How the furminator dog comb works and how to use it correctly

One of the unpleasant problems that cat owners face is tufts of fur all over the apartment: on carpets, furniture, clothes. The situation is aggravated if the cat is a long-haired breed - without proper care, the hair falls off and clumps form, which are very difficult to comb out and often have to be cut, which spoils the appearance of the animal. Short-haired cats also need to be brushed regularly. If an animal takes care of itself exclusively on its own, a large amount of hair regularly gets into the stomach, which can lead to negative consequences and difficult treatment at the veterinarian.

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FURMINATOR FURFLEX CAT DESHEDDING S anti-shedding attachment for small breed cats (1 pc)

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The problem is complicated by the fact that many cats do not like the process of combing, and they try to hide when they see a comb in the hands of the owner, or they behave aggressively, bite and scratch. This is due to the fact that when using a regular comb, a person causes unpleasant sensations to the animal. If the fur is long, the process takes a lot of time, and the pet simply gets tired of enduring it.

The solution to the problem will be a furminator - a special cat scratcher with strong metal teeth. The device appeared relatively recently, but many animal owners already use the Furminator and give excellent reviews about it.

What is it for?

The history of the instrument begins at the end of the twentieth century. In 1997, American animal groomers came up with the Furminator. Its main purpose is to comb cats and dogs with a variety of coat types. The device removes dead hair, tidies up the undercoat and reduces the number of grooming sessions. The invention turned out to be very effective and quickly gained worldwide popularity. It is purchased by both groomers and ordinary pet owners.

A dog is scratched before a show

Today, there are many brands that produce tools for caring for dogs, cats and even rodents. Furminators are manufactured not only by the USA (FURminator), but also by Germany (Trixie), Taiwan (HelloPet) and other countries.

The structure of cat fur

The fur of cats and dogs is a kind of hair. Periodically, the formation of new hair stops. After some time, the old hair falls out - shedding occurs. Then cell division of the hair follicle resumes, and new hair grows.

There are several types of shedding:

  1. Seasonal, associated with the change of season. It is typical for animals living on the street. All wool is renewed almost simultaneously.
  2. Permanent, in those individuals that live in the house. There is a periodic, gradual replacement of wool throughout the year.
  3. Physiological. This is a temporary process associated with certain periods: estrus, mating, pregnancy, feeding kittens.

Lost hair is everywhere in the apartment, creating inconvenience for owners and cats. To solve this problem, there are furminators for cats. To understand why to use them, it is necessary to consider the structure of the coat of cats.

Hair follicles in cats have a complex structure. From each follicle grow:

  1. The awn is the primary, or central (covering) hair. It is the thickest and longest, called the guide.
  2. 2-3 thinner and shorter hairs that surround the hair guide.
  3. Hair, even shorter, forming the undercoat.
  4. Downy hair.

The furminator for cats greatly simplifies this labor-intensive process.

Cats have the thickest fur. Its density varies in different parts of the body. The thickest, short covering hair—almost just fluff with undercoat—is located on the belly. The hair on the back is longer and thicker, but there is less of it.


The tool is available in several sizes, since its main “audience” is animals of different types and sizes. The smallest model is the “toy” model. The width of the working surface ranges from 1.25 cm to 3.2 cm. A slightly larger “small” variety is 1.75-4.5 cm. For larger pets there is a “medium” type. Its dimensions are as follows: 2.65-6.7 cm. For large dogs, “large” models are available - 4-10.2 cm. The “giant” type is created for very large pets, such as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Its working surface width is 5-12.7 cm.

There is a division of furminators according to the length of the blades: short (for coats up to 5 cm) and long (for coats larger than 5 cm).

How is it different from its counterpart for dogs?

Veterinary stores have furminators for combing dogs and cats. What is the difference between these tools? In fact, it doesn't exist. In this case, it is more correct to talk about the differences between models for different types of wool. It is this parameter that determines the frequency of location and length of the teeth.

