The puppy constantly whines at night, what to do and how to wean it off?

If you buy a dog and bring it home, there is a high chance that it will whine. This can happen not only during the day, but also at night, causing discomfort to everyone in the household. Often games are accompanied by unpleasant whining. At such moments, the question arises of how to stop a dog from whining without harming its psyche. Detailed instructions will be described in this article.

Why does my pet whine?

This question worries many breeders and dog owners. Why does a dog whine for no reason?

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  • Expression of animal emotions. Your furry pet cannot do this in any other way.
  • The dog got sick. The cause may be injury or pathology of internal organs. With this behavior he attracts attention to himself or asks for help from the owner. It is worth paying attention if the pet is whining, and in addition, he has a bowel disorder, is shivering, the dog becomes lethargic, does not eat, or has a poor appetite.
  • To attract attention. With such signs, the animal asks to take a walk or play with it or treat it with something tasty.
  • The sadness of loneliness. If the owner is constantly traveling or at work, then the pet will often lack communication and affection.
  • Wild joy or delight. The dog jumps, barks, whines, runs around the person, expressing its emotions in such an unrestrained way, and can uncontrollably grab everything from the floor or ground.
  • Apology, guilt. Sometimes a pet may whine after doing something wrong or being caught doing something wrong. Often such whining is accompanied by flattening of the ears and drooping eyes.
  • Nothing to occupy yourself with. Sometimes puppies and adult dogs are unable to entertain themselves on their own and, being confined to four walls for a long time, begin to whine and may even run away.
  • Defecation. The dog hasn't been walked for a long time and his bladder is full, so he can't hold back and needs to go to the toilet (how to tame it).
  • Fright. This reaction happens when meeting an aggressive animal on the street, going to the vet, traveling or changing the environment.

Does your puppy whine for no reason?

Puppies, like adult dogs, periodically begin to whine. This is a unique way of communication between animals and their owners. You need to understand what the pet wants to communicate: it wants to play or complains of pain and discomfort.


The dog won't just whine like that. In a similar way, he communicates with others, expresses his feelings and emotions. It is important to be able to distinguish between happy whining and sad whining in order to help your dog if necessary.

Note! You can correct your pet's behavior by training and raising it. The animal needs to be trained from infancy, letting it understand that the owner is in charge in the relationship.

A dog can use whining to announce its presence. Perhaps the dog wants to greet the owner or is just bored. In the latter case, he will wander aimlessly around the house, constantly returning to his bedding. This usually happens if the dog is given too little attention and is left alone for a long time in a cramped room. The main thing is to distinguish between when the dog doesn’t know what to do and when he has health problems.

Puppies often whine when petting. They want their owner to play with them or pet them. They require attention and warmth from him. If you do not encourage whining, but, on the contrary, do not notice it and praise the dog when he behaves quietly, he will forget about this method of communication.

Puppy needs attention

The whining of other dogs can cause a response in the pet and he will begin to do it for company. Perhaps he does not simply repeat the sounds he heard, but expresses sympathy for his fellow man or tries to support and reassure. Whining also helps protect against attacking dogs. It is noticed that it has a calming effect and the dogs retreat.

Why you shouldn't calm your dog down

Some dog breeders believe that when whining, it is necessary to immediately begin to calm the animal. In reality, such tactics are not always effective. Especially if the dog is more than six months old.

When understanding the question of how to stop a dog from whining, it is important to remember that if you constantly calm the dog down, he will begin to attract attention to himself more often with this very behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to combine incentives with stricter education. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve acceptable behavior in the dog.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A dog can whine due to health problems, against the background of psycho-emotional factors, and as a way of communication.
  2. Bitches after estrus and during false pregnancy can whine with a toy; whining is also observed when overexcited.
  3. Dogs dream, so they may whine and move their paws while they sleep. This reaction is more common in puppies.
  4. In order for your pet to stop whining, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior. If necessary, contact a veterinarian.


