British shorthair cat: description, character, care, photo

British Shorthair: Pixabay The British cat is the embodiment of aristocracy, stiffness, independence and slowness that are inherent in members of the British royal family. At the same time, this soft plush cat is a good friend and companion for humans. He is unobtrusive but friendly. Find out the details of the character and behavior of the British cat, as well as the peculiarities of caring for animals of this breed.

Character and disposition

The peculiarity of the formation of the character of furry aristocrats is that they can be educated up to 1 year, maximum up to 1.5 years. Before this age, you need to inculcate the right skills.

Otherwise, you will have to put up with established habits or engage in re-education throughout your life. Here are the main pros and cons of the complex nature of these cats. Advantages:

  • only go to the litter box;
  • do not spoil things in the house;
  • loyal to the owner;
  • lenient towards children;
  • calm and independent;
  • moderately active
  • make contact.


  • waywardness;
  • love themselves;
  • stubbornness;
  • touchiness;
  • rancor.

The character of the British has many more advantages.

Tea dictionary

Boling waterBoiling water
To brew teaBrew tea
Ceylonese teaCeylon tea
China1) China 2) Porcelain
China teaChinese tea
CurdKurd, custard
DarjeelingDarjeeling (type of tea)
Earl GrayTea with bergamot
Green teaGreen tea
Herbal teaHerb tea
Indian teaIndian tea
KettleKettle (for boiling water)
Lump (of sugar)Sugar cube)
Mint teaTea with mint
OolongUlung (type of tea)
To stirMix
SconeScone, classic English muffin
Strong teaStrong tea
Tea house, tea shopTea house, teahouse
Tea leavesTea leaves
Tea strainerTea strainer
TeapotTeapot, teapot
TeaspoonTea spoon
Weak tea, watery teaWeak tea
White teaWhite tea

Relationship with the owner

A true Briton is smug and self-sufficient, and views his owners as breadwinners. It is not without reason that this breed is considered suitable for business people. They don't like to sit on their hands and can't stand noisy companies at all.

After a long day of work, the pet will greet the person reverently and tenderly, and will rub against the legs. They don’t like it when the owner stays late somewhere and doesn’t come home from work on time.

The short-haired British aristocrat purrs and purrs only to selected people. Plush pets guard their boundaries and get used only to those who feed and care for them. Only this person will have them sit on his lap.

If there is a child in the family, you should not have a Briton for his entertainment. Representatives of this breed are very patient with children, but they will not allow themselves to be made into toys. They will hide and run away.

It is very rare for a straight-eared Briton to be “tame.” He doesn't often ask to be held and petted. However, when he needs to climb onto his owner’s lap, he will follow along until he achieves his goal.

Psychology of British cats

The character and behavior of a British cat can be very different. However, the key determining factor is the animal's mood. The owner himself can spoil it or, on the contrary, improve it. Despite the fact that the pet is self-sufficient and can be alone for a long time, it cannot be ignored.

Some owners of four-legged animals complain that with the appearance of a child or another animal in the family, the British change, become closed and touchy. This happens because no one pays attention to the furry friend; they found a replacement for him. The British actually become very attached to their owners, but only because of their disposition do they not show it. However, this does not mean that animals can live on their own; they also want to be handled and noticed.

Attitude towards other animals

If you already have an animal in the house and you decide to get a British one, then it is very difficult to guess how the relationship will develop. Representatives of this breed have a rather capricious character, everything is very individual.

There are no particular problems with other pets. Relationships can be very good if a British kitten and another cat or dog are taken into the house at the same time. They are still getting used to each other as babies.

Material on the topic: what is the British cat breed.

In the case when an adult is taken into the house, everything depends on how the other animal will treat the representative of the British breed. They really don't like being bothered. It doesn’t matter what kind of pet is next to them in the same apartment. The main thing to maintain calm is to simply not bully or touch them.

Britons usually get along easily with other animals.

