With a name for life - nicknames for Spitz boys and girls

Spitz are cheerful, playful, friendly animals. With the appearance of a fluffy dog ​​in the house, the question arises not only about proper care and feeding, but also what to name a boy or a girl Spitz. When choosing, they are guided by various parameters. This could be the color of the pet, its characteristic habits, or unusual habits. Many owners simply find a funny or trendy nickname. But in order for the dog to quickly get used to the chosen name, some rules should be followed.

What gender is your Spitz?





How to name a boy's Spitz

Gender is the first and most obvious selection criterion. Spitz, as representatives of small breeds, try to give courageous, but at the same time cool nicknames. A bright nickname will suit the boy, emphasizing his restless disposition and cheerfulness.

Males are quite narcissistic. These pets know their worth and often bully larger dogs.

The Spitz boy can be called: Aldar, Amadeus, Barin, Kraft, Jaco, Karat, Chris, Lord, Lorsen.

Choosing a name for a boy and a girl

Among the variety of possible options, it is possible to find unisex - something that suits both sexes at once. For example, the Japanese are different in this way. Haruka (distant) and Makoto (truth) are common female names, but they are also sometimes used for male names. The same thing works in the opposite direction.

Boys have a more cocky disposition and leadership qualities. You should not compare them with flowers and other delicate things. Lily and Rose are more suitable for girls, but the proud dog can be called Narcissus.

Don't push yourself into too strict limits. Taking into account gender is not a mandatory criterion, but just a convenient recommendation. Males can also be affectionate cowards and shy people, so first of all, start from individual traits: character and appearance.

How to name a Spitz girl

Spitz girls are more affectionate, kind, and sensitive. They are often compared to funny little foxes. They try to give them names that match their character. A well-aimed word will help highlight the positive aspects of your pet and add even more charm to her.

Suitable names for Spitz girls: Alpha, Ambra, Barbie, Bertha, Burma, Bianca, Varda, Dora, Giselle, Capa, Knopa. For the Pomeranian Spitz - restless and restless - more energetic nicknames are suitable. For example, Lightning, Comet, Arrow.

Famous brothers

  • Lubino, Kubilon and Milapmo are three dogs who, according to legend, accompanied the Magi to Bethlehem.
  • Boo is a Pomeranian and a Facebook star with a million followers.
  • Jiff is a record-breaking athlete from Los Angeles. This Pomeranian can run on its hind legs at a speed of 10 m in 7 s.
  • Pomeranian Gagi is a TV star and participant in the show “The Real Mistresses of Beverly Hills.”
  • Belferlane is a German Spitz who forced Protestant Church founder Martin Luther to admit that dogs go to heaven too.

Baby Bounty
This is interesting: the cutest nicknames for the Japanese Spitz and Chin.

Top 10 popular nicknames

The nickname becomes an expression of the owner’s individuality, allowing him to show his sense of humor and boast of erudition. However, according to statistics, certain words are more common - this is what many dog ​​breeders call their pets. Below are the top 10 popular animal names.

Spitz boy nameNickname for a Spitz girl

Of course, each owner can have his own opinion. However, it is better to find a rare nickname that friends or acquaintances did not call their pets. This will avoid confusion when other dog walkers call out to their namesake animals on a walk.

All representatives of the breed are active and cheerful, so these pets are often given nicknames with emotional connotations.

Original examples of nicknames

Every dog ​​owner wants to name it so that it stands out from the rest. These are the unusual nicknames Spitz owners come up with for their pets.

Boy and girl

For boys:

  • Banana;
  • Nickel;
  • Malek;
  • Tiktak;
  • Hawk;
  • Bumblebee;
  • Sable;
  • Smile;
  • Italic;
  • Ottoman;
  • Funtik.

For girls:

  • Beech;
  • Bun;
  • Sausage;
  • Coco;
  • Dot;
  • Haze;
  • Tender.

After observing your pet, you can choose a nickname by comparing it with objects, natural phenomena or animals. The main thing is not to forget the rule - euphony and phonetic component.


the sonorous nickname emphasizes the noble origin and thoroughbredness of the animal. Often, favorites are named after mythological heroes, ancient kings, poets, thinkers: Perun, Confucius, Hera, Selene, etc.

