The cat doesn't let you sleep at night: what to do and how to deal with it

Every person needs a healthy and restful sleep, preferably undisturbed by anyone, even a beloved pet. But very often cat owners are faced with a problem when their pet does not sleep at night and prevents everyone else from sleeping. As soon as the owners go to rest, the animal begins to go wild, run, sharpen its claws on furniture, meow and do many other different and very important things. But, when daylight comes, the pet calms down and sleeps until the evening.

By nature, a cat is a nocturnal animal. In the wild, these predators go hunting mainly in the dark. Therefore, activity at night is a natural behavior in a cat and is not a manifestation of bad character or stubbornness. This behavior is genetic, and not every predator is able to abandon natural instincts, which, of course, adds problems to its owner.

Reasons for cat activity at night

Nocturnal activity in cats can be due to various reasons.

  • The animal was not tired during the day and did not receive the necessary physical activity. And with the onset of silence and darkness, he tries to attract the attention of the owner, shows a desire to play and communicate with him.
  • The pet is showing signs of heat. If an animal becomes sexually aroused, then the time of day or night is the least of its concerns. Regardless of gender, the pet will meow heart-rendingly, calling for a partner, and can sometimes show aggression towards others. To regulate sexual heat, it is advisable to use special drugs to suppress the sexual instinct, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.
  • The cat is thirsty or hungry. To avoid such situations, you should ensure that the animal always has access to food and clean water.
  • Pet illness. If an adult cat suddenly starts waking up its owner at night, this may be a sign that something is hurting her. It is necessary to observe the animal; other symptoms of the disease may appear, then you need to contact a veterinarian.
  • Discomfort and tightness. Loud meowing is the main sign of discomfort experienced by a pet. Using its voice, the animal tries to convey to the owner about the problem that has arisen. Kittens, separated from their mother and finding themselves in a new environment, are afraid of everything at first and scream at night, but then they get used to it and stop being timid and crying.

To ensure that the cat, in the absence of its owners, does not get bored and is active during the daytime and not at night, it is necessary to correctly distribute its energy during the day. Morning and evening, for a few minutes, you need to pay attention to your pet, play with him, pet him and talk. When your pet is left at home alone, you need to leave him toys. Communication with the owner, his love and care is a prerequisite for the emergence of a close emotional connection and the well-being of the pet.

The main mistakes of cat breeders.

If a breeder is faced with the problem of a cat being awake at night, then it is very important not to make mistakes in adjusting the behavior of his pet. Quite often, in order to solve the problem of nocturnal cat play, the owner simply locks the animal in the bathroom or toilet - this cannot be done. The pet becomes very lonely, he does not understand why the owner is fenced off from him, so the animal begins to scream even louder to attract attention.

Other breeders in a similar situation spray the pet with water - this helps for a while while the cat is licking himself, but as soon as he finishes this he will start making noise again. And the method itself is very offensive for the kitten.

However, you shouldn’t indulge your cat’s desire to play at night - both the cat and the owner need to get enough sleep, and having gotten used to such night games, the cat won’t let you sleep at all at night. The best solution would be to wean the animal from playing at night.

To let the cat sleep at night

If a cat’s problem with night sleep is not related to its health, then the owner will have to be patient and gradually, using cunning and ingenuity, accustom it to daytime wakefulness. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a plan according to which the training process will proceed.

  • Help the animal transition from night to daytime wakefulness. To do this, you need to feed your pet in the evening, and then actively play with it for a while.
  • If a cat wakes up its owner at night, the most correct solution is to ignore it, you need to pretend that its behavior does not bother anyone. After trying several times to attract the owner's attention and not receiving it, the cat will calm down and stop trying.
  • Do not allow your pet to stay in your bed overnight. A good solution is to close the door and leave the animal outside the bedroom.
  • A properly organized sleeping place for your pet also plays an important role. This should be a quiet, cozy place, protected from drafts, in which it is necessary to lay soft bedding. And to make your cat more interested, you can use special products based on catnip, which can be purchased at the Homeovet pet store.
  • If the owner does not have free time to spend with his pet, and the animal experiences loneliness, you can consider the option of purchasing another pet. Two cats will quickly find common interests, they will have something to do during the daytime, and accordingly, they will sleep at night.
  • Do not feed the animal in the morning at the first call. Many cats love to wake up their owners early in the morning demanding food. You cannot succumb to these manipulations, no matter how pitifully you beg for food. It’s worth giving in a few times and the owner will be guaranteed an early wake-up every morning. It is important to follow the established feeding schedule, and over time the cat will get used to it and stop waking up the owner in the morning.

Why does a cat interfere with sleep?

Felines are nocturnal animals, because at night it is easier to catch prey. However, people are used to living differently and usually work during the day.

Accustoming a cat to a human daily routine is possible, and furry cats often get used to it on their own. If the fluffy doesn’t want to put up with your lifestyle, something has gone wrong.

Most often, cats do not want to sleep at night due to insufficient activity during the day. Some pets do not see their owner for days, and want to socialize when the owner comes home to sleep. The opposite situation is also possible: the cat does not like the noise of children during the day, so it is more comfortable for her to walk around the house at night.

A pet may interfere with sleep due to the restriction of its territory at night. For example, during the day a cat can walk throughout the apartment, and at night the toilet is closed. This situation causes anxiety for the fluffy.

A cat can interfere with sleep intentionally - for example, if it is offended. In this case, you will have to figure out what upset the pet.

