Silica gel for cat litter: review of brands and application features

Silica gel - balls or heterogeneous shavings with sorption properties. Convenient for cat litter due to absorption and retention of odors. If used correctly, the litter tray should not be changed for up to two weeks. The absorbent filler does not stick to paws, does not smell, is used sparingly, and does not pose a threat to animals and children. One of the disadvantages is a loud crunch, dust settling on the bottom of the package (some brands have it), and the sharpness of the crystals. Silica gel is not suitable for kittens.

Filler can be purchased at pet stores or chemical warehouses. Main manufacturers: Fresh Step Crystals, Clean Cat, Long Feng Crystal Cat Litter, “Barsik Crystal”, Mimi Litter “Universal”, “Murzyk”, “Siberian Cat”, Cat Step, “Yo!”, No. 1 Crystals.

There are many fillers made from wood, clay, and minerals. Relatively recently, the most effective litter box filler for cats has appeared - silica gel. It absorbs moisture well and eliminates odors. Let's find out more about what this substance is and how to use it.

Silica gel for cat litter: general characteristics, composition

First, let's figure out what it is and what its features are. This substance has advantages and disadvantages that must be considered before purchasing.


Each silica gel is transparent or translucent in the form of small balls of dried gel based on a solution of silicic acid. Contains silicon dioxide. This natural, odorless, hypoallergenic substance is the main ingredient of sand. The balls are non-toxic and not dangerous to the health of the animal.

There are many pores on the surface of the balls that are invisible to the eye. The larger the diameter of the holes, the faster the crystals absorb liquid. Moisture, including odor, remains in the pores, which gradually dry out. As a result, the tray remains dry for a long time. It is enough to renew the filler once a week, when the silica gel has used up its capabilities and stops absorbing moisture.


Silica gel based cat litter has significant advantages:

  • does not stick to paws,
  • quickly accumulates liquid
  • stays dry for a long time,
  • economical,
  • non-toxic.

The substance is hygienic because it has no odor and is not carried around the house by animals. In addition, the filler looks aesthetically pleasing.


The main disadvantage is the sound. When it comes into contact with moisture, it begins to hiss, which can frighten the animal. A grainy substance crunches under the paws, which the animal may also not like.

The disadvantages include high cost. However, the filler is used economically, since it does not require frequent changes. Moreover, it is easy to clean and more hygienic. Therefore, the price is justified. A five-kilogram bag will last an adult animal for a month.

Important. The structure of the filler may not be suitable for the animal, since the edges of large crystals are quite sharp and hard. In this case, you should choose round balls.

About the disadvantages

As we know, ideal things in this world do not exist. So even silica gel cat litter, despite all its advantages, has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the cost. A small bag of translucent granules will cost several times more than a large (and heavy) bag of sawdust. True, taking into account the economical consumption, it turns out not so expensive, but still, it is the price that scares many.

Secondly, some animals are afraid of him. Or rather, the sounds that silica gel can make. Cat litter made of this material rustles loudly when a cat digs in it (most animals simply cannot live without it). But the worst thing is the hissing. When liquid is absorbed, the process occurs so rapidly that it is accompanied by quite loud, frightening sounds. Undoubtedly, over time the cat will get used to the hissing and rustling, but at first it may experience some discomfort and even stress.

The third thing that stops cat owners from buying silica gel is its composition. If everything is clear with sawdust, sand or clay, then many do not know what this material is made of and consider it a complex (and harmful) chemical compound. This is undoubtedly a misconception, and the crystals themselves are no more toxic than ordinary sand. However, they can be dangerous if swallowed (there is a risk of dehydration). And the specific smell of silica gel, imperceptible to humans, sometimes simply scares away animals.

Features of using cat litter

Using silica gel is easy for both owners and pets. Animals adapt to the new filler within a day or two. If the cat categorically refuses to use the litter tray with new contents, mix sorbent balls with a known filler. Also try a different brand before going back to clay litter.

How to use

Unlike conventional fillers, the wetted portion does not need to be removed.

How to use:

  • Place a layer of at least three cm thick into the litter tray.
  • Wait until the animal goes to the toilet.
  • For better drying, stir with a silica gel spatula.