There are a huge number of other options. Most of them came from foreign languages ​​- they are more original and unhackneyed.

Beautiful names for Spitz:

  • The boys' favorites are called Artes, Bing, Watson, Darling, Jordan, Lucian, Monty, Oliver, Rubin.
  • The girl can be given the nickname Adeline, Belle, Giselle, Audrey, Pandora, Martha, Mia, Linda.

Basic rules for choosing a Spitz nickname

Spitz is the common name for several dog breeds, the distinctive features of which are:

  • pointed ears;
  • curled tail;
  • thick, erect fur.

Their face often resembles a fox.

You can give a nickname, emphasizing these structural features:

  • Sharp erect ears are indicated by the names of animals that also have this quality: Hedgehog (long-eared), Serval, Aye-aye (Madagascar little fox), Fennec fox (little fox), Ushan;
  • words associated with the concept of a circle or turn hint at a curled tail: Bagel, Kolo (wheel), Luka (bend);
  • English words (Fluffy, Fazi - fluffy; Fur, Palage - woolly) can be used to describe an unusual skin;
  • the name for fox in different languages ​​is also suitable for spitz: Fox, Azeri, Roka, Rena, Lapsa.

Selecting a nickname according to the breed

Spitz of different breeds may differ in size, character, and origin.

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians are small, very active and friendly pets. Their weight is about 2 kg, height at the withers: from 18 to 22 cm. They are distinguished by their ringing voice and boundless love for their owner.

The Pomeranian is a dwarf dog breed

Names that emphasize their restless character and charming appearance are suitable for them:

  • For girls: Aiko (favorite),
  • Brigitte (majestic)
  • Lady,
  • A drop,
  • Button,
  • Lisa,
  • Weasel,
  • Lightning,
  • Raik (peaceful),
  • Hoshi (star)
  • Yula.
  • For boys:
  • Master,
  • Varin (defender),
  • cog,
  • Jago,
  • Junior,
  • Dino,
  • Dirk (king)
  • Enthusiasm,
  • Zoom,
  • Keko (happy)
  • Kuno (brave)
  • Lord,
  • Mixer,
  • Poldi (brave),
  • Prince.
  • Since this breed has German roots, German names are often used:

    • For boys: Andi,
    • Benno,
    • Valli,
    • Gerd,
    • Give it back
    • Didi,
    • Jens,
    • Klaus,
    • Chris,
    • Mani,
    • Mete,
    • Mihi,
    • Pete,
    • Swenny,
    • Tomi,
    • Torsti,
    • Franc,
    • Fred,
    • Hans,
    • Hoss,
    • Stef,
    • Yurg.
  • For girls:
  • Ava,
  • Annette,
  • Britta,
  • Gretchen,
  • Zelda,
  • Lola,
  • Martha,
  • Milli,
  • Sophie,
  • Trudy,
  • Frida,
  • Heidi.
  • Japanese Spitz

    Small dogs (weight: up to 8 kg, height: 28–36 cm) with fluffy snow-white skin, have a lively character, and are easy to train. They are very attached to their owner and miss him very much.

    Japanese Spitz can only be snow white

    The character of the Japanese Spitz is a reflection of the national traits of the representatives of this country: emotionally restrained, silent, positive towards others. He is an ideal friend and a good companion. The names that came from the Japanese language emphasize the nature of the attitude towards this four-legged friend:

    • For girls, Aiko is the favorite;
    • Anto - dear;
    • Gati - graceful;
    • Dyke - majestic;
    • Enka - foggy;
    • Sai - gift;
    • Riko is smart;
    • Poti - small;
    • Un - lucky;
    • Iki - pleasant freshness.
  • For boys
      Haruko - spring;
  • Kyoko - happy;
  • Nariko - thunder;
  • Ichiro is the first;
  • Etsuko - joyful;
  • Daisuke - assistant;
  • Ren - lotus;
  • Takara - treasure;
  • Sin - real;
  • Akira - bright;
  • Haruki - shining;
  • Michiko - handsome;
  • Megumi - blessed;
  • Naoki - correct;
  • Kokoro - soulful;
  • Hoshiko - starry;
  • Tsukiko - lunar;
  • Hotaru - firefly;
  • Shinju - pearls;
  • Akito - autumn;
  • Yuki - snowy;
  • Izumi - stream;
  • Hibiki - echo;
  • Daiti - smart;
  • Hoshi - starry;
  • Hiro is generous.
  • Volpino

    This is a small breed of Italian Spitz (weight up to 5 kg, height: 25–30 cm). Very loud dogs with a loud bark, they have guard skills. Nicknames for these pets can be chosen using the mythology of Ancient Rome, Greece and other countries.

