How to diaper your Yorkie at 2, 3 or 4 months

Yorkshire Terriers are one of the most popular breeds in our country. The dogs are beautiful, active, good-natured and devoted to their owners. Although such a dog looks like a decorative dog, it is not. Yorkies are brave and courageous creatures. And yet, many owners feel that they are very cold in winter, and walking in the rain will not give them pleasure.

During such seasons, owners refuse regular walking. In this case, it is necessary to accustom the Yorkshire Terrier to the rules of the toilet in an apartment or house. From the article you will learn: when to start training in order to achieve a quick effect, where to equip the place, what to choose as a base or filler.

How to teach basic commands?

Absolutely every dog, regardless of whether it will participate in competitions or exhibitions, must know the basic commands.


It is best to teach your dog this command while walking on a leash:

If the dog sees a prohibited object and begins to reach for it, then you need to loudly but calmly say “ugh” and then sharply pull the leash. After a few steps, you can command the dog to “sit” and only then praise him

You can’t praise someone for following the “fu” command! It is important to remember that the “fu” command means a complete prohibition, that is, it is absolutely forbidden to allow the dog to take this object even after a while. After a few training sessions, you can try the off-leash command.

A command is considered learned when the dog responds to the command without any outside influence.


First you need to attract the pet's attention, perhaps call him by name

It is important that the dog is calm at this moment. You need to clearly say “sit”, press on the sacrum, that is, sit the dog down, while holding a treat over the dog’s head. Afterwards you need to treat the dog. This needs to be repeated several times. After a while, the dog will begin to sit down to eat the treat on its own. After a few training sessions, the pet will sit without reward.


Dogs learn this command very quickly:

  • You need to command the dog “place” and lure him there with the help of goodies.
  • After the Yorkie arrives, he needs to be praised and treated.
  • After a few repetitions, the dog will understand where its place is and will come there at the first command from the owner.

Are Yorkies easy to train?

Absolutely any dog ​​must undergo a training course, regardless of whether the animal will participate in exhibitions or simply please its owners.

An ill-mannered pet becomes uncontrollable and only annoys its owners . This applies to even the tiniest dogs.

Yorkshire Terriers are very affectionate to their owners and happily listen to their commands, so they are quite easy to train.

When your baby Yorkie is a month old, you can train him little by little..

The first thing a dog must learn is its name. After this, you can begin to study the simplest commands, for example, “to me” and “place”.

Once your Yorkie puppy has learned these commands, you can train him further, gradually learning more complex commands.

How to train a Yorkshire Terrier to use the toilet outside?

It is possible to train a Yorkie to use the toilet outside, but from time to time various difficulties arise. For puppies, the process of adaptation occurs faster; adults find it more difficult to change habits and the established world. From about 3 months, the pet is ready for daily trips to the fresh air. Then you need to seize the moment. For example, on the first walks around the yard, he went to the toilet - this was followed by praise, stroking or a piece of treat. The connection “a toilet on the street - the owner’s joy (a tasty piece) - a pleasant emotion" is stored in the animal’s memory. This must be repeated until the bitter end, even for several months. It’s easier with dogs, which are called “food dogs.” They are ready to do anything for tasty food; they can be easily distinguished by their strong appetite at any time, including immediately after eating.

Not many owners of decorative breeds are ready to go out with them every day, and especially in the cold. Sitting at home for a long time is harmful to the physical and mental health of a Yorkie. Therefore, you need to know how to accustom your Yorkie to the street in winter. Problems arise when frost sets in and the pet is not adapted to it or is too pampered. The issue of cold weather is solved by clothing and boots, short outings on winter days. Then the duration of walks increases from 10-15 minutes to 30 minutes or more.

If your Yorkie is not interested in going for walks, then he will not strive to go outside. In this case, it is advisable to diversify your leisure time with games, new routes, and light activities. By taking a closer look at your pet, you can understand what he reacts to better. Unfortunately, the problematic aspects listed are not the only ones. Useful tips will help you understand how to accustom your Yorkie to the street:

  • Puppies eat more often and need more often. After eating and sleeping, they are taken out or taken outside to use the toilet.
  • After active games or simply when he is spinning in place, whining, squeaking, he is also taken out into the fresh air.
  • You should choose a quiet area to begin toilet training.
  • You cannot scold when a puddle is discovered in the house. Only show with emotions that there is grief at the moment of relief of the puppy. Cursing and violence are not only useless, but also dangerous.
  • At an older age (more than 4 months), the command “fu!” is given.
  • If frequent walking is available (at least 4 times), then the diaper is removed for good.
  • In difficult cases with the toilet, a tray or diapers are left to make cleaning easier for the person.

