Is it possible to beat a cat, how to punish for bad behavior

Trainer Yu. Kuklachev created a “School of Education” for cats, but excluded mentoring and violence from it. Yuri Dmitrievich encourages his colleagues to love and study furry students. Over the course of 40 years of work, the chief cat expert in Russia has accumulated 4 boxes of diaries of observations of them.

But age-old folk wisdom encourages “stick” methods for educational purposes. “Just show the beaten cat the vine,” says the Russian proverb. So is it possible to punish a cat? Is corporal punishment acceptable in relation to the most sensitive and sophisticated mammal? Let us turn to the opinion of animal psychologists.

You can't drag a cat by the tail

Cats should not be pulled or pulled by the tail. Categorically! But this is problematic when there are small children in the house. Very often they play with their pet this way. Therefore, we need to explain to them that this cannot be done. Why?

The thing is that the tail is part of the cat's spine. We all know from school how important the spine is for a person and how dangerous its damage is. Naturally, it is also dangerous for animals to damage it.

The tail contains a lot of nerve fibers, which are a continuation of the spinal cord. Just like in humans, vertebrae can be displaced relative to each other or even broken. Just imagine what will happen then! The cat can even be paralyzed.

You can't train a kitten to play with your hands

But sometimes you really want to tinker with this lump while it’s lying on your lap! Let him bite himself to his heart's content, tear him with his claws... After all, they are still so small, not sharp, and his paws are soft. And it doesn't hurt you at all. That's it for now!

The kitten will grow up very quickly. You won’t even notice how his fangs will become large and sharp, like sabers, and his claws will become prickly, like a cactus. And when he wants to bite you a little and tear you with his claws, even just a little, it will no longer be cute fun. Or even worse - it will start hunting your unfortunate hands! What did you expect? This is a predator! It will be difficult to wean a cat from this habit.

From the very beginning, when you brought the kitten home, play with it with anything, but not with your hands. So that he does not have such associations later. Use different toys, do not draw attention to your hands.

Why does a cat not let a cat near her during heat: reasons

Physiology is designed in such a way that the pet allows mating only during estrus. The optimal time for fertilization is considered to be the period between the third and fifth days of estrus. It is at this time that ovulation occurs. Therefore, animals should be brought together for mating on the second day.

They will get used to each other. The first mating stimulates the movement of the egg from the ovary towards the uterus. The signal is the pain that the female experiences when the cat removes its rough genital organ. In one of the next intercourse, conception occurs.

However, for the following reasons, the cat does not allow the cat to approach, behaves aggressively and mating does not occur:

  • Owner's error. The acquaintance between the couples took place too late, when ovulation had already occurred. In such a situation, a fight cannot be ruled out.
  • Mating in the female's territory. Moving and finding yourself in an unfamiliar environment leads to stress. A cat can more easily tolerate the adverse effects of change, but a cat feels insecure in a foreign land and does not show persistence. The female does not like it when her suitor does not pay due attention. At the first unsuccessful experience, the cat becomes depressed and stops harassing.
  • The cat didn't like the male. She falls to the side, hisses and scratches.
  • They forgot to feed the female. She may not like the food the cat eats. Therefore, you should take granules from home that your pet is accustomed to eating at home. The best option is to find out from the cat’s owners what they feed it and switch the cat to the same diet.
  • There is a big difference in live weight and age. The biggest problem occurs when the female is larger than the male. But the opposite situation can also prevent mating.
  • Inexperienced cat: It is not advisable to bring virgins together. The giving birth cat is tasked with untying the male. The partner for a pet that is being bred for the first time must have sexual experience and be older than her, but not much.
  • The pet got sick. A slight malaise, which is difficult to notice, may serve as a reason to refuse mating.

The biggest problems arise during the first mating. If something goes wrong, the cat will have a nervous breakdown, which will worsen during subsequent matings.

"Crimes" and punishments

One can only adapt to the habits of semi-domesticated “dwarf lions”. The main principle of education is not to suppress, but to satisfy the needs of a willful animal. Otherwise, the cute kitten will turn into a secretive and vengeful beast. Let's consider the typical offenses of meowing pets and competent methods of “re-education”.

How to punish a cat if she shits

An animal must be toilet trained from the first day it arrives in the house. It’s better to buy two trays: cats prefer to go to different places when they need to be small and big. Every time after eating, it is recommended to take the kitten to the toilet and reward it for correct behavior.

A serious mistake is using newspaper as a filler. It is not able to absorb moisture, and the cat’s wet paws will carry specific odors throughout the house. This will inevitably lead to hygienic disorientation of the animal and conflicts with the owners.

How to properly punish a cat in this case? The usual method - “poking with the snout” - will only add to the problems. The pet will understand it in its own way: “That’s right, continue to act this way.” If you add “spanking” to “poking,” fear and resentment will settle in the cat’s soul. Productive ways to solve the “toilet” problem are obvious: changing the filler and/or moving the tray to a place that is comfortable for the cat.

In relation to an adult mischief maker, it is recommended to use different tactics. You should start from understanding the reason for what is happening. When fauna children mark territory, they are claiming leadership. Therefore, the cat must be made to understand: the dominant role in the house belongs to the person.

It is important to catch the miscreant at the “scene of the crime”, lift him by the scruff of the neck and look intently into his eyes (according to the cat’s rules: whoever doesn’t look away wins). It is advisable to reinforce the psychic attack with a threatening hiss and imitation of a cat's finger strikes on the muzzle of the mustache.

Then the owner of the animal must “interrupt” the cat’s marks with human ones: wash the puddle and wipe the floor with his own sweaty T-shirt or splash his favorite toilet water.

How to punish a cat for aggression

The unfriendly attitude of the meowing companion will be “told” by the ears pressed to the head, the fluffy or nervously tossing tail.

