A cat with a human face: the most unusual representative

Unusual cat

Tatyana Rastorgueva, which is the name of the breeder, did not think that her publication would cause such a big resonance on social networks.
More than a month has passed since the photos were posted, but they still remain in the center of public attention. Moreover, emotions at the sight of a cat that has already become a celebrity are very polar: from tenderness to wild horror and disgust. So who is she really - this Internet star with human eyes? The cat's name is Valkyrie, the breed is Mei-Cun. Despite her exotic appearance, she has a playful character and a classic set of cat habits. The most interesting thing is that all her brothers and sisters do not differ in any outstanding external characteristics.

From whom Valkyrie inherited such an extraordinary pair of faces remains a mystery. Either it’s the features of the bone structure of the skull, or the structure of the retina, but the fact remains that when you look at this face, it seems that the resurrected Lucifer or, at least, the cat Behemoth from Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” is looking at you.

Mr. Cat recommends: Maine Coon Valkyrie

When Valkyrie was born, she was no different from ordinary kittens. However, with age, her muzzle began to look more and more like a human face, and her facial expressions became more and more different from a cat’s. Even the Cheshire cat himself would envy the emotionality of this cat; by the way, they are very similar in appearance.

It's all about the special structure of the muzzle of this breed. Maine Coons are often compared to actor Ron Perlman for their massive faces and human-like features.

Ron Perlman

By the way, you can read an article about the Maine Coon breed on our website. There are many photos of these cats, the history of their development, as well as rules of care.

Who really is the “cat with a human face”?

It turned out that the cute pet is not a cat at all, but a May-Coon cat, and her name according to her passport is Valkyrie (Catsvill County's Valkyrie).

The cat's parents are called Vatican and Lucien (Catsvill County's Vatican and Catsvill County's Lusien). Their daughter was born on May 1 of this year, and her amazing dark fur with a tint is the color “black smoke” (a mixture of mom’s black and dad’s smoky).

Photo source: instagram.com/catsvillcounty/

The cats belong to Tatyana Rastorgueva, who is the owner of the Maine Coon nursery in Lyubertsy (Moscow region). True, the price for such a cat in the nursery is quite high - from 700 to 2000 euros!

Photo source: instagram.com/catsvillcounty/

Valkyrie turned out to be unusual and charismatic, and this is not surprising, because Maine Coons often surprise people with their calm and mysterious expression. You could say that this is their “trick”!

What did this cat look like to you? Does she really have a “human face” or is it just a figment of her imagination? Or maybe you have met such human-cats in your life? We will be glad to see your comments and impressions!

A girl breeds Maine Coons, whose faces make you ask: “Why does this person have fur?”

In our century, as if in the times of Ancient Egypt, a real cult of cats has arisen again. Every day our feeds are full of millions of videos and photos featuring cats that collect an insane number of likes. It is becoming increasingly difficult to surprise a sophisticated viewer. However, Tatyana Rastorgueva, the owner of the Catsvill County nursery, did an excellent job with this, and she bred a breed of Maine Coons with human faces.

The author of Bright Side talked with Tatyana and learned some interesting things about her work and this breed. But we don’t want to stop you from enjoying these beautiful faces, so watch a lot of photos and videos.

— Tatyana, how did you come to breed cats? Why Maine Coons?

— I love animals very much, and cats have always been a part of my life. And one day I realized that they were also my calling. I began breeding professionally in 2002, and have been working directly with Maine Coons since 2004. They completely captured my heart. Amazing breed.

— Why are the faces of some cats so similar to humans?

— Each breeder has his own vision of the breed, and he selects for further selection individuals with those traits that are important to him. I can say that while working with the breed, I focused on the type of Maine Coon that I like. That is why now I have a recognizable “face” of my nursery. This is just a long, painstaking work of a breeder (a breeder is a person who is engaged in breeding and selection. - Note from AdMe.ru).


There are also those who are frightened by the Valkyrie’s appearance and people who predict a career in cinema for the cat. Valkyrie was born from famous parents with good pedigrees - Lucien and Vatican, while her brothers and sisters have absolutely ordinary appearance. Even experts are unable to explain what causes Valkyrie’s “human” appearance. Perhaps it’s the special structure of the skull or the heavy but intelligent look.

The owner of this now famous kitten, breeder Tatyana Rastorgueva , is a big fan of Maine Coon cats, a breeder, owner and founder of the Catsvill County nursery, which has existed since 2002. In 2008, when there were already 5 cats living in her apartment, there was not enough space , Tatyana began construction of a private house in the village of Marusino, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region, the project of which was developed personally by her so that the pets would be as comfortable as possible. There is also a place for walking outside - these are special enclosures for cats and cats of approximately 100 square meters. m. each.

Today there are about 60 Maine Coons in the nursery, which are part of Tatyana’s breeding program, the goal of which is to obtain a specific type of animal that she likes. Kittens whose exterior is not suitable for further work are put up for sale.

Veterinary care of animals, their transfer to new owners and any other manipulations with them occur officially, through the conclusion of an agreement.

