It's better not to tease them: 11 most dangerous dog breeds

Everyone knows that a dog is an extremely loyal pet to humans. These intelligent and friendly creatures have served us for thousands of years. They are able to protect, save, help people and simply become excellent companions. However, when choosing such an animal as a pet, you need to take into account that there is a group of dangerous dog breeds.


There is even a list of them published by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. It includes breeds whose aggression and strength are inherent at the genetic level.

Mostly dangerous breeds include:

  • Aboriginal breeds formed without human intervention.
  • Fighting breeds, during the breeding of which the emphasis was placed on the development of aggression.
  • Breeds used for baiting that have been trained in attack skills.

You can also highlight common features characteristic of dangerous dog breeds:

  • Endurance and developed muscles.
  • Expressed animal instincts, especially protective.
  • Tendency to dominate and take a leadership position.
  • Slightly susceptible to training.

The concept of a “dangerous dog” is very arbitrary. Proper training can correct natural aggressiveness. However, when choosing such a pet, you need to be prepared for possible difficulties. It is necessary to show pronounced strength of character, provide long-term physical activity and be prepared for the fact that the dog needs to be given a lot of attention and, accordingly, personal time.

We have studied various thematic publications, reviews from owners and dog handlers, and present to your attention a rating of the most dangerous dog breeds.


  1. American Pit Bull Terrier
  2. Bull Terrier
  3. Rottweiler
  4. Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  5. Alabai
  6. American Bandog
  7. Boerboel
  8. Dogo Canario
  9. German boxer
  10. Doberman
  11. Alaskan Malamute

Russian toy

Despite the affection, devotion and cuteness of this dog, it is distinguished by its timidity and fragile physique. That is why in a house where there are many children, she will feel uncomfortable, which can lead to aggressive behavior. Due to their miniature size, Russian Toys are quite difficult to squeeze and shake, which is what children love to do with pets. Breeders strongly recommend buying Toys only for young girls, families with adult children who understand the specifics of handling a dog, and older women.

German dog

The Great Dane is a truly great dog breed - large and noble, commonly referred to as the gentle giant or the "Apollo of the Dogs".

Apollo is the Greek god of the sun , the brightest lamp in the sky. Great Danes have been around for a long time, and depictions of Great Danes on artifacts date back thousands of years.

Great Danes are truly a wonderful breed of dog. Large and noble, they are commonly called gentle giants or the "Apollo of the Dog." Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, the brightest lamp in the sky.

Danish dog breeds have been around for a long time, and depictions of Danish dogs on artifacts date back thousands of years.

Lifespan : 8 – 10 years

Origin : Germany

Height : Women: 71–81 cm, Men: 76–86 cm.

Temperament : Friendly, Loyal, Reserved, Confident, Affectionate, Loving

Colors : Black, Brindle, Fawn, Robe, Blue, Harlequin

Weight : Women: 45–59 kg, Men: 54–90 kg

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Mastiff is a guard and guard dog, but in ancient times it was used as a fighting dog. Skin folds helped pets get additional protection. With proper training, a companion will become a devoted bodyguard and watchman. However, one mistake during upbringing is enough for the animal to become an uncontrollable tyrant. Even experienced owners should regularly visit a dog trainer to regulate the process of socialization and training. Dogs pose a great danger due to their size, strength and fearlessness. The breed is not bred in Romania, Singapore and some states of America.

In 2004, an extraordinary event occurred: Hercules, a Neapolitan mastiff, was included in the Guinness Book of Records; he had an unusually large weight - 128 kilograms


Despite its small size, the Corgi feels like a large shepherd. Breeders strongly discourage soft-hearted people who pamper animals and children from having such a pet. Young corgis are very aggressive, especially when they begin to understand that they are loved and pampered, allowing absolutely everything. It is almost impossible to correct this behavior. The herding dog is accustomed to driving herds of livestock by biting their legs. Corgis do the same with children, which can be frightening for the little ones.


We've all seen the touching film about 101 Dalmatians who tried to escape the ruthless Cruella. But in real life you need to hide from Dalmatians, because in the movies the character and behavior of this dog breed are very embellished. Dalmatians are truly uncontrollable and very difficult to train. Being large in adulthood and strong dogs, they are capable of dragging the baby away (the question immediately arises as to who is walking whom) or overwhelm the child by attacking him. For a Dalmatian, this is just a game, and for a child, there is a possibility of serious injury, so leaving the baby alone with such a pet is highly undesirable.


