Nicknames for dogs for boys, huskies, and also for girls

Laikas are energetic, brave and hardy dogs designed for hunting or pulling a sled. You can name a puppy in different ways, but it is preferable to choose nicknames for huskies consciously: the name will “stick” to the dog for life, and will largely determine the pet’s behavior. Therefore, before giving a dog any name you like, you should think about whether this nickname really suits the dog. And so that choosing a name is not too difficult, we will tell you in detail how to name a husky and not go wrong!

Criterias of choice

All dogs that were born in kennels receive names there. Traditionally, the nickname combines the nicknames of the parents and is used at various official events. In addition, a similar name is indicated in the pedigree.

Laika is a cheerful and friendly dog, but also an excellent hunter.

For your information! For use in everyday life, you can choose a simpler nickname that will be easy to remember and pronounce.

Before you name your puppy Laika, you should study some tips, because the nickname will remain with the dog for the rest of its life. The rules for choosing a name are as follows:

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the character and any characteristics of the animal. In some cases, one striking feature will be enough to prompt you to choose a special nickname;
  • if it is planned that the dog will be used in hunting, then the name should be short, ringing, clear, so that the dog hears it immediately and responds;
  • names for huskies should not be long, because then it will have to be shortened. As a result, the dog may have several different nicknames, and it will not understand which one is the main one. In addition, long nicknames are difficult to remember and are difficult to pronounce when you need to call the animal quickly;

Huskies enjoy hunting; they have good instincts.

  • You should not call your pet by a human name, as this will cause puzzled looks from others when walking and in public places. The only name that is used quite often is Max. However, before giving this to your pet, you should think carefully;
  • For dog nicknames, rude, boorish words that are not customary to be uttered in society are not suitable. In such a case, it will be inconvenient to call the animal on a walk or in a public place;
  • a new pet is not given the nickname of the previous one, no matter how much it is loved. Each dog has its own character, so it is better for the new baby to choose a name that will be closer and more understandable to him.

Sometimes the choice is difficult because you like several dog names at once. In this case, it is recommended to call the dog one by one. As a rule, a reaction will be noticeable to the one that is closer to her. This is what the animal will be called.

Important! The name should not cause associations in the dog with any team. Otherwise, the dog will not know either one or the other.

For girls

A Laika girl can easily be called by some original and unusual name. For them, it is better to choose more gentle names that will best emphasize the individuality of their character.

For a white dog, you can choose one of the following options: Snezha, Alba or Ariel. By the way, very often dogs - especially girls - are named after their favorite dishes and desserts. For a white husky, an option such as Panacotta or Parfait is suitable. For a girl of dark color, you can choose such an original name as Naomi or Bagheera. For black and white or gray puppies, you can choose nicknames such as Charlotte, Heidi or Empire. And for a red-haired girl, Judith or Zlata are suitable.

You can easily come up with an original nickname for the baby, taking into account her character and disposition. For example, for a girl husky, options such as Spark, Bullet, Luck, Freckle, Purga or Taiga may be suitable.

Also, such original options as Yuma or Utah are suitable for a Laika girl. For citrus lovers, he suggests choosing a nickname such as Lima. For a gentle and graceful girl, you can choose the name Prima, Gerda or Vlasta.

If you want a name with a special meaning, then consider the following options. Akimi is an excellent option for a girl of this breed, translated as “extraordinarily beautiful”

For a dark-colored dog, the nickname Amaya, which translates as “night drop,” is appropriate. Ima and Benira are also quite suitable nicknames, which in translation sound like “gift” and “enjoying the world.”

Many owners of girls believe that they should not choose names that are too gentle and affectionate. Therefore, they prefer hunting names. For girls of this breed, sonorous and simple nicknames such as Naida, Oma, Maila, Frida or Mira are suitable.

You can see how to choose a name for a dog in the following video.

What meaning should a nickname have?

Japanese dog names, as well as Korean ones for boys and girls

Laika is distinguished by obedience, good nature and high intelligence. Dogs of this breed are very hardy and have quite serious physical strength. They are quite energetic and love freedom and active walks. These features should be reflected in the chosen name.

It is worth remembering that dogs are often used for hunting, so a long and very original nickname will not work. It is better that it consists of a couple of syllables, then, upon hearing a short call, the dog will be able to quickly respond.

What is a beautiful name for a female Yorkshire Terrier dog?

