Welsh Corgi Pembroke - breed characteristics, appearance, features

Miniature Welsh Corgi Pembroke Shepherds have an unusual appearance and multifaceted character. These dogs are always welcome guests at Buckingham Palace, which causes an even greater wave of interest in the breed. For more information about who a corgi is, what makes its appearance remarkable, and what kind of character such a pet has, read the article.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Activityin the house3.1
on the street3.9
Dominationin family1.6
over dogs2.8
Defending your territoryfrom people2.1
from dogs2.8
Sociabilityin family4.9
with strangers3
with dogs4.3
Concentrationin family1.3
in front of strangers3
with dogs2
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers3
to the dogs2
to cats2.1
Family behaviorcalmness4.6
demand for affection4.5
excessive barking2.4
behavioral breakdowns2.3
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.4
over 4 years old4.6
Institutional usewatchman3

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Jack Russell Terrier, Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu), French Bulldog, Labrador Retriever, Pug.

The photo shows what adult Pembrokes look like:


If not only dogs live in the house, but also cats, birds, and hamsters, the corgi will be an excellent addition to the “menagerie.” He finds a common language with everyone, and can even make friends with iguanas and turtles.

Pembrokes are gentle and careful with children. They steadfastly endure all the pranks and involve the kids in their pranks. At the same time, corgis are strong enough to withstand kicks and pinches. And they are ready to run around and play with school-aged children from morning to evening.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are cool towards strangers. But family friends are treated warmly, perceiving them as members of the pack coming and going.

General characteristics of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed

Pembroke Welsh Corgi dogs are ideal for families with children, active young people and even retirees. Due to their small size, they can be kept in a city apartment. And high intelligence and balanced temperament allow even inexperienced dog breeders to raise such a pet.

Fans of the breed say that they are “a big dog in a small body.” Pembrokes are able to give a lot of love and joy. They are very smart, loyal and affectionate. And thanks to their charming appearance and artistic abilities, these dogs are becoming increasingly popular all over the world. Welsh Corgis are the national breed of Great Britain. This is Queen Elizabeth's favorite dog, and many famous people own Pembrokes.

breed nameWelsh Corgi Pembroke (Welsh Corgi Pembroke)
place of originGreat Britain (Wales), Permbrokeshire
group of breeds according to the RKF classificationherding and cattle dogs, shepherd dogs
use of the breedcompanion, shepherd, service dog
life expectancy12-15 years
height25-30 cm
weightfemales weigh up to 11 kg, males - up to 12-13 kg
character traitssmart, obedient, good-natured, cheerful, non-aggressive
attitude towards a personfriendly, loyal, cannot stand loneliness
difficulty of trainingvery easy, high intelligence
need for careaverage, sheds a lot


These dogs are unusual both in appearance and in character. Thanks to their peaceful and sociable disposition, Pembrokes are increasingly being adopted as a pet and companion. They have many advantages:

  • the dimensions allow them to be kept in a small city apartment;
  • because of their short legs they do not climb on tables or shelves;
  • smart, obedient, easy to train, not prone to dominance;
  • playful, cheerful, love sports exercises;
  • loyal, ready to accompany the owner everywhere;
  • sociable, loyal, friendly;
  • unobtrusive, sense a person’s mood;
  • affectionate and good-natured with all people, even strangers;
  • they get along well with children, tolerate all their tricks, and protect them;
  • get along with other pets;
  • cute, cute and funny, because of the structure of the muzzle it seems that the dog is smiling;
  • Easy to care for, no dog smell.


But representatives of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed are still not ideal. This dog is not suitable as a pet for sedentary people or those who are constantly busy. Pembrokes have the following disadvantages:

  • shed heavily;
  • do not tolerate loneliness well;
  • due to a special physique there are problems with the joints and spine;
  • prone to overeating, picking up food from the ground on the street;
  • can bite people's legs;
  • need a long walk at least every other day, without physical activity they will get bored and may exhibit destructive behavior;
  • noisy, love to bark and “sing”;
  • not suitable for protection or as guard dogs.

