How to arrange a place for a dog in an apartment or house

A dog is not just a fluffy ball of positive energy, it is a member of the family, a creature with personal needs and character traits. Purchasing a puppy is a serious step that obliges the owner to live together with the pet, through thick and thin, for the next 10–16 years. A few days after purchasing a puppy, the new tenant adapts to the environment. At this time, you need to carefully observe in which places the dog is more comfortable. This way, the owner will be able to determine the optimal place for the dog in the apartment.

There is no need to talk about the role of a personal territory for an animal; this is a prerequisite for proper maintenance.

After the “child” has chosen a place and the “parent” has approved it, it’s time to start arranging it and getting a comfortable lounger.

How to arrange a place for a dog in an apartment or house

Before you bring your puppy into your home, you need to plan and prepare a place for him.
Why this is needed and what requirements a place for a dog must meet will be discussed in this article. Why does a dog need a separate place?

Dog breeders are usually divided on where to place their dog. Some believe that this is completely unnecessary and allow the dog to choose places to rest throughout the apartment at its discretion. Others, on the contrary, are sure that the dog should know its place and constantly remain in it until it is called. The dog must have its own specially designated place in the apartment. But it is not at all necessary to force the dog to be there all the time. A place for a dog is necessary so that you can always send the dog there on command if its presence in another place is undesirable, for example, you have guests with a child who is afraid of dogs. Its place is also very important for the dog itself. She should know that she has her own corner in which she can relax and feel safe. Therefore, immediately warn all your household members, and especially children, that the dog, if it is located on its rug or bed, cannot be touched. You should also not punish the dog in its place.

Choosing a place for the dog

A place for a dog must meet certain requirements. First, choose a place so that you don’t have to change it later. This will make it easier for you to train your dog to go to his place on command. Therefore, immediately decide where the puppy will live, taking into account the size of the adult dog. The place should be spacious enough. Under no circumstances should the dog's place be in a draft or under air conditioning. The dog will avoid him, and if you manage to insist on your way, you risk having problems with your pet’s health. There is no need to place a place for the dog near the radiators - the room temperature is already too high for most dog breeds, and it does not need extra degrees at all. The dog will be more willing to go to his place if his place is located so that he can see everything that is happening around him. For this reason, you should not place your dog behind the corners of furniture and in similar places that are deprived of visibility.

How to make a place for a dog with your own hands

Dogs love to be on a slight elevation. To make your pet comfortable, raise his future place a few centimeters from the floor. If you decide to make a place for the dog yourself, first prepare a wooden flooring. The board must be edged and processed - without knots, so that the dog cannot get hurt. The thickness of the board should be proportionate to the weight and size of the dog. You need to nail bars of the same size to the bottom so that the pallet is stable. It is convenient to use ready-made pallets (pallets) for this purpose, in which various goods are transported. Choose ones that do not have a gap between the boards - if a dog’s paw accidentally gets into it, injury cannot be avoided. If you want to paint the tree, make sure the paint finish is safe for your dog. On top of such a tray you can put a thick mat that can be easily cleaned. The top of the mat and the entire tray can be covered with replaceable covers. You can make them yourself - you will need dense natural fabric slightly larger than the surface of the pallet. The edges of a piece of fabric need to be tucked into a “tube” and a regular elastic band must be threaded through it. Such covers are convenient because, firstly, they do not move anywhere, do not fall and do not allow the dog to play with them (like, for example, with pillows), and secondly, they are very convenient to change and wash.

Ready-made dog beds

The assortment of any pet store now necessarily includes ready-made soft places for dogs, or as they are also called, ottomans or beds. They are made from various materials: there are fabric dog beds, plastic beds, and even wicker ones. The latter look very impressive, but keep in mind that you will still need some kind of filler - a pillow or bedding. However, more expensive models of wicker dog beds are already equipped with a removable pillow that can be washed, or a real mattress with a zippered cover.

Dog bed sizes

To ensure that the dog bed is not too small or too big, you need to choose the right size. To do this, you need to measure the "length" of the dog from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. If you are buying a bed, add another 5-15 or 20-30 cm to the resulting value to calculate the size of the dog bed. Also measure the height from the legs to the rump of a dog who sleeps stretched out on his side. Multiply the resulting value by 2 - this is the optimal width of a dog bed.

Second mother

The puppy left his home for the first time, where his mother, brothers and sisters, and familiar smells remained. Of course, he is under enormous stress. That's why it's so important that you become a new family for him. The first days of a puppy in a new home are very important, because it is now that contact with the owner is established. Try to leave your business and devote all your attention to your pet.

The baby may whine and have trouble sleeping the first few nights. You need to be prepared for this. Believe me, as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of your home, you will forget everything that was planned. Therefore, we come to an agreement with the breeder and get down to business.

Types and features

What should a comfortable dog bed be like? The range of options produced today by different manufacturers is practically inexhaustible. There are “nests”, and baskets, and laconic rugs, and full-fledged orthopedic mattresses, and pillows as soft as feathers. For the most active and restless ones, they even produce anti-vandal dog beds that can withstand contact with teeth and claws.

