Small dog breeds: top 10 smallest breeds


Mexico is considered the homeland of these small dogs. Presumably, miniature dogs lived in the wild and, after domestication, played an important role in the development of other dwarf breeds.

Chihuahuas have every right to be called the smallest dogs. The weight of miniature dogs does not exceed 3 kg, and their height is 15–23 cm.

Curious and sociable creatures require careful care and are not suitable for families with small children. Despite their miniature size, most Chihuahuas show aggression towards strangers and have the habits of real watchdogs.

The cost of a purebred small puppy is 13,000–70,000 rubles.

Maltese (Maltese)

Maltese is an aristocrat in the world of decorative breeds. A beautiful and kind dog is not suitable for home guarding, but it is suitable for satisfying aesthetic needs. The Maltese gets rid of loneliness, senses the owner’s fatigue and rushes to snuggle into the hands. The fluffy and restless little creature loves walks, during which it expends an incredible amount of energy. The lap dogs are suitable for girls, older couples and families with older children.

The size of the Maltese is ideal for an apartment: height – 17–25 cm, weight – 3–4 kg. Offspring – 3–6 puppies. Life expectancy is 12–15 years. Cost – 40–90 thousand rubles. The Maltese is considered the oldest decorative breed. The first information about “snow whites” appeared 2.7 thousand years ago.

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Pomeranian Spitz

These contenders for the title of smallest dog breed were bred in Germany. Outwardly, they resemble a toy teddy bear.

Fluffy Pomeranians weigh only 1.5–3.2 kg and are 15–27 cm tall. Miniature animals require regular coat care and adapt well to life in the city.

Small shaggy Spitz dogs tolerate cold well, but do not like heat. They are endowed with high intelligence and a loving, playful and cheerful disposition.

Despite their toy appearance and small size, Pomeranians love long walks, but can do without them if necessary.

A Pomeranian Spitz puppy costs 15,000–70,000 rubles.


2000 years ago the breed was considered sacred in China. The name comes from Beijing and means “Beijing”. The inhabitants of the country themselves sometimes called the breed “lion dog” because of the legend of its origin, to which the king of beasts himself allegedly put his paw. The dogs have a mane that looks like a lion's, a proud carriage of the head and a majestic gait. He treats his family well, especially children and the owner-leader.

Height – 15–25 cm, weight – 3.2–5.4 kg. Offspring – 2–4 puppies. It is considered a long-liver - 15–16 years. Cost – 40–60 thousand rubles.

Chinese breeders have tried to breed smaller Pekingese. The puppies were kept in cramped cages and given wine to drink. The Pekingese with white fur is considered rare.

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Russian toy terrier

These cute little dogs were bred in Russia and are the smallest among Russian breeds. They come in short-haired and long-haired varieties.

The weight of miniature toys is 1.5–3 kg, and their height is 17–35 cm. Despite their tiny size, dogs of this breed are endowed with all the qualities that are characteristic of terriers.

Little dogs are independent, confident, playful and energetic. Russian toys owe their appearance and character to domestic breeders, and their closest relative is the dwarf terrier.

The average cost of a puppy is 10,000–30,000 rubles.

A dog listed in the Guinness Book of Records

Today, the world's smallest dog is officially considered a Chihuahua named Miracle Milly, who lives in Puerto Rico with her owner Vanessa Semler. Her height is 9.5 cm, weight is 400 g. It was entered into the Guinness Book of Records in 2014.

In 2014, Miracle Millie was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in the world.

Millie practically doesn’t go for walks, and if she does go outside, it’s only in the arms of her owner. She is so fragile that her tiny legs can break from any awkward movement.

Brussels Griffon

Belgium is considered the homeland of these small dogs. Miniature Griffons are the result of crossing German Terriers, English Toy Spaniels and Pugs.

Initially they lived near the stables and were used to kill rodents. Now they have become ordinary pets, delighting owners with their mischievous and active temperament.

Brussels Griffons grow to 14–20 cm at the withers and weigh about 3–6 kg. Representatives of the breed are smooth-haired and wire-haired. Both require regular coat care and do not tolerate heat well.

