Features of keeping Shar Pei dogs: what care does a pet need and how to choose the right food for it

Many potential owners of Shar Pei look first of all at the appearance of their pets, thinking that this is a decorative breed of dog. However, this is not the case.

Shar Peis have a very rich history of keeping, and they were originally fighting dogs.

Now they have become excellent watchmen, but this is not a reason to discard their past.

Despite their cute exterior, they are very proud and noble.

However, dogs of this breed have their own characteristics and need proper care. How to ensure this will be discussed in the article.

Basic rules of care

Shar Pei can easily be kept in an apartment, the main thing is to follow some rules for caring for this breed:

  • Place the dog bed out of the way and away from a draft. The place should be away from wind, direct sunlight and household clutter;
  • Try to choose bedding from material components;
  • Food bowls should always be clean and appropriate for the dog's height. You can also place an oilcloth or diaper under the bowls so as not to pollute the floor;
  • The breed has no undercoat and practically does not shed, but it needs to be brushed every three days, and during shedding - every day. You will have to wipe the folds on the Shar Pei's face and body from time to time;
  • You need to walk your dog twice a day, and the walk itself should last about an hour. You should either simply walk with the animal or engage it in physical activity so that it can release its energy;
  • Shar Pei need to be bathed infrequently, mostly when they get dirty. On average, this procedure is repeated about twice a month;
  • You also need to feed your dog twice a day - morning and evening. Feeding is another important aspect that deserves additional influence. The food must be of high quality and the products must be fresh.

The Shar Pei is an ideal dog for the home not only because it practically does not shed, but also because it does not have a specific dog smell.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The main thing you need to know is that the Shar Pei is absolutely not suitable for being kept outside. It does not have an undercoat, so any frost or sunlight can adversely affect the health of the pet. You also don't need to bathe your dog often; you wash off all the special coating on your dog's skin, leaving it vulnerable. But if you decide to keep your Shar Pei outdoors, you will have to tinker with setting up a special enclosure for him.”

Training and education

From the first days the puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to clearly explain to him what can be done and what cannot be done. It is important to develop rules and strictly adhere to them.

The puppy cannot go out for walks yet, so all training should be done in the house.

You should accustom your pet to its nickname as early as possible, calling it by name more often. Be sure to call your dog by name before eating - this helps reinforce the positive association.

Gradually you need to teach the puppy more complex but necessary commands , for example “Fu” and “No” .

It is important that the pet understands that it is doing something wrong; for this, the command must be pronounced loudly, in a stern voice, without smiling or joking.

It is also necessary to teach the puppy the commands “Come to me”, “Sit” and “Place” - all of them are included in the list of basic commands.

It is important that the training takes place in a playful way, with obligatory encouragement of the pet for correct behavior and following commands.

You cannot shout at a Shar Pei, much less hit him - these dogs are not afraid of pain, but they remember an aggressive attitude towards themselves and respond in kind.

How to feed?

An adult dog of this breed is fed twice a day, and the amount of food is calculated based on the dog’s weight - a certain proportion is maintained.

What to feed the dog - natural food or artificial food - is the choice of only the owner. Any food will be appropriate if you take proper care of the quality of the product.

If you choose industrial food for feeding your Shar Pei, then buy only those that are at least premium class. You must be sure that what is inside the package is actually meat and not substitutes or cheap offal. Therefore, read the ingredients carefully. Also, the feed must contain at least 12% fat and 23% protein.


High-quality food does not have a pronounced flavored odor. Its color is uniform (dark brown).

If your choice fell on natural nutrition, then you should know that creating a proper and balanced diet is a lot of work, so it’s not the first time it’s better to contact a veterinarian for help.

The Shar Pei menu should include:

  • Lean meat and offal, which should make up at least 30% of the total diet - turkey, beef, chicken, rabbit;
  • Boiled sea fish;
  • Fermented milk products and eggs, if you are not allergic to them;
  • Porridge – buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, barley, pearl barley;
  • Oil (olive, vegetable);
  • Fruits and vegetables;
  • Vitamins.

The food in the bowl, like the water, should be at room temperature and fresh. You cannot feed your dog from your table, as this will lead to health problems.

Prohibited for Shar-Pei are sausages, smoked and baked goods, river fish, fatty, spicy, salty foods, spices, sugar and spices, lamb, pork and bones, which Shar-Pei are not allowed to eat at any age.

Brief characteristics of the breed

Shar Peis make excellent protectors and friendly companions.
Shar Peis are special pets. The description of their physique, which meets the Chinese standard, is extraordinary: the ears are shaped like a shell, the nose is like a butterfly, the head is like a melon, the neck is like a hippopotamus, the back is like a horse, and the paws are like a dragon. In addition, modern representatives of the breed have a blue tongue and a rooster's tail, which makes them similar to other dogs - the Chow Chow.

