Review of the best super-premium dog foods

Recently, dry food for pets has become increasingly popular. Breeders use ready-made products based on convenience, relative cheapness, and complexity. Unlike natural feeding, dry products do not need to be prepared; they are easy to store and use. Feed granules contain not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also vitamins. Thanks to this, the pet does not need to be provided with additional medications and supplements.

The choice of dry food should be approached responsibly. Just 3-4 years ago, ready-made food was considered harmful to dogs . In fact, there are now perfectly balanced production formulas that are suitable even for elderly and very small pets. But you cannot rely on the quality of cheap food, below the super class.


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Spain
Feed price:
  • 3 kg – 1090 rub.
  • 12 kg – 2746 rub.
  • 18 kg – 5200 rub.

The famous Spanish food for dogs and cats of super-premium class, occupies a leading position in the tops of Europe (5-6th place). Transported to more than 20 countries. The composition varies depending on the type of food, its intended use for a specific breed, age or activity. If we consider the standard appearance for adult pets of medium breeds, we can note some key features:

  1. Stated protein content (27%) – chicken (10-15%) and poultry proteins;
  2. Plant proteins from corn, wheat and flour;
  3. Rice (15%) is used as the main carbohydrate and is considered high quality and non-allergenic;
  4. Animal fats (mostly fish fats);
  5. Vitamin supplements – dry egg powder, yeast, potassium chloride;
  6. Adding salt to increase your pet's thirst is used to prevent urinary tract diseases.

The product line consists of 34 types.

  • They are divided into 3 types: veterinary, breed and general standard nutrition. The first group is intended for animals with specific abnormalities that require a therapeutic diet.
  • In total, there are 9 similar foods: for urolithiasis, for joint diseases, for obesity, kidney and digestive problems, for dermatitis, diabetes, leishmaniasis, and colitis.
  • Narrowly targeted food is intended for certain breeds: Yorkshire Terriers, English and French Bulldogs, Labradors, German Shepherds, Boxers. Standard food is divided by age groups: pappy (puppies), adult (adults), old (elderly).
  • There is also a gradation in size and activity.

The advantages of food include a variety of lines, high-quality vitamin supplements, longevity on the market, and well-digestible proteins. Disadvantages: high content of wheat and corn, presence of salt and unspecified animal fats, low percentage of fiber.

Customer Reviews

Super premium veterinary food

The best super-premium veterinary foods are:

  • 1st Choice Hypoallergic – hypoallergenic food.
  • Eukanuba Renal is a food for dogs suffering from pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary system.
  • PRO-Nutrition Flatazor is a dietary food for overweight dogs.

All of the above foods have earned a good reputation among owners.

ABBA premium

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Netherlands
Feed price:
  • 800 g – 290 rub.
  • 1.5 kg – 500 rub.
  • 3 kg – 800-1000 rub.
  • 2 kg – 2000-4000 rub.

The peculiarity of the food is that it is intended mainly for adult dogs of medium breeds. The main ingredient is dried lamb meat (60%). In addition, the composition contains corn, legumes and rice, which is not a positive quality; often these products cause allergies.

ABBA produces selected grain-free products based on potatoes and potato starch. Other advantages include the primacy of pure protein in the composition and the variety of useful microelements. The products do not have a wide range of varieties; you can only see the difference in meat components: chicken, lamb, beef.

Among the shortcomings , buyers note that they are difficult to access and not widespread. Veterinarians are confused by insufficient information about the composition.

Customer Reviews

Acana Puppy & Junior

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 340 g – 289 rub.
  • 2 kg – 1293 rub.
  • 6 kg – 2980 rub.
  • 11.5 kg – 4900 rub.
  • 17 kg – 6700 rub.

This is a Canadian super-premium food intended for medium breed puppies. The product formula takes into account the growth characteristics of puppies. Babies develop quickly and grow larger, so they need “building” materials to form the musculoskeletal system.

Main components of the feed:

  • Raw and dry chicken meat;
  • Dehydrated turkey;
  • Fresh chicken by-products (heart and liver);
  • Whole eggs and flounder;
  • Herring meat;
  • Green beans;
  • Yellow peas;
  • Fresh seaweed and fruits (apples, pears, blueberries, rose hips, cranberries).

The main advantages are a high content of real meat, a reduced percentage of carbohydrates, no rice, and the correct proportion of fiber. Disadvantages - high cost.

Customer Reviews

Almo Nature Medium Puppy

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Italy
Feed price:
  • 2 kg – 1032 rub.
  • 12 kg – 4018 rub.

One of the feeds is holistic and meets European quality standards. In addition, he was awarded the status of Human Grade. This means that the product is suitable as food even for humans. The main purpose is medium-sized puppies. The food is hypoallergenic. The brand is considered one of the best due to its fresh inclusion formula (using raw rather than dehydrated ingredients).

Feed composition: fresh and dry chicken or fish, fresh vegetables, oils, yeast, rice. In the lines you can find products based on lamb and salmon.

The advantages of the food include hypoallergenicity, easy digestibility, prevalence on the world market, compliance with standards, high content of crude protein and unprocessed ingredients. Disadvantages - high cost, vague specified composition.

