Do cats understand human speech - theories and opinions on how this happens

If you ask the question: do cats understand human language, the answer will most likely be negative. Because understanding a language is from the realm of science fiction and fairy tales. But whether cats understand human speech is a matter of debate, since there is more room for nuance. Indeed, in this case, the main thing may not be the words, but the tone in which they are pronounced. Therefore, it is more correct to ask the question: do cats understand human intonation, and the answer is affirmative.

Features of cat hearing

Representatives of any cat species have extremely developed hearing. The cat's ear detects a range of sounds at frequencies that are inaccessible to humans and many species of mammals.

It has been experimentally established that a cat is able to remember more than a hundred words that it heard from its owner. For example, they know perfectly well several variations of their name, they understand when they are called to eat or play.

Moreover, pets are able to select and bring certain items; they remember more than 20 names. The main thing is to work hard with them and motivate them properly. Because the main thing here is the cat’s desire to carry out this or that command. And good relations with the owner are very important in this case, because it will never be possible to force a pet, such is the cat’s nature. By the way, you can read an article about how to train cats on our portal.

Conclusions and evidence of scientists

Why does a cat sniff a person’s nose: oddities of cat behavior

Experts explain that cats produce sounds in approximately the same way as humans. After all, they have lips, tongue, teeth. Some sounds are emitted more often, others less often. Animals purr when they are hungry, or express their greeting and gratitude. There are certain sounds when a cat lies and rests. Such a huge variety of sounds helps the pet express its mood, desires, and needs in this way.

Intonations of human speech

Repeated experiments have shown that it is very important with what intonation the owner speaks when addressing the pet. He perfectly understands when he is offended, angry, scolded or praised. The rhythm and pace of speech is also of great importance.

Fast speech conveys excitement to the animal, while slow, smooth, melodious speech calms it down. And not only dogs can sing along with people; some cats are also famous for this feature.

If you pronounce different phrases with the same intonation, many cats perceive them the same way, such as a call for food. But not all individuals, some of them react only to certain words. True, if you invite animals to dinner with an angry intonation, they will definitely not come.

experimental part

Trying to find the answer to the question of whether cats understand human speech, scientists have spent a lot of effort.

Animal psychologists from the University. Loranda Eotvos (Budapest, Hungary) conducted an experiment in which people told 41 cats where food was hidden. In 70% of cases, cats identified the hiding place by a non-verbal clue - the movement of a person’s eyes towards the food. But the pets ignored the voice prompts.

The journal Animal Cognition describes a similar experiment conducted by American scientists. The cats had to overcome an obstacle course, while the owners intonation frightened or approved of their actions. It turned out that the cats acted by listening to the owner's speech.

A number of scientists from different countries conducted experiments that proved that the cat reacts to the owner’s calls, even if they are spoken in a foreign language.

The results of another experiment, published in the American popular science magazine Scientific American, prove that cats distinguish the owner’s voice from other voices, but are not in a hurry to react, first carefully assessing the situation.

All this confirms the correctness of the English naturalist, the famous writer Gerald Durrell, who argued that, like other animals, cats perceive the energy of a word, the wavelength and frequency of its sound.


Smell is one of the cat’s main tools for perceiving the world around him, almost the main source of information.

Pets even communicate with each other through smells.

Living with a person, the cat did not lose this tool. If the kitchen smells deliciously of meat, then any cat will be there faster than anyone else in the household.

It is not without reason that encouraging scents are used to instill the necessary skills, for example, in a litter box or scratching post. As well as deterrents - in order to stop them from shitting or damaging furniture.

By the subtlest scent of a person, a pet can unmistakably determine what emotions the owner is experiencing - fear, joy, anger or peace.

Some scientists believe that it is thanks to their sense of smell that cats understand human desires. The difference in the structure of the speech apparatus does not give cats the opportunity to learn to speak, and therefore, to hear. But true animal lovers reject these statements and sincerely believe that pets always understand them.

Is it possible to teach a cat to speak like a human?

No matter how strange it may sound, these animals can be taught our language. Of course, they are not able to clearly pronounce words and make sentences from them, but what a cat trained in our speech is trying to pronounce will be quite understandable. To achieve the desired result, you need to start training your pet from an early age.

If there are other pets in the house, they must be isolated from the four-legged student during the learning process. Teaching should begin with simple food-related words, the most popular of which is “meat.” It can be easily reproduced by cats, because it is similar to their usual “meow”. Some owners who have successfully taught their pets human speech advise saying this word during or after eating. Others recommend repeating the “meat” for an hour and only then feeding the animal.

Cat telepathy

Since ancient times, the theory that cats are mystical animals, almost capable of reading and transmitting thoughts, true telepaths, has not lost its relevance.

According to psychics, you should spend a lot of time with a cat and communicate with it only mentally, looking into its eyes, showing signs of attention and caressing it.