The similarity of the coat is more important than the species. Therefore, the same furminator can be used to care for cat hair, to care for dog hair, and even for a home decorative rabbit or hamster.

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Operating principle

By purchasing a high-quality tool, the owner relieves his pet of pain and tearing out healthy hairs, which often happens when using standard slicker brushes. When used correctly, the device does not cause injury and effectively removes dead hair. The Furminator is suitable for those who prefer not to spend too much time grooming their dog and at the same time do not want to see their pet’s hair flying everywhere. For inexperienced owners of wire-haired dogs, the furminator serves as a complete replacement for trimming.

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Problems usually arise after purchasing a low-quality product. Cheaper models can cause damage to the skin, leaving behind cuts and scrapes. In some cases, the tool does not produce results at all, since it does not collect wool at all.

Views from photos

For combing wool

Long, fluffy hair is an adornment of many breeds. But in order for it to look perfect, the dog must be thoroughly combed. This procedure will not harm wire-haired dogs and even pets with short and smooth hair.


This modern device replaces a number of dog grooming procedures. It looks like an instrument with a wide base and one row of straight and closely spaced teeth. The Furminator can quickly remove loose fluff in one go.

How to use a furminator for dogs: you need to gently and without excessive effort run it over the dog’s body, collecting fallen hairs. As necessary, the furminator is cleaned of combed wool.

This tool has many advantages. In addition to the fact that it is reliable and durable due to the strength of the teeth, the furminator has another advantage: when combing, it does not cause anxiety to the dog; on the contrary, pets like this procedure.

The Furminator is suitable for both long-haired and smooth-haired breeds. The only condition for its successful use is that the dog has undercoat, which is removed with this tool.

For long-haired dog breeds, a furminator with longer teeth is needed, and for short-haired dogs, one with shorter teeth. For a medium-haired pet, you should choose an intermediate option.

Perhaps the only serious drawback of the Furminator is its price. It is quite large and ranges from $30 for a small model to $70 for a large one.


Before the invention of the furminator it performed its functions. But if furminators of different models are suitable for a variety of dog breeds, then only furry animals with a rich undercoat can be combed with a slicker brush.

ATTENTION! For short-haired and smooth-haired dogs, almost devoid of undercoat, brushing with a slicker brush, which roughly scratches the skin, turns into torture.

What is a slicker? This is a rectangular comb-brush with curved wire teeth, which can easily be used to pick up loose undercoat and remove it.

How much does a slicker cost : its price does not exceed 800 rubles. There are also very cheap models: for 100-200 rubles. Professional slickers for groomers are more expensive, their cost reaches 1,500 rubles, but they are of better quality.

When choosing a slicker, pay attention to the size of the tool itself, as well as the length and stiffness of the wire “bristles”: all these parameters must correspond to the size of the dog and the length and thickness of the coat.

It is desirable that there are metal, rubber or plastic balls at the ends of the “bristles” of the slicker brush. Otherwise, there is a risk of injuring the dog.

A brush with a drop is the best and most “gentle” option!


Necessary for the final combing of long-haired dogs, such as Spitz, to remove loose hair that the slicker can no longer capture. Even from a pet’s fur that seems perfectly combed at first glance, it will pull out some more fallen fluff, which, if it had remained in the fur, could have become tangled. Only a comb can comb thick wool well, and it also lifts the hairs at the roots, creating visual volume.

The comb is suitable for: Samoyeds, all Spitz dogs, huskies, malamutes and other dogs with an “arctic” type of coat, that is, one with a thick undercoat and rough outer coat.

A comb for dogs is chosen based on the size of the animal, the length and thickness of the coat, but it is better to choose a model with teeth of different lengths: such a comb will comb both the guard hair and the undercoat. It is recommended to use a comb for daily grooming of your dog's coat.

The cost of a high-quality comb for dogs does not exceed 1000 rubles, but there are cheaper models.