An interesting video complements the description of the pros and cons of this breed:

Video: Why do couples get Corgi dogs?

Video: Welsh Corgi. Advantages and disadvantages

Interesting Facts

Pembrokes are dogs that are unusual not only in appearance. There are several interesting facts related to them:

  • The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the national breed of Great Britain;
  • This is Queen Elizabeth's favorite dog; Pembrokes have lived at Buckingham Palace since 1933;
  • there is an ancient legend according to which fairies gave corgi dogs to farmers;
  • for its habit of grabbing cattle by the legs, the Pembroke was called a “pincer dog”;
  • Corgis express their delight and joy with special sounds (whining, grunting, squealing, muttering), which are called “cake songs”;
  • corgis are capable of performing various tricks, they used to perform in the circus, now they often achieve great success in agility;
  • Pembrokes often have the fluffy gene, which is responsible for coat length, so some puppies are born with a longer, wavy coat.

Differences between the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi

The Welsh Corgi breed has two varieties that are often confused. This is a cardigan and pembroke. They differ in appearance, character, place of origin. Although the difference is not very noticeable, in 1934 they were divided into separate breeds. There are several differences:

  • Cardigans have a bushier and longer tail;
  • the Pembroke's front paws are set straight, parallel to each other;
  • the cardigan is more massive, large, it has a wide chest;
  • The Pembroke's muzzle is narrower, similar to a fox's.

There are also slight differences in the character of these dogs. Pembrokes are more cheerful, active and playful. They are sensitive and sociable, in contrast to the calm and cautious Cardigan.

Photos of Welsh Corgi dogs:


When training a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, dog trainers advise adhering to the principles of raising a German Shepherd. Both breeds are from the same family, they have a similar psychotype and behavior.

Pembrokes are included in the ranking of the smartest dogs. In terms of intelligence, they are second only to border collies. They learn commands within 2-3 tries. They are easy and pleasant to train.

However, parenting will fail if the right relationships are not built. Although corgis are not inclined to dominate, with a weak-willed owner they take the position of leader and become capricious and irritable. The difficulties are added by their cute appearance and artistic abilities - many owners pamper these cunning foxes and they sit on people’s necks.

Pembrokes must undergo general training and controlled city dog ​​courses. The rest is at the discretion of the owner. Corgis easily master herding, agility, and flyball. True, they are not recommended to be trained for protection and security - dogs cope with general functions instinctively, and they have no need for excessive anger.

History of the origin of the breed

The breed originated in Wales in the 13th century. These short shepherd dogs were bred to work on the farm. Thanks to their short legs, they easily moved within the herd, biting cows on the legs and dodging hoof strikes. They were called corgis from a combination of the words “dwarf dog”. The breed was highly valued for its working qualities, high intelligence and unpretentiousness. These dogs could herd the herd on their own and protect it from predators.

This branch of the breed was bred in Permbrokeshire. This is a separate territory, so the dogs have developed certain features of appearance and character. Spitz and Swedish Vallhunds took part in the breeding, from which the Pembrokes got the fox face and coat color.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, these short shepherd dogs were known only in Great Britain. Two varieties were bred there: Cardigans and Pembrokes. It was not until 1934 that the two branches of the Welsh Corgi were separated. Cardigans and Pembrokes are now separate breeds. They are a national treasure of Great Britain. And Queen Elizabeth is the greatest lover and connoisseur of the breed. Thanks to this attention from the royal family, she became popular all over the world.

Pictures show the popularity of Pembrokes:

Queen Elizabeth and Corgi

The Queen of Great Britain and the corgi

Nutritional Features

Corgis are not picky eaters; on the contrary, dogs find it difficult to feel full. Therefore, obesity, as well as digestive problems, appear as a result of an incorrect diet.

