Chelavit S: features of the drug and the specifics of its use

Features of the drug Helavit S

Chelavit C is a food supplement with a predominantly mineral composition. The main elements in it are combined with amino acids, due to which they are especially quickly and easily absorbed by the body. The developer of the formula is the Russian organization Delta.

Thanks to Helavit’s special formula, all elements are easily absorbed by the cat’s body

Chelavit C eliminates the deficiency of microelements and is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of various diseases, as well as for their prevention. Has the following effects:

  • improves metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases endurance;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and coat;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • accelerates the process of rehabilitation after illness;
  • helps the animal cope with stress;
  • improves the ability to conceive and facilitates pregnancy;
  • promotes better growth of kittens and increases their survival rate.

Chelavite also has a beneficial effect on most other animals.


Helavit S contains:

  • Iron. This element prevents anemia. With a lack of iron, the animal suffers from weakness, behaves depressed and lethargic.
  • Copper. Promotes better absorption of iron. Important for the synthesis of collagen, bones and connective tissues. Responsible for the rich color of the coat, as it takes part in the production of pigment. Has antioxidant properties.
  • Manganese. Normalizes the functioning of joints, strengthens bones. If there is a deficiency, the animal has problems with the reproductive system.
  • Zinc. Important for the good condition and beauty of the coat. Has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • Cobalt. Participates in the production of hemoglobin. Important for the normal development of the animal. A deficiency of this microelement in producers leads to problems with both conception and bearing offspring.
  • Selenium. Normalizes muscle function and prevents their atrophy. Important for normal heart function.
  • Iodine. Important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Deficiency leads to infertility.


Chelavit C is available as a brown or green-brown liquid for oral use. It has no odor and almost no taste, which is why most animals calmly consume it with food.

The product is presented in several volumes, suitable for both home use and for use in veterinary clinics, as well as in industrial animal husbandry:

  • polymer bottles of 40 or 70 ml, equipped with a dropper to facilitate dosing;
  • polyethylene bottles 10 and 20 l;
  • polyethylene barrels 30 and 40 l.

Helavit is also available in the form of liquid for injection. It is packaged in 10 or 100 ml bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers. Injections are used in difficult cases, for example, when the pet is severely exhausted or after surgery.

The injection solution has a stronger effect

The packaging must indicate:

  • name of the manufacturing organization, address, trademark;
  • name and purpose of the additive;
  • volume;
  • guarantee indicators;
  • batch number and production date;
  • shelf life;
  • service station designation and instructions for use.

Can it be used?

The name of the veterinary drug Helavit comes from the term “chelates” - organometallic substances that promote better absorption of microelements compared to extracting metal ions from mineral salts. The drug Helavit is a complex of several elements necessary for the animal’s body in a form accessible to it.

Indications for use:

  • deficiency of useful ingredients in feed: the supply of microelements is replenished;
  • general strengthening, protection of the individual from stressful conditions, increased growth;
  • prevention of anemia from iron deficiency;
  • promoting the healing of injuries, the consequences of surgical intervention: hematopoiesis is stimulated;
  • allergies, dermatitis.

The drug is prescribed for agricultural and domestic animals, including cats, and fur-bearing animals. The veterinary product improves the condition of pets' fur and normalizes metabolism.

Indications for use

The product is often used to generally strengthen the cat’s body and prevent disease. Helavit C is also recommended in such cases as:

  • stress;
  • prolonged shedding, deterioration of coat texture, dullness and hair loss, including baldness;
  • general deficiency of microelements due to an unbalanced diet;
  • pre- and postoperative period;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • exhaustion, blood loss;
  • significant physical activity.

An acquaintance who often participates in exhibitions told me that some owners give their cats Helavit S to prepare for the event: this product makes the coat beautifully glossy and shiny. Some, according to her, shorten the molting period in this way - few people want to show judges and spectators an animal with falling out and dull hair.

Diseases for which Helavit C is often included in the treatment regimen:

  • anemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • liver pathologies;
  • viral infections;
  • parasite damage;
  • skin diseases such as eczema or dermatitis;
  • allergies.

When to use

According to the instructions, Helavit for cats is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • micronutrient deficiency.

The drug is also used to prevent and treat stress that occurs after visiting a veterinarian, transportation, participation in an exhibition or in other situations. The medicine is included in complex therapy for the following health problems:

  • for liver pathologies;
  • for viral infections;
  • when infected with parasites;
  • with demodicosis;
  • for dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases;
  • with baldness;
  • for allergies;
  • with blood loss;
  • when exhausted.

You can also use the medicine to improve the coat, including during preparation for an exhibition or competition, to stop shedding, during physical exercise, to improve reproductive function or improve the health of the pet in general.

