Small dogs - TOP best breeds with photos, descriptions and prices

Small dog breeds are ideal for keeping in small apartments. In addition to compact dimensions, they boast other advantages. But before purchasing a miniature family member, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, since such pets also have disadvantages. Focus not only on weight and appearance, but also on character, as well as care conditions.

The good and bad sides of small breeds

Many people have a passion for dog breeding. However, not everyone has the conditions to keep a large dog. A small apartment, being busy at work, the desire for a calm and measured life - these are the factors that guide people who prefer dwarf dogs.

But we must remember that living together with such “pocket” pets has both positive and negative sides.

Pros of small dogs

Small dogs are suitable for keeping in a small apartment. They do not require much space: an enclosure, a bed or a cage with an open door will not take up more than 1 square meter. m. Such animals do not need daily walking. This does not mean that they cannot be taken outside.

In good weather and if the owner wishes, you can take the dog on a leash and walk in a park or square. But in rain or frost, when you don’t want to go out the door at all, your indoor pet will relieve itself in a special diaper and continue to play on the soft carpet.

Small dogs don't eat much. For a pet weighing 3 kg, 1.5-2 kg of dry food is enough for a month. For comparison: a dog weighing 40 kg eats 15-20 kg monthly. Thus, even if you buy your pet expensive, balanced food, spending on it will not hit the family budget.

Small dogs leave less hair, dirt and odor in the apartment. You can use them to go to a store, travel by train or plane.

Even the smallest dog has its own character and temperament. This is not a toy that can be put on a shelf and forgotten.

She builds a relationship with the owner, tries to manipulate, ingratiate herself, begging for a tasty piece, consoles in difficult moments and sincerely rejoices at meeting even after a moment of separation. In addition, small dogs are long-lived. In a loving family with an attentive owner, they can live up to 18-20 years.

Despite their toy appearance, representatives of many small breeds successfully perform in sporting competitions, outperforming their large counterparts in agility, nosework, OKD, and freestyle.

Disadvantages of “pocket” pets

Representatives of small breeds need careful care. Therefore, they are regulars at grooming salons, where they are washed, combed, cut, and their nails trimmed, which do not grind down on their own, like large, active dogs.

The need for veterinary care also occurs more often than with shepherds or Rottweilers. This is due to the fact that, in pursuit of fashion, breeders are trying to make animals even smaller, allowing inbreeding and perpetuating dwarfism in future generations. Such pets are characterized by problems with the oral cavity, immune system, delivery (small dogs often cannot give birth on their own), atavisms and congenital deformities.

Another disadvantage of miniature dogs is that in case of danger they will not be able to protect the owner from the enemy.

The exception is representatives of such breeds as the miniature schnauzer and miniature pinscher, which, according to the FCI classification, are considered service dogs. But even such animals will be protected only after training in the sections “Obedience” and “Protection”.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu - the favorite of Chinese emperors
Curly little dogs of the Shih Tzu breed are representatives of the most ancient species of four-legged friends of man. Until the end of the 19th century, Shih Tzu owners were only Chinese emperors and their entourage. Ordinary people couldn't afford such a dog. The name of the breed translated from Chinese (“Shitz”) sounds like “lion cub.”

In most cases, the dog is colored white, gray, brown and black. Rare representatives of the breed include pure black and “vanilla” Shih Tzus.

The dog needs to be brushed, bathed and trimmed regularly. Shih Tzu fur is unique because it is extremely similar to the structure of human hair and does not cause allergies even among allergy sufferers.

Caring for a dog must be carried out in compliance with a number of rules:

  • if the wool is dirty, you can comb it out after it has been washed and dried;
  • To bathe your Shih Tzu, you need to purchase a special shampoo and conditioner;
  • bathing and combing are carried out at least once a week;
  • The hair of the washed dog must be blotted with a towel and then dried with a hairdryer using a comb to smooth the hair;
  • During cutting, the hair growing from the ears is not touched.

Shih Tzu is a meat eater. The dog's daily diet should include boiled meat and offal: heart, lungs, liver or tongue. The doggie prefers turkey, beef, veal, chicken and rabbit.

In addition to meat, the dog’s diet should include buckwheat or rice porridge, cottage cheese and kefir (yogurt). Suitable vegetables include carrots, zucchini and cabbage. You should also not forget about high-quality specialized feed.

Important! Light-colored Shih Tzus may have a pinkish tint to their coat. This may be due to poor diet or illness.

