How to choose the right German Shepherd puppy - at what age to get a German, selection criteria, from whom to buy a dog

The German Shepherd combines several unique qualities at the same time. The dog has a protective instinct, is surprisingly smart, can make decisions independently in difficult situations, and is fearless in any environment, even unfamiliar to it. At the same time, the Germans are non-aggressive, devoted to their owner, and readily solve the tasks assigned to them. To raise a dog with these qualities, you need to choose the right German Shepherd puppy and then raise it. In this case, you need to determine the purpose of the acquisition, personal preferences and the compliance of the pet with the accepted breed standard.

At what age can a puppy be weaned from its mother?

Once the choice of a German Shepherd puppy has been made, there is no need to rush to take him home. Early separation from mother has a negative impact on both the health and mental state of little Germans. Dog handlers recommend picking them up at the fifth or sixth week, when vaccinations have been completed, the puppies eat on their own and can adapt to new living conditions. If the owners are forced to pick up the pet earlier, they need to devote a lot of time to it. It will be needed for feeding six times a day, socialization and accustoming to a new place.

If a German Shepherd is not taken from the kennel for several months, and it is forced to spend a lot of time alone, in an enclosure, then raising and training such a teenager is beyond the capabilities of inexperienced dog breeders. It is possible to correct an already formed character, but it will not be possible to completely correct it.

Breed Features

In addition to the desire to have a shepherd, there must be an understanding of how suitable such a dog is for a particular family. The German Shepherd is a herding breed that was bred specifically to control large livestock populations. Thus, this is a hardy, physically strong, but most importantly, a breed that requires great attention. To stay healthy, your dog will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation, which includes proper training and muscle exercise. Without the opportunity to properly expend their energy, German Shepherds often grow up disobedient, lazy, mischievous and completely useless in the household. This is especially true for males.

This breed is ideal for those owners who can afford to devote at least 6 hours a day to their pet in the first three years of its life, and at least 4 hours later. If this is too much of a burden, you should reconsider your choice of breed.

How to choose a German Shepherd puppy?

To purchase a purebred dog, you must contact a kennel that breeds Germans. Only in this case can you choose the right German Shepherd puppy that meets international standards. When visiting a nursery, pay attention to the living conditions of the puppies, their number in the litter, and physical condition. You should obtain information about the mating of the bitch - whether it was planned or spontaneous and how often it happened with a dog.

When choosing a puppy, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • babies from a large litter are rarely large;
  • dull fur is a signal of disease or helminthic infestation;
  • aggressive or fearful behavior is a consequence of previously received mental trauma;
  • the German Shepherd must be well-fed, with a correct bite, and without signs of an umbilical hernia;
  • the presence of nodes on the ribs, indicating the development of rickets and calcium deficiency, is unacceptable;
  • there should be no scratches or open wounds on the stomach and paws.

Appearance according to standard

To choose the right German Shepherd, you need to compare its exterior and other characteristics with the FCI standards.

The high class of the litter can be confirmed by a number of anatomical features of the puppy:

  • strong, powerful skeleton;
  • straight back;
  • elongated body;
  • strong neck;
  • large paws with toes gathered into a ball;
  • tail without kinks;
  • hanging ears (up to 3 months);
  • scissor bite;
  • a harmonious head with a clear stop, a not too wide forehead and a non-sharp muzzle;
  • lack of fringe on the ears;
  • almond-shaped eyes are brown or yellowish in color.

It is equally important to choose a healthy puppy. It is identified by the appearance of its eyes, ears, nose and fur. If a little German feels good, he is active, cheerful and inquisitive, reacts to a person and his actions.

Gender of the puppy

The future owner of a German Shepherd needs to remember that females and males have different characters, habits and lifestyles, so you need to choose a puppy taking into account the gender characteristics of the dogs, your capabilities and the future purpose of the animal.

If a dog breeder has chosen a boy, he should know that his character may be complex and that proper upbringing will require a lot of time and effort. The main concern of a German male owner is his desire to run away if he smells a female dog in heat. At the same time, there are significant advantages - the male is fearless, a good guard, and can be used for breeding work.

If you choose a female dog, you need to be prepared to go into heat twice a year. During this period, you will have to protect her from male dogs or select a worthy one for mating, and then care for the newborns. After spontaneous matings, the offspring will have to be accommodated. Girls often suffer from diseases of the reproductive organs. Female German Shepherds have advantages - they are more often chosen by buyers, their character is softer, and they are more pliable in training.

Puppy age

In the best nurseries, German Shepherd puppies are given into the hands of new owners at the age of two months. This principle allows you to carefully select a dog, which, in turn, has time to get stronger, receive all vaccinations, and undergo socialization. Having moved to a new family at this age, she gets sick less, grows and develops faster.

