How to name a small dog: 709 fresh cool names for small dogs for boys

After a new pet arrives in the house, the first thing you need to do is come up with a name for the dog. Without a nickname, the baby will not be able to adapt to the new family and establish contact with the owner; it will be impossible to begin the process of socialization and upbringing. Often the nickname comes in the first moments of the meeting between a person and a dog, and it happens that the selection process takes a lot of time. From the article you will learn: how to choose the right name for a small breed male dog, you will be able to choose one of the proposed options.

Basic principles for choosing a nickname

The chosen nickname is used not only for direct communication, but also for executing commands. First of all, you should like it, so don’t skimp on your imagination. When choosing, start from the basic principles that will help narrow your search:

  1. Pet characteristics: breed, gender, appearance, temperament.
  2. Simplicity. 1 syllable is ideal, 2 is good, 3 is acceptable, and anything more is extremely problematic for a dog’s memory.
  3. Definition. Focus on voiced consonants. Hissing ones are more suitable for cats.
  4. Originality. The similarity of the name with loved ones or other pets will cause serious confusion.
  5. Euphony. Avoid hurtful and offensive words. They are much harder to say in public than you might think.
  6. Uniqueness. Avoid overlap with basic commands. You can name your pet Fast if it does not need to learn the “Fas” command. Otherwise, the dog will quickly get confused.

You should also avoid naming your puppy after a recently deceased pet. In this case, the association with the death of a close friend will remain for life.


Everyone decides for himself which dog name is unusual and interesting for him. Two dozen more names should be added to the existing list.

  • Augur was the name of the priest who protected the people from bad deeds.
  • Argus was the name of the giant who had a hundred heads, he was the personification of the starry sky,
  • Cupid - he was the god of love among the ancient Romans,
  • Antaeus was a ruler who drew strength from Mother Earth,
  • Argo - the ship on which, according to the legend of the Argonauts, the journey for the Golden Fleece took place,
  • Atlas is the titan who, according to legend, holds the vault of the sky,
  • Aten is a god who personified the sun in the mythology of Ancient Egypt.
  • Achilles - the great hero of the Trojan War,
  • Ares - in ancient Greek mythology, he is the god of war, and at the same time the son of Zeus,
  • Ahat is a common noun in Greek. It is used if they want to talk about someone as a faithful friend, which is what a dog is,
  • Ajax is also, like Achilles, a hero of the Trojan War,
  • Balu - translated as “lord”, and in ancient Simitic mythology is the god of fertility, thunder and lightning,
  • Veles is an ancient Slavic God, patron of animals,
  • Vulcan is the god of fire
  • Helios is the sun god
  • Hephaestus - in ancient Greek mythology, was the god of fire,
  • Daksha is a deity in Hindu mythology,
  • Dionysus is the god of fertility in ancient Greek mythology, winemaking, and viticulture,
  • Zephyr is the god of the wind,
  • Icarus is a hero who wanted to fly to the sun, but unfortunately, he couldn’t. His wings were singed
  • Yima is a ruler in Iranian mythology.

How to name a small dog with meaning

If meaning is important to you, take the appearance of your pet or its character as a basis. Based on these characteristics, you can create quite a few interesting nicknames. There is also absolutely no shame in turning to famous works or personalities for help.

In appearance and color

Small dogs are not large in size, but if you have several of them, then the largest and most well-fed one can be called Rock (rock) or simply Chubby.

Using color as a basis, try the following variations in different languages:


: White, Lefko, Blanco, Bianko, Albus, Vit, Branko, Beyaz, Ok, Weiss, Valge, Shira, Cloud, Claude or Cloudy, Nuvola, Yuke, Snor, Nage.


: Black, Schwartz, Dark, Noir, Nero, Kurai, Dokk, Skuro, Dunkel, Knight, Naktis, Newt.


: Brown, Brun (Bruni), Marron, Kannel (cinnamon), Tsimt (cinnamon), Erd, Tochi, Talam.


: Gray, Pilkas, Liatt, Gur, Gris, Hal, Griego.


