Who is stronger - pit bull or bull terrier: description and comparison of breeds

Pit bull mastiffs are dogs that have an undeservedly bad reputation. People are afraid of these animals, consider them unreasonably aggressive and very dangerous. The descendants of these dogs have fighting roots - this served to create the stereotype of uncontrollable bloodthirsty pets.

Interest in this type of dog has recently grown due to the fact that pit bull mastiffs are included by legislators in the “List of Potentially Dangerous Dog Breeds.” These dogs must be on a leash and muzzle when appearing in public places, and their presence on the territory of a private home must be indicated by a warning sign.

What exactly is a Pitbull Mastiff dog? Does such a breed exist? What types of pit bull terriers and mastiffs can you find? What do these controversial animals look like and are they characterized? You can find answers to all these and other questions about this type of dog in our material.

Description of pit bull

In some countries, the pit bull breed is called the pit bull terrier or American pit bull terrier. The average height of a mature cable is 49 cm, that of a female is 44 cm. Weight ranges from 20 to 30 kg.

There are the following types of color characteristic of the breed: it can be solid, brindle or spotted with small inclusions. Let's look at the colors in more detail:

  1. Merle. The animal has light and dark areas on its body. Such a pet can only be obtained through artificial crossing; similar individuals are not born in nature.
  2. Brindle. Dogs have a natural color - stripes or spots along the body.
  3. Black and blue. These shades are often confused. Blue dogs are considered rare and the most popular.
  4. White. A pit bull of this color can be lighter or darker. There are black spots on the face.
  5. Chocolate. The shade can also vary from light to dark.
  6. Leopard print. The color is not considered standard.
  7. Grey. The color is compared to red and red, but it is lighter.
  8. Teak. This color is distinguished by small inclusions that can only be seen on the white color of the coat.

Pit bulls have short, hard fur. Average life expectancy is 13 years. The cost of a dog of normal color is within 20 thousand rubles. Rare breeds, for example, a white pit bull, cost up to 100 thousand rubles.

The complexity of the breed lies in the fact that it is not suitable for every person, since it is necessary to approach the training and education of the animal with maximum responsibility, devote a lot of time and effort to it, so that over time, due to the feeling of loneliness, the dog’s psyche does not change in the worst side.

Origin story

England is considered the birthplace of pit bulls at the end of the 19th century. In those days, baiting large animals such as bears and wild boars was very popular there. To participate in such a task, a very formidable and courageous dog was required, which would not be afraid of an enemy that was superior in size. And bulldogs were just such animals.

Over time, they began to take part in dog fights, thanks to which they gained their notoriety. However, in the first half of the last century, such bloody events were prohibited, so there were fewer and fewer bulldogs. This continued until local dog breeders decided to create another breed based on them - just as brave and strong, but more balanced and obedient.

In this regard, it was decided to cross bulldogs with English terriers. The result was amazing, the new variety was more good-natured and sympathetic, but in moments of danger it did not offend either itself or its owner. They decided to call her a pit bull, and a few decades later the dogs were brought to the United States, where they soon became very popular.

In America, they were mainly bred as watchdogs, which did their job well. Unfortunately, the International Federation of Cynologists has not yet finally recognized these English dogs, but this does not stop them from winning the hearts of people around the world.

Description of the Bull Terrier

As strange as it may seem, the standard characteristics of this breed are very vague. So, 18 to 30 kg is the weight of a bull terrier, the height of an individual varies between 30-45 cm. If we talk about the variety of miniature bull terriers, their height does not exceed 35.5 centimeters. It is important what the dog looks like; it should not be overly fat or, conversely, thin. One thing is indisputable: the bull terrier is a strong, muscular animal.