The back and head of dogs are covered with characteristic wrinkles. In puppies, they appear too large in comparison with their small bodies. Adult animals still have a few wrinkles in their fur.

Sizes of the breed:

  • males - up to 51 cm at the withers;
  • girls are smaller, up to 48 cm.

The weight of dogs, depending on their size, varies from 18 to 25 kg.

Other characteristics of Shar Peis:

Head shape and sizeLarge compared to body proportions. Flat and wide skull shape. There are wrinkles on the forehead and cheeks that gather in the shape of a drop.
Ear shapeResembles small triangles, with pointed ends.
Eye shape and colorAlmond-shaped, dark iris color. The expression of the eyes is gloomy.
Body linesThe upper one is slightly lowered to the bottom, the lower one is directed upwards. The chest is wide.
TailAt the base it is thick, tapering towards the tip. It has a curved, tightly twisted shape. Set high.
Wool qualitiesVery short and straight, tough. There is no undercoat.
ColorSolid color, from grayish to black, from cream to red-brown. May be lighter on back of thighs and tail. Can be anything except white.

Important! The Shar Pei is not a hypoallergenic dog. Despite their short hair, they lose it in no less quantities than representatives of other breeds.

Animals shed 2-3 times per year

How often should you go for walks?

This breed needs to be walked every day, or preferably several times a day. She needs to run and explore a lot.

If it’s cold and raining outside, it’s better to limit yourself to thirty minutes in the fresh air.

If the weather is favorable, then stay outside longer. In this case, the dog can be walked for an hour or an hour and a half without harming the health of the Shar Pei.

Is a muzzle necessary?

To understand whether Shar Peis need a muzzle, you need to remember for what purposes this breed was originally used and for what purposes it is used now.

In ancient times, Shar Peis were a fighting breed of dog, but now they are excellent watchmen and security guards. That is, they may well show aggression if they feel threatened. For this reason, no matter how confident you are in your dog, it is by no means decorative, which means it will need a muzzle.

You can make a muzzle to order or buy a ready-made one in a special store.


To choose the right muzzle, you must know the length of the muzzle, skull and head circumference. Together with these indicators, you can choose a muzzle in consultation with the seller.

Also, do not choose an iron one - it can be traumatic for the animal itself and for humans. It is better to opt for leather.

You need to wear a muzzle in crowded places.

How to toilet train a puppy?

To toilet a small Shar Pei

  • First, find a place that is comfortable for your puppy to go to. It should be close to home;
  • In order for the puppy to understand that this is exactly the place, you can put there the diaper that the dog wore at home;
  • Guess what time the Shar Pei goes to the toilet and shortly before that, bring him to the designated place;
  • Don't rush the puppy, let him concentrate. If the puppy managed to do the job, then praise him and take him home;
  • In the future, you can gradually adjust your walking time to whatever is convenient for you.

Prohibited Products

It is important to exclude prohibited foods from your Shar Pei puppy’s diet:

  • Bones, pure fat, skin, especially poultry.
  • Palm oil.
  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Soy.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Corn and semolina.
  • Raw freshwater fish.
  • Dry, salted fish.
  • Products containing sugar or sugar substitutes.
  • Products containing xylitol (chewing gum, some sweets).
  • Products containing flour or yeast.
  • Products containing caffeine, cocoa, any stimulants (sweets, tea, coffee, chocolate).
  • Products containing marinades, salt, spices.
  • Smoked products, including sausages, balyki, fish.
  • Expired products.
  • Leftovers from the table.

Controversial foods in the diet of a Shar Pei puppy are:

  • Lean raw pork.
  • Raw ocean fish.
  • Whole milk.
  • Honey.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Raw and boiled chicken liver in large quantities.

If your Shar Pei puppy is allergic, it is better to immediately exclude all controversial foods that contain allergens from the diet.

You should try introducing foods to which individual sensitivity may occur into your diet. If your Shar Pei puppy does not experience diarrhea or other severe reactions, they can be left on the menu permanently.

How to properly clean your ears?

Shar Pei ears should be treated at the end of each week. This should be done with a cotton pad moistened with warm water or a special solution purchased at a pet store. You should not clean with a cotton swab, because it can damage the eardrum and the delicate skin of your dog’s ears.

You must teach your Shar Pei to this procedure from childhood so that it does not break out. The Shar Pei's evasion from your hands can cause injury.

To properly clean your Shar Pei's ears, your brushing movements should be gentle, but firm and quick.


Shar Peis have narrow ear canals and poor ventilation in them. For this reason, special attention should be paid to their ears, as they can easily become infected. Try not to let water pour into them when swimming. Also, if you see that your dog often shakes his head and scratches his ears, then it is better to show him to the veterinarian.