For the cutest creature - Yorkie

– an English nickname will sound organically. And of course, the name of a Yorkie girl should be gentle and melodic

Here is a list of suitable nicknames for a Yorkie girl


  • Almadel, Azra, Affanita, Antonia
  • Bofari, Bernita, Venisha, Vilena
  • Victoriana, Grina, Guarda, Deolanda
  • Daria, Jarrah, Donisha, Zvyara, Intella
  • Iesha, Isa, Krasma, Laira, Lavicia
  • Lipsa, Merrian, Markhu, Milagro, Mystic
  • Mileena, Mistimari, Monada, Numis, Elega
  • Novella, Ogna, Ralina, Ryan
  • Runda, Celia, Samphira, Sora
  • Stiza, Sisha, Tarita, Tahiara
  • Tanta, Tes, Thea, Flusa, Festi
  • Fransa, Fortina, Cheyenne, Chestity

Choosing a nickname depending on the husky breed

Nicknames of hunting dogs for boys and girls

There are many varieties of huskies, so before choosing a nickname, you should figure out what species the dog belongs to.

Russian-European Laika

These dogs are distinguished by good hunting qualities, tenacity and intelligence. She can be taught to hunt almost any animal. Laikas of this breed are very fond of praise and encouragement, which can also be expressed using a nickname. Suitable names for puppies include Ephrat, Jedi, Zenit, Zador, Khazar.

The East Siberian Laika is the largest of all varieties.

East Siberian Laika

These dogs are the largest and strongest among the huskies. During a hunt in Siberia, they can not only drive an animal, but also keep it for as long as needed until the owner appears. Nicknames that highlight the beauty and strength of the dog are suitable for them:

  • Brawler;
  • Clear;
  • Carat;
  • Darius;
  • Vaygach.

West Siberian Laika

The dog of this breed is distinguished by its impressive growth and serious appearance, as well as increased endurance. It is often used in hunting large animals; the variety is popular all over the world. For such dogs, Russian nicknames are more often chosen:

  • Thunder;
  • Smoke;
  • Storm;
  • Sarmat.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

The second name of the breed is Finnish Spitz. The dog is distinguished by its size, high energy, great enthusiasm, and special affection for its owner. The following nicknames are perfect for kids:

  • Darren;
  • Zelchen;
  • Hai et al.

Yakut Laika

These dogs are quite friendly and inquisitive. They are easy to control, so they are often used not only for hunting, but also as sled dogs. Puppies of this breed are called by common names and nicknames in the Yakut language. Most popular:

  • Peaceful;
  • Tungus;
  • Aldan;
  • Alarm.

Karelian bear husky

Animals are quite strong, brave and determined. Hunting qualities are clearly expressed; it will pursue the animal to the end.

For your information! Dogs often come into conflict with other dogs, but they are distinguished by their special devotion to their owner; when hunting, they always monitor his whereabouts.

These dogs are often called:

  • Major;
  • Boss;
  • King;
  • Pride.

Due to its small size, the Karelo-Finnish Laika is also called the Finnish Spitz.

Norwegian elk husky

One of the oldest breeds of huskies. Dogs are very attached to their owner, but they love freedom. Excellent hunters, quite large and proud. Such dogs are often given names with Norwegian roots. The following options are great:

  • Askold;
  • Eyvar;
  • Rurik.

Coming up with a nickname for a dog is not easy, but you can take into account the breed of the animal and build on it.

Important! If you wish, you can choose foreign names for your dog, but before doing this, it is recommended to find out how they are translated so as not to get into an awkward position in society.

Name like pet's character

Boys could be called by nicknames that conveyed the qualities of their characters, reflecting the features of their exterior.

White, Roan, Fast, Small - these are a few of the nicknames that were awarded to pets.

The well-known Belka and Strelka are examples of such folk art.

Behind ordinary concepts are hidden the user qualities of a fur miner or the swiftness of a sled dog.

Such nicknames as Flea, Witch, Ermak, Snake, Buckshot, Moshka, Pirate, Blizzard, Saika are suitable for shaggy, nimble, restless lumps. Boys are often Shariki or Tuziki.

You can fantasize here endlessly. It’s hard to imagine an agile, quick-witted, resourceful dog named Snuppy or Lord.

Trezor seems to be more suitable for a chain dog. National words for a puppy whose ancestors helped a person to explore Siberia are, for example, Argys (companion), Atas (comrade) Kyrsa (arctic fox). Popular names of species of animals - objects of hunting: Mink, Weasel, Leopard.