Having a strong immunity to most diseases, representatives of the breed are susceptible to ear diseases and often have problems with the eyes and gums, and therefore require systematic preventive procedures:

  • The animal's eyes must be washed with chamomile tincture or specialized solutions. If your dog is not susceptible to eye diseases, you can rinse its eyes with clean water.
  • The treatment of ears and gums, as well as the removal of tartar, should be carried out by a specialist from a veterinary clinic.

It is difficult to train a Shih Tzu puppy to use a litter box, so before allowing him to move freely around the house, the owners should give him a few days, calling on all his patience. Another feature of the Shih Tzu is sensitivity to heat. In hot weather, the dog should not be walked for a long time.

An adult animal can reach a height of 27 cm with a norm of 23–25 cm. The weight of a dog can range from 4.5 to 7.5 kg.

What you can't forget

Behavior problems are more common in toy dog ​​breeds than in large dog breeds. On the one hand, this is due to the stereotypes of owners who consider small animals to be safe and neglect their upbringing, training and socialization.

Another reason is the psychological characteristics of small pets who feel uncomfortable in the world of big people, transport, and urban architecture. Being in a state of constant stress, the dog finds a way out in cowardly aggression, directing it against owners or passers-by on the street. You can avoid such problems if you train the animal, actively walk it on the street, accustoming it to the noise of the big city.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian's coat needs to be trimmed.
A very smart and cunning decorative dog. Having noticed which of his pranks touch the owners the most, the Spitz will demonstrate them whenever the threat of punishment hangs over him.

Only a person with extraordinary patience can train a Pomeranian. This is the case when a lively mind and quick wits coexist peacefully with capriciousness and stubbornness. Experts do not advise putting off raising a puppy until later, otherwise the tame, adorable fluffy ball will soon turn into a small, uncontrollable domestic monster, constantly yapping and gnawing on everything that can be chewed.

A characteristic feature of the breed is its thick undercoat (fluff). It needs to be brushed at least once a week. With proper care, the dog will not shed at all.

The Spitz can and should be cut.

  • A hygienic haircut involves cutting off tangles, as well as trimming hair on the paws, ears, belly and genital area.
  • Trimming the dog's fur in hot weather can be considered hygienic.
  • A model haircut is not a mandatory procedure and is performed for participation in the exhibition.

A model haircut can only be entrusted to professionals who are familiar with the current standards, techniques and requirements, and who know what a dog should look like if it is to become a winner. The frequency of this procedure depends on the lifestyle of its owners. If they actively participate in exhibitions, they cannot do without the services of a groomer.

Pomeranian Spitz is a decoration dog. Despite its natural courage, it cannot be used to guard an apartment, if it leaves the premises the Spitz will die. But the owners can completely trust his excellent sense of smell and ability to bark very loudly and use the pet as a warning “bell”.

When it comes to food, it is better to stick to specialized high-quality food. You cannot overfeed your Spitz - he will become obese and have heart problems.

Important! The Pomeranian Spitz can only exist in the comfortable conditions of a city apartment.

Do not forget that during trips to the country or to the bosom of nature, the Spitz should always be in the owner’s field of vision. He is terribly curious and, if left unattended, can run away and go explore new territory, and such cases usually end in the death of the dog.

An adult dog weighs from 2 to 3 kg. The largest specimen is 30 cm tall.

Choosing a companion according to preference

You need to choose the breed of your future pet based on your preferences and lifestyle. If a person loves active recreation, communication with nature and is ready to go for a walk in a nearby park every day, a dachshund, Yorkshire terrier, Prague rat, or Jack Russell terrier are suitable for him. A person who wants to train and participate in competitions in agility, nosework, ball herding, mini-OKD, will choose a border terrier, miniature pinscher, schipperke or corgi.

Short-haired Chihuahuas, pugs, and toy terriers require little grooming, while the most charming dogs are long-haired Spitz dogs, Pekingese dogs, lap dogs, miniature poodles, and Papillons.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Black and Tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The first representatives of this decorative breed posed for Italian, German, French, Dutch and Spanish artists in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are elegant and graceful. The characteristic features of this breed include:

  • kind eyes, a “smiling face” and curly “curls” on the ears;
  • several types of colors indicating the purebred dog.

Natural varieties of Cavalier King Charles should be spotted:

  • black with bright tan marks and dark red spots;
  • tricolor (black and piebald with tan);
  • be carriers of a Blenheim spot (a characteristic chestnut or red diamond-shaped spot located on the head, between the ears).

Caring for your dog involves frequent (3-4 times a week) brushing followed by brushing, daily eye cleaning and ear cleaning. Bathing and nail cutting are done once a week and three times a month, respectively.

Important! The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has an easygoing disposition and will not cause any trouble for its owners unless they spoil it themselves.

