Nicknames for dogs of small boys Shih Tzu breed

Every day, thousands of families get various pets at home and, of course, dogs share the first place along with cats. The first and most important thing for future owners is to choose the breed of the pet. Some prefer dogs of large breeds, others have pets of medium breeds, but small dogs have become increasingly popular in recent years. And among small breeds, many prefer the cute and funny Shih Tzu.

The second most important step after the dog has found its new home is to choose a suitable nickname for it. It is believed that, as in the case of human names, a pet's nickname can affect its character and future life in general. Therefore, owners are advised to approach the choice of a name for their pet with all responsibility. And this article will give possible tips for those who doubt their choice.

We want the happiest name!

Top popular nicknames

If you don’t want to use your imagination and look for a rare and unusual name for your four-legged friend, you can take it from the list of the most popular names for Shih Tzu dogs.

Top names for boys:

  • Archie;
  • Volt;
  • Baxi;
  • Bonnie;
  • Zhorzhik;
  • Klepa;
  • Lucky;
  • Kuzya;
  • Luke;
  • Tyson;
  • Oscar;
  • Ricci;
  • Sam;
  • Teddy;
  • Funtik;
  • Charlie;
  • Sean.

Top nicknames for girls:

  • Adele;
  • Bertha;
  • Zhuzha;
  • Busya;
  • Munya;
  • Daisy;
  • Bonya;
  • Vasya;
  • Kira;
  • Musya;
  • Sonya;
  • Dolly;
  • Mona;
  • Simba;
  • Taya;
  • Mila;
  • Gabby.

Graceful Dolly.

Nicknames for male dogs of the Shih Tzu breed

Names for male Shih Tzus should emphasize the strength and strong-willed character of the animal. Breeders claim that a short name, for example, Richard, Harold, Beck, Bart, Wulf, Hertz, is ideal for a male of this breed.

You can choose a nickname based on the behavior and habits of your pet. Names such as Quint, Morgan, Bilbo, Buran and others are suitable for restless, active, mischievous dogs. Individuals who are calm and important by nature are given the nicknames Ferdinand, Boniface, Vincent, and Voltaire.

You can also consider the following nicknames for Shih Tzu boys: Achi, Artie, Alliance, Arthur, Asik, Aland, Adams, Alphonse, Alex, Broadway, Buckingham, Boris, Barberry, Bern, Berry, Butch, Barin, Bourgeois, Viscount, Grand, Harry, Gregory, Hector, Proud, Junior, Dunker, Dave, Dinar, Yenisei, Epifan, Gerard, Joseph, Jerome, Korzhik, Caprice, Karat, Christian, Neuron, Nick, Oliver, Ostap, Orion, Ostan, Perry, Flight, Prize, Patrician, Ruby, Rolf, Selvester, Sevastian, Sam, Smarty, Sultan, Sirius, Glorious, Spaghetti, Tamir, Teddy, Tyson, Quiet, Tyrant, Tiger, Titan, Timon, Theodor, Urmas, Walter, Walker, Ulf, Fabby, Phoenix, Finch, Philip, Fred, Frant, Charlie, Chester, Sharkey, Saffron, Sheikh, Bumblebee, Alvin, Edward, Elton, Eugene, Amber, Janis.

In order for your pet to have an original, unusual name, it is better to choose it with children, because their imagination has no limits. It should be remembered that it should not only be extraordinary, but also convenient and harmonious.

Traditional Chinese names

If we turn to the facts about the historical homeland of the Shih Tzu breed, which point to Tibet, then it will be interesting and symbolic to name the dog with a Chinese name. Popular names have special meanings, which we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Chinese boys:

  • Mingli – bright;
  • Lei - thunder;
  • Janji – beautiful;
  • Zen – surprised;
  • Xing – new;
  • Shen – careful;
  • Kuan - spring;
  • Enley – useful;
  • Chenglei – big;
  • Tingzh – wise;
  • Gensis – true;
  • Xuekin – snow-white;
  • Cheng – achieved;
  • Zengguang – light;
  • Eiguo - favorite.

