Reviews from owners about the German Shepherd dog breed: the pros and cons of pets and whether they can be kept in an apartment

German Shepherds are the most popular dog. For many centuries she has lived next to a person, protecting him and helping him. This is a service breed, but it is difficult to find another dog as loyal and intelligent. They call it universal because you can teach it anything: shepherd dogs work in the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, act in films, guard the house. This is a devoted friend and protector, kind to children, unpretentious. But proper upbringing is necessary, it is important to create the necessary conditions for the pet’s life. Therefore, before choosing a German Shepherd puppy, you need to study the pros and cons.
  • History of the breed
  • Description of the exterior of the German Shepherd
  • Head
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Wool
  • Color
  • Deviations from the standard
  • Character of dogs of this breed
      How to train
  • Caring for a German Shepherd
  • Health
  • Feeding
  • Selection of German Shepherd puppies
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Description of the breed

    German Shepherds are medium-sized dogs with strong bones and well-developed muscles. They have a long wedge-shaped head with a slightly convex forehead, powerful jaws and dark almond-shaped eyes.

    The paws of representatives of this breed are straight, set parallel to each other, the ears are triangular in shape, erect.

    The height at the withers for males is 60-65 cm, they weigh 30-40 kg, females grow to 55-60 cm with a weight of 22-32 kg.

    The coat is dense and hard, short on the head and front of the paws and slightly longer on the neck, with undercoat.

    The breed standard allows the following color options:

    • solid black;
    • black-backed - black with markings of yellow, red-brown, brown or light gray;
    • zonal;
    • black and tan.

    It is acceptable, but not desirable, to have small white spots on the chest and light colored fur on the inner surface of the body..

    Read more detailed characteristics of German Shepherds here.


    The variety of types of German Shepherd was simply predetermined by the long origin and long history of the development of the breed. Today, among the types, experts identify the following.

    • West German. The main breeding species. A classic German Shepherd that best meets the international standards of this breed.
    • East German. Brought out after World War II in the GDR. It differs from its West German relatives in having a more powerful build.
    • Eastern European. The result of the post-war work of Soviet breeders. It is distinguished by an even larger bone structure than that of East German Shepherds, and at the withers it can reach 70 cm.
    • Belarusian. The USSR has another type of shepherd bred - the Belarusian or so-called black German shepherd. True, experts do not include it among the main types of breeds. Belarusian Shepherds were bred by crossing German Shepherds with a number of breeds characteristic of Russia to give the animal resistance to cold and large dimensions. Dogs were successfully used in the KGB system. Representatives of the breed can reach 90 cm at the withers. These are often dark or black animals, but there are also pure white or spotted ones. In other lines, black or white color is considered a sign of non-compliance with breed standards, but for the Belarusian Shepherd this is the norm.
    • Long-haired. The long-haired German Shepherd is another example where dog breeders are “crowded” within the standards. As in the case of the “black shepherd,” it’s all due to a recessive gene that is present in all lines, but manifests itself only in some representatives. In the homeland of shepherd dogs, Germany, smooth-haired representatives of the breed are considered the standard, and other dogs cannot take part in exhibitions. In response, long-haired pet lovers are developing a species called the Old German Longhair, but without official recognition or specific genetic lines for breeding.
    • Dwarf. The dwarf German shepherd is also not formally considered a separate line, since its significantly smaller size is the result of a genetic malfunction that can affect the health of the animal. But these dogs fully retain the working qualities of the “Germans”, protective instincts, learning ability and the ability to get along with children. And this, together with their compact size, makes dwarfs attractive to those who want to keep a dog in an apartment.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    German Shepherds have outstanding service qualities, which are inherent in them at the genetic level and allow representatives of this breed to be used in completely different areas: from protecting the territory to detaining criminals and searching for various dangerous objects.

    But this is far from the only advantage of German shepherds.

    Positive qualities also include:

    • intelligence and learning ability;
    • devotion;
    • unpretentiousness in maintenance and feeding;
    • lack of inclination to conflicts and aggression for no apparent reason;
    • energy, endurance;
    • the ability to establish good relationships with all household members, including small children;
    • lively character and stable psyche;
    • affordable price.

    In addition, these dogs can be kept not only in an outdoor enclosure, but also in private houses and apartments, subject to daily long and active walks.

