How to match a cat with a cat for the first time: features and useful tips

The bringing together of two felines of the opposite sex is called mating. It is carried out to reproduce offspring from animals. However, before arranging mating, the owner must take into account many of the nuances of this event. First of all, you should wait for the cat and cat to mature both physically and sexually. Also, before mating a cat with a cat for the first time, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment for the animals and make sure that they are completely healthy. Veterinarians recommend breeding cats and female cats no earlier than one and a half years old.

Puberty and physical maturity of animals

Many inexperienced owners confuse these two concepts. As a result, they breed a cat with a cat too early, which provokes a difficult birth and the appearance of a weak litter. Mating of animals should occur only after they reach puberty. In cats and cats it occurs at different times.

In this case, the cat comes into heat much earlier than puberty. It usually begins at six months, and in some cases it may appear earlier. This physiological process does not mean that it is necessary to immediately take the cat to mating. Therefore, when a cat wants a cat for the first time, there is no need to immediately take her to mating. The pet’s body is not yet formed at this age, and therefore the cat will not be able to give birth to healthy offspring.

Her own life will also be at risk, since childbirth occurs normally only in fully developed animals. Therefore, you can contact your veterinarian for advice when your cat asks for a cat for the first time. This specialist will tell you best what to do in such a situation. He may prescribe special herbal drops for cats. They will calm the animal and relieve signs of estrus without side effects on the body.

Can a neutered cat mate with a female cat?

Some owners are surprised to discover that their pet, even after castration, shows interest in the opposite sex, and sometimes even tries to mate with a cat. How can this be if the operation was carried out specifically to make the male indifferent to the females? In fact, it is not uncommon for a neutered cat to mate with a female cat, but only if he already has such experience. That is, if the pet has already known the “taste of love” before the operation, and now does it, rather, out of habit. But, of course, he will have no more offspring.

If the male was castrated before his first mating, then mating with the female is impossible. If only because the cat simply does not know what it is and why it is needed. It also happens that a beloved pet continues to stubbornly ask for a cat after surgery. Don’t be surprised or panic, the cat’s testosterone levels have not dropped yet. Just be a little patient and it will pass soon. This condition will not last long; it is a kind of side effect of the operation.

Age for first mating

When thinking about how to mate a cat with a male cat for the first time, it is very important to remember that the best period for the first mating in cats is considered to be the time after three or four heats. As for males, they should be kept untied for up to one and a half to two years. Despite the recommendations for such a late mating in cats, they still need to be neutered much earlier - at seven or eight months. If you breed a cat with a very young cat, this can lead to a deterioration in its further development, as well as the appearance of dysfunctional offspring.

Recovery period between births

To prepare for the next pregnancy and bearing offspring, the animal’s body must recover after childbirth. A purebred cat can give birth no more often than once or twice in a year to a year and a half; at least 6 months must pass between litters. Yard cats breed every time they come into heat, and intercourse is very frequent. The first two months after giving birth, the mother cat devotes herself entirely to feeding her kittens. At the end of this period, the cat is again ready for mating. The following cases are exceptions:

  • previous births were complicated;
  • the pet’s body is exhausted;
  • pussy suffered a serious illness;
  • the last litter included stillborn babies.

In healthy cats, all biological processes occur regularly, so the owner can prepare in advance for the pregnancy of his furry pet. A potential father of the family must be found long before mating begins. During an empty heat, the cat should take sedatives and receive attention in the form of a massage or play. Females not intended for breeding should be neutered.

Download the cat mating agreement with the act of mutual settlement in Word

Signs of puberty

If the owner is not sure of the exact age of his pet, it is necessary to determine puberty by external signs and behavior. Readiness for mating can be manifested by the following changes:

  • Cats become more aggressive for no apparent reason. While cats, on the contrary, are very affectionate, gentle and tame.
  • Cats develop the habit of marking the surrounding territory. These can be the most inappropriate places, both in the apartment and on the street. At the same time, the urine acquires a strong and pungent odor.
  • Animals are constantly active and are rarely in a relaxed state. This is especially evident when the cat asks for the cat for the first time.
  • Cats make unusual sounds, begin to scream and howl. When in motion, they do not stand straight, but arch their backs and strongly raise their tail upwards.
  • Cats constantly roll on the floor, trample their paws and rub their faces against surrounding objects.

Negative consequences

The pussy cannot tell its owner about its problems. Therefore, the owner must be extremely attentive to symptoms that may indicate the onset or worsening of the disease.

Idle cats in heat are fraught with purulent inflammation of the uterus, leading to rapid death. If there is a hormonal imbalance, it is better to have the pussy castrated immediately, even at an early age.

The increased duration of the period of sexual heat (longer than a week) cannot be stopped by taking hormonal drugs. Menstruation in cats, unlike menstruation in women, is not painful. There are only two ways out of this situation: mating or castration.

