How to punish a cat for bad behavior, is it possible to beat a cat for educational purposes?


An affectionate and fluffy domestic cat may not always have good behavior. Yes, very often she brings joy, comfort and peace to the house, but sometimes behavior can go beyond all limits of what is permitted. Then there can be no other choice but to punish the cat. A pet may, for no apparent reason, tear off the wallpaper or sofa, refuse to go to the toilet in the litter box, attack people, scratch and bite. It is important to learn to distinguish an animal’s misconduct from a deliberate act, and then choose a method to punish the pet.

Cats are animals with complex characters. Therefore, undeserved punishment for a cat can result in further regular revenge of the animal. To make a disciplined and obedient pet out of your beloved cat, it will be useful to find out what training techniques you can use from this article. It is better to get acquainted with some of them practically.

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Raising kittens

When a kitten appears in the house, the first thing you need to do is give it time to get used to its new environment.
Like any small child, the animal will be mischievous. The owner's goal is not to punish for mischief, but to educate. Pets do not understand the reasons why they are punished. The generally accepted rules by which people live are impossible for them to understand

That is why it is important to immediately accustom the kitten to the tray, scratching post and show the place where the food is.

Breeders recommend adopting kittens at the age of 2-3 months. During this period, the baby, following the example of the mother cat, learns the rules of communication with people and behavior in the house.

To prevent peeling of wallpaper, you should buy a scratching post. And show by your own example how to use it.

For every correct action, pet and praise the kitten. Having remembered the praise, the animal will definitely want to repeat it. As a rule, the process of raising kittens goes quickly.

For every correct action, pet and praise the kitten

Which cats shit most often?

The most basic reasons why a cat may pee on the sofa or carpets are:

  • Dirty tray. According to its instincts, a cat hides its smells. For them, the cleanliness of the toilet and litter is extremely important. If the cat is faced with the problem that the place is "crowded", the animal will look for a new place.
  • I don't like the tray. The cat may not like the toilet itself, for example, its shape, depth, or quality of the filler. Thus, the pet is looking for a new suitable place for this.
  • Moving the tray to a new location. For some individuals, even moving the tray a few centimeters is critical. The pet gets used to going to the same place.
  • No access. A person or the animal itself can close the door to the toilet, thereby blocking access to it.

It is important to choose the right place to place the tray. The pet should feel comfortable, safe, protected

This is why the cat shits on the bed.

Little kittens

Young kittens do not yet have established habits regarding their toilet. The baby can wet the owner's bed, as it can remind him of the sensations of softness, coziness, and comfort. It is necessary for the small pet to get used to its filler as quickly as possible and stop committing such sabotage.

Question to an expert How to help a kitten master the litter box faster? To speed up learning, it is important to place the kitten in the litter box after each meal. The physiology of furry babies is designed in such a way that they usually relieve themselves after eating

Some kittens will only need a few of these lessons, others may need more time. But in general, litter box training at an early age is easy.

Unsterilized animals

The behavior, character, habits of an animal depend on hormonal levels. During heat, cats can change greatly. Attracting the opposite sex occurs using special means. If an animal has been sterilized or castrated, such phenomena are not observed in the animal, which means the animal ceases to experience such needs. After sterilization, it stops marking its territory, as it does not feel the need for mating.

Elderly animals

This behavior is often demonstrated by older individuals. The age of the animal is one of the main reasons why a cat began to shit. Your pet may become incontinent. It makes no sense to scold or punish such an animal. Such measures will not bring any positive effect, but rather, on the contrary, will destroy the trusting contact between the pet and the person. The cat will begin to look for secluded places to relieve its needs.

Gradually, an adult pet will begin to demonstrate the behavior of a small kitten, both in its behavior and in its level of intellectual development. If the veterinarian cannot help with treatment, the best solution in this case will be special diapers for animals.

Basic Skills

Below you can familiarize yourself with the features of teaching cats basic skills.

Command “Come to me!” - a simple way to force a four-legged friend to come to the owner at the first call. To train him to this command, you will need to use your pet’s favorite treats. When inviting your cat to its favorite food, you need to remain calm

It is very important to pronounce the pet’s nickname (for example, “Come to me, Barsik”). In the first days, the kitten is unlikely to come on its own

He will need to be brought to the bowl of treats, saying the command “Come to me!” Soon the pet will be able to associate the command with receiving its favorite treat and will independently come when called. From now on, you can call the kitten to you in any other circumstances, without forgetting to reward the animal with tasty food or a piece of meat. It is also important to praise your pet and stroke it affectionately. The Bengals and the British learn this command fairly quickly. Command "Stop!" - a very important skill that can save a four-legged friend in situations where he is in danger. At the beginning of the exercises, the bent arm will serve as a barrier for the cat. As soon as the kitten begins to move on its own initiative, you need to bend your arm, blocking its path, and say “Stop, Barsik!” In case of obedience, the animal should be rewarded with its favorite treat. If the cat runs further, it is recommended to start the exercise over again. In order for the furry purr to master the “Stop!” command, it will take a lot of hard training. It is especially important to study the command when the cat is about to visit the street. The command “Sit!” allows you to limit your pet’s physical activity for a short period of time. During training, the team must position themselves at the same level as the animal (on the floor). At the moment when the kitten begins to sit down, you should give the command “Sit!” As soon as the animal sits down, you need to reward it with your favorite treat. If the furry purr does not want to sit down, you can lightly press on the rump and hold it in a sitting position until you receive a treat.

Note! Representatives of the Abyssinian and Bengal breeds, with appropriate training, can fetch light objects

What aerosols are best to use for repelling?

When folk remedies don’t help and the owners are completely desperate, aerosols and special chemicals can come to the rescue that can scare away both an adult cat that is shitting and a kitten that cannot remember the location of the potty.