Customer Reviews

Four stars

This category includes good species, but they cannot be classified as the highest category due to the ratio of meat and vegetable components. As a rule, the plant content is higher here, which means this will already be a list of the best premium dog foods. The price tag for them is slightly lower than those presented above, but the daily requirement for a dog will be higher, which means that the food is not so economical. It's worth thinking about.

Among the premium category there are also those created for elderly dogs, with low immunity and allergies, susceptible to various kinds of diseases.

Premium ratings include:

  • made in Russia: Royal Canin;
  • made in the USA: Nutra Gold, Pro Pac;
  • made in Germany: Belcando, Leonardo;
  • made in France: Pro Plan;
  • Made in Switzerland: BioMill.

Many dog ​​owners have heard these names, and most of them mistakenly believe that they belong to the super premium category; pet store consultants can also say the same.


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Germany
Feed price:
  • 1 kg – 400-600 rub.
  • 5 kg – 1950-2400 rub.
  • 15 kg – 4960-5600 rub.

German food with a wide range for different breeds, ages, activity levels . There are separate lines for pregnant, elderly and sick animals. The product is suitable for holistic people. The approved composition indicates 50-70% protein content and natural meat products.

The main ingredients of the food: poultry and fish, vegetable fats, cereal substitute (amaranth), brewer's yeast, herring flour. Chia seeds and a selection of dried herbs are mixed in as additives. The advantage is that the company produces a really wide range of products with different protein options.

Lack of food - negative reactions of pets: diarrhea, vomiting, gas, bloating. Customers have complained that kibble in the mini dog ranges are too large. In addition, the product is difficult to purchase in Russia.

Customer Reviews

Brit Premium

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Czech
Feed price:
  • 1 kg – 500 rub.
  • 3 kg – 1450 rub.
  • 12 kg – 5270 rub.

This Czech food belongs to the super-premium class and has gained popularity in the European and Russian markets due to its relative low cost and high meat content . In fact, the composition of the product is vague. The main ingredient sounds different in different translations. For example, Russian labels say 41% chicken flour, Ukrainian ones say dehydrated meat, and original ones just say chicken, and this wording may hide by-products and preservatives.

Of the carbohydrates in the feed, the average percentage content is wheat, corn and rice, dried fruits. In addition, a separate plus is the variety of vitamin supplements (organic zinc, copper, brewer's yeast, etc.).

The food line includes about 40 products.

The gradation is typical: by size, age, activity. The company produces a special veterinary dietary line and products for pregnant women. It can also be noted that various additives are used: chicken, beef, lamb, salmon; in some types, cereals are replaced by potatoes.

Main advantages : low cost, good composition of vitamins and minerals, high percentage of chicken content, prevalence. Among the shortcomings are a vague composition and poor-quality translation. There have been cases when the food was not suitable for the animals and caused diarrhea or constipation.

Customer Reviews

Independent rating of grain-free varieties

The rating for the quality of the diet is compiled without taking into account the price factor; it is based only on the composition of the grain-free food and its benefits for the dog’s body. A comparison of diets without rice, wheat, corn and other grains resulted in the following rating:

  • Orijen;
  • Acana;
  • Pronature;
  • Go! Natural Holistic;
  • Grandorf.

The Top 5 includes products only from well-known manufacturers, which have undergone numerous laboratory tests and confirmed their declared properties. The quality and composition of dog food from these brands is regularly monitored by manufacturers and independent experts. It is not advisable to choose a dog diet from little-known manufacturers in the holistic category - in such foods, despite the high cost, checks often contain chemical additives, low-quality meat, and offal.


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Belgium
Feed price:
  • 1 kg – 600 rub.
  • 3 kg – 1500 rub.
  • 12 kg – 5000 rub.

The food belongs to the holistic class, which is confirmed by its absolutely grain-free composition. Some products contain rice (for example, adult pet food with lamb and rice) or sweet potato (or starch-free potatoes). If we consider the composition of a particular feed, we can make the following points:

  1. The first place is always dehydration of the base meat (if the food contains lamb, then lamb, if it contains duck, then duck);
  2. Second place - extra dried turkey meat;
  3. Third – carbohydrate – rice, potatoes;
  4. Fourth – fresh declared meat (lamb, duck);
  5. Fifth - fresh turkey meat.

It would seem that the food is almost ideal in composition, even despite the low inclusion of fiber (3%). Questions arise when users try to deal with manufacturers. In fact, the declared transport country is Belgium. But the goods do not enter the European market; the company works for Russia. You can only purchase food online, with delivery to major cities. Therefore, it is difficult to recognize the product as absolutely correct and of high quality.

Advantages : low cost, high protein content (including raw meat), good vitamin supplements. Disadvantages : vague information about the manufacturer, lack of certification documents, low fiber content.

Customer Reviews

GO! NATURAL Holistic

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 230 g – 224 rub.
  • 2.72 kg – 1600 rub.
  • 5.45 kg – 2600 rub.
  • 11.3 kg – 4400 rub.

One of the very first and most widespread grain-free foods belonging to the holistic class. It has a high protein content, which is not always beneficial for animals. The original Canadian composition indicates 50% main meat content (chicken, duck, lamb, etc.). This percentage includes dry and fresh meat, flour, animal (chicken) fats and natural flavors.