Painful discharge or vomiting is a real reason to seek help from a doctor.

What to do if there is no heat

In order to breed a purebred cat, you need to ensure that the female is ready for fertilization. Measures that breeders recommend to prepare a cat for mating:

  • make a girlfriend. Pussies often show readiness to mate at the same time.
  • invite a cat to visit. The smell of a sexually mature cat awakens the reproductive instinct.
  • Use homeopathic remedies and vitamins. You can induce a healthy female to mate by including drugs in the diet: vitamin E, catozal, gamavit, ovariovit, ortilin.

Features of the first mating

The first heat of an animal, when the cat begins to ask for a cat for the first time, is not a signal for immediate mating with the cat, but owners who are planning offspring should begin from this time preparations for further mating. It is also impossible to delay this procedure, so as not to provoke the development of negative consequences. Pets must either be sterilized on time or be mated according to all rules. If you delay it, it will cause a disruption in the physiological cycle, contribute to the exhaustion of the body, or lead to various diseases of the reproductive system.

Based on the above, we must conclude that the first mating must be carried out far from after the first heat, even if it came too late. The first mating between male and female cats should be done at approximately one to two years of age. Animals must be completely healthy.

Why doesn't pregnancy occur?

Unfortunately, it also happens that even after several meetings, fertilization of the female does not occur. The reason may be the cat's infertility, but if he has previously mated successfully, then it is necessary to examine the cat. What might be the results?

  • The cat is either obese or malnourished;
  • Obvious problems with the reproductive system;
  • Stress that becomes chronic;
  • Any viral diseases are possible;
  • Deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the diet:
  • Failure in the body's hormonal system;
  • The mating was simply carried out at the wrong time.

Preparation for mating

Before you think about breeding a cat and a cat, you need to make sure that both animals are healthy, as well as conduct a series of medical examinations and receive appropriate vaccinations. Without them, not a single owner will agree to breed. Therefore, you need to go through the following procedures:

  • Before mating a cat with a cat for the first time, you need to get all the necessary vaccinations against the most common viruses and infections. The veterinarian will tell you which of them the animal needs. He will also draw up a vaccination schedule, since each of them should be done at a certain time interval. All vaccinations must be included in the cat's passport.
  • Conduct a medical examination of the animal. It is very important to find out that your pets do not have any diseases.
  • Treat the animal against parasites, both external and internal. Even if the pet is absolutely clean, this must be done as a preventive measure a week before mating.
  • Animal owners are required to provide each other with documents confirming the breed of animals (if any).
  • Before bringing a cat and a cat together, you need to trim their claws so that unforeseen injuries do not occur during the meeting.

Also obligatory and the most important point in preparing for mating is the cat’s heat. Without it, mating a cat with a cat for the first time is impossible.

What to do if a neutered cat asks for a cat?

The cat’s further behavior after surgery depends on his age and the number of matings before castration. If your pet had “dates” regularly, then he remembers how it was and can try to mate again. Sometimes neutered cats succeed in this, and they even experience pleasure. But over time, such desires pass, since the body no longer requires it. If a pet has undergone surgery at a young age, without having had time to experience the “taste of love,” but for some reason asks for a female, it means that the hormone responsible for sexual desire still remains in its body. Whether a neutered cat can mate with a cat depends on his past “experience.” If he has something to remember, then the “date” may well take place, and in no case should you worry about this. Because the pet does this “out of old memory”, and not out of desire. Some catteries even specifically keep such “loving” cats - for cats whose owners do not want to mate, but bring them to a neutered cat for “calm down”.

Animal Meeting

In order for it to go as smoothly as possible, you do not need to wash your cat with shampoo before mating. This will remove the animal's natural odor, which affects their sexuality in front of the opposite sex. Also, cat owners bear a huge responsibility for the success of mating. The male must be more prepared than the cat. Therefore, before mating a cat with a cat for the first time, you need to find an untied cat. If both animals mate with each other for the first time, it may cause them psychological trauma.

Place of mating

Mating a male cat for the first time should only take place on the territory of the male. This is necessary so that the cat feels as confident as possible. Therefore, after arriving in a new environment, the cat needs to be given time to adapt to someone else's home. Before leaving animals alone, you should make sure that the cat is familiar with the cat and the new smells of the surrounding area. If a lady shows herself too aggressively, you need to isolate her in a secluded place. An aviary, cage or carrier is perfect for this. There is no need to kick her out of it. When the cat is ready for introductions, she will go out without outside help. This may take one or two hours or the whole day.

A little about physiology

Sex for love happens if animals roam freely on the street, practically homeless. Then cats engage in mating completely uncontrollably. Some owners “maintain the purity of blood” and agree that their prize-winner mates only with cats of the same breed. Sometimes the owners are not against “marriage” with any partner out of pity for the suffering pet, or because they can no longer bear to listen to the screams.