Beautiful long hair makes the dog sensitive to heat, so long summer walks can be dangerous for it. After a walk, owners should carefully examine their eared pet and, if necessary, clean its ears of insects, dirt and dust.

The weight of an adult animal is 6–8 kg, height is 31–33 cm.

Chihuahua is the smallest breed in the world

Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs in the world. For them, the owner is the center of the Universe, so any separation from him is perceived as a tragedy. These are pets that prefer the company of humans to playing with their fellow tribesmen, so there will be no problems with calling them. At the first command, they joyfully rush to their owner, counting on hugs and praise.

These dogs are good companions for older people. But families with children are not recommended to have them until each child understands the fragility of these little creatures.

West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier looks like a teddy bear.
Having the ability to live in a city apartment, this little white dog, which looks like a cute teddy bear, needs regular walks in the fresh air. Initially, short and short-legged West Highland White Terriers were bred as a hunting breed and were intended for hunting burrowing animals.

Caring for a dog's snow-white fur will not take much time and effort from the owner. All you need to do is comb and trim the overgrown shaggy hair in a timely manner. You can wash your dog only when absolutely necessary or every 30 days. The hard wool of Westies does not absorb dirt, so it retains its “marketable” appearance for a long time.

The height of an adult West Highland White Terrier can reach 28 cm. The maximum weight is 9 kg.

For reference! Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and restlessness. They are easy to train and have unlimited trust in their owner.

Other breeds of small dogs with photos and approximate prices

There are other small breeds in the world that compete with the Chihuahua.

American toy

The Toy Fox Terrier appeared thanks to the popularity of traveling circuses touring the United States. Little artistic dogs entertained the audience by performing complex tricks and playing in skits with clowns. During breaks between performances, these passionate hunters exterminated rats that encroached on the troupe's provisions.

The weight of the Amertoy is from 1.5 to 3 kg, the height at the withers is no more than 20 cm. A distinctive feature of the Toy Fox Terrier is its large ears, making it look like a bat. Easy-to-maintain dogs are highly trainable and perform in competitions and performances. The cost of a puppy is from 20 to 45 thousand rubles.

English Toy (Manchester Terrier)

The Manchester Toy Terrier was bred in England to fight rats. This is an active, energetic dog, whose care is simple and easy. However, she needs a lot of physical activity and training. Otherwise, she may become wayward and disobedient.

With a height of up to 40 cm, the weight of the English Toy does not exceed 10 kg. The approximate cost of a puppy is from 20 to 24 thousand rubles.


Externally, the wire-haired Affenpinscher resembles a small monkey, as the name indicates. A strong, muscular build, short legs, dark bulging eyes and a flattened muzzle with a goatee are the hallmarks of this breed.

The Affenpinscher's character is temperamental and lively. With a lack of training and discipline, it becomes aggressive and can even bite its owner. It is recommended that such dogs be owned only by experienced people without small children. The height of an adult pet is up to 30 cm, weight is up to 6 kg. Sexual dimorphism is smoothed out. The cost of a puppy varies from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Belgian Griffon

The Belgian Griffon is a decorative dog with “human” eyes and a good-natured character. She gets along well with children and other pets, and quickly understands the routine in the house. In the loving hands of their owners, griffons reveal themselves as polite, intelligent companions, ready to share both grief and joy with a person.

Representatives of the breed love long, active walks, fun games and travel. The hard coat does not shed. Twice a year these dogs are trimmed to remove dead hair.

Griffon height is up to 20 cm, weight is up to 5 kg. Cost - from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

"Toy Poodle"

The Toy Poodle is the smallest member of the Poodle family. This is a popular circus dog that is easy to train and evokes affection and admiration among the public. The pride of the breed is its fluffy, wavy coat, which gives the pet a doll-like appearance.

A prerequisite for quality care for your toy poodle is regular visits to the groomer's salon. There the dog is washed, combed and cut, giving the body a bizarre shape.

The height of a toy poodle is up to 28 cm, weight is up to 5 kg. The cost of a puppy is from 10 to 60 thousand rubles.

Italian and Maltese dogs

The Italian and Maltese dogs have common roots dating back to the Renaissance. These are small decorative dogs with a cheerful disposition and inexhaustible energy, which become strongly attached to their owners and have a hard time withstanding separation. They are calmer than other lap dogs, restrained in communicating with strangers and are not ready to put up with unceremonious treatment. Sometimes they have difficulties with socialization, so raising a lapdog needs to be done from puppyhood.