Doubts arise from peas and lentils in the dominant positions in the composition . These products contain about 25% protein, the rest is carbohydrates. Veterinarians are confident that such a cheap (relatively) supplement serves as an additional source of fiber. To increase the carbohydrate component, potatoes were added to the feed.

Additional beneficial substances are: tapioca (gluten-free additive, non-allergenic, can serve as a complete substitute for lentils); Herring flour is a component rich in O3 (omega-3).

Advantages of the product: prevalence, high ratings among consumers, honesty of the manufacturer regarding the composition; high protein content and simple assortment (does not mislead the buyer). Disadvantages : the bulk of the food is based on chicken, which often causes allergies and disorders in dogs; despite the primacy of lentils and peas, there is little fiber in the finished product; Potassium chloride content is a chemical additive typical for economy feeds.

Customer Reviews

Nutritional features of medium breed dogs

Despite their size, medium-sized breeds are not recommended to be given large amounts of food - they rarely have digestive problems. For such pets, a standard food intake is sufficient. An adult dog should eat once or twice a day. The diet must be balanced and provide the body with energy and nutrients.

In the first year, pets should choose food that can protect the gastrointestinal tract from infections. It should support the body's defenses and promote the development of the central nervous system. An average-sized puppy eats 4-6 times a day. At the age of six months, you need to switch to eating 3 times a day.

Medium-sized dogs are quite active, so the number of calories in the menu should be high. The weight of animals prone to obesity should be closely monitored. Your pet's menu should include proteins, amino acids, fats and vitamins. It is important to select foods that will prevent dental and gum disease. It is important for pit bulls and English bulldogs not to gain weight.

The owner should take care of the pet's health. He is recommended to buy quality products to slow down the aging process and support the functioning of the central nervous system.

The purebred dog has good genetics, rarely gets sick, and remains energetic and active for a long time. To prevent him from getting sick, it is necessary to feed him correctly and provide adequate care.

Natural nutrition

Medium breed dogs include Aussie, bulldog, basset, etc. They are used as companions, hunting and herding dogs, and bred as decorative pets. For breeds where puppies grow quickly, for example, basset dogs, food is chosen especially carefully.

Owners planning to feed their pet natural food should consider a number of rules:

  1. In lactating and pregnant bitches and animals during mating, the amount of energy expenditure increases by one and a half times. Protein consumption increases from 20 to 70%. They need 2 times more vitamins than in the normal state.
  2. Pets with increased activity and physical activity also need additional nutrients, because... they need more energy. The number of calories in the diet is calculated based on the individual properties and constitution of the dog.
  3. Performing simple functions of service dogs increases energy expenditure by 30%. Hard work increases your calorie needs by up to 3 times. Their menu should contain 30% more protein; the dog can get it from meat and offal. The carbohydrate content of food is important. If there are few of them, the pet will begin to lose weight.

Natural feeding takes place in two stages. Half of the meat products do not undergo heat treatment, the other half is given to the pet in soup or mixed with bread or biscuits.

Meat can be replaced with offal - heart, kidneys, liver. Their content in the menu should be 2 times larger. With a natural diet, they are replaced with low-fat varieties of fish.

Main products:

  • offal;
  • meat;
  • bread;
  • millet;
  • oat groats;
  • vitamins;
  • vegetables (potatoes, beets, cabbage);
  • animal fat (in winter).

In spring and summer, the menu is enriched with fresh herbs: nettles, lettuce, and sorrel. If the puppy is fed monotonously, the digestibility of the food deteriorates. Varieties of meat products, cereals, and vegetables alternate. New foods are introduced gradually, mixed into the main diet as complementary foods.

Dry and wet food

What food is best for medium breed dogs? Most dry and wet diets are made from the same ingredients using similar technology. Their main difference is their moisture content.

Moisture is not evaporated from wet rations and the finished product is additionally seasoned with jelly and sauce. Any of the varieties can provide your pet with the necessary amount of calories and nutrients.

Dry food for medium breed dogs can sit in a bowl for a long time, even if the animal has not finished it. It overeats less, and it is more convenient for the owner to dose his food intake. Its main advantage is the duration of storage and use.

A bag of food can be easily packed into a bag or backpack and you can be sure that it will not leak. Its consumption is more economical. However, your pet may become constipated when switching from wet food and natural food to dry pads. Wet dog food is produced in the form of meat pads, pates, and rolls. The diet contains plenty of water and no preservatives or artificial flavors.

This product is easy to chew and is packaged in portioned packages. It will prevent urolithiasis. It is consumed faster than dry food, but its price is much higher.

Veterinarians recommend using only one type of diet so that the animal’s body does not constantly adapt. Otherwise, allergic reactions and diseases may occur. Its brand should also not be changed frequently.

Hills Science Plan

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:USA
Feed price:
  • 1.5 kg – 700 rub.
  • 3 kg – 1400 rub.
  • 12 kg – 3700 rub.

Brand of super-premium food produced in America and Europe . Represents three lines - Science Plan (everyday diet), veterinary diet and the best selected variety. The third type is practically no different from ordinary everyday food.

From the first lines of the composition, it becomes clear that the product does not reach the holistic level.

  • Firstly, flour from meat (chicken, duck, etc.) is used. This means that it contains not only pulp, but also offal, bones, and skin.
  • The second sign of cheapness and average quality is the presence of corn, which often causes allergic reactions. Rice is indicated as a carbohydrate supplement, and beet pulp is indicated as fiber.