    Volpino is a rare Italian Spitz breed.

    For girls:

    • Anat - goddess of the hunt;
    • Bast - goddess of joy;
    • Bona - mother goddess;
    • Vesta - goddess of the hearth;
    • Hebe - goddess of youth;
    • Gero - priestess;
    • Devi - wife of god;
    • Dike - goddess of truth;
    • Iris - goddess of the rainbow;
    • Isis - goddess of health;
    • Clio is the muse of history;
    • Kora is a goddess;
    • Lada - goddess of love;
    • Lara - goddess of silence;
    • Leda - wife of the Spartan king;
    • Mentha - goddess of the mind;
    • Muse is the goddess of art;
    • Nike - goddess of victory;
    • Nut - Egyptian goddess;
    • Pax - goddess of peace;
    • Roma - ancient Roman goddess;
    • Tyche - goddess of happiness;
    • Fedra;
    • Eris is the shield of Zeus.

    For boys:

    • Abder - son of Hermes;
    • Acast is a hero;
    • Argo;
    • Balu - god of thunder;
    • Veles is the patron god of animals;
    • Geb - god of the earth;
    • Horus - Egyptian god;
    • Dagon is the patron of agriculture;
    • Zeus is the supreme god;
    • Zephyr - god of the west wind;
    • Inach - god of the river;
    • Ymir is a mythological creature;
    • Cephalus - youth;
    • Latin - king;
    • Lin - Greek singer;
    • Loki - Scandinavian god;
    • Kron - god of time;
    • Mars is the god of war;
    • Milo is an athlete;
    • Nal - Indian king;
    • Numa - Roman king;
    • Pan - god of forests;
    • Res - Greek king;
    • Scythian;
    • Thor is the god of thunder.

    Other ways to choose a name

    Often the name reflects the coat color. Of the Spitz breeds, only Pomeranians can boast a wide range of colors. Japanese ones only come in white; volpino - white and red.

    Table: dog names based on color

    WhiteChalk, Snowball, Hummock, Lotus, Firn (perennial snow), Belyash, ProteinBelka, Belle, Gretta (pearls), Vyuga, Shuga (loose snow)
    Red (red, fiery)Coral, Red, Fi, Fock, Dif, RubyAguna, Aili, Ina, Lava
    Cream, goldGold, Midas, Altyn, Lemon, ButtercupHeat, Zlata, Lilu, Meda, El
    BlackAgate, Black, Nero, Schwartz, KnightVaksa, Shema, Musti, Sheni, Vengi
    BrownBrown, Brown, Mocha, ChocoBruda (brown), Caramel, Cola
    Blue, graySmoke, Grey, Ash, Flint, Smokey, SilverHaze, Ash, Shadow, Pebbles, Dusty

    Beautiful names for Spitz dogs

    As a nickname, you can simply take a beautiful word or come up with it yourself:

    For girls:

    • Alice,
    • Barbie,
    • Baby,
    • Betsy,
    • Busya,
    • Beauty,
    • Wendy,
    • Gabby,
    • Glen,
    • Grace,
    • Darcy,
    • Daphne,
    • Daisy,
    • Dekla,
    • Jena,
    • Dolly,
    • Doni,
    • Dora,
    • Dory,
    • Dorris,
    • Dulcie,
    • Daisy,
    • Iza,
    • Irma,
    • Kandy,
    • Carla,
    • Carmen,
    • Quincy,
    • Kira,
    • Cleo,
    • Knopa,
    • Horses,
    • Bark,
    • Christie,
    • Lana,
    • Lisbeth,
    • Lizzie,
    • Linda,
    • Lola,
    • Laura,
    • Luli,
    • Lucy,
    • Magi,
    • Maila,
    • Mega,
    • Mimi,
    • Molly,
    • May,
    • Mary,
    • Nancy,
    • Nessie,
    • Pixie,
    • Ruby,
    • Ruth,
    • Sabina,
    • Sali,
    • Sarah,
    • Sima,
    • Sophie,
    • Tina,
    • Tracey,
    • Trixie,
    • Tusya,
    • Floris,
    • Hannah,
    • Chloe,
    • Chema,
    • Cheri,
    • Chita,
    • Sheri,
    • Suga,
    • Ebi,
    • Eileen,
    • Enis.