    Along with their advantages, German Shepherds also have a number of disadvantages.:

    • the need for professional training;
    • the need for daily communication with a person, active games, activities and walks;
    • the possibility of aggression in the absence of proper education and socialization;
    • specific smell and presence of fur in the room, especially during molting;
    • problems with digestion and the musculoskeletal system.

    Dogs of this breed require a special approach to education and training, therefore they are not suitable for inexperienced breeders.

    Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

    The choice of a dog's gender directly depends on the purpose of its acquisition. If we are talking about breeding, then you should buy a bitch with a good pedigree; if you need a watchman or a security guard, you need to pay attention to a dog.

    PLEASE NOTE! When a puppy is purchased as a pet, its gender does not matter.

    However, you should be aware of some differences between male and female German Shepherds..


    Boys are more stubborn and have a tendency to dominate, which can lead to problems as the pet grows up, especially if proper attention has not been paid to training.

    Owners leading an active lifestyle prefer to have male dogs, motivating their choice by their higher degree of endurance, activity and the most unfriendly attitude towards strangers.

    Males experience sexual desire throughout the year and, sensing a bitch in heat, will literally suffer, refusing to eat, yearning and possibly showing aggression.

    In addition, boys tend to mark territory by raising their back paw and leaving behind marks that emit an unpleasant odor.


    Girls have a softer and more flexible character and are easier to train..

    Sexual desire occurs only during estrus, i.e. Twice a year. At this time, the dog may behave differently than usual, becoming more stubborn and disobedient. It is important to keep a close eye on her so that she does not run away.

    At the same time, the bitch can produce puppies, which, if the male is chosen correctly and has permission to breed, can bring income to the owner.

    In the case where the pet has not lived up to the hopes placed on it for breeding dogs, and changes in character during the period of heat cause inconvenience, you can sterilize it.

    Spayed females have no restrictions regarding their show career..

    Choosing a healthy puppy

    You should not look for a full-fledged German Shepherd at the poultry market. Even litter from champion sires in a trusted nursery can be very heterogeneous. The most promising puppies are rarely given away, leaving them for breeding, and if they are sold, it is very expensive. Your task is to choose the strongest and most beautiful baby, which is extremely difficult in the absence of special knowledge.

    General information

    Find out how many puppies the bitch brought. According to FCI standards, German Shepherds should feed no more than ten dogs at a time, which is considered the key to their future health. And the bitch herself in this case is less susceptible to exhaustion.

    Ask when the dog's previous birth was. If she was whelped less than a year ago, it is better to abandon the puppy: according to European rules, a breeding shepherd dog should give birth no more than once a year. Frequent childbirth weakens both the mother and her offspring.

    Assess the litter as a whole. A high-quality litter is usually homogeneous - all puppies are approximately the same size (allowing for the difference between the sexes) and are similar to each other.

    Compliance with standard

    There are many anatomical details that allow you to understand the high class of litter. A good German Shepherd puppy has the following characteristics:

    • strong bones and elongated body;
    • straight (not sagging) back and strong (not short) neck;
    • thick paws, gathered into a ball (hind paws without dewclaws);
    • lack of fringe in the ear area;
    • tail without kinks or bumps;
    • ears without erect tips up to 3.5 months;
    • scissor bite with a gap between the incisors of no more than 2 mm (without fused/double teeth);
    • the muzzle is not sharp, the forehead is not too wide (with a pronounced transition between them).

    In menstruating Germans, a bluish tint to the iris is allowed, which disappears as they grow older. The standard eye color is dark brown. Puppies come in black and tan or black: the more intense the tan color, the better.

    Puppy health

    Take a closer look at the environment where the puppies are growing up. In puppy nurseries, piles are quite acceptable, as long as there are no blood clots in them. Liquid feces will also indicate an intestinal disorder. By the way, sometimes diarrhea is indicated by characteristic marks near the anus and on the “pants”.

    Puppies are expected to exude fun, optimism and curiosity. They should be free of flaking and scabs, and their coat should be plush and clean. Dull, tousled fur, complemented by a bloated belly, is a sign of helminthic infestation.

    Warning symptoms include:

    • large hernias (umbilical/inguinal);
    • visible consequences of birth/postpartum trauma;
    • thickenings on the ribs, indicating rickets (identified by palpation);
    • purulent discharge from the eyes;
    • odor from the ears;
    • dry nose.

