Mating cats: a description of all the nuances of the first mating of a cat and a male cat (tips from breeders on preparing for mating)

What will you learn from the article?
  1. When cats are ready to breed
  2. Mating
  3. How to prepare a male cat for mating Mating of purebred cats
  4. How to choose the right mating partner
  5. What should owners prepare before mating?
  • How does mating occur in cats?
      Mating rules
  • Knitting problems and ways to solve them
  • Cat behavior after mating
  • How often can you knit a cat?
  • What to do if mating is not in your plans
  • Owner reviews
  • Mating cats is a natural physiological process that requires a responsible attitude on the part of the owner. Before you mate your cat, think about whether you are willing to spend time and money on the cat’s pregnancy, childbirth, and where you will then place the born kittens.

    Are you prepared for the difficulties that may arise during the mating process, and subsequently during pregnancy and childbirth?

    In our material, we have collected all the information about mating cats and tried to answer all the questions that concern owners.

    First mating

    The first mating of a cat should be carried out at the age of at least 10 months.
    You can breed a cat with a cat after the completion of basic growth and development and the complete formation of the genital organs. Only the fulfillment of these two conditions will make it possible to obtain numerous and full-fledged offspring without damage to the body of the expectant mother.

    For cats, the ideal time for the first mating will be 10-15 months of age, but no later than one and a half years. Almost all breeders recommend skipping the first two heats and only then unleashing them.

    Important! A cat should not give birth more than three times a year. Late insemination is also undesirable - it can lead to disruption of the reproductive cycle with all the ensuing problems:

    Late insemination is also undesirable - it can lead to disruption of the reproductive cycle with all the ensuing problems:

    • false pregnancy,
    • inflammatory processes in the uterus,
    • polycystic disease,
    • exhaustion,
    • stress, etc.

    Breeding use of males is permitted after the first year of life.

    What is breeding or mating of dogs?

    The first sign of an approaching dog hunt is a change in behavior. Bitches become anxious, active, and often angry. If the reproductive loop has become somewhat loose and pinkish discharge is observed from it, estrus begins.


    When estrus occurs and if you want to get offspring, you need to urgently look for a mate for your pet. Since dogs reproduce only when the hunt begins. The sexual relationship between a bitch and a male is called mating.

    There are some restrictions when breeding:

    • For a female, only one mating per year is allowed (exception for especially valuable or endangered breeds);
    • age of first mating 1.5 years and older;
    • excellent health.

    When mating some breeds, you can take a psychological test.

    Interesting! There are no restrictions on sexual intercourse for males.

    Can a neutered cat mate with a female cat?

    Some owners are surprised to discover that their pet, even after castration, shows interest in the opposite sex, and sometimes even tries to mate with a cat. How can this be if the operation was carried out specifically to make the male indifferent to the females? In fact, it is not uncommon for a neutered cat to mate with a female cat, but only if he already has such experience. That is, if the pet has already known the “taste of love” before the operation, and now does it, rather, out of habit. But, of course, he will have no more offspring.

    If the male was castrated before his first mating, then mating with the female is impossible. If only because the cat simply does not know what it is and why it is needed. It also happens that a beloved pet continues to stubbornly ask for a cat after surgery. Don’t be surprised or panic, the cat’s testosterone levels have not dropped yet. Just be a little patient and it will pass soon. This condition will not last long; it is a kind of side effect of the operation.

    Selection of a partner

    You can find a partner for a cat either by posting an advertisement - they used to be placed in newspapers, now they appear on social networks and on message boards on the Internet. If the cat is a club cat, then the solution to the problem is to visit the club, where they will help you choose a cat suitable for mating. Remember that you need to start looking for a partner in advance. Naturally, she must have all her vaccinations.

    Felinologists recommend breeding a cat for the first time with an experienced cat. But if a suitable “bride” is not found, then you can take an inexperienced one, relying on the strong instinct of procreation.

    Gulena cat: all the subtleties of the process

    There is an opinion that a cat wants a cat in the spring, or more precisely, in March. And it is true... in relation to the “correct” cats living “in nature”. Natural laws tell them to walk in the spring, feed their offspring in the warm season, and in the cold, think only about survival. Unfortunately or fortunately, the sleek, mustachioed pets who live in our homes look down on this opinion. A sweet life and a good diet lead to the fact that they are ready to reproduce throughout the summer and autumn months, and even winter.

    At what age does a cat start asking for a cat?

    What time do cats start walking? It depends on its breed: usually a cat begins to ask for a cat for the first time in the sixth to tenth month of life. However, despite the onset of puberty before the age of one year, she is not always able to give birth to healthy babies at this time. If a cat wants a cat for the first time, it is advisable not to let them meet at least until the age of one and a half years.

    Signs of estrus in a tailed “bride”

    What signs in an animal's behavior indicate that a cat wants a cat? There are a lot of them, and it’s difficult not to notice the signs that a cat has gone on a spree:

    • the cat screams both day and night, trying to run away from the house;
    • cannot stay in one place;
    • cuddles up to people and rubs against objects;
    • calm cats become aggressive, and vice versa;
    • rolls on the floor, lifts its tail up or to the side, tramples with its hind legs, as if squatting on them;
    • loses appetite or almost refuses to eat;
    • noticeable discharge from the genitals;
    • urination becomes more frequent.

    How often does a cat ask for a cat?

    How many days does a cat walk? The duration of her estrus varies from person to person. But the end of this period, when the cat has gone on a spree, does not mean at all that the owners can relax for a long time: if the “bride” did not manage to meet the “groom”, screaming and rolling on the floor can resume after a week or two. And to the question “how many days does the cat ask for the cat?” the exhausted owners answer: “all 365 in a year!” How this looks in practice, look at the video (Alexey Karasev).

    How long does a cat walk?

    How long does the cat ask for the cat? The duration of estrus is usually from 7 to 20 days. If the “bride” does not become pregnant, then the “wedding requirements” will be repeated every 14-21 days until she is expecting children or the resting season begins. Occasionally, a third option is also possible, the so-called false pregnancy, which postpones the appearance of a new period when the cat wants a cat.

