Why does a cat eat litter and what to do about it?

From the article you will learn why kittens eat litter, what physiological and psychological reasons contribute to this behavior. In the material, we described how to provide first aid to a kitten and why it is important to contact a veterinarian. We also told you how to wean a kitten from eating litter tray.

Out of curiosity, little kittens taste different objects, often inedible ones. Thus, they receive new information about the environment and learn about the world. It happens that a kitten eats litter. This fact cannot but worry owners who do not understand the reasons for this pet’s behavior.

Little kittens are very inquisitive and taste everything.

Is it harmful for a cat to chew litter tray?

The importance of choosing cat litter is undeniable. If the kitten does not like what is in the tray, he may choose a completely different place for his natural needs. But it is more important to consider the impact on the pet’s health when using the litter - cases of eating it or developing allergies.

Pet stores offer a wide variety of litter for cat litter boxes. They differ in appearance, composition and principle of action. For kittens, a type of litter with small or medium granules is suitable; litter with an organic composition is better and safer.

Wood filler is an excellent solution if a kitten appears in the house. It absorbs moisture well, has a natural smell, and if a kitten eats a certain amount of this filler, then nothing bad will happen.

Wood filler

Filling made from pressed cereals (soy, corn) absorbs moisture quite well, is natural and non-toxic. Another advantage of this filler is that it has an unattractive taste, and therefore kittens rarely want to chew it.

Soy filler

Mineral filler (made from clay, zeolite and other minerals) perfectly absorbs moisture and blocks unwanted odors well. Not recommended for small kittens as the pellets may cause a blockage if ingested.

Clay filler

The silica gel based filler perfectly absorbs moisture and remains completely dry to the touch. Suitable for an adult cat who will not taste it. This type of litter is not suitable for a small kitten, as it can lead to poisoning if it swallows the granule.

Silica gel filler

Since kittens want to taste everything, you need to take care in advance and find out which litter for kittens is best - the health and sometimes the life of the pet depends on it. Wood, soy and corn litters are considered the safest for kittens.

The cat is trying to replenish its mineral deficiency

The cat's diet should be well balanced in terms of vitamin and mineral composition. Micro (manganese, copper, chromium, zinc) and macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) are necessary for cats to maintain the health of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Calcium is needed for the formation of bone tissue and teeth. For the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the animal must receive a certain amount of vitamins B, E and K. Taurine, an amino acid necessary for the digestion of fats in the small intestine, is indispensable. The daily requirement of an adult cat for minerals is shown in the table:

MineralWhy is it necessary?Daily requirementSymptoms of deficiencyWhat products contain
PhosphorusMaintaining normal acid-base balance0.16 gIncreased acidity (acidosis), hemolytic anemiaMeat by-products, fish
CalciumFormation of the skeleton and tooth enamel, muscle contraction0.18 gBrittle teeth, joint painCottage cheese, fermented milk products
MagnesiumMembrane cell permeability, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction25 mgGrowth retardation, seizures, convulsionsFish, legumes, grains
SodiumMaintaining acid-base balance, participating in neural connections43 mgThirst, disruption of the excretory system, lack of body weightCanned food, cheese, bread, meat products
IronWork of the hematopoietic system5.5 mgAnemia, apathy, weaknessLiver, red meat, pumpkin seeds
CopperParticipation in the development of connective tissue, general metabolism0.3 mgLack of body weight, weakened reproductive functionFish, liver
ZincTissue regeneration4.5 mgViolation of the integrity of the skin, itchingMeat

Physiological reasons

Correctly answering the question of why kittens sometimes eat litter is not easy. Some people lack nutrients, others like the taste. The owner should watch the kitten for some time to determine the reason for eating the litter.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

A kitten's growing body requires the necessary supplements to strengthen its teeth and claws. If a pet feels a lack of phosphorus or calcium, then it begins to look for sources of minerals. A litter of clay, sawdust, and other natural ingredients in a tray can provide such a source. Wood litter is also often eaten by fiber deficient kittens.

To avoid such situations, the owner should add meat and dairy products to the kitten's diet or use dry food that contains vitamins and minerals in the proper quantities.

A kitten may eat litter due to a lack of vitamins and minerals

Sharpening teeth

One of the physiological reasons why a kitten eats litter is the need for regular teeth grinding. Kittens are predators by nature and grinding of fangs is “in their blood.” Thus, the solid filler instantly attracts their attention. The kitten is trying to sharpen its teeth on the filler granules. In this case, the owner needs to purchase special devices or offer the kitten a hard treat.

Another reason for a kitten to eat litter is teeth renewal. At about 4-6 months, baby teeth begin to be replaced by molars and kittens begin to gnaw on various hard objects.