    If you want to test your dog's hearing, clap your hands sharply and watch his reaction.

    Puppy makings

    A dog's character is no less important than its physical health.

    Pay attention to the puppy, bravely exploring space, confidently interacting with littermates and people. The adaptive qualities of the “German” first appear precisely when weaned from his mother: at this moment he shows his fearlessness and willingness to communicate with a stranger

    It’s bad if the puppy hides in a corner, runs away and hides. But the other extreme, when he tries to bite and growls angrily, does not characterize him from the best side. Developing a distrustful attitude towards strangers will become your prerogative and will begin after you take the dog home.

    Is it possible to keep it in an apartment?

    It is possible to keep a German Shepherd in an apartment and it will not cause any difficulties, but only if several conditions are met.:

    • when choosing a place, it is necessary to take into account the size of an adult pet - the dog should be comfortable, it should be able to stretch out to its full height during sleep and rest;
    • a bed, mattress or bedding should also be selected in accordance with the size of the animal;
    • The place should be chosen so that the pet can see the entire room and doors from it - this need is due to the watchdog instincts of the German Shepherd.

    However, the most important condition is regular walking of the pet, the ability to provide it with constant physical and mental stress..

    Otherwise, the dog will be bored and will find an outlet for accumulated energy through damage to property and other unpleasant moments for the owners.

    Popular nicknames

    The first important event after birth for a German Shepherd puppy is naming. You need to approach this responsibly and take your time.

    The most popular nicknames for girls:

    • Linda;
    • Asya;
    • Laura;
    • Grace;
    • Fanya;
    • Bonya;
    • Torrey;
    • Elsa;
    • Burn;
    • Eve.

    Boys' nicknames:

    • Rex;
    • Golf;
    • Phoenix;
    • Mark;
    • Volcano;
    • Donya;
    • Max;
    • Raleigh;
    • Gray;
    • Bucks.

    The nickname should consist of two syllables, be simple and pronounceable, and be liked by all family members and the dog. A list of beautiful names for a German can be found here.

    Useful video

    From the video you will learn interesting facts about the German Shepherd dog breed:


    Have you decided to get yourself a German Shepherd? Very good choice. But as the future owner of this wonderful breed in all respects, you must understand with full responsibility what responsibility you are taking on. In this material we will try to tell everything about the good features and disadvantages of the breed. If you describe the German Shepherd in one word, then that word is “versatility.” The dog exhibits excellent adaptation to people and amazing performance.

    German Shepherd.

    However, despite the many positive qualities of the shepherd, the breed cannot be called ideal and problem-free. In order for it to become your faithful companion in life, a guard and a devoted friend, you will need to pay enough attention to the dog, work on it, care for it and, of course, above all, love your pupil.


    Irina, Moscow: “My acquaintance with shepherd dogs happened in 2010. We chose a puppy and he immediately became our best friend. A completely unpretentious, obedient and intelligent dog. There is no need to spend a lot of money on maintenance and expensive food. If you haven't gotten yourself a dog yet, then think about this wonderful breed. This is a very loyal and intelligent friend, and also a good guard.”

    Irina, Moscow: “My acquaintance with shepherd dogs happened in 2010. We chose a puppy and he immediately became our best friend. A completely unpretentious, obedient and intelligent dog. There is no need to spend a lot of money on maintenance and expensive food. If you haven't gotten yourself a dog yet, then think about this wonderful breed. This is a very loyal and intelligent friend, and also a good guard.”

    Maxim, Sochi: “German shepherds are very reliable animals. Therefore, you can live peacefully with this dog and not worry about your safety. She won't touch anyone without a command. If you want a devoted and faithful friend to appear in your family, I advise you to get this breed. You will not regret".

    It is difficult to find a more devoted and loyal friend than a German Shepherd. She will become a companion to the owner, a nanny-bodyguard for small children and a formidable home guard. With proper care, the pet will delight the family for many years.

    The gallery contains photos of German Shepherds of various colors. Puppies and adults are presented. In the video you can observe the grace and behavior of these individuals.

    Advantages of a German Shepherd

    High intelligence and good learning ability. Representatives of the breed are highly trainable, quickly remember commands and are happy to carry out complex tasks. The dog tries to fulfill any command from the owner, of course, if a trusting relationship has been established between the pet and the owner.

