What types of bulldogs are there - choosing the breed of your future pet

Bulldogs are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Few people can easily name more than 2-4 varieties of breeds included in the “bull dog” groups. There are actually 11 varieties of the breed. In addition to the officially recognized ones, there are also those that have not received such recognition from cynological associations.

All breeds that are included in the “bulldog” group have a recognizable appearance. Many people find the appearance of bulldogs to be ferocious. But behind him lies a peaceful disposition. Such dogs adore their owner and are ready to defend him. Let's talk about which breeds are united by the general concept of bulldog, what pros and cons such dogs have, and which breed should be preferred.

History of the breed

The ancestor of the bulldog breed is considered to be the ancient Molossians, who lived in the territory of modern England in ancient times. They came to the island back in the 6th century along with sailors. Initially, all large, ferocious dogs were called mastiffs, but by the beginning of the 17th century, bulldogs became a separate breed. They got their name because of their high efficiency and ferocity. A bulldog could fight a bull and achieve its complete submission.

The British fell in love with bullfights, and over time they added bears and other wild animals. Over time, such cruel entertainment became banned. A new entertainment was organized - dog fighting, which was also quickly banned. But the breed retained its glory as winners.

The tactics of the bulldogs especially fascinated observers of the battles. They always launched a frontal attack, trying to grab the victim by the throat from the first touch and hold him until the last breath. Powerful jaws, immunity to pain and a ferocious disposition made bulldogs winners in almost any fight.

The 19th century was the initial stage of the official formation of the breed. Fighting was prohibited and breeders turned their attention to other important qualities of the bulldog - loyalty, composure, courage and adoration for people. Individuals with aggression and intolerance to small animals were subject to culling. From that moment on, the Old English Bulldog became the national pride of England.

Interesting: the breed has not been preserved in its pure form. Improvement of external and internal qualities was carried out through crossing with other breeds.

All bulldogs have common features:

  • flattened muzzle - it can be called a signature feature of the breed;
  • fleshy wet lips;
  • characteristic bite;
  • strong physique (square type);
  • large head;
  • wide bones.

Dogs are slow and melancholic, but show lightning-fast reactions when necessary.


The natural intelligence of animals, ingenuity, and attentiveness give every chance to raise an obedient dog. It is better to engage in training during games and direct communication. Smart dogs can remember up to 40 commands.

The activity of puppies is very high - they are constantly gnawing and dragging something. Mobility needs to be directed towards completing assignments and assignments. Teaching discipline and obedience requires patience. Aggression and shouting are not allowed - the animal gets offended and takes revenge.

Even children who also need to develop persistence in achieving a goal and be patient can work with a pet. The mental abilities of bulldogs are manifested in socialization - the ability to sense the owner’s mood and behave correctly among strangers and animals.

Types of Bulldogs

There are more than ten officially recognized bulldog breeds, among them the most common or especially rare ones can be distinguished.

American Bulldog

The Ambuli is the direct ancestor of the Old English Bulldog. They first came to the American continent at the end of the 19th century with colonists. There they were crossed with native breeds and received their modern appearance. They were used as companions, guards, and helpers on farms.

The official standard requires that the dog's dimensions be:

  • male 62-67 cm at the withers, weight up to 65 kg;
  • female 57-66 cm at the withers, weight up to 52 kg.

Ambules have a complex character. They tend to dominate and do not like competition. A dog requires education and training. They love family and are tolerant of “their” children and other pets. The breed needs constant movement, long games and contact with the owner.

Typical diseases for the breed are joint dysplasia, cataracts, “third eyelid”, allergies.

Important: it is difficult to keep a dog in an apartment. She needs space. They love to drool.

The cost of an ambul puppy varies from 25,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the class.

English bulldog

English bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds in the world. These tough guys with crooked paws have won more than one heart. The breed is perfect for living in an apartment because it is of medium size - weight up to 30 kg, height at the withers up to 55 cm.

The English Bulldog is an intellectually developed dog. You will not have any problems training your pet. The Englishman is less stubborn compared to his American cousin. But he is not without this drawback. If you can organize the learning process in such a way that the dog finds it interesting, he will quickly follow all commands.

Dogs have wet lips, so don't be surprised by the presence of drool wherever he goes.