    Stages of heat

    The estrus process can be roughly divided into four stages.

    1. The first is called proestrus. It lasts from 1 to 4 days and is characterized by the relative calm of the animal. The beginning of the period when the cat went on a spree is indicated only by quiet throaty meows and obsessive caressing of the owners. The tailed cat is not yet ready to meet a roaming cat.
    2. The second period, estrus, can last 7–10 days. The female begins not just to scream, but to scream at the top of her lungs. When you stroke her back, she crouches, moving her tail to the side. This means they are ready to mate. If you want to let her have a kitten or several, it is better to bring a male on the 3rd-5th day of estrus.
    3. In the third period, metestrus, which lasts from 3 to 12 days, the pet that has walked with the “groom” will drive away all applicants. When fertilization does not occur, a false pregnancy may begin, very similar to the real one, but not ending in childbirth. True pregnancy in your pet lasts 60–70 days.
    4. In the last, fourth period, called anestrus, she calms down.

    How to understand when it's time

    What is mating in dogs? This is sex, the planning and consequences of which are carried out by the owners of animals. If you have an unpredictable work schedule or there is a possibility that family and loved ones may require your full attention at any time, it is better not to untie the animal. In females and males who have not known the joys of sex, the corresponding desires weaken over time, while an untied animal will always strive to repeat the experience, which will cause you a lot of trouble.

    Puberty in dogs occurs early - on average at six to seven months. Animals of large breeds mature a little slower, and in general all terms are given tentatively. At this age, males are ready to mate and are able to impregnate a female, while “girls” are in their first heat. But bringing such young animals together is strictly prohibited. Early sexual activity can negatively affect the development of a young male dog. Pregnancy up to one and a half years can lead to serious health problems and even death, since the bitch’s body is not yet ready to bear puppies and give birth.

    Experts recommend planning the first mating of a female dog no earlier than her second or third heat. A male dog can be bred after one and a half years, when he has fully reached the size of an adult animal of the recommended breed. According to the RKF Regulations on breeding work, large breeds are recommended to be bred from 18 months. Bitches of medium and small breeds can be bred from 15 months, small males - from one year. Producers can participate in breeding work only up to nine years. There are no age restrictions for male dogs.

    Menstrual cycle and signs of readiness

    Owners of bitches who plan to seriously engage in breeding should monitor this process in their pet from the first heat. Depending on the breed, conditions of detention and individual characteristics of the body, estrus in dogs occurs at intervals of six to ten months. Note the frequency and duration of the cycle - this will greatly facilitate your planning of mating in the future.

    Estrus lasts 14-25 days, of which the first third is the direct formation of the egg, which is expressed by the discharge of blood and mucus from the loop. During this period, the bitch will not yet allow a male dog to approach her, but she will already show interest.

    The second part of the heat, the so-called hunt, is the most important. Everything is individual, but from about the eighth day of estrus in dogs, ovulation occurs - the release of a mature egg from the follicle into the genital tract. This process lasts five days. During this period, the dog is ready for mating.

    It is impossible to answer exactly what day of heat a dog should be bred on. The general recommendation is on the ninth day and re-mating on the 11th day. But everything is individual and it will be more accurate to focus on the behavior of the dog itself. On average, small breed dogs are bred a little earlier, on the seventh or eighth day. Large breed dogs are often bred at 10-12 days.

    Experienced dog lovers advise determining readiness to meet a male dog by the following signs:

    • when stroking the croup, the dog moves its tail to the side and freezes, strongly resting its legs;
    • when you touch the bottom of the loop, it will give way and move apart, the animal itself will begin to briefly move its hips.

    Tests and analyzes

    If you want complete confidence, do a home or laboratory ovulation test. Many veterinary clinics now offer blood tests or ovulation smears. After the formation of the egg, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases in the animal’s blood. If the test shows more than 1 ng/dl, ovulation is approaching. Egg release occurs at a level of about 5 ng/dL.

    A smear test can be done at a clinic or on your own. The simplest test available to everyone is a glucose smear

    To do this, a clean glass slide (used for working with a microscope) is carefully applied to the loop of the bitch. If ovulation has taken place, an imprint of dried mucus will crystallize

    If not, the trail will be cloudy, like a drop of milk.

    Another simple way to determine ovulation by the glucose factor in vaginal secretions is Uriglyuk-1 test strips. The product is sold in regular pharmacies

    It’s easy to use - in the morning before a walk, carefully insert it into the loop 1-1.5 cm and hold for a few seconds. If the stripe turns green, the bitch is ready for breeding

    Hunting (estrus) lasts only three days. Eggs retain the ability to fertilize for up to a week, but every day this property weakens. If time is lost, a period of rest begins - the hormonal levels change, the reproductive tract returns to normal, the bitch is not interested in males.

    Features of mating purebred cats

    Owners of purebred cats should approach the choice of a partner for mating responsibly - this determines what the offspring will be like. To prevent kittens from inheriting breed defects, you need to choose an ideal mother for them. A “pure” pedigree in a cat will guarantee the absence of physical and genetic abnormalities in the offspring. For successful mating, it is good if both parents have outstanding sires in the family. Specific rules for breeding animals are established by the clubs themselves.

    When breeding purebred animals, their blood types must be taken into account so that the kittens do not develop hemolysis, a deadly disease. Therefore, carefully study the compatibility of animals according to this factor. For example, if a cat has group B, then he can be bred with any cat, and if he is A, then mating with a cat with group B is excluded, etc. Don't know your blood type? Then it is worth taking the appropriate test from a veterinarian in advance.

    If your cat participates in exhibitions, then take into account their schedule. It is better to breed an animal after an exhibition so that the appearance of the pet does not let us down, since matings directly affect the exterior (coat quality, etc.).