There are two main types of sprays which are:

  • scare away cats;
  • attract cats.

You can choose your own litter box training tactics. It all depends on whether you want to attract the cat with a smell to the place where he should directly do his business, or whether you want to discourage him from all his “favorite” places and simply leave him no choice.

The cost of such toilet training products is quite reasonable.

When a pet categorically refuses to go to the toilet and at the same time spoils property and things, the owner can often reach a state of despair.

However, you should not rush to conclusions and think that your cat is doing his dirty tricks to spite you. It is quite possible that a specific reason led to this behavior, which must be identified.

Let's look at all the steps to raising a kitten

Separation from family

The most important point is not to take the kitten away from its mother too early. Some give their babies away at the age of one month, but the kittens are not yet ready to separate from their family. The optimal age for weaning is 2-3 months. Then the little purrs are ready for independent life. As soon as the pet can independently “plan” its day, and not run after its mother, then it is ready to move to a new family.

Try not to delay the education process. In the first six months of life, the foundation is laid on which your pet’s entire behavior is based.


The regime is necessary not only for children. This also applies to kittens. Feed at the same time, in a specific place and from an individual bowl. Do not allow the animal to eat in different corners of the apartment. If there is a feeding area, then the pet should eat only there. Do not feed from the table. The kitten will quickly get used to this. And then he will begin to climb onto the table and take what he wants, not paying attention to your indignation.


Don't indulge your culinary whims. Of course, the food must be complete, balanced, and healthy. But if the kitten starts to turn its nose up, and you immediately replace it with something that it adores, then don’t be surprised that the animal begins to manipulate you. It understands that if you snort and not touch, say, porridge, they will immediately exchange it for your favorite meat or food. Hence the excessive pickiness. It will be almost impossible to fight it in the future. And this will bring a lot of inconvenience to you.

Tray training

One aspect of raising a kitten is litter box training. The process is not immediate, but try to achieve complete obedience in this matter. Even a one-time “trip” past the tray should entail your reaction. The only thing is that the cat should be punished as quickly as possible. If you do this after a few hours, the animal will no longer understand why. And he will take revenge on you.

Don't forget to change the filler on time. Cats are very clean. And if the toilet is full, then even a very well-mannered kitten will not go about its business in it. And too high sides in the tray can cause the kitten to use anything other than the designated space as a toilet. As a result, the entire education process will go down the drain.

scratching post

It shouldn't scare your pet. Start training your kitten from childhood. Otherwise, your furniture and wallpaper will be in trouble. You can purchase a wall-mounted one that is attached to a vertical surface. Or you can use a thick vertical “stick” tied with thick twine and mounted on a stable stand. Or you can do it yourself. To do this, take a piece of board or plywood. Using a furniture stapler, attach a piece of carpet or very thick fabric. Once the scratching post is in the puffs, replace it. Otherwise, the animal will spread to your furniture.

Playing with a kitten

Do not use your hands or feet while playing. Otherwise, in the future the kitten may attack you with its claws, not on purpose, but during play. Therefore, buy special toys, brooms, or even ordinary string and paper. Believe it or not, the animals are wildly delighted by the process of playing with the rustling bag.

Games are very important. On the one hand, this is how the pet gets to know the world around him and the capabilities of his body. On the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity to get to know you better, make friends, and establish contact. Having fun together will help build rapport. The animal will feel loved and will obey you.


Don't know how to properly punish a kitten? A simple light, quick flick to the nose will be an excellent punishment. There is no need to hit, scream, throw or drag the poor pet by the scruff of the neck.

Hand training

Some kids don't know human affection. Therefore, your hands can be something scary for him. He will scratch, hiss, and snort. As a result, he will become intimidated and wild. Start slowly. Take it for a couple of seconds and release. Gradually increase the amount of time you have skin-to-skin contact with your kitten. Over time, he will stop being afraid of you and will understand that no danger comes from you. And literally in a couple of weeks he will happily run into your arms for affection.

If not punishment, then what?

Accolades and awards

  • Nothing affects a cat like the right treat.
  • You don't praise your cat for bad behavior, only for good behavior. For example: the cat used the scratching post - great, you pet it, play with it with a laser, guide the cat towards the scratching post, give it extra fun.
  • The cat jumped onto a shelf specially prepared for her, her favorite position by the window - pet her and together you can have fun barking at the birds outside the window.

Expert advice

  • When your cat climbs onto the kitchen table, you hiss or make a sound near her so that she associates this unpleasant sound with jumping on the table.
  • To discourage your cat from scratching furniture and sofa upholstery, you should cover them with film or foil - cats really do not like such surfaces and will avoid them. At the same time, you need to provide your cat with an alternative - a scratching post designed for her, tailored to her size and preferences. Test out the fancy cardboard scratching posts - their texture is very attractive to cat feet, most cats already know what these cardboard boxes are after a few days. These cardboard pieces are easy to make yourself or you can buy them inexpensively. When the cat tears them, you throw them in the waste paper and make a new one. Cheap, convenient, environmentally friendly.
  • A cat urinates on socks thrown anywhere - hide the laundry in a closed basket, keep order. The cat urinates on the bedding - put it in the closet and cover the top of the bed with film or foil - cats don’t really like this surface.

Don't provoke the cat

  • A large, wide pot of soil placed on the floor will likely be viewed by the cat as an additional litter box. To prevent this from happening, place the pot on a platform and cover the surface of the ground with pebbles or mesh - it will no longer be attractive to the cat.
  • Don't want your cat ruining your clothes? Then put it in a closed closet and leave the laundry basket with the lid closed (installed on top).
  • The cat likes to observe its surroundings from a certain height. If you don't want it to be a table, create a viewing area for your cat that is more attractive than a table top and that is easily accessible at all times. Wall shelves are ideal for this role.