: Fox, Volpe, Reban, Kitsune, Zorro, Fuego, Flamey, Fuoko, Kayi, Roth, Rojo, Calient, Heiss, Hotto, Caldo, Amber.


: Pepper (pepper), Paprika, Spot (spot), Plekk, Tashi, by the name of the stone: Agate, Opal, Jasper, Marble.

The nature

Assess the animal's temperament before making a choice. A calm and meek pet can be called this:

“ June (obedient) or Modest (modest), other names with the meaning “calm”: Anzha, Galen, Gale, Noah, Plaki, Salim, Emin.

For an eccentric and cocky pet:

“ Mia (stubborn), Leonard, Zeus, Skoda, Rudolph, Mufasa, Takin, Mobbar.

Just suitable for an active dog:

“ Bullet, Loki, Mars, Sherlock, Alex, George, Energy, Carrera, Jukes, Laufen, Course, Elsa.

A faithful dog can be called:

“ Fidel, Rory, Trey, Amina, Elvira, Devozin.

For food lovers, translations of the word “glutton” are suitable:

“ Glot, Ogard, Filfrass, Kushinbo, Frissard, Rima.

By other criteria

In addition to appearance and character, you can use the names of famous personalities and fictional characters, geographical names, stars and constellations, names of flowers, famous brands, vegetables or fruits. Don’t be afraid to fantasize, as the list of possible options is not limited to this.

Beautiful and popular nicknames for small dogs

The main problem with most popular nicknames is that they have been taken for a long time. If you have a mongrel, do not rush to settle on Bobik, Zhuchka or Tuzik. It will be difficult for you to find your favorite in the crowd, since all his namesakes will come running to the call.

More complex varieties like Gloria and Azalea can also be taken due to their beauty. For this reason, it makes much more sense to start with something original. Fewer matches occur if the pet is named after a hobby or a minor character from a favorite book.

Starting with the letter A

For boys: Alan, Isaac, Asterix, Akim, Ali, Akiko, Arthur, Arnold (Arnie), Anchovy, Axel, Aman, Ice, Archie, Akti, Aramis.

For girls: Anabel, Ariel, Artie, Annette, Athena, Asya, Arika, Amantha, Aira, Aglaya, Quince, Alba, Amina, Amelie.

Starting with the letter B

For boys: Baileys, Bank, Buggy, Buddy, Bernard, Beaver, Boston, Beanie, Bozo, Blitz, Baton, Velvet, Bucks, Barry, Bridge, Babe, Beavis, Bloom, Bow, Blik.

For girls: Barbie, Betty, Belle, Bona, Brittany, Beatrice or Beatrice, Beauty, Bridget, Buna, Bonnie, Baby, Belka, Blanche, Bertha.

Starting with the letter B

For boys: Willy, Vicky, Vilen, Vist, Watson, Wolf, Valli, Vit, Vinny, Versailles, Visar, Vander, Whirlwind, Waldo, Wuff, Vampire, Vasily, Vintik, Vicks.

For girls: Wilma, Wendy, Vilena, Vaksa, Vesna (Vesnushka), Victoria (Vicky), Varya, Vivian, Violetta, Volna, Vata, Vaksa, Vera.

Starting with the letter G:

For boys: Gregory, Count, Goulash, Hyper, Grass, Hook, Gecko, Grisha, Guam, Gizmo, Gluck, Gordon, Harry, Hertz, Le Havre, Gunther, Goofy.

For girls: Gala, Greta, Gabrielle, Gilly, Gabby, Guinevere, Greena, Gli, Hermione, Gratsia, Gerda, Gummy, Georgina.

Starting with the letter D

For boys: Dickens, Dormy, Draft, Duncan, Johnny, Jerry, Dale, Diggy, Jum, Joseph (Joe), Dylan, Dirk, Derek.

For girls: Daffy, Dakota, Dina, Gina, Jane, Dummy, Diana, Deira, Diva, Denise, Dilora, Haze, Julia, Daiquiri, Demeter, Donna.