Enforcement measures

What to do if the owners get a very active pet, capable of running and playing around the clock. The environment before bed should be quiet and calm. Avoid nighttime meals for all family members. Be patient and do not give in to manipulation. If the pet does not agree with the ban on sleeping on the owner’s bed, he will persistently try to get into the bedroom. It is important to prevent this from happening. To distract attention, you can place a scratching post near the door. If the animal does sneak into the room, you can try to darken it. In complete darkness, the cat will most likely quickly calm down and go to sleep.

The nightly activity of pets, which annoys their owners, is often the main reason why they are thrown out into the street or sent to a shelter. This is an absolutely wrong and inhumane decision, so before purchasing a cat, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of this decision. Well, if the “for” still outweighs, be patient and try to find a common language with your pet.

Entertain your pet during the day

Cats need somewhere to burn off their energy. If the cat slept all day without finding any entertainment, then when the owner returns from work he will be full of strength and desire to jump and play. Therefore, it is important to provide your pet with the opportunity to play during the day.

  • Leave your pet toys. You can buy them at a pet store or make them yourself. Light items that are fun to move across the floor are suitable. They can be rustling or with ribbons. Cats also like toys filled with catnip. Don’t forget to periodically change the set of toys so that your cat doesn’t get tired of them;
  • a new level of entertainment for cats - interactive toys. They can move independently and will keep your pet occupied for a long time. Before leaving your cat alone with such a toy, read the instructions and make sure it is safe;
  • If there is a tree near your window, you can hang a feeder on it. The cat will watch the arriving birds. But do not place the feeder very close to the window so that flying birds do not hit the glass;
  • If possible, you can leave video recordings running on the TV screen for the cat. The TV must be installed so that the cat can see it. Her attention will be attracted, for example, by recordings of flying birds, which she will try to catch.

Before going to bed, also play with your cat so that he gets tired. Cats get tired quickly: 10-20 minutes of active play are enough for them, after which the animal will lose interest in toys and want to rest.

Take your cat to the vet

If your cat keeps you awake by meowing excessively, rather than demanding time to play or eat, she may be in pain. If you have any doubts as to why your cat is restless at night, be sure to schedule an examination with your local veterinarian. There may be an underlying problem with your cat and it is important to get it checked out.

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

Give your cat plenty of exercise

To keep your pet awake during the day, you need to play with him and take him for walks. You can use toys that imitate the movement of living insects or birds, balls, light bunnies, and pendulum objects.

You need to play with the cat longer until he gets tired. You can “walk” the cat outside before going to bed. Domestic cats rarely run far from home; it is unlikely that they will be lost if their owners are attentive.

What not to do

If your cat meows, yells for no reason, and doesn’t let you sleep at night, never get up to see your pet. Even if the animal is hungry. Cats are great manipulators and, having achieved their goal, will constantly take advantage of the kindness of their owners. Therefore, the only right decision in such a situation is not to pay attention to the cat.

You should not lock your cat in a separate room. The animal will not understand why it was isolated from the rest of the family. The pet will become sad and lonely, and in order to attract attention, it will begin to make even more noise.

If the cat is awake at night, do not yell at him, much less hit him. This won't work and will only make the situation worse. The cat will do things out of spite.

It is impossible to force cats to sleep at night, but you need to try to do everything to ensure that the pet is active during the day. Following our advice, do not indulge in night awakenings, be patient, the kitten will eventually adapt to your schedule and sleep peacefully at night.

Determine the cat's territory

Set up your cat's sleeping place. You can organize a secluded corner for him in a box, or better yet, build several places where he can retire.

Do not train your animal to sleep with you. Feline individuals must know the boundaries of their territory. It is better to close the door to your own bedroom at night. If the cat is immediately accustomed to this order, he will not ask to sleep with the owner or mistress, meowing at the door.

The reasons for the restless meowing of cats at night can be found here:

How to relieve a cat's suffering during heat?

If the cat

If it is very difficult at this time, it is better to ask the veterinarian to prescribe something sedative.
Typically, such medications are started a couple of days before the expected start of estrus
, because they do not act immediately. The most famous drops - “Cat Bayun” or “Stop Stress” are based on herbs and also help well.

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Two cats are better than one

It may seem counterintuitive, but if your cat wakes you up at night because she's looking for someone to play with, then another cat might be the answer! Two cats are more likely to play with each other and have fun.

Just be aware that they may make noise as they jump around the house, and sometimes this can be as disturbing as your lonely cat bothering you. However, for some cats this is a great solution.

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Feed your cat before bed

Cats have a natural rhythm to their day, which includes hunting and catching prey, eating, grooming, and then sleeping. The best way to encourage your cat to sleep is to follow this rhythm!

After you've had a good time playing with your cat to imitate hunting and catching part of its rhythm, it's time to feed your cat. This can give them the satisfaction they would naturally feel if they caught something in the wild and then settled down to eat it.

Once your cat has a nice full tummy, she will be ready for some nice grooming and then some sleep. Timing the start of their sleep cycle to coincide with your bedtime means they are less likely to wake you if they are full of energy when you go to bed.

Morning activity of cats

Early morning awakenings for your pet can have several causes.

· The animal is bored and asks to be entertained

· The cat is hungry and hurries the owner to give out the morning portion of food

· Excess tenderness. Incredible, but true: it is in the morning that cats especially need affection and attention.

You can control your pet’s morning activity by providing him with independent entertainment. For example, give your cat access to a glassed-in balcony, where your pet can watch passers-by on the street.

Coordinate your pet's feeding times so that your cat doesn't feel too hungry in the morning.

Pet the animal only after you have woken up. Don't react to a cat if he asks to be petted at 5 am. The pet must understand: while the owner is sleeping, he cannot be disturbed.

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