Mixed dachshund and toy terrier, chihuahua, shepherd dog, spaniel and others

Mixed-breed dogs are popular in many countries.

This is the name given to an animal whose parents are representatives of different breeds .

Mestizos, which appear as a result of crossing, receive the best qualities of both: they are smart, capable and bring a lot of joy to their owners .

The Spitz mix is ​​especially popular (photos will be below).

Has anyone crossed a Dachshund and a Jack Russell Terrier? What kind of puppies do you get?

Has anyone crossed a Dachshund and a Jack Russell Terrier?
Under the conditions - mom is a Dachshund, and dad is a Jack Russell Terrier? How did the puppies turn out? Are they all mixed or are they 100% Jack Russell? If so, how many puppies? What will happen is unknown... “The queen gave birth in the night, either a son or a daughter, not an animal, not a frog, but to an unknown person. “You will have to decide what she gave birth to, because the puppies will not be subject to the standard breed description.

where will 100% Russells come from if one of the parents is a dachshund. mongrels will be 100%

Honey, your fantasies are terrible! Do you really expect that from such a mixture of 6 puppies, 3 will be 100% Russells, and 3 will be Dachshunds? Rave.

No, such an idiotic idea has never occurred to anyone. You can consider yourself a pioneer) Unfortunately, it’s not worthy of a Darwin Prize.

Don't have enough money for a normal purebred dog? Only a moron could do such an experiment on purpose, knowingly creating courtyards... Judging by your forecasts (100%) you are very far from cynology and there is no point in experimenting.

mongrels, which you will then give away for free.

rave. When you mix breeds, you can't get a purebred puppy.


How to choose a puppy?

  • Look at the puppy's parents, so you can determine the possible development of the dog;
  • You should not take lethargic and motionless puppies, most likely they are unhealthy;
  • Observe the Chorkie during the game - how he communicates with his brothers, you will also see defects in the joints, if any;
  • Play with the puppy yourself; if he is too excited and aggressive, it is better to choose another one;
  • The wool should be clean, without tangles;
  • Inspect your dog for ticks and fleas;
  • Watch him eat;
  • Check your eyes, mouth, and ears for any discharge.

What does a Jack Russell Terrier mix look like: popular types and descriptions of similar breeds

The ancestors of the Jack Russell Terrier appeared in Great Britain in the 6th century, and for a long time were actively used for hunting foxes, badgers and rats.
In the mid-19th century, the English priest John (Jack) Russell appreciated the intelligence and courage of these dogs, first describing the standard of the new breed. Over time, the craze for hunting became a thing of the past, but the Jack Russell, thanks to its lively character and compact size, has by no means lost its former popularity.

This breed appeared in Russia only in the late 90s, so its representatives are still quite rare and are highly expensive.

Another important aspect is that Jack Russells need a patient and energetic owner who can appreciate the activity of this cheerful dog.

Popular types of Jack Russell mixes

Today there are many Jack Russell mixes, and each of them has interesting features and a unique appearance.

The most popular of them are shown in the photo below.:

  • Jackshund – a cross between a Jack Russell terrier and a dachshund;
  • Yorkie Russell – a cross between a Jack Russell and a Yorkshire terrier;
  • Jackabee - a cross between a Jack Russell and a Beagle;
  • Jack Chi - a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Chihuahua;
  • Cojack – a cross between Corgi and Jack Russell;
  • Jackpoo is a cross between a poodle and a Jack Russell.

Useful video

From the video you will learn what mixed-breed Jack Russell Terrier puppies look like:

Breeding mixed breeds provides fertile ground for experimentation. Few dog breeders work in this direction, and the appearance of unusual puppies with mixed genes most often occurs due to the independent uncontrolled mating of two purebred animals. It is all the more interesting to observe the result and compare the qualitative characteristics of the offspring.

The Welsh Corgi and Jack Russell Terrier mix is ​​a typical breeding of dogs of the same size, weight and temperament. Both breeds are characterized by activity, good health and a genetic predisposition to interact with humans.

This is where the similarities end, so it is almost impossible to guess what kind of offspring they will bring together.