Rules to avoid digestive problems:

  1. Avoid changing manufacturers multiple times.
  2. Have a balanced diet.
  3. Do not try to mix dry and natural food.
  4. There is specialized food for each age group (puppy, adult dog).
  5. Don't rush to walk a dog that has just eaten.
  6. If your pet has been exposed to physical activity, then start feeding no earlier than an hour or two later.


Corgis are prone to obesity, so avoid having an always-filled food bowl.

Dogs do not know how to control themselves at the sight of food and are ready to eat every last bit.

Standard diet products:

  • meat (poultry, beef);
  • fish (raw, lean);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, milk).
  • vegetables, fruits (carrots, cabbage, tomatoes).

Description of the appearance of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed

The first breed standard for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi was adopted in 1934. It was edited several times, but the requirements for appearance remained the same. According to the RKF standard, the Pembroke is a dog of short stature, compact dimensions, with an elongated body and short limbs. The length is approximately 40% greater than the height at the withers, so the dog appears low.

The Pembroke's height is 25-30 cm, weight depends on the gender of the dog. Females weigh 9-11 kg, males 10-12 kg. Some representatives of the breed weigh 13-14 kg, as they are prone to overeating. According to the standard, the dog must be harmoniously built, active and strong. She has an attentive, intelligent look and a balanced character.


The head is shaped like a fox. The skull is wide, flat between the ears. The stop is smooth, the muzzle gradually tapers towards the nose. The teeth are strong, scissor bite. The cheeks fit tightly. The nose, lips and eye rims are always black.

The eyes are oval, dark, set slightly askew. The look is good-natured, attentive. The ears are medium size, erect. They have rounded tips pointing to the sides.

Body type

The body is strong, fairly muscular, harmoniously built. The neck is elongated, strong, gracefully curved. The chest is rounded and moderately deep. The topline is level, slightly descending at the withers. The body tapers towards the lower back.

The tail is short, it used to be docked, but now it is prohibited. Some individuals are born with a normal tail, others are bobtailed. It is located in line with the top, lowered down. The dog should not throw its tail over its back or curl it into a ring.


The limbs are short, strong and straight. The elbows are pressed to the sides, the forelimbs are wide. The hindquarters are thinner and the hock joints are well defined. The feet are oval, the toes are tightly packed, the nails are black and short. Pasterns and metatarsals are straight. The dog's movements are free, the stride is wide and fast.

Coat and colors

The coat is straight and of medium length. The undercoat is dense and dense. The coat should not be too soft or harsh. Sometimes puppies are born with the fluffy gene - they have longer, wavy hair. Such individuals are not allowed to exhibit.

The colors, unlike the cardigan, are not as varied: white, marble, blue or pure black are not allowed. There may be different shades of red, black and tan, tricolor, sable. There are white patches on the head, chest, belly and paws.

The most common colors are red, light or reddish with white, and tricolor. Tricolor puppies are born bicolored, with tan appearing after 3-5 months. The tricolor can be of different variants: with a red head or with a black head.

The pictures complement the description of the Pembroke's appearance:

Color variations

The colors are divided into tricolor (deep, red-headed and black-headed tricolor) and red and white (red and white, rich sable and white and red and white with a collar).

The breed is predominantly red, fawn, sable, black and tan and white with markings on both the chest, neck and legs .

Among the representatives of the Welsh Corgi there are not exclusively white, black, gray and brown colors.

Personality of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed

These dogs are unique not only in appearance, but also in character. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed has several characteristics.

