm the person down, and gets some sleep.

Less common signs that a cat loves its owner include hand sucking. The pet's behavior resembles that of breastfeeding. The animal literally sucks its fingers, and does so carefully, without biting. But cats rarely show love for their owner in this way, since not all kittens are weaned early and deprived of maternal care. In this case, the cat’s unrealized love is expressed towards its owners.

Finally, it is worth noting that, as a rule, cats show love for their mistress, owner, and children in different ways. Males like women more, females prefer men. In this case, sympathy arises according to gender differences. Also, an animal can trust one person, but harbor a grudge against another.

How to understand that the cat loves the owner in this case? It's simple - he fawns on one, and may bite another. Purrs treat small children with distrust. If parents do not teach that you cannot offend an animal, then subsequently there will be no friendship with it.

Now you know how to understand that a cat loves its owner. Take a closer look at your pet, try to understand him, and you yourself will feel how pleasant it is when an animal is attached and tries to express its feelings, even if not very skillfully.

Joint gatherings

A cat, like any other animal, must have its own personal space and territory where it can retire for sleep or rest. But a sense of comfort is not the only motive that drives pets. Sometimes an animal, in need of attention, is ready to sit and even lie in an uncomfortable position just to be close to its beloved owner. If your cat chooses a place to rest next to you and tries to climb onto your lap, rest assured, this is another way of showing her love.

Everyone knows that cats sleep most of the day and can spend up to 20 hours sleeping. But it is in their sleep that they feel most vulnerable, so they prefer to rest in the safest places. If the cat lies down at the feet, next to the owner, this indicates complete trust. This means that the animal feels completely safe with you.

See also[edit]

  • Help stray cats
  • Character of a cat depending on color
Cat • Kittens • Eyes of a cat • Sounds made by cats (Meowing) • Cafe with cats in Russia (Cats and people • Republic of cats) • Cotopuz • Slothful cat • ‎ Cats • Cat catching flies • Love of cats for humans • The period of teething in cats • Help for stray cats • Transporting animals on an airplane • Cost of transporting a cat on an airplane • Washing a cat • Cat ears • Cat character depending on color • Cat tail
AdviсeChoosing cat food • How to feed a cat dry food • The cat does not play with toys • Methods of feeding cats • Rules for importing cats into Russia • Selling cats online •
CelebritiesFamousNiki‎ • Lenin's Cat • Martha the Cat • Mosta the Cat • Yaroslav the Cat • Antonov's Cats • Vaska the Cat • Cats in works of art • Richelieu and cats • The most evil cat
Interesting FactsJudaism and cats • White cat crossed the road • Cat hovered • Cat butts • Cats love boxes • Mandatory registration of pets • Cats falling from great heights • Grooming cats and dogs • Cat sleeps at feet

Constantly licks himself

Cats love to look good. They are very clean animals and love to take care of themselves. But if you notice that your pet is constantly licking himself, and then coughing, coughing up hairballs from licking, then be sure to pay attention to this. It is better to take her to the vet to rule out possible infectious diseases. But if everything is in order with her health, then the doctor will definitely confirm to you that she is lonely and suffering. This will be the true root cause of increased cleanliness, no matter how strange it sounds.

Personal space

Now the cat wants you to scratch behind his ear, and a second later he hits you with his paw in irritation. This is the nature of these animals.

In most cases, an owner who is sympathetic to these mood swings will win the cat's heart. These animals will definitely not be kind to those who bother them when they themselves are not in the mood to contact people. A person will have a better chance of developing a good relationship with a cat if they are allowed to take control of the situation. Such pets love people who respect their personal space.

Are cats bored without you or are they having fun?

They say that cats behave like children in the absence of their owner. They climb into exactly those places where they are forbidden to climb in the presence of an adult. They are primarily interested in those things that are strictly forbidden to touch. Therefore, after returning home, adults often find the same mess both after the cats and after their beloved children spent time on their own.