Where to place

It is important not only to purchase a bed, but also to place it correctly. There are several nuances that need to be taken into account when choosing a place for a crib

For example, this corner should be secluded so that the dog can quietly retire and relax there. But at the same time, it is desirable that the Yorkie still has the opportunity to observe what is happening around him: dogs of this breed often begin to experience discomfort when they cannot watch their owners. Therefore, if the pet’s bed is located too far from the owners’ bed, then the chances that he will sleep there are almost zero.

There are several places where it is highly not recommended to place a sun lounger:

  • near the battery, since it is extremely dry there, and also hot in winter;
  • near electrical appliances, as malfunctions in their operation can be dangerous for the animal;
  • near the balcony or entrance door, since drafts often occur in these places, and this is also where the greatest temperature changes occur.

It is important to position the bed so that it is close to the place where the owners are most often located, but at the same time, so that the pet is comfortable there, and the bed itself fits into the interior features. This will help significantly reduce your pet’s stress level and give him the necessary level of freedom.

We train a Yorkie to go to the toilet in a diaper

As practice shows, training a mini-York or a regular one to wear a diaper is not so difficult. If you follow simple rules and have patience, you can raise in this way not only a small puppy (2, 3 or 4 months), but also an adult dog (from 1 year old) that had to change its place of residence.

Sometimes it happens that a Yorkie brought from the nursery immediately begins to relieve itself in the diaper, but literally after a couple of days it already does it wherever necessary. This puppy behavior is easy to explain. The fact is that in most cases, Yorkshire terriers live in special cages for the first weeks of their existence. In this way, breeders provide their pets with a safe place to live, and this is also done to ensure that small terriers are constantly near their parents and follow their example. So, in the cage the toilet was always located next to the puppy, or rather, near his sleeping place. Once in a larger area, Yorkies begin to independently look for a suitable area to sleep and, accordingly, to fulfill their natural needs. To ensure that such searches do not end in marked territory, the knowledge passed on to the dog from its mother must be constantly reinforced. This will take no more than two days. However, if the pet was not initially accustomed to the rules of hygiene, it will take many times longer to train it (up to 7 months).

To quickly accustom or retrain your Yorkie to use a diaper, consider the following useful tips.

  • For the first few weeks, provide the puppy with a small enclosure so that he cannot freely move around the entire apartment. You can also simply fence off some space for the pet’s temporary residence. Be sure to leave the diaper in a fenced area. At first, you will need to show your Yorkie his toilet, for example, immediately after your pet wakes up or eats.
  • As previously mentioned, it is recommended to provide the Yorkshire Terrier with several diapers at once. In the future, you will see which of them the dog uses most often. Rarely used diapers will need to be gradually removed so that the puppy ends up with only one litter box.
  • If your Yorkie does relieve itself in the wrong place, take a napkin and soak it in the same puddle left by your pet. Then place the wet napkin where the terrier should pee. Under no circumstances should you poke your dog’s nose into its “crime scene,” much less punish it, otherwise your pet will be stressed.
  • Some Yorkie owners recommend bringing the puppy to the toilet twenty minutes after eating, as they believe that it is at this time that the animal wants to relieve itself. If suddenly the dog wants to run away, hold it. In a hopeless situation, the terrier will still defecate in the designated place and leave its scent there, which the puppy will use to identify the toilet the next time.
  • It is not recommended to leave the diaper directly on the floor. Firstly, it is not very convenient, and secondly, a small Yorkie can start playing with it at any time and drag it around all the rooms. It is best to place the diaper in a special tray, which should be slightly larger than a cat's and also equipped with a convenient grid.

We hope that the above tips will be useful to you, and thanks to them you will be able to properly raise your furry pet. The main thing is to be patient in advance and approach the educational process as responsibly as possible. Remember that a small animal is the same as a small child who still does not understand anything at all and, accordingly, does not know what “good” or “bad” is.

What to do if it doesn't work out

We considered the option when you have a small and smart miracle, but what should you do if you have a “difficult child”.

Never poke his nose into feces or scream. Whatever you can achieve with this, he will start walking anywhere or looking for secluded places.

