Taming a wild kitten: useful tips and tricks

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Many people associate cats with playful and affectionate creatures. But in fact, not all fluffies are ready to fawn over their owners and climb into their arms at the first call. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to tame a kitten or an adult animal.

  • 2 Reasons why a cat doesn’t like to be held
  • 3 How to tame a wild kitten

    3.1 Video: how to accustom a kitten to your hands

  • 3.2 Is it possible to tame an adult cat?
  • 4 How long will it take to tame
  • The beginning of the problem

    Some people think it's normal to keep a pet and then throw it out into the street. Due to neglect of animal sterilization, the streets are filled with puppies and kittens.

    The fate of such animals is unenviable: most of them will not live to see a year. Often a person accidentally notices that a wild kitten has taken up residence in the yard of a house. How to train him to live in an apartment? Will he be affectionate and obedient? A caring person asks himself these questions and decides to take the foundling into the house.

    Is it worth taming a wild kitten?

    People who want to have a purring miracle in their home often think about adopting a pet from the street. But many are afraid that a wild kitten, accustomed to life in the alley, will not be able to become obedient and affectionate. In fact, any wild cat can be made tame. The only question is how long the taming will take.

    It is very important to tame a wild kitten in cases where you have already decided for sure that you are taking the animal to yourself. Aggressive cats, although not as dangerous as dogs, can also harm human health. In addition, it is necessary to tame a kitten if there are small children in the house who will definitely want to pet and hold the furry pet.

    A wild kitten should only be tamed if you are going to take it home from the street

    First steps

    Experienced animal lovers are sure that raising a kitten from the street is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to follow simple rules. It is important to understand that changing behavior takes a lot of time. Therefore, you need to be patient. Before you think about how to tame a wild kitten from the street, figure out whether you need it. The difference between pets is that they are people-oriented. Cubs, seeing a person from birth, feeling his smell, get used to trusting and reacting positively to the one who caresses and feeds them. Street animals, without an owner, gradually forget about trust and love for people, and therefore begin to react aggressively. Therefore, when seeing stray animals on the street, the first thing a person asks himself is: is it possible to tame a wild kitten at home, will it not spoil furniture and shit?

    How to catch a wild cat

    Wild animals are often called individuals that have no experience of social adaptation with people. Animals are afraid of humans and react aggressively to his actions. Determine if they are strays before catching them.

    The difference between a wild animal and a domestic pet

    It is often very difficult to distinguish a street feline from a tailed one that has left the house for a walk. The idea that a wild stray cat is necessarily dirty and thin is a misconception. Street four-legged animals are often fed by caring residents of nearby houses, so they are not always exhausted. And since cats are clean creatures that take care of their fur, healthy stray animals can look no worse than their counterparts living at home.

    If it is difficult to determine whether a cat is truly feral, watch him for a while. When an animal is on the street both day and night, it is unlikely that it has a home. Domestic walking cats return from the street at night.

    Lost pets make contact even with a stranger because they associate warmth and food with him. Signs of a stray cat are wounds and scratches on the face and body, torn ears, which are evidence of its participation in battles for a female or protection of territory.

    Catch a pet

    Animal defenders often face the problem of catching animals. Since cats are afraid of people, it becomes difficult to catch them. At the sight of a person, the flock scatters. To catch kittens, you can use a baby blanket (or a piece of thick fabric) or a fish net.

    It is important to quickly cover the kitten and take it to the apartment. Prepare him a box or a house - any shelter. It is better to place the toilet for a wild cat in a visible place. To begin with, use a very ordinary tray so that the animal can sniff it without hindrance. If possible, give your pet a separate room or lock him in the bathroom, this will help him feel more secure.

    What to do after catching a cat

    Felines can be carriers of diseases, most of which have no obvious symptoms. To avoid possible unpleasant consequences, show the cat to a specialist before transporting it home. If you have to take it to the veterinary clinic by car, then place a trap with the animal on the seat, covering it with a towel or blanket. Upon arrival, remove it from the trap (portable container) safely .

    Having received a bite from a wild cat, immediately consult a doctor so that the four-legged client is examined in a timely manner, the necessary tests are done, and a conclusion is given about the absence (presence) of infection and its safety for people and animals with whom it will come into contact.

    If the cat stays in the apartment before visiting the veterinary clinic, quarantine is required. Place the cat in a separate room, isolating it from people.