Massage brush

There are several types. The two most common ones are in the form of a brush with a handle and one that is put on the hand and secured with straps. The bristles can be either natural or made of plastic or metal; in the latter case, it is desirable that there are droplet-shaped balls at the ends of the “bristles”: they will prevent injury to the pet’s skin when combing.

The main purpose of this brush is not so much to comb, but to style and even smooth the dog’s fur, while simultaneously providing a light massage. It is suitable for dogs with smooth and short hair, since it will not be possible to thoroughly comb long fur with a rich undercoat.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the quality, length and frequency of the bristles. A massage brush that fits on your hand allows you to comb the fur in hard-to-reach places better than a brush with a handle.

The price range for such combs is wide. The cheapest ones can be purchased for 100 rubles, but there are also expensive ones, up to 2000 rubles or more.


Designed for combing smooth-haired dogs . It looks like a mitten, complete with spikes. Often the “spike” pad is made of rubber, less often it is plastic. Some combs of this type have a pad that looks like a metal or plastic massage brush. It’s easy to use: you just need to put the comb-mitten on your hand and run it through your pet’s fur. Dogs favor this procedure, as it is also a good massage for them.

You can use this comb every day: it does not injure your pet’s skin or fur.

Suitable for short-haired and smooth-haired breeds with almost no undercoat, such as Great Dane, Boxer or Pinscher.

When choosing a mitten, you should focus on the hardness of the spikes: they should be neither too hard nor too soft. Also, the mitten should “sit” comfortably on your hand.

The cost of this comb is not too high: it ranges from 200 to 800 rubles.


Its functions are similar to a comb-mitten, the only difference is that its spines are smaller and located over the entire surface, even on the fingers. The outer side is made of thick fabric, it is equipped with a Velcro fastener, thanks to which the glove fits perfectly on the hand.

Its advantage is that it can be used to comb the hair not only on the back or sides of the dog, but also in more delicate places.

This glove is suitable for long-haired and medium-haired breeds. It collects dead hair well from the entire surface of the pet’s body without causing him any disturbance.

The cost of such a comb is small: 150-200 rubles.

Rotating tine rake

It looks like a rectangular brush with teeth. The peculiarity of this tool is that each of the teeth is not fixed in the socket, but rotates freely. This allows you to collect more dead hair when combing, which reduces the amount of wool on the owners’ clothes, carpets and furniture.

You need to comb your dog with it as with a regular comb, both according to the growth of the coat and against it. This comb is used as needed. Suitable for medium-haired and long-haired dogs with a thick undercoat: such as Malamute, Keeshond, Samoyed, Caucasian Shepherd or Collie.

ATTENTION! Do not use this comb on dogs such as Yorkies or Maltese, as hair that is too long may become tangled around the teeth of the comb and pulled out.

For combing out fleas

It is a plastic base into which fine metal teeth are inserted. Designed to completely rid the dog of external parasites. Thanks to the minimum distance between the teeth, it combs out those insects that could not be removed during washing.

Suitable for all breeds of dogs, but when choosing, you need to proceed from the size of the pet and do not take a small flea comb for a large dog, as it will not comb his fur, and it is not comfortable to use. A small dog should also not be treated with a large “comb”: it is inconvenient to use and besides, it can easily injure a small dog.

ATTENTION! You should use a flea comb only when necessary; you should not use it for daily grooming, since too many teeth will remove both dead and living undercoat.

The cost of such a tool is relatively low: in online stores you can buy one for 500 rubles or a little more.

For haircut

When grooming dogs, a comb is used to comb the hair, divide it into several parts, and use it to trim the edge of the dog’s “hairstyle.” There are also comb-trimmers, which, in fact, are more like clippers.


It is a comb with teeth of the same length. It is needed as an auxiliary tool when grooming dogs; its task is not to comb the hair, but to divide it into strands and smooth it. Using a long metal comb is convenient for smoothing the hair along the bottom of the “skirt” of dogs such as Yorkshire or Maltese.

Needed by owners of grooming dog breeds , such as poodle, bichon, yorkie, and bedlington terrier. But it can also be useful for those whose pets are dogs with long hair, such as Shih Tzu or Pekingese.