Starting with the letter E

For boys: Yenik, Yenisei, Evgraf, Ezhi, Elizar, Eks, Ekko.

For girls: Ena, Egoza, Europe, Yenny.

Starting with the letter Z

For boys: Georges, Jerome, Juan, Jules, Zhuk, Jaco, Sting, Zhora.

For girls: Zhikharka, Julie, Jasmine, Josephine, Gilly, Zhuzha, Geneva, Jacqueline.

Starting with the letter Z

For boys: Zack, Ziggy, Zephyr, Zet, Zorgo, Zakhar, Zador, Zlat, Zero, Zoom.

For girls: Zarya, Zarina, Zelda, Zlata, Zola, Winter, Zoya, Zita, Zippa.

Starting with the letter I

For boys: Ingmar, Ikar, Ignat, Irbis, Jiri, Irten, Immanuel, Indy, Igli, Iris, Index, Ilf.

For girls: Irma, Inga, Idea, Game, Isidora, Isis, Inka, Oriole, Yvonne, Isabella, Ima, Iolanta.

Starting with the letter K

For boys: Campus, Coconut, Cody, Blob, Klaus, Kroc, Kropp, Cooler, Cookie, Quentin, Karl, Clipper, Casper, Clip, Kevin, Cork, Cruz, Cornelius, Zucchini, King.

For girls: Kelly, Karina, Kate, Clara, Cobra, Corey, Constant, Cloudy, Casey, Doll, Kalina, Xylpha, Baby, Princess, Curry.

Starting with the letter L

For boys: Laurel, Leaf, Lapius, Lex, Looney, Luke, Locky, Lector, Lorik, Leroy, Leon, Lam, Larry, Lutz, Buttercup.

For girls: Laura, Laura, Lilia, Libby, Lola, Lyalya, Lava, Luana, Leda, Lucky, Lyubava, Lavender, Lynn, Leventina.

Starting with the letter M

For boys: Marius, Mark, Mick, Malko, Mousse, Matteo, Milk, Manu, Massimo, Marcel, Mikron, Mich, Major or Minor, Mafik, Mulder.

For girls: Minnie, Myra, Miho, Millie, Mask, Murray, Miranda, Margot, Mirra, Martha, Maya, Raspberry, Maslinka, Medea, Morena.

Starting with the letter N

For boys: Nemo, Knox, Nex, Nectar, Nikki, Nigel, Nathanya, Nikitos, Noris, Newt, Neptune, Nickel.

For girls: Nessie, Nicole, Knightley, Nancy, Naomi, Neya, Nellie, Nasta, Nerika, Naiad, Nymph, Nadine.

Starting with the letter O

For boys: Orlando, Orik, Osiris, Optimus, Octane, Austin, Osborne, Oldie, Otto, Obelix, Onyx, Opal, Oreo.

For girls: Oprah, Ophelia, Orina, Audra, Oda, Onika, Ocher, Orsa, Olivia, Omega, Ollie, Olympia, Omma.

Starting with the letter P

For boys: Prix, Prank, Primus, Prince, Pest, Hello, Pike, Pilet, Panto, Proust, Ping, Puzzle, Peter, Sail, Priam, Peach, Pompom, Paul, Pratt.

For girls: Padme, Pyrrha, Patty, Peggy, Pulka, Polly, Patricia, Palma, Penny, Puma, Pulcheria, Pinta, Paola, Pasta.

Starting with the letter R

For boys: Ruby, Ram, Ricardo, Ricci, Rick, Ringi, Runt, Robin, Reginald (Reggie), Rustical, Royce, Robo, Rogan, Ramon, Rio, Rory, Radar.

For girls: Rosie, Rima, Rihanna, Riley, Rafaella, Rhonda, Rabbi, Rona, Rouge, Roxy, Ria, Ramona, Rasta.

Starting with the letter C

For boys: Silver, Snow, Sam, Seth, Smash, Silkie, Minesweeper, Seneca, Pigney, Seymore, Slot, Spot, Slip, Slady, Sonny, Sio, Sim, Souvlak.

