Everything about the designer breed “Cocker Poodle” (or “Cockapoo”): photos of dogs, description, character, maintenance and choice of puppy

The Cocker Poodle or Cockapoo is a newly developed dog breed.

Despite the fact that they are not officially recognized by any canine association, cocker poodles, thanks to the work of many breeders and breeding enthusiasts, are confidently developing and gaining popularity among dog breeders around the world.

They are most widespread in their homeland - in the USA, as well as in Australia.

These charming, seemingly smiling dogs cannot leave anyone indifferent.

In the article we will tell you everything about this designer breed - about its characteristics, specific care, attitude towards children, and so on.

History of appearance

Cockapoos or cocker poodles are designer dogs (mixed breeds) born from crossing poodles and cocker spaniels.

Using the smallest representatives of both breeds was a necessary condition for the birth of miniature puppies. The main goal of the breeding work carried out by dog ​​handlers from England and America was to obtain dogs that do not have hereditary pathologies inherent in each breed individually.

In 1999, the first official breed club appeared, whose members created a world standard for cockapoos.

They also decided that in order to produce cockapoo offspring it was necessary to use adult representatives of this breed. The classic method of breeding poodles and spaniels has become invalid because such puppies do not have the full range of qualities of purebred dogs.


To date, the World Canine Federation has not recognized the cockapoo as an independent breed.

Photo and description of the breed

Since cocker poodles are not officially recognized as a separate breed, their standard is also not registered anywhere.

At the same time, the breeders who breed them have a clear understanding of what these dogs should look like:

  • the head is rounded, the stop is well defined;
  • eyes are round, dark brown;
  • the body is square, well balanced, the back is straight;
  • the nose is black, the nostrils are wide;
  • scissor bite;
  • the ears are long, hanging, set low;
  • paws are not too long, muscular;
  • sickle-shaped tail.

The coat is soft, rather long, thick and curly.

Character traits

Cockapoos are peaceful, cheerful, affectionate and active dogs with a balanced psyche.

Being true companions, they very quickly become attached to their owner and try to spend all their time with him. Cocker poodles do not tolerate loneliness well - left without communication and attention from their owners, they become bored and sad, and a long separation can provoke psychological trauma in them.

Cockapoos are not prone to aggression. Their friendliness knows no bounds - they welcome everyone. These dogs love active pastime, walks, games, communication and meeting new people and animals. They need socialization and are grateful for the opportunity to broaden their horizons.

Representatives of this breed have inherited intelligence and intelligence from poodles, so they are easy to educate and train. Mastering new commands, as a rule, does not cause them any difficulties, but some individuals can be stubborn and willful. This is the main disadvantage of mixed breeds - it is impossible to 100% predict the character of the future pet.


Cocker poodles are companion dogs, and this determines their character, behavior, boundless and unconditional devotion to their owner and the desire to earn his favor and approval. These dogs need communication and love to be the center of attention.

Cockapoos are positive, active and inquisitive animals that infect those around them with these qualities. That is why puppies of this breed should only be purchased by those who have the same traits or want to develop them.

Is the Cocker Poodle the ideal pet?

Designer dogs are often elevated to leading positions in the “best breed” ranking. And there are a number of reasons for this:

  • hypoallergenic - dogs have virtually no shedding, which means that the breed can be kept by people suffering from allergies;
  • lack of smell - many households love dogs, but do not risk having them because of the characteristic smell. The cockapoo is a pleasant exception in this matter. The breed does not have any foreign odors, even if it has not been bathed for a long time;
  • they love to walk outside and can do without human intervention - many breeds require personal training with their owners, which takes a lot of time. You can combine a walk with your cockapoo with a trip to the park. The pet will run in the fresh air without disturbing its household;
  • a special, childlike look that remains even as the pet grows up;
  • increased friendliness - they will happily welcome guests at home, giving each person personal attention;
  • developed intelligence;
  • companion dog - ready to accompany their owners on any journey;
  • loyal;
  • have a long life expectancy;
  • feel emotions well, understand a person, are ready to provide support;
  • have a sense of humor.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the fact that representatives of this breed do not shed, and their coat does not provoke the development of allergic reactions, cocker poodles have the following advantages:

  • attractive exterior;
  • lack of aggression;
  • intelligence and learning ability;
  • high life expectancy;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • friendly and cheerful character;
  • ability to get along with children and other animals.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • inability to be alone;
  • need for frequent walks
  • tendency to overeating and obesity;
  • predisposition to many diseases.

Cockapoos are also prone to loud barking , which can be provoked by any loud or simply unfamiliar sound.