We list common reasons for cat aggression and ways to eliminate them:

  • Malaise. The cat may be bothered by tooth or joint pain, stomach upset, or nausea. Medical attention is definitely required here.
  • Emotional deviations. Premature weaning from its mother and siblings results in the kitten’s inability to self-control. You should not separate your baby from the family until he reaches the age of 2-2.5 months.
  • Fear of human hands. The phobia is inherent in street “foundlings” and kittens not accustomed to affection. Adaptation of the “savage” will require time, patience and tact.
  • Defending the right to personal space. Cats quickly get tired of games and cannot stand intrusiveness and noise. They should have “their own corner” - a secluded and safe area (under a chair, on a windowsill, in a playhouse) where they can hide, retire, and relax.
  • Manifestation of the hunter's instinct. The natural state of a predator is to overtake and attack fleeing prey. To avoid thinking about how to punish a cat for scratching, you should not use your own hands and feet as teaser toys. The animal must clearly understand: the human body is not a scratching post. If the cat is used to grabbing legs or arms, you should not fuel his excitement with screams and lamentations. Punishing a predator for its hunting instinct is nonsense. You should switch the animal's attention to inanimate objects: balls, laces, ribbons with a tied bow. At first, to avoid scratches, you will have to trim your nails regularly.
  • Longing for the “bride/groom”. It is not punishment that will help extinguish a cat’s sexual behavior, but a civilized solution - castration or sterilization.
  • Jealousy of the cubs. You shouldn’t hold a “watch” or pick up newborns if the mother cat is against it. Over time, she will warm up and share her squeaking “treasure” with her owner.

Features of cat behavior

Furry pets have existed alongside humans for more than 9,500 years. The domestication process began in Ancient Egypt and was completed about 200 years ago.

Despite many studies, scientists have not fully figured out the psychology of the relationship between cats and humans.

Regardless of ulterior motives, coexistence with these animals is beneficial for city dwellers. Scientists have proven that cats have a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional state of their owners, and also reduce the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Behavioral reflexes

To ensure that living together with an animal does not cause discomfort to both participants in the process, it is important to learn to understand the language of communication between pets.

Cats are considered good psychologists, excellent at capturing the mood of others.

Reading cats' emotions is difficult. Unlike dogs, they are not so open and are not capable of violent expressions of feelings.

Before punishing an animal, you should study the relationship between habits and provoking motives.

Table 1. How to decipher a cat's behavior?

Licking hair and faceDemonstrating maternal instinct, the female licks the kitten. An adult pet copies the actions of its mother and thus shows care for its owner.
Bites the skinKisses.
Kneads the body with its pawsIn the juvenile period, the baby massaged the mother’s belly with his paws to obtain milk. Subsequently, this gesture became an expression of the highest degree of satisfaction.
Brings dead miceTeaches the owner the principles of hunting.
Touches a person's headShows his affection.
Demonstratively turns awayIf a person is static, it means he is not showing signs of aggression. As a result, the cat calms down and loses interest in him.
Rubbing against legsLeaves a smell, recognizing a person as its property.
Buries a bowl of foodYou either don’t like the food or hide it for future use.
Licks after touchingGets rid of human odor.
Throws himself to his feetHe asks the owner to play.
Slows down when passing another catTries to avoid conflict over territory ownership.
Buries excrementMasks its scent in order not to be detected by the enemy.

Cats can imitate children

Sign language

The main devices for communication in furry pets are the tail, ears and “vocal apparatus”. By some signals you can understand the mood of the animal:

  1. The tail sticks out like a pipe - it is set up for active games.
  2. The ears are pressed tightly to the head, the tail is twitching - it is in a playful mood and is preparing to attack.
  3. The claws are extended, the body is pressed to the floor - scared and grouped for attack.
  4. The back is rounded as much as possible, the mouth is open threateningly - the highest degree of manifestation of fear.

In addition to body language, cats meow in order to convey information to the owner or other animals.

Purring is one of the ways of communication

Table 2. Decoding of some sound signals

Sound CharacteristicsExplanation
Fast, clear"Hello!"
Constricted, chestThe pet is offended or complains about a situation that does not suit him.
InterrogativeCharacteristic for communication between females and kittens.
NadryvnySignals pain in the body.
GrowlingShowing dissatisfaction.
YellingThe animal is scared.
Loud, shrillA sound typical of cats fighting.
Lulling"I love you".

To quickly reach their owner, cats imitate the intonations of a crying newborn

Why you can't drag a cat by the scruff of the neck

Thanks to the innate reflex, the kitten, when the mother cat drags it, grabbing it by the scruff of the neck, relaxes its body, and also tucks its hind legs and tail. Temporary paralysis is explained by pinching of a bundle of nerves located on the back of the neck. It is much easier for a cat to move a relaxed and non-resisting baby to a safe place. During carrying, the cat does not cause any harm or pain to its cub. The scruff of a cat's neck is considered the most painless part of the body. However, adult pets cannot be lifted or dragged by the scruff of the neck.

Cats drag kittens, biting the scruff of the neck with their teeth

Reasons are physiological

The ban on lifting an adult cat by the scruff of the neck is explained by physiology:

  • A mature animal's skin is rougher and less elastic than that of a small kitten. The skin does not stretch well and may even tear.
  • The neck muscles may become damaged (stretched or torn), since the pet is already quite heavy.
  • The rough skin becomes very tight and puts pressure on the throat, making it difficult for the cat to breathe.
  • A sharp grab by the scruff of the neck can even damage the spine (in rare cases).

In an unusual position, some individuals panic, break out and scratch themselves badly. At the same time, they cause physical harm not only to the person who grabbed them, but also to themselves.

