Everything about the California Shining cat breed: description, character, care secrets, price and photo

The California Radiant is an incredibly rare cat breed. She was bred specifically to show people that wild animals are not a subject of hunting fun, not a toy or a trophy. It is part of nature and it is important to treat it with love and respect.

The shining Californian cat looks remarkably like a small leopard. If you want to have such an exotic animal at home, but are sure that you cannot cope with its wild nature, this is the ideal option for you. There is nothing “savage” about her. She is sweet, polite and completely safe.

Breed characteristics

Miniature domestic leopards are remembered for their predatory appearance and civilized habits. The inherited outward wildness plays into contrast with the friendly character. Makes the cat an object of adoration for its owners. Who wouldn't want to play with a wild predator and feel safe? Pull his soft fur, tease him and stroke him gently. The California Radiant cat makes you feel tamed and loved by its owner at the same time. From the leopard, the shining cat received not only spectacular colors, but also other characteristics. Graceful, smooth gait, developed muscles, skeletal structure.

The standards prescribe a number of characteristic features of the breed. The medium-sized wedge-shaped head has soft outlines. Prominent cheekbones are set high, a slightly convex forehead, and a well-defined chin. The horns are clearly visible. Straight small nose. The ears, slightly rounded at the ends, are set wide apart. Large oval eyes are set slightly slanted. The color of the iris is in harmony with the main coat color. Mainly yellow with copper or golden undertones. There are blue-eyed Californians. Green eye color is considered unacceptable for the breed.

The long, strong neck is cylindrical in shape. The body resembles a rectangle. The body is flexible, muscular, slender. The cat's legs are long and strong. They resemble the paws of a cheetah. The front ones are slightly shorter than the rear ones. The domestic leopard walks with a low, creeping gait. It's like he's sneaking around and hunting. This gait complements the predatory image. This is due to the structure of the front paws, which form a 90-degree angle with the elbows. A long tail. Uniform in thickness. The fluffy tip is rounded. Definitely black. Other colors are not acceptable. The weight of an adult is from 4 to 8 kilograms. The short fur is thick and soft, feeling like plush. Longer on the belly and tail.

The main asset of the Californian breed is its color. There are two main types: snow leopard (leopard) and royal radiant. The first is characterized by a snow-white color with black spots. A tawny or bronze coat color with round or oval dark spots indicates a royal, shining cat. The spots must be clear and contrasting.

Another interesting feature of the breed is that at birth, snow leopard kittens are completely white. Royal shining kittens are born black. Spots begin to appear with age.

Why "shining"?

The description of this breed should begin with deciphering the name. Everything is clear with the first part - it appeared in California. But what about the second part? Its essence is that the ancestors of this animal traveled with their owners, who traded gold. Dust particles settled on the wool, and it began to glow. Over time, shiny hairs became an integral part of the fur coat. This feature has been inherited. Hence the name.

Most likely, this is just a fairy tale. But it is true that the spotted coat of kittens of this breed is surprisingly smooth and shiny.

Another interesting feature of the breed, which brings it closer to its wild fellow leopards, is its flexibility and mobility. Such cats are very active and rarely sit in one place.

History of the breed

Legend has it that during the gold rush, cats helped prospectors find gold mines. Californian golden sand got on the fur of animals. It shone and shimmered.

However, the real origin of the breed is associated with dramatic events. In 1971, famous Hollywood director Paul Casey goes to Africa. The purpose of the trip was to shoot a film about wildlife. By the will of fate, he ends up in the famous Olduvai George Canyon. There they tell him about a terrible tragedy. Poachers killed the last leopard living in the canyon for its skin.

The story shocks Paul. He comes up with a plan. He sets a truly noble goal - to save wild cats from extermination. To do this, he contacts breeders. He sets them the task of breeding a pet that looks like a leopard. The idea was simple. People will associate predatory cats with their spotted pets. They will feel sorry for killing wild animals for fur.