Interesting Facts

Some interesting facts about the breed:

  • Like regular poodles, cockapoos are bred in 4 sizes: standard, small, mini and toy. Thanks to this, you can choose a pet for any living space.
  • The Cocker Poodle does not emit unpleasant odors, and its hair practically does not fall out.
  • The “puppy look,” which persists throughout the pet’s life, is a merciless weapon that no person can resist. Even in old age, the dog will look at its owner through the eyes of a small puppy.
  • The breed is especially popular in the UK. Search statistics show that around 146 English people search for cockapoo kennels per month.
  • The dog of this breed received a nomination from PenguinBooks magazine as the most cheerful and cheerful pet.

Color Variations

The coat color of these dogs is not regulated in any way, so there are individuals with different coat colors. The most common cockapoos are:

  • brown (any shades);
  • beige;
  • fawn;
  • black;
  • apricot;
  • white;
  • creamy;
  • silvery.

It is also not uncommon for representatives of the breed whose coat is colored in 2 or more colors at once.

Almost all Cocker Poodles have markings on the chest, legs, face, ears, cheeks, above the eyes, or under the tail.

Attitude towards children and pets

Cocker poodles are absolutely conflict-free and non-aggressive dogs, thanks to which they get along without problems with other pets, be they other dogs, cats, rodents or birds. If another pet appeared in the house later than the cockapoo, then it is possible that at first the dog will ignore him, but later they will definitely become friends.


Cockapoo children are treated with all the affection and attention they can muster. The main thing is for the child to understand that this is not a toy, but a living being.

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that cockapoos are a designer breed of dog, they do not require specific and labor-intensive care .

These dogs have a compact size and a coat that does not contribute to the development of allergies, thanks to which they feel comfortable even in small city apartments.

Representatives of this breed need regular long walks, at least 1.5 hours a day. In addition, these walks should be as active as possible, since cocker poodles are prone to gaining excess weight.

Wool and bathing

To prevent the cockapoo's coat from matting, it must be combed with a special comb at least 2-3 times a week, ideally every day for 10-15 minutes.

Every 2-3 months you need to trim your pet , making sure to shorten the hair around the eyes and between the paw pads.

After each walk, you need to wash the dog’s paws and belly; you should give it a full bath once every 2-3 weeks, using shampoo and conditioner appropriate for its coat type.

With more frequent washing, the coat becomes dull, losing its natural protection.


Remove wax buildup and pluck hair from ear canals as needed.


Since these are very active and energetic dogs, their nails must be worn down on their own during walks. If this does not happen, you need to conduct similar promotions monthly.


Cocker poodles are prone to the formation of plaque and tartar, to avoid this you need to brush your pet's teeth 3-4 times a week


It is necessary to inspect and wipe daily with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion, a special lotion, or simply boiled water.


Light-colored dogs may develop dark tear ducts, which will require special bleaching products to lighten them.


Cockapoos are known as a highly intelligent dog breed with a quick wit. Cynologists note that these puppies have collected the best traits of ingenuity from the cocker spaniel and poodle. If you start training in time, a cockapoo will easily master a program of any complexity. To get an obedient, disciplined pet, it is important to choose the right approach. Despite the fact that the educational process is carried out firmly and seriously, one should not forget about the sensitivity of the cockapoo. It is better to refrain from swearing once again, forgiving your pet’s mistake. The pet will definitely appreciate such an act.

It is strictly not recommended to use a harsh, rude tone, speech, or behavior when training.

Cockapoos remember nicknames quite quickly and respond to them. Despite the sophistication of the breed, dog experts advise abandoning too noble nicknames, opting for Lori, Dickie, Rick, Spike for boys and Stephy, Gretta, Julie for girls.

The Cocker Poodle is a unique breed of designer dog that originated from America. They have an attractive appearance, a soft, flexible character, for which they gain great popularity. The basic rule of care is to keep the coat in good condition, without forgetting about other parts of the body.

Life expectancy and major diseases

Unfortunately, when breeding cockapoos, the breeders failed to achieve the main goal and obtain a breed without genetic pathologies. Probably, the susceptibility of these dogs to various diseases is due to their participation in the selection of breeds of artificial origin.

The most common diseases among cockapoos include:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergy;
  • epilepsy;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cataract;
  • luxation of the patella;
  • liver diseases;
  • ear infections.

Also, representatives of this breed are prone to colds, so it is important to exclude drafts in the house, and when walking in the cold season, dress your pet in warm clothes.

When provided with proper living conditions and proper care, cockapoos live an average of 13-16 years.