The breed is characterized by frequent colds, respiratory diseases and sensitivity to overheating. English bulldogs develop physically very quickly and gain muscle mass. This will lead to fatigue and the dog will need frequent rest periods.

An English bulldog puppy will cost the future owner 25,000 - 70,000 rubles.

French Bulldog

Frenchies are a breed that differs from other bulldogs in their miniature size. Many people like the combination of a cute eared elf and a mini-format fighting dog. The weight of such a dog should not exceed 17 kg, and the height should be 40 cm. The main characteristics of the French bulldog:

  • stubbornness;
  • developed intelligence;
  • courage;
  • friendliness;
  • self-centeredness;
  • adoration of the owner, which may border on obsession.

Important: if you decide to get a French bulldog, you should know that these babies snore very loudly.

The loud temple is the result of maximum shortening of the nose and reduction of the skull during selection. This led to a narrowing of the respiratory passages and the appearance of excess tissue in the trachea and palate.

A baby of this breed will cost you 15,000 - 80,000 rubles.

German bulldog

We all know the breed, which is often called the “boxer”. Currently, its popularity has faded.

Practical Germans developed a new breed without trying to make it universal. The German Bulldog was required to become an excellent guard.

The dogs are distinguished by their athletic build. Unlike the English branch, they are slender and light. They cannot be called squat - in the field they grow up to 64 cm, and their weight should be no more than 40 kg.

Dogs have a very stable psyche, are reasonable, and do not show unmotivated aggression. The cost of a puppy varies between 20-60 thousand.

Health, typical diseases

The main problem of all bulldogs, regardless of variety, is short airways (due to a compressed body and brachycephaly). Therefore, they snore loudly in their sleep, are extremely susceptible to colds, and are sensitive to overheating. According to statistics, one of the most common causes of death among bulldogs is heatstroke.

The hot season with high humidity is very dangerous for dogs: breathing is impaired and characteristic gurgling sounds appear. If you ignore these symptoms, the animal will develop laryngeal edema. This phenomenon is characterized by the accumulation of viscous mucus in the throat, which the dog is unable to cough up on its own. In the absence of timely help, the bulldog may die. The owner needs to know that a pet that has experienced heatstroke at least once in its life will subsequently always be at risk and suffer from overheating.

A dog that has suffered a heatstroke must be moved to a cool, dark place, given water, moistened the fur and cleared the airways of viscous secretions.

Bulldogs are prone to obesity, so their diet must be prepared with special care. Dogs need reasonable physical activity, since physical inactivity leads not only to excess weight, but also to rapid fatigue and shortness of breath.

Bulldog puppies, with rare exceptions, are born by caesarean section - as the only way to avoid all risks. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the pelvis of bitches: according to breed standards, it should be narrow, and puppies have too large a head. In addition, representatives of the breed are phlegmatic and lazy, and even childbirth cannot help bring muscle tone to the desired state.

Pathologies characteristic of bulldogs include:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • allergies;
  • atopic and interdigital dermatitis;
  • cataract;
  • third eyelid adenoma (“cherry eye”);
  • cysts between fingers;

In old age, bulldogs are diagnosed with femoral neck fractures, since the entire load is mainly placed not on the muscles, but on the joints.

As for life expectancy, bulldogs cannot be called long-livers. There are quite a lot of diseases to which they are susceptible, so not every person can support them.

Like all Molossians (Mastiffs, Boxers, Great Danes), they usually live 8-10 years. However, with good maintenance and healthy genetics, they can easily live up to 15 years.

Rare species of bulldogs

Some breeds are on the verge of complete extinction. There may only be a few individuals of a given breed left in the world.

Alano (Alano Espanyol)

Alano is from Spain. The breed owes its origin and name to a tribe of nomads who bred dogs to guard and drive livestock and participate in battles. After fighting was banned, interest in the breed declined. Today there are very few representatives of the breed left in the world.

At the withers they can reach 65 cm, and ideally their weight should not exceed 45 kg. The most common color of the breed is red or brindle. The character of dogs is unyielding and stubborn. The breed requires a strong hand from the owner, but rarely shows unreasonable aggression.

The cost of an Alano puppy is from 70,000 rubles, but it is difficult to find a representative of the breed in our country.