    For boys:

    • Adam,
    • Archie,
    • Babi,
    • Barney,
    • Bing,
    • Beefy,
    • Brooke,
    • Bruno,
    • Bruce,
    • Watson,
    • Vico,
    • Vito,
    • Top,
    • Gary,
    • Gwen,
    • Hector,
    • Glen,
    • Gonza,
    • Grego,
    • Dani,
    • Derek,
    • Jam,
    • Jerry,
    • Gin,
    • Dani,
    • Eli,
    • Kevin,
    • Kiwi,
    • Colin,
    • Cosmo,
    • Chris,
    • Lance,
    • Leo,
    • Lester,
    • Lorrie,
    • Louis,
    • Lucas,
    • Luke,
    • Max,
    • Merlin,
    • Miki,
    • Monty,
    • Maurice,
    • Nathan,
    • Nacho,
    • Nile,
    • Oscar,
    • Pablo,
    • Paco,
    • Pancho,
    • Patrick,
    • Ramon,
    • Ricky,
    • Robie,
    • Roy,
    • Roni,
    • Simon,
    • Sancho,
    • Syoma,
    • Tito,
    • Tisha,
    • Volume,
    • Tomi,
    • Trevor,
    • Phoenix,
    • Freddie,
    • Juan,
    • Hugh,
    • Hugo,
    • Cesium,
    • Charlie,
    • Chet,
    • Chus,
    • Chucho,
    • Shusan.

    Funny nicknames

    For girls:

    • Bagheera,
    • Bridget,
    • Wendy,
    • Bark,
    • Gamma,
    • Zhulya,
    • Toffee,
    • Sprat,
    • Kisa,
    • Cleo,
    • Kunya,
    • Linden,
    • Margot,
    • Mira,
    • Tender,
    • Plush,
    • Bullet,
    • Puma,
    • Sabrina,
    • Sonya,
    • Totti,
    • Umka,
    • FIFA,
    • Chita,
    • Shumka.

    For boys:

    • Cactus,
    • Cake,
    • Conan,
    • Latte,
    • Limit,
    • Mickey,
    • Muscat,
    • Ninja,
    • Noah,
    • Ozzy,
    • Oxford,
    • Pegasus,
    • Pudding,
    • Radar,
    • Rimbaud,
    • Ripley,
    • Rocky,
    • Rolex,
    • Scout,
    • Scotch,
    • Scooter,
    • Twister,
    • Tiktak,
    • Tomahawk,
    • Tuxie,
    • Forex,
    • Fruit,
    • Hippie,
    • Hobbit,
    • Chaplin,
    • Shaman,
    • Bumblebee,
    • Shustrik,
    • Elvis,
    • Elwood,
    • Espresso.


    The breed is well suited for funny names that match their cute appearance and friendly nature. Each favorite has comic features that can be played out in an interesting way. The choice of names is limited only by the owner’s imagination.

    List of cool nicknames:

    • name for a Spitz boy : Ataman, Artist, Aragon, Angel, iPhone, General, Euro, Drive, Julien, Limit, Klondike, Tomahawk, Scotch, Gunpowder, Scout, Rolex, Bonus, Pepsi, Shustrik, Mamai, Cheburek;
    • for girls : Umka, Diva, Melon, Sleeve, Fox, Idea, Mouse, Yula, Zhulya, Ophelia, Olive, Tow, Snail, Plush, Doll, Rika, Rumba, Sparta, Makfa, Fifa, Halva, Snitch.

    You can name the puppy after a movie or cartoon character - Scooby, Pin, Luntik, Krosh, Goofy, etc. This option will especially appeal to younger family members.

