Why is it better to make dog treats at home and what is needed for this?

Why homemade treats are preferable

First of all, you know exactly what ingredients were used when preparing the delicacy. Natural, without preservatives and dyes, homemade delicacies are much healthier than store-bought ones.

In addition, some pets have to follow a diet due to digestive problems, allergies or chronic diseases. In this case, treats from the store are generally harmful to animals. But those made with your own hands will only be beneficial.

Homemade delicacies do not require any special culinary skills or preparation technology. They are simple to prepare, from familiar products, using ordinary kitchen utensils. You will need an oven, a blender or meat grinder, a bowl, a spoon and parchment paper.

It is also important that homemade delicacies are very inexpensive. After all, sometimes in a store some dried vein will cost more than exactly the same piece of fresh raw tenderloin.

But at home you can make dried treats that are no worse in quality than store-bought ones. Not to mention natural treats - cookies, crunchies, brownies and even popcorn for dogs.

We have selected for you a bouquet of wonderful, fragrant treat recipes that have already been tested on our dogs. Everything turns out just great, the pets are delighted.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare these delicacies.

Healthy and harmful goodies

Pets, like people, can have their own taste preferences. The best treat is the one that the dog loves most, provided that it is not classified as “harmful”.

For homemade treats, dogs can be given dried meat, homemade cookies, crackers, low-fat dried cheese, chopped fruits and vegetables.

Some offal products are also suitable, for example, chicken gizzards and hearts. They should first be boiled and fed finely chopped and dried.

You can't give dogs everything they like. The following are prohibited:

  • sweets, especially chocolate;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • animal bones: their fragments can get stuck between the teeth, in the throat, esophagus, damage the walls of the stomach and intestines, with the exception of moslaks;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • grapes and raisins.

Relatively harmful products are biscuits and crackers. Occasionally you can treat your dog with 1-2 cookies. But only as an exception.

Salt and other seasonings should not be added to any homemade delicacy. If you don’t have time to prepare a snack, you can simply cut up cheese, apples, pears, bananas, take a handful of prunes, dried apricots or peanuts.

How to Make Treats for Dog Training

To prepare this wonderful dog training treat you will need:

  • 50 g rice flour;
  • 100 g raw veal;
  • 1 egg white;

If the dough turns out to be dry, you can add water.

You can prepare the dough using a blender, either an immersion blender or a regular blender. If you don’t have a blender, you can use a meat grinder to grind the meat into minced meat.

First of all, the meat is ground using an immersion blender. Then the prepared minced meat is mixed with the egg and only after that flour is added.

Place small pieces of the resulting dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment. As you go, form them into small cookies or just balls with your fingers.

Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Dogs really like these cookies. They are ready to perform any tricks just to get a tasty treat!

Porridge for Dzhekushka (option 2)

You can prepare porridge by mixing all the ingredients at once. But lately I prefer not to mix cooked foods, but cook as follows.


We must have:

  • Beef trimmings (approximately 1 – 1.3 kg).
  • Half a glass of rice.
  • Carrot.
  • Zucchini.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce).
  • Vegetable or flaxseed oil, fish oil.


1. I take beef trimmings (lamb, turkey, beef offal).

2. Pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. To preserve as many vitamins as possible in the meat, I put it in boiling water. After the meat boils, boil it for 20 minutes.

3. While the meat is cooking, I also boil the rice in a separate saucepan.

4. When the meat is cooked, I put it in a separate container. I also pour the broth into my own jar. I store all this in the refrigerator.

5. Immediately before feeding Jackusik, I take everything out of the refrigerator. I cut the meat into Jack's bowl, add a tablespoon of boiled cereal, fresh vegetables and herbs.

Do not forget that meat should be approximately 50-60% of the serving, 10-15% cereal, and the rest vegetables.

I do everything roughly, “by eye.”

6. To prevent the porridge from turning out dry, add a couple of tablespoons of broth.

7. Mix everything well and warm it to room temperature (even a little warmer).

8. Immediately before giving Jackusik the porridge, I add a few drops of fish oil or any other natural supplement to it.

You can watch the video of how I prepare this dish for Jack!

Lately, this is exactly how I cook porridge. Yes, it seems to me even better!

With a natural diet, the daily amount of food consumed by the dog should be approximately 5-8% of the dog's weight. For adult pets and dogs leading a passive lifestyle, 5% is enough. But growing puppies and hyperactive dogs will need about 8%. For example, if your pet weighs 7 kilograms, then the daily amount of food consumed will be approximately 350-560 grams of food per day.

That is, if you feed your pet twice a day, then the amount of a single serving will be about 180-270 grams.

You must determine the serving quantity yourself, based on your age and level of physical activity. Appetite can be influenced by many factors. For example, in the summer, when it’s hot, dogs eat much less than in the cold season.

If you feed your pet thermally processed foods (that is, boil meat), then we offer you even more recipes. You can find them in the article: Natural food for dogs/20 recipes for every day.

Your little one will definitely be satisfied.

We prepare homemade treats for dogs from liver, cottage cheese, cheese, meat

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