The head is strong, low set, elongated, ovoid in shape. It should be smooth, without any distortions or bends. The lower jaw is heavy and has a scissor bite. The nostrils are clearly visible and open. The eyes are narrowed, dark brown, and shaped like an elongated triangle. The ears are located closer to the crown of the head, set close to each other. The limbs are muscular, strong and strong, supporting the body weight well. The chest is wide, round in shape, with clearly visible muscles. The tail is short, tapered at the end.

The color of the Bull Terrier varies. If colored, then with a predominance of suit over white. If white, then spots of a different color appear only on the head and ears.

If you are interested in how much a bull terrier puppy costs, then be prepared to pay from 20 to 60 thousand rubles for the animal.

Character comparison

Many people are interested in who is stronger: a pit bull or a bull terrier. The aggressiveness of an individual largely depends on the environment in which the dog grew up and the amount of attention given to it. Let's look at the characters separately.

A pit bull can become a true friend, a faithful companion, a home guard and a bodyguard for its owners. A pet can live comfortably in an urban environment, or in a private house in the suburbs, provided that it is not chained. This animal will be an excellent companion due to its energy and activity.

By nature, pit bulls are hard workers, so they try to be useful to their owner always and everywhere. They need an active lifestyle, and if the dog’s needs are met, it will always be positive, flexible, and good at communicating. Despite numerous reviews of the breed as aggressive, pit bulls are friendly animals. If the dog was initially raised and trained, and it is sufficiently socialized, it will not pose a threat to members of its family, other animals and strangers.

The pit bull is very patient, but due to its developed hunting instinct, if another animal or person attacks it, it is unlikely to retreat. Fans of the breed who want to have two animals at once should know that same-sex animals do not get along well together.

The Bull Terrier, raised in a peaceful environment, has a calm disposition. If this is a fighting dog, then you should never walk it without a muzzle; it tends to show its aggressive character in any case. The animal is highly trainable. At the same time, the owner should present tasks clearly and consistently, without going to extremes. It is worth noting that bull terriers are extremely difficult to tolerate loneliness, striving to spend as much time as possible with their family members. They are distinguished by devotion and are able to sacrifice their lives to save their owner.

Despite the fact that information about the ferocious nature of the dog is widespread among the masses, most breeders unanimously convince that these are friendly and playful animals that love to play with toys and get along well with children. Giving a brief description of the representatives of this breed, we can highlight several main qualities:

  • powerful grip;
  • agility characteristic of all terriers;
  • endurance;
  • pursuit of one's goal;
  • bravery;
  • low pain threshold;
  • absolute submission.

Bull Terriers are intelligent and quick-witted, but sometimes their intelligence leads to disobedience. Proper training of the animal helps to avoid possible resistance of the pet and turn all the disadvantages of the character into advantages. Since they are physically strong dogs, they need to maintain their physical condition. They will undoubtedly be good running and training partners. If you don't keep active, they will start to misbehave or become lazy and fat.

As you can see there is a difference. Pit bull and bull terrier differ in weight, body shape, and colors. Dogs are the same in one thing - they all need the attention and care of the owner, otherwise the animal will grow up aggressive.

Keeping and caring for a pit bull

The pit bull is an unpretentious animal that does not require special care. It is important to monitor the condition of the animal’s ears; they should always remain dry and clean. They are treated once a week and the pet's fur is combed out. There is no specific regime for bathing a dog; water procedures are carried out as needed. If your pit bull's nails do not wear down naturally, they must be trimmed promptly, otherwise the dog will experience discomfort while walking. Give your pet bones to cleanse the mouth or brush his teeth, wipe his eyes with a swab dipped in boiled water.

The dog needs physical activity, walks should be daily, at least twice a day with outdoor games and training. If all this is in abundance, the pet will not feel discomfort when living in an urban environment. And vice versa, if the owner’s attention and walking are insufficient, then you risk raising an angry pit bull.

Fashionable mestizos, or who are the designer breeds

Random matings have always existed, but purposeful crossing in the modern world of cynology is called “designer”. Just recently, the world of dog lovers was engulfed by the so-called designer breeds, which in fact are not breeds at all, they are all mestizos.