Despite the poor quality composition, the food has positive aspects : low cost, widespread availability, wide range of products, inclusion of all useful microelements.

Customer Reviews

Rating of the best super premium dog food

The rating of the best super premium dog food is a good support for the owner who has just started looking for a suitable diet for his pet. However, all data is for informational purposes only.

Important! All dogs are individual! If you buy food to try, limit yourself to a small pack. You should not buy samples, since their quality is always much higher than the food itself.

Acana (Akana) and Orijen (Origen)

Acana is one of the most popular super-premium foods. The good reputation of the food is deserved, since its quality is no different from holistic food, but it is more affordable financially.

Let's look at the quality of Acana using the example of Adult Dog daily food. According to the manufacturer, the food contains proteins (up to 60%) only of animal origin. A third of the meat used is fresh (minced meat) and 2/3 is dehydrated - this is a very reasonable combination.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 29% – good.
  • Fat 17% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 5% – excellent.
  • Moisture up to 12% is satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 315 kcal/100 g. – satisfactory.

Note! In composition, the term “meat” refers to minced meat, offal and cartilage - this is the main reason why Acana belongs to the super-premium class and not the holistic class.

Orijen - food containing 2/3 fresh fish! The fish is not pre-frozen or processed. The food does not contain preservatives. Let's take a closer look at the products, using the Orijen Original Dog daily diet as an example.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Protein 38% – excellent.
  • Fat 18% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 5% – excellent.
  • Moisture up to 12% is satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 390 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

In addition to fish, the composition includes chicken meal, cartilage and offal. Ideal liver serves as a source of fat in the feed - an excellent solution. The flavor combination and bright aroma guarantee excellent food palatability.

Almo Nature

Almo Nature is a balanced ready-made food for dogs. It is important that the food is made in Italy, that is, it is manufactured under the supervision of regulatory authorities. Main advantages, according to the manufacturer:

  • Balance.
  • High protein content.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Rich taste - the product is suitable for picky dogs.
  • Wide range of flavors.
  • No dyes, preservatives, or flavor enhancers.
  • Raw materials of Human Grade quality, as in holistic feeds.

Let's look at product quality using the example of the daily diet Almo Nature Medium & Chicken.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 25% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 14% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3.5% – excellent.
  • Moisture up to 8.5% is good.
  • Calorie content 350 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

Guaranteed feed performance is inconsistent with the manufacturer's presentation. The protein content is reduced, and the calorie content is at premium level.

Note! The main advantage of Almo Nature Medium & Chicken food is not its balance, but the quality of the raw materials.

Arden Grange

Arden Grange is a not very well known food of decent quality. Let's take a closer look at the products, using the Arden Grange Adult Pork & Rice daily diet as an example. Food recommended for:

  • Adult dogs of medium breeds.
  • Pets with an average level of activity.
  • Picky four-legged ones.
  • Large and gigantic creatures that eat quickly.

Main Ingredients: Pork (19% fresh and 23% dehydrated meat), chicken eggs, corn, sweet potatoes. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 25% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 16% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% – bad.
  • Calorie content 415 kcal/100 g. - Great.

The indicators show that the calorie content of the feed is increased due to fat content. This factor is not of great importance for healthy dogs, but makes the food unsuitable for pets with liver pathologies.

Note! According to the manufacturers, the food is suitable for allergy sufferers (eggs and corn are freeze-dried), but... eggs cannot be “processed to make them hypoallergenic” without losing their beneficial properties, and corn should not be included in super-premium food at all.

Brit Care

Brit Care is a common ready-made food with a good reputation. Let's look at product quality using the example of the Brit Fresh Chicken with Potato Adult Great Life daily diet. Main ingredients: fresh chicken, potatoes, buckwheat, apple.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 28% – good.
  • Fat 16% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% – bad.
  • Moisture up to 10% is good.
  • Calorie content 414 kcal/100 g. - Great.

The composition does not indicate the percentage of ingredients - this is suspicious. After drying, the volume of fresh meat is reduced by 2/3. However, the food has a decent protein and calorie content. In addition, Brit Care products beat competitors on price.

Bozita (Bozita)

Bozita (Bozita) is a grain-free food containing up to 76% proteins of animal origin. The range includes products for allergy sufferers and dogs with sensitive digestion. Let's look at product quality using the Bozita Original Wheat Free daily diet as an example.

Main components: chicken (15% fresh and 24% dehydrated meat), pea starch, dried potatoes, chicken broth, beets. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 16% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 10% is good.
  • Calorie content 358.5 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

As you can see, the protein value is underestimated, although more meat is expected from grain-free feeds. The relatively high calorie content is ensured by the fat content of the food, which has a positive effect on the dog’s activity.

Bosch (Bosch)

Bosch (Bosch) is a food with a good reputation, a wide range and a reasonable price. According to the manufacturers, the food is completely balanced and rich in proteins. Let's see how true these statements are using the example of the daily diet of Bosch PLUS adult Ostrich & Potato.

