Darling dog food: composition review, pros and cons, reviews from veterinarians

In order for your dog to always remain healthy, active and understanding, you should think about its nutrition in advance. Darling dog food is designed for large and small dogs; there is also food for active and active pets. The benefits of dry food are confirmed not only by reviews from veterinarians, but also from pet owners.

Composition of Darling dog food

Darling food belongs to the economy class.
It is produced at a plant in Hungary. The composition of Darling dog food is very poor, and the manufacturer does not specify the ingredients on the label (cereals, by-products, fats and oil are vague and incomprehensible terms). The basis of all Darling diets is cereals, and the meat component is represented by only 4% meat and offal, the total percentage of which is not indicated.

According to the manufacturer, fiber is added to the food for good digestion, fats and oils are added to the coat for shine and elasticity of the skin, and calcium is added to strengthen the skeleton. The recipe also includes vegetables in the form of carrots and peas, as well as vitamins and minerals - an indispensable component of any dog ​​nutrition. This is where the list of ingredients ends.

Darling food contains dyes, antioxidants and preservatives, but which ones are not specified.

IMPORTANT. By nature, dogs are carnivores, and their bodies require the consumption of large amounts of meat. The minimum recommended content of meat in dog food is from 25 to 30%, so Darling food cannot be called complete.

Daily norm

The caloric content and nutritional value of ready-made economy class food is significantly less than that of the expensive series. Therefore, the pet will need a larger volume of product in order to be satisfied and receive the optimal balance of beneficial microelements.

When calculating the required amount of food per day, take into account the size and age of the dog. Large individuals weighing 30 kg or more need 0.5 to 1 kg of granules per day. For medium-sized breeds weighing from 15 to 30 kg, 500 g is enough, and for miniature ones - 300. The daily intake is divided into 2 doses.

For dogs with increased activity, pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as sick dogs, an individual daily volume is calculated, taking into account factors.

In most cases, another 25% is added to the average amount. However, it is recommended that you consult your veterinarian before changing your diet. Many doctors do not recommend feeding Darling food to pets during pregnancy and lactation, replacing it with a higher quality analogue.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Dogs with low activity and older dogs need less volume. Their rate is reduced by ¼. A similar rule applies to dogs prone to rapid weight gain. For young dogs (up to 1 year), another ½ is added to the adult norm. This is due to the formation of the puppy’s skeleton and muscles.

Pros and cons of Darling food

The main and only advantage of Darling food is its low cost and widespread availability. Any dog ​​breeder can purchase the diet at an attractively low price in almost any supermarket or specialty store. Many owners of four-legged friends mistakenly believe that if the food belongs to the French company Purina, then it is certainly of high quality.

The huge number of disadvantages of Darling food include:

  • extremely small amount of meat product - only 4% meat;
  • poor composition of the feed, which makes it not complete;
  • the basis of the recipe is cereals, which can cause allergies and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (see enterocolitis in dogs);
  • contains dyes and preservatives;
  • minimum amount of vitamins;
  • lack of specifics on the packaging: the manufacturer does not indicate which grains, by-products or fats were used in the production of the food.


The production of Darling feed has been successfully established in Russia for a long time. The manufacturer is indicated, which, in turn, is a division of the world-famous giant Nestle Purina PetCare Company.

In addition to Darling, Purina produces Friskies, One, Pro Plan, Gourmet, Felix, Cat Chow.

What food do you buy for your cat?

Darling Felix

Why is this food better than others?

Despite the poor and low-quality composition, Darling dog food is still competitive with many economy-class diets (see review of Trapeza food), and even has some advantages over them.

Darling food contains meat, but in small quantities.

One of the advantages of Darling food is the presence of real meat, albeit a small percentage. For example, Pedigree, Our Mark and Stout food contain only by-products of dubious quality.

Darling diets include vegetables in the form of peas and carrots, which supply the dog's body with vital carbohydrates, which are excellent sources of energy. In addition, carrots have a laxative effect and prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, and peas ensure that the animal’s body receives the required amount of protein of plant origin. Pedigree food, Our Mark and Oscar food do not contain any vegetables in comparison with Darling food.