Not every mixed breed has the right to be called a designer, but only a cub from purebred dogs of a certain breed with a good pedigree and high marks at exhibitions. The concept of designer dogs first appeared in the 80s. Then dog experts decided to cross a Labrador with a poodle to get a guide dog for people who not only have poor vision, but also suffer from allergies. The success was incredible. Designer dogs instantly gained their own fan club, and their price reached $2,000. True, there were no fewer opponents of interbreeding than fans.

In the world of breeding, designer dogs are called hybrids, or, more simply put, mestizos. You can usually find out which breeds participated in the creation of a “designer breed” not only by their appearance, which displays the traits of their parents, but also by their name. For example, a cross between a beagle and a spaniel is called a Spagle, and a cross between a pug and a Jack Russell terrier is called Jobs. There are also more complex mestizos, which originated from several breeds; a cross between a husky, a chow chow and a German shepherd was called the German Chaskie. See photos of designer mestizos with names in the gallery below.

Pit bull mix

Keeping and caring for a bull terrier

The Bull Terrier is a smooth-haired breed and therefore does not require regular brushing. The animal sheds, like most other dogs, twice a year: in spring and autumn. The wool is easy to clean with a brush or a specially designed mitten. There is no need to arrange water treatments after every walk, especially in rainy weather, just wipe the dog’s body and paws with a damp rag.

It is necessary to regularly wipe your dog's eyes and clean his ears. Since the latter are susceptible to inflammatory processes, they should be examined from time to time. During walks, the bull terrier's claws wear down, but if they protrude beyond the pads of the toes, they need to be cut.

Since representatives of the breed have an active disposition, walks and physical activity for a pet, especially an adult bull terrier, are very important. In addition, he has a tendency to become obese. It is good to include ball games and jumping in your daily walks. This will keep the dog in excellent shape, and it will be more flexible at home. Training is not recommended for all representatives of bull terriers, while education is mandatory for everyone.

Prices for mixed-breed puppies

Mixed breeds always cost much less than purebred dogs, and are often given away for free in good hands. This doesn't just apply to designer breeds, many of them are very expensive. If, as a result of an accidental crossing, puppies are born that are very similar to the purebred parent, they are often passed off as purebred babies without documents, which increases the cost of a mixed breed tenfold. This is important to take into account for those who dream of a purebred dog and want to be sure that the puppy will grow into a dog with certain appearance and character traits.

What to feed dogs of these breeds

The diet of a standard bull terrier and pit bull puppy should be complete and high in calories. Feeding is five times a day, and the following recommendations must be followed:

  • It is important to follow the dog’s diet and do it strictly at a certain time;
  • food should be served in the same bowl every day;
  • The water should be changed as often as possible;
  • despite the fact that meat contains the protein necessary for the animal to build bone and muscle tissue, other nutritional elements are no less important;
  • the dog is allowed to give dairy products with the exception of milk;
  • You shouldn’t serve raw meat too often; it’s better to heat-treat it;
  • in order to prevent helminthiases, the pet is systematically given anthelmintic drugs;
  • It is recommended to include canned food for dogs or dry food in the diet, while studying the composition of the product and observing the dog’s reaction, since some of the ingredients may cause allergies.

Education and training

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a very intelligent, energetic and stubborn dog, but at the same time quite trainable. Can achieve great success in obedience if he can be motivated to complete tasks. Needs competent, consistent training and an owner-leader. Training begins very early, and a lot of attention is paid to the issue of socialization.

The stubbornness of minibulls indeed often complicates the process of interaction between the owner and the dog, despite this it is extremely important to achieve unquestioning obedience without the use of physical force.

The trainability of miniature bull terriers is evidenced by the fact that they can be seen at competitions in various disciplines: obedience, agility, tracking. In the absence of proper training or improper upbringing, a mini bull can grow up wayward, disobedient, or even dangerous.