Unfortunately, in most nurseries the puppy is taken away when he turns 1 month old. This is due to the economic factor - it is expensive to maintain, and the bitch becomes very exhausted if she feeds numerous offspring for a long time.

Experienced dog handlers do not recommend a teenage puppy, despite the fact that caring for him is easier than for a small one. Perhaps the breeder kept the German Shepherd for further breeding work, but defects appeared and it was decided to sell it.

If you choose the time of year to purchase a puppy, then you should choose the autumn litter. He is stronger, healthier, and gains body weight faster.

Character and behavior

If you carefully observe the offspring of a German Shepherd for several days, you can choose a purebred dog based on its character. When a little German goes to meet someone without fear, it means the dog is brave and inquisitive. The baby may run, try to flirt with a new person, or grab his legs. Most likely, these dogs will grow up to be smart, proactive dogs. You should not choose cowardly or aggressive individuals; an unstable psyche will certainly manifest itself in adulthood. To identify behavioral characteristics, puppies are tested at the age of 2-3 months. They call out, clap their hands, put him on his back, lift him and hold him at a certain height. The type of temperament of a German Shepherd is determined by the reaction. Ideally, she should be brave, active, energetic, confident, devoted to her owner, but also obedient, restrained and non-aggressive.


Before you finally choose a puppy, you need to determine the purpose of purchasing a service dog. A German Shepherd for breeding must be purebred and have a pedigree supported by documents. Many take it to protect and protect the territory. In this case, they pay attention to how balanced, brave and calm the parents and she herself are. Pets for exhibition are selected according to the standard and title of their ancestors. If you need a dog “for the soul”, you can close your eyes to some shortcomings in the exterior and choose a long-haired or regular German Shepherd puppy of any color. The main thing is that the owner finds a common language with her.

For home

To choose the right German Shepherd for your home and “for your soul,” you need to pay maximum attention to the puppy’s health and temperament. At the age of 2-3 months, behavioral characteristics are formed. Some pets demonstrate activity and physical capabilities, others are phlegmatic and cowardly, others are curious and cocky. Each owner can choose a dog according to their preferences. Minor flaws in the exterior of a German Shepherd are not critical if it is taken to have a friend and companion in the house. This does not at all exclude the pet from having high working qualities and excellent appearance. First of all, the baby must be healthy so that the owner does not have problems with his treatment in the future.

For security

It is difficult to choose a more suitable breed of dog for protection than German Shepherds. They are easy to train and have an excellent sense of smell, vision, reaction and courage. Thanks to their thick and dense wool, they can live and serve in harsh climatic conditions.

For protection and special service, it is advisable to choose balanced individuals with a sanguine type of temperament. They should have well-developed muscles and bones, healthy teeth, and a strong grip. Training begins at 8 months. An earlier start is undesirable, since training requires physical strength and endurance from the puppy.

Campbell's test

The Campbell test is needed to determine the behavior and character of a pet. The test must be carried out by a stranger to a puppy, preferably in an unfamiliar place. The test is only suitable for use in dogs aged 8-12 weeks.

  • Point 1. Attracting attention

The puppy needs to be placed on the ground and move away 1-2 meters, bend over and clap your hands. Next, you should evaluate your pet’s reaction:

  1. Runs towards a person with his tail raised, bites his hands and jumps.
  2. Runs towards a person with his tail raised, scratching his hands with his paws.
  3. Runs towards a person, wagging its tail.
  4. Reluctantly approaches with tail down.
  5. Stands still.
  • Point 2. The ability to run after a person

The puppy is placed on the ground and slowly moved away to a distance at which the pet is still visible. At the same time, you cannot provoke the animal with sounds and gestures.

  1. The puppy with its tail raised immediately runs after the person and bites the legs.
  2. Runs after a person, but does not bite his legs.
  3. Runs with his tail down.
  4. Reluctantly walks with his tail between his legs.
  5. Heads in the other direction or stands still.
  • Point 3. The desire to resist

The puppy is placed on its back on the ground and held with a hand by the chest for 30 seconds.

  1. The pet resists strongly and bites.
  2. He tries to free himself.
  3. Calms down after the first unsuccessful attempt to free himself.
  4. Doesn't resist, licks his hands.
  • Point 4. Willingness to submit

A calm puppy is placed in the “sphinx position” (the dog lies with its head raised, its head and back are supported by hands).

  1. The puppy bites, scratches and growls, trying to turn around.
  2. Turns and fights to bite or scratch the arm.
  3. There is an attempt to resist, but after that the pet calms down and begins to lick his hands.
  4. Licking his hands, turning over on his back.
  5. Leaves.
  • Point 5. Dominance in a raised position
  1. The puppy is lifted under the chest with both hands for 30 seconds.
  2. The dog resists strongly, bites and growls.
  3. Strong resistance.
  4. An attempt at resistance followed by calm and affection.
  5. There is no resistance, the puppy licks his hands.
  6. He tries to break free and whines.