You can stop a dog from howling alone only through consistent, correct actions. It is easier to teach her to be independent from puppyhood. But if the moment is missed, it is possible to correct the behavior of an adult dog of any age. The main thing is patience.

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Since dogs howl most often due to improper training, methods for correcting this problem are discussed below. Other causes - diseases, psychological disorders - require the intervention of a veterinarian or dog handler.

Accustoming a puppy to loneliness

A well-mannered dog will not howl, whine or bark for no reason under any circumstances. It’s easier not to retrain an adult dog, but to instruct a puppy, immediately show him what is right and what is wrong.

Therefore, dogs are raised from the first seconds of their life together. So that she does not even have thoughts of howling when her owner leaves the house, she is taught to remain alone from puppyhood.

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They do it like this:

  • send the puppy to the bed with the command “Place”;
  • To prevent the baby from getting bored, toys are left on the bedding;
  • leave the room - all people and pets leave it;
  • if the baby follows the owner, they come up and return him to his place;
  • if the kitten begins to whine, he is scolded.

When returning, you cannot punish the dog, shout or, conversely, talk and lisp. The puppy is returned to the bed or scolded calmly, using only gestures, commands “Place”, “Ugh”, “No”.

At first, the baby is left alone for 3-5 minutes. Every day the interval increases. When the puppy has sat quietly for half an hour, he will survive for several hours.

It is important to exhaust the puppy before the exercise, otherwise he will spend unspent energy on resistance.

How to stop an adult dog from howling

It is more difficult to wean an adult dog from whining, barking, and howling than a puppy. Use special exercises. They are repeated every day 2-3 times. The training will take 14-20 days.

A simple behavior correction for your dog is to ignore him when he whines. But this works if the pet attracts attention, demands a treat, or asks to play with it. When a dog whines out of fear of loneliness, the method is useless.

The correct ways to solve endless howling in the absence of owners are aimed at calming the dog. They explain to the dog that he is left at home on purpose, he must behave calmly, and separation is normal.

Actionable tips

Nuances to consider when choosing a four-legged friend:

  • mixed breeds tend to be unpredictable;
  • Huskies love to howl (it is much more difficult to wean them off);
  • pugs grunt and snore in their sleep;
  • Ridgebacks, Sherpeis, Greyhounds and Deerhounds are silent.

For the process to be successful, perform a number of necessary actions:

  1. Walks should be active and last at least 1-2 hours, filled with training, learning commands and communicating with others like you. This will exhaust your four-legged friend and, instead of howling or unwanted actions, he will go to sleep and rest.
  2. Leave toys at any age of your pet. They will protect slippers and wires from danger, strengthen your gums and allow you to calm down. Also buy a scratching post, it will keep him occupied for a long period of time.
  3. The use of a shock collar is strictly prohibited. It sends out a light shock when the animal barks, growls, whines or howls. But the accessory sometimes does not work correctly: when eating, yawning, swallowing, or being active (running, rapid breathing). Pain for unknown reasons will lead to nervous disorders.
  4. Cutting the vocal cords is a bad idea and solves the howling problem for neighbors, but the abnormal behavior will remain. The dog may begin to express them differently, but it is not known exactly how. The operation is expensive, dangerous, and deaths have been observed. Failure to communicate your needs to a person will lead to serious psychological distress.

It is also advisable to abandon physical punishment, which will not give the desired effect. The dog will not understand the cruel treatment, will become angry at people, and will stop letting them near him. Many people say that the pet matches the owner: in response to a person’s aggressive behavior, the dog will return aggression as a defense.