Main ingredients: potatoes, dried meat mixture (ostrich), potato protein, peas, poultry fat, beets. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 21% – bad.
  • Fats 12% – satisfactory.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3.5% – good.
  • Calorie content 363.2 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

Already from the composition we see that the first place in the food is not meat, the source of animal protein is a meat mixture (meat, offal and cartilage), there are sources of plant proteins. The protein component is significantly reduced, and the calorie content of the feed is provided by fats.

Note! Bosch belongs to the super-premium class, only due to its calorie content and the absence of grains.


Belcando (Belkando) is a not very well-known brand with a narrow range of feeds. Let's look at product quality using the example of Belcando Adult Dinner - everyday food for adult dogs. The product is recommended for pets with an average level of activity and for animals with increased sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the manufacturers, the advantages of Belcando Adult Dinner are:

  • The rich starch content is really good for dogs with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, but for healthy animals the benefit is questionable.
  • Grape Seed Meal – Grapes are considered toxic to dogs, but they do contain substances that promote cell regeneration.
  • Does not contain wheat, soy, dairy or gluten. Gluten, wheat and soy free is a very good thing. But the statement about the absence of dairy products is a marketing ploy, since this is not an advantage, but a given in the production of ready-made food for animals.

Main ingredients: fresh poultry, corn, meat flour, rice, potato starch, herring flour, beet pulp. The formulation of the composition and the lack of percentages of ingredients reduces the Belcando class to premium.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 23% – bad.
  • Fat 10.5% is bad.
  • Calorie content is not disclosed; there are only recommended feeding standards.

Unclear formulations, low protein and fat content, and concealment of calorie content are all very worrying factors.

Important! In recent years, many messages have appeared on dog owner forums about a sharp decline in the quality of Belcando food.

Dukes Farm

Dukes Farm is a British series of ready-made pet food. Please note that Dukes Farm is also produced under license; the original products are marked “Made in UK” and “British Quality”.

Let's look at product quality using the example of the Duke's Farm Grain Free Adult Dog Fresh Turkey daily diet. The main advantage of the food is the absence of grain in the composition. The laconic packaging and composition are also pleasing; it is immediately clear that the manufacturer is not trying to improve its reputation through “regalia”. There are no additives other than vitamins and microelements in the composition, which is undoubtedly pleasing.

Main Ingredients: Fresh and dehydrated turkey, sweet potatoes, peas and white potatoes, turkey broth. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 14% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 8% is excellent.
  • Calorie content 354 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

The composition of the food leaves a good impression. A few points that are confusing: there are no instructions on the percentage of residues and the source of animal fat is not entirely clear.

Eukanuba (Eukanuba)

Eukanuba is one of the most popular dog foods. Let's look at the quality of products using the example of the daily diet of Eukanuba Adult Medium Breed Chicken. The manufacturer notes the main advantages of the food:

  • Prevention of tartar formation.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Improves the condition of the coat and skin.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Contains a basic complex of vitamins.

Main components: dehydrated chicken and turkey meat, wheat, fat, barley, beets, egg, chicken broth. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 15% is excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.2% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 8% is satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 386 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

As you can see, the food is suitable for everyday feeding of healthy dogs and the manufacturer’s statements do not diverge from reality.


Farmina is a manufacturer that produces several brands of food:

  • Fun Dog - economy class food.
  • Ecopet is a premium food.
  • Cibau is a super premium food.
  • N&D is a holistic class food.
  • Vet Diet – medicinal food.
  • Team Breeder – food for productive animals and puppies, it is understood that the products are intended for breeding nurseries.

Let's look at the quality of super-premium food using the example of the Farmina Cibau Adult Medium daily diet. The product is a complete diet for adult dogs, as stated by the manufacturer.

Main ingredients: dehydrated chicken meat, risk, corn, chicken fat, dehydrated fish, beets.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 25% – satisfactory.
  • Fats 12% – satisfactory.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2% – bad.
  • Calorie content 354 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

Cibau Adult Medium is a standard super-premium food that meets all expectations. In addition, the composition (on the pack) states the percentage of all ingredients - this is very good.


Grandin is a brand that is steadily gaining popularity, with a solid range of feed. Let's look at quality using the example of everyday dry food Grandin Adult All Breeds. According to the manufacturer, Adult All Breeds is a complete, balanced diet that is suitable for dogs of all breeds. The products can be used to feed allergy sufferers.

Main ingredients: lamb meat (15% fresh and 5% dehydrated), dehydrated chicken meat, lamb liver, whole and broken rice, poultry fat, beets, apple.

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 24% – bad.
  • Fat 14% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.3% – bad.
  • Calorie content 413.8 kcal/100 g. - Great.

As you can see, the calorie content of the food is provided not by the meat content, but by the volume of rice included in the composition. It’s interesting that the calorie content, and even the percentage of rice, is not disclosed.

Important! According to guaranteed indicators, Grandin Adult All Breeds food can be classified as an “average” premium class.

Innova EVO (Innova Evo)

Innova EVO (Innova Evo) - “Firebird” for the ru-sector. This food is difficult to buy even on the Internet. Let's figure out why American food is so often mentioned, but has not yet entered the market.

The manufacturer presents its products with the following advantages of the composition:

  • Two types of dehydrated meat.
  • Two types of meat and bone (or fish) meal.
  • Fermented milk products (cottage cheese) are truly rare.
  • Sweet potatoes and other vegetables.
  • Chicken eggs.