Alapaha Bulldog (Otto)

This type of bulldog was formed in the USA - the state of Georgia. At the end of the 19th century, the Lane farming family was involved in breeding the breed. The goal of breeders is to develop a universal breed that can be used as a guard, shepherd and hunter. The Alapaha Bull is very difficult to distinguish from the American Bull.

Differences can be found in size - Alapahi are taller (up to 75 cm) and heavier (up to 67 kg) dogs. Almost any color of the breed is allowed, while Americans can only be white with different combinations of spots.

Dogs are very dependent on their owner; they are ready to accompany a person everywhere. The character is lighter than that of the ambulatory. The owner's instinct is less pronounced, but the territorial instinct is more pronounced.

It is extremely difficult to purchase an Alapaha bulldog puppy in our country, so it is difficult to name the cost of the baby.

Continental Bulldog

Another representative of Europe, the breed was created in Switzerland by crossing an Old English Bulldog and an English Bulldog. Breeding work began after the law on the protection of animal health was passed. The first breeder of the breed set out to recreate a breed of bulldogs that would be free of breathing problems.

Pickwick Bulldogs should not exceed 48 cm at the withers and weigh no more than 38 kg. Dogs can be any color. The exception is blue. Continentals have a calm and friendly character. Often there are individuals that are timid or aggressive.

In our country, it is difficult to find a representative of the breed; in Switzerland, a puppy costs about 150,000 rubles.


The bulldog comes from Brazil. Here selection was carried out by adjusting the characteristics of the dog to suit agricultural needs. The dogs were supposed to protect the territory and people, herd livestock and carry heavy loads. Campeiro are large and powerful dogs:

  • height at withers up to 60 cm; weight up to 50 kg;
  • preferred colors are red, black, brown, white and combinations of these colors;
  • the skeleton is strong;
  • massive head;
  • the jaws are wide and can hold a bull in place;
  • teeth - snack;
  • lips hanging, wet.

The breed is distinguished by its stable psyche and good disposition. The dogs seem to be bumpkins, but this impression is deceptive. They are so strong that they can easily cope with large wild animals if the safety of the owner requires it.

Baby Campeiro will be available for purchase abroad - the price starts from 170 thousand.

Catahoula Bulldog (Bull Arab)

A small breed from the USA. The selection is based on a hybrid of an American bulldog and a Catahoula (leopard dog from Louisiana). The purpose of crossing these breeds was to strengthen the grip of an excellent shepherd. The dogs have a strong but athletic build. Capable of covering long distances.

At the withers they grow up to 66 cm, maximum weight is 45 kg. The breed does not have an undershot bite; a scissor bite is considered ideal. A distinctive feature of the breed is its color. It is inherited from leopard dogs and is called "marble". We accept white, black color with stripes and tan marks. Catahoulas often have bright eyes - blue, amber, multi-colored.

The character of these bulldogs is more similar to hunting breeds. Dogs are very distrustful of strangers and have a highly developed territorial instinct. In the family, dogs are peaceful, affectionate, and good-natured. They are very smart and highly trainable.

It is difficult to buy a Catahoula puppy in our country. It is not possible to give an approximate cost - it is always discussed with the breeder.

Provisions of the standard

The breed standard states that all French Bulldog colors can be divided into two groups:

  1. With uniform color.
  2. With a spotted color.

The first group is also divided into brindle and fawn, while the second group is distinguished by the presence of brindle and fawn markings on the main white color of the coat.


The following characteristics apply to the brindle color: the main color is bronze or fawn, red or black, with areas of black and red hairs, with marks of white on the chest, neck and muzzle. A mask is allowed, but it is most often barely visible. The fawn color can change in saturation - from red to wheaten, light. The color “coffee with milk”, rusty, red tint is allowed.

Dogs of this color must have a white belly, white markings are allowed on the neck and chest, and there should be no such markings on the head, except for a small stripe from the nose to the forehead. Masks are acceptable, claws are black. Spotted color with a base white may contain: brindle or fawn markings on the head, ears, sides, back. Spots no more than 20% of the total area. In addition to the main colors, cream, black with white spots (bicolor) are allowed.