Chinese girls:

  • Juan - happiness;
  • Kingj - pure;
  • Ning – calm;
  • Kuifen – emerald;
  • Ting – graceful;
  • Shaoking – young;
  • Xu – snowy;
  • Ying – smart;
  • Xin – new;
  • Xiuying – graceful;
  • Qingzhao – understanding;
  • Ju – big;
  • Xiaotong – cloudy;
  • Mingzhu – bright;
  • Kiyu is lunar.

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Wise Tingzh.

For boys (male nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Adush Agurin Ambrose Antonio Arman (strong and resilient) Arnold Arlekino Aland Afonya Aurum Aldis Akiko Asheron Ashton Azaron Arsik Amaru Aktash Akbar Aristarch Ali McCloe Adibu Arsik Aries Adam (first) Alp Annay (companion, guide) Iron Ain (shine, shine) Ayur Adamant Aragon Abaris Amag Ariy Abunay (dangerous) Abnar Avenin Cupid or Cupid (god of Love) Adanami (the sound of waves)

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Beagle Bagel Bor Blanche Bink Borges Biscuit Balm Briggs Bubster Blake Bardy Boyd Bourgeois Brit Bliss Black Baccarat Brig Ben Bud Brave Bilbury Bonaparte Balt Boz Bolto Beer Flo Basil (royal blood) Bastion Bless Bard Bunny Beret Bardet Barry Booster Barracuda Bricker Burton Brom

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Vladmir Wolfgang Winnie Web William Cornflower Violet William Well Magnificent Heather Voivode Vader Vesuvius Vander Wolf Vaidot Vilnius Wolfram Vermouth Vishnu Woyzeck Howl Free Valer Vonder Crown Volt Valek Vivienne Vitas Villefort Wolgang (way of the wolf) Vantai Wind (wind) Vader Wind Vinci Windy Wilburn

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Gardik Gang Gar**__**d Gregois Grayson Ginter Grzssi Hertz Goth Gregory Graun Graham Garaf Grenny Geken (imperial sword) Gvozdik Grishka Gulden Glaze Gelib (beloved) Gladislav Hoffman Grad Gisin (fear) Howard Gerey Gia Gunn Gret Graham Grzssi Grumi Grumi Galen /Gale/Gaylon (calm) Grig Hoffman Hephaestus Gar**__**d Glenn Gregg (vigilant and careful)

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Dalai Klauma Denver Smoke Dymych Dolph Dino Demario Diver Dionysus Jess Jucker Jazz Jazz Ducat Johnny Jean Darge Jean Drulius Caesar Denise Danube Dagir Decl Domino Jagger Buddy Dory (right, right) Dee James Bond Dictator Darisk Diesel Demetri Dapper Jerber Danatello Jano Dale Jacob Dion (Zeus ) Dolan

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Yellow Enoch Euro Esson Elifan Evsey Elor Eko (light of the sun) Engar Elay Ezhek Yenni Evgesha Enyo Epifaniy Esert Ezhek Ezhik Yoru (evening, night) Yoru (evening, night) Edzi (child) Evlampy Yeralash Yerim Egypt Ephrat Eshkan Ekei (great reward) Efsey Esteik Enir Evlampii Entes Erema Hedgehog Erik Euclid Raccoon Esteik Enkan

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Zhikar Julien Gigolo Zhuk Zhivchik Junien (Roman family name) Zhirok Zhuchi Jacques-Claude Zhulik Justin Zhorzhik Gerard Zhares Ginseng Zhdun Zhdun Groom Giraffe Jocelyn Jefrey Janelle Jasper Zhoric Janine Zhekson Jocelyn Zhuzhu Gerard Zhorik Zhek Zhadina Zhurik Zhesvit Zhigan Germain (my brother) João Joseph Jardin Jardin

Nicknames for the letter 3

Singer Zolton/Zoltan Zulf Zerot Zakariy Zoriy Bay Zumik Zetjon Zaychik Zurgas Stargazer Corral Zetish Star Beam Zurbagan Stargazer Selz Zigrif Zador Zonberg Zuk Zero Zak, Zakaris (remembering Zac Efron) Zlata Slaughter Zane Zlyuka Zolta Zolta Zador Zephyr Zorgan Zeik Zigurt Tan Zarri Zubin ( toothy) Zinnur