How to bathe a cat

The British are clean, but they still need to be bathed sometimes. To do this, you must use special tools and follow the following rules:

  • the pet should be placed in a basin filled one third with warm water;
  • When applying shampoo, you should support the cat under the neck;
  • The soap product must be washed completely; a shower and a comb may be useful for this.

After bathing, the animal must be wrapped to dry the fur. When it dries, you can comb it carefully.

Attitude towards children

The presence of cats in the house has a very beneficial effect on the development of children. They create a favorable environment and promote the production of “happiness hormones.” Quite often in families with one child, you can hear complaints from parents that the baby is growing up capricious, spoiled, and misbehaving. A furry pet in the house changes the psyche of children for the better.

The animal partially switches the parents' attention from the child to themselves, reducing the intensity of excessive care. The child may begin to talk to the cat, which will help with speech development. By playing with a pet, children develop fine and gross motor skills.

Some psychologists even argue that having an animal in childhood helps you cope more easily with adolescence, and then in family life. Such children, and subsequently adults, are kind, sociable, and treat others with understanding.

It is believed that cats strengthen the baby's immunity. They bring their own microflora, which the baby will encounter outside the home, and make it possible to resist various diseases.

Parents often worry about their child's allergies. Before adopting a pet, consult your doctor. It is believed that children who grew up with animals are less susceptible to allergies.

Rules of education

British cats have been raised since early childhood. This breed is quite stubborn and conservative. It will be very difficult to retrain her as an adult.

After a kitten appears in the house, you must:

  • introduce him to the new home and all its inhabitants;
  • show where the tray, places for eating and sleeping are located;
  • gradually accustom to hygiene procedures;
  • bring your pet to the scratching post so that he doesn’t start spoiling things.
  • Immediately set restrictions. For example, if a person does not want an adult Briton to sleep on the master's bed, the same should not be allowed for a kitten. All family members must comply with the prohibitions, otherwise no result should be expected.

    If a Briton makes mistakes, there is no need to shout at him, much less hit him. It is enough to say in a firm voice “No!” and lightly scold with the words “bad”, “naughty”, etc. Soon the kitten will understand what his mistake was and will try not to make it again.

    While the British cat is learning good manners, it is better to remove all “temptations”:

    • move the furniture so that it covers the wallpaper;
    • raise the curtains on which the kitten can swing;
    • treat with a special spray the places where the Briton gets used to going to the toilet (except for the litter tray);
    • remove indoor flowers from reach, lubricate the leaves with lemon juice or another non-toxic substance.

    For your information. If your kitten constantly eats flowers, you should contact your veterinarian. Perhaps your pet lacks vitamins and minerals.

    The scratching post is installed in an accessible place. The kitten is brought to her every time he tries to tear up the furniture. For correct actions, the British are rewarded with sincere praise and their favorite treat.

    If you show patience and perseverance, the kitten will grow into a well-mannered pet with noble manners.

    Bad habits

    Just like people, cats have bad habits. No, they don't smoke or drink alcohol, or even use drugs. They have a different world and other bad habits. As a rule, they take up to a year to form.

    British cats can take offense at their owners.

    British babies can start biting their hands as early as 4 months. They, like small children at this age, are teething. This problem can be easily solved with special teethers.

    The owner's hands will be the favorite teething tool if you don't wean him off this habit in time. Having matured, a British cat can bite constantly.

    A Briton can push his owner out of bed.

    When a little kitten sleeps in the same bed as its owner, it looks quite cute. The fluffy little ball is snoring peacefully nearby.

    But when he grows up, he begins to consider the bed his territory, and sometimes the owner will survive from his own bed. Therefore, while the kitten is small, designate the territory where he is not allowed to go, show acceptable boundaries.

    Kittens love to watch things fall from the table, from the bedside table, they will throw away everything that is “badly worth it.” It is necessary to wean the animal from this habit in early childhood. Otherwise, on the floor there will be not only a pencil, but also an expensive telephone, a vase of flowers, dishes and everything that falls cheerfully and loudly.