In places where pointy-eared animals have been habitual inhabitants since ancient times - human companions, they were named after the names of rivers: Aldan, Ayan, Vitim.

Often given a nickname, like surrounding phenomena and things. Harmonious nicknames can be considered such as Fog, Taiga, Breeze, Buran, Thunder. The males were called Porokh, Pyzh.

All these words, on the one hand, correspond to the character and unique natural characteristics of animals. On the other hand, these concepts reflect everyday life, the life of the people next to whom this breed existed.

Since the middle of the last century, professionals began studying the breed and breeding it. Among the many varieties - Ostyak, Evenki, Lamut, several standards were developed for the purpose of breeding.

There are four breeds: , - and . Breeding puppies have moved from the category of purely custom dogs to the status of an elite breeding breed.

Animals have become an object of interest for romance-loving city dwellers and wealthy residents of rural areas.

Choosing a nickname depending on the color of the husky

Laikas come in different colors, so you can choose a nickname based on the color of their coat. It is enough just to look at the puppy; as a rule, the color of the coat rarely changes with age. The most popular nicknames associated with color:

  • for black dogs - Raven, Black, Imp, Devil, Onyx;
  • for spotted dogs - Dolmi, Ryabchik, Domino, Mramor;
  • for white individuals - White, Snowball, Ghost, Cold, Nord, Chalk;
  • for brown babies - Brown, Chestnut, Snickers;
  • Nicknames that are perfect for gray puppies are Fog, Gray, Smoke, Smoke;
  • dogs with red six are called Leo, Ray, Red, Fox.

Dog names for German Shepherds for boys and girls

Thus, with the help of a nickname you can easily emphasize the appearance of your pet, based on the color of its coat.

Note! If the owner is worried that the pet will change color with age, then you can choose a nickname that emphasizes one color, the most basic one.

The Russian-European Laika is an excellent hunter

How to choose a nickname for a puppy?

Each puppy has its own unique perception of the world around it, take a closer look at its behavior, and you will feel what name to choose.

Breeders give names to purebred puppies at birth and when paperwork is completed.

You can change the nickname as you wish. There are many options. All you have to do is choose, taking into account your character, appearance, and hobbies. It is advisable that the name for the puppy consist of 1-2 syllables. Experienced breeders claim that one- and two-syllable words are the best names for dogs. They are easier to remember and the animal responds more quickly.

Nicknames for girls puppies

Nicknames for small girls' dogs should sound simple and affectionate and correspond to their character. After all, these pretty, charming little ones delight and delight us. For example: Isa, Alisa, Alba, Bagryanka, Vista, Gamma, Greta, Dashka, Delta, Jessie, Dzhulba, Dina, Zhulka, Zlata, Kapa, ​​Kasatka, Christy, Lada, Lima, Lady, Linda, Londa. Lusha, Martha, Marfa, Naida, Nixa, Sandra, Tina, Hilda, Chloe, Honda, Shelma.

Nicknames for boy puppies

Nicknames for dogs of small breed boys Avner, Adil, Adolf, Albert, Arnold, Archie, Bartholomew, Bern, Baby, Velvel, Wilhelm (Willy), Vito, Wolf, Guy, Harry, Henry, Gordon, Graham, Darius, Dexter, Decim , Jacob, Jason, Jack, Jean, Joseph, John, George, Dylan, Diodorus, Jerome, Istvan, Klein, Crispin, Christian, Krosh, Kurt, Leo, Lynceus, Michael, Malik, Baby, Markel, Marcello (Marchi), Miser. Minnie, Maddison (Maddie), Nigel, Oscar, Parvus. Paul, Bobbleheads, Rupert, Stephen, Stanley, Tadeusz, Terry, Frankie, Charles, Shot, Edward, Edmund. Anthony, Ernar.

If you want to come up with a beautiful nickname for a dog and at the same time unusual and original. Try using Russian. They sound impressive, interesting, bright. Russian dog names are suitable for huskies, hounds, Labradors, retrievers, setters, spaniels, shorthaired pointers, greyhounds, and fox terriers.