Instructions for use and dosage

Chelavit C is added to the pet's food or diluted in water and administered after meals, for example, using a syringe without a needle.

You cannot simply add the drug to the drinking bowl - the cat will not drink the required amount of liquid.

The average course is 30 days.

It is convenient to administer the drug using a syringe

The dosage depends on the condition of the pet. For prevention, as well as for stress or general deficiency of nutrients, it is 1-2 drops per day, for kittens - only 1 drop. During the period of treatment or recovery from illnesses and injuries, as well as in case of severe exhaustion, the daily dose is 3-5 drops for adult animals and 2-3 drops for kittens.

Injections are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Depending on the condition of the animal and a number of other factors, the dose can range from 0.05 to 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. If your pet is sick, injections are given daily for 1-2 weeks, for prevention - 2-3 times a week for 2-3 weeks.

If liquid gets on mucous membranes or skin, they should be washed with plenty of water.

Before giving your pet a remedy in one form or another, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian - an excess of minerals harms the animal no less than their deficiency. Without the recommendation of a specialist, the drug should not be given to sick animals or pregnant females.


The cost of Helavit depends on the form of its release, the volume of solution in the package, the region of sale, and the seller’s pricing policy. Average prices for a complex of microelements:

Helavit S bottles, mlVolume of solution Helavit d/i, mlprice, rub.

You can buy the drug remotely in online pharmacies for animals and pet stores.

Side effects and contraindications

Chelavit C can be given to kittens older than two months after transition to independent feeding. Can be given to old and pregnant animals.

Injections are not recommended during the concomitant use of drugs containing microelements and iron, otherwise the body may become oversaturated.

If you use industrial feed enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex, Helavit C should be given only as prescribed by a veterinarian, strictly monitoring the dosage.

In rare cases, individual intolerance to the drug is possible.

Overdose is possible only if the dose is 50 times higher. In this case, nausea and vomiting, thirst, loss of appetite, and manifestations of aggression are observed.


The composition of Helavit is unique and protected by invention patents. There is no exact repetition of the components of the drug, but there are mineral products that have a similar effect on the cat’s body. Analogues of the domestic complex of microelements are:

  1. Bioplex containing Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu. Manufactured by Alltech (USA).
  2. Mixodil is a complex of vitamins and minerals: Cu, Se, Zn, Mn. Manufacturer: Neolait (France).
  3. Vi-Min powder with microelements Zn, Mn, I, as well as additives of potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium. Manufactured in Germany by Bosch.

The price of foreign analogues of the Russian drug is higher. For comparison: Helavit C costs 150 rubles, and an imported complex of microelements in comparable packaging is bought for 300 rubles. In terms of versatility of use, the domestic drug is superior to foreign analogues.

The use of Helavit can be combined with other feed additives and medications for animals. No special protective measures are required when using the drug: it is safe. If drops get on your skin, just rinse the solution with water.

Advantages of using a domestic complex of microelements: low price compared to analogues, low consumption combined with high efficiency of the drug, simple dosage. Helavit has no disadvantages, except for the darkness of the solution, which does not have an acceptable taste for all cats.

Means with a similar type of action

Thanks to the unique formula of Helavit, there are no drugs that could be fully called its analogues. Nevertheless, there are several products that are similar, if not in composition, then in effect.

Table: drugs similar in type of effect to Helavit S

NameBeaphar Kitty's MixFeliDermCat Vitamin Tabs
IndicationsGeneral weakness, poor coat condition. Can be used as a treat. Fragility and hair loss, itching and irritation of the skin, the appearance of ulcers, sensitive skin on the pads of the paws.Metabolic disorders, reduced immunity, recovery from illness. Especially recommended for cats during pregnancy and lactation.
Contraindications and side effectsIntended for adult animals only. The disadvantages include the presence of sugar in the composition. Individual intolerance is possible. Individual intolerance is possible.Cannot be given in combination with vitamin D2. Nausea may occur due to individual intolerance.
average costPackaging 180 tablets about 500 rub. Packaging 750 tablets about 1600 rub. About 1800 rub.Packaging 100 tablets about 250 rub. Packaging 250 tablets about 400 rub.

Operating principle

The main active component of Helavit S for cats is a complex of iron, ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid and lysine. The main properties of the drug depend on it, as well as on the microelements included in its composition.

Regular intake of the vitamin complex increases the animal’s resistance to high loads and stress, triggers energy exchange processes in cells, makes offspring more viable, improves their growth and development.

Terms and conditions of storage

Closed bottles are stored out of the reach of children in a dark, dry place, separate from products. Permissible temperature range is from -20 to +30 °C.

Shelf life from the date of production is 3 years.