Smart, but stubborn little ones do not like to be left alone for a long time and, if there is a lack of attention, they begin to misbehave. Little mischievous dogs tend to dominate their brothers and are able to compete with other dogs in certain types of dog sports.

A griffon puppy costs between 10,000 and 50,000 rubles.


This is an ancient breed from Germany, a rat hunter that became a favorite of aristocrats. The name "Affenpinscher" translates as "monkey" and is given because of the similarity of the dog's muzzle with the face of this animal. The dog is compact, its height is 25-30 cm, its weight is 4-6 kg, it has a square body, a rounded skull, and a well-defined forehead.

The dog is covered with black, coarse, randomly protruding hair, which forms bushy eyebrows, a beard and sideburns.

This is a passionate, fearless, vigilant, jealous and stubborn pet, he is artistic, amuses everyone with his facial expressions and behavior, loves to play and bark.

Yorkshire Terrier

A beautiful miniature breed appeared in the UK. The small dogs were the result of crossing several small varieties of terriers and were named after the English county of Yorkshire.

Decorative dogs with expressive dark eyes and long silky hair quickly won the love of glamorous young ladies and single ladies. These contenders for the title of smallest dog hardly shed.

They are endowed with an alert, inquisitive nature, high intelligence and good memory.

A miniature and very popular dog, it grows to 18–25 cm and weighs only 1.8–3.2 kg. The small and fragile Yorkie is not suitable for families with preschool children.

A seemingly harmless dog can be irritable, even aggressive.

The cost of a puppy of this small breed averages 10,000–30,000 rubles.

Chinese Crested

If you need an excellent companion, and you are willing to turn a blind eye to the fact that your dog will not guard the house, you can buy a Chinese Crested . It is small in size: males grow from 28 to 33 cm, and girls from 23 to 30 cm.

This animal can only be kept in an apartment, because... they cannot tolerate even a slight drop in temperature. You will also have to pay a lot of attention to wool, which is too soft, light, and quickly gets tangled.

But they also have many advantages. The Chinese Crested is a friendly and sweet animal, dependent on its owner. You will have to spend all your time with her, forget what personal space is.

Another plus is that these dogs do not have the characteristic dog smell, and they practically do not shed. There are hairless dogs that have hair only on their paws, head and tail. And another type of breed is covered with soft hair. Both of them have a charming “forelock” on their heads.

Shih Tzu

These small dogs are native to Tibet. At first, miniature Shih Tzus lived exclusively in imperial families. The crumbs arrived in Europe only in the 20th century.

Long-haired beauties quickly gained popularity and regularly make it to the top of the smallest breeds. They have a predominantly combined coat color.

A small Shih Tzu grows up to 20–28 cm and weighs about 4–7 kg. The tiny dog ​​was loved not only for his beautiful appearance, but also for his intelligent, friendly, affectionate character.

Shih Tzus are very people-oriented and easy to train.

You can buy a small puppy of this breed for 20,000–50,000 rubles.


The height at the withers of these charming dogs is 28-32 cm, they weigh from 6 to 8 kg. The pug is one of those breeds that almost anyone can recognize.

They are friendly and sweet companions. As puppies, they love to play, but as they age they become calm. They become very attached to their owner and will get very bored if left alone for a long time.

Representatives of this breed have a calm and balanced character. They will not bother you with their loud barking, but they can snore, sniffle, and also suffer from bouts of flatulence. They have a stubborn character, making them difficult to train. They learn only with the help of rewards and will not tolerate hostility towards themselves.

Japanese Chin

Small dogs with long, silky hair were favored by eastern rulers and lived in imperial palaces.

Chins grow up to 20–25 cm at the withers and weigh 1.8–4 kg. They adapt well to dry, cool climates and do not tolerate heat or dampness. They fit easily into a carrier, but prefer to move on their own.

Japanese Chins are endowed with high intelligence and a playful disposition. Little mischievous people can sometimes be stubborn, and for excessive self-indulgence they are often called little dirty tricks.

You can buy a Japanese Chin puppy for 8,000–30,000 rubles.

Prague rat

A cute little dog that got its name due to the fact that it destroyed rodents in the houses of the nobility. The Prague Pied Piper has funny protruding ears and a beautiful coat of medium length and density: from black-red to lilac-brown. His cheerful and unobtrusive character makes him an indispensable companion.