Nicknames of male dogs

Agat, Bayan, Beloyar, Bogolep, Fighter, Boris, Branibor, Buyan, Valdai, Veligor, Wind, Vlas, Howl, Volodar, Gleb, Gradimir, Thunder, Dar, Dobrynya, Don, Zhuk, Izbor, Irbis, Kum, Barking, Lyut, Martyn, Mir, Mlad, Olel, Prov, Ratibor, Smeyan, Fog, Ugar, Daring, Miracle, Chance, Shemyaka, Yurok, Yar.

Hunting nicknames for huskies

We should not forget that huskies (including Samoyeds) are beautiful hunting dogs, so the choice of nickname can be based on certain qualities of the pet as a hunter. The nickname may emphasize the dog's ability to chase prey, its speed, strength and power. The most popular names in this case are:

  • Excitement;
  • Diamond;
  • Arcana;
  • Golden eagle;
  • Leopard;
  • Varangian;
  • Volcano;
  • Loyal;
  • Viking;
  • Vortex;
  • Wolf;
  • Watch;
  • Smoke;
  • Dare;
  • Courage;
  • Leader;
  • Fierce;
  • Mongoose;
  • Musket;
  • Pirate;
  • Powder;
  • Robbery;
  • Frisky;
  • Saiga;
  • Brave;
  • Sable;
  • Falcon;
  • Detective;
  • Tarzan;
  • Typhoon;
  • Fog;
  • Honest;
  • Bumblebee.

Such nicknames emphasize all the best hunting qualities of a dog.

The Karelian bear husky is a very fast and decisive animal.

Breed Features

Before you start studying various dog names, it is worth learning about the characteristics of the breed. Laika is a very popular and widespread breed of hunting dog. Representatives of this breed have an excellent sense of smell, hearing and vision.

In addition, they are very friendly and intelligent dogs. Despite the fact that huskies are freedom-loving and independent dogs, they are very loyal to their owners.

Laikas can safely be called inquisitive. They are very active and friendly. Such dogs will never show aggression without a reason.

Therefore, tough, aggressive and formidable names are completely unsuitable for them.

Laikas become very attached to their owners and cannot stand being alone. It is also worth mentioning that dogs of this breed can be seriously offended by rudeness, cruelty or injustice. Therefore, it is better to name the puppy with an affectionate name that will not sound rude.

In addition, dogs of this breed love to play. They love to actively frolic in the company of adults and children. They carry out a variety of commands with great pleasure. Therefore, the puppy’s nickname should be easy to pronounce for both adults and children. Try not to choose nicknames that are consonant with a particular team. For example, if you decide to name your pet Funtik, the command “Fu” will be perceived incorrectly.

When choosing a suitable nickname for a pet, it is important to take into account the color, characteristic features of the appearance and disposition of your pet. Remember that hunting is part of their life. Therefore, the nickname should not be banal, funny or ridiculous. These can be beautiful Russian or foreign names. You can find suitable German or English nicknames with a special meaning.

Or you can choose a real hunting nickname for your baby.

Names that reflect character

Dogs are often called by a name that very clearly shows their character. After all, all dogs are different, some are distinguished by playfulness and enthusiasm, others, on the contrary, are calmer and more sedate. Therefore, after looking at the character of the animal, you can give it a nickname that will further emphasize its behavior.

Suitable nicknames for male and female dogs are:

  • Bushui;
  • Brawler;
  • The battle;
  • Loyal;
  • Top;
  • Bully;
  • Grozny;
  • Gorlan;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Rogue;
  • Meteor;
  • Dodger;
  • Hurricane;
  • Storm;
  • Fakir;
  • Dandy;
  • Clear.

For your information! Often, owners give their pets names that highlight traits that the dog lacks in order to develop them. Dog handlers note that often this experiment actually gives the desired result. But this method cannot be taken completely seriously.

Buryat and Yakut names

West Siberian huskies are excellent hunting helpers. They are actively attracted to fishing by representatives of northern peoples. Therefore, Yakut and Buryat names sound very harmonious for these dogs.


  • Irgen;
  • Dayana;
  • Taman;
  • Uygun;
  • Timir;
  • Sanaya;
  • Khatan.


  • Altan;
  • Yuma;
  • Bulad;
  • Dari;
  • Tagar;
  • Gama;
  • Baras;
  • Radna.

Ailana - translated from the Buryat language means “gifted by God.”
The owner of this wonderful dog created an Instagram account in his honor. He has been here for six years now. His name is extremely unusual - Geter. The dog loves to play and have fun, and pleases his subscribers with numerous posts.