Jack Russell and Yorkie mix

The Yorkie Russell is a charming small dog (up to 30 cm at the withers), covered with long, soft hair of various colors (from brown-black to black-white-brown).

She has a friendly and fearless character and easily gets along with people and animals.

The Yorkie Russell is excellent for keeping in a city apartment, but does not tolerate cold climates very well..

Also, the future owner should be prepared for the fact that this dog requires increased attention. If she lacks communication with her owner, she will immediately report this with a loud howl and the most destructive behavior.

Leaving her alone for a long time is out of the question.

Yorkies, like all Jack Russell mixes, need regular exercise.

You will have to devote a lot of effort to caring for your pet’s fur, as it often gets tangled and very dirty during walks.

In addition to possible genetic diseases, Yorkies often suffer from dental diseases.

Regular teeth cleaning is recommended (2-3 times a week).

With proper care and comfortable living conditions, the life expectancy of a Yorkie can reach 12-16 years..

Character of the Dorgi

Representatives of the designer breed are friendly and sociable; they need to communicate with people, becoming strongly attached to family members. Animals are interested in everything the owner does and happily spend time with children and other animals. However, representatives of the breed are not suitable for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. After all, Taxocorgs are lively, energetic dogs that love to run, play, and chase moving objects. It is necessary to satisfy their physical activity needs daily for at least 30 minutes per walk.

Although Dorgis need companionship and company, most representatives of the breed prefer to remain independent. At the same time, Taxocorgs do not tolerate loneliness. Prolonged stay without communication leads to destructive behavior.

Loving and affectionate in nature, Dorgis are very loyal, they strive to please their owner, and in cases of danger they will show courage, trying to protect family members. Dorgis inherited a tendency to bark from their parents. An incorrect approach to training leads to dogs barking frequently, especially when left alone. However, even with the proper approach to training, representatives of the breed can bark when they hear any suspicious noise or movement. The tendency to bark can also have its advantages, for example, Dorgis will always warn of the approach of strangers.

Being an intelligent breed, Dachshund Corgis are capable of learning, but training should begin at an early age. Representatives of the breed are characterized by stubbornness of their parents, and this fact should be taken into account when training. The success of training depends on the owner’s firmness, consistency, positive reinforcement in the form of treats, and praise. Smart dogs are able to learn tricks, they can participate in sports and perform guard duties.

Mix of Toy Terrier and Jack Russell

Jack Toy is a very sociable and hardy dog ​​of miniature size (up to 26 cm at the withers).

She will be a wonderful friend for children and a faithful companion for an owner leading an active lifestyle.

Overall, this is a very balanced breed.

However, the Jack Toy needs proper education and regular training. This dog, despite its decorative nature, has a bright temperament and an amazing ability to be cunning.

The Jack Toy owner will have to pay special attention to caring for the pet’s teeth and eyes . They are often exposed to all sorts of diseases characteristic of this breed.


Regular care to keep the coat clean and neat involves combing the coat. Representatives of the breed do not shed profusely, so brushing the coat once a week is sufficient. However, Dorgis love to dig in the ground, so they get dirty and need frequent washing. Although this circumstance may not matter if the pet lives on the street.

You need to regularly check and clean your ears to avoid the development of infectious diseases, and also trim your nails as they grow.

Dorgis love to eat, so it is important to control the amount and calorie content of food consumed to prevent obesity.

Tell us about other popular Jack Russell crosses


This is a designer dog known for its playful and loving nature.

The Jack Chi is poorly adapted to cold climates and is considered exclusively a lap dog . At the same time, we must not forget about his ebullient energy and desire to dominate.

These qualities make training a Jack Chi difficult and require a lot of patience and perseverance from the owner. Otherwise, the pet’s character quickly deteriorates, nervousness and many unpleasant habits appear.

The Jack Chi is prone to dental disease and all sorts of skin and coat problems . However, with constant and proper care, these problems can be avoided.


A cute cross between a Corgi and a Jack Russell Terrier, amusingly combining the appearance of both parents. He is very loyal to all family members and animals, affectionate and tireless in communication.