When choosing a metal comb, you need to focus on its size and frequency of teeth: for dogs with undercoat, a more frequent metal comb is needed, and for animals with long, straight and smooth-lying hair, less frequent, so as not to damage the coat.

The cost depends on the size of the instrument and its quality and ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles.


Externally, trimmers are similar to dog clippers. They come in several types: rotary, vibration, pendulum and battery. When trimming animals, rotary or cordless trimmers are usually used. Vibrating ones are used less often because they are low-power and the knives in them are difficult to change. Rotary ones, as the most reliable, are used when grooming dogs with thick hair.

The trimmer kit usually includes several metal comb attachments, differing in size and with teeth of different lengths. It is not difficult to work with them, but at first it is unusual, especially for a person who has taken such a tool in his hands for the first time.

Trimmers are suitable for those breeds of dogs that require a haircut, and the owner wants to tidy up his dog’s fur himself.

The price of a trimmer depends on the quality of the tool and the materials from which it is made. The type of trimmer also plays a significant role in pricing. On average, their prices start from 1200-1500 and reach 3000 or more.

THIS IS INTERESTING! In addition to regular trimmers, there are also combs with interchangeable attachments that combine the functions of a trimmer and a slicker. With their help, you can first comb out your pet’s undercoat and then change the attachment and trim it.

You need to choose a trimmer so that it suits the size of the dog and the length of its coat. And one more thing: it is better to avoid overly cheap models, since this is exactly the case when the stingy pays twice. A low-quality trimmer bought on the cheap will soon break and need replacement. Of all types, it is better to give preference to rotary or battery.

For trimming


It looks like a rectangular brush, but in fact it consists of several blades connected together and mounted on a wooden handle. Stripping is used to quickly and easily remove lost hair.

There are several types of strippers, differing from each other in the size, length and shape of the blades. They are mainly used for trimming wire-haired breeds , such as most terriers or schnauzers. But there are also strippers for dogs with soft and slightly wavy hair, such as cocker spaniels.

Strippings are chosen based on the pet’s coat type and size. Preference should be given to models with blades made of high-quality steel, otherwise there is a risk that the tool will quickly break.

The process of stripping a dog is similar to regular combing. Only in this case you need to properly pull the fur so as not to accidentally injure the dog.

Strippers should be used only when necessary, during trimming . There is no need to use them to simply remove lost hair: there is a risk of either removing excess hair or injuring your pet.

Prices for strippers are not too high, they start from 1000 rubles for small models to 1500 for large ones.

Metal with wooden or plastic handle

Before processing the wool by stripping, as well as during the trimming process, the dog’s fur is combed in order to better see the result of the treatment, and at the same time to remove the hair combed out by stripping.

For this procedure, you can use any convenient wide-toothed comb.

This comb is used both as an auxiliary tool during trimming and for daily combing of the dog.

The cost of a metal comb mounted on a plastic or wooden handle is low: about 100 rubles.

For grooming


Can be metal or plastic. The main distinguishing feature is a narrow long handle, similar in shape to a rapier blade with a sharp, tapering end. Using this comb, you can simultaneously comb the dog with the toothed part while grooming, and use the end of the handle to make partings or twist the hair onto it, then placing it in curlers or making a top note.

Suitable for most “hairdressing” breeds that receive complex haircuts, and, first of all, poodles.

The price range for these combs is wide. An inexpensive model can be purchased for 200-250 rubles; for a more expensive one you will have to pay about 1000 rubles.


The groomer comb looks similar to a stripper and also has the appearance of several blades gathered together and attached to a handle. The groomer differs from the stripping comb in the shape of its blades: while the stripping comb has Y-shaped blades, the groomer's blades look like hooks curved downward.

Necessary for cutting and combing neglected, matted wool. This tool carefully cuts off small tangles and combs the fur along with the undercoat.