For girls: Soya, Celeste, Sunny, Sarah, Snezhana, Salma, Sirena, Selena, Sabrina, Silvia, Simone (Sima), Soira, Summer.

Starting with the letter T

For boys: Trevor, Timmy, Tuan, Twink, Terry, Tugar, Toy, Trance, Tori, Tresk, Tommy, Typhon, Tigrik, Tanchik, Tasman, Fog, Tonic.

For girls: Tyra, Taiga, Tauna, Troy, Trinity, Teresa, Tavi, Trixie, Tosya, Tessa, Tabitha, Tina, Toshka, Tamiya.

Starting with the letter U

For boys: Uranus, Urfin, Uggo, Ulysses, Umberto, Uglik, Unique, Ust.

For girls: Ursula, Ulma, Ussi, Urana, Ounce, Ulli.

Starting with the letter F

For boys: Fred, Theodore, Date, Fresh, Physicist, Feint, Flash, Fabio, Flipper, Figaro, Fantomas, Filimon, Feanor, Fairy.

For girls: Frida, Fala, Violet, Fatima, Fairy, Fina, Fleur, Fenya, Fanny, Fifi, Folly, Freya, Fiona, Fonda, Frau.

Starting with the letter X

For boys: Hunter, Headey, Harms, Huff, Charon, Whip, Hammy, Harold, Khaz, Hitchcock, Hubert.

For girls: Chloe, Hari, Chimera, Heidi, Hideya, Helena, Persimmon, Hilda, Hubby, Holly.

Starting with the letter C

For boys: Cent, Centurion, Caesar, Zeiss, Cyclone, Qin.

For girls: Tsilya, Cecilia, Ciana, Tsea, Tsarina, Cerra.

Starting with the letter H

For boys: Chek, Chet, Chamber, Chuk, Genghis Khan, Che Guevara, Celentano, Cinzano, Chicky, Chernomor, Chappie, Charlie, Chase.

For girls: Cherry, Cholita, Chikka, Chaika, Chiona, Chessa, Chara, Chita, Chinni.

Starting with the letter Sh

For boys: Sheik, Lace, Shaggy, Sharman, Sheikh, Shippy, Shpar, Shrek, Shen, Sean, Schneider, Shuttle, Chief, Sheriff, Shust.

For girls: Chanel, Shusha, Shar, Shagane, Shonni, Sharon, Shirley, Shiomi.

Starting with the letter E

For boys: Alvin, Edwin, Eddie, Erich, Enrique, Edgar, Esty, Ex, Elias, Ellipse, Angel, Elmo, Edmund.

For girls: Emma, ​​Edaria, Abby, Emmanuel, Ashley, Elite, Annie, Esmeralda, Agni, Etienne, Ethel, Esty.

Starting with the letter U

For boys: Yukki, Yugo, Yukat, Yussi, Jurgen, Yunga, Yutik, Yuff, Unix, Jupiter.

For girls: Yula, Yuska, Yuda, Yunika, Juno, Yudith, Yuksi.

Starting with the letter I

For boys: Yagger, Yang, Yanchi, Jacob, Yang, Janson, Yantar.

For girls: Yasmina, Jadviga, Jacobina, Jania, Jamaica, Jasper, Yamato.

Foreign names for small dogs

Foreign words always sound more interesting than native ones. For this reason, many people rely on beautiful and unusual borrowings from other languages:


: Goldie (golden), Grace (grace), Poppy (poppy), Greer (cautious), Ethan (strong).


: Kuno (brave), Odo (rich), Hunk (good god), Kirsa (cherry), Frock (little lady).


: Avril (friendly), Dian (heavenly), Sylvie (forest), Armand (brave), Thibault (daredevil).


: Hana (flower), Kasumi (mist), Miki (stalk), Ruri (emerald), Sora (sky).

Be sure to check the meaning of the chosen word in dictionaries or other sources. Some suitable translations sound rather dubious: Cam (curved nose), Zen (death).