Another advantage of the food is the amount of vitamins A and D3 in the recipe formula: Darling’s diet contains little of these vitamins, but other economy category food has even less of them. So, Darling contains 9510 IU/kg of vitamin A, and 640 IU/kg of vitamin D3; in Nasha Mark food these figures reach 7500 and 500 IU/kg, and in Pedigri - only 1500 and 120 IU/kg.

Video “How to make pet food”

In the next video you will learn how and from what industrial food is created for our pets.

Every owner who decides to feed his pet with ready-made dry food invariably faces the problem of what exactly to choose, because now stores offer hundreds of options, and sometimes it is almost impossible to notice the differences between them. And, as we know, proper nutrition is the basis for the health and longevity of any living creature.

In this article, we do not give recommendations on how and what to feed your dog, what is better: natural feeding or “drying”. First of all, we want to tell you what dry food exists, how they differ, and also help you determine which option is right for you.

In this part of the dry food review, we will look at and compare the most economical options. About any of the foods presented below, it is worth noting that it is not recommended as a complete diet throughout the dog’s life, since it often does not contain sufficient vitamins and nutrients.

However, the owners of many dogs prefer these brands, so it is necessary to talk about them in more detail.

What is the main difference between economy class food and more expensive food?

As we can see, in the first place in the composition (and therefore these are the components that are most present in the feed) are rice and corn. Since a dog is a carnivore by nature, it needs meat, which is clearly not enough in these foods. However, if your choice fell on food in this price category, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible options.

The most popular brands of budget food.

Our Brand, cost - 1800 rubles. for 15 kg.

(Gatchina Feed Mill) in Russia. What does this food consist of (let’s look at the example of the option “With lamb and rice, for adult dogs of all breeds”):

As we can see, the food “with lamb and rice” contains practically no lamb or rice...

The ingredients on the packaging are always arranged according to their quantity directly in the food. That is, in essence, the feed consists of corn, wheat and poultry meal (we do not know which parts of the bird were used for feed, just as we do not know the percentage of poultry - practically the only “meat” in the feed). Since a dog is a carnivore, corn and wheat are very poorly absorbed by its body.

Advantages of Our Brand food:

  • widely spread.

Disadvantages of food:

  • the basis of the composition is wheat and corn;
  • one of the most expensive economy class feeds;
  • the number of ingredients is not indicated, that is, even bird meal can make up only 5% of the total composition of the feed;
  • corn gluten is used;
  • poor vitamin and mineral supplement;
  • the antioxidant used is not specified (it is not known whether it is safe).
  • Poultry-based food, although lamb is listed.

Darling, cost - 800 rubles. for 10 kg.

Darling food is produced by Purina. Feed composition (using the example of the “meat and vegetables” option):

It’s the same story as with the Nasha Marka food: cereals come first (it’s not even indicated which ones), and only after that come processed meat products

. By the way, doesn't this wording scare you? Whose meat it contains is not indicated, that is, we cannot even know what animal this food is made from, not to mention the very quality of this “meat”.

Advantages of Darling food:

  • almost the lowest cost among analogues;
  • added vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the dog are indicated;
  • sold literally everywhere.


  • extremely poor composition (in “meat” food - 4% meat);
  • It doesn't say what kind of meat it contains! Dangerous for dogs with allergies to certain foods;
  • low quality of nutritional raw materials;
  • as in all economy feeds, the basis is cereals;
  • dyes and preservatives, it’s not even indicated which ones.

Chappi, cost 1200 rub. for 15 kg.

Chappi food is produced by the American largest food company Mars. The composition of all feeds includes only natural ingredients of plant and animal origin, as stated by the manufacturer. So, the composition:

As with other cheap foods, the first thing in Chappie is grains, and again we are not told which ones exactly: you will not know what your dog ate today. Rice (very unlikely), barley, millet or oats? We can only guess. The second ingredient in the composition is meat. This inspires some hope, but it’s too early to rejoice: given the cost of the feed, most likely, we are again talking about 4-5% of the total composition, which is why they do not write down the detailed composition. And again we are not told what kind of meat it is! Chicken? Beef? The insignificant amount of meat is also indicated by the low amount of protein in the finished product (18%).