Suitable for long-haired and wire-haired breeds. Treat animals with it as needed; it is not suitable for frequent use.

When choosing, pay attention to the quality of the material from which the blades are made. The cost of a grooming comb is approximately 1000 rubles.

Colt cutter

Anti-matt comb. It looks like a fine-toothed comb with a handle, but instead of teeth this comb has blades. This tool is designed to gently untangle and cut tangled wool.

Used for professional grooming of long-haired dogs.

ATTENTION! An anti-matt comb is a very sharp tool and must be used with caution so as not to injure your pet or yourself. It should be used only as needed.

When choosing a tangle comb, you should give preference to models with a high-quality stainless steel blade with a comfortable handle.

The cost of such a tool depends on the quality, manufacturer and materials from which it is made; it starts from 400-500 rubles and above.

Proper care of a dog's fur: what to comb and how to comb out tangles?

With blade

It looks like a regular comb with a blade inserted inside it. Designed for thinning wool when cutting and partially shortening it.

It is used when grooming dogs of those breeds whose standard requires thinning the coat, that is, this tool can be some kind of alternative to more expensive stripping.

The cost depends on the model; the simplest combs with blades (though not dog combs, but rather universal ones, suitable for both people and animals) can be bought for less than 100 rubles.

Which one is the most professional?

The best of professional combs can be considered stripping . It not only quickly removes dead undercoat, but also allows you to very quickly form clear lines when cutting and trimming dogs.

Also a very good and truly necessary tool for a professional groomer is a knitting comb , without which it is impossible to make a beautiful top note or parting.

grooming combs are most suitable for professionals .

Which one to choose for home?

At the moment, the most universal tool, suitable for both professionals and ordinary dog ​​breeders, is the furminator . It allows you to very quickly rid your pet of the undercoat that has fallen out during shedding, and therefore is a true salvation for many owners. The Furminator can be selected for almost any dog, both long-haired and short-haired, which is also its undoubted advantage.

Who doesn't need it

The device is intended for breeds with a thick undercoat that needs to be brushed on a regular basis or during off-season shedding periods. This means that dogs with close-lying hair and those whose undercoat is rather weakly developed (or absent) do not require such a tool.

Below are some of the breeds for which these procedures are not necessary:

  • Poodles;
  • Maltese;
  • Kerry Blue Terrier;
  • Bullets;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • Curly Coated Retriever;
  • Bichons;
  • Bedlington Terrier, etc.

Operation of the furminator is prohibited if the pet has been diagnosed with skin diseases or if there are wounds, scratches or other injuries on the body. The device may cause additional damage resulting in severe pain. Subsequently, the pet will stop “trusting” the tool and begin to avoid it.

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Pros and cons of combs

The main advantage of the furminator is durability. Strong steel is used to make the teeth, so they do not become dull. Regular combs need to be changed once a year.

Positive qualities include:

  • faster and easier combing process;
  • in one session you can remove about 90 - 95% of dead hairs;
  • the furminator is safe for cat fur, since it does not affect the outer hair and only removes hairs from the dead undercoat;
  • the tips of the teeth of the device are blunt, so it cannot injure the pet’s skin;
  • Thanks to the special structure of the teeth, the furminator can penetrate deep into the undercoat.

The downside is the high cost of the original tool.

How to use it correctly

Before using the furminator, your pet must first be combed with a slicker or comb to get rid of tangles in advance. Otherwise, the tool will pull out the fur, which is fraught with severe pain and an aggressive reaction on the part of the pet.

Advice! All grooming procedures are carried out exclusively on dirty wool.

Once the combing is complete, work with the furminator begins. They are smoothly and slowly moved in the direction of the fur, parallel to the skin (so that the blades do not scratch), collecting dead hairs, as in the photo. The most sensitive areas of a dog are the stomach and groin area. Any incorrect actions in those places cause discomfort. Therefore, it is highly advisable not to use a furminator there, but to limit yourself to a powder brush or comb.

Since dogs with thick hair shed quite profusely, the owner should lay a cloth on the surface on which he will place the combed hairs.