    They treat toys the same way as small children - their interest in them is very short-lived. For a maximum of one day, the fluffy will play with a new entertainment, and then interest disappears, the toy will gather dust in the corner.

    To give your kitten toys that don't put a strain on your budget, make them yourself. Pencils, tennis balls, and ping pong balls are suitable for active games.

    Nothing can replace personal attention to your pet. Nowadays, we spend a lot of time at the computer. As a break, play with your fluffy fidget, then he will learn to occupy himself independently when his owners are not around.

    It is worth getting personal toys for your British cat.

    Physical activity

    British Shorthairs are part of a privileged caste of aristocrats of the cat world, detached from worldly worries and labors . They sleep and rest much more than other cats. Rumor has it that the British are able to spend up to 20 hours a day in the arms of Morpheus - and this is not considered a deviation.

    Peak age-related activity occurs in childhood and adolescence. Over the years, the British become heavier, acquire sedateness and try to lie down more and not rush around after the trinkets scattered on the floor.

    British kittens play as selflessly as others - they can fly up curtains, jump from an ambush, chase their owner's feet, defend their favorite toy or get into fights with brothers/sisters. The demonstration of intimidation looks especially comical when the kitten periodically runs at the offender with its back arched upward and its tail raised.

    If the household members are busy with their own affairs or are absent, the young Briton will find entertainment on his own - he will begin to chase scraps and corks, fallen pencils and pens around the apartment, tinker with toys, tear newspapers, twist a roll of toilet paper, pull out dresser drawers or artistically gnaw out the owner's ficus tree. Growing pets splash out their seething energy, running from corner to corner and demolishing all objects that prevent them from gaining maximum acceleration. That is why young Britons need play comfort zones, where they will equip a multi-tiered cat house with toys and a scratching post.

    Important! In the absence of a play complex, you will have to actively play with the cat for at least 2–3 hours a day. Do not forget to periodically change worn-out toys, and also remember that one game is repeated until the animal loses interest in it.

    If possible, take the kittens to the dacha without letting them outside the perimeter . They happily chase birds and insects, climb trees, lie on the grass and eat it. To prevent parasite infestation, apply tick and flea repellent to the withers. For walks outside the garden area, purchase a harness and leash, but your pet must be specially and for quite a long time accustomed to these attributes.

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    Will it catch mice?

    Following from history, British cats were specially bred to catch rats and mice. For successful hunting, breeders wanted to achieve a thick and short coat, so that it would be difficult for rodents to bite and injure the little catcher.

    All representatives of this breed catch mice. This is genetically embedded in them. But in city apartments, as a rule, there is no opportunity to hunt at all.

    Some owners take their British Shorthair cat with them to the countryside. There they catch all the mice in the area within a week. They most often bring their prey to the owner. When the rodents run out, the hunt begins for frogs, large insects, and birds. Cats are more graceful and passionate in hunting than cats.

    The British are born mousecatchers.

    British habits

    The British quickly get used to relieving themselves in a litter box and following the rules of living together. Kittens adopt basic habits from their mother. Therefore, it is important that she is also well brought up.

    British cats are fans of cleanliness. The owner will have to ensure that there is always fresh filler in the tray. Otherwise, these aristocrats would prefer to go to the toilet on the owner’s bed. In the same way they express dissatisfaction with any reason. Representatives of the breed also do not like sudden changes in the type of filler.

    British cats are also picky eaters. They often refuse food, waiting to be given their favorite treat.

    The British devote a lot of time to grooming their fur. They can groom themselves for hours to get their coat looking perfect. This is a way for cats to relieve stress at the same time. Monotonous actions help them calm down and relax.

    If the owner picks up the pet after it has been “washed,” the Briton will begin to lick itself again, eliminating hand odor. This feature must be taken into account so as not to cause inconvenience to the animal.

    For your information. To prevent fur from accumulating in the stomach, British cats are periodically given malt paste. It gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract without causing discomfort.