Features of care, maintenance and character:

  • wool requires cleaning with a special brush;
  • He doesn’t need any auxiliary products to make his coat beautiful;
  • long daily walks are necessary, due to their absence the dog may become sad and even get sick;
  • can be easily trained to the tray;
  • The animal is very heat-loving; it needs to be dressed in the cold season;
  • due to its high mobility, the rat has an excellent appetite, it is important to properly prepare the diet;
  • the dog is easy to train;
  • enters into friendship with other representatives of the animal world, but prefers to dominate them.


Papillons have been known since the 16th century. The name of the tiny breed means “butterfly” in French, which is quite consistent with the appearance of the doggies. They have relatively large ears, which are covered with long hair and resemble the wings of this insect.

The Papillon's fluffy coat is snow-white with black or red markings. The baby's coat needs frequent combing and regular washing.

These representatives of the list of the smallest dog breeds grow up to 20–28 cm and weigh 3.6–4.5 kg.

Papillons are endowed with an energetic, cheerful disposition. They do not tolerate loneliness well and do not like strangers.

The price of a small Papillon is 12,000–80,000 rubles.


The snow-white fluffy dog ​​has the roots of a rat catcher, but it has taken root much better as a pet. Since ancient times, representatives of the breed lived in rich families and not in kennels, so they learned to get along well with other animals, be it other dogs or even cats.

There should always be someone around the bolognese. If there is no person, then the dog begins to be sad, bark loudly and ask for attention. He may even get sick from melancholy or bring himself to a nervous breakdown.

If you are ready to share your love and affection with your pet to the maximum, then feel free to choose the Bolognese breed. This is an ideal lap dog that does not need long walks or regular exercise.

As with any long-haired breed, the Bolognese's coat requires proper care. This is especially true of the muzzle - the eyes of the Bolognese often run, and the coat takes on a reddish tint.

Bichon Frize

This breed appeared in France in the 13th century. In the 15th–16th centuries, small dogs with snow-white curly hair enjoyed special privileges among Spanish, Italian and French aristocrats.

Snow-white babies are endowed with a friendly and playful disposition. In order for the dog to resemble a white “marshmallow”, it must be looked after: regularly washed and combed. This is not very difficult, since the silky coat is not prone to tangling and does not need to be brushed every day.

The smallest curly-haired dogs are very smart and clean. They are easily litter trained and do not like long walks.

The height of an adult dog reaches 22–30 cm and weight 5–10 kg.

You can buy a small Bichon Frize for 30,000–85,000 thousand rubles.

TOP 20 small dog breeds

To this top twenty, you can without hesitation add about 3 dozen more dog breeds that are not so popular. Despite this, there are several very interesting breeds among them that are not included in the top 20.

Prague rat

This dog breed is recognized as the smallest in Europe and even throughout the world. Breed standards indicate that the height at the withers of such dogs reaches a maximum of 23 cm with a maximum weight of the animal of about 2 and a half kilograms.

Interesting to know! The coat color and body type of the rat is reminiscent of the Russian toy. The Prague Rat Dog is characterized as a calm, easy-to-train animal, at the same time it is smart and obedient, and also quite active, like all hunting dogs.

This pet is distinguished by the fact that it prefers the company of its owner, at the same time it knows how to be unobtrusive, and loves the company of children. He always prefers to be active, so he chases various animals on walks. In relation to other pets, he wants to show that he is superior to them.


This breed first appeared in Mexico, in one of the states of the same name, Chihuahua. It is considered the smallest breed living on our planet, since all dogs are in the range of 0.5-3.0 kilograms. Experts believe that the modern Chihuahua breed, as well as other breeds of small dogs, appeared thanks to the Chihuahua breed.

This breed has excellent genes, which indicates that these small dogs practically do not get sick and can live from 15 to 20 years, which is not possible for every breed. This small dog has virtually no aggression, both towards humans and other animals, while the Chihuahua has an easy-going character and the makings of intelligence. These pets are wonderful companions, and they are playful, active, tireless and fearless.

Brussels Griffon

This breed is part of one of the Belgian dog groups that originated from the small, wire-haired dogs that once lived within Brussels.