Does not tolerate loneliness well, shows great anxiety when separated from the owner.

This dog is not prone to loud barking or whining, but is often stubborn.

This dog just loves to learn new tricks and travel.

Her incredible activity constantly requires movement, new experiences and games..


A charming designer dog up to 25 cm tall at the withers and weighing up to 12 kg. It has a long wavy coat that requires serious care.

Chihuahua mix (Chorki)

Chorkies are a mix of Chihuahuas and Yorkshire terriers. Their appearance is due to the widespread and high popularity of both breeds. They are small dogs with a compact, well-built body, a small head and erect ears. Their weight varies from 1.5 to 4 kg and depends on the body weight of both parents. The color of Yorkshire terriers is genetically stable, but the Chihuahua genes are most often responsible for the color of the Chorkie's coat, and it is impossible to predict what the puppy will be like.

As a rule, the coat of mixed breeds is golden or black, but dogs with fawn or black coats with white spots are also not uncommon. The length of the coat is also unknown in advance - a Chorkie may have a long coat and stubble on the face or medium-length hair, but most often in adult individuals the coat is long and straight. These dogs are characterized by high activity, friendliness, devotion to the owner and fearlessness.

They are smart, but very stubborn, which makes the training process very difficult. Therefore, raising and training a pet will require patience and perseverance. Among the breed's diseases are hypoglycemia and joint diseases, the average life expectancy is no more than 15 years.

In the professional literature, these dogs are also called Yorkie - Chi, Chia - Yorkie, Yorkie - Huahua.

What dog breeds are similar?

Parson Russell Terrier

Until 2001, the Parson Russell Terrier had the same standard as the Jack Russell. These dogs have the same origin, which explains their similarity to each other.

However, now these are completely different breeds with different standards.

The Parson Terrier is higher at the withers and has a more square body outline; Parson's legs are more elongated .

This dog has excellent hunting qualities, but has a more conflicting nature.

Parsons often show aggression towards other animals and strangers.

They adapt to urban living conditions somewhat more difficult than Jack Russells..

Smooth Fox Terrier

A small but very powerful dog (height - up to 39 cm at the withers, weight - up to 8 kg).

It has a muscular but compact build and a dense, straight coat with brown and black spots.

The Fox Terrier is an active, friendly and sociable pet, sometimes quite stubborn . Needs constant attention, new experiences and frequent walks.

Tireless hunter of foxes and rodents, originally from Scotland. It is distinguished by its compact size (up to 30 cm at the withers) and dense thick hair.

This is a very smart animal, persistent and energetic . Kerns are born watchmen and protectors. They are easy to train and feel the owner very well.

In return, such a dog will require increased attention and active walks together.

West Highland White

Companion dogs, once bred as rodent hunters.

Having small dimensions (up to 28 cm at the withers), they feel good in a city apartment, but need frequent walks.

They have an excellent character, which allows them to get along with any company. However, the owner must pay enough attention to raising this dog from the very beginning.

Otherwise, the pet will grow up too stubborn and self-willed.


After a sharp drop in prices for Pekingese at the end of the 20th century, in well-known kennels, bitches of this breed began to be bred with Yorkshire terriers, which were expensive and had a small number at that time. Females born after such matings were again crossed with Yorkies. Such puppies were more expensive than Pekingese, but cheaper than Yorkshire terriers.

Mixed breeds of Pekingese and Yorkies (Yorkinese) have the following features:

  • loud, booming bark;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • no need for long walks;
  • bad reaction to one's own kind;
  • difficulty in learning;
  • fearlessness;
  • jealousy of the owner and his attention;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • luxurious coat.

Yorkies have an attractive appearance and an aristocratic character, but due to their poor health they are rare. Puppies obtained as a result of crossing Yorkies and Pekingese do not always inherit only the positive qualities of their parents, so it is impossible to know in advance what they will be like. Often, mestizos have an undesirable set of characteristics and, as a result, poor hair, squint, non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Mestizos are not recognized by any canine organization, therefore they cannot participate in exhibitions and official breeding, they do not have a pedigree.

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