    Blooming names

    Of course, your dog will always be the most beautiful dog for you. A nickname inspired by the world of flora, namely flowering plants, can reflect her delicate beauty:

    • Abelia;
    • Acacia;
    • Anemone;
    • Aster;
    • Begonia;
    • Brassia;
    • Browallia;
    • Brunner;
    • Vallota;
    • Verbena;
    • Carnation;
    • Geranium;
    • Gloxinia;
    • Hydrangea;
    • Dicentra;
    • Ixora;
    • Morning glory;
    • Kalanchoe;
    • Calendula;
    • Clarkia;
    • Cleome;
    • Clivia;
    • Crossandra;
    • Cosmea;
    • Kufeya;
    • Lavender;
    • Lavatera;
    • Lantana;
    • Lily;
    • Lobelia;
    • Daisy;
    • Medinilla;
    • Mimosa;
    • Muscari;
    • Nasturtium;
    • Nerine;
    • Passionflower;
    • Pelargonium;
    • Petunia;
    • Primrose;
    • Rose;
    • Chamomile;
    • Rudbeckia;
    • Ruellia;
    • Salvia;
    • Saintpaulia;
    • Tydea;
    • Torenia;
    • Violet;
    • Fuchsia;
    • Hathiora;
    • Hosta;
    • Chrysanthemum;
    • Zinnia;
    • Evening primrose;
    • Echinocea;
    • Jacobinia.

    Primrose is someone’s favorite flower.
    Perhaps among the “fluffy” nicknames there are not yet some suitable nicknames. Surely a couple of interesting options have already popped into your head. Write your ideas in the comments to this article, and together we will add to this list!

    With meaning

    Nicknames with meaning give dogs a special aristocracy. Each owner independently decides what meaning to put into a nickname for his pet. Words are borrowed from different languages ​​- German, Japanese, English.

    You can start from the temperament of the Spitz puppy. For example, Pomeranians have a more courageous character - they often behave like formidable shepherd dogs. A name that emphasizes this feature, for example Zeus or Mars, is perfect for them. It looks both funny and impressive.

    Popular nicknames with meaning:

    • Adela – noble;
    • Aiko – beloved;
    • Asa – morning;
    • Bolder is a prince;
    • Bonita – kind;
    • Varin – protector;
    • Gloria - glory;
    • Lucrezia – rich;
    • Rebecca is charming;
    • Sumi – clear;
    • Tero – warrior;
    • Forrest - living in the forest;
    • Hard – self-confident;
    • Yucca - snowy.

    Just don’t call your pet with the first word you come across. First you need to know its meaning. Otherwise, the dog runs the risk of getting an inappropriate nickname.

    Most popular names

    If the uniqueness and exoticism of a nickname is not so important to you, first of all you should consider popular options. These names are definitely suitable for Spitz dogs - this is evidenced by the prevalence of nicknames among fluffies:

    • Amelia;
    • Arizona;
    • Buffy;
    • Benji;
    • Bibi;
    • Beauty;
    • Violet;
    • Verona;
    • Vesta;
    • Vicki;
    • Gabby;
    • Gracie;
    • Darling;
    • Gigi;
    • Judith;
    • Dolly;
    • Eve;
    • Yeshka;
    • Josie;
    • Julieta;
    • Zoe;
    • And bath;
    • Infinity;
    • Ilona;
    • Yoka;
    • Kayla;
    • Cassandra;
    • Kimura;
    • Bark;
    • Lady;
    • Liberty;
    • Lily;
    • Matilda;
    • Melissa;
    • Molly;
    • Maggie;
    • Nanni;
    • Nika;
    • Nola;
    • Audrey;
    • Omega;
    • Olivia;
    • Paradise;
    • Pippi;
    • Priscilla;
    • Reina;
    • Rihanna;
    • Rosie;
    • Ruby;
    • Savannah;
    • Sky;
    • Scarlett;
    • Stella;
    • Tessie;
    • Twitty;
    • Toffee;
    • Smile;
    • Unica;
    • Phoebe;
    • Fixie;
    • Flora;
    • Heather;
    • Chloe;
    • Tsatsa;
    • Chelsea;
    • Cherry;
    • Chanel;
    • Sheba;
    • Elsa;
    • Etna;
    • Uni;
    • Juliana;
    • Yana.