    Before bringing a stray cat home, check its health by contacting a veterinarian

    A little about cat features

    So, there is a wild kitten in front of you on the street. How to tame an animal and determine whether it was always wild, or whether it was recently thrown out into the street? It's not that hard to do. If you see a kitten or an adult on the street, take a close look at it. As a rule, those who have recently been thrown out cling to people, meow at the sight of them and try to follow the person, their fur is relatively clean. Feral cats and kittens hiss, arch their backs and run away from people. Therefore, if you have the second option, get ready to spend a lot of time adapting the animal. Some things sometimes cannot be fixed. For example, a cat may always be afraid of strangers.

    What you need to know about unfamiliar animals

    Be careful when catching cats on the street. The animal may scratch or bite you. Cats are carriers of various diseases, many of which occur without significant symptoms. Be sure to show the caught animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. If you plan to keep your cat at home before visiting the doctor, place it in quarantine, isolating it from other animals.

    If you are bitten by a wild cat, you should immediately see a specialist. It is better not to touch street animals that look unhealthy. But if you want to cure such a cat, follow all the rules of hygiene and try to avoid direct contact.

    The above instructions on how to catch a cat in a trap will help you. We all know from childhood that you shouldn’t touch a cat’s tail. Also try to remember that only kittens can be lifted by the fold of skin on the neck. It is not recommended to grab adults like this.

    Important Procedures

    When a street kitten or cat is caught and brought into the house, a number of procedures must be followed. First, let him sit in a dark corner for a while. Then take the kitten out and examine it. Discharge from the eyes and nose, rash, and areas without fur indicate an infection in the animal’s body, so it should be shown to a veterinarian. If nothing is found at first glance, wash the kitten. This must be done because of parasites. For example, fleas. Fill a bowl with warm water and immerse the kitten in it. It is best to use a special anti-parasite shampoo. The animal, despite its tiny size, can desperately resist: bite, scratch and break free. Try to finish your ablution in any case.

    When a wild kitten appears in the house, how to tame it to people is not the most important problem. As a treatment for parasites, you need to give him an anti-worm tablet. It is unlikely that your pet will take well to attempts to push medicine into him. Wrap the kitten in a sheet or any thick fabric, forcefully open its mouth and place the tablet on the root of the tongue, then press it with your hand. The animal will be forced to swallow the medicine.

    What does a cat need at home?

    At home, first feed the animal. Offer several food options so that the cat can choose what he wants. Often the animal prefers already familiar foods. A serving of food may consist of boneless fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, and dry food. Sometimes exhausted cats simply don’t have the strength to eat. In addition, the body of selected wild cats is dehydrated and needs water (filtered), so there should always be a bowl of clean water next to the food.

    After eating, the cat will need the toilet. If there is no special tray, then in the first days replace it with a cardboard box covered with cellophane. Pour regular river sand inside. Cats that live outside and are accustomed to burying their feces in earth or sand will like this litter box more than one with industrial litter.

    Water procedures are contraindicated for a captured animal, since it may have damage to its skin and coat. Outdoor cats often have ringworm, and water will only worsen this infection, which is also unsafe for people. The cat is washed after the doctor’s permission, using antiparasitic shampoo. After this, treatment for worms is carried out. The best option in this case is to use the drug in the form of drops on the withers. For calm animals, you can give him medicine in the form of tablets.

    An outdoor cat's home must be treated with flea treatment, for example, bathed with a special shampoo.

    If you have a wild kitten, how to tame it?

    Feral kittens are initially afraid of people and tend to hide in a dark corner. Don't interfere with this. The pet may crawl into a box, under the bathroom, under a closet, or into the kitchen counter. Try not to touch him or disturb him again. When the baby gets used to it a little and calms down, start taming it.

    Place a bowl of food near the place where the animal has settled. To start, use soft cat food or a small amount of fresh meat. Sooner or later, aromatic food will attract a hungry animal, and it will come out of its shelter. At this stage, it is important to make a positive impression on the kitten. This way he will understand that the person is bringing food.

    Gradually move the bowl towards the center of the room. This way you will force the animal to go further and further. Don't force things, give your pet time to get used to it. Don't force him to eat. He will come out on his own during times of severe famine. Don't know how to tame a wild kitten? Use meat pieces or special food. When the frightened animal leaves its shelter, show it a treat at arm's length. Driven by the desire to eat, he will carefully crawl up and take the food.