How to stop a puppy from whining at night and during the day? Tips from dog handlers

A child or an adult dog does not whine without a reason. Having determined the reason why the pet is whining, we select the appropriate way to eliminate the problem:

  • To stop a puppy from whining at night, it is worth setting up a sleeping place next to the owner so that the dog does not feel lonely. Move to a permanent place in two or three days.
  • Place a heating pad wrapped in a blanket next to the puppy.
  • For the first couple of weeks, devote a lot of time to your pet, walk, play, and arrange a normal life emotionally.
  • If the baby continues to whine, use the command “”, “No” every time the howling starts. Young dogs learn quickly, the effect is visible after 3-4 days.
  • You can stop your puppy from whining when he is left alone using consistent actions. Let the animal know where its place is and leave it alone for about 5 minutes. Every day, increase the intervals, and if the baby resists in every possible way, return him to his place and repeat the command in a calm, firm voice. Before the training process, take your dog for a walk. When the puppy does everything correctly, do not forget to praise and treat him with a treat.

There is no need to punish physically or shout, as this will only upset the animal’s psyche. Don’t babysit and don’t run at the first call, don’t fulfill every whim, don’t take the puppy to bed, show who’s boss in the house, otherwise it’s much more difficult to cope with the upbringing.

It happens that the baby begins to whine after 3-5 weeks of staying in a new place. He should be shown to a veterinarian; there may be health problems.

When a dog whines for no reason

Dog handlers agree that a dog cannot whine without a reason. This is always an expression of well-being, one’s own emotions or a way of communication. If you notice that your pet has begun to whine without any provoking factors, you should check his health (examine the oral cavity, change the temperature, take him to an appointment).

It is especially dangerous if the dog, at the same time as whining, is breathing heavily, shaking his head with his tongue hanging out, or pacing around in the apartment. If these symptoms occur, you should take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

Which breeds whine more often than others?

Most often, dogs that cannot be alone for a long time are susceptible to whining. They become very attached to their owner and quickly begin to miss him, even if he is away for only a few hours. Therefore, to avoid such a problem, we have to devote almost all our free time to animals.

Among the breeds that often suffer from loneliness are:

  • chow-chow;
  • poodle;
  • beagle;
  • chihuahua;
  • pug;
  • French Spaniel;
  • terrier;
  • Saint Bernard

Important! People who do not have enough free time are better off not buying puppies of the above breeds.

What to do if your dog whines at night

As a rule, adult dogs sleep at night if their day has been eventful and active, the pet is well-fed and healthy. Therefore, most often small puppies make cutting, unpleasant sounds at night, and this is most often explained not only by a sharp change in their usual environment, but also by fear and loneliness.

Important! If the puppy is not yet three months old, the baby howls and whines at night when he is left alone or locked alone in a room, never use physical violence or yell at the small pet. But encouraging such behavior is unacceptable. Act consistently and persistently.

During the first few days, whining is quite normal. He is frightened by new surroundings, smells, sounds. Some dog breeders recommend taking your pet to the bed. But dog experts do not recommend doing this. The puppy will get used to sleeping with you and it will be difficult to accustom an older pet to a place.

To stop your puppy from whining:

  • Organize a comfortable bed or house for the new member of your family.
  • If possible, do not leave the dog alone for a long time, and especially do not lock the puppy in a crate or in another room.
  • Protect your dog from stress and negative emotions. The period of adaptation and socialization should be as calm and favorable as possible.

If the puppy is a little over a month old, at this age it is not advisable to separate him from his mother. But if this happens, place the dog bed near your bed and as soon as the baby whines, calm him down and pet him. Once the puppy calms down, praise him.

Gradually move the lounger further away from the bed and react less to whining. Pay more attention to your pet so that he gets used to his new home faster and can more easily endure separation from his mother. In order for the puppy to better cope with separation from his mother dog, ask the breeders for toys, a cloth, or things that have retained familiar smells . Place them near the bed or in the house where your small pet sleeps, and he will behave more confidently and calmly. You can also use a heating pad or a bottle filled with warm water. Wrap it in soft cloth and place it near the puppy.

If the puppy, having adapted to new conditions, continues to howl and whine at night, leave the light or night lamp on. Approach the dog and calm it down in a gentle tone. If the whining does not stop, perhaps the puppy does not want to sleep and is bored. Place toys and tooth sharpeners near the baby. After playing enough, the dog will get tired and sleep peacefully.