    The majority of British cats behave very quietly. Pets rarely meow - more or less loud sounds can only be heard during the mating season. However, there are quite talkative British people who like to “talk” with the owner.

    Many British cats make excellent hunters. After all, once upon a time the British bred them not for beauty, but to exterminate rodents. Not only mice, but also birds, lizards, moles and frogs can become prey. If there is nothing “under your paw”, flies or beetles will do.

    After a successful hunt, a British cat will definitely come running to its owner to show off its trophy. But his pet will not eat. For him, the process is important, not the result.

    It happens that a Briton does not pay any attention to game. Most likely, he is tired or in an inappropriate mood.

    Features of behavior

    The characteristics of the British determine their habits and habits. Let's look at the behavior in basic terms.


    We are accustomed to the fact that the palm in loyalty belongs to dogs. According to prevailing stereotypes, it is difficult to imagine such a quality in a cat. Cats are self-sufficient, they are born with this feeling. Since the times of Ancient Egypt, it has been known that cats are connected with the afterlife and bring their special energy into the house. Watch the video, it presents some of the character traits of the British cat breed.

    They love to clean the energy field, align it with their owner, and protect the territory from negative energy influences. The British will only be faithful to someone who gives her a lot of positive emotions, plays with them and expresses his love for them.


    This is one of the defining character traits of British cats. They tolerate everything from small children. Little children love to explore the world, touch, stroke, pull the tail and whiskers, and do a lot of unpleasant things to the poor cat. But they steadfastly endure all these medieval tortures, realizing that the child is too small and simply does not understand that an animal can be in pain.


    Friendliness is one of the main traits of this breed. They can be friends with everyone. At an early age, they love to play a lot and are active; they can hit someone with their paw while playing. Growing up, they are friends with cats and dogs in equal measure.


    A high degree of cleanliness sets the British apart from the entire cat family. They quickly become accustomed to the litter tray, adopt good manners and lick themselves very thoroughly. Their coat is always clean and tidy, as if they take care of their appearance. By licking themselves, they relieve stress.


    The British will not follow your orders unquestioningly. If they are busy with something, they will not tear themselves away from what they are doing for nothing. They do not tolerate orders, no matter what you say and in what tone.


    The external characteristics of these animals are as follows:

    • A rounded head, large cheeks, a straight and short nose, low-set small ears, large open eyes, most often golden in color.
    • A muscular body with wide bones, a wide torso and a massive back, short limbs, the weight of females is on average five kilograms, and in males it can reach up to eight.
    • Thick shiny fur. There are short-haired and long-haired Britons, the former have plush and delicate fur, the latter have a good undercoat and gorgeous pubescence of the tail, collar and panties.
    • Two or one color, the most common are black, blue white, lilac, cream and red cats. There are also tabby and ticked specimens.

    If an animal has too pronounced antler caps, a long hooked nose, or sharp facial features, this is considered a fault.

    External data

    This breed of the cat family has a very extraordinary appearance; it is extremely difficult to confuse this cat with some other species

    You should immediately pay attention to the unusual fur, which resembles plush fabric. The pet got such a fur coat thanks to the not entirely hospitable climate that prevails in the British archipelago

    You can recognize a British cat based on the following characteristic features:

    1. Massive body, powerful and well-developed legs. As for the head, it has a round shape with large cheeks and prominent cheekbones. The neck is short and there is a noticeable fold of skin on it, which is what gives the cat an unusually important appearance. A wide but flat nose and rounded ears that widen at the base.
    2. The coloring is very diverse, the most common seals are smoky, Siamese, and tortoiseshell. Each of them has its own personality, is beautiful and unique in its own way. It is worth noting two-color pets: this color is also common among the British.
    3. Eye color. This breed mainly has yellow and amber eyes or shades of both. In some species you can find green or blue color. The color difference depends entirely on the exterior. As for their shape, it is round, and the eyes themselves are very expressive.
    4. Tail. It is this part that is the hallmark of the British breed. It looks very harmonious with a powerful and massive body and has a characteristic slightly rounded tip.