    You can try to pet the savage. Do not make sudden movements, do not swing at the kitten, carefully extend your hand and lower it onto the back or face of the animal. Don’t rush things; if the animal is afraid, it’s better not to touch it. Speak in a quiet and calm voice at this moment, as loud sounds will frighten the baby.

    If you don't know how to train a kitten to be handled, ask experienced people for advice or rely on your intuition. Any phenologist will tell you that affection and a patient approach can correct any animal. Therefore, try to pick up a wild kitten in your arms more often, stroke it and talk to it quietly and affectionately. Over time, he will get used to the warmth of your hands and begin to caress you in return.

    Is it possible to tame an adult cat to a new owner?

    A cat tolerates a change of owner more easily than a dog. The exception is socially oriented breeds, for example, Oriental Siamese. They will gradually become affectionate with their new owners, but the first one is the only one for life.

    The best way to train, even for a sexually mature individual, is not food, but play. First, an adult cat must get used to the territory. It is better to leave your pet to explore its new home on its own, and after a while offer some food from your hands. Just like a treat. At the same time, do not forget to talk measuredly, but not to stroke.

    As soon as the cat gets used to it a little, you can:

    • lightly scratch a chair or furniture - so that the cat reacts to the sound near the owner;
    • roll a ball or ball of wool near you, inviting you to play;
    • “drive” a candy wrapper.

    The cat quickly joins the game. After a while, you should again give a piece of food from your hand and praise it.

    How long will it take?

    With the appearance of a pet, a person has many questions: how to train a kitten, how long will it take, will he go to the litter box? The most important of them is adaptation time. Even experienced animal psychologists (animal behavior specialists) cannot guarantee any clear framework. The addiction process can take several days or several months. It is important not to rush things and be patient. In general, it is believed that if the pet is about two months old, it will take a week to tame. The situation is more complicated with adult cats. Here it can take months to adapt, since it is difficult to introduce something new into the animal’s existing behavior.

    Problems with taming cats: what you have to face

    Before you take the first cat you come across to your home, assess the risks. Taming is a noble cause, but it is important to understand that if for some reason you fail, the “mustache” will have to be returned to the street again.

    The main problems associated with taming include:

    1. Strong wildness of the cat (there was no experience of communicating with a person or there was, but negative)

      . Observe the behavior of the one you like. If a cat lives near a residential building, accepts food from people, but tries not to have too much contact with them, then it is semi-wild. Such “mustaches” have a positive experience of communicating with humans, so it is quite possible to tame them. Adaptation is even easier for abandoned or lost pets.

    2. Great age

      . The longer an animal lives on the street, the more difficult it is to adapt it to life next to a person. The opposite situation is typical for kittens up to 3 months old.

    3. Time

      . Many kittens are tamed in just 2-6 weeks, while adults can be tamed in several months or even more than a year. To avoid a rollback, you will have to spend several hours every day taming during this time, so be sure to make sure you are prepared for such sacrifices.

    If the above does not scare you, then start arranging a personal corner for your new pet and move on to the next stage.


    Do not take your baby off the street from his mother if he is still breastfeeding.

    How to train a wild kitten to the litter box without much effort

    Almost all cat owners are afraid that their pet will start going to the toilet past the litter box. Or even worse - into shoes or things. Due to the peculiarities of feline physiology, all that remains after “use” is to throw it away, since the clothes are saturated with a specific smell that cannot be destroyed in any way. Choosing a tray for a cat is not so easy, since pet stores offer a wide range of products. To begin with, it is better to choose a regular rectangular tray with a lattice insert. This is especially important for a wild kitten: closed trays or containers with a high side can scare him away.

    Are you solving the problem of how to toilet train a feral kitten? Patience and more patience will help with this. At first, your pet may leave puddles and piles everywhere. Under no circumstances should you poke him with your face or hit him for this. Severely reprimand the baby and take him to the tray. Having planted it in the right place, explain what needs to be done in it. A little trick: blot the urine on the floor with a newspaper and put it in the tray. The kitten will come to the smell of its discharge and do its business where necessary.

    Why shouldn't you use physical punishment? This will only cause fear in the kitten; he will become aggressive towards the owner and begin to mark shoes and things out of revenge. Therefore, before taming a wild kitten to go to the litter box, learn the carrot and stick method. As soon as your pet makes a puddle, sternly reprimand him and take him to the litter box. It has been scientifically proven that animals clearly distinguish between intonations. Therefore, a dissatisfied voice will affect them, and they will understand it as “you can’t do that.” When the kitten goes into the tray, pet it and gently praise it, treat it with meat or a piece of tasty food.