    Unpretentiousness and not picky about living conditions. It is quite comfortable to keep a German Shepherd not only in private houses, but also in small apartments. Despite its rather large size, the dog does not take up much space in the apartment, provided that the pets receive sufficient exercise during the day (active games, long walks in the mornings and evenings).

    A shepherd dog can be kept outside without any health problems. By the cold period, she grows a thick undercoat, which warms the animal even in extreme cold.

    German Shepherd in winter.

    Unpretentiousness to the diet. Representatives of the breed are better suited to a diet based on natural products.

    Well developed security qualities. These reliable and fearless guards will always defend their owner and family members in case of danger. They carefully protect their territory and the property of their owners. Representatives of the breed have proven themselves to be excellent bodyguard dogs. But in order for a dog to possess these skills, it must undergo a general training course under the supervision of a dog handler.

    Read, interesting: A dog in the family. What you need to know is a must.

    Non-conflict. The German Shepherd has a balanced character, treats its relatives well, and lives in the same territory with other pets, including cats, without any problems. She never shows causeless aggression towards other dogs or strangers. Shepherd dogs are friendly with children, enjoy participating in joint games, and become loyal friends, guards, and even nannies for children.

    Waiting for instructions.

    German Shepherds are not vindictive, they will not do anything bad, even if they are offended by the owner. These are sensitive, sincere and noble dogs. Of course, sometimes a German can be stubborn or disobedient, but this does not mean that the dog does this intentionally, wanting to show his advantage over the owner.

    Sociability. Dogs quickly go through a period of socialization. You can’t say about them, “These dogs are crazy.” Their logic is simple and clear. Therefore, if the correct norms and manners of behavior have been instilled in the pet from an early age, then in most cases the dog’s behavior will be predicted.

    Read more: Dog behavior with its relatives.

    Interesting Facts

    In the ranking of intelligent dogs compiled by scientists from the University of British Columbia, German shepherds are among the leaders.
    Thanks to their participation in the First and Second World Wars, shepherd dogs have earned a place in the armed forces of most countries.

    The first representative of the breed, a dog named Greif, took part in an exhibition organized in the city of Hanover in 1882.

    The city of Togliatti can boast of a monument to a dog that has been waiting for its owners for seven years. The breed of this dog is German Shepherd. The monument is a symbol of love and devotion.

    Initially, shepherd dogs were a herding breed. In ancient times, all shepherd dogs that lived in Germany were called shepherd dogs.

    Disadvantages of the German Shepherd

    Mandatory training courses. These dogs need at least a basic course. If you do not have the proper qualifications, then this breed is not recommended for you. Without proper upbringing and training, a dog can become uncontrollable and dangerous to other people. If you lack experience, you may miss an important point around the age of nine months when the dog goes through puberty. As a result of training and training, a German Shepherd must listen and hear its owner, respect him and remain obedient even in extreme situations.

    On a walk.

    High need for active games, activities and walks. Dogs need regular and long-term (up to 1 - 2 hours, and sometimes more) exposure to air. Moreover, the dog needs not just games, but mental exercise. While walking, be sure to repeat commands or learn new ones. Without such activities, your pet will get bored and will look for entertainment on its own (it will start gnawing furniture and things, gutting the trash can).

    Manifestation of aggression. While treating their immediate environment well, German Shepherds can at the same time show excessive hostility towards strangers. The dog must be taught the ability to react adequately to any situation. Don't allow her to bark at people or objects she doesn't know. Moreover, rush or try to bite.

    Be sure to read: Dog and stranger, dog’s attitude towards strangers.

    Presence of fur and odor in the room. When getting a German Shepherd, be prepared for constant cleaning, as the dog leaves hair all over the house. Especially during shedding, when a lot of undercoat is shed. You will also have to ventilate the room from time to time to get rid of the specific smell.


    Large sizes. The German Shepherd is a large, powerful animal that, when jumping in games, can accidentally injure its partner and leave many bruises on the body. When buying a puppy, you should not forget about this.

    Sensitive digestion and weak musculoskeletal system. Some representatives of the breed suffer from food allergies. In this case, you should carefully select the food. Also, many German Shepherds may have joint dysplasia, but recently breeders have been paying great attention to this problem and are trying to exclude sick producers from breeding.