View this post on Instagram

Publication from Geter – West Siberian Laika (@geterpes)

Choosing a nickname for a boy's dog Laika based on the meaning of the name

Likes are often given nicknames that have a specific meaning. Such names can be either Russian or borrowed from other languages. Laika boys can be called by the following nicknames:

  • Kameko is a long-liver;
  • Daiti - smart;
  • Etsuko - gift of joy;
  • Hoshiko - heavenly child;
  • Akira - bright;
  • Hoshi - starlight;
  • Naoki - faithful;
  • Khonte - leader;
  • Takara - treasure;
  • Sin - real;
  • Yuki - snowfall;
  • Keko - blessed child;
  • Hayato - falcon;
  • Nari - thunder;
  • Kokoro - heart;
  • Katsu - victory;
  • Hibiki - sound, echo;
  • Kaori - pleasant smell;
  • Sin - real;
  • Akane - red;
  • Natsu - born in summer;
  • Oki - open sea;
  • Suzume - sparrow;
  • Katsu - victory;
  • Hotaru - firefly;
  • Michiko is a child of beauty;
  • Akito - autumn;
  • Hinata - sunflower;
  • Shinju - pearls;
  • Yuki - snow;
  • Ren - lotus;
  • Aiko is my favorite.

The Yakut Laika is used not only for hunting, but also for sledding.

You can also choose more common nicknames with the meaning:

  • Zor is an evil hunter;
  • Algys - blessing, praise;
  • Atas - friend;
  • Marquis - graceful;
  • Vulcan is patient, loves hunting;
  • Top - has the habits of an animal;
  • Ermak - brave;
  • Fireweed is the leader among the flock;
  • Tobol - wise, faithful and proud;
  • Sayan - does not like change;
  • Bim - kind, faithful;
  • Horus is an excellent tracker, proud;
  • Leopard - calm, balanced;
  • Fog - strong;
  • Abai - distinguished by strength and courage;
  • Bim - kind, faithful;
  • Boreas - northern;
  • Bulguch - hunter;
  • Ardvkh - rain;
  • Burt - excellent;
  • Baai - rich;
  • West - reliable and fast;
  • Cedar - knowledgeable of commands;
  • Cosmo - loving everyone;
  • Mars - used to winning;
  • Fox - cunning;
  • Saffron - smart, does not like restrictions;
  • Face - nimble;
  • Lel - frivolous;
  • Ron - persistent;
  • Yulia is easy-going;
  • Nast is stubborn and never gives up.

Important! Choosing a nickname with a specific meaning may take some time. It is recommended to observe the puppy for some time to note some of its qualities and features. After this, you can already look for a suitable nickname for your pet.

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that the standard size is indicated as medium, the dog will look impressive in an apartment.
The experience of many owners shows that keeping an animal of this size in the city is quite possible, provided that it is walked at least twice a day and receives exercise in addition to this. All Siberian huskies are quite easy to care for:

To maintain a neat appearance, comb your dog's coat with a comb once every couple of weeks, paying attention to the undercoat. During shedding, you need to devote a sufficient amount of time to combing

If the undercoat is not shed in time, you will get a “greenhouse effect” - ideal conditions for the breeding of bacteria, which will lead to skin diseases of the pet; bathe 2 or 3 times a year. Individuals wearing undercoat should not be bathed without special need. It's practically waterproof, so you have to work hard to get it wet or rinse off the shampoo well. After bathing, make sure the coat is completely dry. Use a hair dryer if necessary.

Proper nutrition is very important for the normal growth and development of Siberian huskies. If you prefer natural food for feeding your pet, make sure that he receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements in addition

It is especially important to give vitamin supplements in the spring and autumn.

Although these dogs adapt quite well to apartment life, they prefer to live outside. They are very active and need freedom of movement. The physiology of the body and the content of enzymes that promote digestion of West Siberian huskies are very close to those of wolves. That is why it is recommended to include fresh and boiled meat and fish in your diet.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Sugar beets for rabbits - Our paws

Dogs of this breed need to be walked twice a day. The total duration of the walk is at least an hour. Moreover, it is best if it takes place in the form of a game or training.

It is possible to keep a West Siberian Laika in an apartment, but there is a high probability that it will get bored and begin to behave destructively.

Also, for a dog to look well-groomed, it must be brushed regularly. She sheds quite a lot.

