How to properly hold a cat in your arms so that it is pleasant for the owner and the pet?

Holding a cat like a dog is not a very pleasant situation for the cats themselves. This is why it can be difficult to lift and hold.

But there are times when you need to do this, such as to put him in a carrier or during a vet visit, and it's important to do it correctly so that your cat doesn't get hurt or do this to you, perhaps because she's scared. So, let's look at some tips together on how to pick up a cat without scaring it.

Animal instincts

Not every four-legged pet enjoys the fact that its owner limits its movements. There are some cats that resist with all their might anyone who tries to pick them up. And once in the strong hands of the owner, they try to escape as quickly as possible.

Everyone is familiar with the phrase: “The cat walks on its own.” It is based on natural instincts that have been preserved in their genotype even after a large amount of time since their domestication. This is the main reason why pets don’t like being in their owner’s hands.

Cat owners strive to pick up and pet their pet as often as possible. To please both the person and the animal, you should examine in detail the question of how to properly hold a cat in your arms.

At what age should you start raising a kitten?

Raising a kitten should begin before two months from birth.
Usually during this period the baby is still in the nursery or with the breeder, as he needs his mother and milk feeding. The cat instills basic skills and rules of behavior. The breeder teaches the kitten to toilet, and the mother teaches other cat skills. With such a kitten there are fewer problems, it is easier to train them to the new requirements of the owners. The situation is much more complicated with kittens found on the street - these are ill-mannered cats that have not received the necessary skills for living with humans, but the situation can be corrected.

One of the main requirements is to let the kitten get stronger, get good health and immunity. Caring for an animal will give it good health and proper psyche

You need to start accustoming him to the tray from the very first days, but with caution, without using physical force in case of mistakes

At the age of 3-4 months, the kitten is very active, plays a lot, plays pranks and even misbehaves. During this period, it is worth showing rigor and patience. You need to demonstrate a firm tone, but without punishment or violence.

At approximately six months, puberty begins. This applies to both male and female cats. Under the influence of hormones, the pet's character changes, not always for the better, the animal becomes disobedient. But everything returns to normal around the age of one year, when the kitten becomes a young adult cat.

How to adopt a cat?

Before studying the question of how to properly lift and hold a cat, you need to remember a few simple rules for handling an animal:

  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your pet's body. He will remember your actions and next time he will try to avoid these unpleasant sensations. The cat will begin to associate pain with the person who caused it.
  • Don't keep your pet against its will. The first time you try to leave, let him go. Holding back a struggling animal with all your might will not lead to anything good.
  • The loud meowing that a pet makes when you try to pick it up is a signal that you have previously caused inconvenience or pain to it.

The following sequence of actions will tell you how to properly pick up a cat:

  • Make sure your pet is friendly, not active, and not afraid of you.
  • Slowly and without making sudden movements, approach him.
  • Treat your cat kindly or say something nice to her.
  • Pet the cat and scratch behind its ears.
  • A relaxed animal is a signal that it doesn’t mind being in your hands. You can also understand this by gentle meowing, purring and looking into the eyes.
  • Place one hand under the cat's body just behind the front legs. With the other, grab it by the hindquarters and carefully lift it up.
  • Hold the cat close to you so that it feels comfortable and safe.

Ways to train a kitten

Sometimes you can’t just calmly sit a kitten in your arms, because it gets scared and, even when it recognizes the person, continues to struggle. In order for a pet to be willingly given into the owner’s hands, it is necessary to accustom it to this, if it itself does not show a desire to actively make contact. As soon as the kitten realizes that communicating with the owner, when he takes him in his hands, brings him pleasure, the baby himself will strive to cuddle the person. Be sure to hold the kitten correctly, caress the pet and talk calmly to it. It’s very good if the cat starts playing while in your arms.


The kitten will quickly stop being afraid to be handled if you use one of the training methods below.

Using the characteristics of animal physiology. After the kitten has eaten well, it begins to feel sleepy, since maximum energy is spent on digesting food. If the animal is warm and comfortable at this moment, it will begin to experience special pleasure. The owner may well provide the pet with the illusion that he is lying next to his mother if he picks up a well-fed, dozing kitten and cuddles him, but without squeezing. Gradually, the baby will get used to the fact that sitting in your arms is very pleasant and safe. Talk. Monotonous, affectionate conversation with the kitten gradually begins to relax it

At this moment, the owner has the opportunity to gently stroke the pet behind the ear or in the throat area. If the kitten reacted calmly to such affection, you need to place your palms on its sides