The solution for injection after uncorking the bottle can be stored for no more than 30 days, after which the unused balance must be disposed of.

Empty bottles cannot be used for household needs, much less for storing food products such as spices.

Release forms and composition

Chelavit is a veterinary mineral complex. Developer - JUPITER LLC, Russia.

The main active ingredient is a complex of lysine and ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid with trace elements. Shelf life: 3 years.

List and content of microelements

The drug contains the following beneficial substances:

NameIn 1 ml of solution d/i , mgIn 1 liter Helavita S, g
Fe (Iron)3,013,0
Zn (Zinc)1,687,3
Mn (Manganese)0,62,6
Cu (Copper)0,31,3
I (Iodine)0,090,4
Co (Cobalt)0,060,26
Se (Selenium)0,030,13

Deviations in the content of biologically active microelements are allowed up to 10%.

The injection product is packaged in transparent bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers and aluminum caps. The feed additive (depending on the volume) is contained in polymer dropper bottles, bottles, and canisters.

Helavit C solution has a dark brown tint and is odorless. It dissolves well in water.

Reviews about the drug

The most important thing: our fur has stopped coming out! Anyone who has encountered this problem will understand me. Shedding naturally, but sometimes you have to grab the vacuum cleaner both morning and evening. The result was noticeable literally 5 days after the start of treatment. Pieces of black fur left the apartment. Cherry was never six dim, but still improved a little.


I am very pleased with the drops and so is my favorite. Cheerful and energetic with beautiful fur, strong teeth and claws. Previously, the fur looked worse, my husband even called it “a red washcloth.”

Olga 777

I have 4 cats living at home, all picked up from the street. Anyone who has picked up cats from the street will understand me. These are animals with a lot of problems. One of them is a lack of vitamins, which primarily affect the animal’s coat. The last cat I picked up was just something, you stroke it, and your whole hand, clothes and everything around it was covered in fur, it even flew through the air. In the vet. clinics prescribed brewer's yeast (tablets that the cat simply won't eat, they need to be crushed, then mixed, and so on. It's a hassle, but in the end - zero results!). Once I got into a conversation with a salesperson at a pet store, and she advised me to take these vitamins for 80 rubles! I bought them with disbelief and a complete lack of hope. I still thank this woman with all my heart, because these drops helped! Now the cat has grown up, has become very fluffy, and when you pet it, there is no hair everywhere. I stopped running around the apartment with a rag and a vacuum cleaner!


In the fall, a 6-7 month old kitten was brought into the house, skinny, with a bunch of external and internal parasites. As they say - washed, cleaned... Got rid of parasites. I started gaining weight. And everything seemed fine, but he really began to like all sorts of wires. And don’t just play with a string. He chewed them with particular cruelty, especially the chargers. They were afraid that it would eat the wires from the new computer. On the Internet they recommended Antigryzin and some vitamins containing iron. We bought Antigryzin (a very smelly thing) and drops in the food Helavit S. It contains a lot of vitamins necessary for the health of the cat. Every day they dripped into the food according to the instructions. The cat ate calmly, as there was no smell. Our efforts didn’t take long and the cat stopped looking for the wires. The only downside is the dispenser. Instead of the prescribed 5 drops, 6–7 were poured out.



The supplement is intended for the prevention of metabolic disorders. Therefore, veterinarians recommend using it in the following cases:

  • Demodecosis.
  • Anemia.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Kidney pathologies.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Various infections.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Blood loss.
  • Worm infestation.

If you are changing your furry's diet, we also recommend using a nutritional supplement. In cases of exhaustion or stress, the drug is also recommended by veterinarians

Helavit V

The liquid is poured into plastic bottles, bottles, canisters, barrels with a volume of 70 ml to 40 liters.

Cost in September 2022 - 196 rubles.

The feed additive is used to enrich the feed mixture at a feed mill or farm feed shop instead of a mineral premix throughout the entire production cycle. Young animals and laying hens are given 1 l/t of feed, broiler chickens - 1.5 l/t.

There are no restrictions on the food use of meat and eggs.

Helavit A

The water-soluble dark brown liquid is poured into plastic bottles, bottles, canisters, and barrels with a volume of 250 ml to 40 liters.

Cost in September 2022 - 260 rubles.

The drug is intended for individual use, once a day with concentrated food, or by drinking in accordance with the scheme:

Animal speciesApplication timeDaily portion, mlDuration, days
Sows before inseminationIn 20–25 days1020
suckling pigletsFrom birth to weaning1–1,5
Fattening pigsBeginning of fattening1,5–260
Dry and dairy cows40 days before expected calving10Before launch
Calves10 days530

There are no contraindications or restrictions for the food use of livestock products.

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