Nicknames that are particularly popular

Laikas are fast and smart animals. There are nicknames for these dogs, which are especially popular. Animals are called by these names quite often:

  • Leopard;
  • Don;
  • Ralph;
  • Fog;
  • Gift;
  • Fros;
  • Gold;
  • Burbot.

These names are popular because they are quite easy to pronounce. The dog easily perceives and remembers them, as a result, it makes better contact and responds quickly.

Samoyeds are also huskies, with the same character and characteristics

Top 50 popular nicknames

Here are collected the names most often used as nicknames for West Siberian Laikas.

  • Alma;
  • Thunder;
  • Baikal;
  • Taiga;
  • Leopard;
  • Lada;
  • Roy;
  • Lord;
  • Rune;
  • Vega;
  • Kai;
  • Amur;
  • Atlas;
  • Yar;
  • Naida;
  • Wind;
  • Kim;
  • Vesta;
  • May;
  • Snow leopard;
  • Bim;
  • Bertha;
  • Ares;
  • Bark;
  • Vit;
  • Atlant;
  • Nora;
  • Glad;
  • Cyrus;
  • Max;
  • Tiger;
  • Terra;
  • Ron;
  • Ian;
  • Volume;
  • Thea;
  • Leon;
  • Tai;
  • Leah;
  • Tina;
  • Hulk;
  • Bond;
  • Whale;
  • Flora;
  • Ram;
  • Roxy;
  • Ada;
  • Lucky;
  • Nike;
  • Umka.

This beauty was named Aika to match the breed of the dog.

Original Russian nicknames for Laikas (boys and girls)

Laika is a fairly ancient breed of dog. Such dogs are often called by original Russian names. The following nicknames are great for boys:

  • Brawler;
  • Fast;
  • Persistent;
  • Free;
  • Watch;
  • Anchar;
  • Buran;
  • Wolf;
  • Eagle;
  • Hawk;
  • Yenisei;
  • Thunder;
  • Hurricane;
  • Peresvet;
  • Ruslan;
  • Ermak;
  • Dorofei;
  • Tatar;
  • Esaul;
  • Gavrila.

How to name a girl Laika dog? For female puppies, you can also choose a native Russian name. In this case, nicknames are good:

  • Strada;
  • Cloud;
  • Sap;
  • Volga;
  • Lightning;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Lyudmila;
  • Haze;
  • Bullet;
  • String;
  • Squirrel;
  • Taiga;
  • Vesta.

Important! These are just some of the names for huskies; the choice of Russian names is quite wide. It is important to study them carefully and choose what is most suitable for the dog.

When choosing a name for your husky, it is worth considering the type of dog, because there are many of them. Despite the obvious similarities, there are also differences that can be emphasized by the name. Puppies of this breed quickly show all their qualities and character, which can also become the basis for choosing a nickname. You can name a dog by its color or choose a beautiful old name with an original meaning. The most important thing is that the pet and its owner like the nickname, that it is easy to pronounce and remember. It is also important to remember all the rules for choosing a name, and take into account the nickname from the pedigree, if there is one.

What to name a little husky?

The nicknames of husky girls today are both a sore point and a reason for laughter among dog handlers. This is due to the fact that the enormous popularity of the breed began after the release of the series “Game of Thrones”. The nickname Daineris is the destiny of 8 out of 10 huskies. You can verify this by visiting any city dog ​​show. When choosing a name, you need to take this point into account and try to avoid your favorite film and television characters.

The following options are perfect for a good-natured beauty:

  • Anita;
  • Chita;
  • Storm;
  • Ufa (emphasis on the first syllable);
  • Arista;
  • Galia;
  • Dream;
  • Yula;
  • Alice;
  • Zara,
  • Indira;
  • Moon;
  • Blizzard;
  • Leda;
  • Aurora;
  • Dew;
  • Yarna.

Huskies can also be called by longer names. Unlike other huskies, she usually has a calm character and does not hunt everything she sees. The names of northern and Slavic goddesses, as well as mythical characters, are very suitable for these animals.

Nicknames from films and TV

Some heroes and characters from watched films and TV series are so memorable that owners decide to give this name to their pet.

Names of cartoon characters:

  • Buzz (From Toy Story);
  • Akira;
  • Astro (The Jetsons);
  • Goofy and Snoopy the Beagle;
  • Fiona;
  • Dr. Aibolit's friend Ava.