Never mind

When your cat is up to something, you can just get up and walk away. Go to the next room, to the kitchen, to the balcony, to leave the house. Leaving the cat to its own devices and temporarily ignoring it when it scratches and bites us is an excellent educational method.

Don't look at or talk to the cat

  • Making eye contact and talking to your pet are communication channels that strengthen the bond between human and cat.
  • If you temporarily ignore the cat, you will not look at him, you will not talk to him - this will be a punishment for the cat.


Remember one thing - if you are thinking about how to punish a cat? Don't punish me in any way! Use other, more effective and painless methods. Give rewards and positive incentives exactly when the cat is up to something. Don't delay punishment because your cat probably won't associate it with a reason. Good luck!

How to punish a kitten so that he understands?

Unlike an adult, a kitten cannot fully understand the consequences of its mischief. You need to understand how to properly punish a kitten so that it works and does not leave negative consequences in its psyche.

You cannot hit or shout at the baby, because he is unlikely to be able to understand the owner’s demands. The mother cat hissed at the cub for educational purposes and took him by the scruff of the neck. A person can do the same - you can lift the baby and shake him lightly, showing dissatisfaction with a hissing voice. Do not swing too much as this can lead to injury.

In relation to kittens, it is more effective not to punish for an act that has already been committed, but to prevent it. If you see that your baby is about to sit down in the wrong place or is trying to climb onto the kitchen table, prevent this action. Take him to the litter box or distract him with a toy. This way the kitten will not have time to realize the taste of the prank and will not want to repeat it again.

Methods of action depending on situations

When cats start damaging property or wallpaper, these are much more serious problems than theft and impudence. There are two ways out of this situation. You can buy a special scratching post and silently eliminate all the consequences of your furry pet’s fun without punishment. If the cat likes scratching posts or special toys, then in the absence of the owners he will stop damaging the furniture. Another option is to try to scare the animal when it intends to damage the furniture. To do this, you can use the same spray bottle, create noise by throwing a book, keys or other object on the floor.

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When a kitten behaved inappropriately as a child, in order to punish him, the mother cat would take him by the scruff of the neck and hiss at him. This is exactly what you can try to do with an already matured person. So, in the language of purrs, you can explain to her that she is wrong.

Most owners are accustomed to the only way to deal with a cat that has gone to the toilet in the wrong place - to poke the pet’s nose into the puddle. In principle, there is nothing criminal or unacceptable in this method. You can punish a cat in this way. But it is advisable that before punishing an animal, you need to try to find the cause of what happened. Maybe this was completely due to the fault of the household :

  • they forgot to remove his litter tray in time, but managed to punish him;
  • They didn’t notice how much they had offended the animal before. Some cats constantly take revenge on their owners for the bathing procedure;
  • A common reason for defecating past the toilet is territorial marking. The cat senses danger when another pet appears in the house.

When a cat shows aggression, you can know about it immediately. This is evidenced by her quivering, loose or raised tail, ears pressed to her head, and an unkind look. It is better to punish a cat for aggression using one of the humane and intelligible methods :

  • threatening gesture with a finger in front of the cat's face;
  • moderate tapping of the animal’s forehead with a finger;
  • a verbal remark, said in a quiet, but stern and impressive tone, is also a way to punish;
  • a light slap with a newspaper, towel, broom, napkin.

It is advisable to practice different methods of dealing with aggression, identifying the one that is more suitable for a particular animal. When a cat is angry, it can sometimes be difficult to influence him. When he is preparing to attack, he can only be stopped and punished by physical force. If all humane methods do not work on the cat, then it is necessary to show it to specialists to identify mental disorders.

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We show attention and care

If everything is fine with the toilet, remember what recent events could have affected the state of the cat's soul. Perhaps you moved from your dacha to an apartment, and your cat suddenly found herself surrounded by smells that she had already lost the habit of, but couldn’t find her recent marks? Or perhaps there is a new smell in the house, especially a cat one?

An even more serious stress for a cat can be a change in family composition, the addition of a child or a new pet. In this case, a period of adaptation and the formation of new relationships is inevitable - we discussed this issue in detail in the article “Why do cats bury their feces.”

The most important thing to remember is that a cat begins to mark its territory when it feels threatened. If a cat’s world is stable, she has enough food, water and attention, and she feels safe, she will not have such a desire. Try to pay more attention to the animal, communicate more with it, do everything to make the cat feel that new residents or a changed environment do not threaten its well-being.

Check the tray and change the filler

First, inspect your pet's litter box. Isn't it too small for her? Have you recently changed the filler? It may be worth changing it to another one, for example, a silica gel to a bentonite one, or even starting to use a flower pot, especially if the cat has already chosen it for the toilet.

Is the litter box always clean and dry? Perhaps she doesn't like the new air freshener or detergent you're using? Many smells that seem pleasant to us have a repellent effect on cats. You should not place the tray where you feed your cat; she will not defecate where she eats.

Use intonation

The only thing we could recommend to you in case you need to convey your displeasure to the cat at any cost is a quiet but stern voice. Cats don’t know words, but they perfectly recognize intonation, and if you call him by name, the cat will realize that you are unhappy with him. Whether this will become a serious argument for him is another question.

In order to stop the cat right at the moment when he is about to misbehave, you can also imitate the sounds with which his mother cat reproaches the kitten: clicking the tongue and (in serious situations) hissing. These sounds have been familiar to the cat since childhood, and unlike the above unwanted types of punishment, the cat understands their meaning, so they will not cause the animal either stress or retaliatory aggression, but will trigger instinctive reactions that it developed in childhood.

The worst thing for a cat is to fly into the air

You think it's funny to throw and catch a cat. However, his instinct of self-preservation makes him think about danger and at this moment he experiences real stress. If you don't want revenge from the cat, don't throw it up.

