Profine dog food: owner reviews, composition and range

The domestic cat is an absolute favorite and a true superstar of any home. And, naturally, you want to pamper and cherish this charming creature. In order for her to always remain pretty, healthy and playful, she needs to be fed properly and choose her diet responsibly.

Some owners try to buy natural products for their animals, while others prefer balanced, complete, ready-made food. We invite you to consider one of the options for industrial cat food - Profine.

Profine dog food

Profine food for dogs is relatively new for the Russian market, about which there is practically no information on the Internet, and sellers in stores can say little.
We reviewed the food in such aspects as assortment, food composition, prices and, of course, reviews from dog owners and veterinarians. The production of this brand of food is carried out by the Czech company Vafo Praha sro Profine Pet Products, which in 20 years has managed to transform from a small family business into a serious representative of its industry. Today they have gained recognition in more than 50 countries around the world, and produce about 60 tons of feed per year. The quality of Profine dog food is confirmed by various awards and certificates.

But, unfortunately, the company does not have a website on the RuNet, which generally does not speak in favor of the brand.

Consumer Opinion

Reviews of Profine food vary, and all due to the fact that the manufacturer relatively recently began to conquer the Russian market. By the way, over 20 years of existence, it has been able to earn the trust of buyers in 50 countries.

The advantages of the food are that it helps control your pet’s weight and avoid obesity. For most dogs, excess weight threatens the development of serious diseases, the appearance of apathy and decreased activity. The first result can be expected within 1–2 months. But the main thing is to choose food in accordance with the age, weight and preference of your pet. Ready-made food is suitable for dogs that suffer from allergies. Optimal price (compared to well-known brands): 200 grams of dry - from 199 rubles, 3 kg - 1190, 15 kg - 3990.

The disadvantages of the food are that it is extremely difficult to find. It is not sold in small pet stores, and, as a rule, you need to look for large chain departments or order online. Not suitable for all breeds; in some dogs, the condition of the genitourinary system, skin and coat may worsen.

Feed range

The manufacturer has tried to please even the most demanding customers and produces dog food under the Profine brand in the form of canned food (5 flavors) and dry diets - in reviews, dog lovers often express their gratitude for this. The line of dry diets consists of 11 varieties of food, which take into account the size of the breed, age group and special nutritional needs of pets.

The basis of the standard Profine series of dog food is chicken and potatoes, with the exception of the Senior diet - for older animals - in which chicken meat was replaced with turkey.

The special series consists of five diets, four of them are hypoallergenic

, and their formulas are based on lamb or salmon. Another Profine Energy diet is created specifically for pets with increased physical activity; it contains an increased content of proteins and fats. This menu is recommended for dogs participating in hunting, service dogs, as well as pets kept in enclosures during the cold season.

Despite the fact that the Profine food range is not as diverse as that of many popular brands, in our opinion the entire line is functional and has all the necessary items. In addition, the manufacturer offers Profine canned dog food, reviews of which are mostly positive. We will note this aspect as a plus of the brand.

Complete diet

Dog food from Profine really deserves attention, because the company takes a responsible approach to the process of manufacturing the finished product:

  • Firstly, the manufacturer uses chicken meat. In order for the dog to receive valuable protein, only poultry liver and muscle fibers, cleared of skin and connective tissue, are added to the food.
  • Secondly, the food is rich in carbohydrates, which enter the pet’s body from corn and potatoes. If there are no complaints about the second ingredient, then there is debate about the benefits of corn. Since this raw material is cheap and widespread, it is often added as a filler for the manufacture of feed. However, corn is bad for pets' digestion.

  • Thirdly, unlike vegetable fats, animal fats are easier for dogs to digest. That's why the brand uses salmon oil as its main source of Omega-3 and Omega-6.
  • Fourthly, beet pulp is a good source of fiber. However, if your dog is light in color, it is not recommended to feed him a product rich in this ingredient. This is because soon the pet’s fur will begin to take on a more pinkish tint.
  • Fifthly, another feature of the brand is that the manufacturer adds tomatoes and dried apples to the food - also a good source of fiber and vitamins.

Feed composition assessment

This food series belongs to the super-premium animal nutrition segment. The manufacturer claims that the goal of the Profine brand is dog food containing only natural and healthy ingredients, which incorporates the latest scientific research and development. Therefore, Profine created its own “low grain formula” and excluded grains such as wheat and barley from the diet. Instead, Profine dog food included unpeeled potatoes, tomatoes and corn, which are considered more accessible and less allergenic sources of energy.

Manufacturer and official website

Profine is a Czech brand of ready-made animal feed. The manufacturer and the official website ( present their products concisely, to the point. This is the first plus, because to choose a coma you need specifics, and not “odes of praise” from the manufacturer.

Profine is presented as a safe, balanced and “almost” natural food. To check how truthful the manufacturer’s presentation is, you need to consider the composition and assortment in detail.

Feed overview

Dog food Profine (Profine) from the Czech company VAFO PRAHA comes in both dry and wet. This is a super premium product. It was created in full accordance with the latest and most recent research in the field of pet nutrition.

Today, the main task of Profine dog food is to provide completely safe and at the same time natural nutrition for the domestic dog’s body throughout its life. You can also read our review of Profine cat food.

It is necessary to understand that various grains like barley or wheat can never be an effective source of energy for dogs.