Pros and cons of the pit bull breed

The advantages of the breed include minimal care that does not require much trouble. In addition, pit bulls are quite intelligent dogs, they are easy to train and are able to coexist with other pets. Many people wonder how a pit bull and children can exist. Thanks to intelligence and self-confidence, the dog will not attack the child, but, on the contrary, becomes his friend, protector, and nanny.

Before deciding on a particular breed of dog, a responsible owner weighs all its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a particular breed include:

  • The pit bull is an easy-to-groom animal; it does not need to be constantly brushed and bathed;
  • your pet’s daily diet is quite simple and does not require the introduction of special foods;
  • because of its intelligence and fighting qualities, the dog is easy to train and becomes not only a friend, but also a good protector;
  • a cheerful and active disposition brings pleasure while spending time together with a dog;
  • has good immunity and is practically not susceptible to disease;
  • Suitable for people with high intelligence.

Among the negative features of the breed are:

  • proper education requires time, patience and desire, otherwise you risk raising an angry pit bull;
  • suitable only for experienced and responsible dog breeders who are fully aware of the responsibility for their pet;
  • the aggressive component of character and hunting instinct, if approached incorrectly, can become dangerous to others;
  • a pit bull requires a lot of attention and communication with its owner; in his absence, the pet’s behavior can change dramatically;
  • problems are possible due to the dog’s hyperreaction to food served to it or other situations;
  • pit bulls often suffer from dysplasia and hypothyroidism, and diseases of the cardiovascular system are not uncommon among representatives of the breed.

Metis and mongrel: what's the difference?

People often wonder how mongrels differ from mestizos and why they are called differently.

Both mongrels and mixed breeds are dogs without a specific breed.

Nevertheless, it is customary to call dogs mestizo, in whose appearance the features of their purebred parents or just one can be traced. In other words, it is a cross between one, two or three guessed breeds. If it is difficult to identify those who took part in the crossing by appearance, the dog is called a mongrel.

In addition, mestizo is the official name of any hybrid. Even if it is clearly visible which two breeds were crossed or the puppy is like two peas in a pod like one of the purebred parents, the passport will simply say “Mestis”, without details.

Mixed Siberian Husky

Pros and cons of the bull terrier breed

Bull Terriers are fighting dogs. Among the main advantages of the breed are:

  1. Kindness and love towards their owners. Breeders say that bull terriers bear little resemblance to the cold-blooded killers that everyone considers them to be. Numerous studies have found that these dogs never attack for no apparent reason. To do this, they need to be very angry, and such a reaction will be natural for any dog.
  2. Easy to maintain and care. Due to the nature of the coat, the animal does not need to be bathed, and sometimes only wiped with a damp towel. Claws wear down during active games and walks.
  3. Bull Terriers are good companions. You can take them with you for jogging and outdoor training.
  4. Pets are distinguished by their devotion to their owner.
  5. They are easy to train and very intelligent. It is recommended to start the learning process in a playful way.

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  1. They have a penchant for leadership. The pet can stubbornly resist the owner's commands. Training will help pacify the dog's disobedience.
  2. It is extremely rare for a bull terrier to coexist with other pets. As a rule, the animal waits for the right moment to eliminate the “rival”.
  3. Short hair cannot protect a dog from cold winds and scorching sun. Therefore, a humid and cold climate will make your pet’s stay uncomfortable. If you leave your dog in the sun for a long time, there is a high probability of getting sunstroke or burns.
  4. Of course, bull terriers can be kept in city apartments, but still, due to the physiology of the animal, a country house is better suited. These dogs need space to move and exercise. If the dog lives in an apartment, it is important to provide him with long-term training.
  5. Misconceptions and biases of others. According to most people, Bull Terriers are merciless killers, so you should be prepared for some of them to be vocal in their negative attitudes or judgment.
  6. When many people find out how much a bull terrier puppy costs, it becomes a problem. After all, for an individual that meets the requirements, you will have to pay three times more than for a pit bull.