Ten years later, the goal was achieved. Siamese, Angora, Abyssinian genes were mixed to obtain the result. Egyptian Mau completed the look. It is to them that the Californian shining cat owes its spots. Miniature leopards were registered in 1985 by the TICA association.


The coloring of this breed is one of its main advantages. There are two varieties of colors: snow leopard and royal shining. Snowy is distinguished by its completely white coat, covered with contrasting black spots, and its eyes are light blue. Kittens are born completely white at first and later develop spots.

Royal shining cat kittens are born black and only as they grow older the color changes - first, a pattern begins to appear in the upper part of the body. The pattern can be crystals, rounds, oval, rectangular and triangular. Designs such as rings, scales and sickle-shaped designs are not acceptable. The spots are evenly scattered over the body, grouped into rosettes; the body must be spotted, and the head, chest and legs are allowed to be striped.

There are no nurseries in Ukraine and Russia that breed these cats. If you wish, you must buy this animal in California.

  • Price in Russia – from 105,000 rubles including reservation;
  • Price in Ukraine – from 45,000 hryvnia.

It is recommended to buy a kitten from a professional nursery, which will provide the following package of documents:

  1. Pedigree and metrics.
  2. Veterinary passport.
  3. Green card.
  4. Contract of sale.
  5. The breeder is obliged to show the conditions of detention and the parents.
  6. He should also conduct a consultation on the care and maintenance of the kitten and talk about its characteristics.
  7. If you are unable to come personally to pick up the animal, the breeder will arrange its delivery for a fee.

It is important to understand that the purchase of such a rare animal must be approached responsibly, taking into account all the nuances, carefully studying and reading all the documents provided by the breeder. https://www.youtube.com/embed/duxzIn7Otsw. https://www.youtube.com/embed/duxzIn7Otsw

Character and psychology

The character of the Californian shining cat is completely opposite to its predatory appearance. Friendly, flexible pets conquer all household members. Their playful nature makes mustachioed pets excellent playmates. Spotted friends are sociable. Ready to follow their owner. Take part in his affairs. Mini leopard does not like loneliness. He tries in every way to attract attention. Treat all family members equally.

A shining cat is not a cat that walks on its own. Very social. In addition, natural sensitivity allows you to detect changes in the owner’s mood. Come to your arms in moments of sadness or not touch at all. Despite their wild appearance, they are not aggressive or vindictive. They will prefer to bypass the offender and will not seek revenge.

A Californian remains a hunter at heart. Living in a private home awakens instincts. The hosts must be ready for trophies. A caught mouse or bird may end up on the porch of the house. For the same reason, you should avoid contact with small domestic rodents, fish or parrots. They will live peacefully and harmoniously with their brothers. Dogs will not be pleasant company for them. Conflicts cannot be avoided.

A distinctive feature is the hyperactivity of cats. The lack of toys will be a reason for cat tricks. Things left unattended will find use in your pet's playful paws. High jumpers will conquer all sorts of peaks in the house.

A sharp mind helps the spotted pet quickly absorb information and remember commands. Cats are easy to train.

California cat: leopard in mini format

The California shining cat is a medium-sized animal, it impresses not with its mass, but with its predatory appearance. The weight of representatives of this breed ranges from four to eight kilograms.

Body type

The body of the California cat is elongated, muscular and slender. The legs are long and strong, the front legs form an almost right angle at the elbows: it seems as if they are laid back, and the body is set especially low.

The step is creeping, like that of wild cats. The tail is long, of equal thickness along its entire length.


The head is medium in size with clearly defined shapes and pleasantly rounded contours. The muzzle is very memorable, with pronounced cheekbones, convex muzzles and a strong chin.

The ears are medium, rounded, set high. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, set wide and slightly oblique, and come in all shades of golden brown. If the color is “snow leopard”, they must be blue.

Special signs

A predatory appearance and shiny spots on its short fur are the characteristic features of this “indoor leopard.” But there is nothing special in the voice of the “cat in sparkles”. According to reviews, these animals are silent.

Coat and colors

Californian cats have short fur that lies close to the body. Slightly longer on the head and tail than elsewhere. It feels soft and pleasant to the touch.