Colors that will disqualify a dog include:

  1. Brindle color, if the main color is bright bronze.
  2. Spotted, if the markings merge, there is subtle pigmentation on the eyelids, lips, and nose.
  3. Gray (blue).
  4. Mousey.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Tricolor.
  7. Black.
  8. Tiger blue and tiger chocolate.
  9. Fawn with blue markings.
  10. Lilac.
  11. Merle.

Puppies of this color have a note in their documents indicating the impossibility of breeding, in fact, a marriage. Such bulldogs cannot take part in exhibitions, but their external attractiveness most often does not leave such dogs without owners - non-standard colors are valued among buyers.

Other bulldogs

Some of the breeds in this group are considered extinct or extinct.

Toy bulldogs

Representatives of such bulldogs existed at the very beginning of the 19th century. The goal of the breeders was to develop a new breed by reducing the size of the English bulldog. Dwarfism is common in puppies and regular-sized dogs. Another line is a cross between an English and a French bulldog. Neither breed was brought to official recognition. Currently, toy bulldogs (miniature) are understood as an unrecognized breed - a cross between pugs and bulldogs.

Old English

An extinct purebred breed of dog, which acted as the progenitor of all branches included in the group. Currently, there is a breed of Old English Bulldogs (restored). It was released in the USA. The breeder's goal was to produce a dog that was identical in appearance and temperament to the bulldog that existed in the 19th century. The new breed is not recognized by the FCI.

Note that there are several more branches of bulldogs in the world. All of them are not officially recognized - Australian, German bulldog, Japanese. Some species (Russian or Belgian) are considered invented, since they are known only from books. If you decide to purchase a puppy of a breed that you have never heard of before, it is recommended to check whether such a breed is officially recognized.

How to choose a bulldog puppy

Before you turn your attention to one of the bulldogs, think about whether you are ready to raise such a dog and get used to its snoring, drooling, and strange breathing. If your answer is yes, we recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • whether you want a baby for your soul and family or are planning to raise a future champion;
  • where will the dog live? French, English and German bulldogs are suitable for apartment living;
  • the puppy’s age is 2 months, the optimal period when the baby can go to a new home;
  • breed standard - if you are not sure that you can independently assess the prospects and breed of the baby, you should trust the breeder or invite a specialist;
  • reputation of the nursery - only a well-known, registered in the RKF, nursery will be able to sell you a healthy and purebred puppy.

Important: It is not recommended to choose bulldogs for people who like to travel. Many airlines will not accept brachycephalic dogs on board. This prohibition is fixed in the rules. The reason is difficulty breathing; such dogs can die during the flight.

Traveling on other types of transport is also difficult for such breeds. Bulldogs do not tolerate confined spaces and overheating well.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Catahoulas with blue eyes

Photo 2. Alapaha representative on the grass

Photo 3. Three Campeiro puppies

Photo 4. Cute Frenchman

Advantages and disadvantages

  • in the group you can find a breed that is suitable for keeping both in an apartment and a large house;
  • peaceful disposition;
  • developed intelligence;
  • high security qualities;
  • communication skills;
  • sense of territory;
  • love children.
  • stubbornness;
  • tendency to dominate;
  • laziness and apathy during the training process;
  • the need to select a special diet;
  • poor health;
  • impossibility of transporting a dog on an airplane.


Natural animal nutrition includes:

  • lean meats (beef, turkey, offal);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, wheat)
  • boiled eggs (3 times a week);
  • boiled fish without bones;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits (mix with cottage cheese, millet).

Animals can be given raw meat. To kill parasites, the product is frozen overnight, followed by a thawing process at room temperature. To eliminate the smell of blood, boiling water is poured over the meat.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty meats (pork);
  • flour products;
  • smoked and salted products;
  • sweets;
  • potato;
  • legumes.

With a natural feeding method, it is important not to forget about the use of vitamin and mineral complexes. The use of ready-made food does not require additional vitamins to be added to the pet’s diet.

Bulldogs are dogs characterized by courage and good health. They act simultaneously as a watchman and a friend for the whole family.

Owner reviews

We have collected both positive and negative reviews for you to make it easier for you to make your choice.

Irina S. We bought a female French bulldog for our daughter. Charming little girl - smart, kind, playful. Think about what your dog will do when you are not home. She was bored and started chasing cats and getting it from them. A very active breed, not for lazy people. I had to increase the walking time so that the dog would get tired.