TOP 10 dogs that look like a pit bull

It's no secret that people often consider pit bull dogs to be aggressive and sometimes dangerous. This term is commonly used to describe any dog ​​that looks like a Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier.

In reality, the term "fighting dog" is not an official designation because dog fighting is banned in most countries and breeders focus on mitigating the aggression of these breeds. Additionally, many breeds originally bred for fighting retain this character trait.

This applies to a greater extent to British greyhounds, French bulldogs, Irish wolfhounds, as well as Spanish mastiffs, which after September 11, 2001 began to be considered “killers” (among greyhounds and Pekingese who perform in dog fights, such names are assigned to them at the cultural level ).

According to the Journal of Human Relations, the American Stafford's fighting ability depends in part on his personality. Some believe that greyhounds are born fighters, while others believe that their fighting style depends on the owner. Therefore, it is obvious that it is difficult to expect safety from a dog whose owners do not have such characteristics as strength and cruelty.

Other characteristics are more controversial. In the UK, it is believed that some Irish Wolfhounds can be more aggressive when hunting than other breeds. But this phenomenon is rare and is considered to be the result of a genetic predisposition.

Thus, for most greyhounds, the breed requires intensive training, which makes them more suitable for the role of the first dog in the family and for raising children. Another problem is that there is not much experience with them as fighting dogs. However, many greyhounds provide their fighting qualities in competitions where these qualities are demonstrated. Recently, some greyhounds have taken part in international dog fighting.

The Great Dane is the oldest dog breed in Europe and is a popular fighter.

To calm and attract wild dogs that could pose a threat to the human environment, the Germans used the Donner Wetter breed - a hundred points ahead of any greyhound. And it helped. Until now, Great Danes are the largest fighting breeds.

One of the characteristics of the German Shepherd is its appearance and gait. To emphasize their aggressiveness, they can take off at a gallop. Thus, they cannot escape from a wild wolf or bear.

Pitbull. The pit bull breed was bred for fighting in the 18th century. In Russia, this dog was used at court and is essentially an American police dog. Pit bulls have never been allowed to fight each other, but unlike other dogs, they love to fight with cats. Even if the cat has no other choice, he will fight with the dog. Not every Pitboy will fight you for supremacy, but getting him to do so can be much more difficult. If you happen to own a pit bull, don't limit their playtime as they are one of the most intelligent dogs.

Bulldog. Yes, it’s better to never get a bulldog if you live in the USA and there is a chance of getting hit by a car. Due to its aggressive nature, this breed is quite popular among teenagers and adults. In addition, bulldogs are often kept as guard dogs.

Bulldogs tend to be aggressive, so they will not be peaceful with those who treat them badly. On the other hand, they never bit or chewed people if they were treated well.

Try not to irritate your bulldog. Whenever you scare him, he enjoys it.

Dog. The virtues of a Great Dane weighing several hundred pounds. But they have one dangerous trait: they cannot wait for you to go to the toilet, so they will rip off your pants or swimsuit pants if you forgot to take them off. Instead, they may start searching your panties, clothes, and even crawling under the bed.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from these dogs when they are in your apartment or car.

Irish Setter. This is a versatile dog that performs well in most situations. However, she is not particularly committed to one owner. She can run away to someone else and live with him.

“Easy love” In America and Europe, such dogs are called “huskies”. The Laika (or "Russian White") is a dog breed developed in Russia in the 19th century. They were used for hunting fur-bearing animals and as herding dogs. Some researchers even believe that huskies began to be used for dog fighting in the 19th century. As a result, these dogs developed a conflict between their “defenseless” nature and their “aggressive” behavior.