The only color allowed by the standard is spotted tabby. Eight of its classic varieties are allowed: metal shades (bronze, gold and silver), as well as red, brown, blue, black and anthracite gray.

Spots on the back and sides can be of different shapes - round, square or triangular. The cat’s neck should be decorated with a “necklace”, and the tip of the tail should be dark.


The California Spangled Cat was created to save feral cats from extermination. Paul Casey's goal was to draw people's attention to the senseless killing of animals with beautiful skins. The task was completed.

The new breed was loved by breeders. It's hard to resist the charm of an outwardly predatory cat with the character of a loyal friend.

Features of mating and the course of pregnancy

You need to seriously deal with the issues of the offspring of your purebred ward after the second heat. This is when veterinarians advise planning the cat’s first mating. After all, the female reproductive system reaches maturity after 10 months

It is important to consult a veterinarian before mating and make sure your four-legged pet is sexually mature. Don't delay this matter

Experts say that the first mating should occur before the radiant cat reaches one and a half years of age.

If the meeting between cat and cat is successful, you will be able to find out about subsequent pregnancy in a month by the following signs:

  • the ward becomes affectionate and calm;
  • sleeps and eats more;
  • plays less;
  • nipples swell and turn pink.

Pregnant cats should be kept separately from other pets. Important! Pregnant cats should not be allowed to climb high places. During this period, they become very clumsy and can get injured, which can lead to the loss of offspring. It is better to set up a corner for childbirth in a cozy place where there are no drafts and unnecessary eyes. Find out how to recognize the gender of a kitten, how to feed it correctly, and how to raise it correctly.

How to choose a kitten

When choosing a kitten, a potential owner will face a number of difficulties. Firstly, it is almost impossible to acquire a spotted friend in Russia. Nurseries exist in the USA and Europe. Secondly, the Californian Shining is considered one of the rarest and most expensive breeds. How much can rare kittens cost? The average price varies from 120,000 to 200,000 rubles. It is best to turn to American breeders. It is recommended to reserve a kitten in advance. There is a fee for booking.

The nursery must first be checked for reliability. A conscientious breeder is obliged to provide complete information about the kitten’s pedigree. When acquiring a new friend, the owner receives a package of documents for the animal. Metrics and veterinary passport.

Your choice should be on an energetic and curious baby. Healthy kittens have shiny fur. Pay attention to characteristic spots. Clear outlines. Rectangular or round shape. Triangular or square shapes of spots are possible. There should be stripes on the face, chest, hind legs and tail. In these places, spots are unacceptable for a purebred kitten.

How to buy a California Shining cat

It was not without reason that we began our review of the breed with the financial issue.
Since attempts to deceive, offers to purchase a California radiant cat and the forgery of “ordinary” kittens instead can be seen quite often. Please note that it is impossible to make a successful purchase in our country. Californians and Californians practically do not travel outside their native States. Their homeland, as you might guess from the name, is America. Prices for representatives of the Californian breed are high even in the USA. If you definitely want to buy this particular breed, get ready to pay at least 50 thousand rubles. The cost of each kitten will be determined individually by the nursery. The figure we indicated above is the minimum. If we talk about average prices, they are approximately 80-100 thousand rubles.

Much depends on whether you want to buy a kitten for your soul or whether you need a pet that will attend numerous exhibitions. In the latter case, the purchase amount should start from hundreds of thousands of rubles and not lower. If you see offers for sale of a Californian on any advertisement site, avoid them. You are seeing a post from a scammer.

Another important point. Once you have decided to buy a mini-leopard, book your pet. First, decide which receiver you will place your order at. Take your time. Make sure the club is trustworthy and actually selling shiny Californians, and not just opened a couple of months ago as a scam.

Please note that you usually have to pay to book a kitten in America. This is normal practice, and if the nursery has been successfully existing for more than a year, and there are only good reviews about it, you have nothing to worry about.