The above ingredients are included in all feeds (in different proportions). Let's take a closer look using the example of the Innova EVO Dog original daily diet.

Main ingredients: turkey meat and flour, chicken meat and flour, potatoes, herring flour, chicken fat, egg, garlic, apples, carrots, tomatoes, cottage cheese. Contains probiotics and a solid base vitamin and mineral “cocktail.”

Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 42% – excellent.
  • Fat 22% – excellent.
  • Carbohydrates 12% – excellent.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% and 12% ash is an excellent ratio, although the amount of coarse fiber is lower than normal.
  • Moisture up to 10%
  • Calorie content 424.3 kcal/100 g. - Great.

The price of Innova EVO Dog original food is also “excellent”, plus the cost of international shipping. EVO products are an exception to the rule; there are no “weak points” in this food. Any underestimated indicator is compensated, and the composition is indeed optimally balanced.


Monge (Monge) - dry pet food that attracts the attention of owners due to the ratio of quality and price. Let's look at product quality using the example of Monge Superpremium Dog Medium Adult daily food. According to the manufacturer, the food is suitable for medium-sized adult dogs with a normal level of activity.

Main ingredients: chicken (10% fresh and 30% dehydrated meat), rice, corn, chicken fat, beets. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 26% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 14% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.2% – bad.
  • Calorie content 400 kcal/100 g. - Great.

Dog Medium Adult food is nutritious and high in calories, but it cannot be called balanced. The composition includes a good vitamin complex, but the calorie content is increased due to carbohydrates.

Note! Excess carbohydrates for dogs of average activity is a direct path to obesity.

Nero Gold

Nero Gold (Nero Gold) is a less common food at an adequate price. Let's look at quality using the example of the daily diet Nero Gold Adult Lamb & Rice. The manufacturer claims that the food is suitable for dogs of all breeds.

Main ingredients: chicken, maize (corn), chicken fat, yeast, beets. Guaranteed indicators:

  • Proteins 21% – bad.
  • 10% fat is bad.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 9% is good.
  • Calorie content is not disclosed.

An attempt to hide corn behind the unpopular name “maize” does not do the manufacturer any credit, but translation errors cannot be ruled out. The concealment of the caloric content indicator and the underestimation of key indicators are alarming. The food can be classified as premium.


Summit is a Canadian food that has not yet gained popularity in the Russian sector. The manufacturer claims that only Canadian raw materials grown in natural (farm) conditions are used in production. Let's look at product quality using the example of Summit Original Three Meat Adult Recipe DF daily food.

Main ingredients: chicken, oatmeal, brown rice, rye, barley, fat (chicken), salmon, lamb, chicken broth, chicken eggs, bran. The composition is very long, and this is not always good. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 22% – bad.
  • 9% fat is bad.
  • Fiber (fiber) 3.5% – satisfactory.
  • Moisture up to 10% is good.
  • Calorie content 380 kcal/100 g. - Fine.

The composition does not indicate the percentage of ingredients. However, the food is enriched with vitamins and microelements - this is good.

1st choice (Fest Choice)

1st choice (Fest Choice) is one of the pioneers in the super-premium segment. The food is widely known almost all over the world and has a good reputation. Let's look at product quality using the example of 1st choice Adult Medium everyday food. According to the manufacturer, the products help restore joints and prevent plaque.

Main ingredients: chicken flour, broken rice, pearl barley, oatmeal. Guaranteed performance:

  • Proteins 23% – satisfactory.
  • Fat 13% is good.
  • Fiber (fiber) 2.6% – satisfactory.
  • Calorie content 404 kcal/100 g. - Great.

As you can see, the food is quite consistent with expectations. The calorie content is increased due to cereals - this is not very good.

NOW FRESH (Natural holistic New)

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 1.8 kg – 1720 rub.
  • 3.6 kg – 2320 rub.
  • 7 kg – 3900 rub.
  • 11.3 kg – 4600 rub.

Another food from the manufacturer of the product GO! NATURAL. The food is holistic, so instead of grains it contains potatoes, peas and dried fruits. In addition to these ingredients, the first positions are occupied by a whole dried egg and pea fiber. But the main content is considered to be fresh fillet, for example, turkey (depending on the type, the meat filling varies). Additional protein carriers are fresh salmon and duck meat.

Despite the low protein content (20-26%), we can say with confidence that it is absolutely natural. Therefore, this amount is due to the nutritional value and usefulness of fresh foods.

The product has a lot of positive reviews from fans of this company. The food is natural, healthy, and does not contain harmful oils, simple carbohydrates or allergenic substances. The product is widespread, so purchasing will not be a problem. The only negative is the high cost.

Customer Reviews


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 2.3 kg – 1800 rub.
  • 6.8 kg – 3000-4000 rub.
  • 13 kg – 6800 rub.

The most expensive holistic food supplied to Russia. A feature of the production is the approved slogan, the essence of which is that the food is based on a natural nutrition formula. This means that the dog will receive the same substances that it could obtain in the wild. A distinctive feature is the high protein content (30-40%), some veterinarians consider this harmful. On the other hand, a dog is a predator. The products are good for large active breeds, although there are separate products for small pets.