A cat’s paw performs various functions: from washing to protection, and it is also placed on another, showing dominance. The cat treats you as an equal, and if you don’t want to be scratched, don’t touch the cat’s paws again.

Neither a dog nor a cat can tell you what scares and irritates them. And your responsibility, as the owner, is to respond promptly and correctly to the signs that your pet gives you. Respect your pet, and he will only make you happy.

Beating and humiliating a cat is useless and dangerous

Beating and humiliating a cat for educational purposes is the worst thing the owner of a guilty animal can think of. Humiliation and physical violence will not achieve obedience from your pet. He will not be able to grasp the cause-and-effect relationship between his behavior and moral and physical pressure; he will not be able to somehow connect these events.

Beating and humiliating a kitten or an adult cat is also prohibited for another reason. Felines have an extremely vulnerable psyche. Anything can throw them out of emotional balance. Many cats have a hard time traveling in a car, a change of scenery, the appearance of a child or a new four-legged inhabitant in the house, even moving to another room can have a negative impact on their psyche.

Screaming and physical impact on them can lead to severe mental disorders that will require long-term and expensive treatment. However, there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

Tailed bully is not recommended:

  • Poking your nose into urine and feces. Poking in its own excrement will result in severe stress for the animal. It will begin to fear its owner, and its behavior will become even more unpredictable, if not inadequate.
  • Beat. In the mind of the pet, physical punishment will be fixed not in connection with the action committed, but with the offender or the object with which he was punished, for example, with a slipper. As a result, he will begin to avoid shoes and the person who offended him, but will not stop doing what he was beaten for.
  • You can’t stop doing something using the “no” command. These animals do not understand the meaning of this word, and perceive prohibitions as a violation of their personal boundaries.

Beatings and humiliation will not solve the problem. This will only push the pet away, but will not improve the situation. The only thing that can be done without harming the cat’s psyche is to lightly slap it on the back with your palm at the moment the “crime” is committed.

How to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place

Owners obviously do not bring cats into the house for the purpose of running around with floor rags and wiping up foul-smelling puddles left anywhere. It is imperative to stop a cat from crapping: the peace of mind in the house and the comfortable coexistence of the family with the furry pet depend on it.

Furry pets can go to the toilet in flower pots, under and on the bed, on the carpet and in new shoes. A little more, and the apartment will become a cat's litter box...

When a cat shits in the wrong place, and does it with enviable consistency, any owner can lose his nerve. But you shouldn’t immediately scold the guilty purr, but take a closer look at the animal’s behavior and understand the reasons for the wet crime.

When and how to properly punish a pet?

In the most common situations, you should act as follows:

  • If an animal sharpens its claws on wallpaper or upholstered furniture, you should scold it and take it to the scratching post, pointing your finger at it.
  • If a cat drops or hits household objects, the animal must first be scolded, and then the things must be put away out of reach of the pet.
  • If a cat jumps on the kitchen table or appliances, then it needs to be picked up and placed on the floor, gesturing with the index finger and pronouncing the name in a threatening intonation.
  • If your pet defecates in shoes, on the floor or on the sofa, then you should show him the tray so that he gets used to fulfilling his physiological needs in one place.

What can't you do?

In order for the pet to understand and assimilate the rules that its owners force it to follow, it is necessary to correctly approach the punishment for cat misconduct:

  • Under no circumstances should you play or pet a kitten immediately after being scolded. The animal will not understand what the owner wants to say with this gesture. If you behave this way, your pet will become afraid and avoid people.
  • There is no point in punishing an animal if the offense was committed a long time ago. That is, a person who noticed a plate broken by a kitten only a week after the incident should not scold his pet. The animal has long forgotten about this incident, so the punishment will be perceived as something undeserved, and the owner will become an enemy.
  • You can't hit cats too hard. Any physical impact will cause physical or psychological harm to the pet. Also, do not spank the kitten on the head, neck and back - there are nerve endings in this area, and a blow will cause severe pain. If your pet does not understand facial expressions, gestures and intonation, then you can lightly pat its face with your finger - this way the cat will understand that it has done something forbidden, and the owner will not cause it pain or injury.
  • There is no need to scold your cat if he tore up the furniture in the place where the claw sharpener used to be. He performs the action intuitively. In this case, you need to return the scratching post to its original place or try to show the animal a new place. Punishment in this case is senseless and cruel.

It is important to remember that a kitten is capable of doing something accidentally or unconsciously. There is no need to try to harm or hurt the animal.

The cat must be punished in such a way that it understands both its action and the person’s attitude towards this offense. Otherwise, the pet will be afraid and distrustful of the owner for a very long time.

Trainer Yu. Kuklachev created a “School of Education” for cats, but excluded mentoring and violence from it. Yuri Dmitrievich encourages his colleagues to love and study furry students. Over the course of 40 years of work, the chief cat expert in Russia has accumulated 4 boxes of diaries of observations of them.

But age-old folk wisdom encourages “stick” methods for educational purposes. “Just show the beaten cat the vine,” says the Russian proverb. So is it possible to punish a cat? Is corporal punishment acceptable in relation to the most sensitive and sophisticated mammal? Let us turn to the opinion of animal psychologists.

The domestication of the furry predator began 9.5 thousand years ago. But even today he behaves as if he is patronizing a person. Cats tend to become attached to the house and owners and establish emotional contact with them. However, they easily return to a wild lifestyle.

Unlike a dog, a cat has not lost the habits of its distant ancestors and has retained the independence of a lone predator. Scientists say: genetically she has not changed. This cannot be ignored when solving the problem of how to punish a cat.

How to properly hold a cat in your arms

When holding your cat close to your chest, be guided by its habits and reactions. Every pet and owner is unique, and so will your relationship. However, there are a number of universal recommendations that will help you and your cat understand each other and enjoy communication.