From the Marvel movie:

  • Loki;
  • Thor;
  • Hulk;
  • Thanos;
  • Clint;
  • Cap;
  • Strange;
  • Fury;
  • Vision;
  • Murdoch;
  • Galactus;
  • Deadpool;
  • Groot.

From other films:

  • Detective Columbo's dog, Dog;
  • Cujo;
  • Arya;
  • Alice;
  • Ash;
  • Bob;
  • Bond;
  • Buffy;
  • Doc;
  • Gatsby;
  • Groot;
  • Indie;
  • Ryan;
  • Neo;
  • Ridley;
  • Ripley;
  • Rocky.

Toto is the children's favorite friend.

  • Benji;
  • Clifford;
  • Rex;
  • Doug;
  • Gromit;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Jock;
  • Rico;
  • Nana;
  • Lady;
  • Cinderella;
  • Gray;
  • Gavroche;
  • Gaspard;
  • Suok;
  • Sultan;
  • Aishe;
  • Sansa;
  • Jaime;
  • Jorah;
  • Theon;
  • Brienne;
  • Sandor;
  • Tywin;
  • Margaery;
  • Tommen;
  • Daario;
  • Shaya;
  • Ramsey;
  • Talisa;
  • Arman;
  • Belok;
  • Atlanta;
  • Xena;
  • Hecuba;
  • Dejanira;
  • Eli;
  • Lycus;
  • Lao;
  • Nika;
  • Siren;
  • Jason;
  • Maddie;
  • Patrick;
  • Phoebe;
  • Demon;
  • Donna;
  • A penny.

Photo gallery

So, if you're at a crossroads right now, we hope this article will help you decide on a nickname for your new friend. A small photo selection will provide additional inspiration.

- brave, smart, courageous. He is distinguished by high intelligence and physical strength. This is a hunting breed with a ability to quickly find landmarks on the ground. Her reaction to changes in the situation is simply lightning fast. The dog does not tolerate confined spaces, has its own excellent characteristics and is suitable for energetic owners who enjoy running, skiing, and hiking. When choosing a name, you should take these qualities into account. Let's see how to name a husky correctly.

Despite the hunting breed, the nickname should, first of all, be beautiful, consonant, and easy to remember. Among the beautiful and common names for husky boys, it is worth noting: Patrick, Mickey, Nathan, Rourke, Timosha, Lester, Swansea, Phoenix, Kevin, Oscar, Cosmo, Larry, Roman, Juan, Louis, Adam, Lucas, Tomi, Casper, Neil, Vector, Watson, Adam, Morris, Gregor, Jim, Lyoko, Archie, Roy, Simon, Lucas, Tito, Volchek, Beefy, Tomi, Gene, Ramon, Danny, Zeus, Hector, Bruce, Nathan, Trouser, Charlie, Trevor, Chris, Mars, Juan.

If you want to emphasize the hunting breed of husky, you can give the following names: Basalt, Musket, Whirlwind, Sable, Vulcan, Octopus, Falcon, Detective, Almaz, Viking, Typhoon, Baron, Saiga, Peregrine Falcon, Thunder, Mongoose, Prime, Falcon, Bazai.

Previously, people attributed the most common names to this breed: Bystry, Melkiy, Strelka, Belka, thereby trying to emphasize their character traits. If your pet is restless from a young age, then you can give it a nickname: Saiga, Ermak, Buckshot. Pirate.

Still, first of all, huskies are fur hunters, as well as a draft breed. If you show your imagination, take into account mobility and swiftness, you can choose a good name for your pet. For male puppies, nicknames are harmonious, emphasizing their unique natural characteristics, the life of the people living with them, courage and endurance, for example - Lord, Trezor, Gunpowder, Breeze, Buran, Fog.

Laiki will not lie all day at the feet of its owner. They are characterized by mobility, speed, agility, so good nicknames for boys would be: Irwin, Yasny, Taras, Uzbek, Fakir, Indigo, Buyan, Bromide, Jedi, Jacquard, Zenit, Sailor, Trek, Indigo, Sprite, Shimon, Erwin, Khazar , Idris, Avangard, Taran, Zenit, Darius.

Laikas are adapted to harsh living conditions and are not afraid of severe frosts. These are indispensable helpers for people living in the north. They will tirelessly watch over the livestock and become loyal friends to their owner. The best nicknames that can reflect these qualities of huskies: Titan, Storm, Condor, Winter, Everest, Hurricane, Khalid, Ararat, Rakhat, Crater, Aidar, Chesko, Yalek, Sarmat, Felix, Tungus, Nabat, Labrie, Castor, Winter, Yesail , Thunder, Eaton, Piston.