Any dog ​​perfectly senses the mood of its owner and, if it has done something wrong, it is enough to scold it, expressing its dissatisfaction. Not forgetting at the same time to praise her when she does everything right.

You should not use store-bought toilet trainers. It’s better to soak a cloth or newspaper in your pet’s urine and place it in a suitable place.

A puppy, like an adult dog, uses marks to determine the boundaries of its territory.

A good option is to determine a place for the toilet at the front door, under the windows or next to the balcony.

If there are places at home where the puppy is absolutely forbidden to go, it is worth making a restricted area there for him by treating. Remembering to update it regularly, especially after wet cleaning.

When your puppy starts using an inappropriate place for the toilet at home, you can try moving his bowl there.

No dog will relieve itself where it takes food.


Initially, York will need to be isolated in a room reserved for the toilet. If a passage room or part of a corridor is intended for the site, we close off free access to rooms where a dog is not allowed, for example, to the bedroom. It doesn’t require hard work or high expenses; you can buy the required barrier, approximately 30-40 cm high, at a specialized pet store, or make it yourself from scrap materials, without the risk of harming the dog. We install an obstacle in the doorway, and the puppy is no longer able to enter the forbidden room. An adult or a grown-up child can overcome the barrier without difficulty.

It is permissible to build a kind of enclosure from these structures if you have to leave the house. The pet will not be able to enter other rooms of the home to play pranks and leave a mark.

How to toilet train a Yorkie puppy?

You need to toilet train your Yorkie from the very first days of his arrival in the house. These dogs themselves are clean; they will not shit where they sleep or eat. If you purchased a puppy from a good nursery, then, as a rule, they are sold already accustomed to a diaper or litter box.

It happens that dogs that are already toilet trained from breeders get lost at home and go where they want, just not to the place you indicated. In such cases, you need to act more cunningly.

When picking up your puppy, ask the owner to give you one used diaper to take with you. When your pet wants to recover at home, he will most likely run to an old diaper saturated with his smell. This is the easiest way to toilet train a Yorkie at home, quickly and without any problems.

What to do if your new friend is not toilet trained? In this case, at first you will have to wipe and pick up traces of it. There is nothing wrong with this, the Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog and does not recover as much as a Doberman or St. Bernard. To train your Yorkie to use the toilet in a diaper, you will need time, it could be a week, or maybe a month.

First, you need to protect your pet’s personal space. Set aside a small room for it or fence off a small area. Next, lay a newspaper or a special toilet diaper for decorative breeds of dogs on the floor. If you have a large house, then lay several newspapers in each room. It is advisable to do this in the corners, where the pet is supposed to recover. Where the dog eats and the place where she sleeps, there is no need to furnish it with newspaper. Yorkies do not shit where they sleep or eat.

Every day, the owner must remove some of the diapers, preferably unused ones. Ultimately, the baby should have a maximum of two places where he can go to the toilet. In a large house, you can leave three, the pet will eventually choose one corner that is most suitable for it. This is one of the most effective ways to train a Yorkie to use a diaper.

Useful tips and rules for toilet training a puppy

To ensure that the process of training your dog to use a tray or diaper goes smoothly and without damaging the furniture, we recommend that you listen to the following tips:

  • When training your puppy, remove all carpeting from the house. If your dog pees on your carpet, the smell will attract him every time he wants to pee. Carpets are very difficult to clean from unpleasant odors.
  • Before you bring your Yorkie puppy home, decide where he will go to the toilet: in the litter box or in the diaper. Everything is simple with a diaper, but the tray must be the right size. It should not contain fillers. Choose a litter tray deeper than a cat litter box.
  • If you choose a diaper as a toilet, remember that you also need a special tray for it. A diaper without a tray, the dog will drag it around the entire apartment.
  • After feeding, so as not to miss the moment, put the puppy on a diaper. So, he will quickly get used to such conditions and in the future he will go to the toilet himself at this time.
  • During toilet training, if the puppy acts correctly, try to reward him with treats. This way he will quickly understand that this is good. But, sometimes it is useful to use the “carrot and stick” method. It is allowed to lightly give the baby a hand or threaten with displeasure, but only if you caught him in the act.
  • To discourage your dog from resting in the same place, treat that area with a product with a strong odor that repels the puppy.
  • Do not give up! It can take several months to train a Yorkshire Terrier. Follow these tips clearly and success will await you in the end.
  • Before leaving for work, protect your baby in space. Close all rooms that are not needed for your pet.