In principle, it is impossible to take a big cat by the scruff of the neck.

Our previous cat was small and puny. He was constantly playing dirty tricks, and that’s why they often dragged him by the scruff of the neck. This did not cause him any visible suffering. The current cat is distinguished by good quality and fatness. It is not easy to grab her by the scruff of the neck, and besides, these actions clearly cause severe pain to the cat.

Reasons are psychological

From a psychological point of view, the consequences of grabbing by the scruff of the neck can be as follows:

  • the pet will be very frightened and then will not approach the owner, and sometimes even people;
  • when a cat is taken by the scruff of the neck, he becomes helpless and weak-willed, which is a huge stress for him;
  • a timid animal after such violent actions will try to escape from the house at the first opportunity;
  • an offended cat will perceive pulling by the scruff of the neck as an undeserved punishment that may not be forgiven;
  • a self-sufficient cat will feel humiliated and lose trust in its owner.

In this position, the cat feels unprotected and it makes him angry.

How to respond constructively

Children sometimes show cruelty towards animals. Part of the problem is that the child cannot yet fully understand that he is hurting the animal. More precisely, the child can talk about it, but at 2 years old the child has not yet developed empathy, he cannot empathize, cannot clearly realize that the animal is in pain just as much as he is. That is why it is not recommended to have small pets until about 4–5 years of age, which a child can injure or even accidentally kill (kittens and puppies, hamsters, mice, birds).

The situation is aggravated when the kitten appears unexpectedly, and did not live in the house before the birth of the child. It can be assumed that adults spend a lot of time caring for the kitten. This is usually what happens when an animal appears in the house. Naturally, the child experiences jealousy towards the animal, despite the fact that he loves the pet. The object of jealousy is the kitten, and the aggression is directed at the kitten. Before this, the youngest member of the family was a baby, but now another, even more defenseless one has appeared.

What to do if a child is tormented by a pet? When children live with an animal in the same house from birth, we observe such a situation. A child shows aggression towards, for example, a cat, and the cat suffers violence or hides from the child. But when a child reaches 2–3 years old, cats usually respond by scratching or biting the child’s hand, making it clear that they do not like this kind of influence. This is how the child understands that one cannot be cruel, one cannot torture an animal.

But if the kitten is still too small, then it is defenseless against the child. In this case, it is better to protect the animal from violence. If the situation is such that there is a threat to the life of the animal, then you will probably have to temporarily find another place of residence for the kitten.

It’s good that parents explain to their children that violence is unacceptable. But at two years old, children cannot control their behavior and follow the instructions of adults.

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Recommendations, case studies and proven practices from experts.


Building a cat's character without beating

Is it possible to raise an animal to be obedient without beating and screaming? Of course you can. The main thing is patience. First, understand that you will still have to punish the cat, but not by force, but by special methods. Otherwise, the animal may grow up arrogant and spoiled, which will cause you a lot of problems in the future.

To intimidate an animal when it commits any unwanted actions, use the following method. If you see that your cat is misbehaving (sharpening its claws in the wrong place, jumping on the table, etc.), arm yourself with a spray bottle. At the moment the cat commits a “crime,” spray the animal with water from a spray bottle, preferably in the face. This will not cause your pet pain or cause panic, but it will be a powerful warning, since cats really do not like water. Moreover, the warning will not come from you, but from a foreign object, in this case from a spray bottle. What do you get from this method? Good relationship with the cat and its exemplary behavior.

We bring to the attention of readers one option for pacifying a cat, which has proven itself well:

If the owner, for example, notices that the cat intends to do something that does not delight the owner, you should arm yourself with a regular bottle of water with a sprayer. And as soon as the cat begins to misbehave, you need to sharply direct a stream of water at it. This can scare away any cat without causing it pain, and then it will associate this punishment with its actions. Cats are afraid of water, and therefore this method works quite effectively without causing any mental trauma to the cat. It is worth noting that the cat will associate its punishment not so much with its owner, but with the spray bottle in his hands. In other words, in her opinion, it was not the owner who punished her, but the sprayer. It would seem a paradox, but this is exactly so.

With proper upbringing, with age, a cat plays pranks less and less or stops playing pranks, without causing any inconvenience to its owners at all, however, even a well-mannered adult cat can play pranks, even realizing what retribution will befall it for this. Don’t be upset and think that all your upbringing has gone down the drain. Most likely, the pet simply decided to show its character “as a precaution.” In this case, you shouldn’t be upset by rudeness, because as the cat grows up, it becomes more and more understanding and at the same time more vulnerable (provided, of course, that it is used to trusting you). Therefore, one should not react violently to such offenses, especially since they are extremely rare.

Having decided to get a kitten, you should know that from the first days of its stay it is necessary to educate it.

The cat must understand what it can and cannot do. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve harmony in the relationship.

How to properly punish a kitten

Animal psychologists distinguish several types of aggression. Understanding a cat's behavior strategy will help you understand how to properly punish and educate it. There are 3 varieties:

  • Defensive. If you want to take away a toy, offer a treat in return.
  • Maternal. The kitten, a girl, copies the behavior of an adult cat: creates a “nest” and protects the “offspring.”
  • Aggressive. The owner himself often encourages an attack in the game, then the cat asserts itself.

Punishing a cat correctly means stopping in time. As practice shows: first the owner turns a blind eye to the pranks, then in anger he throws or hits the kitten, sometimes damaging the paws and spine.

If you notice incorrect behavior, start training immediately. Otherwise, the “action-punishment” connection is lost, and the kitten begins to fear the owner.

Why you shouldn't hit cats - signs

It is considered an extremely bad omen for a cat to suddenly leave the house because it was hit. If this happens, the pet should certainly be found and appeased in order to avert trouble.