    • High intelligence . Since the shepherd was initially bred to perform any kind of task, this had a positive effect on their level of intelligence. In addition to the fact that shepherd dogs are easy to train, they are capable of performing tasks that are impossible for other breeds. It is for this reason that German Shepherds are often found in military and police service.
    • Emotional balance . With proper upbringing, a shepherd will never create conflict out of nowhere. She will have no problems with members of her own species or with others - even with cats. The same applies to human cubs, with whom shepherds get along well and with whom they can even play. This is especially true for female dogs - no matter what a child does with them, they will not show aggression. However, leaving your dog alone with children is not recommended.
    • Pleasant character . Getting along with a German Shepherd is not at all difficult. There are dogs that are naturally spoiled and very wayward – but not this breed. Their behavior and actions can always be explained, and even if the owner did something wrong, offending his pet in some way, the shepherd will never take revenge. They say about such dogs that they clearly know their place and understand that a dog cannot be more important than a person.
    • Unpretentiousness . It doesn’t matter in what conditions you keep your German Shepherd – to stay happy, it needs enough food and drink. Otherwise, she will exist even in the field and will never hate her owner for it. If the conditions of its detention have changed for some reason, the pet will very quickly adapt to them.
    • Bravery . The size and personality of the German Shepherd imply loyal service to the family of its owners. If a dog lives in a suburban house, it will always sense danger from an ill-wisher and will defend to the last what was entrusted to it. They will fearlessly pounce on the offender, not sparing him, if necessary, with their fangs - although the dog is not a fighting dog, it succeeds in this no worse.
    • Devotion . A properly raised dog is ready to serve its owner to the grave and will protect him until his last breath, without ignoring his family members. She will treat them kindly and will be ready to protect each one, without emphasizing that the owner belongs only to her, as some jealous breeds do.


    • They require a lot of educational work . Indeed, a German Shepherd, into which the owner has invested a lot of effort and resources, can become not only a loyal friend, but also a protector. But what if you simply don’t have the time or skills to do it? For example, in order for a shepherd dog to guard a house, you need to take special courses - if the owner can still cope with standard training, then separate specialists are needed for this. Even basic rules of upbringing, if not taught in time, can affect the relationship between the dog and its owner - to the point that the shepherd dog imagines that it is she who is in charge, and not the owner.
    • Sharp fangs . What is an advantage in protecting a home can also become a disadvantage if this point was missed during the upbringing process. In other words, if the dog is not explained in time that it is forbidden to bite (it may do this unintentionally, just playing and not understanding the pain it can cause), its bites can be dangerous to humans.
    • Possible aggressiveness . Lack of training can also affect the dog's behavior, including uncontrollable attacks of aggression. You can combat this, for example, by purchasing a muzzle, but this will not solve the problem.
    • The need to regularly exercise and walk in the fresh air . German Shepherds are very energetic, and it is impossible to waste energy while sitting still. Therefore, when getting a pet, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will pull you for a walk, no matter how tired you feel or what the weather is like outside. Of course, for those who regularly get up in the morning and go for a run, this is not a problem, but if this is not about you, why mock yourself and the animal? It’s worth noting that if a shepherd dog is not taken outside for a long time, it can become aggressive and may not obey its owner.
    • Requires a lot of free space . The German Shepherd is ideal for a country house, which has room for games and walks, but in a city apartment the dog will be terribly bored, not to mention the fact that sometimes even the size of the apartment does not mean such a large creature will be in it. Of course, if you are willing to devote several hours a day to your dog, spending an hour or more on each walk three times a day, there will be no problems - but if not, you may have difficulties.
    • The need to clean regularly . When a shepherd dog begins to shed, everyone who lives in the apartment immediately finds out about it, because wool appears everywhere in abundant quantities. You need to clean constantly. Moreover: clean people may begin to resent the specific smell of the dog, which requires constant ventilation or, if possible, a kennel outside.


    The German Shepherd breed is rightfully considered one of the most faithful and noble - that is why many of those who once got a representative of this breed get them again and again. However, before getting a shepherd, you need to think several times and make an informed decision - whether you can take enough care of it, or whether it is better not to risk it.

    Sources used:


    Attitude towards children

    Some people's fear of getting a German Shepherd because of small children is completely unjustified..

    Representatives of this breed get along well with children. Moreover, they perceive them as part of their flock, caring for which is in their blood.


    Therefore, these dogs become not only good friends for small children, but also excellent nannies and protectors.

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