    And dear Tom is getting ready for Halloween:

    View this post on Instagram
    Post from Sokolova Yulia (@chihuahua_spitz_friends)

    Nickname based on the dog's color

    The easiest way to choose a nickname is based on the color of the animal. In accordance with the color of the representatives

    The breeds are given the following names:

    • a red dog can be called Ryzhik, Yantar;
    • black - Coal, Night, Noir, Black, Mavrik;
    • brown - Bruno, Mocha;
    • white - White, Snow, Snowball.

    It is better to christen a white girl Blanca, Snowball, a red one - Foxy, Goldie, a brown one - Shokko, Choco, a black one - Ash, Nochka.

    Very “fluffy” nicknames

    The main pride of Spitz dogs, which makes them look like a soft toy, is their incredibly thick and soft coat with a lush undercoat. The fur color is extremely varied, but the most popular are white, red and zone-gray. “Fluffy” nicknames for fluffy balls:

    • Velvet
    • Velveteen
    • Winnie the Pooh
    • Pusya
    • Pusha
    • Puschild
    • Pushinka
    • Teddy
    • Padded jacket
    • Chewbacca
    • A cap
    • Coat

    Norrbotten-Spitz Friedrich

    Other options

    Many owners choose a nickname for a Spitz puppy based on their own hobbies:

    • Travel fans name their favorites after geographical features and memorable places. For example, Arizona, Amazon, Mexico City;
    • flower growers can name the dog girl Camellia, Orchid, Magnolia;
    • connoisseurs of classical literature - Othello, Romeo, Hamlet;
    • astronomy lovers - Sirius, Venus, Jupiter;
    • car owners - Honda, Rover, Mercedes;

    There can be any number of criteria. The main thing is that the chosen option pleases the dog and its owner.

    The puppy's birth date sometimes helps in the search. It’s worth checking out the Internet to find out who else was born on this day. Perhaps at this time some important event occurred that would lead to an interesting thought.

    "Lush" and "delicious" nicknames

    When a pet looks like a sweet pie, it is very difficult to ignore gastronomic nicknames for it. For the girl, we selected the sweetest, and at the same time airy, like her fur, nicknames.

    • Meringue;
    • Blancmange;
    • Bun;
    • Wafer;
    • Marshmallow;
    • Canele;
    • Cupcake;
    • Creme brulee;
    • Marshmallow;
    • Meringue;
    • Mochi;
    • Mousse;
    • Dumpling;
    • Panna cotta;
    • Pancake;
    • Paste;
    • Pie;
    • Gingerbread;
    • Donut;
    • Baking;
    • Tiramisu;
    • Charlotte;
    • Applepay.

    We recommend: funny nicknames for Japanese Spitz and Chins.


    Blindly following fashion, owners often give their pets completely inappropriate nicknames:

    • human - firstly, it contradicts ethical considerations. Secondly, such actions are prohibited by the Christian Church. Behind each name there is a certain saint, and calling a dog as a person means offending the heavenly patron. However, no one bothers to shorten the word beyond recognition. For example, turn “Alexander” into “Alexa”;
    • too long - in nurseries, puppies are given names consisting of 3-4 words. They are indicated in official documents, but they are not suitable for everyday use. It is difficult for dogs to remember a long word, so owners prefer to give their pets another, pet nickname;
    • ridiculous or funny - the chosen name will accompany the Spitz all his life. He will have to be called out repeatedly on the street and in public places. If the nickname causes embarrassment to both the owner and those around him, it’s worth looking for another option;
    • names of dead animals - another dog will never replace an old friend. It’s better to start over from scratch and name your pet a new name. Some dog breeders believe that in this case the animal risks repeating the fate of the previous pet, especially if it died tragically.

    The nickname should not be in tune with the teams. Otherwise, the Spitz will constantly get confused. For example, Gulya sounds like “walk”, and Sit sounds like “sit”.

    It’s better not to rush into making a choice - teaching a dog to respond to a new nickname if you suddenly don’t like the old one will be very, very difficult.

    Specifics of the nicknames of puppies from nurseries

    The name of a dog with a pedigree is given according to certain rules:

    1. If a puppy is purchased from a kennel, then the name of the kennel comes first.
    2. The middle name is often given by the breeder. All puppies of the same litter are named by the same letter. The first litter is on A, the second on B and so on, after I we return to the beginning of the alphabet. If the future owners are already known, the breeder can agree on the name with them or simply tell them what letter it should begin with.
    3. The pet name can be anything.