  1. Hold your pet lightly against your chest, with its head and neck raised up - this is how the animal is most comfortable.
  2. The cat should sit on one of your hands, and it is best to support it under the chest with the other hand. If she doesn’t like it that way, she will take a comfortable position herself - the main thing is not to interfere with her initiative.
  3. Never lift your pet by the scruff of the neck! A mother cat carries her kittens this way, but this is only possible due to the small weight of the kitten. An adult animal weighs much more, so it will be painful and uncomfortable.

It is better not to handle newborn kittens at all - there is a risk of skeletal deformation. In addition, some cats are capable of abandoning their cubs due to the foreign smell.

Kittens should not be picked up too early

When not to pick up a cat:

with an unstable emotional state;

  • while playing or hunting;
  • during naps and sleep;
  • during a fight.

In all these cases, the animal can react unpredictably aggressively. You should also not hold the cat with its paws up - in this position it feels trapped and in danger, and is able to wriggle out, scratching your face. Wash the affected area with soap and water, then treat with a topical antibiotic. For bites or deep scratches, consult a doctor.

How to let go of a cat? Do not throw it on the floor - an unsuccessful landing may cause injury. Gently place him on his paws as soon as he begins to show signs of displeasure.

Be consistent

Sometimes a cat's behavior is dictated by banal bad manners. A cat is a beast driven by instincts. By the way, he does not consider the apartment to be people’s territory at all, it belongs to him. You cannot explain to a cat that the owner is the one who brings the money and prepares the food. But sometimes a person himself acts inconsistently in raising a kitten, and then is surprised by its lack of culture.

It’s stupid, for example, to lure a cat today by playing with your hair, and tomorrow to scold him for jumping on your head for no apparent reason. At first they encouraged him! Yes, your mood was different on different days and the circumstances were slightly different, and the cat’s actions were not so aggressive. You can find a lot of differences - they are obvious to you, but not to the cat. For him, everything needs to be clearly sorted out and, if an action is undesirable, it should not be encouraged under any circumstances.

First understand your behavior and reactions, sometimes unconscious, and only then take on your pet.

Psychological problems

Stress and resentment in cats are often the reason why they shit in the bed, shoes of their owners or guests. If a small kitten sleeps in the owner's bed, then for him it makes up most of the surrounding world. Maybe he is afraid to jump to the floor or he doesn’t have time to reach the tray. If an adult animal shits in the bed, then you need to try to understand the reason for this behavior and begin to correct it.

To solve most psychological problems, patient treatment, affection and attention help. There are cases where an animal shits in its owner's shoes when left alone at home all day

Thus, it expresses a protest against loneliness.


Unneutered cats often mark corners and walls, limiting their territory. An animal cannot be punished for such behavior, since it does not understand what wrong it has done. To stop a cat from shitting in corners, we recommend resorting to castration. Timely surgery will relieve you of the problem and give peace of mind to the animal. It is much more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to wean an adult cat from such habits.

Methods of punishment for mischief

There are different ways to punish a cat for mischief. For example, when a cat tries to climb onto the table or steal food from it, you can prohibit the animal from doing this in a stern voice with a moderately elevated tone. If during the prank your eyes meet with the cat, he can easily read dissatisfaction on your face. To enhance the effect, you need to threaten him with your finger without sudden movements and loudly say “no!”

The fear technique also works on animals. To punish, you should not wave your hand at him; it is better to choose available means. This could be a towel, a spray bottle with a stream sent at the cat, a banal clap of your hands, or the creation of other noise. A cat will really not like it if you click it on the nose after doing something nasty and punish it with this.

Finding reasons for bad behavior

There may be a specific reason behind every bad act a cat does. The task of a good owner is to try to understand the psychology of his animal and correctly identify the reasons why the pet did this. This doesn't mean you need to walk around and think about it for a week. It is important to immediately soberly weigh all the arguments. For example


  • The cat is scratching the sofa, perhaps he doesn’t have a scratching post - why should he be punished?
  • The cat didn’t want to go into the litter box, but chose a pot with a plant, maybe it wasn’t cleaned?
  • Maybe the cat climbed onto the table because she simply couldn’t finish eating?
  • Did your pet bite your guest on the leg because he stepped on his tail?

When cats just get bored, they do their best to find entertainment for themselves. When they find them, they are so carried away by this action that they simply do not notice how they could accidentally do something dirty. It is enough for a small fly to fly into the room for the cat to end up on the curtains or knock over flowers in pursuit of it. Of course, you need to be punished for this.

If you raise a kitten from childhood to be an exemplary cat, then as an adult he will show some foresight.

Another reason that encourages cats to misbehave is the animal’s severe stress. The owner is in a hurry to punish the pet. But perhaps the cat simply does not have enough love, affection and care, so she is forced to beg from her owners in this way.

It is always worth punishing the cat correctly, avoiding assault, screaming or other drastic methods. It is necessary to take educational measures precisely when they are simply inevitable. You need to understand the animal and show tolerance towards it. But when it starts to openly indulge and do nasty things, it should be punished, nipping it in the bud.

Many of us have a cat in our home or apartment. Although this animal is considered a domestic animal, it has a freedom-loving character. And it happens that misunderstanding arises between the cat and its owner. Does your pet disobey, ignore you, and sometimes even be aggressive? Then you need to try to find the right approach to figure out how to punish cats correctly so that they understand what their fault is. This will be discussed in this article.

The most important point in punishment is timeliness, that is, punishment should follow immediately after the offense has been committed, and not after a long time. Otherwise, the cat simply will not understand why she was punished. She may perceive this as unfair. The consequence will be the cat's revenge on the owner. She will think that he no longer loves her and will become afraid of him.