    Taming an adult animal

    No less important is the training of an adult animal purchased from breeders, and not found on the street, because its appearance in the house is exciting not only for the new owners, but also for the cat itself. The new owner can do this quickly only if the animal receives a lot of affection and attention

    However, there are breeds of cats that do not like to sit in the arms of their owners, no matter what they do.

    In just one month, the cat will turn into a pet and will not run away from its new home.

    It is very important to correctly transport the cat from the old place to the new one. It is best to use a carrier, because if you hold her in your arms, she may be frightened by some sound from the street or the sound of a running engine and even run away

    In addition, you must put an object from the animal’s past life in the carrier so that it feels more comfortable there. Also, you should not use public transport to transport your purchased animal; it is best to call a taxi.

    The main thing for the owner is to help the animal get used to the new place and the owner as quickly as possible.

    First of all, you need to slightly limit the cat’s movement around the room. Be sure to place a bowl of food and water, as well as a tray with filler that was used in the previous place of residence. After this, the cat must be released from the carrier and its actions monitored. If she doesn't want to go out, you can lure her out with delicious food.

    In any case, the owner must behave calmly, since the animal always senses the person’s mood.

    You should not introduce the cat to all family members on the first day, because this can even cause stress for him. It's better to do this the next day, when the cat gets used to it a little. The introduction should take place in a very calm environment so that the cat does not get scared.

    You shouldn’t immediately pick her up if she doesn’t want to. If there are often guests in the house, then there is no need to immediately introduce the cat to them. This must be done gradually so that the animal does not get scared. However, there are also breeds that are not at all afraid of strangers. In this case, the adaptation period occurs much faster and easier.

    After 7–12 days, you need to introduce the cat to other pets, if there are any in the house. During this period, the new pet will be able to get used to their smells and will not be so aggressive.

    A few rules of communication

    There is no single answer to the question of how to tame a wild kitten at home. For each animal you need to come up with and try different approaches. There are several general recommendations for adaptation of wild animals. Remember that the normal instinct of an outdoor cat is to be afraid and bite as a defense. Therefore, in the first days, do not try to forcefully pet the kitten. Give him time to adapt. Try to talk kindly and gently with your pet - this will be enough for the first time. Get ready for the fact that the solution to the question of how to train a cat to use a litter box may take a long time. This also applies to learning to use a scratching post, feeding from a bowl, and much more. Act gradually, be patient, and eventually you will achieve your goal!

    Consider the peculiarity of feline psychology: a closed door can be perceived by them as a threat and a trap. Therefore, try not to keep the kitten in a confined space without special reasons (only if you are going somewhere or you need to keep it locked up for the animal’s adaptation). Allow the kitten to walk everywhere and explore everything around. This way he will get used to it faster and understand that nothing and no one threatens him. Remember that cats attack people and behave aggressively only when they want to protect themselves. Therefore, try not to react negatively to the kitten or any of its actions. Discuss all misdeeds in a stern, authoritative voice.

    A small kitten found in the basement is much easier to adopt as a pet than an adult.

    The main thing is to set a goal, which will be to turn a wild, fearful cat into a kind, sweet and completely safe cat for others. There have been cases where aggressive pets have caused significant damage to human health, so the safety aspect is paramount. An inappropriate cat that thinks it is protecting itself from danger can frighten or injure a child, and we should not allow this to happen.

    In medicine, there is a special term - “cat scratch disease”.

    You can easily end up in the hospital with this syndrome. The damage that remains after a bite or scratch is quite painful and often inflamed. It is very difficult to protect yourself and your loved ones from such situations, because it is impossible to predict the behavior of an unfamiliar animal that lived in unknown harm.

    It is impossible to put a muzzle on a cat to prevent it from biting. It is also difficult for her to trim her nails to avoid scratches. Therefore, she needs to be educated. A pet should be affectionate and safe for all family members. To make an adult cat or a small kitten a kind pet, you first need to earn his trust. This can be achieved by satisfying his life needs. The animal should be fed well and tasty, play ball with it, speak in a gentle voice, and stroke it gently. All these simple manipulations will lead to the formation of trust and affection.