Interesting Facts

There are many facts about this breed, here are the most interesting of them:

  • They were actively used for hunting small game due to their canine habits.
  • The average weight of an adult varies from 9 to 12 kg and depends on the sex of the animal. A newborn kitten weighs on average twice as much as an outbred baby.
  • The first pet cloned for commercial purposes was a Maine Coon named Little Nicky.

Representative of the Maine Coon breed

  • The record for the longest body length belongs to a representative of this breed. The length of an extended Stewie is 123 cm.
  • Maine Coons love water very much.
  • Some individuals have 6 toes on their paws.
  • Despite their size, these animals cannot rightfully be called the largest among cats. They take only 3rd place, behind Persians and exotics.


May-Coon breed: character and habits

The first thing that distinguishes Maine Coons from other representatives of the cat family is their natural sense of self-esteem. By their nature, they are very independent and independent, but at the same time they become very attached to their owner and try to never lose sight of him. Peace-loving, friendly and affectionate - cats get along well in the house with other pets. The exception is rodents, at the sight of which the animals' hunting instinct immediately awakens.

Mei-coons love active games, and can play even without human intervention. Any household items, as well as various foods, are used as toys. With a half-eaten piece of meat, a cat can tumble on the floor for hours, performing amusing acrobatic tricks.

They are highly trainable, thanks to their developed intelligence, and literally pick up intonation on the fly and remember commands, especially if they are pronounced in the owner’s voice. Manx cats quickly get used to their new place of residence, since they become attached to the person, and not the habitat.

They behave civilly and patiently towards children. They are often called natural-born nannies for their ability to calmly respond to children's harassment and pranks. This breed is also very musical. Cats are very talkative, but they never bother you with loud purrs. On the contrary, it is pleasant to listen to their quiet purring and relieve their nervous system.

About the breed

Distinctive features of the breed are:

  • massive head with a large nose and raised cheekbones;
  • slightly slanted eyes;
  • large long ears with tassels at the ends;
  • long fluffy tail;
  • rectangular body with developed muscles.

Among the representatives of this breed you can find absolutely any type of color. But cats with blue or red fur are especially valued.

By nature, these cats are very sociable, affectionate, clean, love walks and are easy to train. Despite their large size, they are very active and playful.

The price for a Maine Coon kitten ranges from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

Interesting facts about May Coons

There are many legends about the origin of the popular cat breed. One of them connects cats with raccoons, thereby explaining their mutual similarity in appearance. Translated, the name of the breed means “Manx raccoon.” Another point of view says that modern Mae Coons are the fruit of the joint love of wild cats and lynxes, as is clearly hinted at by the characteristic tassels on the animals’ ears.

Here are a couple more amazing features of cats:

  • Before starting to drink, the “men” first rake the water with their paws. From the outside it looks quite funny, but the explanation is simple: cats are forced to purify water from possible contaminants by a natural instinct, preserved in their brains from the time they lived in the wild.
  • Cats are indifferent to their master's soft bed, as well as to their sleeping place. They happily “migrate” around the house, often choosing rather strange places to sleep - the sink, the tiled floor in the bathroom, or the top shelves of cabinets.
  • After a Mae Coon cat starred in one of the Harry Potter episodes, the fate of the entire breed was sealed - it gained worldwide fame. And today even those who have not previously noticed their excessive love for cats know about the existence of large fluffy “half-raccoons” and “half-lynxes”.

Valkyrie's sister, the Chimera, also looks like a human: video

Features of the Maine Coon breed

These felines are called gentle giants due to their impressive size and sociable nature.

Due to its appearance, ear tufts and fur between the claws, the breed is often compared to a lynx. Males reach a weight of 12 kg, females up to 8 kg, provided that the animal is not overfed and is not overweight. Otherwise, the weight may be even greater.

Gentle Giant

The place where the breed developed was distinguished by the severity of its climate. Therefore, cats have evolved and become resistant to severe frosts. Huge paws like snowshoes, a large fluffy tail that can be wrapped around, and long thick fur help not to feel the extreme cold. Water-repellent wool that is longer on the belly and sides keeps the underside warm.

The breed is adapted to cold climates

The Maine Coon's color and pattern can vary. But cats with Siamese, lilac, golden coat colors, colors typical of Asians, are not suitable for participation in exhibitions. Such mixtures are unacceptable for a purebred show cat because they affect the strong bone structure. The eyes are most often golden or green, sometimes blue.


The Maine Coon received its first award at an exhibition in 1895. It was the most popular breed in America until it was supplanted by the Persian cat. In the 1950s, the breed was thought to be completely extinct. Fortunately, this turned out not to be the case. In the middle of the last century, the Maine Coon Breeders Association was created. And in 1985, the breed was declared the official state cat of Maine. Today it is the third most popular breed in the United States.

Typically, cats mature by 9-12 months of age. However, Maine Coons typically grow up to two to four years of age.

Maine Coons are calm and friendly in nature and get along well with children and other animals. They love to play with water.

Cats love to interact with other pets in the house

Cats enjoy good health, but can be susceptible to cardiovascular problems. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a thickening of the walls of an animal’s heart, one of the most common diagnoses. Hip dysplasia also occurs, which develops due to lack of hip function. It is necessary to take these points into account and give the cat the opportunity to move as much as possible, create conditions for active movements.

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