If the baby does not break free here, he is carefully picked up. When the kitten tries to escape, you should not restrain it by force. Such sessions must be repeated several times a day, until the baby agrees to stay on the owner’s lap. Lure with a treat. This method is most suitable for kittens who are particularly freedom-loving and cannot combine being held in their arms with pleasant sensations. Using a treat, the owner lures the pet onto his lap. While the kitten is eating the treat, you need to stroke it on the back, but under no circumstances hold it by force. Gradually, the baby will get used to the fact that it is pleasant to be held and will actively seek the company of the owner. Overcoming the fear of heights. As strange as it may sound, some cats are terrified of heights. Because of this, when a kitten is picked up incorrectly and he perceives what is happening as floating in the air, he experiences a severe shock. This phenomenon can be prevented simply by starting to hold the baby correctly. Then his fear of hands will go away. You need to take the kitten with one hand under the armpits, and place the other under its hind legs. After this, the baby should be held close to you, but not squeezed. If the fear is panicky, then first you need to accustom the kitten to your hands while sitting on the floor. Training in the game. This method is suitable for active kittens who are not yet ready to exchange free time for affection. When playing with such a baby with a toy, you should gradually pull it onto your lap. After the kitten jumps into your arms, you need to let him catch the toy here and enjoy the catch. While the kitten is playing in your arms, you can pet it. Gradually, such games with jumping into hands will lead to the fact that the animal will not only completely get used to the hands, but will not be able to do without affection and close contact with a person. With this nature of the pet, you should often allow the cat to sit in your arms while playing with the owner.

The choice of method depends on the individual characteristics of the kitten, and each owner must evaluate for himself which method is optimal in his case. In principle, accustoming a kitten to affection cannot fail, you just don’t need to stubbornly follow a method that is not suitable, but need to be creative in your approach.


How to properly hold a cat in your arms?

The animal should be near the chest. Never squeeze it, just press it lightly towards you. Make sure that the animal's body remains almost straight. Do not allow it to sag or be placed upside down. If your pet feels discomfort, it will try to escape from your hands. Sharp claws and teeth can be used to achieve this goal. The cat's head should be slightly higher than the body.

You cannot lift an animal by the scruff of the neck, despite the prevalence of this technique. If cats drag kittens in this way, this does not mean that this method of movement is also suitable for adults. After 3 months, the cat is large, so lifting it by the withers will cause it severe pain and risk muscle injury.


If there is no other way out and you need to take the cat by the scruff of the neck, this must be done very carefully so as not to cause any inconvenience to the animal. It is worth monitoring his reaction; movements should be confident, skillful, and not clumsy, because cats are very sensitive to the movements and actions of their owner and other people around them. Wariness, fear, and concern for the cat should be left for the future, when the job is done. If the cat senses this in the owner, it will begin to wriggle out and try to escape, thereby hurting itself. You need to take your pet correctly. To begin with, you should feel for a good fold on the back of the neck so that it is convenient to grab it. Next, slowly lift the cat, but only a little, to look at the reaction. At this moment, the cat's paws should still touch the ground.

If the animal is frozen and does not show aggression, you can slowly continue to raise it. It is very important to grab only a good, large fold, since if the hand grabs little skin, the cat may slip out.

How to let go of a cat?

If everything is done correctly, but after some time the cat begins to feel uncomfortable, then it’s time to let her go. You should not try to hold the cat by force, because it will begin to feel fear and panic. With each such case, the pet’s trust in the owner will begin to decrease and it will become more and more difficult to pick him up.

Place your pet on the ground so that he stands on all paws and remove your hands. Do not abandon your cat under any circumstances! Sometimes she can jump off on her own, so don't be afraid of this.

Second phase

The first stage of acquaintance requires caution, since the cat can attack a person and scratch him. Check in first, demonstrating friendliness and respect

To find out the cat's mood, place a palm above its head. If he nuzzles or purrs, he allows himself to be petted.

If the cat rubs against his legs and purrs, then perhaps he is bored and wants attention. Unconditional trust is evidenced by the fact that the animal sits comfortably on the person's lap.

A cat rubbing against its legs is a good sign

Next, they ensure that the cat climbs onto her lap on her own.

Then they carefully teach her to limit her movements and lift her into her arms. At first, to avoid injuries in the form of scratches and bites, wear long sleeves and do not walk with bare legs or bare feet.

You can't look a cat in the eyes

When the cat begins to calmly perceive the presence of the new owner, you can spend some time with her - for example, 30-60 minutes, for example, reading a book. And the cat is offered toys that are sold in a pet store.

Choosing a toy for a cat

Fear of touch takes a long time to heal, but the new owner must be patient. At first, the cat is not picked up and contact is not required if the animal seeks privacy. Light touches are only possible if the pet itself approaches the person.

Nervous excitement should always be a signal to stop contact. And it manifests itself like this:

  • the tail trembles;
  • ears drooped towards the head;
  • shoulders and limbs tense;
  • pupils are dilated.

Full pupils and pinched ears are a sign of tension

You should not immediately try to pick up the cat, as this will most likely result in injuries - bites and scratches.

First, the cat is accustomed to your hand by placing it palm down on the floor; you can place the cat’s favorite toy nearby. You need to wait until the cat comes up and rubs itself on your arm or leg. In this way, she wants to make sure that the object present is not dangerous. If a person initiates contact, the animal may respond with an attack.

