We train your pet to go to the toilet in the right place or on a walk

How to train a dog to use a litter box?

Cleanliness is one of the most important properties that distinguishes dogs from other domestic animals.
These pets are easy to train, so it won’t be difficult for you to accustom them to one place to perform their needs. A healthy dog ​​simply needs to be toilet trained. If the dog stops going to the litter box, or you bought a puppy, both one and the other have to be constantly cleaned up. In this article, we will show you how to train your dog to use the litter box without much effort. By doing so, you will make life much easier for yourself and your loved ones.

What dogs go to the litter box?

There is an opinion that some breeds can be easily trained to use the dog toilet. Such as the Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian Spitz, Russian Toy (Toy Terrier), Maltese, Chihuahua, are very easy to train.

In principle, a dog of any breed can be trained to use a litter box; it all depends on upbringing and discipline.

Tray - toilet for dogs

For miniature breeds of dogs that go to the litter box, it is recommended to buy a rectangular litter box. It's great for any breed of pup that is used to not having to wait around for a walk, and it's very travel-friendly. In addition, this tray is equipped with latches, so the film is held firmly and does not slip.

For older dogs, a tray with a grid is suitable. A diaper and litter are not required here, but such a toilet will have to be washed constantly.

For male dogs, special litter boxes (dog trays) with a removable post are used. If you do not find such a model, a tray with high sides can easily replace it.

Tray training a dog

First, you should choose a place where the dog will sit with the tray for a certain time. Because it is very important that the tray does not move around the rooms, but stands in one corner. Lock the dog up for a while, just remove all the carpets from there.

Next, put old newspapers sprinkled with dog urine in the tray. You can also buy scented diapers at the pet store. It is better to sprinkle the column in the tray for a male dog with the urine of a bitch who is in heat, or with the urine of another male dog.

During this period, it is better to feed the animal precisely by the hour, so that it can quickly get used to the regime. When training a dog to use the tray, it must be constantly monitored. After some time, the dog will still want to relieve himself.

If you notice the first signs of restless behavior, take the animal by the collar and lead it to the toilet - the tray for your dog. You will notice resistance at first, but the smell of your own or someone else's feces will attract attention, and the dog will remember the corner where the tray is located.

After everything, be sure to praise your pet and give him some kind of treat. Repeat this procedure until the animal finally remembers where its toilet is located.

Let's note important points in the process:

  • if you do not have time to bring the animal to the tray in time, you need to raise your voice and lead the dog further to the tray so that it finishes all its business in the right place.
  • If you have an apartment or a large house, you can initially limit the dog’s freedom of movement by blocking its access to most of the premises. Later, as she gets accustomed to the “correct” toilet, gradually open the rooms one after another. As a result, the dog will perceive these actions as encouragement.

What breeds of dogs can live outside all year round?

Dog breeds that can live outside in winter

  • Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog).
  • Alaskan Malamute.
  • Belgian Shepherd - all varieties.
  • Bernese Mountain Dog.
  • East Siberian Laika.
  • West Siberian Laika.
  • German Shepherd.
  • Samoyed.

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TOP 7 dogs you shouldn't walk with

Indoor dogs, which cause a minimum of trouble and do not need regular long walks, are now at the peak of popularity, because a busy work schedule simply does not allow going outside with the family pet three or four times a day. We bring to your attention the TOP 7 breeds that you don’t need to walk.

1. Chihuahua. Miniature pets have become famous because they can be carried in a handbag, but they are also convenient because they do not require long walks. Chihuahuas are good-natured, have a stable psyche and good health. Cheerful and good-natured dogs can be easily adapted to life in an apartment; they are taught to go to the cat's litter box or diaper. In addition, representatives of this breed feel good alone and can easily do without their owner for several hours. Moreover, they are terribly afraid of the cold, so in winter, willy-nilly, walks are reduced to a minimum.

2. Shih Tzu. A rather rare breed in our country, Shih Tzus are trusting and sweet, they easily become attached to their owner and literally follow him on his heels. Representatives of this species are silent, only young individuals are prone to excessive barking, they easily find a common language with everyone, are clean, and not malicious. Shih Tzus are ideal as apartment dogs: you can limit yourself to 1-2 walks a week, and train your pet to use a litter box.

