A cross between a husky and a malamute: the character traits of pets and how to choose the right puppy

Husky and Malamute mixes, despite the fact that they are not allowed for exhibitions and breeding, enjoy a certain popularity.

Moreover, among their fans there are many more professional breeders than just amateurs.

Why are such crossbreds so attractive for participants in sports competitions and for ordinary owners?

Like all other mestizos, these dogs take from both their parents not only their appearance, but also their character traits and working qualities, which makes such a pet unique and inimitable in its own way.

A cross between a husky and a malamute - a description of the breed and what it looks like in the photo

A cross between a Husky and a Malamute, called an Alaskan, looks like a cross between these two breeds . He is larger and fluffier than a husky, and his bones are more powerful and strong.

In such a cross, the head may also be more massive, and the ears are set quite widely apart. Eye color can be anything acceptable for each breed: brown or bluish.

Also among mestizos, heterochromia occurs, in which one eye is dark and the other is light blue.

Alaskans successfully combine the agility and agility of huskies with the power and strength characteristic of malamutes.

Such dogs are distinguished by their speed and agility, while they are very hardy and show excellent results in sledding sports.

German Shepherd Husky (Gerberian Shepsky)

The next hybrid on our list will certainly try to get away from you.

The Gerberian Shepsky is a breed created by crossing a German Shepherd and a Siberian Husky.

From a small puppy to full adulthood (approximately 5-7 years), these are very sweet, friendly dogs that not only love the company of people, but also get along with other pets.

After your Gerberian Shepsky finally grows up from a puppy, having borrowed powerful and dexterous paws from a German Shepherd, he will definitely try to run away from you if he does not receive the proper attention - a lot of care and affection.

The main distinguishing external feature of this hybrid is short hair (in most cases), other features vary from the predominance of shepherd or husky blood.

Husky shepherd dogs also love to “talk” to people more than other huskies, and howl to the sounds of a siren outside the window or music in your player.

What did the husky mixture take in?

From huskies, mestizos, along with a greater lightness of physique, also inherit such features as agility and excellent running qualities . Many crossbreeds inherit the Husky's blue eye color, narrower muzzle, pointed ears and coat type.

In their character traits and attitude towards people, they also take a lot from huskies. Such mestizos are active and playful, they adore their owners and are ready to follow them everywhere.

By inheritance from the husky, the Alaskan may inherit a stubborn disposition and willfulness, which, given the large size and physical strength of the dog, can cause difficulties in the process of raising it.


Even covering plants with fabric or film will not save them from the cold when growing in open ground. Therefore, observe the timing of planting seeds specifically for your region, plant in greenhouses and hothouses, and use early-ripening varieties.


If the tomatoes still managed to suffer from the influence of low temperatures, this will be noticeable by the following signs:

  • growth slowdown;
  • widespread yellowing of leaves;
  • border that has become bluish;
  • redness of the stem in some cases.

You can try to save the fruits by spraying with adaptogens like aloe or zircon - just one drop per liter of water is enough.

What traits did she take from the Malamute?

From the Malamute, the mestizos got large stature and a rather powerful physique . Strength, endurance and a more balanced temperament than that of the husky also came to them from the Malamutes.

In external features, the similarity of Alaskans with Malamutes can also be seen in a more massive skull and a relatively wide muzzle. Their ears are also set quite wide apart, almost like a Malamute.

Many Alaskans also inherit from them the expression of their eyes: unlike huskies, whose faces seem to have curiosity and playfulness imprinted on them, the look of most mestizos is calm and good-natured.

From the Malamute, the Alaskan can also inherit a dominant attitude towards other dogs, as well as intolerance towards small animals.

Pet Personality

As is the case with other mixed breeds, it is difficult to say which of its parents such a puppy will grow up to resemble. Considering that huskies and malamutes have opposite character traits, we can say that it all depends on how the genes line up.