Laikas were considered to be too "light" a breed for such conditions, and therefore they were often used as draft dogs for work when the fight between animals became too violent. The dog's long hair is impractical, and the aggressive part of the husky leads to the development of aggressive and inviting behavior. Laika is always on the move, and it is very difficult to keep her in place. They are very active and full of vital energy. In fact, one husky can hardly handle an angry pit bull, and one thrown stone is enough to cause him to lose his balance and fall.

Therefore, huskies are most often used to train and educate dogs before they are allowed to fight. Another reason for the “lightness” of the breed is that many owners are sure that it was created for thrill-seekers and for people who are unable to restrain their emotions. Likes don't really suit them. Before you get such a dog, you need to think that at the very beginning, at present, most pit bulls and Staffordshire terriers lack basic obedience skills and the ability to control their temperament.

There are several reasons why fighting dogs are not suitable for dog owners. The pit bull is a very aggressive breed that requires control and must be protected from attacks by other dogs. He is very strong and quite playful. Under certain conditions, the fighting breed can be deadly. In fact, pit boxers are extremely aggressive towards their opponents in competition.

In addition to this, the term "bait puppy" for pit bulls refers to a very docile, soft dog that "doesn't bite anyone but its owner", which can lead to unwanted situations. Most people simply have a "strong and fearsome" instinct for self-preservation in mind when describing a pit bull. Not long ago it was discovered that dogs of the Poodle and Dalmatian breeds are close relatives of the Fighting breed.

The character of most Staffordshire Terriers is calm and balanced. They are agile, but not aggressive. Poodles and Dalmatians are more affectionate, but less persistent. However, when it comes to fighting, they show the appropriate level of fury and courage. However, if they feel that they are in serious trouble, they can become very aggressive. A purebred Staffordshire, Newfoundland female, or Rottweiler male who have completed a training course will not always be ready to fight, so it is better not to use them as a fighting dog.

Among the most noticeable breeds, which are very different from each other in appearance, there are, oddly enough, mixed breeds. The character and potential of each is different, and often completely different from each other. This is especially true for canine literature. Of course, there are SKS and FCI breed standards. There is no doubt that these standards will soon be replaced, but for now they remain in force.

Anyone who has watched a dog cage ring as they fight for their place or prize knows that they are very energetic at the beginning of the fight. Then they become calm, sometimes even relaxed. There are differences in the manner of fighting and mainly in the strength required to win. Dogs that have “minor” physical disabilities usually do not have enough strength and speed to win. Consequently, the battles are defensive in nature. ___________________________________

Stafford. Initially, Staffords were used to guard and attack the enemy. These dogs are medium in size, medium in color, with wire or straight hair, a large tail and strong legs.

When the Stafford first appeared is not clear. This probably happened in the 14th century, during the reign of King William the Conqueror. Most known dog breeds were represented by the Yorkshire terrier and spaniel, which he resembled.

Recently, Staffies have been actively crossed with poodles, setters, Irish, Russian and other breeds, which makes them completely versatile dogs.

A very loyal and hardy dog, so you need to walk him in the morning and evening.

The breed standard was adopted in Great Britain in 1865, and the breed was later adopted in the United States. The breed appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century; its Old English version is called staffshore.

This is one of the oldest and most common dog breeds in the world. These dogs are actually very friendly and are willing, if possible, to be loyal to anyone who deserves it. They were not created to be watchdogs or guard dogs - they were always haunted by the idea of ​​finding a home, finding love and giving themselves to someone with all their souls.

Staffords love children, but not as loyal guard dogs. They often do not allow children to play too close to them because they cannot stand still and therefore protect themselves unless they want to. They are also excellent companions, devoted to children and the elderly. These dogs are considered loyal to the last drop of blood, throughout their entire lives.