The ideal solution for a large dog or a compact but very long-legged pet is a rug or a flat bed without sides. It may look like a rather dense mattress - there are options with coconut flakes, like children's ones, but more durable and practical. For upholstery, it is better to choose the most dense materials with light pile: flock, corduroy. Thinner fabrics will quickly become unusable, especially if the pet actively digs everything around or likes to chase its tail without leaving the litter.

What needs to be done in advance?

Make inquiries about the breeder, because you want to get a healthy puppy. Today, in order to make money, unscrupulous owners may allow matings between close relatives. Therefore, make inquiries about how long this person has been breeding and what people get by purchasing puppies from him. You definitely need to go visit and see how the mother and puppies are kept, how well-fed they are. Take an interest in the baby's diet. Based on your observations, you can make a decision.

In addition, you need to take care of administrative issues:

  1. Find a good veterinary clinic that is located as close to your home as possible. Just finding a phone number is not enough; you need to go in person and register. This is very important: if your pet gets sick and needs medical attention, there simply won’t be time.
  2. Here, at the clinic, find out about the insurance conditions. This will cover expenses in an emergency, for example, if an expensive operation is needed.
  3. For the puppy to fully develop, it is extremely important that he constantly communicates with other animals and people. Therefore, the training ground will be an excellent option for spending your free time. Here the dog handler will tell you how to master the necessary skills, and the owners will be able to make friends and increase their social circle.
  4. Buy a good collar that you can attach a special tag to. It indicates the nickname, age, and contact phone number of the owner. This helps if the dog is lost.

Let's go shopping

This can be done immediately before you go to the breeder. Today there is a huge selection of things for dogs. You will need to muster your willpower so as not to buy the entire store. For now, your task is to make the puppy’s first days in the new home as comfortable as possible. Therefore, you need to purchase the following things:

  • Two bowls. One is for food, the second is for water.
  • Leash and soft muzzle. If the collar has not been purchased in advance, then it must be purchased.
  • Grooming accessories.
  • Toys.
  • A bed that will fit in size.
  • Home aviary. Many consider this cell to be a manifestation of the cruelty of the owner. But this is not true at all. It's more like a house that puppies really like. It will have a cozy bed and toys. Yes, the enclosure is equipped with a door so that you can isolate your pet while you are away at the hospital or store. But remember that a puppy's first days in a new home are not the right time to leave him alone, locked in a house. Give your pet time to get used to it and begin to consider the enclosure familiar and cozy.
  • Feed. You will need about a week's supply. Choose the food that the breeder trained the puppies to eat.

When everything is ready, we pick up the puppy from the breeder. Ask him for a piece of the diaper he slept on with his mother. Place him in a new house. The familiar smell will make his first independent overnight stays easier.

Where to buy a dog bed

You can buy a bed at a pet store, but the choice there is usually limited. Online stores offer a richer assortment. You can also order the item you like on the manufacturer’s website. Those who want to have an exclusive item can buy a custom-made bed. There is another option - to purchase a used item, but keep in mind that such a bed must be thoroughly disinfected and treated for parasites before inviting your dog onto it.


The first days of a puppy in a new home also mean developing certain rules that will allow you to live comfortably in the same family. After all, another member of her has appeared, who has desires and needs. Perhaps family members are impatient to cuddle or play with the baby. But don’t rush: the time will come for this, first your furry friend must get used to it and stop being afraid. Need to remember:

  1. It is important to establish a new daily routine. Walking, feeding - all this must be done on time. Today, everyone can express the desire to walk their pet every day. But it won’t be long before it becomes an obligation.
  2. Choose a name. The first days of a puppy in a new home are filled with pleasant moments, this is one of them. Start calling him by his nickname every time. Very soon the puppy will begin to respond.
  3. Develop rules that will be followed by all family members. This is important not only today, but also tomorrow, as well as every subsequent day. Remember that your dog may develop bad habits that will make you suffer. And it will be extremely difficult to retrain later. For example, once you let him take food from the table, you will no longer explain that he can’t do that. This also applies to other points. Do not allow your pet to sleep on your bed or stand with its front paws on its owner when greeting him.
  4. Accuracy. Remember, here, as with the advent of a small child, all dangerous objects, toxic substances, and then sharp, small objects that can injure or be swallowed disappear from the house. The arrival of a puppy at home is a reason for careful behavior. Teach your family to put their shoes and cell phones away on shelves so that your pet cannot damage them with his sharp teeth.
  5. After going back to work, try to arrange your schedule so that the puppy is not left alone for more than a few hours. Gradually this interval can be increased to 4 hours.

Place for baby

Often children want to take him to their room. This would not be the best choice for equipping your pet's personal space. If you have a large living room, then it will be much more convenient to fence off a corner here. You can also use part of the hallway. It’s even better, because here he can be alone. It is good if the selected room is separated by doors from the hall, kitchen and other rooms. If this is not possible, then try moving the cabinets apart so that a secluded niche is formed.