    Pet socialization

    How to tame a cat to your presence and how to socialize it? It all depends on the age of the pet. If the kitten behaves completely wildly (hides in a corner, meows and hisses loudly), it would be advisable to put it in a cage. Always try to speak kindly to him and feed him tasty pieces of food. Your first priority is to let him get used to the person. As soon as you see that the animal has begun to react neutrally to you, release it from the cage and give it the opportunity to walk around the apartment. It is important to create a secluded corner in the room. You can buy a special house at the pet store or put a box or carrier. In short, any object where the kitten can hide will do. Fence off any dangerous places: cracks, windows, doorways. Due to its irrationality, the kitten may try to escape. Therefore, do not leave windows and doors open to the street in his presence.

    Gradually accustom the cat to your presence. This is best done using treats. Every time you enter a room, bring with you pieces of something tasty. Call your pet by name, talk to him affectionately, and give him treats. In the first days, simply throw a piece to the kitten’s paws, later make sure that he takes it from your hands. It is useful to sit on the floor, this way you become the same size as the cat, and he perceives you as a friend.

    Establishing contact and adaptation

    After you have picked up the kitten and brought it into your apartment, leave it alone for a while. He must get used to the new environment and get hungry. After three hours, go to the cage and start talking to the animal in a calm, gentle voice. Be sure to offer him some kind of treat (a piece of food or fragrant chicken). The main thing is that the cat must take the food directly from your hands. If the kitten bites and refuses to do so, do not insist. In this case, it is better not to approach for some time. First of all, the kitten must realize that now you are its breadwinner and friend. In addition, during this time he will get pretty hungry and will take a treat from your hands.

    When the feral kitten has calmed down a little, open the cage and gently reach out to him, not paying attention to his hissing. If an animal tries to hit you with its paw, brush it off - let it see who’s boss. Wait until the cat stops responding to your movements and give another treat, but do not put the food dish down.

    After 15 hours, the tailed baby will be hungry enough to leave the cage on its own and take the goodies from your hands. If this happens, move carefully and calmly: any sudden movement or loud voice will frighten him. Hold the food in your hand, stroke your pet with your free hand, and then feed it.

    We recommend this article:

    How to properly raise an obedient and tame kitten

    Some errors

    Sometimes novice pet owners make mistakes in taming a pet, and this leads to sad consequences. For example, if you look directly into a cat's eyes, she will perceive this as a challenge and a threat, so she will show aggression as a response. The domestication of an animal must be regular. Since cats have episodic memory, they need training sessions daily. Prepare for the fact that it will take about three weeks for the first progress.

    Basic methods of training

    It is recommended to take into account several rules on how to accustom a cat to your hands. They will help you achieve contact faster and not scare the baby.

    Treats from hand

    Treats received from human hands will allow the cat child to calm down and understand that no one will offend him. A well-fed baby relaxes and in most cases allows himself to be stroked or even picked up.

    At the initial stage, you can give food from your hands, then put it on your lap. The desire to eat a treat will lead to the pet going to be picked up. However, you should not hold the animal if it wants to jump. This may alarm him and cause him discomfort.

    Calm voice

    Cats are calm animals, therefore it is recommended to talk to them quietly and affectionately, without any manifestation of aggression. The animal will feel the attitude and will approach the person without fear. Such pets really like affectionate speech, so they can easily be handled on their own.

    You can attract your cat's attention with scents that are pleasant to him. A curious baby will definitely want to look at what smells so nice and will make contact with the person

    In pet stores you can find special sprays containing specific pheromones that attract the animal. As a last resort, you can spray the solution on your palms and let the cat smell it.

    Attention! It is not recommended to constantly use sprays that attract your pet to avoid addiction.


    Bengal cats, on the contrary, need to be taught to be handled from childhood, because they can grow up a little wild. It is worth noting that the majority of outbred domestic cats are very affectionate and easily go into the arms of their owner.

    A cat should feel comfortable and comfortable in a person’s arms.

    It is possible to tame a kitten during the game. The toy is gradually moved closer to you so that the baby follows it. When he is very close, the little thing he is interested in is given away, and the cat is calmly picked up. While the animal is engaged in the object, you can easily stroke it and talk to it calmly. Habituation will occur on an unconscious level.

    Important! Your cat should also be toilet trained gradually. You need to show him the tray and try to teach him how to use it

    Some people are so good at this that their pets just go to the toilet.

    An animal should have a home from childhood. As for kittens, it is not difficult to accustom them to their own shelter. Problems can only arise with the toilet.