To prevent you from making a mistake, we will give several recommendations:

  • Request a complete list of documents from the breeder. The list of required papers should include those that guarantee the noble origin of the baby and tell about his physical characteristics. A minimal package cannot do without metrics. And if the animal has already passed 8 weeks, then this list is updated with a veterinary passport. If the cat is purebred, then without these documents it is not offered for sale;
  • Be sure to talk to the breeder himself personally. Do you think that negotiations with America will cost a lot of money? You're right. But consider how much finance is at stake. You are risking much more. Be sure to ask about the parents of the mini-leopard, find out what competitions and exhibitions they were in, how many awards they won. If possible, try to verify the information received;
  • Many nurseries are ready to provide customer support services. What is it about? That in the future and before purchasing you can receive competent advice on all issues of keeping and caring for pets.

Rejected kittens - studying leopard spots

It is not easy to call a kitten of the radiant Californian breed defective. After all, in any case, it looks amazingly beautiful and impressive. However, according to experts, he will become exactly like this if there is a defect on his spots - they will be in the form of a pronounced fish tail or a moon. Such animals will not be allowed to compete. Be careful if you are going to order a show kitten from America.

So, the spots should have clear outlines, the shape should be rectangular or round. Kittens with square or triangular spots are acceptable. The hind legs, tail, chest or face may only have stripes rather than dark spots.

Life expectancy and characteristic diseases

There are cases where shining Californian cats lived up to 18-20 years. However, their average lifespan is 12 to 15 years

A lot will depend on you: you must surround your refined and noble friend with care and attention

However, if you do not buy good food for your animal, pamper it with vitamin and mineral supplements, conduct timely diagnostic examinations and simply entertain it with walks in the fresh air, your cat may get sick. They are not insured against “ordinary” cat ailments, such as urolithiasis.

See Maine Coon photos here.

Features of care

Despite its exotic appearance, caring for a shiny cat does not cause any trouble for the owner. An active pet will love a big home. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to equip a play area. Make your pet happy with toys. Walking along the street on a harness will bring pleasure to the spotted Californian.

Water procedures no more than once a month. Otherwise, the fur will lose its natural shine. A hairdryer is contraindicated for the same reason.

A couple of times a week you should pay attention to your eyes and ears. If necessary, clean carefully with a cotton swab.

Eating solid foods or periodically brushing your teeth will help prevent the formation of tartar.

Caring for a California Shiny Cat

Caring for these beauties will not require extraordinary effort, because they are unpretentious and do not require special maintenance, which is their undoubted advantage. Shedding in cats is constant, but modest, and only increases in the spring.

Here are the most important rules for caring for a radiant beauty:

  • constant brushing. It is necessary to care for a furry family member, and do this at regular intervals - once or twice every seven days;
  • scheduled inspections. The cat should be taken to an appointment with a qualified veterinarian once a month for examination and identification of various infections and simply for additional recommendations;
  • water procedures. The animal does not need them constantly, so once every three weeks is enough;
  • eye and ear care. If you don’t know how to do this, contact your veterinarian - he will teach you and show you how to do it quickly and efficiently. Please note that your eyes should be washed with non-hot water (ideally at room temperature) every day using cotton pads. The ears are cleaned every four days and excess hair is removed;
  • regular vaccination. This is the most mandatory item on the care list. If you want your cat to remain healthy, you should make sure you don't miss visits to the doctor and follow all recommendations.

The cat will remain your faithful friend and will give you unforgettable moments of happiness if you protect, love and take care of it.


The California shining cat is unpretentious in its choice of food. The diet can include both dry or liquid food, as well as natural food. The focus should be on balance. An indicator of the correctness of the chosen diet is cat hair. With the right menu, it will shine and shimmer.

Natural food can consist of raw frozen meat or sea fish. Fermented milk products are suitable, but not milk itself. Vegetables, herbs and grains will have a beneficial effect on digestion. Vitamin balance must be maintained with a mineral complex. Fresh water is also essential for health.

Salt and spices are considered forbidden foods.

Kittens should be fed five times a day. An adult pet is transferred to two meals a day.