    Contractual relationship

    This point comes first for owners involved in breeding and selling pedigree animals. It's better to draw up an agreement. The breeders have a sample; the document must include all the mating conditions and the resolution of possible disagreements, which almost always happen.

    The contract states:

    • Timing of vaccinations for both parents.
    • Length of stay of a female in someone else's house.
    • Pedigree regalia and achievements of future parents.
    • The responsibility of the cat owner to the cat owner, in other words, the groom's side is obliged to return the bride safe and sound.
    • Terms of payment for the transaction (cash reward, choice of a kitten or an alternative option for the birth of one baby).
    • Conditions for the distribution of kittens to new owners after they reach two months of age.
    • Conflict resolution in the event of failure to conceive, the birth of a non-viable offspring, or its death before the age of two months due to some congenital pathology. All possible scenarios are discussed and recorded. This issue can be resolved in different ways: re-knitting for free, return of monetary reward, etc.

    In all controversial situations, the owner of a cat may request an additional examination of someone else’s pet in order to prove the “innocence” of his ward in a failed pregnancy or the death of the entire offspring. But it is better to carry out such a check in advance and, in case of doubt, not to enter into a relationship.

    A document is a document, but before mating, any of the parties to the contract has the right, and simply the obligation, to collect as much information as possible about the future partner:

    • external examination of the applicant for visible defects: poor coat, emaciated appearance, incorrect bite, coloring, etc.;
    • study of documents: veterinary passport, pedigree, club card, etc.;
    • examination and assessment of previous offspring, if any;
    • additional examination by a veterinary specialist who will or will not identify hidden pathology.

    All received data must be included in the contract, which will protect you from litigation in the future.


    A cat is capable of giving birth to 5–6 kittens 2–4 times a year.

    All kittens are born with straight ears. “Sagging”, that is, the formation of a fold in 50% of kittens begins from the 21st day of life, if the parents are selected correctly. At this time, it is determined which type of breed - straight-eared or fold-eared - each kitten belongs to.

    Kittens grow quickly. From 3 months, their body, legs and head become elongated, which does not look very attractive. But by the age of 8 months, the appearance of the pets becomes harmonious. And by the age of 3, cats are fully formed.

    READ Description of the Limousin cattle breed, dignity and its breeding.

    Rules for keeping expectant mothers

    Requirements are similar to those of males. The owner is obliged:

    • provide the animal with adequate nutrition;
    • introduce vitamins and microelements, calcium and folic acid are especially important;
    • maintain a normal weight for your pet (obese or malnourished animals are unlikely to become pregnant);
    • do not overload the body with frequent pregnancies: twice a year is enough;
    • monitor exercise: active physical activity will make the cat stronger, and pregnancy and childbirth itself will be easier;
    • do not forget about education: only a well-bred mother can instill in kittens the basics of good behavior.

    In addition, even before mating, the cat should be assessed by experts who will highlight its advantages, identify disadvantages, check the compatibility of two lines and, based on this data, help find a good sire. If you ignore the rule and do not receive a “ticket to breed,” then the kittens born are unlikely to be recognized as purebred.

    In principle, that's all. If you have questions, ask in the comments. Read about what to do after mating and what problems there may be afterwards in the next issue.

    Briefly about puberty

    It is an open secret that the onset of puberty in a cat occurs earlier than the onset of physiological maturity. Puberty means the female’s readiness to bear offspring, and the male’s readiness to fertilize the cat’s egg. As for females, they become sexually mature after about six months from birth. This does not mean that after six months it would be worth looking for a cat and getting a couple together. Early pregnancy may have some not very pleasant consequences:

    • slowdown in cat development;
    • a weak offspring may be born;
    • the vlomyak cat will endure the pregnancy period;
    • this may be the only pregnancy.

    From time to time the female will “flow”, the best option would be to start looking for a suitable sire. And it’s a matter of stopping at two or three males, from which over time you can choose one.

    Males are allowed to talk about puberty when they are eight months old. At this time, castration is allowed, but it is too early to think about mating the cat. Males can also have negative consequences due to early mating, including:

    • rallentando of the growth process;
    • deterioration in appearance;
    • risk of impotence.

    Due to this, when breeding animals after they reach puberty, you only need to wait a little.

    Preparing for mating

    Any mating requires careful planning, including finding a suitable pet and the conditions provided by its owner. If your pet is purebred, it is recommended to visit a special club focused on this breed and look for worthy partners there. The ideal option would be to have friends or acquaintances who also breed cats of the same breed. Such luck does not occur so often, but it greatly facilitates mating.

    The preparation for mating itself involves the following points:

    • it is necessary to make sure that both partners have completed all mandatory vaccinations and preventive deworming in order to minimize the likelihood of one of the animals becoming infected during mating.
      All these procedures must be carried out no later than fourteen days before the designated date; Only completely healthy animals should be allowed to mate.
    • in addition to vaccination, you should undergo a full examination by a veterinarian so that he can give an opinion on the health of the animals and their readiness to produce offspring;
    • shortly before mating, you need to sharpen the pets’ nails so that they do not inadvertently injure themselves in the process of getting to know each other;
    • It is important to avoid any water procedures a couple of weeks before mating. The fact is that after bathing, the pet may temporarily lose its characteristic smell, which increases the sexual need of the partner;

      Bathing leads to the washing out of the characteristic odor produced by the gonads

    • if for some reason the cat is taking hormonal medications, they must be discontinued at the time of mating. However, when treating with hormones, it is generally undesirable to involve the pet in mating until it recovers.

    What should you have with you?

    Since the cat will stay with the cat for a couple of days, it is important to think about the “package” with which the owner will send her to her new environment. Items required for travel include the following:

    • tray;
    • bowls for food and drink;
    • food (it is unlikely that the cat owner will have exactly the manufacturer that the pet is accustomed to);
    • carrying

    The presence of a carrier will allow the cat to feel protected in a new environment.

    Second phase

    You should not immediately try to pick up the cat, as this will most likely result in injuries - bites and scratches.