Returning home, you can find complete chaos and disorder, which consists of things and cereals thrown out of cupboards, broken dishes and tattered books. One can only guess how these furry creatures behaved in our absence.

The kindest and most patient owners regard this mess as fair revenge on the owners from their pets for their long absence. After all, they don’t organize such a pogrom in front of them. But there is a situation when an urgent departure, which seemed not to be part of our plans, is inevitable.

Runs to meet you at the door

Cats are curious creatures. They often greet guests by sticking their muzzle into the hallway or approaching them imposingly. But there are family members whom the pets are looking forward to: shortly before the owner returns from work, the cat is already sitting at the front door and literally hypnotizes her with his gaze in anticipation. She knows very well the sound of “her man’s” steps and even the noise of his car engine. For some cat-like reasons, the pet may accidentally miss the owner's return, but as soon as she hears the sound of his voice, she will rush to meet him like a tailed meteor.

Precious gifts from a cat

By nature, cats are natural hunters. They happily chase toys, laser beams, birds, and small rodents. Having brought home another “trophy”, the cat shares the spoils with the owner, expressing gratitude for the attention and care. If the animal brought a gift, be sure to praise it for its generosity. Otherwise, the cat may be offended.

Cats also show their love during games. At the same time, biting, scratching, and menacing meowing do not at all mean aggression on the part of the pet. On the contrary, the one of the family members whom the furry animal has chosen as an object for play is the animal’s favorite. You can also talk about complete trust if the cat brings his toys, organizes an impromptu hunt, attacking you from hiding.

More, less, the same?

How fair are owners' doubts about whether cats know how to love? Scientists and experts in the field of cat behavior are confident that they are unfounded, since cats tend to:

  • Miss the owner.
  • Protect the owner, family members and especially children.
  • “Warn” family about natural disasters.
  • Longing for deceased owners.
  • Returning home in serious condition and/or having to travel a difficult, dangerous route.

Trust and deeper feelings

Cats are more straightforward than people. They are incapable of doubt and mistrust. Plus they are terrible owners. Loners, predators, will never love their owner in spite of, like dogs, and in spite of everything. Abusing her will take away the sense of security that was mentioned earlier. And without this there will be no trust.

Some people say: “Cats love me.” Most likely, for your passivity. They try to avoid those who “take the fortress by storm.” A cat will not be able to trust a person who will constantly tell her what to do and try to control her.

If a cat considers you its owner, it will be bored while you are at work or away. Even if you have been away for a very long time, he may be afraid at first, but then he recognizes the smell and voice, and again begins to caress and climb into your arms. The cat will look for a long-absent owner around the house, calling, meowing under the front door.

The long-awaited meeting with a loved one and recognition will be accompanied by the sound of a cute purr, “rubbing” on legs with an arched back and a tail pipe. A cat that is bored for a long time may even refuse to eat and become sad. Isn't this love?

Why do cats yawn after sleep? Yawning is an involuntary deep breath, which is needed to ventilate the lungs and saturate the blood with oxygen, because during sleep, animals and people breathe in a different mode than during wakefulness. Cats also yawn and stretch before hunting. At this moment, the heart pumps enriched blood to the muscles, supplying them with the energy necessary for rapid throws. Not only cats, but even fish yawn when they need to pick up speed. Animals can yawn and when they are alarmed by something, they see an enemy or food - in a word, in all situations where it is necessary to react quickly.

In the world of digital photography, interesting black and white photographs are becoming increasingly rare. And today - luck. On the page of Tony Castelvecchi there was a magnificent photo called “Country Cat”. Tony has been photographing professionally since 1969, and his work includes a lot of children's portraits. This photo was taken in August of this year in Michigan, you look at it and rejoice - they are so wonderful - both the girl and the cat.