    We suggest you find out what time kittens start walking

    For the first time, it is recommended to cover the bottom of the house with a diaper, so that if something happens you don’t have to wash the smell out of the material. When the kitten gets used to going in the litter box or outside, you can get rid of the diapers.

    Owners of furry friends have long been sharing with each other their secrets and methods that have helped them accustom their charges to their place. The most common and effective ways to house train a kitten are described below.

    To make the process of domestication easier, the owner must take care of the advantageous location of the house. This should be a secluded corner in which the optimal temperature is constantly maintained. It’s good if you can install the house so that it offers a view of the room - cats love to watch their owners from the side.

    You need to carefully choose a place for your pet

    It happens that the house appears in the apartment already when the cat has managed to settle down in it.

    Then you should pay attention to where your pet prefers to sleep. You need to put a house in his favorite place, then the cat himself will understand what’s what

    Encouraging an animal

    Animals are very dependent on the support and approval of their owner. Therefore, owners should reward their pet when it comes into the house. Praise, affection and treats are suitable as rewards.


    It is not recommended to overdo it with insistence and resort to coercion. Cats are extremely independent and wayward creatures, and will not sleep where they are uncomfortable. In addition, forcible confinement in the house will leave a negative impression on the cat about this object, and then he will definitely never live there again.

    Continue socialization

    Since all pets live by instinct, this can be used for manipulation purposes. For example, how to tame a cat if he categorically refuses to make contact? Blackmail him with hunger. To do this, give him the opportunity to eat only in your presence. Bring a bowl of food, place it next to you and wait. Sooner or later, the feeling of hunger will force him to approach. As soon as he finishes, take the bowl of food. The kitten should have 24/7 access to clean water.

    Another trick for luring a kitten out of shelter is to spread sour cream or yogurt on the tip of your finger. Attracted by the smell of the treat, the animal will come out of its “hole”. After some time, the pet will begin to calmly respond to you and take the treat from your hands. At this stage, you can try to gently pick him up. This doesn’t require anything complicated: as soon as the kitten approaches you, pat him on the head and gently grab him in the chest area, lifting him to the level of your face. Be careful: if the animal breaks out, resists and swears, it is better to let it go. Try again in a few days. If the kitten responds favorably to being held, pet him and give him a treat.

    An important part of the socialization of any animal is joint games. Pet stores provide a large selection of different toys for cats. You can start by buying a regular fishing rod with a mouse on the end. Kittens usually like to catch the toy and bite it. It is important that the animal associates play with pleasant emotions, so do not scold or scold the kitten at this time. To tame it by hand, you can use a little trick: when playing with a fishing rod, try to throw the “bait” onto your lap. This way the kitten will get used to jumping on you.

    Unfortunately, some behavior problems may not go away over time. For example, a cat can avoid strangers all its life, and nothing can be done about it. All that remains is to accept the pet as it is. It has been scientifically proven that sterilization makes cats more good-natured and reduces the level of aggression. Such operations also protect against a number of diseases.

    Take the kitten in your arms at least once a day, call him by name and caress him - this way you will tame him faster. Over time, you can introduce him to more people so that he gets used to them. Ask friends to gently pet your pet and give him treats. Try to avoid loud sounds, music, and bright lights in the presence of a wild kitten. If there is clearly aggressive behavior, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian about the possibility of using sedatives. They will help relieve anxiety in the animal and calm it down.

    If you have a wild kitten at home, advice from other owners of furry pets will tell you how to tame it. Be patient and do not demand an immediate change in the animal's behavior. Also be prepared to sacrifice furniture or some of your belongings, as the kitten may damage them during the adaptation process.

    Reasons why a cat doesn't like to be held

    Cats are self-sufficient and freedom-loving creatures, so making them do something against their will is not so easy. This is especially true for purebred animals. Fold cats, as well as British Shorthairs, are one of the most independent animals. They don’t really like to go into the arms of their owner, much less strangers.

    Scottish Folds are a very independent breed.

    I was skeptical about the relationship between the breed and the character of the animal until I met a British shorthair living with a friend. The cat, although not a purebred, does not accept affection at all. He reacts to all attempts to pick him up and pet him either indifferently or with mild aggression. But if he himself wants affection, he will always find the opportunity to jump on his lap and notify about it.