The thick, long coat of lapdogs does not shed and is odorless. To keep your dog in good shape, it is enough to brush it 3 times a week and, if necessary, bathe it using whitening shampoos. Exhibition animals require more complex, professional care.

The lapdog's height is up to 30 cm, weight is up to 4 kg. Price - from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

Imperial Pekingese

The Pekingese is an ancient Chinese dog breed that, according to legend, originated from the union of a lion and a monkey. Pekingese are brachycephalic, that is, dogs with a short, flattened muzzle. As a result, they often experience breathing problems, have difficulty withstanding heat, and snore in their sleep.

Being a proud, independent animal, the Pekingese does not tolerate excessive tenderness and intrusive hugs. Therefore, it should not be purchased by families with children under 5 years of age.

The height of a representative of the breed is up to 25 cm, weight is up to 5.5 kg. Cost - from 10 to 25 thousand rubles.

Yorkshire Terrier

Like all terriers, Yorkies are tireless hunters. Previously they were used to catch rats, but now they are used as cheerful and energetic companions. Representatives of this breed are well suited for keeping in an apartment, but need long and interesting walks. A lack of impressions and training will turn a charming puppy into an indoor tyrant, attacking owners, passers-by and unfamiliar dogs.

Small terriers are overly talkative. They release emotional tension and stress through barking. Without timely correction, the habit becomes entrenched and becomes a problem for all family members. Another drawback is the tendency to dig holes, which is why the dog returns from a walk dirty, and the walking area looks like it was after a bombing.

Grooming is complex and painstaking. The dog needs to be washed, combed, and cut regularly, but the result exceeds all expectations. The height of the Yorkshire Terrier is up to 22 cm, weight is up to 3 kg. Price - from 25 to 80 thousand rubles.

Three varieties of bitter orange

Pomeranians belong to the indigenous group of breeds. Among them there are 3 types:

  1. Fox - with an elongated wedge-shaped muzzle, fluffy cheeks, a narrow chin, round eyes and a “button” nose.
  2. Bear - similar in appearance to chow chow puppies. Distinctive features: thick hair on the cheekbones, flattened muzzle, upturned nose, small ears.
  3. Toy type - obtained by Japanese breeders. It is an intermediate link between fox and bear Spitz, has a flat muzzle and high-set eyes.

The height of an adult orange is up to 20 cm, weight is up to 3.5 kg. Cost - from 30 to 90 thousand rubles.

Dwarf pug

The dwarf pug is similar to the standard one, but has smaller height and weight (up to 21 cm and 5 kg). The costs of breeding work have left a negative imprint on the health of these pets. Many mini-pugs suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and they develop hip dysplasia.

These are cheerful and active dogs, but due to their anatomy it is difficult for them to withstand long walks. In addition, mini pugs do not tolerate heat well. Owners value them for their rich facial expressions, good-natured disposition and the tender affection that pets feel for all family members.

The cost of a dwarf pug varies from 35 to 50 thousand rubles.

Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear is a miniature dog breed that was developed in Madagascar. These smart and friendly animals always want to be close to their owner, following him to the park and to the bathroom. The love of travel is written into the genetic code of these dogs, since their ancestors accompanied aristocratic ladies on long sea cruises. The long, cottony white coat makes the dog look like a toy. Thanks to its high intelligence, sociability and learning ability, the Coton becomes an excellent companion for adults and children.

With a height of up to 30 cm, weight is up to 5 kg. The purchase will cost from 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

Rabbit dachshund

The rabbit dachshund is the smallest hunting dog. A long body with short legs, a neat head and floppy ears are combined with a proud posture and high intelligence. Due to their small size and unpretentious maintenance, these brave and strong dogs were given the status of decorative dogs.

But without proper training and discipline, an energetic animal becomes uncontrollable and can show aggression towards people and other pets.

You can buy a dachshund for 15-30 thousand rubles.

German Keeshond

The Keeshond, or Wolfspitz, is the largest representative of the Spitz group. He inherited as much of the traits of his ancestors as barge dogs, which were used by sailors from Northern Europe to guard property and catch rats on barges. This is a native breed with wolf coloring, long fluffy hair, small triangular ears and a short pointed muzzle. The well-furred tail is curled into a ring and lies on the back.

This is a cheerful, loyal dog that can be both a companion and a watchman. They are also used in canistherapy: in hospices and clinics they relieve psychological stress and give patients positive emotions. The cost of a puppy is from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

Toy Terrier bred in Russia

The Russian Toy is the smallest dog bred in Russia. Includes short-haired and long-haired types. Distinctive features of these animals: a round head with a convex forehead, a pronounced stop, a pointed muzzle, expressive eyes and large triangular ears with rounded tips.