The surprising thing is that fully domesticated pets often really understand the owner intuitively and, in critical situations, fulfill his requests strictly. For example, in besieged Leningrad, there are cases where cats simply saved household members from starvation by bringing prey to their owners, rather than eating it themselves. While wild cats, lions, tigers, panthers, even when trained from birth, often refuse to follow commands.

Signs associated with cats

According to popular observations, cats intuitively sense change. They say that by observing the behavior of your pet, you can predict the weather, the arrival of guests, an impending illness, a change for the better or misfortune:

  • a cat sleeps with its belly up - to the heat;
  • the cat curled up into a tight ball - it will soon get colder;
  • the cat washes its face all day - wait for guests;

    A cat washing itself means the imminent arrival of guests

  • a cat reaches out to a person - for a new thing;
  • a cat rubbing against a person’s ear means an increase in money;
  • The cat sneezed three times - someone in the house will get sick.

By the way, it is believed that if a cat lies on a sick person, then it cannot be driven away, since the animal takes the illness upon itself.

You also need to monitor what part of the human body the pet settles on - they say that healing cats lie down where the source of the disease lies.

It is believed that a red cat in the house attracts money, a black one wards off evil spirits, a white one protects the health of its owners, and a tricolor one is responsible for peace in the family.

Sign language

There is another theory. According to scientists, the only thing a cat understands when communicating with a person is sign language.

Indeed, before sitting on the owner’s lap, many pets look into his eyes and wait for an approving nod or pat.

According to skeptics, representatives of the feline species do not experience sincere affection for humans, like dogs. They only allow themselves to be loved and served.

But many true admirers of this pet will say with confidence that the cat is only pretending that she is indifferent to the condition of the people in the house. She's just good at hiding her feelings. And as soon as a baby starts crying, the animal is the first to be in alarm next to him.

Outward coldness and emotionlessness are qualities that have developed in cats over thousands of years. They help representatives of the cat species survive in the wild. After all, cats are predators, and they have no opportunity to show their weaknesses and affections to the enemy. In the jungle it is survival of the fittest.

When communicating with humans, pets have learned to use many other mechanisms. They purr, meow, rub against their owner’s arms and legs, look pleadingly into the eyes, carry slippers, and keep children busy with games.

By moving its tail, a cat shows that it is irritated or scared. A hiss or growl warns her to be left alone. Sometimes the pet touches the owner with its paw and even releases its claws when its appeal and requests are ignored.

Even if a cat attacks a person's hand, there is an explanation for this. American scientists have found that with excessive caresses provided by the owner to the pet, the latter experiences a large release of the hormone cortisol into the blood. The animal experiences severe stress and irritation.

It’s safe to say that the cat understands the owner’s speech perfectly; the main thing is for the person to learn to hear the pet.

Feedback from cat owners

My cats are fans of hiding. They choose not only boxes, but also all small spaces. We hold the shelves in our closets in special esteem - in the morning I often find someone’s fluffy tails or ears sticking out of a stack of clothes. I think this is due to the instinct of self-preservation - in nature, cats rarely sleep just on the road, but look for some secluded places. Pitchezz

I have always dreamed of a snow-white cat. I started it, but she turned out to be deaf in both ears. My observations: 1) deaf cats scream very loudly; 2) they have a manic passion for cleanliness, for example, it takes 1.5 hours to bury the tray with a terrible roar; 3) a deaf cat hides all the time or climbs up, trying to lie with her back to the wall - it’s clear that she doesn’t hear footsteps and is afraid that someone will sneak up on her unnoticed. And deaf cats not only love their owners, they are dependent on us, which they value very much. Katarina1619

There are features that are common to all representatives of the cat world. And you need to know these features of the behavior and attitude of pets, then you can try to understand your cat and become true friends.

How cats understand humans

Scientists have repeatedly argued that the cat, due to its nature, cannot be considered a completely domesticated species. It's more of a companion animal.

American biologist John Bralshaw conducted several interesting experiments, studying the system of communication between animals among themselves and with humans. During them, he clearly determined that if domestic cats can react not only to the spoken words themselves, but also listen to intonation, then wild animals are unable to make out it.

However, experiments with lions and tigers have shown that with persistent training they quickly begin to understand the meaning of certain commands and words.

Many cat owners know how their pets react to messages about a trip to the veterinarian. They immediately run away, hide and demonstrate in every possible way their reluctance to leave the house and go to the clinic. And, conversely, a cat begins to purr when addressed with affectionate speech.

One of the smartest cat breeds is the Abyssinian.

It is surprising that a cat brought as an adult from another country, for example, Japan, does not understand its new owners for quite a long time. This means that everything is important in communication - the meaning of words, intonation, and gestures.

Scientists note that felines never meow. Animals have enough pheromones and gestures to communicate with each other. Cats have developed this tool specifically for communicating with humans.