Yorkies are one of those breeds whose representatives can be trained to relieve themselves not on the street, but in a tray or in a diaper.
True, for this you must first organize a place for your pet where his toilet will be located. It is advisable not to install a permanent dog toilet in the room or on the walkway, where it will be in the way. It is best if the place where the tray or diaper will be located is brightly lit at any time of the day. The dog should be able to easily find it and have access to it at any time of the day or night.

It is best to allocate a part of the corridor or bathroom as a place for your pet’s toilet, if its size allows it. You should not take the dog toilet out onto the balcony or terrace, as in the cold season access there will most likely be limited. As a place for the toilet, you can use either a special tray designed for dogs or a disposable waterproof diaper.

Dog trainers do not recommend using a cat litter box as a toilet for your Yorkie.

The fact is that cat trays have much higher sides, which is why the Yorkie perceives it not as a place for the toilet, but as another bed. In addition to regular trays designed for puppies of any gender, there are also special trays with posts for males. This allows the animal to mark its territory without soiling walls and corners.

Features of training different breeds

Each breed has its own characteristics, which manifest themselves, including during diaper training. With some, everything goes easier, with others, who are overly active, you have to confine them to the playpen. It is worth highlighting the most important nuances of training dogs of common breeds.

Chihuahuas and toy terriers

Due to their rapid metabolism, they need to go to the toilet immediately after eating. Thanks to this, you can quickly accustom them to a diaper: as soon as the puppy has eaten, you need to put him on the diaper, and pour some warm water next to him. The reflex will work, and he will go to the toilet on the diaper. After this, all that remains is to reinforce the puppy’s understanding that the same needs to be done in the future through repetition. Representatives of these breeds are sensitive to the mood of the owner, therefore, if they go to the toilet in the wrong place, they should be scolded a little - they learn this well, you just need not to go too far.


Very active and inquisitive, eager to explore every corner. One of two tactics can be applied to them: either lay out a lot of diapers so that they are in every room, preferably more than one; or put up a fence with several diapers inside. Then, as your baby becomes toilet trained, you can gradually remove them.


To train them, you need to use a partition. If there is too much free space, the puppy will probably go to the toilet in the wrong place.


You need to tinker with them - up to 6 months it is very difficult to train them. In this case, it is generally undesirable to use diapers, since huskies can begin to mistake anything soft for a toilet - for example, furniture. That's why newspapers are used.

Labradors and bulldogs

Very smart: if a puppy of one of these breeds is about to go outside the diaper, you need to tell him “no!”, “ugh” or something similar, and take him to the diaper. With his tone and actions, he will quickly understand what is required of him, and will learn to go to the toilet as needed - the owner’s approval with each success will also help with this.


Many owners of Yorkshire terriers say that they have managed to train them to go to a certain place on business. It is convenient and quite simple, they assure, the main thing is to put some effort into it and treat the animal as an individual with a subtle psychology.

A puppy can be very upset by a rude shout, and poking his nose can even cause irreparable injury. Those owners who managed to raise the dog correctly treated it calmly and patiently, affectionately explaining over and over again how to do it right.

Some complain that a dog, even one who knows the rules, continues to mark the corners. According to these owners, this happens only after castration; otherwise, it can continue throughout his life. Even if you regularly walk the male, sometimes he can leave marks; in this case, you can sprinkle the area with powder and spray it with a special liquid that is sold in a pet store.

How to train a dog to ask to go outside

Tray and diaper are temporary methods. In permanent mode they are suitable for small breeds of dogs. In order for the animal to relieve its needs during a walk, you need to use the following tips.

  1. You can take puppies outside only after the quarantine after vaccination is over. If the vaccination was done by the breeder, be sure to check with him about the timing.
  2. The age of the animal affects the number of walks. It is much more difficult for an adult to become accustomed to a certain regime than for a young one. Before your dog reaches his six-month mark, take him out up to 5 times a day. Then you need to switch to walking three times a day.
  3. The best time to go outside is immediately after eating, sleeping or active play. After the animal has done all its business “on the grass”, praise it. Bring food with you for encouragement.
  4. Outdoor games and training should begin only after the pet has managed its business.
  5. Use the same words of encouragement while training your puppy. The animal will develop a certain reflex that will be associated specifically with the toilet on the street. In the future, the dog will begin to distinguish these words or commands.
  6. Try to ensure that your pet understands well that walks primarily exist to satisfy his needs, and games and other joys in the fresh air are invented as rewards.
  7. Try not to bring your dog home if it hasn't done what it needs to do. Repeat commands and encouraging words until she relieves herself. After that, go home immediately.
  8. If an adult dog didn’t wait for his owner to come home from work and made a puddle, take a closer look at him. Perhaps he could not endure for some reason. For example, due to a health disorder.