3. Japanese Chin. These cheerful pets are perfect for living in an apartment; they have a calm temperament and exemplary manners. Representatives of this breed are affectionate and playful and get along well with other dogs and children. They are partial to walks, but if desired, it is quite possible to accustom the dog to the tray. Weighing 2-4 kilograms, the Japanese Chin has a big heart, which will give to its beloved owner entirely. They do not require special care and are suitable even for inexperienced owners.

4. Bichon Frize. An Italian breed that is fashionable today and has many advantages. First of all, these dogs do not need long walks - a couple of times a week is enough. They can be litter box trained, and since they are small, an apartment for play will be quite enough for them. Bichon Frize are sociable and sweet animals that get along well with everyone, including other four-legged family members. The only negative is regular grooming and grooming, but their coat is considered hypoallergenic, and these dogs shed lightly.

5. Pomeranian Spitz. Small, toy-like dogs will actually become loyal friends and excellent companions. Their small dimensions - from 3 to 5 kilograms - allow you to keep pets even in modest apartments. Spitz are smart, understanding, easy to train, and even get along well with children! They don’t need regular walks; jogging around the house is enough for him, and a couple of times a week you can treat yourself and your pet to a walk together.

6. Chinese Crested. There are two varieties of the breed: fluffy and hairless. It goes without saying that hairless dogs are very sensitive to cold weather and try not to go outside too much. Chinese Cresteds can be kept in a regular apartment and trained to use a litter box. Representatives of this species are clean, neat, and will not cause you and your loved ones much trouble. Periodically - 2-3 times a week you need to go outside, but such walks will not be tiring and long.

What means can be used for training

On the modern market there are many different means for training cats and dogs to use the toilet at home. Most come in the form of behavioral sprays that can be either attractive or repulsive. In the first case, the substance is sprayed directly over the tray, and in the second, areas of the room are treated in which it is unacceptable to defecate, but the dog does it. Habituation sprays have a memorable smell for the animal, which is subsequently associated with the litter box. It is recommended to refresh the tag once every 2-3 days until the dog fully understands the rules.

Among the popular compositions of this group today are:

  • smart spray "Api-san" made in Russia;
  • American product 8 in 1 “Puppy Trainer”;
  • Mr. Fresh "Place training";
  • BioVax spray lotion “My place? Yes!".

In addition to sprays, when training dogs, they also use special training diapers, which are single-use or reusable (reusable after washing). For each dog, taking into account its age and size, diapers of different sizes are designed, which only increases the convenience of their use. In order for the dog to quickly figure out where it needs to relieve itself, the diapers are laid out in the form of a path leading to the tray, for which 3-5 bedding in the room and one in the corridor will be enough. As training progresses, the diapers are gradually removed, eventually leaving only the tray itself. There is no need to rush into this, because if the dog does not understand what is required of it, you will have to re-cover the floor and repeat the entire learning process all over again.

Tray training

First you need to purchase a toilet from a pet store. When you choose it, be guided by the size of your dog (focus on the size of an adult dog). Don't buy a small litter box; dogs don't like to relieve themselves in cramped conditions. It is best that the tray does not have high sides, and that its grid is level and tight, because... if the grate dangles, it may scare away your pet.

The cat litter box is not suitable for dogs in all respects. Although sometimes owners manage to train their dog to use the cat litter box.

There are two types of tray:

  • With diaper clip
  • With grill without using a diaper

If someone in your family suffers from allergies or you are away from home for a long time, then choose a tray with a diaper, because... It absorbs liquid and odor well and prevents the odor from spreading throughout the house.

The option with a grill (plastic or rubber) is more economical, because will not require regular purchase of various absorbent bedding. Dog urine will flow into special grooves under the grill and your dog's paws will be clean and dry.

But if you have a male dog, then it is better to choose a special tray for dogs with a post, because nature will take its toll and force the boy to “raise his paw.” And if he doesn’t have such an opportunity in his toilet, he will start doing this on the corners and walls of the room.