By the way, read the article about the 32 smartest cat breeds on our portal.

A little science

If a dog was consciously tamed by a person, then the same cannot be said about cats. Rather, the cat itself made contact with people who had food supplies. This happened about 10 thousand years ago, and since then little has changed in the balance of power between man and cat.

According to scientists, the reason lies in the cat’s naturally low communication needs. A cat does not particularly need the company of its own kind, much less representatives of another species, i.e. person. This is explained by the extreme caution of the animal. Biologist John Bradshaw, who studies the language system of felines, notes that compared to dogs, cats, even completely domestic ones, remain more wild and independent to this day.

Does the pet understand the owner's speech?

Scientists have long proven that these animals correctly perceive our speech. Of course, they do not have the innate ability to perceive the meaning of the linguistic structures with which people communicate with each other. They begin to understand the owner’s speech only after a certain time has passed. Cats read the emotions, desires and moods of family members thanks to their gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice.

It is not for nothing that representatives of the cat family are considered subtle psychologists. It takes them very little time to learn to speak the same language with their owner. Most of them are able not only to respond to their nickname, but also to follow instructions.

Cats are much less amenable to training and education than dogs, due to their independent and stubborn nature. However, what they lack in training, they more than make up for with their sharp mind, incredible intelligence and insight. If desired, these animals are able to carry out commands with impeccable accuracy.

Why you shouldn't kiss cats

There are no absolutely clean cats, even those that live only at home and don’t stick their noses outside. The fact is that they walk with their paws, sit and lie on the floor, where there may be dirt brought in by a person on shoes and clothes. Then the pets lick themselves with their tongues (including under the tail), which means their mouths and faces are a potential source of infections. In addition, cats can easily feast on flies that have flown into the house, look into the trash can or drink water from the toilet - the owners simply may not even know about such tricks of their pet.

Having learned what cats do when left unattended, many owners will immediately give up the habit of kissing their faces.

Table: what kind of infection can you get through kissing cats?

What can you get from kissing cats?Short descriptionHow a domestic cat could become a carrier of infection
MycosisDiseases caused by parasitic fungi (ringworm, sporotrichosis, candidiasis, Malassezia, etc.). Microorganisms can infect the skin, fur, or penetrate internal organs (including the brain).
  • Through insects (fleas, flies, etc.).
  • Through dirty food.
  • Through dirt brought by the owners with shoes or clothes.
  • Through other infected animals.
Bacterial infectionThe most common is infection with staphylococcus (after all, this bacterium is found on the skin and fur of 90% of animals). It can provoke many diseases, ranging from mild skin infections (impetigo, cellulitis, staphylococcal burn-like syndrome) to dangerous damage to internal organs (prostatitis, pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, etc.).
  • Through mother's milk.
  • Through contact with infected animals (especially when using a common tray, bowl and bedding).
  • Through the dirt brought in by the owners from the street.
HelminthiasisInfection with worms. Microscopic eggs can be found in any part of the cat's body, including on the fur of the face. Most often, cat owners become infected with pinworms and roundworms when kissing their pets.
  • Through dirty food.
  • Through dirty water.
  • Through insects, fleas, ticks.
  • Upon contact with infected animals.
  • Through dirt brought by people from the street (the cat will pick it up on its paws, which it will then lick along with the worm eggs).

A cat can be completely healthy, but be a carrier of more than 30 pathogens of various infections, many of which are “stored” on the animal’s fur

Hugs and kisses with cats can be equated to playing Russian roulette - no one can guarantee that when contacting an animal a person will not catch some kind of infection. In addition, you should not kiss cats for the reason that pets do not like such tenderness - they show their trust and affection in completely different ways.

Precautionary measures

According to many avid cat lovers, all of the above reasons apply to street cats. Why can’t you kiss domestic cats, those that don’t go outside the apartment? The arguments are the same. Of course, for an absolutely domestic pet, the chance of contracting any disease is not that great, but it is there. We ourselves bring many fungi and bacteria home on our outdoor shoes and clothes. This means that everything said above remains relevant.

If not kissing a pet is beyond your strength, then try to at least minimize all risks:

  • give your pussy all the necessary vaccinations;
  • treat the fur with anti-flea drugs even if you are sure that there are no “guests”;
  • never feed your animal raw fish or meat;
  • Clean the cat litter box as often and diligently as possible;
  • Give yourself and your pet regular preventive maintenance against worms;
  • Get regular check-ups with your veterinarian.

Doctors, veterinarians, and animal husbandry and breeding experts are unanimous in their opinion that cats should not be kissed. But what is the reason for this ban? Basically, the argument is made that through kissing a pet (and especially a stray one) you can get an unpleasant disease. But even if the animal is 100% clean of any microbes, fungi and worms, you still shouldn’t touch it with your lips: cats are uncomfortable with such a human act of showing love and they can easily “go on the attack”, trying to protect themselves.

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