Gradually accustom your dog to the command “Place”, “Fu”, “No” or any other prohibition commands. Give the command in a strict tone, and as soon as the dog has shown obedience, reward it with a gentle intonation or a treat. To prevent the puppy from getting bored when you are not at home, leave him various toys. Otherwise, the dog will not only howl, but will also begin to damage furniture and wallpaper.

Physical activity is equally important. After quarantine, walk your dog several times a day, gradually increasing the walking time. Accustom your puppy to communicate with his relatives, so that he then reacts normally to other dogs and animals.

If the dog shits in the apartment:

Before you scold your dog for something wrong, find out if everything is okay with him.

Little puppies often give their owners odorous surprises in the wrong places until they figure out where they should do their business. It’s worse when the “sin” happens to an adult and well-mannered pet, whom you haven’t caught committing such a crime a long time ago. How to be in this case?

On the floor

Never step over a dog pile. Even if you are rushing to the balcony to get a rag to eliminate traces of a crime, avoid the “damaged” area. Signs predict illness for those who violate the strict rules.

For sleeping place

There are several mutually exclusive interpretations of this sign.

  • The first promises the animal owner an influx of money and a tightly stuffed wallet. It is logical if you remember that a person marked with a bird is called lucky. Why is a four-legged fortune teller worse?
  • The second, on the contrary, predicts troubles for the owners at work and in their personal lives.
  • Finally, the third sees in the dog’s unusual behavior a sign of imminent life changes. And at the same time it does not hint in any way whether they are good or bad! Live and you will see.

Other omen options

  • If you happen to step into a pile of dogs, do not rush to get upset and why should you curse the furry saboteur. For many peoples, this event is regarded as a good omen: unexpected joy will soon fall on you, money will come, and a long-standing problem will be resolved by itself.
  • If you don't want your pet to continue leaving smelly marks in your rooms, never pull his tail. The sign has scientific confirmation. A bullied dog that is treated poorly is in constant nervous excitement, and in this state you can’t do anything!

While you're washing your shoes and anticipating the happiness to come, think about a visit to the vet. A dog's one-time mistake means nothing. But a sudden change in behavior and the regular choice of strange places for the toilet indicate the stress that the animal is experiencing.

The dog whines in the absence of its owners

There is nothing worse when a dog howls or whines under the doors, throws tantrums when he is left alone at home. The problem needs to be solved gradually.

To begin with, you can teach him to lock the dog in one of the rooms. Close the door and don't pay attention if he scratches the door or whines. After a while, open the door, scold your pet and give the forbidden command in a stern tone. You can lightly lift your pet by the scruff of the neck and slap him on the rump with a newspaper.

Once the dog calms down, praise him. Don't constantly run to your dog when he starts to tantrum and don't teach him to reward him with treats. The dog will quickly understand that whining is an effective means of attracting attention and getting treats. Repeat the exercise several times a day, increasing the time amplitude until you achieve results. If the dog starts whining as soon as you leave the house, come back and scold the dog. Give the command “Get in place!” and take him to the litter.

Advice! Do not let your dog out of the house or enclosure for a walk if the dog begins to howl. Don't open the door if he scratches or whines. Don't follow the animal's lead.

Do the same when leaving home. So that the dog doesn't get bored:

  • Leave a bone, toys, teeth sharpeners.
  • Before leaving, organize a long active walk and engage in training.
  • Feed before leaving. A tired and well-fed dog will sleep and rest when you leave home.
  • When leaving the dog alone, give the command “Place”. As soon as your pet goes to his bed, reward him.

Working with an adult pet

Often a dog comes into the home as an adult, fully formed individual, be it a dog adopted from a shelter, a foundling, or a pet of friends or acquaintances.