Oleg R. If you think that an English bulldog is such a lump that will sit on the sofa and sleep all the time, you are mistaken. The puppy will need to be trained from day one, otherwise he will sit on his head. We slightly missed the point of education. The dog did not listen to any commands and bullied all the dogs in the area. Their character is iron, just donkey stubbornness.

Olga Z. And I want to say that the breed should be chosen to suit your lifestyle. We live in a private house - we bought an American bulldog. They wanted both a guard and a companion. We got everything as we wanted. Only more bonuses. First, he snores. Strong and always. As you age, the sound of snoring increases. The second thing is drool. Third, it’s difficult for him in the summer. The car must have air conditioning and a cooling mat on the river.


Buying a French Bulldog pet is possible on the Internet, in special nurseries, and from private breeders. The fashion for this breed is not going away, since the dog is ideal as a companion for a lonely person and is appropriate in the family circle.

A pet without a noble pedigree, with minor deviations, can be purchased for 20,000-30,000 rubles. As a rule, such puppies belonging to the pet class are sterilized in a timely manner. A French bulldog kennel will sell a puppy with a guarantee of healthy condition for 35,000-45,000 rubles. For procreation, they buy babies of breeding class.

The cost of the future champion, with documents confirming compliance with the standard, pedigree, is the highest - 30,000 - 80,000 rubles. a show-class French bulldog

Before purchasing, it is recommended to visit the nursery and meet the breeder. The French bulldog in the photo for sale may be attractive for purchase, but live communication with the animal will show how much you like each other. Advertisements for the sale of purebred puppies for 3,000 rubles, as a rule, come from scammers.

Interesting Facts

Despite the fact that bulldogs are a popular breed and are almost always included in the top ten ratings, many consider them to be vicious and aggressive. Here are some interesting facts that suggest the opposite:

  • According to legend, French bulldogs were bred to catch rodents in the holds of ships. And here they performed excellently;
  • The British are sure that only this breed of dog has a sense of humor;
  • French bulldogs cannot swim - this is a purely physiological problem. You need to carefully monitor them when in the water;
  • French bulldog puppies are born very tiny and weigh only 200-300 grams, they grow quickly, but the largest French bulldog cannot weigh more than 25 kg;
  • Bulldogs often suffer from flatulence - they often breathe through their mouths and swallow a lot of air.

Breeds Similar to Bulldogs

If we talk about similar breeds, they can be divided into two types - similar in appearance or those in the creation of which bull dogs took part.


Externally, the dogs are similar, but any fan can easily distinguish these two breeds. Pugs are smaller - they are almost half the size of bulldogs. The temperaments of the dogs also differ - pugs are more active dogs. Otherwise they are similar. For example, both breeds are brachycephalic, so they have breathing problems and do not tolerate high and low temperatures well.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is easily confused with the French Bulldog. The difference is in the ears - they have a sharper shape, the tail - low set, short. The terrier's face does not have as many folds as its French counterpart. There are also no pronounced jowls.

Boston is a true terrier. He is active, playful, and has no aggressive character traits.

Pit bull (bulldog type)

In the 19th century, the Old English Bulldog and Terrier took part in the selection of the breed. Pit bulls are distinguished by a more athletic build, long legs, smaller heads and muzzle structure. They have no breathing problems. Pit bulls are friendlier and less melancholy than bulldogs.

English bull terrier

Despite the external dissimilarity of the Bull Terrier to brachycephalics, it was bred on the basis of a purebred English Bulldog. He combines the incongruous - the prudence and apathy of a bulldog and the explosive temperament of a terrier. Perseverance, a sense of humor, love for the owner to the point of obsession - this is all the bull terrier has from the bulldog.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Bulldogs are a large group of dogs, which includes about 10 officially recognized breeds.
  2. These are active, good-natured dogs that can fend for themselves.
  3. Some breeds are rare or have already disappeared.
  4. Bulldogs have a large head and short airways.
  5. It is recommended to feed dogs natural food - the structure of the muzzle can lead to swallowing food and poor digestion.

What kind of bulldogs do you like? Do you have a pet from this breed group? Would you recommend others to get this breed? Share your opinion, please.

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