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Ifran Indiana Jones Irkhan Jiri Inc Ingri Iview Irmuk Ilm Ilmir Ippolit Matveevich Isamu (vigorous, healthy) Intel Ilver Iray (powerful, ruler) Ymir Ingebar Monk Ivar Hindu Ignatius Imbo Izya Ilman Ichar Irkhan Indiana Jones Ir Iyan Inari Ibis Easton Illius Ifran Inar Intel Ilves Helot Izzy Eve

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yoshkin Kot Jakka Yoko Yoshka Yori Jormund Josef Yoko Jakka York Yosik

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Kei-ko Kitty Colleen Karen Cartel Cornet Corsair Cologne Cloud Cat Casper Cambridge Kotofey Kotofeevich Tiny Kinney (beautiful, adorable) Koby Burger Kanga Kenny Claudis Kano (god of water) Coppertop Katka Cross Nightmare Kyoko (happy baby, lucky one) Klavier Kensei (the embodiment of power) Cambridge Kenai Caprice Kit Kat Benatar

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Larik Luntik Lilly Lada Lotong (in Buginese) Lyall (wolf) Luther Laskun Luken Lo-lo Lucius Lunokhod Lipstick Lucius Lysik Lyall (wolf) Liesel (oath) Lourdes Lelik Laran Lars Leroy Larsen Lisi Larson London Littre Lelik Lux Leonor (foreign, other) Lavish Luigi Lunar Wind Lancaster Lavrenty Limus Lemon Lazar Lionel Lixie

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Madison Monsterhigh Müller Marin (sea) Mackintosh Marcelino Murkney World Maugrim Mail Frost Palette Knife Martok Morris Metis Mystic Malfik Martyn Menkerot (Lion Goddess) Minas Mors Monet Murat Mongoose Murat Morkovin Magnum Merten Merle (blackbird) Morpheus Mauser Marek Milagros Med Madrid Morrison Cartoon Michael Martin Monster

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Nen (consciousness or thoughts) Nibori Ninja Nevsky Nord Nild Ney Nebi (panther) Netsuke (miniature sculpture) Noise Nimrod Knife Nathan *** Nyasha Northis Nixie Nepgun Nestar Nunius Natsuko (born in summer) Napkin Neville Norman Neitz Nestar Nun (father of all gods) Nyurik Nebi (panther) Narsis (proud, selfish) Nirami (angry) Nordic Newman Nadir November Nes Nemesis Namako (silver, gold bar) Naris Narin

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Oralee Okay Optimus Odo Occam Orange Ornao Othello Omar Ollon Orinoco Ozzy Osborne Optibenefis Oel Othello Only Olrat Oiran Older Aubin (snow-white) Oshin Onis Ornes Oltar Oley Olberg Omelette Obsidian Oya Augustine (venerable) Opium Ogon (golden) Orbit Octave Othram Ocean Organ Allger Octane

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Dumpling Pork Parfait (wonderful, excellent) Prophet Dumpling Patsak Poseidon Pard Petros Ashes Pomme (apple) Potapych Parris Plato Purr-fect Pecatus Pascoe Palermo Pliskin Pif Pokey Donut Poco Pers Primus Poof Poik Plakun Pikont Petros Poppy Pergom Pompik Porfiry Pierce Pascal Pontiac Puff Piper Primen

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Rorry Rich Rome Raban Rendon Ronald Ricardo Remmy Rouge Rock Rolex Raven (Raven in English) Ramir Reginald Rococo Racend Royce Red Rex Rogue Wright Radar Romey Robo Paradise Rustic Raf Raquel Raflez Rib Rolf Raf Raban Romario Redman Rome Raptor Raja Richmond Rayland

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Siberian Saroy (lotus color) Sinbad Satoy (smart and quick-witted) Silber (silver) Splyushkin Sebastian Snowman Silvano Sudar Severus Soleil (sunny) Smart Server Sadko Soleil (sunny) Sirius Svetik Sten Serge Sardan Siam Saloum (peace) Cyrex Snow Leopard Seoul Slim Shady Safars Samir Saksaul Semiyan Syurai (war, attack) Samson Sibiryak Saybi (perfection) Som Sonj Sonic Seok (good god) Stuart

