The most expensive cat breeds in the world: prices, photos and names

There is an opinion that the fashion for purebred animals appeared relatively recently. It is fundamentally incorrect. The desire to emphasize one’s special status with the help of an animal goes back centuries. But as for cats, they began to be associated with prestige only in the 50s of the twentieth century.

But an animal is not a luxury car or an expensive smartphone; it needs care and love. Unfortunately, the high cost of a kitten is not a guarantee of a happy life.

Before getting a cat, you need to think carefully. When choosing, you should focus not only on external data, but also on character. Animals of different breeds differ in behavior and attitude towards people.

In this article we have compiled the top 10 most expensive cat breeds, look at their photos and see the prices of kittens. You can find out what distinctive features they have.

What is the price based on?

Don’t think that raising animals in nurseries is very easy. Breeders spend a lot of effort and money finding a suitable (preferably titled) pair for mating, getting the necessary vaccinations, and filling out the documents. That is why it is impossible to determine which is the most expensive cat in the world, relying only on the popularity of the breed in society. The price of a pet depends on a number of conditions:

  • elitism and title of the club;
  • rarity of the breed;
  • services of a veterinarian;
  • rarity and color features;
  • compliance with the standards of international felinological organizations;
  • sometimes the sex of the animal;
  • personal achievements of the cat (participation in exhibitions of various levels);
  • character;
  • age.

Attention! Among the 10 most expensive cats you can find not only representatives of “old” breeds, but also completely “new” ones.

Devon Rex

Devon rexes are animals with a very unusual, fairy-tale-like appearance. The cats, bred in the 60s of the last century, have very short curly fur that shimmers beautifully in the light. The thin graceful body is decorated with huge ears and large expressive eyes. These hypoallergenic pets have a good mind and easily learn commands and tricks. The price for one animal in different nurseries ranges from 400 to 1200 dollars.

Devon Rex breed description

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

Scottish fold

  • Kitten cost: up to $3,000.
  • Height at withers: up to 30 cm.
  • Weight: up to 8 kg.

The peculiarity of the breed is its tiny ears that are bent forward.


Scottish people have a raspy voice.

Cats' fur is dense and soft. Large eyes should be in harmony with the coat in color. The food is selected carefully, because the breed is prone to urolithiasis.

Russian blue

Russian Blues are not only one of the most famous and sought-after shorthair breeds, but also one of the most elite. their unusual fur coat, which has a bluish tint, and expressive green eyes captivate anyone. Depending on the nursery, the richness of the color and the richness of the pedigree, the price of the animal reaches from 400 to 2000 dollars.

More information about the Russian Blue cat

Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau

  • Kitten cost: $5,000.
  • Height at withers: up to 30 cm.
  • Weight: up to 6 kg.

Images of this ancient cat breed can be seen in drawings dating back to the times of Ancient Egypt. These highly revered animals lived in the courts of the pharaohs and high nobility.


The Egyptian Mau can reach speeds of up to 58 km/h.

Short-haired cats can be smoky, silver or bronze, with a spotted pattern (this pattern is found not only on the fur, but also on the skin). The breed can be recognized by the characteristic color in the head area - lines near the eyes and cheekbones and a pattern in the form of the letter M above the eyes and W between the ears. Adult cats have only green eyes, but up to one and a half years old they can be yellowish.


The Serengeti as a breed was formed relatively recently, in 1994. The pets, reminiscent of miniature wild predators of the savannah, have a fairly large muscular build, spotted coloring, elongated graceful legs and wide triangular ears. The Serengeti is one of the few breeds that belongs to the group of “the most expensive cats in the world.” The price per animal, depending on the nursery, ranges from 600 to 2000 dollars.

Description of the Serengeti breed

Turkish van

Turkish van

  • Kitten cost: at least $3,000.
  • Height at withers: up to 40 cm.
  • Weight: up to 7 kg.

A very ancient breed. Heterochromia (different colored eyes) is common.


One of my favorite activities is swimming; cats love water very much.

The cats are large, muscular, active, with semi-long, light-colored fur.


Elves are newcomers among the established breeds. These cats with a truly fabulous appearance were bred in 2006. Large azure eyes, lack of a fur coat and large arched ears have won the hearts of people all over the world. This breed is rare, as there are very few nurseries breeding it. Although the elf is not the most expensive cat in the world, his price is by no means small. For one animal, nurseries require 1000-2000 dollars.

British Shorthair

This breed occupies tenth place in our ranking. Britons have a proportionate, dense body with short, thick fur. The most common coat colors are dark blue, chocolate or black. The muzzle is round, with large, wide-open eyes. By nature, these cats are reserved, independent and calm, like true Englishmen.