“Little” in languages ​​of the world

Funny nicknames can be obtained by translating the word “little” into other languages.

  • Bach
  • Zhizhig
  • Keys
  • Kichkina
  • Kishkentai
  • Klein
  • Lito
  • Little
  • Mazas
  • Maida
  • Maichen
  • Malek
  • Mali
  • Micron
  • Mimi
  • Pecueno
  • Petite
  • Pieni
  • Piccolo
  • Small

Shih Tzu Bach

Should you choose a funny nickname?

A funny nickname is perfectly acceptable as long as it is not negative and does not sound offensive. As an example, the following options can be cited: Bug, Zuhel, Tester, Vista, Simka. Funny names for small dogs are easy to come up with through associations:

“ - noisy and hyperactive dog - Honda


- unusually fearless baby - Demon


- well-fed couch potato - Donut


Those options that are embarrassing to pronounce in front of the general public are not suitable: Hell's Fang, Conchita, Ulcer. It is better to leave such options for home, choosing them as an additional nickname.

How to name a small dog according to its pedigree?

The name for the little puppy is registered by the breeder. This is necessary to obtain a metric (puppy card) and exchange it for a pedigree. The presence of these documents is a guarantee of the purebred animal.

After the birth of the litter, the breeder submits data on all babies to the club at the place of registration of the breeding bitch. Based on them, an audit is drawn up within a month, where each puppy is assigned a specific name. To do this, use a prefix from the breeder’s surname or the name of the nursery, as well as the animal’s name itself. The total number of characters, including spaces, must fit within 40 characters.

Each puppy in a litter is assigned the same first letter, and babies from later litters are assigned the letter that follows the previous one in alphabetical order. As a result, the final version may sound like Aethwy Alfredo, where Aethwy is the name of the corgi kennel. In most cases, within the family circle, this complex design is replaced with Alfie or any other nickname they like.

Choosing a name for boys and girls

Differences between male and female sexes are noticeable not only in humans, but also in animals. You should also use this:

  1. Boys. Males often start fights and love to dominate. Due to their larger size and developed muscles, they are much stronger and more resilient than female pets. The qualities of their character will be emphasized by the following options: Conan, Rimbaud, Sniper, Cerberus, Jaguar.
  2. Girls. Bitches are famous for their more flexible and devoted character. Thanks to their friendliness, they easily find friends among other four-legged animals and even among cats. The following nicknames are suitable for smart and affectionate pets: Dakota (ally), Serena (calm), Trina (pure), Haven (paradise), Nan (grace).

If your pet’s character deviates greatly from stereotypes, it doesn’t matter. In this case, do exactly the opposite, because we are all unique, which means we shouldn’t push ourselves into a box.


They are given by those owners who want to make their boy stand out from the crowd and make him unique.

For example, a car lover can name a dog after his favorite (and/or desired) car brand, a traveler - after a place he has visited and/or wants to visit, book or film lovers - after a favorite character. For example, rare nicknames can be like this:

  • in honor of the pagan gods - Perun, Yarilo;
  • the names of dogs are unusual, taken from mythology or other languages ​​that are incomprehensible to the majority of people: Chur, Ragnarok, Bacchus, Jarahsus;
  • there may be a series of sounds to which the pet reacts, and then it becomes his nickname;
  • I would like to say separately about comic “names”. They will bring a good mood to the house. For example, Chow Chows or Russian Terriers can be jokingly called Tedy, Barsik or Pinky.

A selection of nicknames for small breed dogs

Nicknames for small dogs are chosen not only based on size. All breeds have unique appearance, character and working qualities that can be interestingly played with.

Pomeranian Spitz

Behind the pretty appearance of the fluffy little bun hides a rather brave and inquisitive dog. You can focus on the appearance or character of the orange:

“ Fluffy, Teddy (in honor of the famous toy bear), Cloud (cloud), Fluffy (fluffy) or Soft (soft), Bully (hooligan), Prank (prank), Fanny (cheerful), Bold (self-confident).