The composition is replete with meat: chicken meat, chicken meal, liver, herring, turkey (fresh fillet only); as additives - cartilage, hearts, fresh eggs. Carbohydrates include red and green lentils, peas, and sweet potatoes.

The advantages of the food are clear - high-quality ingredients, fresh meat, absence of preservatives and low-quality carbohydrates. Disadvantages - suitable only for active animals, not recommended for allergy sufferers, low fiber content and high cost.

Customer Reviews


The general approach to producing these mixtures is that the ingredients used are suitable for human consumption. Thermal processing of meat is carried out minimally - after all, the dog is a predator. According to veterinarians and canine nutritionists, the top 10 of these foods are as follows.

  1. "Acana"

The mixture is made in Canada, contains a lot of meat, no dyes or preservatives are used.

  1. "Artemis" ("Artemis").

Imported to us from the United States of America. Fresh meat is used as the main raw material. The mixture is rich in vitamins and minerals.

  1. "Canidae" ("Canide").

Also produced in the USA. Strict control over compliance with technological processes and the use of exclusively fresh meat allow us to preserve all the beneficial properties of the raw materials.

  1. "Go"

The famous Canadian manufacturer guarantees the highest quality of its product. The plant pays special attention to the quality of meat.

  1. "Grandorf"

Belgian food has proven itself well in the domestic market. The range of mixtures will satisfy the most sophisticated tastes.

  1. "Innova"

The traditional quality of the manufacturer from the United States has won the hearts and stomachs of four-legged gourmets.

  1. "Orijen"

The mixtures are produced in Canada at the same plant that produces Akana food. A distinctive feature is the presence of phytocomponents. Dandelion root, fennel root, mint - all these ingredients will be beneficial for your dog.

  1. “Now” (“Nau”).

Canadian products are well known to domestic dog breeders. Frozen meat is not used in production.

  1. "Wellness"

The company's production facilities are located in the USA. A well-balanced healthy diet will provide your pet with a chic appearance and excellent mood.

  1. "Carnilove"

Grain-free food comes to us from the Czech Republic, where it is produced. Contains a lot of meat of different varieties. The composition of the mixture for adult dogs is 52% made from high-quality fresh meat.

Pro Plan

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:USA
Feed price:
  • 3 kg – 880 rub.
  • 7.5 kg – 2000 rub.
  • 14 kg – 4500 rub.

The food is produced by a well-advertised company, which does not make it the best. The fact is that it cannot be classified as a super-premium class due to the large amount of corn and animal fats in the composition. Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates 27% turkey, it is worth understanding that this figure includes not only meat, but also bones, sinews, and skin.

Certain advantages include a wide range of tastes and intended uses (for puppies, elderly, pregnant, sick pets). Good vitamin supplements included. But one of the significant disadvantages is the increased content of cheap carbohydrates - corn, cereals; unknown flavors; poor composition; blurred percentage of meat components.

Customer Reviews

Five Stars

The best super premium food is not only six, but also five stars. This category contains very high quality products, but with some deviations from the highest standards. The deviations are minor, but the cost of packaging will be lower than in the previous case.

Among the five-star ones you can also find an acceptable option for feeding older, large and small dogs, animals with allergies, diabetes and many other diseases. The list also contains names of foods that are ideal for puppies. Do you want your pet to be healthy, cheerful and beautiful, but are not ready to pay a lot of money? Then you should take a closer look at this list:

  • Made in USA: Eagle Pack Pet Foods;
  • made in Germany: Happy Dog (Natur Croq, Natur Flocken, Profi-Line Basic);
  • produced in Canada: Acana (Pacifica, Grasslands, Prairie Harvest).

ProNature Original

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:2.7 kg – 900 rub.
6 kg – 1900 rub.

20 kg – from 4000 rub.

Standard inexpensive food, which still does not reach the super-premium class. The manufacturer specifies 20% chicken and turkey flour content. As practice shows, there is almost no meat in this percentage. Giblets, bones and skins are used, which do not provide the required amount of protein and nutritional value. In addition, the production lists corn oil and gluten. Otherwise, the food is no different from similar ones and contains the necessary vitamin complex.

Pros : low cost, abundance, lack of preservatives, natural flavors. Cons : high corn content, low meat content, questionable composition.

Customer Reviews


Basic information about food
  • Manufacturer country:
Denmark, Russia
Feed price:
  • 2 kg – 370 rub.
  • 3 kg – 490 rub.
  • 10 kg – 1500 rub.
  • 15 kg – 1800-2000 rub.

Despite the fact that the food is produced in Russia, the owner of the company is Denmark, which means the recipe and work plans belong to it . The quality of the food can be described in one word - middle class (it falls short of super-premium). Unlike other foods of this level, Probalance does not contain “chicken meal”, which is a vague concept. The composition contains 20% inclusion of dehydrated (dry) meat. Another feature is the absence of corn and beans. The manufacturer uses rice, barley and oats.

Overall, the product can be called one of the best among the premium class. It is inexpensive and contains a normal percentage of meat rather than protein ingredients. In addition, it is produced in a wide range with certain types of veterinary diet and puppy food.

Customer Reviews

Composition and features

There is no clear division of feed into classes.

This move was invented by the producers. Therefore, the distribution of drying by category is arbitrary. In addition, companies often lie: they claim the line as holistic, but in reality it is super-premium.

