Who is better to have: a cat or a female cat - behavior, character and reviews of owners

If you decide to get yourself a pet, there are many details you need to discuss with your family. Who will purchase food, take on the responsibilities of litter box training and cleaning. Who will be responsible for taking him to the veterinarian, especially if the pet is sick. After this, you can move on to discussing a breed that will suit everyone. And last on our list, but not least, is the issue related to gender.

At first glance, what a difference. But this is only until the question began to be understood more deeply. Of course, while the kitten is small, there is practically no difference between them. But even before that, you need to think about who is better to have: a cat or a male cat. After all, soon the pet will grow up, and the differences will become very noticeable.


Most people have a strong opinion about who is better, a cat or a female cat. They will ask you what gender of animal to get, what will you answer? Most people have a stereotype: a cat is better than a cat. She is affectionate, gentle, clean, and a mouse hunter. She is better trained in the litter box, eats less, and loves affection. And cats are lazy and lazy, they will not allow any expression of tenderness, and with the onset of spring they will scream heart-rendingly and mark your home.

But all these myths are quite easy to destroy. Cats are often much better hunters than cats. Regarding affection, it is also debatable. There are cat girls that you just can't approach again. And the other cat bursts into such sweet purrs that you can forget about everything in the world.

The best cat breeds for an apartment

We have compiled our small list of ratings of the best cat breeds for apartments. But let us remind you that this is a matter of taste and nothing more, so first of all, focus on your values.

  • British Shorthair
  • Scottish fold
  • Scottish Straight
  • Russian blue
  • Sacred Burmese

Photo from jaba-point.ru

And if it is not important for you that your pet has a pedigree with famous ancestors or a special thoroughbred color, do not forget that on the street you can meet the best friend of all possible. Many people can’t even imagine how grateful cats rescued from the street can be!

Thoroughbred or yard

What kind of cat do you want for yourself? A purr who will brighten up your life with her songs, or a show champion? This has a direct bearing on who is better to have, a cat or a male cat. A cat is more suitable as a pet, while a male has a greater chance of winning in exhibitions.

Second point. What do you want: for your pet to be a decoration for your home or a successor to your family? Of course, most often, when buying purebred animals, people think about breeding activities. The amount they paid for the kitten is immediately multiplied by the number of heads in the litter, and also several times a year. But here too a dilemma arises. Who is better to have: a male cat or a female cat?

On the one hand, the cat's owners get the right to sell the entire litter, while the cat's owners get only one kitten. But the former are responsible for feeding the pregnant cat, medical support, obstetric work, and sometimes surgical intervention. After this, they will have to feed the mother, feed the kittens, clean up after the babies and litter box training, vaccinations, and find homes for the kittens. In this case there are much more worries.

Home attachment

An important factor when choosing the sex of an animal is the relationship of the mustachioed pet to the house. The cat will be the keeper of the hearth; they become very attached to their home, where they have explored every corner. Cats love to watch what is happening in the territory entrusted to them; they strive to do all their business with their owner. While going through things in the closet, you will find your pet curled up in a ball on the bottom shelf. The cat is reasonable and will not leave its home unless absolutely necessary.

Cats perceive your home as their own territory. Hence the negative attitude towards brothers and even new family members. Cats also love to control not only their habitat, but also the actions of their owners. They do not have a strong fixation on a particular place of residence. At any opportunity, the cat will slip out the door to conquer new territories, especially during the “festivities”.

We take a pet for the soul

As you can see, it’s worth thinking carefully about who is better to get, a cat or a male cat. But we move on. If breeding activities or an exhibition career are not planned, then a decision is usually made to castrate or sterilize the animal. In this case, preference is often given to males. The operation is simpler, and it costs less. Whereas in the case of cats, this is a abdominal operation, which can have serious consequences.

But in this case, gender characteristics are erased. Sex hormones will no longer excite your pet. That is, the question of who to choose: a cat or a female cat is practically removed. If you decide to keep the physiological characteristics of your pet’s body intact, then let’s decide together who to choose.

Psychologist's opinion

According to the psychologist, cats are owned for a number of reasons. This may be due to the family structure in the parental family. A person who grew up with a cat from childhood will most likely have an animal in his family. Sometimes lonely people are driven to adopt a cat by the desire to look after someone. This often happens to increase self-esteem, that is, a person feels like he is the arbiter of the pet’s fate in the absence of recognition from others.

From a psychologist's point of view, it is very useful to have a pet for children. Friendship with him teaches the child responsibility, compassion, and care.

Having an animal at home is not only entertainment. The owner and family members bear a great responsibility for the one who is tamed. Whatever the gender and breed of a pet, it is, first of all, a living creature, with a fairly high intelligence. You should create a comfortable environment for your pet. A kind attitude and respect can make him a loyal friend for many years.

Kitten girl

It is difficult to say which of the two genders people most often prefer to take. Everyone has their own priorities. That is why today we are considering all the pros and cons. So that everyone can decide for themselves who to choose: a cat or a male cat. For now, let's look at the behavioral characteristics of kittens, and then move on to adult animals.