Answers No. 1 predominate - choleric. Choleric dogs are characterized by aggressive dominant behavior. They should not be kept as a companion dog. With proper training, you can make a good service dog or guard dog.

Answers No. 2 predominate - sanguine. These pets have a balanced and strong character. Requires serious training and can become a good service dog.

Answers No. 3 predominate - phlegmatic. Training will require a lot of patience from the owner, but will bear fruit, since the dog has a good ability to learn.

Answers No. 4 predominate - melancholic or inhibited phlegmatic. The dog is not suitable for service training, but can be a good companion. Parenting tactics are sensitivity, love and constant attention.

Answers No. 5 predominate - melancholic. An uncommunicative dog with a depressed psyche. May bite in stressful situations. Not recommended for families with children.

Test results can be considered final only after several checks, because at the time of the test the dog may be in a bad mood, hungry or simply scared.

What documents should be available when purchasing?

After you have managed to choose the right puppy, you need to complete the paperwork. The breeder should already have certificates for each baby indicating a unique number. It is also applied as a tattoo on the inside of the right hind leg.

The certificate contains information:

  • the puppy's name;
  • date of birth;
  • registration number;
  • parents;
  • suit;
  • breeder's address;
  • club details;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the new owner.

From the RKF, the owner receives a pedigree, which identifies the breed of the animal, its ancestors in several generations, indicating nicknames, titles and awards.

The puppy inspection report is drawn up by dog ​​handlers. This document confirms that the chosen baby meets the breed standard. Do not forget about your veterinary passport with vaccination documents. Additionally, you can request a certificate for mating. It will be needed when the owner decides to engage in breeding work.

Does a dog have to have a pedigree?

Even in the absence of a pedigree, it is possible to choose and buy a good puppy. He is capable of becoming an excellent companion and brilliantly performing his official duties, but you need to remember that buying a German shepherd without a full package of documents is a lottery that does not guarantee purebredness.

If you choose a puppy without an official pedigree, you can end up with a weak and sickly baby, since the bitch was bred several times a year. There are cases of sale and purchase of mixed breeds of Germans and mongrels.

Pedigree is a guarantee of the physical and mental health of parents, who are selected very carefully in kennel clubs. Sick and weak individuals are not allowed to reproduce; they are discarded.

German puppy cost

A puppy without documents, bought secondhand, costs 7,000-10,000 rubles. The price for a purebred German Shepherd starts at 20,000 rubles and depends on its class:

  • pet class - with a pedigree, good health, but with minor defects in the exterior, shepherd dogs can be chosen as a friend and companion, a guard (20,000-3,000 rubles);
  • show class - puppies with the correct exterior and other characteristics, bred to attend exhibitions, meet strict selection criteria (40,000-60,000 rubles);
  • breeding class - full compliance with the standard, have excellent health, those who are going to engage in breeding work tend to choose such dogs (from 70,000 rubles).

It should be taken into account that you will have to pay more for offspring from titled parents; the price for girls is higher than for boys.

The agony of choice - boy or girl

Almost all potential dog owners experience the agony of choosing between a boy or a girl.

  • If you are not adopting a dog for breeding, it is better to have it neutered at a young age. Neutered males and females behave approximately the same.
  • If you choose a puppy for breeding, it all depends on the seriousness of your intentions. If you are ready to raise puppies, monitor their fate, and face difficulties associated with genetic abnormalities, buy a girl.
  • You like the prospects of showing your dog at exhibitions, participating in the development of the breed, but you are not ready to turn your home into a kindergarten - then it makes more sense to buy a male dog.

Who to buy from - private owners, breeders or nurseries?

The best place to buy a German Shepherd puppy is from a reputable breeder or kennel. It is there that you can study the conditions of detention, look at the parents, get acquainted with the pedigree before making your final choice. Before meeting the babies for the first time, you need to evaluate the reputation of the manufacturers and look at reviews. Conscientious breeders will tell you what they feed the babies and give advice on care. Buying from reputable sellers is extremely important for those who want to select a German Shepherd for competition or further breeding. To be sure of the right choice, you should invite a dog handler with you who can evaluate the quality of the dog.

What you need to prepare at home

Before purchasing a dog, be sure to consult the breeder about what you will need to prepare at home.

The standard set is as follows:

  • Several sets of toys.
  • Resting-place.
  • Bowls and equipped area for eating.
  • Permitted place for relieving yourself.
  • Regular food for 7–14 days.

Depending on the dog’s temperament, you need to arrange the resting place as successfully as possible - closer or further from your room. It is advisable to walk around the area near your house and choose an area for your first walks.

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