If this is not done, constant scandals and quarrels will begin in the family, and material well-being will turn into its complete opposite.

Popular superstitions do not advise dousing cats with water for fun. This is especially true for little boys. If this prohibition is violated, the life of the one who offended the animal will be reduced by more than half.

According to popular belief, a cat protects the house from evil spirits. If a person hits his pet, he may become offended and angry with the owner. Accordingly, the magical protection will weaken, which means the house will become vulnerable to the machinations of dark forces, black magical influence, damage and the evil eye.

Hitting a cat on the back is a sign of problems with your own back. Hitting a cat on the paws is a sign of diseases of the arms and legs. Hitting a cat on the head will cause pimples to appear on the nose and long-lasting ulcers on the face.


Another reason why hitting a cat is absolutely forbidden is its vulnerability. Namely :

  • Cats are small and their bodies are fragile; if we do not calculate our strength, we can cripple them. Under no circumstances should you hit a cat on the head - this will cause a concussion with all the attendant negative consequences.
  • You also need to be careful with the area where the spine meets the tail. For a cat, this is a very sensitive area, similar to our solar plexus - there are many nerve endings there. Hitting this place means causing very severe pain.
  • Take care of your pet’s mental health - if a cat is frightened and beaten, it will get used to living in constant fear. This will cause many problems that are very similar to human ones. Scientists have proven that animals can also experience post-traumatic disorders, they can suffer from depression or panic attacks. But, unlike people, cats have no one to help them cope.

© shutterstock

How to make punishment more effective

◦During feeding, you can simply close the door to the living room, then your pet will not drag the food onto the carpet or sofa;

◦Just lock the cat in the kitchen during lunch;

◦It is also possible that the cat will stop going to the carpet with food if you remove it from the floor for a while;

◦ the easiest way is to teach your cat from infancy to eat in the same place, then such problems will not arise.

4. Scratching cats - methods of control.

◦To begin with, the easiest way is to put your slippers on the guest so that the cat takes you for one of its own;

◦You can also tie an apron or apron if the guest is a girl. This method can equally work;

◦You can also drop your cologne or perfume on the guest, which your cat knows and is accustomed to;

◦If nothing works, just close it while your guests are in the kitchen.

An animal that has committed some bad act does not always understand what it has done. Most often, cats play or look for a comfortable place. For example, if a pet climbs onto new furniture, then it seems comfortable to him. In such cases, the cat cannot be punished. It is advisable to buy her a special soft bed or lay a blanket on the sofa so that it remains in its original form longer.

The same can be said about broken dishes, souvenirs, vases - this is a game for a pet. He sees how the fragments fly in different directions, and this arouses interest. Breaking and breaking household items is common for small kittens.

The animal tears wallpaper, furniture and carpets with its claws - a sign that it urgently needs a scratching post. If it is not there, then there is no point in scolding the cat - the owner is to blame. And if there is, then it either does not suit the pet, or he does not understand its purpose. In such cases, it is necessary to show the kitten the place where the claw sharpener is located.

Be sure to encourage the animal if it does everything correctly - pet it, scratch it behind the ear, treat it with delicious food.

How to properly punish a cat?

1. An animal must be punished immediately after committing an “illegal action,” otherwise it simply will not associate the punishment with the action and will continue to do so in the future. It is necessary to catch the cat at the scene of the crime and punish it no later than a few minutes after the dirty trick, otherwise new impressions in its mind will overshadow this act and it will associate the punishment with completely different actions.

Thus, if you returned tired from work and found a puddle on the carpet, a broken vase in the morning, or a torn chair, then it is too late and absolutely useless to punish. The cat has long forgotten about what she did. But if you start shouting at her and grabbing her by the scruff of the neck when she was walking joyfully to greet you or was lying relaxed, then you can seriously injure her psyche and, in a couple of such unfortunate times, lead the animal to depression. The cat will start to be afraid of you

2. You cannot humanize a cat and demand that it understand things that its brain is not able to understand.

For example, cats simply cannot understand the value of expensive items in your home. From the point of view of animals, the space of our apartment is filled with useless rubbish, which often prevents them from moving around comfortably.

A mink coat or an expensive merino blanket is just a soft and warm item that is good to lie on. From a cat's point of view, upholstered furniture and wallpaper are simply created in order to sharpen their claws and calm down (and without this, cats simply). Get used to the scratching post on time!

It is impossible to rebuild a cat’s consciousness in a human way, but it is simply necessary, with the help of constant repetitions, to consolidate in it the knowledge of what objects it should not touch (upholstered furniture), equipment, and you must secure all small, fragile and breakable things yourself by putting them away turnkey . It is in the nature of cats to drop small things, read more.

3.You should never hit a cat with your hands!!!

All animal behaviorists (behaviorists) and animal psychologists agree that after beatings, cats begin to act out much more actively.

To hit any animal hard is, firstly, vile and inhumane, and secondly, you can injure it under the heat of the moment.

If the cat has committed a really serious offense, do not hit it with your hands; you can slap it on the back (BUT NOT ON THE MOUTH AND HEAD) with a folded towel. Veterinarians and animal psychologists do not even recommend hitting cats with a newspaper.

Under no circumstances should a cat be hit on the back near the tail. In this place she has something similar to our solar plexus, that is, a sensitive collection of nerve endings.

But you can swing at a cat if it is going to harm you. Often such an impact is enough for her to get scared and retreat (or fight

Tender beast

Kittens are fluffy little balls of love that cause nothing but affection... until you bring them into your home. Yes, they are funny and playful, but all cats are animals with character. So be prepared for their mischief and curiosity, which makes you climb the curtains to the ceiling or study the window sills with flowers. A cat feels like a full-fledged mistress in its territory, and if you want to set boundaries for it and dictate your own rules, you will have to do it not with force, but with cunning. Under no circumstances should you hit her.