So, the kitten is a girl. Affectionate and very gentle, she is still very independent. A charming young lady walks on her own; in everyday life she is no longer dependent on people. Only an extreme situation or illness can make the cat ask to be held in your arms and calm down in your arms. Of course, they will easily allow you to scratch behind the ear and stroke “their lordship.” Everything else is just a matter of mood. You cannot cuddle the cat at your own discretion.

Castration and sterilization

It is advisable to subject the animal to surgery to remove the gonads before the first signs of maturation. It is recommended to sterilize cats at about six months of age. Males should be neutered at 8-12 months.

For males, the most common operation is castration. During this intervention, the testes are removed, where sex hormones are also produced that motivate the cat to “deeds.”

Kitten boy

And we continue to collect information that will ultimately help you understand who is better to choose for your home: a cat or a male cat. Male kittens, no matter how strange it may seem, are more affectionate and more strongly attached to their owners. Most likely, the fact is that they are more expressive in their feelings. Of the entire flock, only boys will come to you in the morning to caress you. They will sit on your lap and purr with great pleasure. All the tenderness and love that the female saves for her kittens, the male gives to the owner. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether to get a cat or a female cat lies in your expectations. If this is how you compensate for the lack of love, then it is better to choose a male kitten.

Cats with a plus sign

Each individual, in addition to gender, has its own characteristics and differences. Therefore, it is not enough to rely on gender differences. But even without their awareness it is impossible to make a choice. What awaits the owner who decides to adopt a cat? Here are some realities:

  • Some will say that cats are not as affectionate as cats. It's not like that at all. They can come to cuddle and sit in your arms, purr and express their love in every possible way. But this is only possible if the pet himself wants it. If you try to grab a cat when he is busy with other things, you will get nothing but dissatisfaction.
  • This is a very curious creature. He needs to know everything, smell everything, be aware of what is happening. In this regard, he is very similar to a dog. Whatever they bring home: new furniture, things, household appliances, he must inspect and smell it. Empty boxes or plastic bags are often overlooked. All containers and boxes are readily inhabited from the inside. Moreover, it is cats who most often do this.
  • Games. Males love to have an interesting time. What does it mean? We need to play with the owner. He will hide in corners, bury himself in laundry, and then suddenly jump out from the most unpredictable places.

Difficulties of parenting

It is possible that the cat will only pretend to obey, but will gradually begin to twist the ropes out of you: it will sleep on your pillow, eat the most delicious morsels and tear up new wallpaper.

However, even a cat can encroach on these privileges, only he will do it impudently, with unshakable self-confidence in his exclusive right to the entire space of the apartment and the owner to boot.

The cat’s harmful habits will have to be stopped in a slightly different way: not by trying to prove one’s superiority, but by gradually directing the cat’s behavior in the right direction.


But among those who have already kept males or heard something about it, there is often an opinion that a cat is far from the best choice. Let's look at what can be said in this vein:

  • The male is by nature a leader and dominant individual. Therefore, at an early age you will have to show him who is boss. Otherwise, he will inevitably try to claim this role. But you shouldn’t go too far and offend your pet. Cats are very vindictive animals.
  • This is an independent and proud creature. Showing condescension to his owners, he allows himself to be stroked behind the ear or patted on the withers. But this usually doesn’t last long, because he has a million urgent matters. But if you find yourself in the kitchen, the cat will immediately rush after you. He will follow, purr and rub against your legs. This is still the beggar.
  • For many, the strongest argument not in favor of a cat is a strong and very pungent smell. Cats aren't actually as clean as cats, but with proper care for your pet, you can avoid unpleasant odors. This often becomes the deciding factor when considering the options: male or female. Who is better to choose for an apartment and children, the answer is obvious. After all, the most unpleasant thing begins when, having reached puberty, the cat begins to mark its territory. If in a private house these are fences and trees in the garden, then in the apartment the smell will quickly become unbearable.

Temperament depends on the breed

We do not undertake to claim that all cats of the same breed have the same characters. Of course, each animal is unique in its own way and differs in temperament. However, there are some common traits that are best taken into account when choosing a kitten for your home. Everyone decides for themselves which cat is better to have in the apartment, or which breed of cat to choose for a child.

Since everyone has different needs initially, we will not say that there are “the best” cat breeds, and there are “not the best”. We only believe that the expected temperament of the animal must necessarily suit your lifestyle, or the characters of family members. You need to think about this in advance so as not to get a “pig in a poke,” that is, unexpected and not always pleasant surprises.

Based on their characters, breeds can be roughly divided into three main groups: independent, not too much in need of communication with people, on the contrary, very focused on contact with the owner, and those who are in the middle ground.

The first group has a calm character, they are balanced and self-sufficient, they can be alone for a long time and will not feel uncomfortable. Such breeds love their owners, but they will communicate and show affection solely on their own initiative, although do not think that they will be stingy with affection. This is a great option if you need a cat that will be a friend for you to return to after a long day at work.