If the puppy is more like a malamute, he will have a calm and good-natured disposition, but if he is a husky, he will grow up to be very active and playful.

One thing is certain: that his character will contain traits of both breeds. Metis will be very smart and quick-witted, although perhaps also cunning.

They will almost certainly inherit from both their parents the desire to dig up the ground and the ability to make tunnels, therefore, if the owner does not want his pet to wander on its own, he will have to take care of a reliable fence or enclosure from which the Alaskan cannot get out.

Many owners of such dogs note that Alaskans tend to have a dominant attitude towards other dogs . But they treat children very well: such pets make wonderful playmates for children.


Such dogs may be too friendly and trusting of strangers, which makes their use as guards inappropriate.

Mestizos are especially loyal to their owners and are people-oriented, which significantly facilitates the process of training them..

Many people who decide to buy such a dog think that the character of their pet will be average between the temperament of a husky and the phlegmatic nature of a malamute, but there is rarely a “golden mean” in the character of Alaskans.

Much more often, a puppy inherits most of its traits from one breed or another.

Golden Husky Retriever (Siberian Retriever)

This husky mix is ​​the result of crossing a Golden Retriever with a Siberian Husky.

If your Siberian Retriever has 50/50 Husky and Labrador blood, he will most likely have a two-tone chocolate and white coat with a husky marking pattern and blue eyes.

From a Labrador he will get a calm, patient and obedient disposition.

Your pet will only need about forty-five minutes of walks a day , which is quite a bit compared to other huskies.

Also, just like German Shepherd Huskies, these dogs love to howl in tune with the car siren as soon as they hear it.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

The height of an Alaskan dog is usually greater than that of a husky, but less than that of a malamute: on average, it is 56-58 cm at the withers, but can be from 52 to 65 cm.

The average weight of such dogs is 30-34 kg.

But, depending on the characteristics of the physique and the massiveness of the skeleton, their weight can range from 20 to 43 kg:

  • The body of the mestizos is almost square in format: its length exceeds the height at the withers by no more than 1-2 cm.
  • The bones are strong, but the dog does not look too massive. The Alaskan has a moderately wide head and a not too long muzzle, similar to that of a wolf.
  • The ears are pointed, triangular in shape, set relatively close.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, blue or brown. Heterochromia is also allowed.
  • Alaskans have a friendly, but at the same time slightly wary look.
  • The neck is strong, the withers are well developed, the back is straight and strong, the croup is slightly sloping.
  • The tail is well feathered and may be carried over the back or drooped.
  • The limbs are strong, muscular and robust. At the same time, Alaskans are characterized by some high-leggedness.
  • The fur is thick and dense, often forming a kind of small fringe around the neck and on the tail.

The color can be any color acceptable for each breed, including pure white.

Outwardly, Alaskans resemble a wolf more than representatives of each of the two original breeds, which is why they are often mistaken for wild animals.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Alaskans usually inherit the best qualities from Huskies and Malamutes. From the first breed they take speed, agility and a playful disposition, from the second - prudence, a more balanced temperament, strength and power. Outwardly, such mestizos look like a cross between malamutes and huskies and are often more similar to wolves than both of them. These dogs are distinguished by great endurance and unpretentiousness in keeping and feeding. As for their health, Alaskans live long enough and rarely get sick.”

Introduction to breeds

During the existence of these varieties of sled dogs, their furry representatives became famous throughout the world for their attractive appearance, and also earned a reputation as irreplaceable helpers and faithful companions for humans. Both breeds are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • strong attachment to the owner;
  • devotion;
  • affectionateness.

However, despite these and other similar traits and characteristics, representatives of the breeds differ significantly from each other. The differences between Malamute and Husky concern the following parameters:

There is no definite opinion which breed is better. This topic is the subject of constant debate among dog lovers of these varieties. Choosing a specific dog breed is purely a matter of taste and personal preference. Therefore, anyone who plans to have a pet of one of these varieties needs to thoroughly study the difference between a husky and a malamute before purchasing a pet.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Beautiful.
  • Strong and resilient.
  • Show first-class results in sledding.
  • Friendly to people.
  • They make good companions for children.
  • Inexpensive price.
  • Unpretentious in feeding and maintenance.
  • Good health.