Thanks to its natural activity, the miniature leopard is not prone to excess weight.


California shining cats boast excellent health. What’s even surprising is that it’s worth remembering how weak artificially bred breeds are and how many ailments plague them.

However, you still need to monitor his well-being!

Has your pet become unusually lethargic and sleeps a lot? Does he have prolonged diarrhea or constipation? Are there traces of blood in the stool? Does your cat vomit 2 or more times a day? Does he refuse food and water and hide in a dark corner? Does your mouth smell bad? Take your animal to the vet immediately!

Worms appear frequently in cats. First of all, this applies to animals walking outside the home. However, sources of infection can be water, meat, fleas, or your own shoes. Infection of kittens in the womb is also a common occurrence. When infected with worms, a cat begins to lose weight and become frail, its fur becomes dull, and its appetite disappears. Without treatment, worms can kill your pet. The doctor will prescribe the medications, but in the future you will need to regularly carry out deworming several times a year.

Vaccinations are another preventive measure that is dangerous to neglect. Rabies, calcivirus, chlamydia, rhinotracheitis and other viral and bacterial diseases can be avoided by vaccinating your pet on a schedule.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Kittens are born with “passive immunity”: it is given to the babies by the mother’s antibodies, entering the body along with colostrum. However, the protection period is short - 9-12 weeks. After which children should be vaccinated. The first vaccination is against panleukopenia and viral respiratory infections. At 12 weeks they give an injection against rabies, 2-4 weeks after - a second booster vaccination against viral respiratory infections. Vaccinations are repeated every year.

Additional vaccinations - against ringworm, chlamydia, infectious peritonitis - are also given at the request of the animal owner. Proven preparations: Nobivac Triket, Nobivac Forcat, Quadricat, Multifel-4, Fel-o-vax, Nobivac Rabies, Microderm.


Artificial origin did not have any adverse effects on the health of the Californian cat. Genetic and hereditary diseases were avoided. The average life expectancy is 12-15 years. There are also twenty-year-old centenarians. Maintaining an active lifestyle, a balanced diet and regular visits to the veterinarian will help you live a long and happy life.

How much does a California Shiny cat cost?

The price of kittens is determined individually for each individual and depends on many different factors. Due to the fact that the breed is expensive, but not so widely distributed, there is a very high probability of running into unscrupulous sellers and ordinary swindlers.

Kittens as a pet start at $1,200. For pets, the breeding class will be higher - $2,500. The breeders include absolutely all necessary documents and vaccinations in these amounts. It is also customary for overseas breeders to maintain contact with new owners and provide advice on maintenance and care.


Features of breeding the Californian shining cat are as follows. The first attempts at mating can begin at 1-1.5 years. Be sure to skip the first two heats. The date should take place in the cat's territory. Otherwise, the Californian will disrupt the event. Pregnancy is easy. Childbirth is natural. Usually 5-7 kittens are born. It is worth handing them over to new owners no earlier than after two months.

Captivating beauty, predatory grace and good-natured disposition captivate at first sight. The California Spangled Cat is more than just a pretty accessory. Thanks to her playful and affectionate nature, she becomes a full-fledged part of the family. The noble purpose of creation exceeded expectations. It was possible not only to draw attention to the existing problem of extermination of wild animals. We managed to create a pet leopard with the soul of a faithful friend.

Features of mating and the course of pregnancy

You need to seriously deal with the issues of the offspring of your purebred ward after the second heat. This is when veterinarians advise planning the cat’s first mating. After all, the female reproductive system reaches maturity after 10 months

It is important to consult a veterinarian before mating and make sure your four-legged pet is sexually mature. Don't delay this matter

Experts say that the first mating should occur before the radiant cat reaches one and a half years of age.

If the meeting between cat and cat is successful, you will be able to find out about subsequent pregnancy in a month by the following signs:

  • the ward becomes affectionate and calm;
  • sleeps and eats more;
  • plays less;
  • nipples swell and turn pink.