So, you brought the puppy home. What to do? First of all, show your pet his place. Place a diaper from his nest there, as well as new toys and a bowl of treats. Now give the puppy time to sniff and look around. The baby does not yet know how to control his urge to go to the toilet, so it is better to cover the floor with old paths, which you will not mind throwing away later. But put away valuable carpets until better times.

That's all about how to arrange a place for a puppy. Ideally, you need to place an enclosure with a door, in which you should place a soft bed and toys. The door should only be locked when you leave for a short time and after your pet has settled down to play. So, he will get used to spending some time quietly in his shelter.

At first, he may whine in the evenings and often come running to you. Be persistent. Sit with him near the sun lounger, play, feed him. Wait until he falls asleep. You may have to approach it several times and repeat all the manipulations. Patience! This will end soon. A puppy matures much faster than a child.

Selection rules

There are certain rules for purchasing a dog bed. First of all, it is worth considering the following points.

  • Dimensions of the animal. For an adult dog, you should purchase the most spacious bed on which it can stretch its paws. If we are talking about a puppy, there are two options for the development of events. For large breeds, it is recommended to first purchase a “children’s” version, with a fairly soft base, and then a full-fledged adult bed. For small and medium-sized dogs, it is better to immediately choose a bed for growth or buy a transforming model with variable dimensions.
  • Practical and easy to maintain design. The soft part of the bedding should be made of hypoallergenic fabric, fairly dense, washable; it is better to choose artificial down as a filler. A high-quality product has an additional antistatic effect. The plastic or wooden frame should repel water, eliminating the presence of sharp parts that could injure the pet.
  • Color spectrum. Beds for small breeds of dogs are often painted in the most unimaginable colors. The pet itself is indifferent to this point, but the owner should take into account that on light-colored material, stains, drops of saliva, and traces of dirty paws will be very noticeable. If a dark bed doesn’t look pretty enough, you can simply sew a few bright replacement covers for it.
  • Convenience. Owners often strive to choose a bed for a small dog in the form of a full-fledged house, but the pet feels much more comfortable in containers that look like baskets - with an open top. Products with sides have their own characteristics - an accumulation of dirt and dust forms in the layer between the base and the soft liner. It will have to be carefully removed by hand every time you clean it.
  • Degree of openness. Short-haired pets will prefer more closed models with a voluminous soft mattress. Dogs with long hair most often choose to sleep the simplest beds without sides, on which they can lie with their paws outstretched.
  • Price. Even a homemade option won’t be too cheap. It’s also better not to skimp on a purchased bed. It must be made of high quality materials - modern and safe. You should avoid purchasing brightly colored products - they may fade.

Toilet matters

You should not start learning to go to the toilet on the street from the first day. Even if your baby has received all his vaccinations, he must first get used to his new home. Absorbent diapers will be excellent helpers for the adaptation period. They can be placed next to the nest, as well as in the corridor, near the threshold. Gradually teach your baby to go to the one closest to the exit.

In fact, all questions about how to housetrain a puppy come down to the amount of your attention, warmth and wisdom. The baby needs love, and you will become a second mother for him, who, on the one hand, teaches, but on the other, warms, feeds and plays. Avoid conflict situations, put away expensive things that the puppy can chew or ruin.

Puppy toys

They are necessary and important, and often toys remain excellent entertainment for an adult dog. The puppy will scratch his teeth on them, while away the time, remaining alone. They serve the purpose of development and entertainment for the pet. Therefore, toys for puppies should be interesting, functional and safe. When choosing, pay attention to the material. It should be strong, but not too hard. Balls, ducks, bones made of leather, special plastic or rubber are excellent. Usually the dog chooses a couple of his favorite toys, and the rest decorate his house.

At first glance, you don’t need to buy bowls for dogs. It is enough to give your pet a couple of cups. In fact, it turns out that a lot of household dishes are not suitable. One is glass, the other is shallow, the third is deep. If the puppy is large, then he should not eat at all, bending down to the floor. Therefore, it is better to choose special bowls for dogs, with a stand. They are adjusted as the animal grows. The best option is ceramics. It does not absorb odors and washes well. One cup is placed only during feeding hours, and the second should be filled with water and constantly be available to the dog.

What's better than a house?

Usually dog ​​owners have to make their choice between beds and houses. What is better than the first option and why should the second be chosen only for the most picky pets? Any animal above 25 cm at the withers will feel quite uncomfortable in a confined space . If the pet is also physically active, the owner will regularly find its refuge in the most unexpected places of the house or apartment.

The difficulty of hygienic care is another reason for refusing to buy a house. If the bed is easy to disinfect, treat with steam, or simply change the cover on it, then rigidly fixed upholstery will not allow such liberties. As a result, over time the home will emit a rather unpleasant odor. It is also not very beneficial for the animal's fur to be in a tight space - it can be wiped off in areas in contact with the walls.

This is why owners of show animals prefer bedding and beds without a roof.

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