Another option is to call a product super-premium when its composition is simply premium.

However, it is possible to classify this or that food into a specific class. Each line has key features that define its category.


  • digestibility by the dog’s body is 85-90%, caloric content per 100 g is 350-400 kcal;
  • quantity of meat components from 30%;
  • first-order by-products: liver, lungs, hearts;
  • whole grains, less often grain crops;
  • natural preservatives;
  • there are no chemical flavors, dyes, or flavor enhancers - the granules are homogeneous, neutral brown in color.

These features are common. The company may deviate from them for better or worse. For example, exclude cereals and grains or use artificial preservatives.

That is why the range in the quality of feed in this class is so large. We will now find out which of them are the best.


Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Germany
Feed price:
  • 2 kg – 1600 rub.
  • 7.5 kg – 4300 rub.
  • 15 kg – 6400 rub.

Quite a young food, it appeared in Russia only in 2010. It attracted attention with its unusual variety of food lines and names. The fact is that the company is focused on standard adult dogs, without deviations or diseases. Divided according to guidelines into sizes. There is a separate line for puppies.

This is a high-quality holistic product with a high percentage of protein (30-40%), which means that it is suitable only for active pets. The first place in the composition is occupied by sweet potato (potatoes), which is not entirely correct. Then comes game meat, namely meat, not flour and offal. Venison is used to a greater extent. Dried fruits and vegetables are sources of fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Advantages - rich natural composition, high percentage of meat, lack of preservatives and flavors. Disadvantages : not widespread, expensive, low fiber content.

Customer Reviews

What is the best puppy food to buy?

It is important to select food according to the weight, breed and age of the dog. Small puppies need maximum energy and protein. Medium-sized pets require relatively high amounts of protein and carbohydrates. Large dogs need the least amount of protein to gradually gain weight.

Here are some tips for choosing:

  • If you are looking for the best dry food for Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Yorkie and French Bulldog puppies, it is recommended to choose Acana Heritage Premium Balanced Formula.
  • As a budget food for periodic feeding of small breed puppies, it is worth buying Perfect Fit with chicken.
  • Those who are looking for an inexpensive and balanced formula for feeding pit bull, cocker spaniel, English bulldog and other medium breed dogs should purchase Royal Canin Medium Puppy.
  • For high-quality feeding of actively growing puppies, it is recommended to use Brit Premium by Nature with chicken.
  • Owners of puppies of all medium breeds with sensitive digestion would do well to purchase Purina Pro Plan Optidigest Lamb and Rice.
  • As an inexpensive food for German Shepherd, Labrador and other large dog puppies, you can give Dog Chow with turkey, but be sure to include protein products.
  • Shepherd dogs, mastiffs, St. Bernards, Alabais and other large breed puppies are best fed with the Bosch Junior complex.

If you choose the best food for small breed puppies, then first of all you need to look at the composition. The less grains it contains and the more meat, the more effective the nutrition will be.

1st Choice

Basic information about food
Manufacturer country:Canada
Feed price:
  • 2.5 kg – 1140 rub.
  • 7 kg – 2800 rub.
  • 15 kg – 5200 rub.

The food is not holistic, but it has been awarded super-premium status because it does not contain animal fats or corn. The main part is protein - lamb or turkey flour (depending on the type of food), herring flour (there may also be bone flour). Carbohydrates – brown rice, oats, barley. Fiber is the pulp of fresh vegetables.

The food is good for its level. It contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins and contains no preservatives or harmful substances. The main disadvantage is that it is not widespread on the market.

Customer Reviews

The choice of pet food is not always based only on the properties of the product. Much depends on the financial capabilities of the owner. Of course, it is worth carefully studying the composition and choosing products with a low content of harmful or non-beneficial substances.

4.3 / 5 ( 7 votes)

Choosing the right food

For everyone who keeps decorative dogs, there comes a time when you begin to think about what food you should choose for your pet so that it meets all the standards and at the same time belongs to a number of hypoallergenic foods for small dogs.

To do this, it is worth considering several points:

  • One third of the food should consist of animal proteins;
  • The following types of meat should be present: rabbit, beef, veal;
  • The food must contain plant components (rice, wheat or oatmeal, bran);
  • Among the above ingredients, the food should include dried vegetables, fruits, and berries;
  • The presence of flax seed, wheat germ, and alfalfa are indicators of quality nutrition.

The presence of preservatives, aromatic additives, flavor enhancers - all these are indicators that the food is of low quality and you absolutely should not give this to your pet, because it will have a detrimental effect on its well-being, growth and health in general.

To prevent this, you need to know that if the food contains the following ingredients, then it is better not to give it to your pet:

  • Presence of ground bones, meat waste, feathers;
  • Bone meal to add volume to the feed;
  • Fish by-products;
  • Dry animal liver powder.

Usually, food manufacturers indicate the composition ratio, but if it is not there, you should carefully study what is written on the packaging. First, the product that is abundant in the food is indicated, and if it is a product of plant origin, then it is better not to buy it.

Also be sure to check the expiration date and manufacturer’s addresses. If they also produce food for people, it is best to avoid this type of food as they may be using food waste.

In order for your pet to always be healthy and happy with its appearance, it is better not to skimp on food and give it something that will really benefit its health.

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