  • Balance, stable psyche, calm. They are like English gentlemen, they are difficult to anger, they never show aggression, are not touchy or vindictive.
  • Very devoted, faithful. For these small shepherd dogs, communication with a person is important; they love to be the center of attention. They become strongly attached to all family members and feel bored when alone. Therefore, you cannot keep a corgi on a chain or in an enclosure. They need to constantly be close to the owner, accompany him, and participate in all matters.
  • Sociable, contactable. They are friendly towards strangers and are able to quickly make friends with other pets.
  • These are very cheerful, curious and funny dogs. They have a sense of humor, feel a person’s mood, and are able to make people laugh.
  • They love children, are tolerant of their antics, allow themselves to be squeezed, and will never growl or bite. But they can perceive babies as a herd that needs to be shepherded, so sometimes they bite their legs or nudge them with their noses.
  • They are easily adaptable, unpretentious, and adapt to the lifestyle and habits of the owner. Corgis sense their owner's mood and will not impose themselves.
  • They learn quickly and love to study. They enjoy physical and intellectual exercise, can perform various tricks, and understand many commands. Pembrokes are not prone to dominance, but will only obey a calm owner who loves the dog and is not rude.
  • Active, energetic. Puppies need active play, but even an adult dog needs long, active walks for at least an hour twice a day. Despite their short legs, Pembrokes love to frolic, fool around, and run after the ball.

Features of education and training

Welsh Corgis are shepherds, so they need to be raised the same way. It is important to start training from the first days the puppy appears in the house. The owner should be moderately strict, persistent, but affectionate. Consistency is necessary in upbringing; all family members must adhere to the same requirements.

You immediately need to stop chewing things, barking, and biting people’s legs. The first commands that a puppy must learn before 5 months are “come to me”, “no”, “fu”, “place”, “near”, “sit”. The dog must know its name and be able to walk on a leash. Early socialization is important so that the pet is not afraid of loud sounds, cars, and treats strangers and dogs on the street adequately.

Pembrokes are very smart dogs, they are easy to train and quickly understand what is required of them. But classes should be structured in the form of a game, otherwise your pet may quickly get bored. This dog is easy to teach to fetch things and perform tricks. During training, you should not be aggressive or rude; it is better to use affection and encouragement in the form of treats.

Funny pictures that characterize these dogs:

Smiling Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Welsh Corgi Pembroke and cat


Experienced breeders advise training Welsh Corgis the same way as German Shepherds, since their psychological profiles are very similar.

Before bringing the puppy, you need to first prepare the room:

  • remove shoes from accessible places;
  • hide and pack electrical wires and cables in boxes and under baseboards;
  • remove carpets, traces of a puppy’s vital activity are easier to remove from the floor than to clean from carpets;
  • purchase toys and improvised materials that the puppy can chew without harm to health.

It will take time for your pet to understand what is good and what is bad, so these measures will be useful.

When training an animal, you need to act categorically and consistently. If you have already banned something, you cannot allow it later.

The rules for training a Pembroke are simple. There is no special technique for them. These are smart and quick-witted animals. First, the baby needs to be taught to respond to his nickname. To do this, you need to often call him, communicate with him, use his nickname. All family members should act in this way.

Pembrokes perceive training as a game, so during training you should maintain a commanding and playful tone. Commands must be intonationally colored. Command “Come to me!” at first it is pronounced only together with the animal's name. The command is pronounced by squatting or patting the thighs with your hands. It shouldn't sound abrupt. It is recommended to pronounce it drawlingly.

Team "Place!" pronounced clearly, authoritatively and strictly. At the same time, you also need to pronounce the pet’s name. The puppy is sent to the desired, pre-selected place; it cannot be changed during training.

Command “Come to me!” is given some time after the command “Place!”.

The command “Bring it!” is remembered by Pembrokes very quickly. Holding your pet by the collar, you need to throw the toy, give a command and let the dog go. The puppy must return the toy. In order for him to do this, you need to show him his favorite treat. At first, the Pembrokes perceive this as a profitable exchange, but after a while they carry out the command for pleasure.

Even if the corgi doesn’t succeed, he should be praised. Success will only come if you act with patience, persistence and love.

Special training courses can begin when the puppy is four months old.

Maintenance and care

Although the Welsh Corgi is a shepherd and its thick coat allows it to withstand cold weather, it is not recommended to keep it in the yard. This is a sociable dog that constantly needs to be close to its owner. Pembrokes live well both in a private house and in a small apartment.