If a dog loses sight of its owner on the street and whines or makes these sounds in anticipation of some event, then such a pet should be taught to concentrate with the help of praise and goodies.

To train a dog to stop whining or howling indoors, use the same method as for a puppy. But remember that the process will take longer due to the age of the pet.

You cannot calm an animal down or praise it if it whines. She will take this as approval and will repeat this action over and over again. The owner should not aggravate the problem, but behave as if the owner of the pack is tough and fair.

You should not hit your pet; in rare cases, the strict command “Fu!”, spoken in a stern voice, is allowed. This way, the dog will feel inner strength and will probably obey. When obedient, grab your dog.

Another important point is not to let your pet out for a walk or to open the door when she barks or whines. Say “Ugh!”, wait until she stops making these sounds and only then release her. If the animal is kept in an enclosure, then accustom it to the place. You should only pet and encourage her when she calms down and becomes silent.

If your dog whines while driving, as soon as he starts doing this, close the curtains to prevent him from looking out the window. Don't get distracted and don't shout, you can command “Ugh!” or “Place!”


If your pet howls or whines from loneliness, then take her for a good walk before work in the morning. A fed and tired dog will rest and sleep longer, and therefore whine less.

Don't forget to leave toys for your animal to chew on. This will calm her nerves, strengthen her gums, and occupy her free time. And besides, you will protect yourself from torn slippers, chewed wires, etc.

Folk signs

Small breeds whine more often than large dogs. There are several superstitions that are associated with this behavior of a pet:

  • If a dog constantly whines in the morning, carefully peers into the owner’s eyes and does not leave, it means he will soon get sick. With his behavior, the dog is trying to warn the owner that he should take care of his health.
  • When a dog is constantly near its owner during a walk in the fresh air and makes whining sounds, it means that a dangerous person is nearby. Therefore, when walking you need to be very attentive and watch the people around you.

People who have adopted a small dog often encounter problems such as whining, restless behavior, and howling. Many dog ​​owners don't know what to do if their puppy is constantly whining. Therefore, before buying a dog, you need to figure out how to properly raise the animal so that the dog behaves appropriately and does not bother others for no reason.

Why does a dog howl?

It is natural for dogs to howl and whine, just as it is natural for people to talk. This is their language, a way to communicate fear, fear or displeasure.

No dog jumps without a reason. Therefore, before weaning your pet from howling, find out why he does this.

In 90% of cases, a dog howls because of improper training. They didn’t explain to her that she could be alone and there was nothing wrong with that.

Being alone is unnatural for dogs. They are social animals, surrounded by parents, siblings and people from birth. Animals with this problem follow the owner everywhere, and when the owner leaves, they try to slip into the entrance with the person or run out of the gate. This is the main provoking factor for howling in the absence of the owners. It is amplified due to:

  • nervousness – if the dog is left alone at home or in an enclosure in an excited state;
  • excessive attachment to the owner;
  • insufficient loads.

Why does a dog whine?

In most cases, the dog whines to attract attention, thereby achieving the fulfillment of its desires. In this way, the animal can beg for food while the owner is eating, or ask to go outside by hanging around the door. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what reaction comes from the owner, because even grumbling or punishment is also attention, albeit negative.

Animals may whine in response to stressful situations. Animals experience severe stress when separated from their owner, especially if there is a change of owner. Traveling by car can also be considered a stressful situation.

Easily excitable dogs can whine from overwhelming emotions, for example, in anticipation of an interesting game, a walk, the arrival of the owner, as well as when meeting another dog, if the pet is deprived of frequent communication with its own kind. This reaction is observed in dogs living in the yard of a private house, and some are very happy about contact with other dogs.

Some pets begin to whine to calm a person, for example, if he is depressed or in pain.

This behavior is observed in animals experiencing pain, such as constipation, when animals try to relieve themselves, but nothing happens. In bitches this behavior is observed during pregnancy. If a dog whines and trembles, then this condition indicates a strong pain reaction, the beginning of labor, and fear. If you notice signs of an animal's painful condition or injuries, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

When interacting with people or other animals, pets may whine, feeling a threat to themselves or their owner, or, conversely, feeling fear and submission in the presence of a dominant individual or directed aggression of the owner.