    First, the cat is accustomed to your hand by placing it palm down on the floor; you can place the cat’s favorite toy nearby. You need to wait until the cat comes up and rubs itself on your arm or leg. In this way, she wants to make sure that the object present is not dangerous. If a person initiates contact, the animal may respond with an attack.

    If the cat attacks, pick him up early

    If the pet has given the go-ahead, the palm is slowly raised to eye level and held in this position for a while. Then they begin slow stroking. You need to stop before the cat gets tired of close contact with a person.

    You should not drive away a cat if it climbs onto your lap, even when there is no time for tenderness. Then it will be more difficult to achieve such trusting behavior.

    Advice for owners of expectant mothers and fathers

    Rules for keeping males before mating

    Before getting a breeding kitten, a future reproducer, answer the following questions:

    • Do you need exhibitions and why?
    • are you ready to visit them and attract the attention of potential brides;
    • Do you have conditions for adopting a cat?
    • how will you attract owners of the opposite sex and advertise the groom;
    • Can you monitor the health and proper nutrition of the reproducer?

    If most of the answers are negative, then it is better to immediately castrate the cat and close the topic of breeding once and for all.

    If the answer is yes, you will have to adhere to the rules:

    • Do not associate with cats of dubious reputation: those that give birth to sick kittens, defective coloration, suffer from sexually transmitted infections or are involved in inbreeding. All the trouble will fall on the groom, even if he had nothing to do with it.
    • Do not overwork the cat: there should be a break of at least a week between matings; periodically they are allowed to rest for a longer period of time. Long downtime is also not welcome. In both cases, the quality of sperm deteriorates, and therefore the quality of the offspring.
    • Periodically check and improve the health of the male.
    • A few days before planting, introduce B vitamins into the diet, which have a positive effect on sexual function.

    Mating is a responsible matter

    Before mating two animals, each owner should ask themselves a few questions regarding whether they want to have additional offspring, look for potential partners for this, and take part in exhibitions in the future. Sometimes the search for a cat or female for breeding can drag on for a long time due to the difficult nature of the pet or pet. And to participate in exhibitions in the future, you will have to spend significant sums on vaccinating kittens and caring for them.

    Sometimes owners do not know at all what to do with the offspring that are born. It becomes a heavy burden that many strive to get rid of. Thus, in order to avoid a number of problems, it is worth thinking about whether all this is necessary now or should you postpone mating until next time?

    If all the questions asked have been answered positively, and the pet owner is ready to support and care for future offspring, then you can begin to look for a partner for the cat and carry out the mating process.

    Agreement and act of mating dogs

    Documenting dog copulation makes life a lot easier. There are no financial claims - they are written down in the contract before the event. All rights and obligations of the parties are stated there.


    The act of mating guarantees the health, including reproductive health, of the mating participants. The document is issued to dog owners, one copy is kept in the club. He is certified by the canine organization. The act notes the planned nature of the mating with a description of the pedigree of the male and female. Then, based on the act, a pedigree document is issued to all puppies in the litter. When they grow up, they will also look for partners and arrange matings.

    The dog has been man's friend since ancient times. In their natural environment, dogs mate completely independently and do not require human intervention in the reproduction process. Unfortunately, in our time, bred breeds act as pets. Their immunity is reduced. Already the owner has to accompany all aspects of the pet’s life, including studying the issue of how to breed dogs. Therefore, it will be correct to master it, relying on the experience and knowledge of dog kennel specialists.

    Features of the first mating

    The first heat of an animal, when the cat begins to ask for a cat for the first time, is not a signal for immediate mating with the cat, but owners who are planning offspring should begin from this time preparations for further mating. It is also impossible to delay this procedure, so as not to provoke the development of negative consequences. Pets must either be sterilized on time or be mated according to all rules. If you delay it, it will cause a disruption in the physiological cycle, contribute to the exhaustion of the body, or lead to various diseases of the reproductive system.

    Based on the above, we must conclude that the first mating must be carried out far from after the first heat, even if it came too late. The first mating between male and female cats should be done at approximately one to two years of age. Animals must be completely healthy.


    It is very easy to recognize a cat's heat; as a rule, this period occurs in the spring, sometimes twice a year. At this time she is the most affectionate, does not want to play at all, constantly purrs, rubs against furniture and asks for affection.

    She can also meow very loudly, thus calling for a cat that may be nearby.

    • You cannot delay mating, because the cat can become very aggressive and simply abandon the cat and even bite him.
    • If you do not plan to continue the cat's birth, it is necessary to use specialized products, they can be in the form of drops or tablets.

    How to match a cat with a cat for the first time

    If you decide to introduce and bring together your cat with a cat in order to produce offspring, then be prepared for the fact that you will certainly not be bored for several days in your house. The behavior of newlyweds can be the most unpredictable, regardless of their character and temperament, or even the time of day. Be prepared for a showdown both day and night, especially if the cat and cat are meeting for the first time and have not met before.

    In addition, you must be very attentive and caring towards the guest or guest, depending on whose territory the wedding will take place. Therefore, if you have planned this magical event, this article is for you!

    The behavior of animals will depend, first of all, on who (a cat or a male cat) stays at home, that is, on its territory, where the environment is familiar to the animal and it feels like a master. Someone who is invited to a date in someone else's home will naturally feel insecure, experience some stress, and perhaps be defensive or hide.

    If there is a cat at home, and the cat is invited as a groom, then be prepared for the fact that on the very first day the modest gentleman, having received a punch in the face, in the literal sense of these words, will hide under the sofa or closet. Most likely, he will sit there until the obstinate lady herself takes the initiative to get acquainted and makes contact.

    Until this time, be sure to take care of your guest and provide him with a separate bowl of food and water. It is advisable if these bowls are his own, brought by the cat’s owners along with him. The cat will eat from its own dishes more confidently on foreign territory. And, if he is hiding somewhere, then food and water need to be placed where the cat is sitting, since he himself will never come to the food. But keeping a guest hungry is impolite and not good!