Your pet needs a place in the house to sleep and eat. It is not recommended to choose a soft bed; corgis often have problems with the spine. For the same reason, it is better to place the bowl on a stand so that the dog does not bend over while eating. He should have enough toys, then there will be no need to chew furniture and shoes.


Caring for representatives of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed is simple. 2-3 times a week you need to comb the coat with a stiff brush. During molting twice a year, this procedure is necessary daily. You will need a slicker brush to remove dead hairs, otherwise they will fall into tangles.

It is not recommended to bathe your corgi often; a few times a year is sufficient. Its wool has dirt-repellent properties and does not have an unpleasant odor. And because of the thick dense undercoat, it takes a very long time to dry. The problem is that the Pembroke is a short dog, so his belly gets very dirty when he walks. Therefore, in dirty weather, it is recommended to wear a special blanket or raincoat on your pet.

The Pembroke's large ears get dirty quickly. They need to be wiped every week with a special lotion or boiled water. You also need to keep your eyes and mouth clean. Chewing bones will help prevent the formation of tartar. You can also brush your pet's teeth every week. Nails should be trimmed as needed. If they do not wear off on their own when walking on asphalt, they will interfere with the dog.


Welsh Corgis are hardy, hard-working dogs. With proper care, they live for at least 15 years. But the breed has a predisposition to certain diseases:

  • allergic reactions, skin itching;
  • obesity;
  • degenerative myelopathy, pathologies of intervertebral discs;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • eye diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • epilepsy.

To avoid problems with the spine and joints, you should not allow your pet to jump. It is recommended to carry the puppy up the stairs in your arms. To protect against infections, it is necessary to regularly vaccinate, carry out anthelmintic treatment every 3 months, and in the warm season treat the fur from external parasites.


Pembrokes are prone to overeating and weight gain. An adult dog needs to be fed according to a schedule, twice a day at the same time. It is important not to overfeed; it is advisable to ask your veterinarian how much food is required depending on age. It is recommended to carefully choose food so that your pet receives all the necessary nutrients. You can feed both dry food and natural food. Just don’t mix them or suddenly change the type of food.

When choosing dry food, you should give preference to super-premium or holistic class options. They contain at least 30% meat; they also contain offal, cereals, vegetables, vitamins and minerals. It is better to buy the following food for your corgi:

  • Eukanuba;
  • Grandorf;
  • Arden Grange;
  • Pronature Original;
  • Acana;
  • Brit.

When choosing natural feeding, your pet needs to be prepared separately. You cannot give food from your table, sausages, smoked meats, flour products, legumes, mushrooms. Fatty, spicy and salty foods, sweets, and chicken bones are prohibited. The diet should include:

  • fresh meat: beef, chicken, rabbit;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice;
  • low-fat offal;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

The video will help you learn more about the content of Pembrokes:

Video: Pembroke Welsh Corgi - care, maintenance, express shedding.


  1. You need to walk small puppies several times a day, but not for long.
  2. With an adult dog, you need to not only walk back and forth, but also run and play.
  3. It is also advisable to periodically change locations (for example, go out into nature).
  4. Corgis do not like walking on a leash, and such pastime is not at all beneficial to the pet's health.

A dog needs to be socialized from an early age, otherwise it will be difficult for it to come into contact with foreign animals. Ideally, Corgis should interact with their peers. Getting to know older dogs (especially other breeds) can lead to a clash, and therefore to damage to the fragile pet.

How to buy a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy

You can only buy a purebred puppy of this breed from a good nursery. It is not recommended to buy such dogs from hand or on the market. Although the cost of the pet will be less, it is possible to buy a mixed breed or a dog with hereditary diseases. If you decide to get a Pembroke, you need to go to different nursery websites, study reviews and choose the best breeder.

In Moscow you can buy a Pembroke for 30-55 thousand rubles. The cost of a puppy with slight deviations from the standard will be less - 20-25 thousand.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the living conditions of the animals and the availability of documents. Study the health status and behavior of the mother. Often puppies inherit its characteristics. When choosing the gender of a dog, you need to take into account that the cost of a female will be slightly higher.