Give your kitten a special dental treat


Silica gel is very popular among cat owners and this is not surprising, because when used correctly it has a lot of advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • does not generate dust when opening the package and pouring the contents into the tray;
  • practically does not stick to the animal’s paws, so there is less dirt from it;
  • retains moisture and odor well;
  • does not cause allergic reactions in cats.

Psychological problems

Sometimes kittens eat the litter that fills the tray out of curiosity. The smell of the litter, to which special fragrances are added, can attract a kitten.

If a kitten has recently arrived in the house, it may experience emotional distress. Therefore, the litter for the tray is a kind of “stress eating” for him. The breeder needs to distract the pet from a bad habit with the help of toys or treats, and spend more time communicating with the kitten.

In rare cases, animals exhibit behavioral abnormalities, as a result of which the pet eats inedible objects for no apparent reason. In this case, you will need the help of a veterinarian.

The kitten needs toys so that there is no temptation to play with the litter

What needs to be done

The kitten is sneezing: why and what to do

What to do if your kitten eats litter:

  • you need to carefully study the composition of the filler, which causes such interest in the animal. After this, it is necessary to introduce into the diet a vitamin-mineral complex containing substances that are in the filler;
  • it is quite possible that the animal simply attracts the owner’s attention in this way. You need to buy your baby more toys and play with him more often;
  • To sharpen teeth regularly, you need to give your predator bones or special pieces of calcite. Everything can be purchased at an affordable price in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. It is recommended to give preference to beef bones, since chicken bones are dangerous to health.

Note! If none of the methods help, it is recommended to purchase another type of filler.

First aid

If a kitten is caught eating litter, the first thing to do is remove it from the mouth.

If a kitten has eaten a large amount of clay or silica gel litter, then you need to promptly rinse its mouth with water and take the animal to a veterinarian.

If it is not possible to visit a doctor, you can try to induce vomiting in the kitten using a small amount of salt water. To prevent your pet from choking, you need to use a small syringe without a needle. Until the kitten's condition improves, it can be fed food with more fiber. In addition, bran helps improve intestinal function.

Supervise your pet when going to the toilet to prevent him from eating litter.


The cat may start eating from the tray due to nervousness. If the animal is frightened or depressed, the instinct of “stress eating” is triggered just as much as stupor, aggression or panic activity. What can cause stress in a pet:

  • moving;
  • the appearance of a dog in the house;
  • income of guests or the arrival of a new family member;
  • change of owners;
  • sharp succession of diet;
  • experience of illness;
  • increased noise level in the room, etc.

In the hope of calming the animal, try to give it attention, caress it, and pamper it with a treat. Let me know that everything is fine and the pet is safe.

When moving, offer the cat his favorite tricks, feed him from the usual dishes. When new “neighbors” appear, save yourself, introduce the cat to them, and let them get used to it. If you cannot stop the kitten from this strange habit, consult with an animal behavior specialist.

Why you need to see a veterinarian

If a kitten has eaten a large amount of litter, it is impossible to provide first aid at home. Laxatives and medications that induce vomiting can only worsen your pet's condition. In case of intestinal obstruction, such drugs significantly worsen the condition and lead to death much more quickly. However, obstruction does not immediately lead to dire consequences; most often there is time to take the kitten to a doctor.

If a kitten eats wood litter, it will not cause significant harm, but it will not bring any benefit if it enters the body.

Absorbent litter may get stuck in your throat or stomach. Sharp edges can damage the intestinal walls. Such fillers are not digested in the stomach and cannot be excreted in the feces. Only a veterinarian can help here. The only way to remove the filler from the stomach is through surgery.

When clumping filler enters the stomach under the influence of gastric juice, it can form a lump. This is dangerous and surgery may be necessary to remove the foreign body. If you visit the clinic too late, ingested filler can be fatal.

Even if the filler does not form a lump, it absorbs water very strongly as it passes through the intestines. This can cause dehydration and make it difficult to diagnose the kitten's condition, since such lumps of litter are not visible on x-rays. And silicate fillers can injure the mucous membranes, walls of the stomach and intestines.

Another danger of silica gel filler is the content of toxic acids. For adult cats, eating silica gel can be relatively safe, but kittens will receive severe poisoning, in which it is almost impossible to save them if the deterioration of their condition is not noticed in time.

Eating litter for the litter box can cause poisoning in the kitten. The first symptoms are: lethargy, refusal to eat, rapid breathing and heartbeat, excessive salivation. If your animal behaves this way, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. But even if symptoms of poisoning do not occur, it is necessary to take all measures to wean the kitten from the bad habit.