Hitting a cat is not only a pointless activity, but also harmful. And not only because you can’t offend your pet. Living with her under the same roof will also become very difficult. A cat's sadness and resentment very easily turns into anger and rage. So, if a pet is beaten, such a parenting strategy will most likely lead to the animal growing up to be mischievous, aggressive and bullying.

You can't spank, splash, or scream!

And finally, a few words about how you can punish a cat, and how you should never punish it. First of all, I would like to instill in our readers the most important idea: cats cannot be beaten. Cats are very fragile creatures. Even a light tap on the head or butt can cause moral or physical trauma to an animal (the latter place is especially sensitive in cats due to the high density of nerve endings).

So just prohibit yourself and your family members from using physical force on the cat, either with your hands, newspapers, rags, and so on. A little better and popular advice is to spray the cat with water. Knowing how much cats generally dislike water, subjecting them to such stress is nothing less than an example of senseless cruelty.

Real suffering is caused to cats by loud noises, especially aggressive screaming, which, unfortunately, is abused by so many people

And most importantly, these actions are not only cruel, but also completely useless. The cat will not draw any conclusions about his behavior from them. Only about yours

Only about yours.

You cannot treat a cat with medications from your first aid kit.

Some of our medications may be suitable for cats. But there are also those that are poison. For example, it was a discovery for me when a veterinarian I knew warned me that all paracetamol-based medications, even in minute quantities, can send a cat to the next world. By the way, this was told to me so that I would hide my migraine medications away from them.

Also, compare our body weight to that of a cat. Even if some antibiotic is suitable, how do you calculate the dose relative to its weight?

Now there are many drugs for cats and dogs, antibiotics for their treatment. Therefore, there is no need to give them something “human”. And there is no need to self-medicate. This is also bad to do in the case of a person who can tell where and how he hurts. But the cat won’t even tell you this!

Therefore, if your pet suddenly refuses to eat, becomes apathetic, etc., it is best to immediately contact a veterinarian. After all, modern clinics are now equipped with all the necessary diagnostic facilities. There she will undergo tests, x-rays, and all the necessary procedures.

Methods of raising cats from experienced cat lovers

How to raise an animal if, no matter how much it wants, it does not understand the meaning of the spoken words, and the use of force is unacceptable. Cat lovers who have devoted many years to raising animals know why cats should not be beaten. There are several more effective methods of influencing a naughty man than beating:

Choose an inanimate intermediary in punishment. After all, cats are vindictive and never forget a hand that has offended them at least once. But if they receive a slap from a twig or a splash of water from a spray bottle, they will be offended by these things, and not by the hand that held them.

You need to treat the animal’s mischief with patience and understanding. It is necessary to understand that cats have different concepts of right and wrong behavior. And in order to develop the most appropriate behavior in them, you should work a little, regularly engaging in education. Not every cat will immediately understand what a person wants from it. Therefore, only with age, after several months of tolerable grinding, the animal begins to behave properly.

Folk wisdom

There is a popular saying: pregnant women should not hit cats. And not only to beat, but in general to offend in some way. Of course, popular rumor says that this can affect the child's health, as he will have birthmarks or be nervous. In fact, this sign has a very realistic justification.

The fact is that during pregnancy, the cat’s owner abruptly switches her attention to the unborn baby. The expecting child receives all the tenderness and care that the cat previously received.

This causes jealousy and resentment in cats, because they only seem to be self-sufficient and independent, but in fact they really need our affection and are attached to us. Therefore, during this difficult period for a cat, any action that may offend her will have a very strong impact on her. Some cats may never forgive their owners after this - they will stop being affectionate and act as if they have been replaced.

Methods of raising cats from experienced cat lovers

How to raise an animal if, no matter how much it wants, it does not understand the meaning of the spoken words, and the use of force is unacceptable. Cat lovers who have devoted many years to raising animals know why cats should not be beaten. There are several more effective methods of influencing a naughty man than beating:

Choose an inanimate intermediary in punishment. After all, cats are vindictive and never forget a hand that has offended them at least once. But if they receive a slap from a twig or a splash of water from a spray bottle, they will be offended by these things, and not by the hand that held them.

You need to treat the animal’s mischief with patience and understanding. It is necessary to understand that cats have different concepts of right and wrong behavior. And in order to develop the most appropriate behavior in them, you should work a little, regularly engaging in education. Not every cat will immediately understand what a person wants from it. Therefore, only with age, after several months of tolerable grinding, the animal begins to behave properly.

Should you always scold your cat for bad actions?

It is quite difficult for a person to read the emotions of a mustachioed friend, because the fluffy one is not capable of showing strong feelings. Before punishing a cat for bad behavior, you need to find out the motive for its behavior - what if it is not punishment that is needed, but help?

What habits need correction?

Usually, any prank of a mustachioed friend can be explained. Some habits of a pet can be corrected and may disappear from the mischief-maker’s arsenal over time. So, if a cat persistently climbs onto the table in search of treats, then underfeeding becomes a likely motive.

Sometimes the animal ignores the litter box due to excessive soiling or problems with urination. In this case, it is enough to simply change the filler or consult a veterinarian for advice.

Misdemeanors caused by lack of attention or loneliness (damage to furniture, wallpaper, piles in the wrong place) can be corrected. You need to devote more time to the animal, play with it and caress it - or get a pet partner so that both of them do not get bored when people are away.

What cannot be punished for

You cannot scold an animal that has just appeared in the house. A new family member needs some time to get used to the smells and surroundings of another home. The stress of changing housing, living conditions and new people causes serious emotional stress in the furry. If during this period he is subjected to harsh educational manipulations, the baby is unlikely to understand what they want from him and will withdraw into himself.