Interesting moment! Breed standards define only the weight, which is in the range of 3.5-6 kilograms, as well as the height of the animal at the withers, which should correspond to values ​​from 26 to 32 centimeters. This group is represented by 3 dog breeds that are similar in appearance, but differ in color and coat type.

The Brussels Griffon has a fairly tough but thick coat, with a base color of shades of red. The dog is quite strong and muscular, with a unique posture, as well as an interesting facial expression.

Small Italian Greyhound

Represents the greyhound class and is considered the smallest representative of this class. The height at the withers of this dog is between 32-38 cm, with a weight of no more than 5 kilograms. The breed has other names, such as Italian Greyhound or Italian Greyhound. This breed of dog can be adopted by childless couples, active pensioners, as well as families with older children. The Small Italian Greyhound needs regular and long outdoor walks. Although the dog has developed muscles, its overall physique is quite fragile. Despite her flexible nature, she has to be quite careful, especially in the company of small children, who can cause various injuries to the pet.

Yorkshire Terrier

This breed of decorative dog appeared in England, in the county of Yorkshire, after which it became almost the most popular decorative dog breed.

Important point! Despite such a modest size and weight, which is no more than 3 kilograms, this breed constantly demonstrates its kinship with large terriers, showing stubbornness, curiosity, courage and hunting skills.

Yorkshire Terriers thrive in urban environments. They practically do not shed as they have no undercoat. They quickly learn to use the litter tray, get along with other pets and are always devoted to their owner.

Miniature Pinscher

Miniature pinschers, which, according to experts, originated in Germany, were engaged in catching rats and mice, but over time they became excellent companions. The dog has several names: miniature pinscher, miniature pinscher or miniature Doberman, and because of the strange horse-like gait, when the front limbs rise relatively high, the dog received another name - the poor man's riding pony.

The dog is quite energetic and strong, more of a square format, with a height at the withers of about 25-30 cm, and a weight of 4-6 kilograms. The coat is quite smooth, which makes it easier to care for, but such wool does not fully fulfill its protective functions. These pets are easy to train and are accustomed to using the toilet outside. They always show distrust of strangers.

Coton de Tulear

The ancestors of this breed once lived in the Madagascar port of Tulear, and the French word Coton denotes the nature of the coat and its color.

Interesting to know! This breed is also called the Madagascar Bichon, and the dog also has an unofficial name - clown. The French gave this nickname to the animal, seeing extraordinary artistic abilities and eccentricity in the dog.

Breed standards are determined by weight within 4-6 kilograms, as well as height at the withers, about 25-28 centimeters. These are disease-resistant dogs whose lifespan is about 15 years, and their care does not require anything special. The breed is quite active, so it is impossible to do without walks in the fresh air. Coton de Tulear are loyal to the entire family, and strangers are always greeted with a high-pitched bark.

Chinese Crested

There are 2 varieties of this breed:

  • Powderpuffs are characterized by a soft, veil-like coat.
  • Hairless, when hair is present only on the head, tail and legs.

Important fact! The height at the withers of the Chinese Crested ranges from 23 to 33 centimeters, and its weight ranges from 2 to 6 kilograms, as determined by breed standards. This breed has neither guarding nor hunting skills and is intended only for keeping at home.

The hairless breed is considered unique, so supernatural properties are attributed to it. This breed has won love and respect not only for its exotic appearance, but also for its cheerful and lively behavior. She easily wins a wide circle of friends and admirers.


This breed of dog is also called Maltese, since the island of Malta is considered the birthplace of this dog. The preferred weight of animals is 1.9-2.7 kilograms. The peculiarity of the breed lies in the color of its coat, which is characterized as pure white, with a hint of ivory. These pets get along with all family members, including children. Maltese love to constantly move, playing various outdoor games. They also get along with dogs of other breeds, establishing contacts. They are wary of strangers.


China is considered the birthplace of this breed, and these small dogs appeared in Europe around 1550. In China, the owners of this breed of dogs were wealthy Chinese, so the behavior of this dog cannot be called simple: they are pampered and picky.

