The best pet hotels in Moscow: where to leave your cat or dog on vacation

As the holiday season begins, pet owners are faced with the challenge of finding someone to care for their cat or dog while the owner goes sightseeing or relaxes on the beach. The simplest and most cost-effective option is to hand over the keys to the apartment to accommodating and trustworthy neighbors and ask them to feed the animal, walk it, or change the litter tray. For those who were unable to reach an agreement, there are special services for keeping animals. These same services are also provided by private individuals. The Village looks at how much it costs to look after a cat and dog for a standard two-week holiday.

Why dog ​​boarding has become popular

Dog boarding means placing them in special hotels, inns, or in apartments with people who offer their pet care services while their owners are on vacation. An organization or a person offering its services for a fee will help the pet not feel bored and easier to endure separation.

Dog fostering is the best way to survive temporary separation from the owner

Foster care is becoming more and more popular, because it is considered the simplest and most painless way to survive separation from its owner, since the dog is under reliable supervision. And for the person himself, this option is considered the most acceptable, because constantly asking friends and relatives to let their four-legged pet into the house is not always convenient. In this case, while on a business trip or vacation, the owner will not have a “headache” about it.

The main comfort factors of a place where you can leave your dog while on vacation

To accommodate your pet while the owner is away, you can use the services of a pet hotel or dog sitter. Each owner must decide for himself where it is better to leave his pet, and for this it is worth choosing several options and studying them personally.

Where to leave your cat on vacation: where can you take it?

The dog sitter will have a pet living in his apartment. Most often, in this case, only one pet remains in foster care, which guarantees good care, because the dog sitter’s attention will be focused only on him.

Note! In pet hotels, the pet lives in an enclosure, and other animals can also live here.

When choosing a method of temporary accommodation, the owner needs to pay attention to:

  • The guardian's appearance, character and experience in dealing with dogs.
  • Cleanliness in the hotel or apartment.
  • The presence of a first aid kit, and if they plan to leave the dog in a pet hotel, then the presence of a veterinarian in it.

Pet hotels provide all the conditions for comfortable placement of a pet.

Requirements for temporary content

When a pet is placed in the hands of a zookeeper, you should always check:

  • Lived area: is there enough free space in the apartment to accommodate an animal of certain dimensions; How clean is the room? It takes into account whether the person is the owner of the house and whether other family members live in it.
  • Reliability and safety of the place: personally meet a specific dog sitter, ask about his diploma if he is a professional dog handler; read reviews of the organization; study the permit to work with animals in a pet hotel.
  • Presence of other animals. The owner or curator of the dog must assess the degree of risk of cohabitation of different animals.
  • Availability of required items: bowls, tray for puppies or small breeds, dog shampoo, etc.

Safety and care for your dog while on vacation or away

Is it possible to spay a dog while in heat?

When traveling on vacation or a business trip, every owner wants to be sure of the safety of their dog in foster care. According to the contract, pet hotel employees or dog sitters are obliged to ensure the comfort and safety of the pet, and not just sit with it. But the owner must provide complete information about the health status of his pet, as well as notify about the presence of vaccinations and allergies to drugs or food.

What age dogs can be fostered?

You can give your dog for foster care at any age. But still, it is not recommended to give away puppies before six months, since at this time the psyche is formed, and besides, the dog at this age learns to build its relationship with the owner. However, if there is no other choice, then you can leave the dog for a while.

When you need to foster a recently acquired adult dog, it is better to do this after 2 weeks of living together. If you leave the dog alone in this case, the separation may undermine the progress of the relationship and trust in the owner.

With good care, the dog can comfortably survive the absence of its owner

What is better: leave the animal in a pet hotel or give it to foster care?

Pet care services are provided by pet hotels and private individuals. Of course, for such organizations and citizens, caring for a dog is an activity that brings in a stable income. Therefore, the choice of a place where the dog will temporarily live must be approached responsibly and carefully. You should not choose an establishment where accommodation will be cheaper, because the health and peace of mind of the dog should come first.

How to stop a dog from barking at the dog and at everyone

Each owner must decide for himself where his animal will live. But it is worth noting that pet hotels are specially equipped for receiving animals, but conditions may not be created for a regular foster care facility.

Note! Many hotels employ professional veterinarians and dog handlers. For an additional fee, they will work with the dog and teach commands.

But even in home foster care, dog sitters fully care for their pet. All their attention is directed specifically at the dog, and in hotels where several animals are temporarily housed, attention cannot always be paid to just one pet. In addition, after being constantly with the pet, the dog sitter will be able to advise on how best to develop it.

What to cook

Before leaving, be sure to prepare all the things your pet may need while you are away. Pay special attention to an item from your home.

Food and medicine if needed

Make sure you have enough dry food or fresh food. Be sure to explain to the person who is ready to stay with the dog all the nuances of feeding.


Always keep a bag of dry food in your house in reserve - enough to last for about a week. If you need to leave urgently, you won’t have to worry about the essentials.

Separately note down the required dosages and time of administration of the medication if the pet is under treatment. For ease of tablet delivery, leave the introducer in place. Leave your phone number in case of doubt or emergency.

Leash, muzzle, clothes

For daily walking you will need a leash and muzzle. Ask not to take off your equipment while walking. This will eliminate the possibility of escape or poisoning. During the cold season, do not forget to leave warm overalls. Dog boots will help protect against aggressive reagents.

Toys and treats

Don't skimp on balls, rubber bones, ropes and interactive toys. Additionally, bring your dog’s favorite treats. You will need them in moments of sadness or as a reward for good behavior in a new place.