Sometimes a four-legged friend marks everything around due to problems with the genitourinary system. Pain while going to the toilet forces you to do wrong things - this should not be confused with harmfulness.

Other ailments can also lead to behavioral deviations. You can’t scold an animal for them - it already feels bad, and it most likely understands that it’s breaking the rules. There's just nothing he can do about it. An attentive owner should monitor the health of his mustachioed friend and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

VIDEO: Pregnant owner has a cat

There are probably few people who do not have, never had, and never will have pets. We get pets in order to make the house more comfortable, to please the children, or simply to find a friend who will be by our side regardless of the circumstances. We buy them the best, allow ourselves to be manipulated, and adapt a huge part of our lives to them.

But when we make this important decision and finally have an adorable kitten in our home, we inevitably face one very serious question. And it lies in the fact that a kitten must not only be groomed, cherished and touched by its fluffiness, but also raised

Yes, your baby can be litter box trained and will probably have no problem finding bowls of food and water, but there are still a lot of things that you would like to forbid him, or at least control. What's the best way to do this?

Many will probably think that there is nothing complicated here, and they will consider it unnecessary to invent something. For what? If you don’t like what the kitten is doing, hit him harder, and he will immediately understand that you can’t do that. Alas, such logic is destructive for our smaller brothers, and using it means wishing the worst for your pet.

So why shouldn't you hit cats on the head?

, or other parts of the body? The answer is simple - by doing this you will achieve absolutely nothing except that the pet will begin to be afraid of you and move away from you as much as possible. The cat will develop a fear of pain, which will have a detrimental effect on its psyche, but oddly enough, it will not stop doing what you are punishing it for. On the contrary, he will play even more pranks.

The cat will no longer trust you, and she will begin to associate you with pain and fear, but she will not be able to understand what you are trying to achieve. Or, even worse, he will act out of spite for you. Thus, both you and your pet will only lose from the use of force, which means it is better to abandon such methods altogether.

However, it is clear to everyone that it is still necessary to raise the animal somehow. Otherwise, it will grow completely uncontrollable and uncontrollable, and will bring its owners not joy and peace, but a complete headache.

How to properly raise a kitten?

Let's consider the most effective, and at the same time completely elementary way of education. In order to wean your pet from mischief and leprosy, you only need an ordinary spray bottle of water! It is enough just to direct a stream of water towards the troublemaker, and the bully will understand that this should not be done. And what’s most remarkable is that the pet will not experience pain and see you as a threat; it will associate punishment with the spray gun, and will be afraid only of it. It is known that cats actively do not like water, so this method of education is really useful, and does not injure the animal in any way.

It is also important that if you raise a kitten properly and try to instill in him only the best and most useful manners, then, as he grows up, he practically stops playing pranks. Of course, sometimes such a willful animal is obliged to show its character, but these are nothing more than one-time cases. Otherwise, your pet will be polite, obedient, and you will be proud to call him a role model.

Trainer Yu. Kuklachev created a “School of Education” for cats, but excluded mentoring and violence from it. Yuri Dmitrievich encourages his colleagues to love and study furry students. Over the course of 40 years of work, the chief cat expert in Russia has accumulated 4 boxes of diaries of observations of them.

But age-old folk wisdom encourages “stick” methods for educational purposes. “Just show the beaten cat the vine,” says the Russian proverb. So is it possible to punish a cat? Is corporal punishment acceptable in relation to the most sensitive and sophisticated mammal? Let us turn to the opinion of animal psychologists.

The domestication of the furry predator began 9.5 thousand years ago. But even today he behaves as if he is patronizing a person. Cats tend to become attached to the house and owners and establish emotional contact with them. However, they easily return to a wild lifestyle.

Unlike a dog, a cat has not lost the habits of its distant ancestors and has retained the independence of a lone predator. Scientists say: genetically she has not changed. This cannot be ignored when solving the problem of how to punish a cat.

How to raise a kitten

Many owners adore and idolize the "kote", allowing them to steal food from the plate, scratch furniture and sleep on the owner's pillow. If you don’t raise a cat after six months, the simplest combing of fur results in bitten hands and terrible stress, not to mention nightly praises and tactless invasions of personal space.

Only through learning the correct behavior and upbringing does a kitten become a member of the family. You shouldn’t turn an animal into a petty tyrant with your own hands.

War is war, but lunch is on schedule

To raise a respectable cat, it is important to follow the diet and basic rules of nutrition:

  1. They feed 4-5 times a day (one-time treats are not taken into account).
  2. In order to properly raise and instill in a kitten the manners of refined food consumption, only one place for feeding is allocated.
  3. A bowl of water is required.
  4. They either provide ready-made professional food or immediately formulate a natural diet.
  5. Everything that is not eaten at once is removed.

We show attention and care

If everything is fine with the toilet, remember what recent events could have affected the state of the cat's soul. Perhaps you moved from your dacha to an apartment, and your cat suddenly found herself surrounded by smells that she had already lost the habit of, but couldn’t find her recent marks? Or perhaps there is a new smell in the house, especially a cat one?

An even more serious stress for a cat can be a change in family composition, the addition of a child or a new pet. In this case, a period of adaptation and the formation of new relationships is inevitable - we discussed this issue in detail in the article “Why do cats bury their feces.”

The most important thing to remember is that a cat begins to mark its territory when it feels threatened. If a cat’s world is stable, she has enough food, water and attention, and she feels safe, she will not have such a desire. Try to pay more attention to the animal, communicate more with it, do everything to make the cat feel that new residents or a changed environment do not threaten its well-being.