How to punish cats for crimes they have committed? For example, the cat stole something from the table. Show her that you don't like it. You can raise your voice without shouting. You can shake your finger at her to express your dissatisfaction, while saying: “You can’t!” Under no circumstances should you hit cats, otherwise you will harm their health. You can scare the animal by using other available means to punish. This could be a kitchen towel, spraying water from a spray bottle, making noise, clapping your hands. You can also click or tap your cat's nose with your finger; they don't like these techniques.

How to punish cats if they damage furniture or wallpaper? In this case, it is necessary to provide an alternative: purchase a scratching post and appropriate toys so that the cat can find something to do when you are not at home. Bring your cat to the scratching post when you see that your pet intends to ruin things. Or, while scratching on the furniture, spray the cat with water, throw a book or a bunch of keys on the floor. You can also grab the cat by the scruff of the neck and hiss at it. By talking to her in her language like this, you will let her know that she is wrong. This is exactly what her mother did with the cat as a child.

If your pet relieves itself in the wrong place, how to punish cats in this case? But here we need to look for the reason for what happened. Maybe the “toilet” area was not cleaned, or the cat is taking revenge on you for something. Or maybe he’s just marking his territory. This happens if another pet appears in the house. As a last resort, you can poke the cat into the puddle it made.

How to punish a cat is up to each owner to decide for himself. Naturally, there are generally accepted methods, but cats, like people, have character, and sometimes it’s not at all simple. Remember that training cats is not only about punishment, but also about encouragement. Try to caress your pet, stroke it, feed it goodies, and talk to it more. Cats sense their owner and his mood very well.

Try to punish your cat when it really cannot be avoided. First, try to find out the reason for her disobedience, watch her, and be tolerant. Everything can be trivially simple - the cat lacks your attention. And most importantly, your pet should see you as his friend, not his enemy.

I'll start, if you allow, with cats. Here is a useful article for beginning “cat breeders”, based on “full cones” :) Do not rush to throw away the guilty cat! With proper care, it can serve you as a great space taker and free food eater for many years to come! And so that next time in a fit of righteous anger you do not cause harm to a cute but stupid animal, here are some tips for you on how best to punish cats if such a need arises. Using force against someone who is weaker than you is bad. This is especially true for relationships with cats, which, even if they can fight back, are still not in the same way as we, big and strong, can do it. However, one way or another, situations arise in which, in order to show the animal that it is wrong, it is necessary to take certain measures, and often punish the cats. So what is the best way to convince a cat that he is wrong without maiming the animal or turning him into a twitchy neurotic? Before punishing a cat, read the rules for its use. And the first thing worth remembering is that despite the fact that cats do not always understand what people want from them, they understand intonations very well. This means that cats can be punished simply by increasing their intonation. To enhance the effect, frown your eyebrows and arm yourself with your strictly protruding index finger - it should work. But you can’t scream - this frightens cats very much, and they stop thinking at all. In addition, cats should absolutely not be beaten - not only is this inhumane, and their revenge can be terrible, but it can also have a very detrimental effect on their health. The same, seemingly fatherly way for a person to hit the butt is generally a prohibited way, which is simply not allowed to punish cats - on the back and in the area of ​​the tail, cats have a very sensitive cluster of nerve endings. But it’s absolutely impossible to hit cats on the butt, as well as on the back - they have a lot of nerve endings there. It’s even possible to punish cats using more humane methods: let’s say, if, together with the terrifying “No!” threaten with your finger right in front of the animal’s face, it will understand that it has done something wrong, if only because such manipulations frankly infuriate cats. You can also, together with the appropriate intonation in your voice, lightly tap your finger on the cat’s forehead (“Think with your head!”) or on the nose - only very lightly, so as not to hurt the animal or injure it. You can avoid direct assault with the help of a kitchen towel - only There is no need to roll it up tightly and try to push it into an unknown place for the animal - it will be enough to spank the cat like a whip. It is possible to punish cats in this way, firstly, because if you don’t swing too hard, the animal will not be hurt, and secondly, the “click” itself from such a whip will be impressive, so it is not at all necessary to even touch the cat with it - The cat will remember the lesson for a long time. It's better to scare the cat than to hit it. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to go completely off the rails. And, of course, don’t forget about the common fear of water for almost all cats. Dunking a pet with its head in the toilet is, of course, a sadistic overkill, but if you lightly spray water from a spray bottle into the face of the naughty eater of Christmas tree “rain”, the animal will be indignant and puzzled, which increases your chances that something , yes the cat will understand. However, you need to punish cats in this way carefully so as not to damage the animal’s eyes, ears, and other protruding parts of the body. And remember that one way or another, there are situations in which punishing cats is simply useless, and therefore not worth it. Firstly, these are situations in which punishment occurs much later than the commission of the offense itself. That is, if a cat shits in your slippers in the morning, it is useless to scold and punish him for it in the evening - the animal will not understand what his fault is. Here all you have to do is courageously throw away your slippers and forget about it. And it’s even better not to forget and next time hide the slippers in a place inaccessible to the cat. Rather than punishing cats for paying special attention to your shoes, it’s better to hide these same shoes. Secondly, you should never punish cats by depriving them of their rightful bowl of cat food. If there are animals that can be raised this way, cats are not one of them at all. And the mischievous cat will sit sadly at his plate, stubbornly waiting for dinner, not having the slightest idea why he is not being fed, and, moreover, without any awareness of his guilt at all. And remember the main thing: the purpose of any punishment is to make the animal understand its mistake, and not to torture the animal. First of all, before punishing cats, you should think about the essence of the offense. After all, it’s one thing if a tailed one ate your jam sandwich right off the table, and another thing if it “got hungry” and slobbered all over your wife’s favorite scarf: cats are hunters, and it’s in their genes to behave accordingly. And rather than trying to wean an animal from hunting for anything, crawling into every hole and stealing change from the table, it is better to treat this with understanding, and then, maybe, your tailed friend will treat you with understanding.