Never take out a bad mood on your dog. If the process of accustoming to the street is delayed, perhaps the mistake is in you. Usually, a dog’s bad behavior is the consequence of the wrong actions of its owner. Consulting a specialist can be of significant help.

Tray training

Before litter box training, the puppy needs to be diaper trained. They are laid within fences or an enclosure. At first, the dog is swaddled immediately after waking up. If the baby has done everything correctly, he is praised, reinforcing the result with a treat. Should I scold or not if the puppy misses? You shouldn’t poke your dog into a puddle, much less hit him. The animal will lose confidence and continue to urinate throughout the apartment. Dissatisfaction is shown by changing intonation and raising the voice.

To speed up the process, the puppy is put on a diaper 15 minutes after eating. If the owner notices that the Yorkie is sitting down in the wrong place, he should carefully pick up the dog and take it to the toilet area. At first the animal will not understand what is required of it, but after numerous repetitions it will figure it out.

Not all Yorkies quickly get used to a diaper. In this case, it is recommended to cover the enclosed space with them, gradually reducing the number until only one remains. Pet stores offer all kinds of tools for training dogs to use the indoor toilet. Practice has shown that their effectiveness is low, so only persistence and constant repetition will give a positive result.

When the puppy begins to do things in the diaper, the final stage begins. To teach your pet to use a litter box in an apartment, you need to:

  1. Place the used diaper on the bottom of the tray. The dog will find a new place by smell.
  2. For the first week, carefully monitor your pet and carry him in the tray every time he is about to sit on the floor. It is recommended to hold the dog in the litter box until it urinates. After a week, Yorkies usually develop a habit, and the diaper is finally removed.
  3. Constantly praise the animal, do not hit or scold.

Unfortunately, performing these actions is not always the key to success. Many puppies never get used to urinating in a designated place. Perhaps this is due to the uncleanliness of the mothers, whom the breeders did not teach to be tidy. In this regard, experienced owners advise taking a closer look at the behavior of nursing females: observing whether they go to the tray or not.

If the dog is an adult, then training can be very long, and sometimes without results. Especially when they retrain a Yorkie, who since childhood went to the toilet on the street, and not at home. But you shouldn’t give up: you need to stick to a familiar model and be prepared for the fact that training an adult Yorkie requires a lot of patience and constant correction of mistakes.

Common mistakes to avoid

Teaching your Yorkie to pee on a diaper or in a litter box will require patience and time. Their lack pushes owners to make classic mistakes, which only slow down the training process:

  • Punishing the dog after the fact. If you come home from work and yell at your puppy for making a puddle, he won’t understand why you’re yelling. The baby cannot draw a cause-and-effect relationship. If they saw the process, they reprimanded him, that’s all.
  • Completion of training too quickly. If your pet relieves itself 1-2 times in the right place, you should not remove the remaining diapers or sharply increase the space available to it. Wait until the actions become systematic.
  • Changing your own behavior pattern. If you drop off your puppy today and not tomorrow, if you swear or remain silent in the same situations, he will not understand why this is happening. The key to success is systematicity.

If the dog categorically refuses the offered toilet, think about the reasons for this. The tray may be cold if it is standing, for example, in the hallway. Move it to a warm place. The dog can be uncomfortable if he is in front of everyone.

Useful tips

Small dogs should be able to relieve themselves at home. If you are patient, the training process will go smoothly. Here are some tips for diaper training an adult Yorkie or puppy:

Start learning from childhood. 2 months is a great age to start. If you have other pets, choose the type of litter box you already use.

Dogs and cats pay attention to their environment. When choosing the type of toilet, consider not only the convenience, but also the price. Yorkies are very clean dogs; they will have to change their diaper after each use, which can be quite expensive. During training, try to remove carpets and other decorative items from the floor that might attract puppies. A boy's Yorkie toilet should be different from a girl's one.