A cat's pregnancy lasts 67 days

It is important that pets give birth in their natural habitat, since there is a high risk of infection outside. Pregnant cats should be kept separately from other pets

During this period, they should not be given anthelmintic drugs, nor should they use flea shampoos. Therefore, take care of all preventive measures against parasites in advance.

Cat owners should pay special attention to the nutrition of a cat that is bearing offspring.

It should be balanced and rich in vitamins and minerals. Important! Pregnant cats should not be allowed to climb high places. During this period, they become very clumsy and can get injured, which can lead to the loss of offspring.

During this period, they become very clumsy and can get injured, which can lead to the loss of offspring.

Before giving birth, the cat becomes restless and begins to nest. The owner must help her prepare a comfortable nest. Ideally, this could be a cardboard box with paper or rags. Never use napkins, as thin sheets can stick to the kittens, causing the mother to refuse to lick and feed them. It is better to set up a corner for childbirth in a cozy place where there are no drafts or prying eyes. At the slightest sign of weakness, fever, or refusal to eat the animal, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Find out how to recognize the sex of a kitten, how to feed it correctly, and how to raise it correctly.

Training and intelligence

Like any predator, the Californian mini-leopard has a sophisticated mind, observation, resourcefulness and dexterity. It is easy to socialize such a pet and instill in it the necessary skills. Moreover, aggressiveness and cruelty are alien to him. When you bring a small kitten into your home, try not to leave it without attention and affection. But don't be annoying. When he gets used to the new environment a little, show him a place for feeding, toileting and spending the night.

It is important in the first 2-4 days to monitor how the pet copes with the task on its own. At first, he will need to be placed in a litter tray.

And in order for the cat to remember this place well, experts advise initially to play with the fluffy nearby and be sure to encourage all the correct actions of the animal with affection or a piece of his favorite treat.

Important! When training, never punish animals using physical force or cruelty. It is important that the cat always feels your love, affection and perseverance

Otherwise, he will not understand why he is being punished, and he will begin to fear the owner.

All mistakes in the behavior of the furry household will have to be corrected by repetition, for which you need to be patient in advance. Be prepared that mini leopards cannot sit still for a minute.

Don't think that this is how they draw your attention to themselves. They don’t need excessive spoiling and care at all.

But active games come in very handy. Teach your four-legged friend to the different tones with which you pronounce certain commands.

According to experts, in the future, well-bred cats will only need to hear their name. When training, cat owners often use the commands “fu”, “no”, “take”

It is very important that the animal owner is persistent, systematic and patient. Otherwise the cat will live on its own

If he is naughty and you no longer have the patience to watch broken flower pots or sculptures, let him know your indignation by splashing water or throwing crumpled paper.

Grooming and hygiene

The weekly set of procedures for caring for a leopard cat does not include anything new or complex. Like other breeds, this variety needs:

  1. Clean your ears from wax and dirt, and periodically check them for ear mites.
  2. Bathe your cat with special flea shampoos.
  3. Carry out timely deworming. The procedure is first recommended when the pet is one and a half months old. Then it is repeated every six months. Experienced cat owners call the best drugs: “Albendazole”, “Bithionol”, “Emodepsid” and others.
  4. Trim toenails as necessary.
  5. Every 2-3 days, carry out a certain set of procedures to care for your animal’s litter tray. To do this, you need to empty it, wash it with hot water, then disinfect it with “Belizna” and rinse with boiling water. Don't forget to protect yourself with rubber gloves. After completing all the outside activities, wash them in a bleach solution.

Important! Eggs and larvae of helminths die only after a fifteen-minute stay in hot water, the temperature of which reaches 70 degrees Celsius. Be sure to take this fact into account when cleaning your cat litter.

The hygiene of Californian shining cats does not include haircuts, since these animals have short hair. Caring for it can be completely left to the animal. It will wash and comb itself. But if you really can’t wait to follow fashionable trends in grooming, you can turn to pet salon experts for help. According to experts, such procedures can only take place during the molting period, when dead hair really creates discomfort for the owner and his ward.

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