These miniature, harmoniously built dogs are infinitely loyal to their owner, flexible and friendly. However, in case of danger, they rush to protect their family.

Cost - from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Ratlik (Prague rat)

Ratlik is a breed developed in the Czech Republic. Previously used to fight rats, but now it is a miniature fashionable companion dog. Ratlik loves to be the center of attention, is easy to train and demonstrates success in freestyle and agility competitions.

These graceful hustlers have an inexhaustible supply of energy and positivity. He turns even a walk in the park into an adventure, so the owner must pay attention to raising his pet.

It is difficult to buy a ratlik in Russia. For a purebred puppy you will have to pay from 25 to 40 thousand rubles.

Silky Terrier and Wirehaired Terrier

The ancestors of the Silky Terrier are the Wirehaired Terriers, from which the Yorkies and Australian Terriers were first bred, and then a new breed with a long, silky coat. Silks are sociable dogs that quickly become attached to their owners, get along well with children and get along with other animals. Since they have a well-developed hunting instinct, snares can attack mice, rats and other rodents. Intelligence and quick wit make these dogs good partners for training and sports.

Caring for snares involves weekly washing, frequent combing and periodic trimming by a groomer.

The price tag for snare puppies varies from 60 to 90 thousand rubles.

Papillon - eared

The Papillon is a small pocket dog with large ears that make it look like a butterfly. Hence the name of the breed. These are smart, quick-witted and active dogs that are easy to train. In 2015, a representative of this breed participated in the Russian OKD Championship. Papillons are patient with children and unobtrusive. But long hair requires careful care: washing, combing, and cutting should be done regularly.

Price - from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

Fluffy Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is an ancient breed of dog that is mentioned in historical sources of the 3rd century. n. e. The first chinas were presented to the Japanese emperor, and this fact endowed them with privileges. There were many rumors surrounding the amazing appearance of the Chins, according to which the dogs originated from crossing with mythical creatures.

The long, luxurious coat of the Chin is devoid of dense undercoat, and the curled tail laid over the back creates the impression of a woolen fountain flowing to the ground.

Price - from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

Havanese (Havanese Bichon)

Havanez is a national treasure of the Cuban people. A positive and always cheerful dog with a springy gait attracts the attention of passers-by. He is easy to learn, has rich facial expressions and is endowed with the makings of a circus performer. With a little training effort, the owner will receive a pet that will always cheer, comfort and keep company on walks and travels.

Price - from 25 to 45 thousand rubles.

Eskimo Spitz

The Eskimo Spitz, or American Eskimo dog, is a breed developed in the United States from German Spitz dogs. There are 3 types of these pets: toy (up to 28 cm tall), mini (up to 38 cm) and standard (up to 48 cm). Their decoration is fluffy wool of white, cream or light brown shade.

This is an intelligent, active dog, ready to protect the owner from danger, friendly to children, but does not tolerate familiarity and intrusiveness on their part.

Price - from 22 to 35 thousand rubles.

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested hardly feels happy.
It is not at all picky about food. The owner will not have to think about what to feed the puppy or adult dog. You shouldn't overfeed either - the dog will become fat and start to get sick.

The main character traits are peacefulness and kindness towards all living beings, be it animals or humans. The Chinese Crested's peacefulness goes hand in hand with its willingness to stand up for its owner. Sensing approaching danger, the dog will burst into a deafening bark.

For reference! This breed is suitable for allergy sufferers and outdoor enthusiasts. Chinese Cresteds are highly trainable and love to be praised.

Females are very different from males in character - they calmly allow their owners to dress them in different outfits and love to twirl in front of the mirror. Males are playful and cocky, they love noisy games. Puppies of both sexes are temperamental and restless.

People who are not ready to pay daily attention to the condition of their pet’s fur, teeth and claws should not get a Chinese Crested. A dog cannot survive without proper care. In addition, many members of the breed are prone to acne, so they need to be bathed at least once a week.

Another nuance is pigmentation, which not everyone has. Those with unpigmented skin cannot stay under the scorching rays of the summer sun for long. Before going outside, the dog’s body must be lubricated with sunscreen.

The average height and weight of an adult dog is 23–33 cm and 2–6 kg.

Less popular breeds

There are other small breeds of dogs for apartments.

Andalusian Pied Piper

The Andalusian Pied Piper is an energetic dog with strong hunting instincts. The agile pet cannot sit still, he needs active physical activity, classes with a dog handler and games with the owner.