Punishment rules

To prevent the cat from thinking that its owner is a sadist, it is necessary to use democratic methods of education. You can punish your pet without assault. Better yet, punish cats in accordance with the following rules:

The timeliness of punishment is the most crucial moment. It will be clear to the cat why he is being punished if retribution occurs immediately after committing the dirty trick. If you punish a cat in the evening for going to the toilet in the wrong place in the morning, she will be completely bewildered by what is happening. Moreover, the animal may become very upset and decide that the owner has stopped loving him, will begin to treat him with caution or even take revenge - it all depends on the character of the pet. Payment for sins - before punishing your beloved cat, you need to figure out whether the committed dirty trick is really her paws. Perhaps it was one of the household members who dropped a flower pot and was afraid to admit it, or other animals were frolicking in the absence of their owners. Moderation of punishment - the amount of damage from cat pranks can be either insignificant or enormous. The main thing is to punish

It is important for the cat to clearly convey that he is to blame, without succumbing to emotions and without going to extreme measures. Now don’t kill the cat if he broke his favorite vase

There is no need to hit the animal - this method has an increased risk of injury to the cat and is also not effective. You can also punish verbally. Painful sensations will not help the cat think carefully about its behavior. In addition, this may lead to retaliatory aggression or resentment.

  1. Purrs don’t understand what “no” means. In relation to cats and children, taboos are meaningless: they cause a backlash.
  2. Traditional punishments of scolding and beating will bring negative results: the attacker will become the cat's worst enemy. She will fear, hate and take revenge on the offender. Rather than start a thrashing, it is wiser to calm down the prankster with an “accidentally” dropped key or a stream of water from a spray bottle.
  3. In addition to losing trust in the owner, corporal punishment can cause harm to the pet's health. If you hit a cat on the head, you can upset the vestibular system, hurt the auditory nerve, and disrupt the most important functions of the brain. Is it possible to hit a cat on the butt? Definitely not: in the area of ​​the tail, the continuation of the spinal column, there is a bundle of nerve endings. If you do not calculate the blow, you can cause a painful shock (cats have an unusually developed sense of touch), break a backbone, and damage the genitals.
  4. It is useless to scold someone for a prank committed more than half an hour ago. The tailed prankster will not learn such a lesson. It’s another matter if he is caught at the moment of harm and suffers adequate punishment.
  5. To avoid conflicts between an old-timer cat and a newbie animal, the former should be given maximum respect: give priority during feeding, caress more. Then he will not mistake the “alien” for a competitor. To prevent your cat from becoming jealous of your newborn baby, you need to set aside time for playing and talking with your pet.

Why does a cat do something punishable?

An animal that has committed some bad act does not always understand what it has done. Most often, cats play or look for a comfortable place. For example, if a pet climbs onto new furniture, then it seems comfortable to him. In such cases, the cat cannot be punished. It is advisable to buy her a special soft bed or lay a blanket on the sofa so that it remains in its original form longer.

The same can be said about broken dishes, souvenirs, vases - for a pet this is a game. He sees how the fragments fly in different directions, and this arouses interest. Breaking and breaking household items is common for small kittens.

The animal tears wallpaper, furniture and carpets with its claws - a sign that it urgently needs a scratching post. If it is not there, then there is no point in scolding the cat - the owner is to blame. And if there is, then it either does not suit the pet, or he does not understand its purpose. In such cases, it is necessary to show the kitten the place where the claw sharpener is located.

Be sure to encourage the animal if it does everything correctly - pet it, scratch it behind the ear, treat it with delicious food.

What lies behind bad behavior

Breakdowns in behavioral patterns always have a good reason. Since pets are unable to communicate verbally, they demonstrate their mood through changing habits and behavioral strategies.

Table 3. What is hidden behind bad behavior

Behavioral disordersPossible Explanations
Pees on the carpetIf the animal is physically healthy, perhaps in this way it expresses dissatisfaction with changing the litter for the toilet. The arrival of a new person, rearranging the cat's furniture or changing the daily routine can also negatively affect the pet.
Climbing onto the kitchen tableIn most cases, this offense does not carry a negative connotation. If an animal once, without the knowledge of its owners, feasted on a tasty dish lying on the table, the next time it will certainly repeat this action.
Puts his claws into the chairLack of attention on the part of the owner or a sharp change in his attitude towards the pet. For example, if the owner played with the animal every day in the evening, and then suddenly stopped, the cat will perceive this as betrayal.
Manifestation of obvious aggressionSuch actions can cause inconsistency in the behavior of the owner. If, depending on the mood, you either reward or punish an animal for the same actions, there is a high probability of provoking a behavioral failure. In most cases, the pet becomes aggressive and begins to take revenge on the owner.

Before taking educational measures, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for misbehavior

Boredom and apathy

Although most furry pets tolerate being alone well, they do not cope well with boredom. If no exciting events happen in the room during the day, they begin to amuse themselves. The consequences of games can be very disastrous - from scratched furniture to furniture thrown onto the floor.

The state of melancholy is typical for cats under 2 years of age and for representatives of active breeds - Abyssinian and Siamese.

Abyssinian cats need a busy daily routine more than others.

Possible solutions to the problem:

  • Buying another cat or dog.
  • Alternating new toys every day.
  • Purchasing a horizontal installation on which the animal can climb.
  • Placing pleasant surprises for the animal in the apartment - unaccounted for feeders, tennis balls or pieces of catnip.
  • Spending enough time with your pet every day in a playful environment.

Despite the fact that cats are smart animals, they lack the ability to concentrate on one action for a long time. Therefore, you should diversify your games.

A kitten should have a lot of toys

The relationship between color and character

According to one theory, there is a direct connection between a cat’s behavior and the color of its fur.