An effective method if the dog is afraid to be left at home alone

One effective method if a dog is afraid to be left at home alone is to pour cold water over it. If the barking is unreasonable and long, you need to take a glass of water and throw half of it on the dog. Place the remaining half a glass of water in plain sight. The main hope is that the dog will understand why there is water in the glass. The method is suitable for puppies that are too active and fearless; for timid and calm ones, it may not be suitable; the dog will simply be very scared, and in the future will tremble only at the sight of the owner with a glass in his hand.

The puppy may be dissatisfied with something and express his dissatisfaction with a loud, sometimes shrill bark. Some owners like it, but don't think about the time it takes for the puppy to grow up. That is why you should teach your dog to be quiet, as he will find many reasons to bark, it’s just a matter of the dog’s ingenuity and intelligence. This could be the noise of an elevator, steps on the landing, a doorbell or intercom signal, being left tied on the street, or something interesting seen from a window or balcony. And if your dog has an explosive temperament and strong vocal cords, he can happily bark for many hours.

What should you stock up on?

The following items will help you achieve success.

  1. Container with treats. You leave your dog food that he particularly likes and that he can eat for a long time. This should keep her busy, distracting her from your care.
  2. Radio or TV. By leaving any of these devices at a low volume, you give your dog the illusion that someone other than himself is present at home.
  3. An entertaining toy. You give it to your dog when you leave and take it away when you return home. By doing this, you let your pet know that the toy connects your arrival with your departure.

Next, we will consider several methods to help wean a dog from howling in the absence of the owner.

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Method of keeping active

  1. Giving your dog vigorous exercise. Some dogs start howling when you leave, leaving them at home while they dream of being active during a walk. Therefore, you need to make the animal feel tired.
  2. Walk before leaving. You can plan your walks so that they immediately precede your departure from home. Afterwards, your pet may want to be left alone.
  3. Keep your dog's mind busy. A dog may whine if it is bored. So you need to keep her mind occupied. To do this, you should purchase a number of entertaining toys for her, which the dog handler will recommend. And also pay attention to your friend, be sure to play before parting with him.
  4. Daily workouts. When you get a dog, you take on a lot of responsibility, as it needs attention and care on an ongoing basis. Among other things, you need to do daily training with it. They will help you a lot in stopping your dog from howling. Firstly, after running (as mentioned above), she will feel healthy fatigue and want to rest. And secondly, she will feel that you are nearby, that you devote a lot of time to her, and it will be easier for her to endure separation.

We must not forget about the health of your pet. When something bothers him, he will howl even more. And also you can’t leave him hungry. And if in doubt, you always have the opportunity to contact a specialist who understands animal behavior.

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What not to do with a puppy

Many people, when they hear their pet starting to whine, immediately run to it. However, you really shouldn't do this. The dog needs to be given a little time to calm down. Only after this you need to approach him and wait until he starts to sleep.

Important! You should not raise your voice at a dog to calm it down. Any manifestation of aggression will only aggravate the situation and negatively affect the emotional state of the pet. You need to wean your dog off whining carefully and gradually.

Desensitization method (reducing sensitivity)

It includes several points:

  1. Change the order of actions. Before leaving, you usually follow a certain sequence of actions. For example, you put on your coat, shoes, take your car keys and put them in your bag. The dog perceives this as a signal that it is time for her to “cry.” It is recommended to pack your things and dress in a different order. This will confuse the dog.
  2. Break the connection. This means that you need to use things used for care in the apartment, for example, walk around it with keys when you are not going to leave anywhere. This will prevent your pet from associating certain items only with grooming.
  3. Practice short absences. For example, when throwing out trash, return when your pet has stopped whining. By doing so, you encourage his calm behavior.
  4. Stay calm. When leaving, do not try to calm the dog down; it reads human emotions perfectly. On the contrary, be calm both when you leave the apartment and when you return to it.
  5. Take a break. When you return home, you should ignore your four-legged friend for a while until he comes to a calm state. This reduces the degree of tension, and with it the tendency to howl.