Choose models with a column or a high wall. If the tray is located against a wall, cover it with film. By six months the dog should know the place, otherwise consult a dog handler.

When keeping decorative dogs, it is important to remember one rule: in inclement weather the kids stay at home, but in good weather they go for walks. Don’t forget that frequent walks are necessary for their health, and toilet training outside is also a skill that you will have to teach your pet

Choosing a place for the toilet, its organization

Let's start with the reasons why you need to accustom your Yorkshire Terrier to a diaper, because a number of owners will have objections to the fact that they should not be lazy in taking their pet out.

Decorative breeds have a significant feature: they do not tolerate cold or bad weather. Their immunity is weaker than that of large dogs, so walks in rain or frost often end at the entrance door. The dog refuses to go for a walk, and then relieves itself at home, in a random place. To avoid unwanted puddles, from an early age you need to accustom your Yorkie to a litter tray or other indoor toilet. Start by organizing the place itself:

  1. Select the type of toilet (diaper, tray). We'll talk about the advantages of the options further.
  2. Determine a place where the dog will relieve himself.
  3. The best option is a non-accessible part of the apartment, accessible to the animal at any time.
  4. Pay attention to the preferences of the pet itself. A good solution is to place the litter box where the puppy has already peed.

Sometimes the toilet is placed next to the dog's bed. The option is good for babies 2-3 months old, they do not tolerate it well. But be guided by your own convenience; the sleeping place is often placed next to the owner’s bed; a tray is unlikely to be appropriate there.

How to change a diaper correctly

Surely a puppy's litter box should be changed whenever you think it is too dirty. But if you are going to change the location of the litter box in the house, you must thoroughly clean and remove the former smell from it and, of course, the floor if the baby has done dirty things on it . This is because the next time he has a special need, he will find the smell associated with the room in which he defecated and will do so in the same place.

For the same reason, you will have to keep some small part of the new tray with the old one. After all, if he smells the familiar smell of urine and poop, he will know that he has chosen the right place. To do this, leave a small piece of the old diaper on the new one or rub the new pad in the dirty one.

There is another way. There are special drops containing substances reminiscent of the smell of dog feces, which are used for home training. By choosing this method, you will not have to use the previous methods. In addition, they are also useful for outdoor training.

You just have to use them in the specific place where you want your puppy to defecate. And take the puppy to a place where he will probably smell this familiar smell.

That's all. These simple steps will help you “program” your cutie Yorkie to go to the toilet correctly. The main thing is patience and consistency are the keys to success.


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Recommendations for novice dog breeders

As your puppy grows and develops friendships, various problems are bound to arise. The process of raising a puppy requires attentiveness, patience and prudence from the owner.

A small Yorkshire Terrier kept at home is like a child who is still unclear what “good” means and what “bad” means. A responsible owner should help him figure this out. And it depends only on the owner what their life together in the house with a new pet will turn into - into a daily nightmare or true sincere love.

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Let's start learning

First of all, we determine where the dog toilet will be located. You will need to put a piece of cloth there. Take the cloth that was used to remove York's first puddles. With repeated attempts, the puppy will smell the familiar smell and instinctively fulfill the needs.

After feeding the puppy, the desire to go to the toilet will arise in approximately 15-25 minutes, no later. After feeding the dog, we take Yorkie to the toilet or call him and lure him there. If the puppy tries to run away, we carefully but persistently return it to the right place. When we notice the squatting characteristic of dogs, we quickly put him in the toilet. At first you won’t always be able to make it on time, don’t be upset. It is not recommended to scold the dog, it is better to pet it. The Yorkie is only an animal, unable to understand the reason for the sudden grabbing and carrying. You will have to use patience and persistence. Gradually, the puppy will learn to do what is required in a situation where an urgent need arises.

Should I scold?

Punishing a puppy for a mistake is strictly not recommended. Firstly, a Yorkie cannot endure for up to six months, so he simply does not have time to get to the designated place. Secondly, dogs do not associate their mistake with a curse, and will not poop on the diaper.

It is acceptable to scold your Yorkie if he deliberately goes to the toilet in the wrong place, but you must catch the mistake immediately.

Discovering a puddle after a few hours is the owner’s problem. The dog has already forgotten what he did, so punishment will no longer be of any use.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

It is important to change diapers in a timely manner. Many dogs are clean, meaning they relieve themselves next to the litter box if it is already dirty.

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