For a complete healthy diet for a dog, food should contain 23-26% protein!

Benefits of Chappi food:

  • one of the cheapest feeds among all existing ones;
  • a complex of vitamins and minerals has been added, albeit quite insignificant;
  • sold everywhere;
  • no flavorings or flavor enhancers (we hope to list them).


  • It doesn't say what kind of meat it contains! Dangerous for dogs with allergies to certain foods;
  • low quality of nutritional raw materials;
  • as in all economy feeds, the basis is cereals;
  • vegetable oils are a bad sign; manufacturers often hide extremely cheap and dangerous palm oil under this line.

Pedigree, cost 1500 rub. for 13 kg.

And again the food manufacturer is the American food corporation Mars

in its Masterfoods division. The company positions this food as “premium” (apparently, in comparison with Chappy food, the composition here really inspires a little more hope). Composition (using the example of food “with beef, for adult dogs of all breeds”):

Here the manufacturer was not too lazy to indicate the composition in more detail; grains again come first, but at least we can see which ones. Again, in third place is chicken flour. Unfortunately, we cannot know what parts of the chicken it is made from, but at least the type of meat itself is clear. In addition, in fifth place is meat flour, which contains at least 4% beef, and this means that the percentage of at least chicken flour is already noticeably higher than 4%, since it was previously indicated in the composition. That is, we can conclude that there is more meat in Pedigri food than in similar economy class food.

Benefits of Pedigree food:

  • a clear composition in which the components are transparently indicated, albeit without percentages;
  • a complex of vitamins and minerals has been added, quite a large one, noticeably more extensive than in other economy-class foods;
  • sold everywhere;
  • no flavorings or flavor enhancers;
  • the highest percentage of protein (22%)
    of the entire economy line.


  • one of the most expensive economy class feeds;
  • as in all economy feeds, the basis is cereals;
  • instead of meat - again meat flour, but this is the bane of all budget food.


Once again I would like to repeat that we do not recommend

keep your pets on economy class food, since their composition raises many doubts. All food, in order to justify the low cost, is based on plant ingredients, which is a priori not suitable for a carnivore dog whose diet is based on animal protein. But at the same time, you can see for yourself that there are a huge number of dogs who live long and happily on these foods.

If we compare the foods presented above, according to the authors, the best option would be Pedigree

, since it combines extremely low cost and the most optimal composition. In addition, this is the only food from the budget line that contains 22% protein - that is, its amount is close to the norm necessary for a dog’s complete nutrition. Pedigri also has the most extensive vitamin complex.

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Anonymous question

July 24, 2022 · 5.8 K

I have a natural scientific education, in my youth I became attached to literature, now...

I support that the popularity of these foods is a product of marketers. Try switching to natural food or try Purina ONE, expensive but high quality

Why is Purina better? Because it has sugar?

Super-premium food or holistic class or natural according to the BARF or RAV system. And stray dogs need pedigree and chappy so they don’t die. There is no more benefit in these two foods.

Should I feed my cat dry food (Royal canin, Pro plan or others of the same class)?

I have two cats. The eldest is 17 years old. The only times we've ever been to the vet with "problems" were when she was spayed, when she had a toothache, and when she was bitten by another cat. Otherwise, she always felt great, no problems with digestion, kidneys, etc. She runs, jumps, chases around the apartment, plays with the second cat, with toys, sharpens her claws where they should, purrs, in general, it’s clear that she likes everything, nothing hurts, she’s happy with everything.

So this is what I want to answer to all this hysteria about “dry food kills.” We have fed both cats dry Pro Plan and “wet” sachets our entire lives. And nothing ever hurt them. The most important thing is to choose a good food that is right for your cat, do not skimp on it, and feed only it. Still, the people who develop these foods probably know what they are doing.