British Shorthair cats are considered excellent companions.

The history of the breed begins with Ancient Rome - it was from there that cats were brought to the British Isles. In 1871, the first exhibition was held in England, after which breeding of British Shorthairs began. Animals of this breed have come a long way and received official recognition at the international level only in 1984.

Now the cost of a kitten starts from $500 and can reach $1,500; translated into rubles, this amount is about 33,000-98,000 rubles.


Toygers are real domestic mini-tigers. Despite their name, animals of this breed have quite large body sizes (usual weight is 7-10 kilograms!). They were officially recognized in 2007, but are already widely known. The most expensive tabby toyger cat in the world can cost $3,000!

Toyger: description of the breed with photos


Petersburg Sphinx

  • Kitten cost: $3,500.
  • Height at withers: up to 30 cm.
  • Weight: up to 7 kg.

The St. Petersburg Sphynx breed is allowed to have fluff or small fur.


Some individuals do not even have eyebrows or mustaches.

The slender animals have large ears on a narrow, long head. The character is affectionate, conflict-free.

American Curl

The American Curl shares sixth place with the Toyger for the title of “most expensive cat breeds.” Many people are familiar with photographs depicting pets with unusual raised ears. Despite their fame, wonderful curls are one of the rarest and most sought-after cat breeds. The price for such a pet is quite high: from 1500 to 3000 dollars, in accordance with coloring, nursery and pedigree.

Attention! Even the most expensive cat breed in the world requires equal attention from its owner and breeder. Also, before purchasing a pet, make sure that it has received all the necessary vaccinations and has received a veterinary passport.


Strict sphinx

  • Kitten cost: $3,000.
  • Height at withers: up to 30 cm.
  • Weight: up to 5 kg.

The breed is not for everybody because of its original appearance. Wrinkled skin, huge ears and eyes and an unusual voice characterize the breed.


The Sphynx's skin requires special care.

Due to the lack of fur, cats often get cold and try to get under the blanket.


What cat breed is considered the largest?

These are Maine Coons, also called gentle giants. Despite their impressive weight (up to 12 kg), dimensions (up to 40 cm in height) and a rather stern expression on their muzzle, these long-haired pets are very peaceful, have a calm disposition and love children.

Bengal cat

At first glance, Bengal cats are real wild hunters. This effect creates the unusual leopard-print color of the animal’s fur coat. Their majestic image and proud look are combined with a very mischievous character, love of communication and games. The price for such a beauty ranges from 2000 to 4000 dollars.

Attention! Before buying an expensive animal, you should not believe low prices! Representatives of elite breeds cannot cost little. Perhaps the animal is not purebred or only looks like the one it is being given out for. You should not buy “purebred cats” from private hands through advertisements. It is better to contact nurseries where you can check the pedigree of the future pet’s parents.


This breed is very unusual. Due to their appearance, such cats are sometimes called dachshunds.

The cost of kittens can reach $4000.

The Munchkin has a body of medium length, but its paws are 2-3 times shorter than usual. The head is proportional to the body, the contour is rounded, high cheekbones protrude. The ears are medium or large, proportional to the head, have a wide base, and the tips are slightly rounded. Almond-shaped eyes are large or medium, the color is not related to color. The coat can be short or long.

The munchkin does not stand on its hind legs, but sits on its seat, resting its tail. The cat can spend a long time in this position; it looks like a kangaroo.


Safari is a very rare breed of cat, obtained by mixing a Geoffroy cat from South America and an ordinary domestic cat. A sufficiently large animal in adulthood can exceed 11 kilograms in weight! This unusual pet has inherited the beautiful color of its wild ancestor and the affectionate nature of its domestic one. Among the officially registered hybrid breeds, the Safari is the most good-natured and playful. The most expensive cat costs 8 thousand dollars!


Kao-mani is recognized as the most ancient breed of domestic cat. Pets appeared in the Thai kingdom several centuries ago. Kao-mani lived exclusively in royal families and were revered as sacred beings. According to legend, snow-white cats brought happiness, luck and wealth to their owners. According to breed standards, it is allowed that the eyes of the Kao-Mani can be yellow, azure or even multi-colored. The price for a magnificent and incredibly smart pet is 7-10 thousand dollars.


Among all the presented breeds, the Chausie is considered the rarest. These pets are obtained by mixing an Abyssinian cat with a caracal or swamp lynx. The first representatives were received back in the 60s of the last century, but their breeding is still considered difficult. The weight of an adult animal, depending on gender, can reach 4-8 kilograms. The Chausie has a slender, flexible body, long legs and large ears with cute tassels at the ends. Individuals of the first generation (that is, direct descendants of wild predators) are especially valued. The price for a kitten is usually 8-11 thousand dollars, but it is incredibly difficult to find a nursery that specializes in this breed.