If such a dog becomes bored, it may develop destructive behavior: it will chew furniture, wires, hunt other pets, or start fights with its fellow tribesmen. Price - from 200 to 500 euros.

Basenji (for experienced breeders)

The Basenji is an African non-barking dog. Features of the breed are a purr instead of a bark, folds on the forehead, a tightly curled tail and a lack of odor. Many Basenjis can, like cats, wash themselves with their paws.

These are dogs with strong immunity and fearless character. They are confident, assertive and smart. Without proper training and discipline in the hands of an inexperienced owner, they can become aggressive and disobedient. For the happiness of being the owner of a Basenji, breeders ask from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize is a hypoallergenic breed of French origin. This is a good companion and family dog ​​with a sharp mind, energy, a positive attitude towards children and good health. Representatives of this breed often become long-lived, delighting owners for 18-20 years.

White curly hair makes Bichons look like toys, but only with quality care. The owners of these plush pets are regulars at grooming salons. Price - from 20 to 75 thousand rubles.

Border Terrier

The Border Terrier is a small, wire-haired dog that was formerly used for hunting foxes. Distinctive features of the breed: sociability, activity, intelligence. Border Terriers require close human contact. If the owner does not have enough time for walks and games, the energy of these dogs results in destructive behavior.

Overly active dogs can injure a child when playing. To avoid this, the pet must be taught discipline and provided with long-term exercise.

Height - up to 41 cm, weight - up to 7 kg. Cost - from 30 to 37 thousand rubles.

Valencian rater

The Valencian rater is a breed close to the Andalusian ratcatchers. The graceful, muscular dog is still used to catch rabbits. Because of this, she has a well-expressed hunting instinct, which not every owner can cope with. If you neglect education and training, the rat catcher catches and kills all animals smaller than himself: cats, chickens, guinea pigs, hamsters. Conflicts with other dogs on the street will be frequent.

In addition, this breed is characterized by distrust, aggressiveness, and independence. It is not easy to make a companion out of it, but the breed is well suited for hunting and outdoor activities.

Height up to 40 cm, weight up to 7 cm. Price - from 50 to 75 thousand rubles.

West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is a lively and sociable dog that requires a firm hand when training. Representatives of the breed are smart, stubborn, and independent. As they grow older, they become more self-confident, so they need to be trained from puppyhood.

The stocky West Highland White Terrier is covered with short, coarse hair that helps it get through bushes and protects it from dirt, cold and rain. His height is up to 28 cm, weight is up to 9 kg. Cost - from 25 to 45 thousand rubles.

Griffon Brussels

The Brussels Griffon is a relative of the Belgian. This small decorative dog feels good in an apartment and does not need daily brushing. She is sweet and good-natured, but with the connivance of her owner she can become cocky and arrogant. Brussels residents need close human contact, so you can take them with you on trips.

They perceive children as playmates, so they can have fun running around the lawn with them, but they will not tolerate rude or cruel treatment.

Height - up to 20 cm, weight - up to 6 kg. Price - from 30,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Jack Russell

The Jack Russell Terrier is a compact, active dog with boundless energy. He needs long walks with fun games and running around. High learning ability, sociability and desire to work make the Jack Russell a good partner for training and canine sports.

Tireless adventure seekers, these dogs love to travel with their owners. They can handle car trips and air flights without any problems, and they behave calmly on the train.

Height - up to 30 cm, weight - up to 6 kg. Price - from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Small spaniels

There are two types of decorative spaniels: the King Charles Spaniel and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Both breeds make good companions and family dogs. But they can be touchy and jealous. They do not tolerate heat well.

Like all long-haired dogs, they need frequent brushing and washing with an anti-tangle balm.

Prices for small spaniels range from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Miniature boule

The Mini Bull is a miniature version of the standard Bull Terrier. Stubborn and independent, needs training and a firm hand. With an inexperienced owner, it quickly turns into a tyrant.

The minibull is distinguished by a harmonious physique, well-developed muscles, and an ovoid head shape. The coat is short, lying close to the body. The cost of a miniature bull terrier is from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Golden York

The Goldust Yorkie is a rare and expensive breed of dog. These are cheerful, cheerful and active pets who never tire of delighting their owners with endless games, pranks and pranks. If the owner does not neglect the communication, upbringing and training of the puppy, he will grow into a dog with whom you can go for exercise, to an exhibition, and on a trip.

The Goldust Yorkie does not tolerate loneliness well. If your work schedule does not allow you to spend a lot of time with your dog, you can get a couple of pets. In such a company they will definitely not be bored. Golden Yorkies from breeders cost from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested dogs can be downy or hairless with veil-like hair on the head and tip of the tail. These are small, graceful and cheerful pets who are devoted to their family. They have strong immunity and rarely suffer from infectious diseases. However, from an early age they can suffer from dental problems and are easily injured when jumping.