When we decide to get a pet, we must understand that we are acquiring a new family member. Not a decoration for the home or a toy, but a living being to be reckoned with. And yet, it is no less important to realize that you are the owner, and the animal must take you into account.

You set the rules and must ensure that they are followed. A natural question arises - what if they refuse to follow the rules? Yes, if you do it correctly.

Solving health problems

Let's say that before your cat always willingly used the tray and litter, and there have been no changes in her life recently.
What then? It is best to take your pet to a doctor. Cats very often communicate their pain to us in this way. Get tested, check your internal organs using an ultrasound. Sometimes urination on upholstered furniture is a consequence of urolithiasis: it hurts the cat to urinate, and he looks for a softer place, in the hope that this will ease his suffering. But only timely treatment can alleviate them, so do not waste time raising the cat, but run to the veterinary clinic.

Another possible reason for bowel movements everywhere is helminthic infestation. Do not neglect regular preventive administration of anthelmintic drugs!

What lies behind bad behavior

Breakdowns in behavioral patterns always have a good reason. Since pets are unable to communicate verbally, they demonstrate their mood through changing habits and behavioral strategies.

Table 3. What is hidden behind bad behavior

Behavioral disorders Possible explanations Urinating on the carpet If the animal is physically healthy, this may be the way to express dissatisfaction with changing the litter. The arrival of a new person, rearranging the cat's furniture or changing the daily routine can also negatively affect the pet. Climbing onto the kitchen table In most cases, this offense does not have a negative connotation.

If an animal once, without the knowledge of its owners, feasted on a tasty dish lying on the table, the next time it will certainly repeat this action. Puts its claws into the chair Lack of attention on the part of the owner or a sharp change in his attitude towards the pet. For example, if the owner played with the animal every day in the evening, and then suddenly stopped, the cat will perceive this as betrayal. Manifestation of obvious aggression Such actions can cause inconsistency in the behavior of the owner

If, depending on the mood, you either reward or punish an animal for the same actions, there is a high probability of provoking a behavioral failure. In most cases, the pet becomes aggressive and begins to take revenge on the owner.

Before taking educational measures, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for misbehavior

Boredom and apathy

Although most furry pets tolerate being alone well, they do not cope well with boredom. If no exciting events happen in the room during the day, they begin to amuse themselves. The consequences of games can be very disastrous - from scratched furniture to furniture thrown onto the floor.

Abyssinian cats need a busy daily routine more than others.

Possible solutions to the problem:

  1. Buying another cat or dog.
  2. Alternating new toys every day.
  3. Purchasing a horizontal installation on which the animal can climb.
  4. Placing pleasant surprises for the animal in the apartment - unaccounted for feeders, tennis balls or pieces of catnip.
  5. Spending enough time with your pet every day in a playful environment.

Despite the fact that cats are smart animals, they lack the ability to concentrate on one action for a long time. Therefore, you should diversify your games.

A kitten should have a lot of toys

The relationship between color and character

According to one theory, there is a direct connection between a cat’s behavior and the color of its fur.

Table 4. Relationship between color and character

BlackGentle, a little nervous and curious.
WhiteTouchy and capricious.
Black and whiteSociable, sociable, the pet becomes attached to the owner.
GingerFlexible, loves peace.
StripedUnsociable, willful and independent.

Ginger cats are considered homebodies

How to wean a cat in adulthood

Owners of adult pets also face an unpleasant surprise. If a cat trained to use a litter box begins to relieve itself outside of the litter box, there are several reasons for this. The following situations may be the reasons for such behavior in an adult animal:

  1. A dirty tray that has not been washed well or the dirty litter has not been removed.
  2. Changing the location of the tray.
  3. The litter box has become small and does not correspond to the size of the grown cat.
  4. Replacing the filler.

How to stop a cat from pooping in the wrong place in these cases? It is necessary to return the usual filler, rinse the tray more often with warm water, and when moving it, place the toilet as close as possible to the place where it stood previously. If the cat puts marks for other reasons, then the owner will have to start processing these places. A popular method is to spray it with Antigadin spray; on the contrary, treat the tray with a special composition for training cats or put an additional container with filler.

How to stop a cat from shitting on the bed

A pet can make a mess anywhere; the owner can only immediately begin to solve the problem. It is especially not recommended to hesitate in a situation where a kitten is pooping on the bed. Your pet will develop the habit that the bed is a comfortable place to relieve itself. This problem also applies to adult animals, and experienced owners give the following advice on how to stop a cat from shitting on the bed:

  • close the doors to the bedroom tightly so that the animal cannot get inside;
  • treat the headboard with lavender oil;
  • the pet experiences a lack of communication or jealousy, so it is necessary to pamper the cat more often, play, and pet it;
  • not allowed to sleep on the bed next to the owner;
  • Castration helps to discourage adult animals from pooping on the bed, sofa and other surfaces.

In flowers

For outdoor felines, burying excrement in the ground is the norm. Some pets are also susceptible to this instinct, so a kitten may start shitting in flowers, or less often an old pet. The following measures will help solve the problem of how to stop an adult cat from shitting in the wrong place:

  • remove flower pots from the balcony or inaccessible places where the cat cannot get into;
  • purchase mineral filler;
  • cut the lemon peel or chop the garlic, placing them directly in the pot;
  • Line the window sill with foil or double-sided tape.

On the beds

For furry predators, this is their own “hunting” territory that should be protected. In this way, the animal leaves peculiar marks for other brothers, declaring its rights. How to stop a cat from marking territory in open space? First you will have to find the reason, and the most common ones are an anxious state or the threat of invasion of other animals into its territory. The following recommendations will help correct the situation:

  1. Sprinkle the edges of flower beds and small beds with ground red pepper.
  2. Leave food because cats are clean creatures and will not go to the toilet near food.
  3. Lay out a plastic net for plants.
  4. Plant catnip and valerian away from the beds.
  5. Place rosehip, hawthorn or spruce branches along the beds.