    If the gentleman turns out to be brave, then, having received a couple of scratches on his nose, which, by the way, is quite normal on the day of meeting, he, however, will quickly come to an agreement with your favorite.

    When the owner of the territory is a cat, the invited bride can even hiss and scratch at him at first. This reaction is explained, first of all, by the fact that the cat feels unprotected on foreign territory. She, as in the case of a modest groom, must be provided with all the comforts and good food, given the opportunity to sit in a chosen secluded place and calm down, after which she will begin to be more interested in the cat’s advances and will soon cease to be afraid of him.

    Very often, cats, during sexual heat, may partially or even completely refuse to eat. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. It’s just that another natural function of the body comes to the fore, and appetite decreases or disappears for a while. The main thing is that the refusal of food does not last more than one or two days, and does not cause significant harm to the health of the future mother cat. A gentleman can also refuse food for the same reason.

    One way or another, when this necessary and, most often, short period of acquaintance between the bride and groom ends, wise nature will still take its toll. Then your pets will move on from hissing, scratching and playing hide and seek to expected activities. All you have to do is feed them well, especially the cat, since now her body will need much more nutrients than before. In addition, you need to prepare in advance a large and comfortable house for the expectant mother with kittens. And after a while, you can happily wait for a new addition to your happy cat family!

    Next entry

    DIY cat toys

    Non-standard situations and their solutions

    There are incompatibilities in the cat family. Some are easy to overcome, while others require help or immediate intervention.

    • Size discrepancy: the female is larger than the male. The cat is not able to impregnate the cat, since an important part of the body rests on the back of the partner. In such situations, the cat is directed.
    • During coitus, a cat falls on its side: a person must support the pet in the correct position, although experienced producers themselves manage to cope with the task in such an awkward position.
    • The cat is not given. The case is complicated, and most often you have to retreat and look for another love, since it is the female who decides who will be the father of her future children. If there is an urgent need to obtain offspring from this particular union, experts advise inserting a special probe into the vagina, which provokes ovulation and the female has no choice but to surrender into the clutches of an unloved man. Another way to resolve a similar conflict is to lock the couple in a separate room and hope that love will happen.
    • A cat in a new place suddenly loses signs of estrus. It's actually stressful. As soon as the animal gets comfortable, everything will resume. You may have to leave the female to live with the cat's owners for a while so that they become friends and get used to each other.
    • The cat is not shedding, but she was brought to the male. There is always the possibility of error when unusual behavior of an animal is mistaken for signs of sexual heat. But you can't fool a cat! If he is indifferent to the opposite sex and does not pay attention to his new life partner, then rest assured that the wedding will not take place.

    Rules for mating a cat with a cat

    Details Category: Articles

    A cat can be mated with a cat only when the cat reaches sexual maturity and can become pregnant and give birth to kittens without risk to its health. It is better to skip the first two heats and call them off on the third, but some breeders skip only one. According to the rules of many clubs, mating of cats is allowed with a rating of at least “very good” received at a cat show, and cats with Champion titles and above can be mated without having to undergo exhibitions before mating. Cats should not give birth to kittens more than three times a year.

    The first mating of a cat should be done before the age of one and a half years. If the cat was not untied, i.e. there were no kittens under two years old, then problems may arise, so if you decide for yourself that you want to breed your cat, then you should do it correctly. Usually cats, not getting a cat during the onset of estrus, move on to the next active phase - they scream day and night, preventing their owners and their neighbors from sleeping. Owners, unable to withstand such torture, often resort to advertised hormonal drugs, after the use of which hormonal disorders occur in cats, causing severe diseases of the reproductive system - infertility, endometritis, pyometra (“purulent uterus”), malignant neoplasms, deformities of offspring, etc. .d.

    Before breeding a cat, you must prepare it for this, get all vaccinations against infectious diseases: rhinotracheitis, rabies, calicivirus infection and panleukopenia (included in the complex vaccination), + against chlamydia and lichen (stamps in the veterinary passport no more than 1 year from the date first vaccination and at least 1 month before mating). The cat must be dewormed 7 days before mating (deworming). Usually, conscientious cat owners warn you about this and require a veterinary passport, not because they think that your treasure may be sick, but so that the cat does not get sick during pregnancy (cats have weak immunity).

    How do you know when a cat is in heat: it begins to purr, becomes overly affectionate - constantly demands attention to itself, rubs against all objects and your legs, if you, stroking its back, reach its tail, it falls off its tail, the tail at the same time trembles, and the cat begins to stamp its hind paws. Immediately pick up the phone and call the cat’s owners and arrange a mating.

    The cat should be brought in on the second day of estrus for several days (1 to 3 days). The cat should have with itself: a tray, litter if it is used to it, bowls for water and food, a supply of usual food for two days, a copy of the pedigree. Be sure to trim the cat’s claws on the front paws, the cat’s owners usually warn about this, do not ignore their warnings and ask if the cat’s claws are trimmed. The cat should look well-groomed, well-fed, clean, without streaks under the eyes, with clean ears, and of course, without fleas.

    Mating of two healthy animals usually occurs without any human assistance, so we will only note a few non-standard points. Some cats get so excited when they enter unfamiliar territory that they forget the purpose of their visit. Some cats may stop estrus due to stress and only return a week later. Sometimes cat owners make the mistake of assuming that she is in heat. However, the cat detects this instantly. As soon as the cat is released from the carrier and the cat sniffs her tracks, it immediately becomes clear from his behavior whether she is in heat or not. The cat either gets excited and announces in a loud voice that he is ready to reciprocate, or indifferently turns away from the guest and leaves, or even demonstratively goes to bed in her presence. Then you will have to take the failed bride home. Please note that in such a situation your cat begins to get nervous (new environment, new people, and even a cat nearby). She becomes aggressive or, conversely, becomes depressed. This, of course, adds trouble and inconvenience to the groom’s hosts.