Modern pugs are considered quite expensive dogs that require special care and attention. With proper care, their life expectancy is an average of 14 years. Pugs are always devoted to their owner, while they always demonstrate the nobility of their origin. They are lively and inquisitive. Adults weigh from 6 to 8 kilograms, with a height at the withers of about 30 centimeters.

Continental Toy Spaniel

There are 2 varieties that do not differ in height at the withers or body weight, but differ in the position of the ears:

  • Erect ears, Papillons (butterflies).
  • Drop ears, phalenoid (moth) ears.

Important point! This breed has a fairly high IQ among decorative dog breeds and takes 2nd place, as well as 8th place among the general ranking of dogs.

Continental Toy Spaniels are focused on their owners and easily adapt to their life activities. They are easy to care for and do not cause problems when around other pets. They are easy to train, do not show unmotivated aggression, feel great in the company of children, becoming attached to all family members.


The breed appeared in China about 2 thousand years ago and was always considered a sacred animal among the Chinese emperors. The dog is quite small, weighing no more than 5 kilograms, and height at the withers from 15 to 25 centimeters. She constantly demonstrates that she is of aristocratic origin, without forgetting her roots.

This small dog requires constant attention, and if indifference is shown towards it, it can cause a small Armageddon, scattering the owner’s things. Pekingese, although stubborn dogs, are always loyal to those who love them.

Pomeranian Spitz

Not everyone, even cynological organizations, believes that Pomeranians represent a separate breed of dog, so they classify such an animal as a variety of this breed.

Interesting to know! There are 3 varieties of Pomeranians and only one variety, which is characterized by the presence of a narrow fox-like muzzle, meets the breed standards, with a height at the withers of about 18-22 cm.

The Pomeranian, despite its modest size, is characterized as a fearless dog. Because of his stubbornness, it is necessary to train him from an early age. Although the dog's size is very small, this animal strives for the status of an alpha male and tries to dominate not only over its relatives, but also over humans.

Toy Poodle

It is distinguished by its very compact size, with a height at the withers of no more than 28 centimeters. Poodles have high intelligence compared to other dog breeds. They are quite intelligent, attentive, and also proud creatures, just like the larger poodle family.

The purpose of a poodle is to always be in contact with a person. This dog can be easily taught basic commands and, if desired, many tricks. The most important thing is to monitor the diet of poodles, as they do not accept fatty foods well.

Russian toy terrier

This breed was bred in Russia. The dog weighs no more than 3 kilograms with a height at the withers of 20 to 28 centimeters. A fairly energetic and cheerful dog that can get along with many people, with the exception of children.

Important point! This dog, due to the thin bones of its limbs, can be injured by jumping from a height of 0.4 meters. She should also be protected from contact with large dogs, as they show aggression against them without thinking about their size.

Rabbit dachshund

The rabbit dachshund is a bright representative of its class of animals. This is an independent and smart animal, which also has courage and stubbornness, so the dog requires timely early education, otherwise a naughty animal may grow up.

The behavior of a dachshund is directly related to its hunting instincts, as it often has to make decisions on its own. The weight of a dachshund reaches 3 and a half kilograms, and the chest circumference is about 30 cm, which is allowed by pedigree standards.

Miniature Schnauzer

This breed represents the smallest service dogs on our Planet. The height at the withers is no more than 35 cm, which is why this dog is also called a miniature or dwarf schnauzer.

It is important to know! The miniature schnauzer, despite its small size, is ready to confront enemies that are much larger and more massive than itself.

This is a very active and attentive dog that does not show friendliness towards strangers. The dog is quite smart and easily learns basic commands, but this requires effort.

Fox Terrier

This dog breed saw the light of day in America. Breed standards allow height at the withers from 21 to 29 cm, as well as weight from 1.5 to 3.5 kg. It is a wonderful companion even for older people. She allows minimal care procedures for herself. Its disadvantage is susceptibility to cold, and also has a tendency to allergic reactions. She loves to bark constantly, but with the help of training you can get rid of this habit. On top of that, the toy is considered a strong, determined and energetic dog.

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

The breed was born in 1951 and only in 1964 were breed standards approved. Height at the withers ranges from 20 to 24 cm. Since the 80s of the last century, it has been very popular, as it is a kind and balanced dog.

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