With proper care, the lifespan of a cockapoo ranges from 13 to 15 years. In general, young dog breeds cannot boast of excellent health, which is understandable; they seem to “absorb” all hereditary diseases. The Cocker Poodle is no exception. But by being aware of vulnerabilities, problems can be prevented or minimized. Diseases that cockapoos are primarily susceptible to:

  • developmental disorder of the hip joint (HJ);
  • dislocated kneecaps;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergies and dermatitis;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines (volvulus, disorders);
  • liver pathology;

By following the tips for caring for your pet and eating a sensible diet, you will save him from possible problems. Vaccination and routine examinations at the veterinary clinic are points that will have to be followed literally.

Dimensions and weight

DwarfMaximum 3 kg
ToyNo more than 5 kg
MiniUp to 8 kg
MaxiMore than 8 kg

The most widespread and popular dogs are those with a height at the withers of 35-38 cm and a weight of 9-15 kg.

The period of active growth of a dog lasts up to 8-10 months, after which it continues to develop for up to 1.5 years - its bones become stronger, muscle mass increases, and its chest becomes wider.

Nutritional Features

Cockapoos have inherited a tendency to overeat and become obese from poodles and cocker spaniels, so the owners of these dogs must strictly adhere to the feeding regime of their pets and control the volume of their portions.

The natural type of food allows the owner to independently control the quality of the products the dog eats and eliminates the possibility that the dog will quickly get bored with the food.

At the same time, inexperienced owners may have difficulty preparing a balanced diet, which can lead to the development of various diseases in the animal.

When feeding naturally, the menu must include:

  • lean meat (beef, poultry, rabbit);
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish (hake, pollock, blue whiting, navaga);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

You should not feed your Cocker Poodle:

  • pickles, smoked meats, marinades;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes;
  • fatty meat;
  • river fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • bones;
  • fried, spicy foods.

In consultation with the veterinarian, the dog’s diet should be supplemented with a vitamin and mineral complex.

As an alternative to natural food, you can use industrial feed. They contain everything necessary for the proper growth and development of the dog, and the owner will not need to prepare food for the pet on a daily basis.

Preference should be given to premium, super premium or holistic foods designed for feeding small breeds of dogs and suitable for their age and activity level. Products from the brands NOW, Grandorf, Almo Nature, Purina Pro Plan, Bosch, Acana, 1st Choice, Monge, Royal Canin, Hills, Orijen are popular.

How to choose a puppy?

Cockapoo puppies can be obtained in several ways:

  • as a result of crossing a cocker spaniel and a poodle;
  • from the mating of two adult representatives of this breed.

When choosing a future pet, you should find out who its parents are, since in the case of interbreed mating, the choice of a pair is especially important - it is necessary that the cocker spaniel be purebred, and the poodle, in addition, also have a suitable character and temperament.

In a healthy puppy:

  • eyes without redness and increased lacrimation;
  • clean ears without unpleasant odor;
  • no rashes, rashes, irritations;
  • scissor bite;
  • silky and shiny coat;
  • There is no dandruff or bald patches.

The pet must be active, cheerful, socialized according to age, show curiosity and not be aggressive.


The puppy must have a veterinary passport with deworming and vaccination records.

When choosing between a bitch and a dog, you need to remember that girls are traditionally more docile and calm, while boys are distinguished by their wayward character and stubbornness.

Puppies - where to buy and how much does a cockapoo cost?

The cockapoo is a common breed on the American mainland. In Russia and Europe, this breed is still a rare guest. There are official breeders in large cities, but to buy a puppy you will have to stand in line for the next litter. It is not possible to choose children.

The possibility of a trip to neighboring European countries, where cockapoo breeding is more widespread, cannot be ruled out. However, in this case it is worth considering the additional costs that the trip will entail. The average cost of puppies will be from $1,000 . If the baby’s parents participated in competitions and took honorable places, then the price for the puppy can rise by another 200-300 dollars.

Cockapoo Photos

Price range

Buying a cockapoo puppy in Russia is not easy - almost no one breeds this breed. There is only 1 kennel specializing in designer dogs, including cocker poodles - DiDog , located in Moscow.

Due to the rarity of the breed, the price for these puppies is quite high - from 40 thousand rubles. from professional breeders and about 10 thousand rubles. from amateurs.


In Russia, choosing a partner for mating is quite difficult - the cockapoo breed is extremely rare. If a suitable dog has been found, the pets are first introduced to each other so that they get used to each other. Later, the bitch is brought to the male and is bred by hand.

A cocker poodle's pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks. During this period, the animal is provided with a balanced diet and protected from stress and excessive physical activity. A litter usually contains 5-7 puppies.

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