Photo from lady.mail.ru

She won’t get bored without you and will definitely come up with something to do. They sleep a lot, “talk” a little, although this still comes with age, as kittens, all breeds are playful, cheerful, sociable and cheerful - like all children.

The second group is the complete opposite of the first. Such cats will be ready to play with you all day long, they are sociable and love to be cuddled, they will always want your attention and are as noisy as possible. Such cats will always accompany their owners and will not leave a single step from a person if he is at home. And if you suddenly leave such an animal alone, your furry friend will miss you very much.

Photo from the site www.zastavki.com

This gives grounds to compare such breeds in temperament with dogs. They can really wait all day for a person to come home from work at their door. The emotionality of such an animal extends not only to affection and love; if your actions cause zealous displeasure, have no doubt, your pet will do everything to make you realize how wrong you were in stuffing it into a carrier, and will also definitely notify the entire neighborhood about it.

This is interesting

For families with children, exotics, Abyssinians or Russian Blues are perfect, and for those who are often late at work - Persian.

But still, do not be afraid of aggression, breeds with such a character can be trained, and despite the noise, it is not at all necessary that the cat will extend its claws and use its teeth. So, if you are wondering which cat breed is best for children, the answer is right in front of you!

Well, the description of the third group will be located approximately in the middle, you yourself have already guessed that such cats are less talkative than the second, but more emotional than the first, they will be moderately bored and moderately show their feline feelings. Therefore, this breed is ideal for an adult who spends a sufficient amount of time at home, but can also give the furry animal a break from his company.

Let's get a cat

What awaits you when the touch-me-not kitten grows up? Please note the following:

  • Cats are more open and amenable to affection. But they are no less cunning creatures. How often have you been moved when a beauty rubs her legs, demonstrating her adoration? In fact, she leaves hairs on your clothes, showing that you are her property. But this is still an innocent way to leave marks. There is another one.
  • Unlike cats, they love to leave claw marks on upholstered furniture. Of course, there is no such strong smell from a cat, but who would like the torn side of the sofa? The only way out is to buy a scratching post and accustom your cat to it from day one.
  • Don't be fooled by how openly the cat demonstrates affection and affection. In fact, she is much more vindictive than cats and will not forget an insult.
  • Instinct of procreation. This is usually attributed to cats, but with the onset of spring, try to keep your beauty at home, who is eager to become a mother.

It’s not for nothing that they began to consider the disadvantages, because stereotypes say the opposite. A cat is bad, but a cat is good? No, like any coin, there are two sides.

How to choose a cat breed?

When asking yourself the question of what breed of cat is best to get, always remember that you will have to care for it, and all breeds have their own nuances. The point is that any beauty will certainly require sacrifice from you. For example, if you like Persians and really want to get this fluffy treasure with a luxurious coat, remember that it will take you about fifteen minutes every day to comb its unruly mane, and you will also have to make time for a bath every month, which in itself The process is not easy and costly – both in terms of time and effort.

And it will be necessary to do this, since even the most careful cat’s “collar” gets dirty while eating, which will become more and more difficult to “wash” over time. Persian beauties also need constant daily care for their eyes; the structure of their faces increases discharge and they stain their fur, forming tangles.

Photo from the site www.catsnet.ru

If you want to have a semi-long-haired breed, for example, a Maine Coon or a Siberian, you can breathe a little easier - their skin requires less care, but nevertheless, you cannot completely avoid the procedures of combing and bathing. Well, you might think that since wool causes so many problems, the easiest thing to do would be to buy a Sphynx.

But we hasten to disappoint you a little: they really don’t need to be combed, but the skin of such cats is so specific that they constantly need to be bathed or wiped with special wipes, since the folds of the skin accumulate secretions, which are the best environment for the growth of bacteria. Well, such animals must be kept away from sunlight, they can quickly burn, and the recovery process will take quite a long time.

Photo from the site www.usatiki.ru

However, since sphinxes do not have a coat of fur, they are as afraid of cold as sunburn, they must live in warmth. If all this frightens you, but you still really want a purebred animal, you will be pleased with the following information.

The easiest breeds to care for at home are cats with short fur. Short-haired cats can handle brushing and bathing themselves - these procedures, of course, need to be carried out, but not so often. For those who do not have time for long-term care procedures, the following breeds are suitable: British, Scottish, Abyssinians and others.

Photo from the site kotik-09.blog.ru

So, we found out that the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a pet is care. Think about whether you are ready to devote enough time to provide your pet with a decent life.

Positive sides

Since girls are always taken from their mothers before boys, there must be a reason for this. Let's look at how cats can be better than cats:

  • These are real neaties. They can spend hours licking their fur, and the slightest touch will start the job all over again. Sometimes this annoys the owners, but this is of little concern to the fluffy beauty.
  • The cat is a wonderful hunter. It will be an ideal choice for a private home, protecting it from mice attacks. But don’t be surprised that she will definitely bring the caught prey home.
  • This is a wonderful friend for growing children. She will purr affectionately in the nursery, willingly allow you to put on a dress, and will not scratch you in response to an attempt to trim your mustache. Try to explain to your children that they can’t do this.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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