Kids must be active, healthy, with all breed characteristics. Welsh Corgis are sold at the age of 2-3 months. At this time, such deviations from the standard as the fluffy gene or incorrect tail position are already noticeable.

The photo shows what the puppies should look like:

To understand whether this breed is worth getting, you need to watch a video about it:

Video: 10 reasons to get a Corgi dog! Funny facts about Welsh Corgi.

Video: 10 questions about the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgi dogs are sweet and sociable pets. This funny, smart dog will give you a lot of joy and love. But in return he needs attention. Pembrokes are not suitable for those who do not have time to exercise their dog. This is still a shepherd dog, although it is short, so it needs proper upbringing and sufficient physical activity.

Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts about the breed:

  1. The etymology of the word "corgi" is unclear. So, according to one version, it is derived from the Welsh cor - dwarf and ci - dog. According to another, the term comes from cur (observe, look). According to the third, cor means gnome.
  2. Previously, Pembrokes and Cardigans were called Ci-llathed - a yard-long dog.
  3. According to legend, corgis were fairies' helpers. They carried fairy-tale creatures on their backs. Because of this, the color on the back of some dogs resembles a saddle.
  4. According to another legend, fairies gave Pembrokes to people. When two peasant children got lost in the forest, little sorceresses sent corgis to lead them home.
  5. Pembroke Welsh Corgis are true singers. Overflowing with joy, they produce “cake songs” - a drawn-out bark with howls and modulations. True, not all pets can do this. The rest make do with a different range of sounds - whining, grunting, grunting, muttering.
  6. Natural shepherds take care of people in the absence of livestock. They nip at the heels of adults and children, knocking them into groups.
  7. Lively facial expressions made the Pembrokes wonderful actors. 3 dogs of Elizabeth II starred in a video about the adventures of James Bond, dedicated to the 2012 Olympic Games.
  8. Pembroke Welsh Corgis have also been used on television. They filmed programs, TV series and about 20 films. Among them are “The King’s Speech!”, “The Queen”, “Lost Puppy”, “Robinson Crusoe” 1997, “Agent Johnny English”.
  9. The charm of the Pebble Rocks has not escaped the animators. In the second part of "100 and 1 Dalmatians" the villain corgi appears. Even the Japanese have been captivated by the charisma of doggies – the dog Ein of this breed appears in the anime series “Cowboy Bebop”.

funny photos

You have learned everything about the breed. Now we present to your attention funny photos that will give you a lot of positive emotions.


There is a problem in breeding Welsh Corgis - they have difficulty giving birth (a feature of the breed). When breeding, mixing colors is allowed, but only within one species. Crossing Pembrokes with Cardigans is not allowed.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

If you plan to sell your offspring, then at 45 days it is advisable to certify your puppy (check with the breeder how and where). As a result of the compliance inspection, receive a card that should indicate whether the puppy meets the standard or has a breed. After activation, the baby will be branded.

Price range

Currently, the breed is distributed all over the world, so there should not be any difficulties in buying a puppy. Another thing is the price.

In Russia, the cost varies from 15 to 60 thousand rubles . Depending on pedigree and other characteristics. For example, the cheapest pet-class puppy will cost 15-20 thousand rubles.

Breed-class puppies suitable for participation in exhibitions are already more expensive - 30-40 thousand. Titled show-class pets – 55 thousand.


There are quite a few nurseries in Russia, but they are all located in large cities.

In the Moscow region:

  • "GIP Brilliance";
  • "Crimson Autumn";
  • "From Xaro Fair Play";
  • "Life Spring";
  • "Pishanel".

In St. Petersburg:

  • "Style Life";
  • "Ingria";
  • "Zellweger";
  • "From the Flower Garden."

In Ekaterinburg:

  • "Alphalavita";
  • "Fox Pack"

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