Funny, sociable and easy-going, the Stafford needs to be constantly trained to be alone. All they do is pamper themselves and admit it. __________________________________

Tosa Inu. It is the largest greyhound breed, as well as the largest of all dogs living in Japan. Molossians have a very wide muzzle with the characteristic shape of the cheeks and ears of the Japanese greyhound. For many centuries, this breed of greyhound was almost the only subject of hunting in Japan, and it was kept at home for at least several hundred years. This was due to the fact that people, and especially peasants, hunted wild greyhounds much more often than other animals.

Greyhounds were not particularly popular as a companion dog or human friend. And yet, in recent years, the breed has become more popular, and not only due to its appearance, but also because of its “unpretentiousness” and practically “survivability” in unfavorable environmental conditions. People who lived in Japan in the 8th-9th centuries used it to hunt wild animals, primarily wild boars. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, greyhounds were more of a decoration and a means of breeding new individuals of the breed, rather than actually being used for hunting.

It was not until 1920 that the National Association of Tosa Fanciers was created in Japan, and greyhounds, due to the popularity of the dog, received official recognition. Tosa-in is the only dog ​​in the world that spent almost as much time hunting as greyhounds. This is a fairly rare breed in Japan, and to date there are several underground clubs breeding and selling Tosa. Both government organizations and private nurseries are engaged in the breed. Basically, Totsa Inu have long hair, a pointed muzzle and triangular shaped ears, small erect or hanging ears. Similar to tosa in shape and size.

Sometimes there are specimens with “combed” and smooth hair. They have reddish eyes, almost always with white eyelids. A characteristic feature of the breed is that the mane fits tightly to the head, does not hang to the sides and does not bury itself in the withers. Although there are several Tosa breeds depending on their color, only white coat color is common. There is no beard or mustache. _________________________________

Rhodesian Ridgeback. The ancestors of the breed were dogs of Asian origin, whose ancestors remained in India and Pakistan. Another part of the population was brought to England by colonists. These dogs were used to work in rural areas and were considered a good guard dog. However, in the mid-twentieth century, dogs of this breed were prohibited from traveling abroad due to their aggressiveness.

South African Giant Schnauzer – translated from German means “evil dog”. The breed originates from South Africa. Initially, these dogs were used as herding and working dogs. However, with the advent of firearms, they began to be used for hunting. However, soon after this they were bred for other purposes, in particular for tracking people and game.

One of the earliest mentions of the Border Collie can be found in documents from 1875. These dogs were used as guide dogs for the blind. They were also used to search for wounded soldiers during the First World War.

In 1935, a breed was developed in England that later became known as the English Mastiff. Like many other dog breeds, it has its own character. They are well used for guard, search and shepherd service.

The Cambrian Terrier is a dog breed that originated in 1840 in Great Britain. The British living in the county of Cambridgeshire became interested in the breed.

The Argentine Fila is a hardy and easy-to-keep dog breed. These creatures will be excellent companions for a person with an active lifestyle.

This “living creature” can also be described as a “house dog”. For this reason, many people decided to get this particular dog. At the same time, it is important to take into account that you need to pay due attention to physical activity, maintain the dog’s health, and also care for the coat, which will become increasingly sparse over time.

The Brabançon is a small breed that originated in Italy. It is small in size, but has rather long ears.

A dog with big ears has been known since ancient times. It is generally accepted that all ancient Romans had such ears, and later the tradition of people being called this way spread to other breeds of dogs.

Miniature dachshunds are small toy dogs that became popular in the early nineties. They have a very even temperament and are often used as pets. __________________________________

Dogo Canario Arriving at the hotel, on the highway on the island of La Palma, built in 1846, we saw a sign for Manuel Teresa. About 100 meters from him, in an open area, stood a locked shepherd dog. All the tourists and the barmaid from our hotel gathered on the yacht. And here she came up to us, who were looking at the map, and asked: “Año 21? Would you like a dog? To me, before I saw this dog in the photo, it seemed gray with a black wedge on the neck and black spots on the withers and back.