If your kitten has eaten a large amount of litter, contact your veterinarian.

What are the dangers of eating pellets?

Most manufacturers do not add any toxic substances to their raw materials. However, eating pellets from a litter tray is not the healthiest activity for a pet of any age. Particles of the mixture stick to the roof of the mouth and the cat's tongue, forming viscous lumps that are very difficult to spit out. This can lead to constipation or suffocation.

Silica gel granules can cause particular harm to health. They have good absorbent properties, and they swell greatly once they are in the animal's stomach. Their presence causes discomfort and can further lead to serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The most dangerous consequences are intestinal obstruction or severe poisoning.

How to wean

The method of weaning from eating litter depends on the reason. If it lies in a lack of vitamins and minerals, you need to review the kitten’s diet and add the necessary vitamin complex to it. Vitamins must be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the pet; you cannot select them yourself.

If the kitten chews the litter to sharpen its teeth, you should sometimes give it solid treats or purchase calcite.

If a kitten eats litter because of stress, boredom or loneliness, you need to pay more attention to it and provide a comfortable environment. It is advisable for the kitten to have a lot of toys to distract his attention.

To block the kitten’s access to the litter, you can purchase a special tray with a grid. The only disadvantage of trays with bars is their frequent cleaning. Leaving such a toilet after a kitten has visited it for a couple of hours, you can immediately notice a sharp, unpleasant odor. Often the problem of eating litter disappears if you change its type and brand.

If a kitten is caught eating litter, you should never yell at it. He will be scared. And the next time he wants to go to the toilet, he can choose another place. The place where the tray is placed will be associated with threats.

Before weaning a kitten from eating litter, you need to identify the reasons for this behavior.

Before weaning a kitten from eating litter, you need to identify the reasons for this behavior.

Curiosity or boredom

Above we talked a little about the curiosity of kittens. It is for this reason that we advise you not to use clumping litters, especially when your pets have not yet reached their tender age. If such a filler enters the body, it will cause intestinal obstruction, and this is very dangerous. Let's say more - kittens require increased attention. It is better to watch the kids when they are doing their business. As soon as the important task is completed, keep your mischievous child busy with games or something interesting.

As for adult pets, the cause of pica is often explained by simple boredom. The animal simply has nothing to do with itself. Think about how to diversify your furry friend's leisure time. For example, open up access to a balcony or windowsill, invest in a full-fledged cat town and other toys. Don't be lazy, play with your pet using every opportunity.

Let's give one more practical advice:

Buy a tray of sprouted “cat grass” from a pet store and place it in a visible place. Your cat will very quickly realize that eating green grass is both pleasant and even healthy. Accordingly, the habit of eating filler will become a thing of the past.

Check out our other article on the topic as well. We believe that a consultation with the famous doctor Arnold Plotnick will not be superfluous.

Quoted in: Why Is My Cat Eating Litter? Author: Sally Bahner. Source: thesprucepets.com Photo: yahoo.com (from open sources).

Preventive actions

If a kitten eats a little litter, this is not dangerous to its health, but it may be a symptom of diseases of the digestive tract and you should consult a veterinarian.

If there are no deviations in health, then perhaps the kitten lacks attention and peace of mind. In this case, you need to give more affection and love to your small pet.

Spend time with your pet so that there is no reason for a bad habit to develop.

Grinding of teeth

Another reason for strange behavior is predator intuition. A cat needs to sharpen its claws and teeth to become comfortable. Just as he “attacks” furniture for claw treatment, he tries to sharpen the picket fence on solid particles of the litter box mixture.

The way out of the situation is simple - give the cat a hard treat in the form of brain bones. This edible will help him sharpen his teeth and bring him pleasure. Typically cats love to chew on beef and pork ribs. It’s best not to give small chicken bones to cats. Feed your cat carefully and monitor his well-being. In case of unusual behavior, you can always call the veterinarian.

In addition, when young kittens become ill, they look for an opportunity to stimulate this process. You can get your cat a special stone - calcite. It cannot be chewed, but the devil will effectively help your pet cut and sharpen its teeth.

Do not buy the elixir of life or any supplements for your cat yourself. Only an animal doctor can, according to the rules, diagnose the causes of deviations in a pet, and recommend safe means to solve the problem.

Check your home's vertical space

Cats enjoy vertical space, including climbing curtains and jumping on electronics or appliances.

It is important to ensure that all electronics and shelving are secure and cannot fall on your pet.

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Before bringing your cat home, make sure there are no loose cords, tassels or strips of fabric that could provoke the animal. It's best to purchase a cat tree or other safe climbing structure to keep your pets occupied and away from things they shouldn't be climbing on.

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