Corydalis lend themselves well to trick training. Cost - from 12,000 to 25,000 rubles.


The Corgi is a brave shepherd dog trapped in a small body. A representative of this breed is easily recognized by its strong body, short legs and tail, and large, high-set ears with rounded tips. These fidgets love long walks and are ready to play with their owner for hours. There are 2 types of these dogs: Pembroke and Cardigan.

A corgi puppy costs from 35,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Lhasa apso

The Lhasa Apso is one of the oldest dog breeds on Earth, with roots in the monasteries of Tibet. These are cheerful, assertive dogs, distrustful of strangers. Their decoration is long flowing hair that covers the eyes and forms a beard and mustache.

Despite its toy appearance, in case of danger the apso will rush to the defense of its owner without hesitation. The cost of a Lhasa Apso is from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Florentine Spitz

The Florentine Spitz (Volpino Italiano) is a fluffy lap dog whose playfulness, good nature and optimism have gained popularity among families with children, the elderly and those who travel a lot around the world. Being an excellent companion, she can also perform the functions of a watchman, announcing the approach of strangers with a ringing bark.

Like all Spitz, Volpino Italiano are well trained and quickly understand the routine in the house. The cost of a dog is from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles.

miniature pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a smaller version of the Doberman Pinscher, just as bold and courageous as its larger counterpart. Looking at photos of these animals, some do not suspect that in their compact body lies the spirit of a service dog, which, if necessary, will give its life for its owner. An aristocratic appearance, developed muscles, a chiseled wedge-shaped head and free, dynamic movements with beautiful gaits are the distinctive features of the miniature dog.

A dwarf Doberman costs from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Schipperke herding dog

The Schipperke is a small herding dog with a light, cheerful character and elegant appearance. Can be kept both in an apartment and in a house with its own local area. Such a pet will become an “alarm bell” that rings every time a stranger approaches the door. While protecting the owner and his property, she can bite the attacker.

Grooming is simple and consists of regular brushing and washing no more than once a month. Schipperkes need a long and active walk with games, activities and a lot of impressions.

Future owners will pay from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles for a Schipperke.

Bichon Frize

Dog of the Bichon Frize breed
The biggest plus of the Bichon Frize (translated from French as “curly lapdog”) is the imperceptible molting period. With proper care, the dog practically does not shed. If it is regularly combed and clipped, there will be no fur in the house even at the height of the shedding season.

The puppy needs to be brushed frequently, especially when changing from puppy to adult hair. When the dog turns 2 years old, the number of combings can be reduced to 1-2 times a week.

A Bichon Frize should be groomed once every 2 months. Another important procedure necessary for this breed is claw trimming.

In general, this is a calm, friendly, inquisitive and sociable dog. According to breeders, the Bichon Frize is never in a bad mood.

The weight of an adult dog is 3–6 kg, height is 24–30 cm.

Additional Information. Many owners brush their adult pets daily - they like it when the dog resembles a hairy white cloud.

Acquisition methods

When choosing a pet, it is better to seek help from experienced breeders or breeding nurseries. You will have to pay more for a puppy with a pedigree, but in return the buyer will receive a purebred, properly raised animal with a stable psyche and genetically healthy parents.

You can protect yourself from scammers by visiting the chosen nursery and making sure the quality of the conditions for keeping the animals. You definitely need to look at the parents, check their documents and the litter. A responsible breeder will not refuse a request to walk with the parents of the puppies and the buyer on the street. This way you can be sure of the stability of the nervous system and the education of producers. Cowardice and aggression are heritable traits.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

The Miniature Pinscher is very graceful.
Only an experienced dog breeder can handle a tiny Pinscher. This dog has a specific character.

The energetic and fearless Pinscher has another characteristic feature: it moves by raising its front legs high and bending them at the wrist. A small, pop-eyed dog of the Miniature Pinscher breed hardly considers itself a decorative, “pouch” micro-breed. According to the testimony of many breeders, an ambitious little one considers himself a fairly large animal.

All miniature pinschers are terribly curious, therefore, having acquired such a pet, the owners will have to hide from it objects that are easy to chew, including cosmetics and medicines.

The maximum height and weight of an adult specimen is 30 cm and 6 kg.

For reference! The dog is afraid of cold weather and needs warm clothes. Basic care involves wiping the coat with a damp towel.

Japanese Chin

Small dogs with long, silky hair were favored by eastern rulers and lived in imperial palaces.