Dogs of these breeds are distinguished by their devotion to their owner. But they will not tolerate being squeezed like a soft toy. Free behavior on the part of children can result in severe bites for them, because Papillons, although small, have very sharp teeth! There is no need to assume that, due to their small size, these dogs will not be able to bite a small child.

Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier / Photo:
Amateur and professional dog breeders unanimously say that the most evil dogs in the world are bull terriers. They constantly occupy leading positions in such ratings. And there are a number of reasons for this.

The most evil dog in the world - the bull terrier - does not look as intimidating as large breeds. The creature reaches 56 cm at the withers. But the short dog is a born hunter, this instinct is clearly expressed in him. And although a dog rarely shows open aggression, it is better not to tease it, even for its owner.

Bull Terriers do not tolerate other animals around, but they get along well with children. But their joint games have to be constantly monitored so as not to miss the moment when the excited pet shows intemperance. Constant attention is generally extremely important for this breed, otherwise it becomes uncontrollable and dangerous.


If you have many children and you want to keep them busy by buying a husky puppy, then you should immediately say that this is a bad idea. By buying a husky, you are adding another child to your family who requires constant close attention. Dogs of this breed are very energetic and playful, devoid of any aggression. But this does not mean that you can safely leave the baby alone with such a dog. Huskies grow into large and strong handsome dogs; quite often they cannot cope with their emotions, so in a fit of play they can knock a child down. In order for a puppy to settle down well and learn to interact safely with children, it needs to be constantly raised and trained.

American Bandog

The American Bandog is perhaps the undisputed leader in the rating. The breed was originally bred as a fighting breed, mixing the genes of a mastiff and a pit bull terrier. It was assumed that this pet would perform in fights and also become a strong chain dog. As a result, the Bandog never became a fighting breed; it was officially included in the group of guard dogs, but many organizations still do not recognize its existence. The combination of an aggressive nature, lack of obedience and large size makes this a very dangerous companion. In addition, the bandog prefers not just to injure, but to kill the victim. This pet is difficult to socialize and raise even with the help of a dog handler, and therefore the breed was banned from breeding in Switzerland, Romania and many states of America.

The Bandog dog has a high pain threshold, and with proper training, it has the amazing ability to distinguish normal or playful human behavior from dangerous and threatening behavior.

TOP 10 most dangerous dog breeds in the world

Forewarned is forearmed! Remember these are the most dangerous dogs in the world , when you meet them, stay away and behave calmly.

World ranking – TOP 10:

  1. American Pit Bull Terrier
  2. Rottweiler
  3. Wolfdog
  4. German Shepherd
  5. American Bulldog
  6. Bullmastiff
  7. German boxer
  8. Black Russian Terrier
  9. Doberman Pinscher
  10. Dogo Canario

American Pit Bull Terrier

The breed tops all world rankings of aggressive dogs that are dangerous to people. The dog is a fighting dog, capable of defeating any opponent. Purebred pit bulls are genetically programmed to behave aggressively towards other animals, but they should not show this aggressiveness towards people. Aggression towards people is a disqualifying fault; dogs with this trait should not be allowed to be bred.

However, unscrupulous breeders do not always fulfill this condition. Because of this, tragedies happen that are heard by everyone, casting a shadow over the entire breed. Proper maintenance and proper upbringing of these animals is also important. An improperly raised dog poses a mortal danger both to those around him and to the owner himself.

Important: in many European countries, breeding pit bull terriers is prohibited.

American Pit Bull Terrier

These dogs are loyal to their owner and do not pose any danger to him. But those who do not like the Rottweiler can only be saved by passive immobility. The dog does not understand jokes and is always wary and aggressive towards all strangers. They can bite adults or children who behave carelessly with dogs. The Rottweiler breed requires constant control by the owner, training and education.



A dog-wolf hybrid is not a good idea for a pet. The danger of the breed lies in the fact that the animals retain primitive wolf instincts. They can work at the most inopportune moment. A dog can show uncontrollable aggression, obeying the instincts of a predatory beast whose blood flows in its veins.


German Shepherd

The inclusion of this popular dog breed in our country in the list of the most dangerous is a controversial issue. But German shepherds occupy the highest positions in such world rankings. Intelligent large dogs are used in the police service, correctional institutions, border and customs services. They are able to stop any intruder and are well controlled by commands from a distance. It would be more logical to include Caucasian and Central Asian shepherds in this list, a meeting with which can turn out disastrous.