If the cat attacks, pick him up early

If the pet has given the go-ahead, the palm is slowly raised to eye level and held in this position for a while. Then they begin slow stroking. You need to stop before the cat gets tired of close contact with a person.


Now you know how to properly pick up a cat. The tips below will help avoid unpleasant feelings for the owner and pet as a result of communication:

  • The cat should not be picked up with one hand, because this movement will cause discomfort for the cat. The animal will begin to resist and try to leave your company. Always lift your pet with both hands.
  • Do not act against the cat's will, do not use force. Don't forget that some pets generally don't like being picked up. Take an animal only when it is really necessary: ​​a visit to the veterinarian, a trip to an exhibition or transportation to the country.
  • You cannot shout at the animal or make sudden movements. Use a soft tone and gentle language when communicating.

When everything is done correctly and contact with the cat is established, then after some time she herself will begin to strive to find herself in your arms. The most important thing in answering the question of how to properly hold a cat in your arms is to create a feeling of security for him, the absence of physical and psychological discomfort. An affectionate and patient attitude is the key to achieving mutual understanding between a person and a pet.

You can't hit a cat!

Cats are not used to obeying, therefore, their owners often have difficulty raising their pets. The biggest mistake in raising wayward animals is the use of physical force. You can't hit cats. This method cannot solve the problem; you will only lose her trust. The animal will begin to associate you with pain.

If you punish a cat for bad behavior, the results will only be visible the first time. Over time, such “education” ceases to work completely.

Aggression for educational purposes on the part of the owner is assessed by the animal in its own way; the cat may lose its pride and you will no longer have a normal relationship with your pets.

Harm to a person

Don’t forget that in cases where the cat gets really angry, he will break free and scratch “from the heart”, trying to escape and defend himself. If the pet is large, all this can end badly not only for him, but also for his overly self-confident owner.

There have been cases when cats simply tore people's hands to the bone. Therefore, in cases where the cat really needs to be restrained using a “snake grip”, it is advisable to take care of having strong and rough gloves with a long neck! They will make the fixation safe for both the pet and its owner.


There is another reason why adult pets should not be dragged by the scruff of the neck. The fact is that when the skin of the neck is stretched, the pet cannot breathe normally. Of course, for a cat to suffocate to death, it needs to be “carried” like this for several hours in a row, but still there is nothing good in this state.

Choking, the animal begins to panic, twitch, trying to escape from the “choke hold”. The result is the same injuries, damage to the skin and muscle tissue. By the way, there have been cases when particularly strong and “irreconcilable” cats, whom the owners tried to “restrain” by lifting them by the scruff of the neck, managed to injure their necks! Sometimes it even ends in the death of the animal, and therefore it is better not to risk it.

When is grabbing by the scruff of the neck natural?

Cats only pick up their kittens by the scruff of the neck in the first weeks of their lives to carry the babies to safety.
Contrary to popular belief, they do this not to discipline the kittens, but because of their vulnerability and clumsiness. Unlike a human, a cat knows exactly how hard to press on the skin on the back of the neck. In addition, kittens weigh little and have elastic skin. That is why a cat is able to carry a baby by the scruff of the neck without causing him pain or discomfort. By the way, in a similar way, cats can catch small prey and carry it in their mouth for a long time without causing a scratch. Grabbing by the scruff of the neck is also considered natural during mating. The male holds the female by the scruff of the neck. Thus, he immobilizes her and makes his task easier. In addition, such behavior is protective for males, since females can attack them due to the pain of the process and terminate mating prematurely. In all other cases, it is categorically not recommended to pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck, squeeze the skin on the scruff of the neck, and especially keep the animal in this “suspended” position.

Features of some breeds

A cat's dislike for physical contact may be due to the characteristics of its breed. British Shorthair and Scottish Fold and Straight cats often behave very independently, which is also reflected in their reluctance to sit in their hands. The phlegmatic British and Scots do not really need affection, they are self-sufficient and usually do not go on their own, they only allow themselves to be stroked. Wayward Maine Coons can also exhibit similar qualities. Among cats of these breeds there are also more sociable individuals, but exceptions only confirm the rule.

Interpretation according to zodiac signs

You can figure out and understand why a small gray kitten is dreaming based on the interpretation of the dream according to the dreamers’ zodiac signs:

  • Aries - deterioration of health;
  • Taurus - profit;
  • Gemini - short-lived luck;
  • Cancer - vain dreams;
  • Leo - financial difficulties;
  • Virgo - new apartment, house;
  • Libra is a disease;
  • Scorpio - brilliant success;
  • Sagittarius - movement towards the goal;
  • Capricorn - financial gain;
  • Aquarius - lie;
  • Pisces is a new addition to the family.

In addition to the signs of the Zodiac, you can pay attention to other details of the dream, such as the days of the week, the condition of the animal, and its behavior. There are several dream interpreters who have differing opinions about the meaning of sleeping with a gray cutie.

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