Detailed description of the Chausie breed

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

A native of New England, the Maine Coon is distinguished by its impressive size, mouse hunting skills, and adaptability to any vagaries of nature. This cute giant cat captivates with his shaggy thick hair, touching tufts on his ears and a huge fluffy tail, giving him a resemblance to a raccoon. Maine Coons have a good disposition, they are flexible, intelligent, and love affection. These cute creatures have outstanding vocal abilities, and they willingly demonstrate their talent to their owners.

Maine Coons reach full maturity between 3 and 5 years of age, and many can weigh over 20 pounds at this age. They like to live in pairs, while the males are prone to wonderful funny antics, and the females try not to lose their dignity. Maine Coons are friendly towards other animals in the family and children. The cost of kittens of this breed can reach $1000.

Maine Coon


Savannah is the most expensive cat in the world. Photos of these beautiful animals can only evoke admiration. Savannahs are descendants of the African wild serval and the common cat. The height of spotted beauties can reach 60 centimeters, and their weight is 15 kilograms, which makes them the largest purrs. Savannahs love walks outside, games, jogging and swimming, and enjoy communicating with people. They get along well with other pets and love to babysit children. Based on generation, gender and title, the price of an animal is 6-22 thousand dollars!

Description of the Savannah breed with photos

Among the most expensive pets there are many interesting representatives of the cat kingdom. Some animals have a rich history, others have a breathtaking appearance, and others combine the blood of wild ancestors. All of them will be loving family members and will be happy to please their owners!

Breed selection:

Any cat owner will tell you that every cat is different.
So why do some people think cats are the same? Cats have their own personalities and quirks. There is no doubt that the interactions between each animal and its owner are also different, and are a result of the compatibility of their personalities and lifestyles. However, many cats have directly inherited their behavior from their genetic ancestors. Some cat breeds have their own individual characteristics that require a certain lifestyle or, in extreme cases, understanding on the part of the owner. If you are determined to take a kitten into your home, you must take into account not only your personal characteristics and your lifestyle, but also the characteristics of the breed you want to adopt. Every owner knows that their cat will meow and may “talk” a little. But some cat breeds, such as Korat, Burmese and Siamese, are known for their vocal abilities. They are famous for having the longest and loudest conversations with their loved ones. If you live in an apartment with thin walls and have picky neighbors, then it is advisable to consider purchasing a cat of a quieter breed, such as an American Curl, Somali, or Scottish Fold.

Some energetic cats are able to entertain themselves and others for hours on end. The energy of such breeds as the Devon Rex, the Canadian Sphynx, the Balinese and the British Angora is very high, they are mischievous and curious creatures. It is worth considering purchasing these breeds for individuals who are confined indoors for long periods of time, the elderly and people with limited mobility, as these cats provide an excellent source of companionship and entertainment.

A kitten’s long hair, of course, looks very beautiful on a baby, but with age, the question of caring for the fur will still arise, and here you need to take into account the inevitable additional costs of cutting and whether you have free time for this. Lack of proper care can lead to loss of shine and matting of the coat. In addition, your things will always be stained with pet hair. Shaving is a last resort to solve this problem, and the procedure can be very traumatic. Some cats need to be given a sedative before being groomed. If you don't have enough time or money for regular grooming, try to avoid breeds such as the Maine Coon and Ragdoll. Affectionate and friendly cats of breeds such as Maine Coon, Tonkinese, Abyssinian and Persian are attention-seeking, making them very desirable in families with small children. Breeds that are known to be a little more aloof, especially with strangers, are the Russian Shorthair, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Nibelung. If you want your cat to communicate without conflict with other animals living with you, for example with a puppy or dog, it is best to purchase American Shorthair, Japanese Bobtail or Tonkinese cats.

Some domestic cat breeds, due to excessive reproduction, are more susceptible to diseases. This becomes expensive if the cat needs treatment for diseases such as joint inflammation, cancer, viral immunodeficiency, Feline Leukemia Virus (FLV), panleukopenia, (FIV) or Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Breeds that have been identified by veterinary organizations include, but are not limited to, Persians and Scottish Folds.

Allergens are found in cats' saliva and also in their sebaceous glands. During the breeding season, cats emit allergens at considerable distances from themselves. The concept of true hypoallergenic cats does not exist, but the Rex breed has fewer of them than others.

Breeds like the Devon Rex or Korat are very affectionate and require a lot of love from their owners. These two breeds may even show signs of depression if left unattended for long periods of time. Some breeds are unpretentious, including the Russian Blue, Exotic Shorthair, Maine, Burmese and Scottish Fold.

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