Physiological and sexual maturity are not the same thing. The second comes much earlier. Males are capable of mating and impregnating female kitties by about eight months and almost to the point of death. Girls mature a little earlier, at 7 or 10 months, and are fertile until 8-9 years of age. The “festivities” continue year-round, lasting for the young ladies from 6 to 8 days and after three weeks they can come again. The time of the first "hunt" and frequency usually depend on the breed, for example, Siamese and Persians are more likely to do so than Scots.


  • genitals swell
  • the cat licks itself more often
  • eats poorly or refuses to eat.
  • becomes more affectionate or aggressive
  • constantly rubbing against everything
  • squirms and rolls on the floor.
  • trying to run away from home
  • purrs or makes high-pitched, drawn-out sounds
  • moves with half-bent hind legs
  • moves the tail to the side.

Carrying out the first mating

Before mating a cat with a male for the first time, you should remember that mating takes place on the third or fifth day of estrus. This time is the most favorable for fertilization of the egg. Although a lot depends on the breed of cat. For some, ovulation occurs much later - on the ninth or tenth day. Since the female is being brought into a new environment, it is necessary to minimize the stress of the animal. To do this, the owner must take the following set of things from the house:

  • bowls for water and food;
  • a tray with the usual filler;
  • plastic carrier with a napkin at the bottom.

A responsible owner should know everything about how to mix a cat with a cat for the first time. This knowledge will help him not only find healthy kittens, but also make the process of mating animals as comfortable as possible from a psychological point of view. You cannot force mating or immediately pit cats against each other. The animals themselves will express their readiness for the process. In case of successful mating, fertilization will occur the next day. However, both pets should be kept in the same room for two to three days.

What should you take with you?

Simply taking your pet to mating is not enough; you need to take care in advance to ensure that the cat’s “wedding” is successful. Remember that the female will end up in someone else's territory, where she should feel more or less comfortable. In order for the cat to calm down at least a little, do not forget to take with you her rug, on which she is used to sleeping; the familiar smell will have a beneficial effect on her nervous system. It would also be a good idea to take her favorite food, a comb and, if possible, a tray. You can also grab your favorite toy, which the “bride” can distract herself with. As for the male, he will need a rubber bedding so that his paws do not slip during mating.

Useful tips for pet owners

When breeding purebred cats, every animal owner must be aware of the full degree of responsibility for the future offspring. Your cat or cat should eat well. Therefore, it is necessary to feed your pet only the most natural and high-quality food. This could be meat, vegetables, sea fish or premium ready-made food.

The animal must also be taken regularly for medical examinations. Even if nothing bothers the cat, this does not mean that she does not have chronic or congenital diseases that can be transmitted to kittens. Therefore, at least twice a year you need to check your pet or pet with a doctor.

Owners of cats should understand that they should not tire the animal with too frequent mating. Although a healthy sexually mature cat is in constant readiness to impregnate a cat, frequent mating can cause a deterioration in the quality of sperm, which will affect the condition of the offspring. Therefore, you need to bring the cat at least with breaks of one week.

Before taking a cat for mating, you should not give the animal any sedatives. When trying to reduce your cat's stress level, you may accidentally stop the cat's heat and ruin the entire procedure. Of course, any trip will be a shock for a pet. But it is better to calm your pet with a gentle voice, rather than with drugs. It would be a good idea to take with you your cat’s favorite toys, which will remind her of home with their smell. Then the pet will feel more confident and will not resist mating.

What can go wrong during mating and how to solve the problems that arise?

Sometimes having two mature cats is not so easy. Such a simple, at first glance, matter can cause a number of difficulties.

Most often, breeders are faced with the following force majeure situations:

  1. Stress - often when there is a sudden change in environment, the cat goes into heat. Usually, ovulation resumes as soon as the pet gets used to the new room. In such cases, they wait several days until everything happens.
  2. There is a big difference in size - in some cases, female pedigree cats are significantly larger in size than males. In such moments, you cannot do without additional help. The cat is specially guided using the hand.
  3. A cat falls on its side - this situation is not a deviation from the norm, it is simply considered an individual feature of the cat. To resolve problems, the cat can be given special support. However, if the cat is an experienced lover, then he can cope with this.
  4. Aggression - most often it is cats who demonstrate rejection towards the cat. Such meetings usually end in fights, bites and torn out tufts of fur. If there is no progress in the relationship within 24 hours, then it is better to start looking for another partner.

Inexperienced breeders do not know many of the nuances that must be taken into account if they intend to breed their animal for the first time. You should absolutely not engage in “underground” breeding with representatives of half-bred crosses.

Very often such matings end in the birth of sick kittens with a bunch of chronic and congenital diseases. If you intend to seriously engage in the issue of breeding breeding animals, then get a preliminary consultation from the pet club where your kitten was purchased.

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