German Shepherd

American Bulldog

The breed was originally bred to protect farms and agricultural land. Powerful dogs are quite stubborn, which makes their upbringing and training difficult. Dogs that fall into the hands of irresponsible owners who do not raise them properly are dangerous.


Large, energetic dogs can be aggressive by nature. The breed requires a competent approach to education. The owner must immediately show the dog that he is in charge. Stop dominant behavior on the part of the dog. This species can pose a particular danger to other animals.


German boxer

The ancestors of this species had a death grip on bears and bulls. Boxers should be treated politely and show courtesy to the owners of this dog. Boxers are natural guards. But only those that fall into the hands of unscrupulous owners become truly dangerous.

German boxer

Black Russian Terrier

This is a service dog bred in our country specifically to guard prisoners. It is difficult to keep such dogs; the breed is not suitable for novice dog breeders. Black terriers resolutely rush to the attack to stop the “intruder.” You can never be sure that you will be able to stop the dog before the victim of the pursuit completely stops resisting.

Black Russian Terrier

Doberman Pinscher

Speed, power and lightning-fast reaction - this is all the Doberman. The Doberman Pinscher is the world's largest professional bodyguard. These dogs are tasked with guarding the territory of country mansions. It's not scary to go for a walk with them. They protect the owner and his property until the last breath. However, unmotivated aggression and uncontrollable anger are a consequence of insufficient purity of the dog’s blood or problems with upbringing. Aggressive behavior is considered a disqualifying fault for the breed.

Doberman Pinscher

Dogo Canario

Another breed whose inclusion in this TOP is debatable. The Dogo Canario is a big dog, but not evil! Dogs have a heightened territorial and guard instinct. Dogs cope with the role of protector and sensitive watchman very well. But the level of aggression of this species is assessed as moderate. This formidable guard will never attack on the sly and without warning. The Dogo Canario always warns of its presence with a menacing roar.

Dogo Canario

The most dangerous dog breed

The Pit Bull Terrier is the constant leader in danger. Don't even think about joking with this dog - he's a killer dog! Historically, the breed was bred to drive bulls, and later began to be used for bloody dog ​​fights. Over the years, breeders have cultivated precisely these evil qualities in dogs. Therefore, when getting a pit bull, you need to understand the full extent of the responsibility that falls on you. Competent education and socialization must be done with these formidable pets from a very early age.

Important: there are no bad, angry dogs - there are irresponsible owners. Every case of uncontrolled aggression is the fault of the person, the owner of the animal.

Which breeds are included in the list of the most dangerous dogs abroad?

Let us repeat - there is no single list of “The Most Dangerous Dogs in the World”. Each country has its own ratings and sets of rules according to which a particular breed is included in these lists. We decided to take as a basis the rules for keeping dogs in several countries, namely the clauses prohibiting the keeping and breeding of dogs of a certain type and the rules for walking in public places.


  1. American Pit Bull Terrier
  2. Staffordshire Terrier
  3. American Staffordshire Terrier
  4. English bull terrier


  1. Tosa Inu
  2. Staffordshire Terrier
  3. Rottweiler
  4. American Staffordshire Terrier

Great Britain

  1. Fila Brazilero
  2. Dogo Argentino
  3. Tosa Inu
  4. American Pit Bull Terrier


  1. American Pit Bull Terrier
  2. Bullmastiff
  3. Doberman Pinscher
  4. Tosa Inu
  5. English bull terrier
  6. German Shepherd
  7. Rhodesian Ridgeback
  8. Rottweiler
  9. Staffordshire Terrier
  10. Akita Inu


  1. Dogo Argentino
  2. Dogo Canario
  3. Fila Brazilero
  4. Tosa Inu
  5. Pit bull terrier

Tosa Inu
USA and Canada

In these countries there is no nationwide ban or restrictions on keeping certain breeds of dogs. Such regulations are adopted at the municipal level.

Rules for keeping and walking such pets may differ in different countries. For example, in Ireland, such dogs are allowed to be walked by persons over 16 years of age, who can control the dog strictly on a short leash (up to 2 meters) and with a secure muzzle.

Each animal must have a collar with an identification tag showing the owner's name and address. For violation of these Rules, a fine may be issued, the dog may be confiscated or destroyed, and the owner may be sent to prison.

And in the UK, breeds included in the list of the most dangerous dogs for humans must appear in public places only on a leash and muzzle, be sterilized, be branded and microchipped, be insured and registered.