Simply remove solid waste using the slotted handle. Throw out the entire contents of the tray and refill it about once a week. Yellow or cloudy crystals will be a signal for change.

It is recommended to stir the contents of the bath at least once a day. If this is not done, the liquid will seep to the bottom and harden there in the form of a sticky mass. This will not prevent odor formation.

Is it dangerous for a child?

Silica gel is non-toxic and safe for pets and children. If your child eats some silica gel, nothing will happen. The substance is inert and does not react with most compounds. The particles behave like activated carbon in the stomach and are eliminated from the body naturally.

The only recommendation is to give plenty of fluids.

How to recycle

Although it is environmentally friendly, do not flush silica gel down the toilet. It swells with water and accumulates in the pipes and clogs the drains. The garbage bag is recyclable. Place the used liner in it, bandage it and throw it away.

ATTENTION, TEST! Answer a few simple questions and find out what kind of owner you are for your cat:

Does your cat have a name?

How often do you play with your pet?

Do you get your vaccinations and parasite treatment up to date?

Is your kitten spayed/neutered?

What do you feed your purr?

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When using silica gel, you need to remember that it should not be flushed down the toilet. In addition to recycling, you need to know how to fill the tray correctly. To do this, you need to take into account the peculiarities of using silica gel.

You need to use these fillers as follows: check the tray for moisture and debris, pour a 5-centimeter layer of the mixture onto the bottom of the plastic tray. When lumps appear, you need to immediately scoop them up with a scoop.

The packaging of the selected filler will indicate how often the mixture is changed. You need to clean the tray before adding a new portion of the mixture. Caring for cats should occupy a significant place in the life of the owner. It is recommended to change the mixture as often as possible.

Which tray to choose

Choosing a litter box for your cat is an important step. Among the assortment presented in pet stores, you can find a variety of models. However, when choosing a cat litter box, you need to consider some nuances.

Trays with an automatic cleaning system are new and cost a lot of money. The automated mechanism may frighten the cat.

To prevent silica gel granules from spilling out and unpleasant odors spreading throughout the room, you can purchase a tray with a lid.

The most popular are the classic trays with a plastic stack. They are versatile and have good value for money.

You can also purchase a pallet without a plastic mesh. To prevent the contents of the cat litter from spilling out, the owner can use additional sides.

How to accustom a cat to a new litter

To accustom your cat to silica gel litter, you will need to perform a number of simple steps: let the cat sit on an empty tray for the first time, and pour the litter into the corners of the tray the second time. Every day you need to add more and more mixture. At the same time, you need to observe the cat’s reaction.

How to choose the right cat litter

Silica litter gel is not suitable for all cats. Besides the fact that each animal is individual and may not “like” the new filler, silica gel is only suitable for adult animals.

When choosing the appropriate litter box filling, you should take into account the specifics of each type of litter box:

  • Wood and corn fillers are considered environmentally friendly. However, your pet may develop allergies.
  • The most economical is silica gel. Suitable for owners of multiple pets.
  • When choosing a zeolite or clay filler, keep in mind that large granules that do not get stuck in the fur are suitable for a long-haired pet.

No matter how good the filler is and no matter what the manufacturer promises, the choice remains with the animal. If the floor is covered in puddles, replace the litter tray.

Is it possible to use technical silica gel for cat litter?

In fact, the filler from the pet store does not differ in composition and principle of action from industrial silica gel. To be clear, it’s unlikely to get better. Antibacterial labels often turn out to be a marketing gimmick. The only difference is aromatic additives and dyes. Cat Silica Gel is prettier and more fragrant than commercial silica gel.

According to GOST 3956-76, silica gels differ from each other:

  • shape – granular or granular;
  • sizes – large or small;
  • pore diameter – large-porous or fine-porous.

Technical silica gel marked KSKG is suitable for cat litter in 25 kg bags. Explanation of the designation:

  • K – thick;
  • B – silica gel;
  • K – large-porous;
  • G – granular.

However, it is not always possible to find a supplier who sells small volumes at retail.

Which tray is best to use?