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Theodore Tobby Toscano Thibo Theodore Tutankhamun Trophy Torrent Teletubby Tatin Tobu Tomir Tihan Taicher Tao Tavi Tremble Tank Terminator Taimyr Turing Thanos Terek Tinder Templis Tomus Toussaint Tolik Tofu Track Tabir Tasman Trader Tangai Tulip Tai Troble Telescope Tamerlane Taimyr

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Osama Urban Usik Uliy Walker Ulnar Ulyan Uran Usik Ult Ushastik Umi (life force) Cunning Uotan Uttis Usmekh Udzher Hive Uliy Uchar Uruguay Horror Umir Urchik Wilford Universal Hurricane Uranus Upsy Winton Wales Ulf Coal Ultra Unique Urwin Wild Urchik Wales Ure

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Frel Fnafi Fungo Pheob Fairuz Frank Farley Falik Ferb Fudge Fromm Funtik Frankenstein Fedric Falco Fleur Funtik Philosopher Fleming Furs Finto Flep Frith Fend Phebus Fairfax (blonde) Fredge Fanfan Filibuster Federico Fedor Furshet Fefe Fries Feller Fizgig Fonzie Fatyan Focus Feliz/Felix (lucky)

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Hoshiko (child of the stars) Harold Hord Hooter Hiltrod Hiroko (magnanimous) Haraj Hatcliffe Javier Hirsch Hatrick Hadley Hodor (one of the brightest characters in Game of Thrones) Holiday Huntik Goodman Harrigan Happy Choir (heavenly, royal) Hagen Khajit Kholmogor Hall Harvey Hudson Halloween Harland House Hilton Grab Hagen Humber Tail Huntress Hokus Hei Mao (black cat in Japanese) Horiv Hovan Hepsi Hati

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Tseluychik Cerius Caesar Cent Tsvetan Tseton Tsesar Zeis Tsarapych Tsapic Cinnamon Central Tsing Tsedric Cyclops Gypsy Cicero Tsefat Tseik Zucker Cicero Tsefat Chick Tsarapkin Zuckerberg Civic Tseydor Tsukatik Flower Cepheus Zeppelin Zauber Cernunn Tseluychik Censor Citro Tsauber Cerin Cerberus Tsarapych

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Chitan Chester Cheese Chipsy Chatkal Chip Chike Duque Choppy Chaid Chan Chips Charey Dude Chizzy Chups Chaya (the one who will come with victory) Chelines Chase Black Chuck-chuck Chingiz-Kit Chuck Norris Charlik Challenge Chelby Chermian Chayton Chipsy Cheer Chazhi Chermian Weird Chamlin Chewbacca Chisbarcel Charms The Magician Celentano Chelly Chap

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Shegoday Chocolatti Sharfik Sharon Sharfik Schumacher Shadi Sharkhan Shaman Shukher Stein (rock) Shesemu (patron of winemaking) Skoda Stormi Shastik Shandi Shader Shamirat Schubert Sheldon Chef Crazy Showman Shalopai Strauss Shiner Black Connecting rod Shakspurr Shiny Sharpie Saffron Shakspurr Charles Shaft Strauss Stirlitz Shvonder Shokolatti Sharif Shashlik Shrack

Nicknames starting with the letter Ш

Sherbet Goldfinch Shchup Goldfinch Shchedry Shchenya Shchenya Shchors Shchors Puppy Goldfinch Scherbet Goldfinch Scherbet Goldfinch Nutcracker Lye Shchors Shchafran Schezhenya Goldfinch Nutcracker Sherbet Shchors Goldfinch Lye Goldfinch Goldfinch edry Goldfinch Lye Puppy Generous Puppy Schez Saffron Goldfinch Nutcracker Shchup

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Ewok Aegean Aidon Ashton Edwig Erk Erk Esmir Edelweiss Eteriarch Elf Edgard Ekdal Eisik Eiderd (Guardian of Prosperity) Andrew Elios Ellagros Erwin Evilin (evil in English means "evil") Eir Ex Elon Enri Eddie Etsuko (delightful girl) Edmond Ebril Elips Emorry Elroy Elmoor End Eskimo Edwige Ellagros Erebus (god of darkness) Elzagar Edgard Eldwin