And further. I will give any money for food “with drugs”, “which dehydrates” and “disrupts the blood supply to the brain” (seriously?)))), if my older cat lives another 17 such active, happy, carefree and loving years


Darling food line

Currently, Purina offers a small selection of Darling dry food, consisting of two options: Meat with vegetables and Poultry with vegetables. These diets are designed for adult pets of all breeds from one year old who lead an active lifestyle (agility is a sport for active dogs).

There are two types of Darling food: meat with vegetables and poultry with vegetables.

Dry food is based on cereals, meat components and by-products. The manufacturer assures that the fats and oils contained in the diet have a beneficial effect on the health and beauty of the skin and coat, and a balanced complex of vitamins strengthens the dog’s body’s defenses.

Another product under the Darling brand is wet canned food, which has different flavors:

  • rabbit and turkey;
  • chicken and turkey;
  • meat and liver.

This diet is recommended for natural-fed adult pets aged 1 to 8 years. Feeding canned food does not require additional intake of all kinds of food additives and is used in its pure form.

The difference between canned food and dry food is the higher meat content (4% of each ingredient) and the inclusion of a similar amount of pasta and sugar.

IMPORTANT. Darling dog food has low nutritional value and digestibility, which contributes to greater feed consumption. Consumption standards are very high: the pet eats in large portions and does not get enough.

Veterinarian reviews of Darling dog food

Victoria, veterinarian, 39 years old. A distinctive feature of all economy class feeds is their low cost. This also applies to Darling dog food, the price of which is two to three times lower than higher quality food. This factor attracts many dog ​​owners. But do not forget that such a low price is due to the not the best quality of the products used in production. They contain less nutrients per 100 g of feed. There are very few meat ingredients here, because the grains that form the basis of the Darling diet are much cheaper than real meat. By-products used as raw materials for feed are often classified as category four, which refers to by-products obtained from sick or old animals. In addition, synthetic flavor enhancers and preservatives are used here. I cannot guarantee the safety of such food and the absence of the risk of any disease in the pet. If you have the financial opportunity, I strongly recommend buying higher quality food.

Veterinarians believe that Darling food is not intended for constant feeding of dogs.

Anastasia, veterinarian, 42 years old. I cannot say that all economy-class dog foods are harmful, but I am sure that the low-calorie products contained in them do not meet the animal’s energy needs in the required amount. Darling dog food, unlike other brands of the same class, contains not only meat by-products, but also meat. This is a significant plus. However, given the carnivorous nature of dogs, this amount is not enough to meet the animal's protein needs. In addition, the vitamin and mineral supplements in the food are not balanced, which requires their additional intake. In the production of feed, artificial dyes and preservatives, as well as ballast fillers, are used. The cheap cost of the product is due to its low cost. I would not recommend this food for daily feeding. It’s better to overpay a little and buy at least premium food.


Chappie food belongs to the class of economy food for pets and is quite popular due to its low price. It is sold not only in pet stores, but also in regular supermarkets. The recipes for this food were developed by a company from the USA called “Mars”, but now the food is produced all over the world. One of the factories is located in Moscow.

Composition analysis

The main ingredient is cereals, as they come first in the description of the composition on the packaging. The manufacturer did not want to specify which ones. In second place is meat, but judging by the price of the feed, there is very little of it. Chappie also contains meat by-products, plant extracts, and fats.

During advertising campaigns for Chappie, the manufacturer always emphasizes that the food contains beer shakes. An important part of dog food is minerals and vitamins. Carrots and alfalfa are also included in Chappie's food.

And Chappie also contains preservatives (where would we be without them, since the food is stored for so long) and dyes. Even without a statement from the manufacturer, their presence is clear. In the Chappy package you will find several types of multi-colored granules. Remember that high-quality food always has one shade.

In general, the composition of Chappie's food is very ambiguous, however, if you believe the reviews of dog breeders, there are few quality ingredients in it. Repeatedly, pets who snacked on a bowl of these colored granules suffered from an upset stomach.