Among the special ingredients that increase the quality of this product it is worth highlighting:

  • Very high quality chicken - high efficiency and excellent digestibility.
  • Tomatoes are a good source of natural herbal substances, vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Probiotics that stabilize the overall microflora in the intestines and also support the absorption of a variety of nutrients.
  • Prebiotics significantly reduce the number of pathogens in the intestines and also stimulate the vital activity of the intestinal microflora.
  • Potatoes are a highly effective and hypoallergenic energy source with a fairly low glycemic index.
  • Various organic microelements are absorbed by the body more efficiently.

Among the key advantages of Profine dog food, the following are worth highlighting:

  1. This food contains many useful minerals and vitamins.
  2. The cost of the product is much cheaper than other analogues.
  3. Vegetable protein is not used, so the food contains protein from fish and meat.
  4. The food contains a mixture of tocopherols - a natural preservative.

Among the main disadvantages of Profine food, the following should be highlighted:

  1. The main source of carbohydrates in this food is corn, which can easily cause allergies in your pet.
  2. The food uses components such as chicken meal, which, in addition to the meat itself, may well contain other parts of the animal’s body.

Composition of Profine Junior Large Salmon & Potatoes food for dogs

Is the composition good?

The manufacturer claims that Profine dog food is safe for our pets. Unlike many popular and well-known brands, the Czech manufacturer refused to add cereals (barley and wheat) to the finished raw materials. Instead of these ingredients, the manufacturer created its own unique formula, which consists mainly of chicken, unpeeled potatoes, corn and tomatoes. The reason for this was the desire to reduce the amount of allergens in the food - this, undoubtedly, makes the Profine brand the best.

These basic ingredients can be found in all dry foods, with the exception of products for older pets. Here, the manufacturer replaced chicken with turkey so that the dog has a diet that is not harmful to health.

Profine Dog Food Review

Today we are reviewing Profine dry dog ​​food, as well as canned food offered by this brand. This food is produced by VAFO PRAHA sro in the Czech Republic, the official website is It indicates that “Profine” belongs to the super-premium class. To understand whether this is so, let's take a look at the composition.

Read about other foods:

Composition of food "Profine"

Let's look at the composition of Profine food using the Adult Lamb & Potatoes option (for adult dogs, lamb and potatoes) as an example. The first ingredient is lamb meal 35%, which is a good source of protein. In addition to other sources of animal protein, the composition also includes “hydrolyzed chicken liver” (also rich in vitamins and minerals) and “shrimp 1.5%”.

Sources of carbohydrates are potatoes 25%, corn and apples. Sources of fatty acids are chicken fat and salmon oil. Brewer's yeast is very rich in B vitamins.

The remaining ingredients are added to enrich the food with various beneficial substances. The food additives also include many vitamins, minerals and other elements. The antioxidant used is a natural mixture of tocopherols.

And this is an example of the composition of Profine wet food (canned food):

It is based on meat and meat by-products (tripe, heart, liver), together they make up more than 90%. Among the other ingredients there is also nothing that raises questions. These canned foods will be a good addition to your diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Profine food:

  • the main source of protein is meat ingredients;
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • a natural preservative is used;
  • In addition to dry food, there are canned food and treats;
  • the price is lower than many analogues.
  • food is not widely available (but can be bought on the Internet).


Profine NATURAL CHICKEN & RICE FORMULA FOR KITTENS formula with rice and chicken is developed for kittens.
Profine for adults:

  • Sterilized (for sterilized/neutered animals with chicken and dried apples);
  • Original Adult Chicken (with hydrolyzed chicken liver);
  • Indoor Adult Lamb (with tender lamb meat);
  • coat formula Derma Adult Salmon (chicken and salmon mixture) and Light Turkey (turkey, chicory root).


  • Lamb with Chokeberries - original composition: chokeberry and dried lamb. Crude protein - 35%, fat - 14%, moisture - 10%, crude ash - 9.2%.
  • Salmon with Thyme - crispy pillows with thyme, green peas and apple.
  • Chicken with Marigold is a grain-free treat made with calendula, marigold and dried marigold.
  • Turkey enriched with Oat Grass - turkey enriched with bamboo lignocellulose, oats and collagen.
  • Tuna enriched with Fennel is a soft, grain-free delicacy with fennel and tuna.
  • Duck enriched with Goji Berries - crackers with dried duck meat, goji berries and chicken liver.

Packing: 2, 4, 6 and 8 kg.

Profine dog food - reviews

Review of Profine food, writes Nadezhda. Good afternoon. I would like to share my review of the Czech food Profine, which we are currently feeding our dog. We immediately took ADULT CHICKEN & POTATOES a large bag of 15 kg for 900 hryvnia, since the German shepherd eats a lot. This bag lasted more than a month.

For such a price, the food has an excellent composition; other super premiums are now more expensive. Immediately after changing the food there was a problem, the poop became less formed, but then apparently the digestive system got used to the new product and everything returned to normal. I recommend Profine as a food with a reasonable price and good quality.

Review of Profine food, writes Victoria. I have a Shih Tzu dog with allergies, so choosing food is a difficult task. We ate Grandorf with a rabbit, there was no scabies, but the eyes were still red. I decided to try something different; the Beethoven pet store recommended Profine with lamb.

The seller strongly recommended this “miracle food”, saying it was super premium, hypoallergenic and all that. The smallest package there was was 3 kg, so I had to take it, and this is enough for a month. At home, as usual, I poured food into a bowl, the dog sniffed and left, but after a while he got hungry and ate it.

Four days later, scabies was added to the red eyes; the dog even woke up and itched at night. Conclusion - the food is not hypoallergenic at all, it may be suitable for ordinary dogs, but not for allergy sufferers!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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