  • They may seem dangerous to strangers due to their external resemblance to a wolf.
  • Not suitable for protection: too friendly towards all people.
  • Not allowed for exhibitions and breeding.
  • It is difficult to predict how such a puppy will grow up.
  • Usually, they try to dominate other dogs, which makes it difficult to work in a harness.

The hunting instinct inherited from the Husky and the Malamute can make the Alaskan intolerant of cats and other smaller animals.

Life expectancy and health

On average, Alaskans can live 12-15 years . At the same time, most of these mestizos are in good health.

But, given that husky and malamute are related breeds, a puppy from such parents may be predisposed to eye diseases, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The gluttony inherited from the two original breeds makes such a dog prone to obesity . In addition, Alaskans can be susceptible to diabetes.

Features of maintenance and care

Husky and Malamute mixes can live both in a private house and in an apartment . But you need to take into account that if a puppy inherits the character of a husky, he may have a tendency to damage furniture and other things, and he may also howl from boredom when left at home alone.

Therefore, it is best to immediately wean him from this habit, and if the dog spoils things, it makes sense to think about purchasing a special cage or indoor enclosure for it.

In a private home, you need to keep an Alaskan either in a spacious enclosure or free-range in the yard, but not on a chain . In this case, it is necessary to take care of a reliable fence so that the dog cannot dig under it or get over it.

You will also have to ensure that the mestizo does not have access to poultry and small animals such as cats or rabbits. After all, the Alaskan may decide that they are his legitimate prey and start hunting them.

Caring for this dog is not difficult: the coat needs to be combed 1-2 times a week; during shedding, this procedure will have to be done daily..

Ears, eyes and teeth should be examined every morning and cleaned if dirty. If the Alaskan's claws do not grind down on their own, they should be shortened as necessary.

Mixed breeds do not need frequent bathing: it is enough to wash them 2-3 times a year or if the pet is very dirty.


Externally, the puppies are similar in all respects, except for color - fluffy little balls with a perky character. It is difficult to recognize a mestizo among a group of kids. Therefore, you need to buy a pet only from an official nursery or club. The average cost of a Husky is 30-60 thousand rubles, and a Laika is 10-40 thousand rubles.

Photos of Laika puppies

Not every experienced dog breeder can raise Laika, because her character is more difficult to break. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to consider the option of purchasing both breeds and choose the appropriate one.

In all other respects (care, nutrition, training) the animals are similar. Both breeds require competent socialization and constant education. The owner needs to prove his leadership. Breeders really don't like it when dogs are confused. This also insults the feelings of the owners. Despite the opinion that Husky is a descendant of Laika, both species are included in the book of standards and are described by different criteria.

How and what to feed correctly

Alaskans, like representatives of the original breeds, do not suffer from lack of appetite . Rather, on the contrary: these dogs can eat almost anything and, at any opportunity, will not miss the chance to have something to eat.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your pet’s diet: under no circumstances overfeed him and, of course, do not give him food from your table, no matter how pitifully he begs for it.

You can feed your Alaskan either natural food prepared at home or branded dry food . At the same time, the food must be fresh and of high quality.

With natural feeding, approximately 30% of the mixed breed's diet should be muscle meat or offal. But you need to take into account that you can give your pet liver only in a scalded form, and it is better not to treat your dog with lungs, udders and kidneys at all.

For meat, Alaskans should receive oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridge, as well as raw or boiled vegetables and fresh, finely chopped herbs, with the exception of sorrel.


It is also useful to give your pet fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, and from time to time you can pamper him with a piece of hard cheese.

If an Alaskan eats ready-made food, it must be at least premium and meet the age, size, physical activity and health status of the dog..

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