Item from home

The familiar smell calms and relaxes. Be sure to take your pet’s favorite toy, bedding or your own sweater, which the dog adores more than anything in the world. It is also better to take a tray and bowls from home.

How much does it cost to adopt an animal while on vacation?

The average cost of foster care with a dog nurse is about 700 rubles per day. In hotels, the average cost of staying a pet per day is 1000 rubles. But the breed of the dog also matters. For a small animal they will ask about 1000 rubles, for a medium one 1400, but it will cost the most to keep an aggressive animal.

When leaving a dog for foster care, the owner must provide complete information about his health

What is included in the cost of overexposure

The cost of foster care for dog sitters and pet hotels includes the following services:

  • Transporting the dog to an apartment or pet hotel, if necessary.
  • Nutrition. If your pet suffers from allergies or needs specialized food, then you can bring it with you and then the final cost of services will be less.
  • Unforeseen expenses, namely the purchase of a new collar or leash if the old one is broken or torn.
  • Medical expenses. Will be required if you need to visit a veterinarian or buy medications.

Is the owner responsible for damage to the dog sitter’s property by the dog?

If a dog sitter provides private services without concluding a contract, then this factor must be discussed in advance. But, if an agreement is concluded, then according to its terms, the dog sitter bears all expenses for damage to property. However, the client must provide complete information about the behavior and character of his dog. So, for example, if a four-legged friend constantly chews things at home, it is necessary to warn about this and then the dog will be given increased attention.

What happens if a dog gets sick while in foster care?

The shelter and dog sitter, if the dog gets sick in foster care, must take all recommendations for its care upon himself. If there are signs of illness, the owner must be notified first. All veterinarian services not related to the dog sitter’s fault are paid by the owner upon arrival based on receipts from the clinic and veterinary pharmacies.

The dog nurse and the pet hotel always operate under an agreement

Municipal shelters

Municipal shelters are supplied with funds to ensure the lives of animals from the state treasury. It is clear that the allocated funds are sorely lacking. Such shelters are designed to temporarily house homeless animals. They are housed in groups of several individuals in cramped cages and are fed once a day with the cheapest food. Veterinary care is not provided for in any expense item of the institution. The maximum period for placing a dog is six months, then, if a new owner is not found, it is euthanized. In Moscow there are about twenty such organizations out of a total of sixty. For a huge city, this is a fairly small number, so it is not difficult to imagine their overcrowding.

You can donate a dog to the shelter at the following addresses:

  • Municipal shelter for stray animals of the Western Administrative District: Rodnikovaya Street, 26.
  • Shelter for stray animals No. 5: 6th Radialnaya street.
  • Shelter "Murkosha": Ostashkovskaya street, 14, building 2.
  • Shelter for stray animals: Pekhorskaya street, 1B.
  • Shelter for dogs and cats: Rassvetnaya Alley, 10.

All of the shelters listed have approximately the same conditions. They are resorted to by people who do not care about the further life of the animal. Usually, outbred offspring from their wild animals or aged animals are handed over to such a place, for which there is no strength or means to treat, and it is a pity to euthanize or drive them out.

Is there a contract?

Organizations and individuals providing foster care services operate under an agreement that the owner must sign in order to place a four-legged friend. The agreement provides for the main provisions, rights and obligations of the parties.

The document must stipulate the rules and obligations of the owner to provide reliable information about the health status and character of his pet. In turn, dog sitters are contractually obligated to provide proper care, monitor their well-being, and immediately inform the owner of any unexpected incidents.

The owner should avoid citizens who are ready to offer their services without concluding an agreement, because such activity may indicate fraudulent activities. And besides, if something happens to the pet or it gets injured, the owner will not be able to sue for the illegal actions of the pet hotel or dog sitter. Therefore, it is not recommended to hand over your four-legged pet to such citizens.

Pros and cons of a hotel for animals

Placing a dog in a pet hotel always has its positive and negative sides. The main task of the owner is to carefully study the place where the pet is supposed to temporarily reside.

Among the positive aspects are the following:

  • This solution is a salvation, especially if there are no friends or acquaintances who could adopt a pet.
  • If a hotel boasts professional and qualified staff, then for sick dogs or dogs undergoing rehabilitation, accommodation there will be the best solution.
  • The animals are kept in separate enclosures, and if the dog needs individual care, the hotel staff will be able to provide him with the appropriate conditions.
  • The walk takes place in a fenced area, so the likelihood of escape is minimized.
  • The most important and important difference between a pet hotel and a foster home is the constant presence of a veterinarian who, if necessary, can provide first aid.

Negative sides:

  • If the owner gives the pet to the first organization or person who is involved in foster care without making sure of their reputation, then there will be a risk of improper care.
  • Other animals that are temporarily housed may be infected.
  • The cost of this service is quite high.

Important! A dog will better tolerate separation from its owner if he has taken care of its socialization since childhood.

Separation from its owner is always a serious blow for a pet, so the owner needs to carefully analyze the place for his temporary residence and choose one that meets the requirements of comfort and reliability.

Reviews about shelters

People who leave their dog forever rarely write reviews about municipal shelters. But comments from those who adopted an animal from such a place are full of negative emotions about the way dogs are kept. Volunteer organizations are the most popular among owners of four-legged pets. There are people working there who truly consider this business to be their calling and act for absolutely selfless purposes. The persistence and diligence of volunteers helps many animals find a new home, and the pets left for a while are well-groomed and healthy.

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