If you want to emphasize the hunting qualities of huskies, you can name them: Amulet, Shaman, Frost, Frisky, Dare. Tribal huskies can be given a nickname from a movie or borrowed from a book: Niki, Juha, Floyd, Balto, Bakk.

This breed, as residents of hard-to-reach areas, is often called: Amur, Sever, Ural, Baikal, Verny, Hayk, Buran, Gray, Dyren. Even the relief, as an option, can become a name: Fault, Loach. Laikas living in the Black Sea region can proudly bear the nickname: Altai, Vilyuy, Taiga.

Nature in winter in the North is fabulous, silent. Laikas, like dogs with the calling of sled hounds, can have names: Frost, Snowball, Kind, Pirate, Smart

Words with two voiced consonants are clearly distinguishable: Karat, Cupid, This is important in harsh winter conditions, so that the nickname easily and clearly comes out of the lips even when the owner’s jaws are practically frozen by frost

The nickname should be positive and kind. Calling a dog an offensive name is disrespectful. It is unlikely that she will be able to become a true friend. To put a meaning into a nickname means to name:

  • Kameko (long-lived);
  • Hoshi (star);
  • Haruko (spring);
  • Akito (autumn);
  • Michiko (handsome);
  • Kaori (pleasant smell);
  • Izumi (stream);
  • Akira (bright);
  • Suzumo (sparrow);
  • Kkokoro (soul);
  • Megumi (blessing);
  • Aiko (favorite);
  • Hiro (generous);
  • Nutsuko (summer);
  • Hayato (falcon);
  • Hikari (light);
  • Takaro (treasure);
  • Hotaru (firefly);
  • Shinju (pearl);
  • Yuki (snow);
  • Katsu (victory);
  • Kuga (red);
  • Ichiges (warmth);
  • Ropak (ice floe)
  • Lotus (buran);
  • Ven (wind);
  • Gris (gray).

The best nicknames are consonant and short.

Pop culture names

Music lovers and fans of singers, musicians and other representatives of the stage and stage choose names for pets associated with culture.

Variants of such nicknames:

  • Blondie;
  • Bowie (Davie);
  • Cardi;
  • Clash;
  • Dre;
  • Jazz;
  • Elton;
  • Hendrix;
  • Elvis;
  • Floyd;
  • Iggy;
  • Freddie;
  • Janis;
  • Kenrick;
  • Marley;
  • Lennon;
  • Katie;
  • Britney;
  • Joanne;
  • Rihanna;
  • Ramona;
  • Kim;
  • Rose;
  • Justin;
  • Kylie;
  • Larry;
  • Dido;
  • Isabel;
  • Stephanie;
  • Kelly;
  • Giselle;
  • Robbie;
  • Maroon;
  • Mika;
  • Mariah;
  • Blunt;
  • Reginald;
  • Tattoo;
  • Alisha;
  • Cardigan;
  • Boys;
  • Sting;
  • Prince;
  • Jennifer;
  • Nanaets;
  • David;
  • Kesha;
  • Jason;
  • Alanis;
  • Tennat;
  • Chris;
  • Jay;
  • Stacy;
  • Cindy;
  • Celine;
  • Leona;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Kate;
  • Pink;
  • Nora;
  • Duff;
  • Policy;
  • Duffy;
  • Janet;
  • Katie;
  • Sarah;
  • Ashley;
  • Miguel;
  • Stevie;
  • Verona;
  • Jonas;
  • Bruce;
  • Peter;
  • Lenny;
  • Cheryl;
  • Billy;
  • Michelle;
  • Colby;
  • Annie;
  • James;
  • Vanessa;
  • Moby;
  • Stephen;
  • Jesse;
  • Mylene;
  • Shania;
  • Demi;
  • Joss;
  • Paris;
  • Adam;
  • Melanie;
  • Daniel;
  • Nancy;
  • Amanda;
  • Jessica;
  • Ciara;
  • Pixie;
  • Amy.

Dog duo - Justin and Jeff (Jennifer).

  • Alison;
  • Bonnie;
  • Roshin;
  • Mary;
  • Abba;
  • Ringo;
  • Tango;
  • Salsa;
  • Waltz;
  • Samba;
  • Romance;
  • Aria;
  • Harp;
  • Flute.
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