    This is exactly what an amazing British cat looks like, with an optimistic and independent character. But a pet will have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance only if it is completely healthy. That is why your pet needs to be monitored, cared for and fed properly.


    By nature, any cat is a predator, so there should be variety in the diet. According to her instincts, she eats the entire portion of food given to her. You should not overfeed your pet to avoid causing problems with digestion and obesity. Lack of activity also affects weight gain.

    Food should be either completely natural or ready-made. Mixing them is not recommended by veterinarians and cat breeding specialists. Cats prefer meat and meat products as natural food.

    You should not choose fatty meats. You can include milk, kefir, cheese, vegetables, and various cereals in your diet. Special vitamin complexes can be used as supplements. If your cat receives ready-made food, it is better to choose a reliable manufacturer. Economy class food can be harmful to health.

    History of the British shorthair breed, briefly

    One of the oldest cats in England is the British Shorthair and has Roman roots. To protect food supplies from rodents, Roman troops took cats with them. When the Romans invaded England, the cats colonized the area and became common street cats for centuries.

    The first British breeder in the late 1800s was Briton Harrison Ware. He domesticated the British street cat and through selective crossbreeding and a breeding program created the British Shorthair cat. The first professional exhibition was held in London on July 13, 1871 at the Crystal Palace; blue color was then considered the only correct color for the British.

    During World War II, the breed almost ceased to exist. To preserve their existence, the remaining bloodline cats after the war were crossed with other breeds, including domestic shorthair, Persian, and Russian Blue.

    The American Cat Association was the first to register the breed in 1967. After the International Cat Association - 1979, Association of Cat Fanciers - 1980.

    British Shorthair, appearance

    The British are stocky, harmoniously built, broad-chested, and at shows they are judged according to the breed standard.

    There are no ideal standards; breeders strive for perfection in their work.

    At exhibitions you can see several types of British cats:

    • The old classic - quite a lot of such animals are born, they are bought by novice lovers, and not by competent breeders. What do they look like? The animals have a slightly elongated body, close-fitting fur, high thin limbs, a narrow head with a weakly pronounced transition from an unfilled flat forehead to a long nose, narrowed to the lobe;
    • Modern - squat and broad-chested, the head has smooth outlines from all angles, plush fur, a detailed description in the standard is described here.

    • Extreme - characterized by an “exoticness” that is unnecessary for British cats, which leads to breathing problems, malocclusions, and excessive lacrimation due to an abnormality in the structure of the tear ducts - this is a dead end in the development of the breed.

    British Longhair | British Longhair

    A variety of British cat with long hair, separated into an independent breed. This breed appeared as a result of crossing a Persian and a British cat. The gene responsible for long hair is recessive, so a long-haired kitten can only be born from a pair of male and female cats carrying this gene. If one of the parents does not carry the gene for long hair, then all kittens in the litter will have short hair.

    photo of british longhair

    British Longhairs are also assessed according to the standard, more details here.

    Characteristics: fluffy Britons, like shorthaired ones, have a massive, squat body with a large head, the main difference is their hair. It should be of medium length, smooth and very dense, with a sufficient amount of undercoat. Due to the thick undercoat, the coat is separated from the body. “Pants” and “jabot” are desirable. The tail should be thick and fluffy to highlight the beauty of the cat. The texture is quite coarse and crisp, but softer than the British Shorthair.

    photos of lilac british longhair cat

    The British cat is always straight-eared! Fold cannot be British, it is either a mixed breed (not purebred) or a Scottish Fold. Straight is also a type of Scottish.

    Eye color corresponds to coat color: blue, yellow, copper-orange, green; whites can have different colors - heterochromia.

    Coat color: color point, red, chinchilla, tabby, black, cream, blue, white, lilac, chocolate, tortoiseshell, cinnamon, bicolor.

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