Appearances are deceiving – dangerous “kids”

Not all dogs that you need to be careful with look like a pit bull and command respect by their very appearance. Any dog ​​can bite a person. But there are breeds that do this more often. In the world of dogs, there are “dangerous kids” that you won’t find on any list. There are no special rules for keeping and walking them. Harmless at first glance, but posing a real danger.

  1. Dachshund. Takes first position in the ranking of the most biting dogs. Leader in aggressiveness. The breed is particularly hostile towards strangers. Every 10 attacks the owner, and every 5 bites strangers.
  2. Chihuahua. The small dog bites more often than Rottweilers.
  3. Jack Russell Terrier. “Toy” terriers will not tolerate rude treatment and will fiercely defend themselves. Aggression is most often shown towards their relatives.
  4. Pekingese. The breed is extremely jealous. May be aggressive towards guests coming into the house.
  5. Shar Pei. Initially it was included in the Russian list of “Potentially Dangerous Dogs”. The breed is a fighting one, so you have to be careful.
  6. Chow-chow. Banned in some US states. Although cute in appearance, Chow Chow dogs can be angry and irritable.
  7. Shiba Inu. Aggressive against other dogs.
  8. Shih Tzu. Aggression is caused by neglect of this breed.
  9. Papillon. These adorable little ones may bite children who annoy them.

Important: according to statistics, the most aggressive are small dogs.

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These self-confident dogs believe that the world has come down on them, they are the kings of the Universe, so they should get all the attention. Because of this, Pekingese cannot tolerate children who take over the share of attention. They are irritated by constant noise, screams, impulses to stroke or pick them up. The Pekingese will not tolerate such treatment and will begin to break free and bite. This is why this option is definitely not suitable for children, although there is always a chance that your puppy will grow up differently if you put in the effort!


Rottweiler / Photo:
Another service breed bred in Germany. It is used by security guards, police officers, and dog handlers. Rottweilers are highly trainable, but it must be done professionally. An inexperienced breeder risks not being able to cope with these creatures.

If the dog is not given constant attention, left to his own devices, he will certainly be dangerous. In this case, dogs become aggressive and cruel—cats and other animals are at risk, but people are also at risk.


Doberman / Photo:
The breed was developed at the end of the 19th century. For more than 100 years, Dobermans have faithfully protected their owners and served, for which they were created. The animals have a lean, muscular build, quick reactions, and also develop high running speeds.

Energetic dogs require meticulous proper training. But even in this case, experienced breeders try to keep them on a leash. Otherwise, the Doberman's waywardness will not be long in coming - the dog will rush at others indiscriminately, which threatens them with wounds and injuries.

The most dangerous dog breeds - Russian list

In our country, at the legislative level, dog breeds are identified that pose a particular danger. For these species, special maintenance rules have been established. This is regulated by Federal Law FZ-498 of December 27, 2022. In Russia, the most dangerous dogs are included in the “List of Potentially Dangerous Dogs”. This list was revised several times, some species were included in it, others were excluded.

In the final approved version, 13 points remained - these are 12 breeds and mestizos of these breeds.

List of potentially dangerous dog breeds:

  1. Akbash
  2. American Bandog
  3. Ambuldog
  4. Brazilian Bulldog
  5. Bully Kutta
  6. Purebred Alapaha Bulldog (Otto)
  7. Bandog
  8. Wolf-dog hybrids
  9. Wolfdog, wolf hybrid
  10. Gul dog
  11. Pitbullmastiff
  12. North Caucasian dog
  13. Mestizos of points 1-12

The list is controversial, raising many questions among animal rights activists, dog owners, and members of the RKF. It contains incorrect names of breeds. For example, the Gul Dong breed is listed as Gul Dog. And the North Caucasian Shepherd is called the North Caucasian dog. But you need to live according to this list, because special rules for keeping and walking apply to these breeds in our country.

Rules for keeping the most dangerous dog breeds in Russia

  1. Walking without a leash and muzzle is prohibited anywhere except in a fenced area belonging to the dog’s owner.
  2. A warning sign must indicate the presence of such a dog on the territory.

Important: A mandatory condition for walking with a muzzle and on a leash is a visual marker indicating the potential danger of the breed to others.

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A popular dog breed among children and young people, it has a cute appearance similar to a white polar bear cub. The large Central Asian Shepherd will become a reliable protector of your home, but will try to dominate, begging for constant attention. In order for the Alabai to understand that the child is as important as he is, he needs to be constantly trained. Even if the dog understands all commands, due to its slowness it will not respond to them in time. For example, having knocked a baby to the ground, he will not immediately understand that adults are shouting at him to get up.

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