Next - about another way of working with a pet.

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What kind of entertainment can you leave for your pet?

The main rule is diversity. In addition to balls, ropes, rubber chickens and chewing bones, be sure to purchase interactive toys. Most of them are based on independent extraction of hidden treats. Games not only develop thinking, but also successfully shift attention. For more active games, devices with a laser beam are suitable.

Make sure any toys you buy are safe. They must not contain small parts or hazardous filler. Otherwise, the animal will choke or develop indigestion. If your dog loves soft toys, give them only under supervision.

How to help a puppy or teach him not to cry when he's locked up or outside

I've encountered this. It's been a long time, really. The puppy cried terribly the first day, I gave him my old rabbit fur hat. He probably thought it was still a puppy and didn’t cry anymore. Maybe I should give him something fur too? :))

Let's try to find some kind of fur trap.

You can also try leaving for a few minutes and returning, each time increasing the time of absence - so that he understands that you are not leaving him and will definitely come soon. Absolutely right. Or - get dressed and NOT leave. Lock yourself away from him in the room/kitchen, scold him if he cries, scratch him, praise him if he was silent and didn’t ask. Praise + treat if you were silent for at least a minute or two. Then increase the time. Everything else is also an option, try it.

Punishment too weak

If a dog raises its head, puts its ears up, jumps around you, stands on you with its paws, wags its tail and stretches its lips in a smile when you scold it, it does not understand that you are unhappy. Scold her harder, push her into the room. Lower your voice. Imagine that at this very moment she is doing something completely inappropriate - climbing on the table or lying in rotten meat. Your tone should be perceived unambiguously by her.

Note, however, that I only suggest that you scold the dog; do not hit or throw “Fischer discs” at her. In this exercise, you express dissatisfaction only with the timbre of your voice and words!

How to stop an adult dog from whining: advice from dog handlers

Encouragement helps wean your dog from whining.
There are several useful recommendations from dog trainers that will help wean your pet from whining:

  • There is no need to scold the dog when it starts to whine while resting in its place. In this territory, the pet should feel confident and calm.
  • During training, the dog should be rewarded with treats for following commands and good behavior. Praise encourages the dog to be more obedient.
  • Animals need to be weaned off whining gradually. At the same time, you need to raise your pet correctly, without aggression.
  • If necessary, puppies should be punished. Most often, punishments are effective on disobedient and spoiled animals.

What should you keep in mind?

A dog can be taught to obey the command “quiet”, but this will only calm it down temporarily. And after the owner leaves, she can resume barking. The best way out would be to reorient your four-legged friend to calmly endure loneliness, eliminating the root cause of his howling, teaching him to remain happy with life even when he is left at home alone.

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Of course, this process is not at all easy, especially if the habit is already ingrained. Sometimes it may be necessary to contact your veterinarian for sedative medications. But first you should try to cope on your own.

To do this, first of all, you need to understand that a dog that begins to whine does not need to be encouraged with an expression of pity and affection. When she starts making noise, she should be ignored. Thus, she has the opportunity to understand that howling will not bring her any benefit.

At the same time, if the dog is silent when you leave, you should express your approval to it. Then she will gradually begin to connect her behavior with consequences in her mind.

The dog starts whining when his owner is away

There are times when a pet begins to throw a tantrum if he has to sit at home alone. It is necessary to get rid of this problem gradually.

You should leave your dog alone in a locked room for a while. At first the animal will resist, but over time it will get used to it and feel comfortable. After the dog stops whining, you need to go to him and praise him.

Important! You need to leave your pet alone in the room several times until he gets used to it.