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yung Juvenal Yum Yurdek Yunner Eustace Yundekhem Yum Yuber Yunik Yudon (child) Yuri Yut Juvenal Yulyash Yuz Yudai Yutik Yuchor Yutchai Juventus Yukun Yustos Yul Yurgelas Yurdek Yutush Yukon Yuchan Yukio ("cherished by God") Yukko Yupik Yum-Yum Junior Junior Yupik Yuksi Yunesk Yukotan Yunisan

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Janis Jacob Janus Yakut Yadwig Yahont Yasu (peace) Yaron Jan Jacek Yamir Yanuar Yar Yamir Yason Jagiellon Jagiellon Yambik Jacob Yasmin Yaney Jaguar Jadasson Yadgar Yazon Yar Young Yarikut Yaksi Janos Yaropolk Jaromil Jadasson Yaponchik Yakiko Jaroslav Yarham Yanuar Yaropolk Yakov

Names based on coat color

When choosing a nickname for your little four-legged friend, you can focus on the color of his coat. Often, the color of a pet immediately makes owners think of a particular nickname.

For example, a boy can be named like this:

  • Chernysh;
  • Devil;
  • Ember;
  • Peach;
  • Snowball;
  • Ryzhik;
  • Smoke;
  • Black;
  • Silver;
  • Ash.

And such names are suitable for girls;

  • Tuchka;
  • Snowflake;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Chocolate;
  • Chernushka;
  • Squirrel;
  • Blot;
  • Bagheera;
  • Panther;
  • Haze.

Unsurpassed Cloud.

“Delicious” nicknames

When choosing a name for your baby, you can be guided by your personal culinary preferences. The names of vegetables, berries, fruits, as well as various products or complete meals are perfect nicknames.

Appetizing names for boys dogs:

  • Borsch;
  • Dumpling;
  • Dumpling;
  • Rice;
  • Gooseberry;
  • Eggplant;
  • Cucumber;
  • Jam;
  • Caesar;
  • Chocolate;
  • Roast beef;
  • Olivie;
  • Omelette;
  • Kefir.

Delicious nicknames for girls dogs:

  • Strawberry;
  • Cherry;
  • Stew;
  • Porridge;
  • Curdled milk;
  • Carbonara;
  • Asparagus;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Flour;
  • Cabbage;
  • Currant;
  • Carrot.

Sweet dumpling.

Nicknames by character

You can choose a name for your furry pet by observing its character. For example, a clue will be whether the baby likes to sleep or, conversely, runs around the house all day, whether he is calm or overly active, and so on.

Personality names for boys:

  • Vortex;
  • Igrun;
  • Hurricane;
  • Rodent;
  • Eater;
  • Breeze;
  • Jumper.

Personality nicknames for girls:

  • Sonya;
  • Glutton;
  • Quiet;
  • Storm;
  • Storm;
  • Nipper;
  • Fidget.

Playful breeze.

The most “shaggy” nicknames

You can give a four-legged pet a nickname based on its external characteristics, such as coat type. So, if your dog is very fluffy, you can choose an appropriate nickname for it.

Names for furry boys:

  • Fluff;
  • Snowdrift;
  • Mohair;
  • Clew;
  • Bubble;
  • Ball;
  • Pooh;
  • Tuft;
  • Bubble;
  • Kolobok.

Nicknames for furry girls:

  • Cloud;
  • Tuchka;
  • Foam;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Bezeshka;
  • Donut;
  • Fluffy;
  • Edge;
  • Yeti;
  • Pushinka;
  • Round piece.

Shaggy Fluffy.

This is interesting! In ancient times, Shih Tzu dogs led a luxurious life in imperial palaces, enjoying all kinds of amenities and the love of their owners. Often these pets were placed in bed with them to keep warm due to their long and warm fur. And some women even wore dogs in the sleeve of their kimono to warm their hands.

Aristocratic nicknames

History says that the Shih Tzu breed was once forbidden and could only belong to the Chinese imperial family, so these dogs can truly be considered true aristocrats. If you want to emphasize the full value of your four-legged dog, you can give him one of the nicknames presented below.