Chins grow up to 20–25 cm at the withers and weigh 1.8–4 kg. They adapt well to dry, cool climates and do not tolerate heat or dampness. They fit easily into a carrier, but prefer to move on their own.

Japanese Chins are endowed with high intelligence and a playful disposition. Little mischievous people can sometimes be stubborn, and for excessive self-indulgence they are often called little dirty tricks.

You can buy a Japanese Chin puppy for 8,000–30,000 rubles.

Lap dog Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon cannot live without company.
By purchasing a dog of this breed, a person acquires a faithful bearded companion who will follow the owner everywhere. People who do not have the opportunity or desire to constantly be near their pet should not get a griffin. The dog will feel unhappy if people leave it alone for a long time or, tired of its fanatical affection, give it to someone as a gift.

The Brussels Griffon's coarse, wiry coat requires periodic treatment with a grooming glove. You also need:

  • pluck dead hairs as they grow;
  • Regularly clean the folds on the dog's face.

The maximum weight of an adult griffin is 6 kg and height is 32 cm.

Rabbit dachshund

The smallest variety of dachshunds . Its height reaches 10-15 cm, and its weight is maximum 3 kg. The rabbit dachshund differs from its counterparts in having a softer character . This is an indoor decorative dog with hunting qualities. Loyal companions and excellent watchdogs, they have a balanced character and a curious disposition , they are cheerful and perky. Sometimes they can be stubborn, but with proper upbringing they will not cause trouble. They are not fussy about care.

Which one is better to get?

Before adopting a pet into your family, you need to pay attention to:

  • Age of the animal . The older the individual, the more firmly formed the character and habits. If you take home an adult service dog, it will be disobedient and may not get along well with children. At an early age, you can teach your four-legged friend to obey and protect family members.
  • Social behavior . If a dog likes to communicate with its fellow tribesmen, you will have to walk it in places where there are dogs of the same breed. Otherwise, the pet will feel lonely and its mood will be depressed every day. For this reason, in shelters, some rare breeds live in the same cage or in neighboring ones and cannot find their owners for a long time.
  • Activity level .
    There are calm and playful breeds. The first can lie on the bed all day, while others are unable to sit still for several minutes. If you are a busy person who works late, be prepared to clean up the mess left by your dog when you get home. So before you decide what kind of dog to get in a small apartment, think about whether there will be enough space and space for activity.
  • Contact with children . If a dog perceives an adult as the leader of the pack, then small children - as their brothers or rivals. There are dog breeds that, due to their ancestral history, are accustomed to fighting for first place in the hierarchical scheme (pit bulls, Staffordshire terriers, hounds).
  • Training . There is a myth that command training is a property only of purebred dogs, but this is far from the case. With proper persistence, any individual can be taught various tricks, the main thing in this matter is perseverance. This applies to both pet and owner.

IMPORTANT! Dogs growing up surrounded by people perceive them as a pack. The owner is the leader, all the others are members of the pack.

In order not to cause disruption of reflexes and social behavior, one person should train, give commands, scold and praise. If there are many owners, it is quite possible that the dog will not recognize any of them.

It is also worth remembering that a dog also has character and a sense of pride, it will treat you the way you treat it , so don’t be surprised if even friendly breeds respond to your rude word or gesture with aggression.

Italian Greyhound

Small greyhounds , the ancestors of Italian greyhounds, lived back in the days of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt ; at the beginning of the 5th century they became venerable favorites in Ancient Rome. But the peak of the breed’s popularity occurred during the Renaissance, Italian greyhounds were depicted on famous paintings, and later the dogs became inhabitants of imperial courts, but the classic type was created only at the beginning of the 20th century.

This is the shortest greyhound , whose height is 32-38 cm, and its weight does not exceed 5 kg. The Italian Greyhound is very active and needs daily long walks and running . The little greyhound has well-developed vision, thanks to which it is perfectly oriented in space and pursues prey. She has a slightly eccentric nature and is prone to injury to her limbs due to their fragility.


The main advantage of this breed is its balanced character. Not aggressive, but not cowardly either. One of the most unpretentious dog breeds for an apartment, it tolerates both loneliness and company. The only thing a pug desperately needs is praise and encouragement. For this, he is ready to faithfully serve his owner: the pug is able to sense danger and will always warn a person about it.

No active walks required. With a pug, it’s enough to go out and sit on a bench near the house. This is why older people can get such an animal. But it is unlikely to be suitable for children: the baby will want the pet to participate in all the games, run after the bicycle, but this small dog is perfect for an apartment, for a measured lifestyle.

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