At the entrance

A terrible smell in a confined space often occurs because a pet is allowed outside. How to stop a cat from shitting in a public place? Among the available remedies is to wash with acetic acid or bleach, then spread out the lemon slices. Effective products from the pet store - "Nature's Miracle", "Urine-Off" or others, which should be applied directly to the treated area.

How to explain to a child why you should not hit an animal

Some children at a certain age exhibit some aggressive behavior towards our little brothers. This in no way indicates that the child is depraved or has a bad character. It’s just that a period of personal development has come in his life. He is trying to prove to himself and others that he has some weight in the world. And this proof is most often expressed in tangibly changing something in him through his actions. Throwing cups and plates off the table quickly gets boring, the little man moves on to animate objects.

Subconsciously, the child chooses for his experiments creatures that are weaker and cannot, in his understanding, respond well. So poor cats come across the path of these brats, forced to endure the domination of a person who has just come out of diapers. Parents are required to take some measures and explain to their child why cats should not be hit. After all, this self-affirmation can turn into a habit and, over time, spread to people. And on the other hand, not every cat will tolerate beating. Even well-deserved ones, let alone just like that.

The best lesson for a child, of course, would be some response from the offended animal. But cats, unfortunately, do not know how to lightly spank. If they scratch or bite, it is with all their might. And here the task of parents is to explain why they should not touch animals, not so much for humane reasons as for fear for the well-being of their own children. Probably not all mothers know that cats aim to scratch specifically in the eye. In their opinion, this is the most vulnerable place.

There are several options to influence a child's behavior. Which one to choose depends on each specific case. For some children, it is enough to explain how painful the cat is, that she is crying and offended. That she might die if she thought the child didn't love her. For three-year-old children, who have not yet experienced our cruel world, this option is very effective. They are compassionate and kind by nature.

If the child is too aggressive and sometimes received punishment for mischief, then in this case there is nothing left but to intimidate with the most suitable argument from the parents’ point of view. If a schoolboy beats animals, then talking here is useless. Most likely, he is simulating the behavioral algorithm adopted in his family. And you can’t do it without a child psychologist.

Man by nature is obliged to be humane towards weaker creatures. And the question of why cats should not be beaten is not even worth raising. One popular wisdom says: anyone can offend the weak, but only the weak can want to offend the weak. And we in our world should not be weak. Otherwise, there will always be someone weaker who will offend us.

Methods of punishment

Moreover, if you are illiterate, situations may arise when you need to punish your pet. (it’s even better to change the word and say “not to punish”, but to instruct, that is, to instill good manners.

To instill such manners, it is appropriate to highlight two main methods: psycho-emotional and physical. They are often combined and act in tandem. One way or another, you need to understand the main thing: there is no need to make the punishment cruel, by all means (probably, this fact should not be explained to the one who decided to place the animal at home and take care of it, but still.

Cruelty will not only achieve nothing for you, but can also ruin the animal. In addition, your animal most likely understands the prevailing prohibitions and actions that should not be performed, and violates such prohibitions more than ever for psychological reasons, perhaps it requires attention or something similar, but we will not go into the details of animal psychology.

Ideally, your sister performs the educational action in such a way as to simply and calmly make it clear: this action cannot be performed.

The most common methods are the following:

  1. Waving your finger in front of your nose is more than effective; animals don’t like it when you move your finger like this edifyingly.
  2. To turn up your voice - just don’t shout (screaming has no effect), but (be a menacing and impressive voice, although here, too, don’t overdo it with psychological pressure.
  3. The wiper is a universal tool that can make whipping sounds from a sharp touch to the floor, it can be used to lightly spank the cat itself, the main thing is that it is not enough to twist it and not to swing it too much.
  4. A spray bottle and splashing water - they trigger reflex equipment, if you spray a spray bottle in the cat’s face once, he will remember this suggestion for a long period.
  5. Sharaban on the nose or on the forehead - both options require softness, you just need to lightly indicate the touch, but, of course, do not confuse such nivation with stroking.

These methods can be combined (for example, a menacing squeal and waving a towel) or act separately.

One way or another, you need to carry out the intervention immediately after the offense and only when you see how a cat has misbehaved in front of you, before your eyes, and not after some period. She’s an animal, she may simply not understand what kind of offense you are doing to him like this. Therefore, act with a single sigh after or simply stop negative actions if possible, for example, use your voice - many cats react to the word “no”.


In conclusion, you should say a few words about your attitude towards punishing pets. The facts of the action (punishment) should not become an end in itself.

If you lash out at your pet, and especially if you get bliss from physical or mental pressure on your cat, in all likelihood, the problem is not in your pet’s misdeeds, but in your psychological condition. Here, the decision to consult a psychologist becomes quite relevant Perhaps, see a zoopsychologist. Therefore, before trying to control and educate someone else, try to carefully control yourself, because you are responsible for those you have tamed.

How to properly punish a kitten

Animal psychologists distinguish several types of aggression. Understanding a cat's behavior strategy will help you understand how to properly punish and educate it. There are 3 varieties:

  • Defensive. If you want to take away a toy, offer a treat in return.
  • Maternal. The kitten, a girl, copies the behavior of an adult cat: creates a “nest” and protects the “offspring.”
  • Aggressive. The owner himself often encourages an attack in the game, then the cat asserts itself.

Punishing a cat correctly means stopping in time. As practice shows: first the owner turns a blind eye to the pranks, then in anger he throws or hits the kitten, sometimes damaging the paws and spine.

If you notice incorrect behavior, start training immediately. Otherwise, the “action-punishment” connection is lost, and the kitten begins to fear the owner.

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