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies are intelligent and quick-witted companions. These dogs are also distinguished by their silky fur.

“ Mind (mind), Brain (brain), Clover (smart), Silky (silky), Bonnie (cute), Chic (chic).


These bug-eyed babies come from hot Mexico, so it's easiest to pick something with Mexican roots.

“ Salsa, Camila (best), Agata, Ursula, Frida (peace), Migella, Petrona, Juan (given by God), Herbert, Luis, Inoseño, Lucas, Fidel, Rui (powerful).

You can also emphasize that the Chihuahua is the smallest breed in the world by calling the pet Knopa or Krosh.

Toy Terrier

The Russian Toy Terrier is the smallest representative of its group. His distinctive features: easy excitability and a tendency to manipulate. Because of this, such a pet can be called:

“ Tricky, Sly (sly), Tinker, Pip, Rocky, Arietty, Titch, Daisy, Fixie, Harvey, Irene, Gia, Daphne, Evita, Cameo, Cleo, Sophie.


Smiling corgis are often associated with baked goods. Because of this, the owners call them Bagels and Pies. For more euphony, you can turn to English roots and look for beautiful Scottish or Celtic names.

For boys:

Islay, Ballard, Bruce, Wilkie, Gavin, Grieg, Jock, Davey, Irwin, Keir, Creech, Collin, Leith, Lil, Lachey, Marcas, Murie, Knox, Rob, Suibn, Terlak, Willig, Frengan, Hendry, Ainslie, Ewen.

For girls

: Aili, Arabella, Beilig, Davina, Lan, Kaylin, Normina, Oaireg, Rona, Senga, Glenna, Finola, McKenna, Margaret, Edme, Chirsti, Eila, Yuna.

Small terriers

All terriers are skilled hunters. For this reason, try to pick something related to their working qualities:

“ Hunter (hunter), Thunderstorm, Meteor, Peregrine Falcon, Hawk, Nikas, Igvar, Stone, Thunderstorm, Zlinka, Athena, Artemis, Courage, Thunder, Warbler, Gray, Wulf.


As mentioned above: do not rush to settle on the classics. Mongrels are unique because they combine completely disparate genes. The mongrel Bobik may have the courage of a lion and the conceit of the king himself, so he can easily be called Richard or King.

Rating of the most popular names at present

When choosing a name for a dog, you need to remember that it will live with it all its life. Therefore, you can turn to this top of the most beautiful names.

Top 10 nicknames for boys:

  1. Sapphire;
  2. Fidel;
  3. Amur;
  4. Armani;
  5. Badi;
  6. Bruno;
  7. Dominic;
  8. Mathis;
  9. Onyx;
  10. North.

Top 10 nicknames for girls:

  1. Monica;
  2. Ilsa;
  3. Gloria;
  4. Vivien;
  5. Arlet;
  6. Bianca;
  7. Pandora;
  8. Selena;
  9. Audrey;
  10. Mia.

How to train your pet to have a nickname

Accustoming to a nickname is the very first command that a puppy learns. It is simple and does not contain a negative context. In most cases, it is used to invite someone to eat, play, go for a walk, or scratch behind the ear. That is, a pleasant association was already given initially, and all you have to do is consolidate it.

When calling out to your pet, carefully monitor its reaction. If he happily rushes to meet you, success is already close, but a simple movement of his ear in your direction is also enough. In both cases, reward your baby with something tasty and don’t forget to praise.

You should not call the puppy by name in one case - during a reprimand. Chastising for pranks is an important part of parenting, but punishment is always perceived negatively. For this reason, in the future the animal tries not to perform actions leading to it.

Strict intonation and the impersonal expression “bad dog” are quite enough here. This eliminates the appearance of an unpleasant association with your own nickname.


Non-trivial nicknames speak of a good sense of humor of dog owners. But you need to be careful. Because not everyone can understand how you could call your dog, for example, Shtanogryz? Yes, and you need to think three times before giving such a nickname, imagine how you shout “Pant-gnawer, don’t chew the curtains”

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