This furry family was rescued by a girl from Beijing, Vera, who is involved in animal protection. If you thought that this was a mother with kittens, you were mistaken. The photo shows the father of the family. This is a short-haired cat of the white and red Van color (not to be confused with the Turkish Van). His eyes are in perfect harmony with his color, and in the photo we see that he perfectly conveys these characteristics to kittens. The mother is a long-haired cat, a beautiful, rich tortoiseshell-tabby color. This couple has already had two litters, some of the kittens look like the mother, others look exactly like the father. Photo source

Meet Charlie and Lucy, the beloved cats of Irene Wehrli from Switzerland. She lives in a small village, takes a lot of photographs and loves her British cats of a delightful, stunning merle color.

It is much more difficult for a cat to go down a tree than to climb up; it usually does this by putting it in reverse. This is due to the structure of the cat’s claws and their insufficient power to support the weight of the animal descending head down. But this beauty (or handsome man) shows us excellent skills, although she is a little afraid. The author of the photo could not be found out

These cheerful, friendly kittens were found on the blog of Laura, a lover of nature and coffee, a researcher by nature. She says that she sees the world through the lens of a camera. And indeed it is!

Another photo from the “Cats are like people” collection. Admit it, have you ever returned home after a good party at least once in your life?

The favorites of the old gentleman from Lausanne - Krakot and Kalipet - do not refuse anything. What do you think these two magnificent sacred Burmas do in the evenings? They are dancing tango! In any case, this is what their owner thinks, who took this beautiful photo.

William Wood took this photo of his cat with a 14mm fisheye lens. It turned out funny! William Wood

Petra Wendt from Germany loves photographing cats. This gorgeous handsome guy with an amazing mustache is called Emil, and the photo is called "sitting on an ironing board "wink" smiley"

“Hide, I’m counting to 100!” This is what amateur photographer from Bordeaux called Elena Rideau. She shoots just for fun and prefers paintings of nature, flora and fauna. Her cats turn out great!

Belen Thomas from Oregon called this photo “Meerkat Cat.” Indeed, peeking out from the dense thickets, the pussy is very similar to this small mammal. Just like meerkats, cats often stand in a column and examine the surrounding space, but not out of fear, but out of curiosity, sometimes freezing for a long time if they are very interested in something.

Some cats know how to cross the road, but such skills are rare. Usually they jump out like an arrow onto the roadway, either out of fear or running away from someone... Drivers need to remember this both in cities and in rural areas, especially now, in the fall, when the darkness has increased significantly and the roads are wet. Photo by Belen Thomas.

Look after your cats! Always remember the old English proverb “Curiosity killed the cat!” True, not everyone knows that it also has a continuation “... but having satisfied it, she was resurrected!” (Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back). Indeed, the curiosity of the mustachioed brethren often prevails over caution, and our pets often find themselves in difficult situations. Despite the fact that, thanks to their agility and agility, they usually get out of them safely, it doesn’t hurt to keep an eye on them. (photo author unknown)

Meet Coconut and Caramel. These cute kittens were taken by Marie-Therese from Alsace. Not everyone knows that an ordinary cat’s litter can easily give birth to a kitten with a Siamese color (color point). For example, the mother of these kittens is black. Photo by Marie-Thérèse

Unlike dogs, which express their devotion and love for their owners in a more emotional and obvious way, felines have less obvious ways to communicate their feelings. Like any living creature, each cat is individual, has its own temperament, character, and behavior patterns. That is why our pets demonstrate their attitude and sympathy towards humans in different ways. In fact, even a pet's hurtful behavior can be a sign of love. So do cats love their owners, how do these unique animals show their sympathy for humans?

Lawless Heart

All of the above facts do not yet represent the complete picture. Not much research has been done to talk about a clear advantage of one side or the other in a relationship with a pet.

Predicting a cat's behavior is not easy. There are many cases when it is a man who becomes her best friend and she practically never leaves her owner’s side. The ability to feel others, be they people or animals, is not unique to women. Time will tell what exactly your pet will be like.

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