Shar Peis do not get sick more often than other dogs, but they have a predisposition to certain diseases. The following organs and systems may suffer from diseases:

  • respiratory system (brachycephalic syndrome, pneumonia, atrial fibrillation);
  • skin (allergic dermatitis, demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, pyoderma, hypothyroidism, mastocyoma, etc.);
  • eyes (entropion, glaucoma, retinal dysplasia, chemosis);
  • ears (malasseziasis, hyperplastic otitis, stenosis of the auditory canal);
  • musculoskeletal system (osteodystrophy, hip dysplasia, osteochondrosis);
  • digestive system (megaesophagus, immune-related inflammation, adenocarcinoma, ulcers);
  • endocrine system (Cushing's disease, Addison's disease);
  • kidneys and urinary system (renal amyloidosis).


Caring for the Shar Pei's coat is quite simple:

  • A Shar Pei's coat should be brushed no more than once every three days. During shedding, you will have to do this procedure daily.
  • Also, you do not need to constantly wipe the folds on the dog’s face and body; it is enough to do this once every two weeks, but a little more often if the dog is outside very often and for a long time.
  • This breed does not like water procedures, so it will not need to be bathed often either. This can be done 1-2 times a month. But don’t rush to drag your dog into the bath every time it gets dirty. It may be enough to remove the dirt with a napkin. Also, a healthy dog ​​should not emit any unpleasant odors.

Teeth cleaning

Shar Peis are a breed that is prone to developing tartar in the mouth. For this reason, they need to brush their teeth regularly, as well as give them special toys.

If you have a puppy, then you need to get used to this procedure now. To start, simply inspect his mouth several times a week and run your finger over his teeth.

Also continue to examine your dog's teeth after they are replaced. From time to time you can wipe them with lemon or tomato juice. This treatment must be done from the roots. You can do this cleaning using a cotton pad.

Some owners sometimes give the dog just a tomato to eat, but this vegetable is not the most beneficial for the dog’s digestion, so there is no need to overuse it.

Also in veterinary stores there are special treats and preparations that should be used to prevent tartar. They can be given to your pet every day without harm to health.


If the formation process has already started, then it is better to contact a veterinary clinic. There, the dog will have the accumulated tartar or plaque removed mechanically.

What vaccinations should I get?

The breeder gives the puppy his first vaccinations at 1.5-2 months. After two weeks, the course should be repeated. Remember that the puppy can be taken outside only 10 days after repeating the course.

Shar Pei vaccinations are usually given on the following schedule:

  1. From 8 weeks to two months, the dog is vaccinated against distemper and viral enteritis;
  2. Course repetition;
  3. At six months the dog is vaccinated against rabies;
  4. There are also special vaccinations against parasites, which also need to be given to your pet, although they are optional.

Development in the first month

The beginning of the 2nd week of life is associated with significant changes in puppies.

Almost simultaneously with their eyes, their ear canals open - this happens around the 14th day after birth, and between 2 and 3 weeks the first teeth begin to erupt.

By day 21, babies become more independent—they no longer require their mother’s help to urinate and defecate..

In addition to the formation of the basic sense organs, the 2-3rd week of a puppy’s life is associated with the laying of the foundations for the behavior of adult dogs: they try to stand on their paws and take their first steps, begin to yawn, react to external stimuli and gradually show character.

At 25-30 days, you should take the litter to the veterinarian, as some puppies may require eyelid stitching.

Shar Pei is in heat

When does Shar Pei go into heat? And how long does it usually last?

Female Shar-Peis come into heat at the age of 8-12 months. After that, it is repeated every six months, that is, it happens twice a year.

Its duration is 18-20 days. But this is only an average, there are deviations. This process requires an individual approach on the part of the owner.


If estrus occurs earlier than 7 months and later than 15 months, or the interval between estrus is less than 4 and more than 9 months, then this indicates serious problems with the dog’s health. You will need to contact a specialist.

Mating a bitch is a very important period. She will need to be closely monitored so as not to miss the beginning of this period. The female accepts the male on average on the 12th day of estrus, but the full readiness of the female can only be determined by a mating instructor.

Control mating is carried out 48 hours after the start of estrus. There is also an age at which this process will be most favorable. For females this is after 20 months, and for males - after 24 months.

Daily menu norm

An important aspect is that the daily menu norm is divided into equal shares, based on the frequency of meals. The accounting should include snacks and goodies that have energy value and contain carbohydrates.

The calorie value of the daily food intake depends on age. In children it should be significant and gradually decrease. Until the age of twelve months, it is recommended to adhere to two meals a day to maintain normal stomach volume and to prevent overeating in the future.

The opinions of a huge number of dog lovers agree that natural products are better for Shar Peis. The diet of a dog prone to severe allergic reactions needs strict control, and the description of the composition on the packaging of industrial food may be implausible. Fakes are possible.

If the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, the dog can quickly lose weight or gain weight even on a balanced menu. When natural, the dog needs dietary supplements with microelements. During puppyhood and adolescence, dietary supplements are given in shifts to avoid excess.

When preparing porridge, use homemade ingredients and animal products.

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