    The reason may also lie in fear. If your pet is scared, he will not feel comfortable in your arms. Sharp sounds and screams can disturb even the most affectionate animal. Therefore, before picking up your pet, you should make sure that he is in a good mood.

    Strong odors can also scare away animals. Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell, and therefore they perceive many aromas more clearly than humans. So make sure you don't smell:

    • citruses;
    • alcohol;
    • spices;
    • washing powder;
    • cream;
    • perfume.

    In addition, many cats are touchy animals, and therefore may well not go to people who have previously tormented them. Most street cats eventually completely lose trust in humans and shun any displays of affection.

    Often cats do not like to sit in the arms of children because they cuddle and pet them too much.

    Kittens, unlike most adult cats, are active, playful and less assiduous. For them, being in a calm state in a person’s arms is simply not interesting, especially if there are nearby distractions in the form of squeaking, rustling and rattling toys.

    I really like my friend's three month old cat. I really want to hold this fluffy blue-eyed miracle in my arms, stroke it and listen to its purring. But the cat is young and perceives my every visit as a reason for active games. Therefore, any attempts to pet an unplayed “predator” lead to numerous scratches on the hands. He calms down after a few hours and then climbs onto his lap on his own. And even so, any movement that resembles play can return him to the stage of an energetically aggressive imp.

    Young cats don't like sitting on laps because they get bored.

    How to pacify an animal's sexual heat

    Aggression and hyperactivity during the period of sexual heat are characteristic of both sexes. There are only 3 possible solutions:

    • taking hormonal drugs that suppress desire;
    • regular mating with other animals;
    • castration or sterilization.

    The first option is allowed only as a temporary one. Frequent changes in hormonal levels are fraught with oncology and other dangerous diseases.

    Where to put the tray to quickly train a kitten?

    The tray is placed in a remote area from the kitten’s feeding area so that the smells do not mix. It is better to choose a corridor, balcony, toilet or bathroom for the cat litter, it depends on the interior and the desires of the owner.

    Be sure to read:

    How to remove the smell of cat urine: products for removing acrid odors from pets

    It should be easy for the animal to reach the tray at any time of the day without assistance, so it is better to choose a room where there are no doors or where they are easy to open.

    You need to immediately determine the only place for the cat’s toilet; you should not rearrange it, as this will negatively affect the kitten’s training in the litter box.

    Cat trap

    Radical methods in the form of homemade traps should be resorted to in special cases: for example, if you are going on a trip, and in the next hour and a half you need to take your pet to a cat boarding house or take it to its mother.

    Cats who find themselves outside the apartment quickly adapt to unusual conditions and in most cases do not experience any serious stress. After wandering in the wild, they come home as if nothing had happened and behave as if their escape existed only in the imagination of their owners. If there are no dogs, no wild animals, or heavy traffic where you live, there is basically nothing to worry about. But within the city limits our pets face many very real dangers, so returning home as quickly as possible becomes a matter of life and death. You can't do this without a strong trap.

    It is very convenient to catch runaway cats using a landing net - fishing equipment in the form of a large net on a long (2 or more meters) handle

    If you have the patience to lay in wait for the gulena, carefully sneak up to it and throw a net with a quick, precise movement, consider it already at home! You can construct a trap for cats (albeit not as grandiose as in the cartoon of the same name, but much safer) using a fishing net: hang it on the branches of a nearby tree, attach strong ropes with which the trap is activated

    It's just a matter of finding the right bait.

    You can construct a trap for cats (albeit not as grandiose as in the cartoon of the same name, but much safer) using a fishing net: hang it on the branches of a nearby tree, attach strong ropes with which the trap is activated. It's just a matter of finding the right bait.

    In general, catching runaway cats is closely related to fishing. Here you will find fishing gear, a special attitude, and reaction speed, not to mention a thoughtful choice of bait.

    It can be a dish beloved by an animal, but for a number of reasons a forbidden dish: a good piece of fried meat, smoked sausage, fish or seafood - always without bones. It is not advisable to lure cats with sour cream, cheese or milk. Even if your pet is crazy about these dishes at home, outside he may simply not smell them. If you take a piece of fish or bacon skin as bait, you won’t go wrong, again, provided that the cat knows and loves these foods.

    How to make an animal calm before a hygiene procedure or at the veterinarian

    If you carry out hygiene procedures yourself, use a clothespin or a stationery clip measuring 5 cm. Fix them on the withers to deactivate your pet while trimming its nails.