Mistakes when breaking up

Saying goodbye too long is a major mistake. But the owners can understand in this situation, how can they restrain themselves and not pet the dog for half an hour before leaving, when it whines a lot? Dogs are also actors and can easily detain any owners by playing on pity. But if he has been provided with everything he needs, it is better not to react to this. Indeed, in this case, the dog will understand that such tricks do not work and he needs to be more disciplined.

In general, training is not a difficult process, but both the owner and the pet require patience and discipline. The main thing is to be attentive to the dog’s condition, because sometimes it’s a simulation, and sometimes the dog can really feel unwell. Therefore, if a dog, after being alone, has stress, problems with food and stool, then the owner should try to compensate for the lack of attention.

What breeds of dogs whine more often?

Why does a dog whine in the car
? Dogs that cannot be alone for a long time whine more often. They are so attached to their owner that they begin to get bored, even if he is away for only half an hour. They express their melancholy by constant whining. Therefore, such pets need to be given a lot of attention. Busy people who are rarely at home are not recommended to have sensitive dogs. It will be extremely difficult to wean them off whining without giving them the love and care they need.

Among the constantly whining pets are representatives of the following breeds:

  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • pug;
  • spaniel;
  • poodle;
  • Toy Terrier;
  • chihuahua;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Chow-chow.

If small dogs do not cause significant damage to the apartment, distracting from melancholy, large dogs can greatly damage furniture and household things. You need to think several times before getting such a pet.

At night, those pets that need an active lifestyle may whine. These are hunting and sled dogs. They need to be walked daily, it is better to do this in nature so that the animal can run around as much as possible. They also require exercise and socialization. If they do not spend their irrepressible energy, being locked in an apartment or in a limited area of ​​the enclosure, they will begin to whine at night.

Breed selection

The choice of breed when purchasing a pet is also important. Remember that mixtures of breeds behave unpredictably and it is almost impossible to predict their future character. The quietest breeds, according to breeders and owners, are the Irish Setter and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

But the beautiful and imposing husky loves to howl, pugs and sharpeis will not bark much, but they grunt and snore.

The most silent breeds

If you do not like noisy dogs or those prone to howling and barking, then before choosing a pet you should choose a more silent breed.

  1. Basenji. These animals do not bark, but may purr when unhappy or howl slightly.
  2. Bullmastiff. A large, beautiful animal, it can be a protector for families and children; it prefers to snort and sniffle.
  3. Deerhound. This breed is perfect for indoors and will not bother you with barking, whining or howling.
  4. Afghan Hound. An elegant pet with high intelligence, attached to its owners.
  5. Shar Pei. It is distinguished by high devotion to its owners, barks and whines little. Mostly barks when playing or in danger.
  6. Ridgeback. A strong, powerful animal that is perfect as a protector. Characterized by silence. They need long walks and fresh air.
  7. Akita Inu. A dog with a powerful physique, silent until she is in danger.
  8. Greyhound. A companion pet with great speed and energy. Silent.
  9. Russian greyhound. The dog is graceful and not lacking in grace, moves a lot, makes little noise.


The owner gets up to drink water and notices a fluffy ball sitting modestly in the corner. The baby happily rushes forward. How can I stay here? I want to cuddle and play, because the baby is behaving well.

After a couple of such sessions, the dog will begin to play at night. She will persistently draw you into the process, even if you are currently sleeping. In extreme cases, the baby will start walking around the rooms, sighing, fidgeting... It is unlikely that you will fall asleep. How to fight?

Option one - ignore. If you get up in the middle of the night, just go about your business. Pretend that there is no puppy nearby. You can't pet, talk, or even look. The baby may compulsively spin around and try to start a game. Do not pay attention. If your pet is in the way, gently move it away with your foot. Leaning down and touching with your hands may feel like encouragement.

Typically training takes from 2 to 5 days. Sooner or later, the baby will understand that there is no one to play with at night, so he will prefer to sleep.

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