Table 4. Relationship between color and character

BlackGentle, a little nervous and curious.
WhiteTouchy and capricious.
Black and whiteSociable, sociable, the pet becomes attached to the owner.
GingerFlexible, loves peace.
StripedUnsociable, willful and independent.

Ginger cats are considered homebodies

This is interesting: Rex cat breed - description and characteristics

If not punishment, then what?

Accolades and awards

  • Nothing affects a cat like the right treat.
  • You don't praise your cat for bad behavior, only for good behavior. For example: the cat used the scratching post - great, you pet it, play with it with a laser, guide the cat towards the scratching post, give it extra fun.
  • The cat jumped onto a shelf specially prepared for her, her favorite position by the window - pet her and together you can have fun barking at the birds outside the window.

Expert advice

  • When a cat climbs onto the kitchen table , you hiss or make a sound near her so that she associates this unpleasant sound with jumping on the table.
  • To discourage your cat from scratching furniture and sofa upholstery, you should cover them with film or foil - cats really do not like such surfaces and will avoid them. At the same time, you need to provide your cat with an alternative - a scratching post designed for her, tailored to her size and preferences. Test out the fancy cardboard scratching posts - their texture is very attractive to cat feet, most cats already know what these cardboard boxes are after a few days. These cardboard pieces are easy to make yourself or you can buy them inexpensively. When the cat tears them, you throw them in the waste paper and make a new one. Cheap, convenient, environmentally friendly.
  • A cat urinates on socks thrown anywhere - hide the laundry in a closed basket, keep order. The cat urinates on the bedding - put it in the closet and cover the top of the bed with film or foil - cats don’t really like this surface.

Don't provoke the cat

  • A large, wide pot of soil placed on the floor will likely be viewed by the cat as an additional litter box. To prevent this from happening, place the pot on a platform and cover the surface of the ground with pebbles or mesh - it will no longer be attractive to the cat.
  • Don't want your cat ruining your clothes? Then put it in a closed closet and leave the laundry basket with the lid closed (installed on top).
  • The cat likes to observe its surroundings from a certain height. If you don't want it to be a table, create a viewing area for your cat that is more attractive than a table top and that is easily accessible at all times. Wall shelves are ideal for this role.

Never mind

When your cat is up to something, you can just get up and walk away. Go to the next room, to the kitchen, to the balcony, to leave the house. Leaving the cat to its own devices and temporarily ignoring it when it scratches and bites us is an excellent educational method.

Don't look at or talk to the cat

  • Making eye contact and talking to your pet are communication channels that strengthen the bond between human and cat.
  • If you temporarily ignore the cat, you will not look at him, you will not talk to him - this will be a punishment for the cat.

As you can see, there is a peaceful method for every cat trick. By observing your furbaby and knowing what's behind his behavior, you can design your home to keep him happy and prevent potential damage.


You need to raise a cat correctly. First of all, keep in mind that she has no understanding of cause and effect relationships. If you punish her, hit her or shout, she understands only one thing - you are trying to offend her or harm her.

She will in no way connect your punishment with that piece of meat stolen from the table or a pile in a flower pot. All that you will achieve if you beat your pet for pranks is that the cat will not do such things in front of you.

Secondly, never forget how you appear to a cat: a huge and strong person with a loud voice and heavy palms. Imagine yourself in her place: a small, lightweight creature dependent on you. Imagine how she feels when you punish her. This will help you avoid hitting your pet even when you are very angry with him.

To punish a cat, you don't have to hit it; instead, use:

  • Flower spray bottle . As soon as you notice that the cat is climbing the curtain again or has settled down to do its business in a flower pot, take a spray bottle and spray water on it. It won't hurt her or scare her too much. But the cat will remember that something unpleasant happened in this situation, and will not repeat it. The advantage of this method is that she will not directly associate the punishment with your person, and will not begin to be afraid of you.
  • Products with an unpleasant taste or strong odor. If your pet explores the world and tries everything, it makes no sense to beat her for it. You just need to make her stop wanting to do it. Is your cat chewing on wires or plant leaves? Treat them with a special anti-gnat product, which is sold in pet stores.
  • Harmless traps . To make it clear to your cat that she should not jump into certain places, you can put objects in them that the cat will definitely touch. For example, place a metal tray on the edge of a table, or empty tin cans on a cabinet. The main thing is that they are positioned unstable and fall when the cat gets to them. A loud, sharp noise will cause her an unpleasant sensation and an association with this place: subsequently it will cease to be so tempting for her.
  • Noisy objects . If you notice your cat doing something wrong, you can scare it away. For example, throw an empty can or a bunch of keys in her direction. The main thing is not to hit her with these objects, but just create noise nearby.

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In addition, there are easier methods - if a cat is misbehaving, look straight into her eyes, point your finger at her and strictly say “no”. You can also distract her from this activity by strictly calling her nickname. Our pets are very smart and have studied us well. Many people are able to distinguish between words and intonations, and read our mood by gestures and facial expressions. So there is no need to hit or raise your voice - this will only scare your pet.

Remember that you are responsible for your pet, and do not take your anger out on it.

How to deal with cat disobedience?

Only humane and effective means are applicable as methods of combating cat leprosy. By combining these characteristics, the owner can easily cope with the pet’s disobedience.

After applying punishment, you can ignore your pet for a while - the cat does not like to go without communication for a long time. It will be useful not to respond to calls to play with her, not to respond to inviting sounds and the desire to lie on your lap. Then the mischievous woman will realize the wrongness of the act and will try not to do it again.

Cats are independent, inquisitive, capricious and vindictive, so punishment for wrongdoing must be used delicately. Incorrectly selected measures lead to the opposite effect. The best thing is to correct the behavior of the mischief maker by understanding the motives of negative behavior and eliminating them.

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