A German Shepherd is being processed with a tool.

Benefits of using a furminator

Combing with a furminator has a number of advantages over using a regular comb or previously popular slicker brushes:

  • there is no pain for the cat, even with an awkward movement there is no risk of damaging the skin or guard hairs;
  • you can comb out the hair in particularly sensitive areas - the stomach, in the genital area;
  • You can comb out up to 90% of dead hair at one time, and by repeating the procedure several times a week, you will be able to avoid disorder in the house;
  • the pet's health improves - it does not swallow large amounts of fur when licking itself;
  • such a comb massages the skin, improves blood circulation and the condition of the coat, as well as the appearance of the animal;
  • from the comb you must constantly manually select the hairs between the teeth, and when using a furminator they do not clog the tool, and it is enough to simply collect them with a damp cloth after the procedure;
  • The tool lasts a long time, the teeth do not break.

Instrument care

Even treatment products require routine maintenance. And you also need to keep an eye on the furminator. In order for the instrument to serve the owner for a long time, certain rules must be followed.

After use, wash the furminator in warm water without soap. Then a special cap is put on it, which protects the blades. Do not allow the device to fall, as this will cause damage.

Warning! The Furminator cannot be used if its blades are damaged!


Choosing a tool for your pet is quite simple. The choice is made based on the size of the dog. For small and toy breeds, toy and small models are suitable. For medium-sized ones, it is best to purchase the “medium” (medium) option. Large and giant furminator models have been specially developed for larger individuals.

New furminator in packaging

Review of popular models

Among the many models, the main thing is to choose the most suitable furminator for cats, because this device will serve for many years. It should be convenient for the owner and safe for the pet.

Manufacturers and models

The most common manufacturer of furminators for cats is FURminator, because it is the first company to produce such accessories for cats and dogs.

There are other models from various manufacturers:

  • Hello PET trimmer brush;
  • FoOlee One Medium trimmer brush;
  • furminator for cats and dogs of different sizes PetComb;
  • Xiaomi Pawbby Anti-Hair Cutter Comb;
  • furminator DeLIGHT;
  • furminator for dogs and cats TRIXIE;
  • furminator for cats Zolux.

It is better to select a model in accordance with the breed and characteristics of the pet. If you are doing this for the first time, enlist the support of experienced friends or trust a consultant at a veterinary pharmacy.

How to avoid buying counterfeits

If you buy a furminator for cats on the Internet, it is not a fact that it will be a successful purchase. The photo may show one product, but they will bring you a completely different one.

To avoid buying a fake, it is better to buy a furminator at a veterinary pharmacy or specialized pet stores. You should always check the packaging, manufacturer and availability of the warranty card.

The Furminator is a great product for owners of short-haired and long-haired cats. It saves during heavy molting and preserves the beauty and health of the pet.

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What do experts say about this scratcher?

Animal groomers recommend using the tool in accordance with all operating rules to avoid its damage. Replacement will cost a large sum.

Too frequent use dulls the furminator, so the dog owner will have to periodically change the comb or sharpen the old one.

Experts strongly advise purchasing only original models. They are expensive, but the tools are made of high quality and the blades last twice as long. Analogues are much cheaper, but they are not always useful.

Opinions from cat owners

Cat owners highly appreciate the performance characteristics of Furminators. A brush for combing out the undercoat really makes caring for pets easier, helps to avoid the appearance of tangles, and improves the quality of the fur, as clearly demonstrated by the photos before and after its use. The relationship with the pet also improves: he does not hiss, does not hide or scratch when he sees a new brush in the hands of the owner, but calmly endures the procedure. The tool is easy to use, does not require complicated maintenance, and most importantly, unlike conventional brushes, it lasts for a long time, fully recouping its cost.

According to veterinarians, such care with massage has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the animal. The undercoat becomes thicker and the coat becomes shiny and healthy. It is only important to choose the right model that matches the characteristics of the breed and size of the cat.

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