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Names for boys dogs:

  • Archibald;
  • Lord;
  • Caesar;
  • Luther;
  • Oscar;
  • Wilfred;
  • Caesarion;
  • Figaro;
  • Napoleon;
  • Emperor;
  • Justien;
  • Ernest;
  • Oliver;
  • Leonardo;
  • Voldemar;
  • Gerard;

Names for girls dogs:

  • Alba;
  • Gabriela;
  • Isolde;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Josephine;
  • Nefertiti;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Gretta;
  • Isabel;
  • Milady
  • Olympia;
  • Pandora;
  • Fecilia;
  • Hilda;
  • Caesarea;
  • Chanel.

Aristocratic Justin.

Nicknames for girls

For beautiful Shih Tzus, you can choose one of the euphonious names:

  • Alba, Alpha, Asya, Alexa, Adele, Assol, Athena, Ariel.
  • Beauty, Betsy, Bianca, Bonnie (Bonya), Bella, Bessie, Businka, Betta, Berta, Beta, Baxi, Bonita.
  • Venya, Vesna, Vicky, Freckle, Vita, Viola, Vanilla.
  • Gloria, Hera, Gessi, Greta, Gerda, Gabi.
  • Jessie (Jessica), Juni, Jussie, Darina, Dina, Dosya, Dana, Gina, Dixie, Juna, Dolly, Daisy, Didi.
  • Zhuli (Zhulka), Zhuzhu, Jacqueline.
  • Zosya, Zizi.
  • Toffee.
  • Cora, Carrie, Claire, Knopa, Cassie, Kira, Kesha, Kisa, Ksyu, Cinnamon, Cranberry.
  • Laima, Lapka, Linda, Lilly, Lucy, Lesya, Lika, Lucky, Laura, Lexi, Lady, Leya, Lola, Lyalka.
  • Molly, Monica (Monya), Mila, Mickey, Mike (Maya), Montana, Mosya, Masyanya, Marisha, Margot, Matilda, Marcy, Mika, Meloni, Mona, Mitchell, Mia, Munya, Maggie.
  • Nika, Nyusha, Nyasha, Nancy, Nicole, Nafanya, Nyusha, Nochka.
  • Oma, Olive.
  • Penny, Polly, Pixie.
  • Rexy, Roxy, Rhonda.
  • Sandy, Sunny, Selly, Sophie, Selfie, Silva, Sonya, Sima (Simone), Stesha, Sovushka.
  • Tosya, Tonic, Torrie, Tracy, Taya, Tusya, Tasya, Tootsie.
  • Fanny, Filya, Felice, Faya, Fairy, Fiji, Frida.
  • Hannah, Hurley, Chloe, Heidi, Holly.
  • Chasey, Chizzy, Chelsea, Cherry, Chucha, Chapa.
  • Cher, Shelley, Chanel, Scheldt.
  • Ellie, Ema, Abby
  • Yusya, Utah, Yuppi, Yumma.

The name should not only be beautiful, but also short - you will have to call the dog by it several times a day. It is important that the Shih Tzu herself remembers it.

Cute and funny names

Similar nicknames may well suit cute and funny little dogs. By putting all your love and admiration into your pet’s nickname, you will immediately win him over. It should come to mind when you first look at the puppy, but we will offer a few tips.

Names for cute boys:

  • Baby;
  • Fluffy;
  • Lapulya;
  • Pet;
  • Pie;
  • Yummy.

Nicknames for gentle girls:

  • Sweetie;
  • Lovely;
  • Favorite;
  • Sissy;
  • Laskusha;
  • Kitty.

Little pie.
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How to choose a Shih Tzu puppy

The choice of a Shih Tzu puppy must be approached with all responsibility, otherwise there is a risk of purchasing a non-purebred dog or a sick one. Knowing the animal's behavioral norms, approximate weight and height, you will clearly understand how to choose a puppy with a good pedigree. If the baby is lethargic, refuses to play with the other puppies, and moves little, then most likely he is unhealthy or has some kind of defect. In this case, you should pay attention to the other puppies in the litter.

There is no such thing as a dwarf or pocket shih tzu. Small puppies are obtained by crossing the parents of relatives. Therefore, if the seller offers to purchase such a miracle, then immediately refuse, even if the price of the animal is reduced. In the future, such a pet may develop genetic diseases. It is best to buy a puppy from a kennel or from a reputable dog breeder. If you take a puppy from a bird market or from dubious breeders, you risk becoming a victim of scammers.

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