    For example, when I bought my eldest, she already had a nickname (Twantengen Gothika - where Twantengen is a nursery, and Gothika is her personal name, starting with the letter G, since this was the fourth birth in this nursery. Her brother’s name was Twantengen Garlgarten ) - when the puppies were born to my Gasya (pet name), the breeder (the owner of our kennel through which we registered the litter) told me that our letter was U... For 2 puppies I had 8 applicants and I decided that this was not me, and they should call their dogs - so I told them that they can come up with Twantengen U_ - the male's name is Twantengen Urman Sunny (at home Urri), and the bitch's name is Twantengen Walesi Queen (at home Ulka) The youngest's name is Lilu Minaya del charm Elniño - where Lilu Minaya is a personal name, the rest is the name of the nursery. And at home she is Luha, Lusha... The pet name may not have anything to do with the official nickname - a friend’s male dog’s official name is Orion (they registered it not through a kennel, but through a club, so it doesn’t have a prefix), but at home Yasha... She has an Oregon bitch May Hanni Hurt - at home Musya..



    Selection criteria

    It is better not to choose a name for a puppy immediately after it arrives in the house. Let the pet remain nameless for several days. During this time, it will be possible to notice the characteristics of the animal’s temperament or characteristic habits, which will facilitate the search.

    When choosing a nickname for a pet, experienced breeders recommend following a few simple rules:

    • Scientists have proven that animals perfectly perceive voiced letters (“r”, “zh”, “d”, “b”, “ch”), but they perceive unvoiced ones (“s”, “sh”, “sch”, “x” ") react worse;
    • It’s good if all family members take part in the search. Doing something together brings people together and creates a positive attitude. Children also subtly notice features of the appearance or behavior of animals. Therefore, it is recommended to listen to the child’s opinion - perhaps he will offer the best option, which could be called a Spitz;
    • Dog breeders believe that the nickname affects the character of the pet. Therefore, you should not call your Spitz with too aggressive words. For example, Dracula, Demon, evil.

    You should “listen” to the pet’s own opinion. To do this, you need to say your chosen nickname several times. Is the dog showing interest? Great. You can leave it. The same method will make it easier to choose among several options.

    Funny and original nicknames are perfect for Spitz dogs. A nickname can be “born” from anywhere: from the characteristics of the owner’s appearance, temperament, hobbies, or mythology. However, you will have to go through a lot of options to find a name that suits a particular pet.

    What determines the choice of nickname

    When purchasing a small puppy, the first question that arises for owners is what to name the pet. The process of naming a Spitz is a rather lengthy and troublesome matter. It is necessary to come up with a nickname for the dog that will be with it all its life, so it should be liked not only by the pet, but also by the owner. They say that the health, longevity and even behavior of a Spitz depend on the chosen name.


    Modern names are chosen based on several factors:

    • gender of the dog;
    • size;
    • character;
    • fur and eye colors.

    Gender and nickname

    Naturally, the most important thing when choosing a nickname is the pet’s gender, because nicknames for boys and names for girls’ Spitz dogs vary greatly. Despite the fact that both males and females of the same species have an identical exterior, they are very different from each other in character and habits. If you want to emphasize gender, you need to give preference to female or male names. It is best to name the puppy in a foreign manner.

    Character and name

    Spitz dogs have similar personalities, regardless of subspecies. All of them are excellent companions, distinguished by their friendliness and sociability. But there may be differences. Some representatives are quieter and more affectionate, others are artistic. This should also be taken into account when choosing a nickname.

    Fur and eye color

    The easiest way to choose a name is based on the color of the pet. This breed has a variety of coat shades, ranging from black and tan, red, and ending with cream and white. In addition to color, you can focus on the fluffy fur, which makes the Spitz look like a teddy bear. It’s also a good idea to play up the color of your eyes; they come in different shades - from light brown to almost black.

    It is not necessary to come up with a cool and original name, the main thing is that it suits your pet. If an unusual, rare name is not suitable, come up with a simpler option, perhaps with a funny meaning or an interesting meaning.

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