    What should you pay special attention to?

    Owners of purebred animals should take care in advance to select a suitable pair for their pet. To do this, you can contact a club or visit a cat show, where there are many worthy candidates.

    • Discuss mating conditions in advance to avoid any misunderstandings in the future
    • Both animals must have all their vaccinations and deworming no later than two weeks before mating;
    • Make sure there are no various diseases (fungal, infectious, etc.), as well as skin parasites;
    • On the eve of mating, be sure to trim the claws to protect the animals from causing injury to each other;
    • Before mating, you should not bathe your pets, as this may drown out their natural odor;
    • The owner of the cat should prepare a carrier and all the necessary things for the duration of the bride’s stay with the cat;
    • The cat owner must provide a separate room for the couple and constant supervision for them. You also need to observe the mating process and help if necessary;
    • Under no circumstances should you give a cat that you plan to breed in the future hormonal contraceptives, as they can cause problems with the animal’s reproductive system.

    Sometimes it happens that even after a long mating, the cat does not become pregnant, and the reasons for this can be very different (the owners did not correctly determine the period of estrus or the animal was simply nervous). In this case, you should wait for the next heat and breed again. If the mating was successful, then after two weeks the first signs of the cat’s pregnancy will be noticeable.

    Features of mating Scottish Folds

    To get healthy offspring of Scottish Folds, it is necessary to select a Scottish Straight partner, that is, an animal of a similar breed, but not with folded, but with straight ears. These breeds are completely consistent with each other in terms of characteristics, except for the shape of the ears. You should not mate a Scottish Fold with a British cat, as this is not acceptable by modern standards. As a result of such mating, the cubs are too large, in which the shape of the tail and head is slightly changed, and the structure of the coat also changes. If you want to exhibit your pet at shows, then this partner option is not the best. You cannot breed two animals with folded ears, since the offspring eventually appear with pathologies and defects in the form of fragile limbs, a problematic vertebra and general weakness of the body. When choosing a cat for mating, it is necessary to take into account the appearance of the animal: uniformity of color, quality of coat, proportionality of physique. Therefore, be sure to make sure that the cat has a flexible tail, as this is an indicator of the health of the spine.

    This will avoid the birth of offspring with congenital pathologies. It is important to consider the folding of a cat's ears. The perfect type of ears are forward-facing, small, widely set ears that do not protrude beyond the outline of the head.

    The most valuable option would be ears that have a double fold and are tightly folded on the head. Cats with three folds on their ears are extremely rare, but are valued above all others. Before mating, you need to assess the cat's health. Make sure there is no dander, no discharge from the eyes, ears or nose, and that the animal is of adequate body weight. If it is obvious that there are symptoms of malaise, it is better to refuse mating.

    To find a suitable partner, you can contact a breeding club that specializes in the breeding and development of Scottish Folds. Specialists will provide advice and select a cat with optimal characteristics that will produce promising offspring. The club will help ensure the health of the animal, the quality of the ears and other parameters.

    How puberty occurs

    Sexual maturity is the age at which an animal can participate in the process of reproduction. Hormones are produced in his body, gametes - the first cells of possible embryos - mature. In females, the first estrus occurs at 5–8 months, males come into season a month and a half later. An interesting fact is that kittens that were born at the beginning of the sexual season become sexually mature later than those born in the final period. The timing of puberty is strongly influenced by the general state of health, feeding and housing conditions, and social adaptation.

    Most often, the first heat occurs at about six months of age, but some breeds have nuances. Short-haired cats are characterized by an early onset of heat - five months, in exceptional cases - three and a half. This is especially true for Siamese cats - nature has endowed them with a violent temperament.

    Siamese cats are especially playful

    On the contrary, in color-point and Persian cats, estrus can linger for up to ten to fifteen months. This is completely normal and not worth worrying about.

    There are several other patterns noticed while observing cats. So, if the first heat is expected in winter (during the passive sexual period), then, most likely, its onset will be delayed until spring. Late maturation occurs if the animal is kept in a darkened room. A bright room and being surrounded by other mature animals speeds up maturation.

    How to understand that heat has begun

    In the first days, the cat becomes very affectionate and restless, actively rubs against furniture, rolls on the floor and goes to the litter box more often than usual. She leaves marks around the apartment that contain valeric acid. This is a pheromone that has a stimulating effect not only on cats, but also on cats that have not yet come into heat. The vulva swells slightly and the cat licks itself frequently. There should not be any heavy discharge.

    Stroke me, man!

    After two or three days, these signs intensify: the cat crawls and rolls on the floor and moans pitifully . The most unbearable and piercing howls are made by Siamese cats. If at this moment you stroke her on the withers, the cat instantly takes a mating position: arches her back, raises her tail and moves it to the side, spreads along the ground and makes kneading, trampling movements with her hind legs. He eats little and may try to escape outside. The signs are enhanced if the scent of an adult male is present in the area, and are more pronounced in short-haired breeds than in long-haired ones. This stage is called estrus and is the most favorable for conception.

    “I had a short-haired mongrel cat Kasya. Her heats lasted for several weeks, anti-rut medications did not help, and the screams were terrible and so tiring that you wanted to throw something at the languishing animal. Before sterilizing, I decided to let her give birth once - there was such a misconception before. We tried to set her up with the neighbor's cat. Despite the continuation of her heat, Kasya behaved aggressively and clearly defended the territory, and the cat was in no hurry to get to know each other better and behaved warily. And after some time, the sounds of a fight coming from the visiting room forced me to take out the “groom”, who was pretty shabby. The “bride” nervously licked her lips and sparkled her eyes, clearly not wanting to continue. Alas, my attempt was unsuccessful. The point was that I did not know certain rules that must be followed to successfully breed cats.”

    Siamese cats are famous for their fiery temperament

    If fertilization has occurred and pregnancy occurs, then activity disappears within a couple of days. If there has been no mating, estrus lasts 10–12 days, then there is a short lull - about two weeks, after which signs of sexual heat appear again. The cycle lasts approximately 21 days. During the year, cats have two or three peaks of sexual activity, which occur in spring and autumn.