There are also a great variety of them: closed and open, deep and not very deep, with and without bars. There are even stylized ones to resemble all kinds of interior items. However, when choosing a tray, do not forget about its intended purpose. In addition to aesthetic qualities, it must also contain practical ones. First of all, this is the animal’s ease of access, its convenience, as well as the ability to easily wash the container or change the filler.

The shape and depth of the tray are purely individual and depend on the size of the animal, as well as its behavior. For example, if a cat likes to rummage heartily through the litter, you should not choose a container that is too small, otherwise the crystals will be scattered throughout the room. For such cases, there are trays with high sides or even a roof. Animals sitting on the very edge or even the edge of the vessel should be offered a flatter shape so that the cat does not turn it over under its own weight. In general, you can start with a universal “basin” of medium depth, and then experiment and observe.

In fact, the toilet for an animal, as for a person, is a rather intimate and strictly individual matter. Therefore, it is better to choose the number of trays, their shape, and fillers so that both the cat and its owner are comfortable. In this case, the apartment will always be clean and there will be no unpleasant surprises.

Rating of the best silica gel fillers

Silica gel litter is available under many brands. The balls vary in shape, color and degree of moisture absorption. Let's look at some brands to find out which silica gel is best.

Table 1. Classification of silica gel fillers

NameProductionVolume, lCost, rub.
Fresh Step CrystalsUSA6500
Clean CatChina10700
Long Feng Crystal Cat LitterChina5420
"Barsik Crystal"Russia4,5150
Mimi Litter "Universal"China3,6300
"Siberian cat"Russia242 000
Cat StepRussia3,8500
No1 CrystalsRussia301 800

Attention. Flavorful toppings are fun for people, but can be scary for animals. However, fragrances don't play a big role because ideally there is no smell and you don't need to mask it.

Fresh Step

This product is manufactured by Clorox.

It consists of small crystals of white, blue, blue color. One package of 5 liters is consumed in 20-30 days for one adult animal.

If your cat likes to lay out bedding, be careful when stepping on it barefoot. The crystals are quite sharp and stick unpleasantly into the skin.

Clean Cat

White homogeneous silica gel for cats with small blue, pink and yellow spots. It absorbs moisture well and retains the aroma for up to two weeks. Doesn't stick to paws.

Long Feng Crystal

It consists of white crystals with blue inclusions. Available in various dosage sizes (up to 10 liters). Absorbs liquid well, eliminates odors and does not leave wet streaks on the bottom of the litter tray. Doesn't stick to paws. A little dusty.

"Barsik Crystal"

This is a mineral-smelling cuvette containing 20% ​​silica gel. It is cheaper than other similar products, but also removes odors. We recommend changing the tray every five days.

Mimi Litter

Large crystals have a matte white color. Free from colored pigments and fragrances. It absorbs moisture well, does not leave a wet film on the bottom of the toilet, and also eliminates unpleasant odors. It starts to smell bad after 10 days of proper use.


Snow-white, homogeneous, without colored crystals. Good aroma retention. It’s good enough that it sticks to the paws and spreads around the apartment. However, it does not gather dust.

Siberian cat

The Siberian Cat has several product lines that differ in packaging color:

  • for the picky – pink;
  • elite – blue;
  • eco - green.

In practice there is no difference between them.

Retains moisture and odor and does not remain on the feet. However, this creates a lot of dust because the crystals are quite small.

Cat Step

Blue and white spheres without odor. Does not cause allergies, safe for consumption, non-toxic. Absorbs liquid well and eliminates odors. A bag (3.8 kg) is enough for 30 days for one adult animal.

The more or less granular material will stick to the grate of the bucket, but will be less likely to fly out of the toilet. The filler gets a little dusty and sticks to the paws.


The manufacturer allows you to wash the infusion down the drain. The scent range is available in apricot, mint and lavender. Large crystals do not stick to paws and fur.

It does not absorb moisture well, which causes an unpleasant odor. Your pet may not like the smell.

N1 Crystals

Homogeneous with pink crystals. Stays away from odors. It has average absorption capacity: often a small sediment remains at the bottom. The paint will move to the sides of the tray.

Attention. According to reviews, the red-pink color of crystals is not the best solution. Signs of urolithiasis are more difficult to recognize.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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