Biological properties

Brewer's yeast is a good ingredient that strengthens your pet's immunity. The fats included in the composition have a positive effect on the dog’s coat. The vitamin complex required for every pet, according to manufacturers, is sufficient to keep the dog in shape.

Cereals are a source of fiber to improve the functioning of the digestive organs. They are also a supplier of carbohydrates, the main energy source for the body. A distinctive feature of Chappie is its high calorie content.

Product line

Chappie offers its consumers several types of dry food and wet food. The line of dry food is represented by the following types: “Meat Abundance”, “Appetizing Chicken” and “Home-Style Beef”. Despite such diversity, the taste of Chappie's food and its composition do not change radically.

The packaging of dry food is varied - bags from 600 grams to 15 kg. The food is suitable for adult dogs of all breeds; it is not recommended for puppies.

Wet Chappie is available in both small bags and cans. A hearty meat lunch contains small pieces of food seasoned with sauce. It is quite tender, contains at least 4% meat and all the above ingredients.

All Chappy's food is declared as complete and complete, but there is a clear lack of nutrients in them. Therefore, this brand of food can be called “mixed food” for dogs, which has no benefit other than weight gain and a spoiled stomach. Such conclusions can be drawn not only by reading the composition of the food, but also by reading reviews from dog lovers. By the way, the video below will tell you how to decide on the choice of nutrition.

Reviews from dog breeders about Darling dog food

Angelina. My rather mature dachshund is already 5 years old, and for the last six months I have been feeding her Darling. The food is very well digestible, unlike Pedigri, which we ate before. The food granules are medium in size, which is very convenient for my dog ​​to chew easily. Sometimes she also vomits, since Dachshunds have a sensitive stomach. Therefore, I cannot attribute this problem to Darling. Previously, the dog was on natural food, and she had a terrible allergy to chicken: she itched, chewed herself, and had dandruff in her fur. Despite the fact that Darling contains chicken meat, my pet does not suffer from allergies and eats it with pleasure.

Yuri. People who write that Darling is a good and high-quality food have probably never fed their pets truly high-quality food. Otherwise they wouldn't buy it. One can only guess what it is made of, but certainly not meat. I stupidly bought it for my dog, coveting the low price, and regretted it very much. Instead of gaining back the missing weight, my pet lost even more weight. I thought that the portion was small and began to give more. However, the situation has not changed. In addition, the food smells disgusting and looks like a multi-colored mosaic. Do not buy this food, it contains only dyes, preservatives, and zero benefits.

Feedback from owners about the food is mixed: some think it’s good, while others prefer not to feed their dog Darling.

Owner reviews

Victoria, dachshund owner:

“I’ve been feeding my pet Darling for over a year now. I didn’t notice any negative aspects either in the dog’s attitude towards such food or in its well-being. It is easily digestible and consists of small granules that are easy to chew. We were forced to switch to a dry diet by an allergy that our dachshund had when feeding it natural. There are no negative reactions to this product.”

Lyudmila, pug owner:

“I was absolutely disappointed in the Darling stern. When purchasing, I was also surprised why the products of a famous French company were so cheap. Now it became clear. This is not food for a dog, but pure chemistry. Well, maybe with a little grain. Instead of gaining the weight that was lost after her illness, my Alma lost even more weight. Moreover, the situation did not change, even when I tripled the portions. In addition, the granules resemble a multi-colored mosaic with a very unpleasant odor, which indicates the presence of dyes and who knows what else.”

Conclusions about Darling dog food and its cost

Most reviews about Darling dog food are negative; dog breeders complain about the very poor and low-quality composition. For many buyers, the financial component comes first, but this is wrong, because the animal must receive a balanced diet. In terms of price, Darling is very profitable, but in terms of quality it leaves much to be desired. If it is not possible to purchase expensive super premium or holistic food, then it is better to alternate dry diets with canned food and natural food.

The average cost of Darling food depends on the packaging option: for a pack of dry food or a can of canned food weighing 2.5 kg, a dog breeder will pay from 260 to 290 rubles, and for a large bag weighing 10 kg - from 890 to 960 rubles.

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