    There is no interval between periods of arousal in a small percentage of cats, and they experience the urge to mate continuously for 6–10 weeks. This feature is called nymphomania and causes considerable inconvenience to the owners.

    In males, the desire to mate is manifested in aggression towards the owner, spraying the apartment with odorous marks and loud screams. There are no specific mating seasons for them - cats are ready to have sexual intercourse all year round. Active behavior in spring and autumn is associated with the presence of many females ready to breed.

    A healthy cat needs a cat once every three to four weeks for a few days. If you have no plans to breed kittens, then it is better to castrate the cat. This relieves most behavioral problems. There is no other reliable way to get rid of tags throughout the house. The later you castrate, the greater the risk that the habit of marking corners will take root and he will do it out of old memory, so don’t delay.

    Why might a neutered cat beg for a cat?

    It happens that sterilized cats continue to organize concerts. There are several reasons for this.

    The fact is that there are different types of surgery. There is an operation in which the fallopian tubes are tied. It does not affect the production of hormones in any way - it simply does not allow you to get pregnant. At the same time, the cat’s behavior remains the same - it actively demands the cat and marks its territory.

    Another type of surgery is removal of the ovaries. After this, the production of sex hormones stops, and estrus does not resume. It is very important to clarify at the veterinary clinic what kind of surgery you want to perform on your cat.

    After operation

    It also happens: a cat had surgery to remove her ovaries, everything was fine for a year, and then she came into heat again. This happens if the ovaries were not completely removed due to medical oversight. Even a few cells left in the body are enough for them to regenerate into a fully functioning ovary.

    Older neutered cats sometimes develop kidney disease that causes behavior similar to estrus. Fortunately, this is a rare case, but if it happens to your cat, go to the vet as soon as possible.

    If a cat was neutered at a young age and has not had sexual intercourse, then it is unlikely that he will want a cat. This is only possible with vigorous activity of the adrenal glands and the presence of a cat in heat nearby. In any case, such copulation will not produce offspring, and the cat will calm down, since sexual intercourse with a castrated cat does not bring her pain. However, you should be careful about empty matings if your cat is genetically predisposed to false pregnancy.

    What is a cat owner responsible for?

    The owner of a Scottish Fold cat must maintain control over the mating process of animals and help them as necessary. When someone else's cat appears on the cat's territory, and in addition to being in heat, problems often arise. They can be provoked by the behavior of an alarmed animal, and the inexperienced actions of the owner often lead to psychological and physical trauma to the pets. To avoid such situations, the following rules must be followed:

    1. You cannot remove a cat from the transport block immediately upon arrival on someone else’s territory.
    2. It is not advisable to breed animals that have not had mating experience up to this point.
    3. You should also not offer it to your cat from the first minutes of meeting animals. The cat needs time to sniff and find a safe place.
    4. If a cat shows aggression or cowardice, it is necessary to place the animals in enclosures so that they have the opportunity to get to know each other without causing harm to each other.
    5. Wait until the cat is ready to mate.

    Animal Meeting

    In order for it to go as smoothly as possible, you do not need to wash your cat with shampoo before mating. This will remove the animal's natural odor, which affects their sexuality in front of the opposite sex. Also, cat owners bear a huge responsibility for the success of mating. The male must be more prepared than the cat. Therefore, before mating a cat with a cat for the first time, you need to find an untied cat. If both animals mate with each other for the first time, it may cause them psychological trauma.

    Useful tips for pet owners

    When breeding purebred cats, every animal owner must be aware of the full degree of responsibility for the future offspring. Your cat or cat should eat well. Therefore, it is necessary to feed your pet only the most natural and high-quality food. This could be meat, vegetables, sea fish or premium ready-made food.

    The animal must also be taken regularly for medical examinations. Even if nothing bothers the cat, this does not mean that she does not have chronic or congenital diseases that can be transmitted to kittens. Therefore, at least twice a year you need to check your pet or pet with a doctor.

    Owners of cats should understand that they should not tire the animal with too frequent mating. Although a healthy sexually mature cat is in constant readiness to impregnate a cat, frequent mating can cause a deterioration in the quality of sperm, which will affect the condition of the offspring. Therefore, you need to bring the cat at least with breaks of one week.

    Before taking a cat for mating, you should not give the animal any sedatives. When trying to reduce your cat's stress level, you may accidentally stop the cat's heat and ruin the entire procedure. Of course, any trip will be a shock for a pet. But it is better to calm your pet with a gentle voice, rather than with drugs. It would be a good idea to take with you your cat’s favorite toys, which will remind her of home with their smell. Then the pet will feel more confident and will not resist mating.

    Suitable age

    The reproductive age of each dog is individual and depends on factors, the leading of which are:

    • Floor.
    • Breed.
    • Dimensions.
    • Heredity.

    Puberty occurs quite early in most animals. In females, the first heat can occur as early as 6 months, and the male will be ready for mating at 9. However, the formation of the reproductive system does not mean that the dog is ready to give birth, and the dog has become a good producer.

    Up to 1.5 -2 years, that is, before the dog reaches the size of an adult, the number of sperm in the seed is too small for high-quality fertilization to occur. In addition, it is necessary to wait until the testes have completely descended into the scrotum. Since at this stage, deficiencies that can be inherited are often identified.

    If one of the testes does not descend from the abdominal cavity, the dog will not be given permission to reproduce. He may have offspring. But this defect is inherited, so it is removed from breeding. Age restrictions for females also have physiological grounds.

    Therefore, the pet is allowed to fully mature. In addition, world canine organizations strictly limit the number of litters and the frequency of pregnancies. This is done for several reasons:

    • Limit the number and prevalence of the breed so as not to oversaturate the market.
    • Reduce the number of culled puppies born from mothers that are too young, too old, or who have not fully recovered.
    • Preserve the health of dogs that need a period of rest after pregnancy, as this is a very difficult physical and psychological test for the body.