Brand overview

Among the many different manufacturers, it is difficult to choose a quality tray. Let's look at the most popular brands and their features:

  • Maxi Bella Cabrio is a composting toilet with odor protection, the kit includes 2 carbon filters. There is a wide container with high sides for the filler and a large door. Suitable for small breed dogs.
  • Vipet. — the brand offers a wide selection of trays for dogs. All of them are low, there are products with a column and a wall, as well as models in the Japanese style. There are simple silicone mats for defecation. The choice of shades is varied, the cost of products is from 1000 to 3000 rubles.
  • HomeCat DeLuxe - dog friendly, roomy, deep. High walls on three sides allow the animal to go to the toilet without littering. Inside there is a protective grille and a large tray for filling. The practical and convenient tray can be easily removed for washing.
  • Homepet is an inexpensive dog litter box. Three high sides, a column in the center. A mesh is provided to protect your pet's paws from moisture. There is enough space for the filler. At first glance, it seems that the plastic is not of high enough quality.
  • Ferplast is represented on the market with a huge range of products for animals. In particular, closed dog toilets. Based on user reviews, we conclude: the quality of the plastic is high, there is no smell, and it is durable. It’s convenient for animals and gives them the opportunity to dig through the litter to their heart’s content. Aromas from the consequences of actions in the pot are present, but not critical. The cost is a little confusing, about 4,000 rubles.

It is difficult to consider the advantages of a particular toilet; each owner has his own priorities, the absence of odor is important to one, the comfort of the pet to another. When choosing a tray, it is difficult to recommend any brand, especially since the shape and contents of the products are identical for all manufacturers. Differences can only be in color and shape, but otherwise the same. The quality of the plastic is also difficult to see on the pages of an online store, so when buying a pot on ebay, you can be sure that it will smell.

The most correct decision would be to visit the store and analyze the assortment. Before purchasing, read the reviews about the model again; it won’t take much time, but it will help you save money if the chosen tray is not suitable for your pet.

Dog tray with post

This tray is designed specifically for male dogs. He will teach kids to go to relieve themselves “correctly”; an adult dog will feel comfortable using a specially designed post, and not furniture that may come in his way.

A tray with a post for dogs is larger and deeper than a cat's; the filler is a hygienic diaper, not sand. The grid that is attached to the top of the tray helps keep your dog's paws dry and clean. The column is not rigidly fixed; it can be installed anywhere in the tray. The material from which this tray is made does not cause any allergies and it is non-toxic, does not absorb odors and is easy to clean - these are, of course, the main advantages of this type of tray. In order for the dog to consider the tray his own, you need to place it near the bedding or bowl of food.

Tray for dogs with grass

With the help of such a toilet, you will teach your puppy to go to one place, and after it the dog will be able to go for a walk on the street, because the grass is the same as on the street. This toilet will help you replace winter walks with decorative dogs. A mat with a herb simulator will give your pet special pleasure, after which the dog will relieve itself without fail.

This toilet's system will prevent odor from escaping for up to seven days. Covering the toilet will allow you to clean up your dog's feces without problems, and you will save money on previously offered diapers.

Currently, there are many modifications of dog trays on the market. However, it is quite possible to make such a device yourself.

Tray with sides

Let's take a closer look at what a tray with sides is and how convenient and necessary it is for your dog.

A dog tray with sides is convenient for male dogs who raise their paws when going to the toilet. In this case, a stream of urine often hits the surface of the wall, and when it drains, it ends up on the floor, which adds inconvenience when washing the tray and removing the smell.

The sides can be quite high - this is more convenient for slightly larger dogs; trays for small dogs have lower sides. However, when purchasing a toilet for a dog with sides, you should carefully observe how your dog will use it, whether it is comfortable for him and whether he experiences discomfort when using this type of tray.

Important points

Be patient, it is very difficult for a young puppy to understand cause and effect and it may take a lot of repetition to learn the required behavior.

To quickly teach a puppy to wear a diaper, it is very important to reward the baby for every successful time. Rewards include praise, treats, play, and affection. Praise is most often used in combination with puppy treats.

You can express your dissatisfaction with a dog’s misdeed only by catching it at the crime scene. 3 seconds after the deed, she will no longer understand what your dissatisfaction relates to. However, if the dog goes to the toilet at home for reasons of age or his condition, the dissatisfaction should be kept to himself so as not to worsen the behavior.

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