    For especially restless comrades, a special retainer bag is suitable. Only the pet's head remains outside, and the paws can be pulled out from the front.

    In other cases, it is recommended to take sedatives. You should prepare for planned events with the help of sedatives with a cumulative effect, and for emergency trips to the veterinary clinic with the help of sedatives with an immediate effect. They will be prescribed by the veterinarian himself over the phone.

    If your cat tolerates the journey and visits to the veterinary clinic relatively calmly, you can do without preparatory measures and without sedatives.

    Why is the cat not affectionate?

    If a cat scratches and bites as an adult, the owners themselves are to blame. While still playing with her, they allowed her to “claw” in excitement. At first it's funny, then the adult:

    • bites legs;
    • does not allow himself to be combed;
    • spoils things, marks territory.

    The simplest veterinary examination and medical procedures (injections, enemas) turn into a nightmare for the owner.

    The independence and aggressiveness of a mustachioed cohabitant should not be shown towards family members. If the owners are afraid, the pet will become impudent. It is recommended to hold the cat in your arms more often and show affection. After taming, release it for further exploration of the area, praise and treat it with something tasty for good behavior.

    Gradually the cat will understand: nothing bad is happening. If you do this regularly, at the same time talk affectionately, give a piece of “yummy” - after a while you can add short-term combing, examining the ears and other manipulations.

    An irrepressible desire to “cuddle” can also be the reason why a cat becomes less affectionate. Small children will happily play with the kitty and pull its ear or tail.

    Adults sometimes don’t lag behind (especially if the cat is not their property): they shamelessly shove pieces from the table, try to stroke them and pick them up against their will. It's not the cat that needs to be blamed, but the owner:

    1. If the cat is not the highlight of the program, it is better to isolate it in another room. Or warn the guest about correct behavior.
    2. For children, it is better to find other fun, otherwise the simplest scratch on the hand of an uncontrollable child will ruin the evening.
    3. When neither the person nor the cat is particularly anxious, let them interact as they wish.

    Advice. It is advisable to wash your hands not only after interacting with an animal, but also before. Precautionary measures apply to small unvaccinated kittens.

    How to catch an animal that finds itself outside the apartment

    First of all, collect your thoughts and try to find out exactly where your pet is. Act collectedly, quickly, but without undue haste. Remember, if you immediately rush into the yard and try to catch the cat, with a 99% chance your attempt will fail.

    For a pet that has never crossed the threshold of its apartment before, being on the street is not an easy ordeal. The calmest and most balanced animals in such a situation show unusual aggression, simply not recognizing their owner. Before resorting to more serious methods of catching a fugitive, try the following: put on a jacket and trousers made of thick material, and put thick leather gloves on your hands. Bring along a cat treat or toy that your pet has a strong attachment to. Spray catnip spray on his litter and take it out into the yard. You can apply a little spray to your own sneakers.

    You shouldn’t expect that when a pet sees its beloved owner it will immediately rush into your arms. At best, he won't run away. If the cat gets close enough to you, you can try to grab it. But you will have to act very quickly

    It would be better to lure your pet with food and, when all his attention is absorbed by a tasty piece, throw your jacket, bag or old blanket over him

    The tricks of catching a cat, which we will talk about in this article, will help you get out of the most difficult situation with honor and return the fugitive home safe and sound.

    Spray bait

    Sometimes a cat must be accustomed to being handled using a special bait spray, which is sold in a pharmacy and usually contains catnip extract; this is necessary in cases where the kitten has been running wild for a long time and categorically refuses to make contact. Most often, this phenomenon is observed if the animal has suffered from people and because of this cannot help but fear even its owner, who loves it and has created comfortable living conditions for it. Also, basement kittens, which have largely returned to the behavior of their wild ancestors, are often distinguished by distrust.

    The spray should be applied not to clothes, but to the palms of the hands, so that the kitten gets used to the person, and not to the thing. The smell of the product acts on the animal like a drug, and therefore the pet will, despite its fear, still run to the owner and rub against the hands. Gradually, the kitten will understand that there is nothing dangerous or unpleasant when communicating with a person. As a result of this, in the future, even without a spray, the pet will be willing to be handled.

    When using a spray, it is important not to exceed the norm so that the baby does not become accustomed to it and begins to suffer from the lack of the drug. Because of this, you cannot use the product more often than once a day.

    This remedy should be used more often if you had to take an adult cat into your home.

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