    A feature that emphasizes the difference between the two sexes is also the age limit, which prohibits bitches over 8 years old from participating in breeding. At this time, boys can be active as much as their health allows.

    When you need help from your hosts

    Finally, we’ll talk about cases that require human intervention.

    The cat falls on its side

    It happens that during the process of copulation the female begins to fall over on her side. But do not rush to interfere in the process, because this greatly irritates both animals. In most cases, even this cat position does not become an obstacle to fertilization. If you see that intercourse is not happening, the cat owner should carefully approach the animal and try to lift the female.

    The cat is too aggressive

    It happens that a cat does not want to let a male near her. In this case, you should refuse mating. There is a high probability that mating between animals will never happen, but such a male is quite capable of causing injury to a cat.

    Such a cat should find a more suitable partner. If this behavior repeats with other applicants, you can use artificial insemination. However, you should be prepared for the fact that this procedure is not cheap.

    After mating, animals can lie next to each other and lick each other

    3. Size discrepancy between cat and male cat

    This is quite a rare occurrence. But still, if the cat is many times larger than his partner, he can crush her or cause injury. It is better to refuse mating with such a partner. If the cat is several times smaller than the female, then problems usually do not arise. At most, the owner will have to lift the cat a little.

    Sudden cessation of estrus

    In rare cases, due to stress, a cat may stop estrus, after which there will be no point in mating animals. There is no need to be afraid of this condition. It is necessary to return the cat to its usual conditions so that its condition returns to normal, after which the meeting can be repeated.

    In conclusion, let’s say that you can visually determine whether a cat is pregnant literally after 3 weeks. You will notice how her sides are rounded and her nipples are swollen, which, moreover, have become bright pink.

    If desired, on the 20-25th day after intercourse, the cat can be taken to the veterinary clinic, have an ultrasound done and a blood test. This will allow you to exclude false pregnancy and make sure that pregnancy occurs as normal.

    How to pacify a cat if you don't want to mate the animal

    It happens that owners do not dare to sterilize, but at the same time they are not ready to mate their cat. In this case, you should not let her go outside for the entire two-week period of estrus, but at the same time create conditions for the cat to endure this period with minimal suffering.

    To do this, try to spend more time on your ward, pet her, but avoid touching the back of the body. Maintain silence in the house, try not to irritate the cat with screams and loud music. In addition, in the room where the cat lives, create twilight by closing the night curtains so that the animal is not irritated by bright light.

    If your pet meows tirelessly throughout the house, try giving the animal a bath. This will confuse her a little and give her an excuse to lick her fur once again. In general, take more walks with your pet, distracting her from the call of nature.

    A cat demonstrates a mating pose

    If all of the above steps do not help, and the cat continues to suffer from cravings for the cat, consult a veterinarian about sedative pills. These products can calm the animal well.

    Important! You should not give your cat sedatives every time she comes into heat. This is by no means a panacea! These drugs have a harmful effect on the liver and can seriously harm the health of the animal in the future.

    How to get rid of fleas in the house and on your pet

    The fight against fleas in cats must have a comprehensive approach. If you notice that your pet has begun to itch, then it’s time to use an anti-flea collar, which is usually impregnated with effective insecticides. One of the most popular is the Maximum collar, which works for two months. A popular option is drops on the withers. For example, drops from the manufacturer Bars just need to be dropped onto the body at several points, after which the parasites will be removed.

    The remedies for fleas in dogs are similar. There are also Maximum or Hartz collars for them, as well as drops called Bars. Also popular are Frontline spray, which is used to treat your pet’s fur, and RolfClub shampoo without the slightest side effects.


    Why is my cat not in heat?

    It happens that the owners want to breed their ward and get offspring, but the heat does not occur. It turns out that the frequency of estrus can vary significantly depending on the following factors:

    • cat breed;
    • animal nutrition and conditions of its maintenance;
    • physiological characteristics of the pet;
    • time of year (between October and February, cats' sexual desire tends to decrease).
    • age of the cat.

    In practice, it looks like this: if pregnancy does not occur, from estrus to estrus takes an average of 3 weeks to 3 months. If a cat has given birth to kittens, she will have to wait at least 3 months for the next time she is ready to mate. However, if the offspring was born stillborn, estrus may begin within a month.

    In any case, if a cat has no urge to fertilize for a long time, it makes sense to consult a veterinarian, because a prolonged absence of estrus can be a symptom of a serious illness.

    Does a male need to recover after mating?

    A cat is not a horse, and even a horse deserves a rest. And such a tremulous and fluffy creature, of course, needs a break. During this period, you should enrich your pet with high-quality and balanced food. You can consult a specialist about this. Also, the animal needs to be provided with good rest and not to be tugged at in small ways. In such a responsible matter, the health of the male also plays an important role. Therefore, monitor his condition. Give him all his vaccinations and preventatives against worms, ticks and fleas on time. If your pet often meets females, then it is necessary to regularly monitor it with a doctor. Firstly, this will protect him from diseases that he can pick up from the young lady, and secondly, you can present a doctor’s certificate - this will guarantee your bride and you will have a good reputation.

    Also, if your male is going on a date for the first time, then choose a cat that has already had experience in sexual relations. This will help the entire mating process.

    Sex Barrier is the most humane and suitable method for a breeder to calm a pet

    As mentioned earlier, it is better for a cat to give birth no more than three times every two years. This will prevent her from being depleted and give her the opportunity to live a full life.

    To relieve tension and desire, the Sex Barrier recommended by veterinarians is used. This remedy completely removes all negative manifestations of “desire” in cats.

    Its use will provide:

    • regulation (delay) of the onset of “hunting” in a cat;
    • contraceptive effect (within 24 hours from the time of use);
    • decrease in sexual arousal and its negative manifestations: animal screams, “marking” of territory, nervous or angry behavior, the desire to run away from the apartment.
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