This dog traditionally serves as a guard dog in the Canary Islands. “Okay, let's go! Can I bring it home for you?” I didn't bring a long or smooth coat because I wanted to put her in a dog house. I knew that dogs with long and thick paws do well in the streets and gardens. Their short-haired fur, which they hide under their undercoat, does not prevent them from running. But this dog was on a leash. And for walks in Tenerife, you need short, loose wool that does not interfere with movement. It was evening, it was cool outside, and the dog was warm, wet and not at all in a wet cover. And who needs it?

I went behind the bar and said that I was looking for a dog for a walk on the island of La Palme. The security guard, looking at me, said: “You don’t need to prepare anything - the dog owner will process it tomorrow.” But in the morning I saw that my “poodle” was sitting on his butt by the road near the ATM and gnawing on a bone. Hearing me, he stood up, waved his tail, sat down and began sniffing his prey.

Here the story took an unexpected turn: the waiter came into the bar and asked me to stand at the counter for a few minutes while they made him an excellent omelet, and when he left, he would be free to go get the dog. Instead of leaving, I stayed with him without finalizing the contract. Yes, real communism! In the evening, when the waiter left, we got into the car, I opened the glove compartment and took out the rent receipts, he quickly left without saying goodbye. _______________________________

Bullmastiff. Bulldog - Royal Boxer (Old English Bulldog). The English Mastiff (Old English Bulldog) in turn is the ancestor of the Bulldogs and differs from the English Mastiffs in size and larger size. When breeding bullmastiffs in England, Old English bulldogs and dogs of other European breeds were used.

English bulldogs were used not only to guard sheep, but also for hunting. As before, bulldogs were kept in areas with mountainous terrain. In the 19th century, breeding dogs of this breed for bird hunting became popular in England. Bulmirira (red colored bulldogs).

In the Russian Empire, the breed was known as the "Bulfieri" or "Belgian Rottweiler". Now they are simply called Staffordshire Bull Terriers. The history of this breed dates back to 1719, when the English Pit Bull Terrier was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog, the fastest running dog and the strongest dog.

When deciding to buy a Stafford puppy, first of all you should decide for what purposes the dog will be used - for protection, hunting or entertainment. In any case, when purchasing Staffords, you should buy a puppy from trusted and well-known breeders who have passed strict selection and tests. It is also necessary to remember that any breed of dog, be it bull terriers, English bulldogs, Dobermans or others, requires increased attention and appropriate care.

Bullmastics and other dog breeds. Bull Terriers. They can be different in size, color, exterior, but they all have one thing in common - they can be excellent guards and companions.

The Bull Terrier is a beautiful dog with thick long hair, large erect ears, erect or docked muzzle and tail, on which tassel-shaped fringes can “grow.” The coat should be well-groomed, with a soft, long, thick undercoat. Stafferfars and Amstaffs may not have such an undercoat, but the presence of long hair, which is also not uncommon in this breed, indicates that the owner of the dog carefully monitors it. ________________________________________

American Bulldog. However, before you finally introduce the Bulldog into your household, check whether he has increased sensitivity to odors. You may have to give him special “food” bottles from time to time and stimulate certain reflexes so that he doesn’t forget what he’s eating.

In general, Bulldogs have an excellent sense of smell; they are able to distinguish even such faint odors as the smell of fish or onions.

However, if you are going to give your Bulldog a special test to recognize strong odors, first of all, ask the animal if you have another dog at home that you love most, and if so, what is its name and how often does it come to your house? .

Why Bulldog? According to legend, Bulldogs are the ancestors of many dog ​​breeds, so in general it is not surprising that they are so popular.

Tirelessness, determination, loyalty and aggressiveness, poise - these qualities are readily possessed by dogs of all other breeds.

And it doesn’t matter, for example, whether your Bulldog sighs at your quiet grumbling or grinds his teeth - he still understands that you are unable to leave him and that you love him.

This is why Bulldogs are so popular in our country, where many families have several large mongrels. According to experts, Bulldiz are quite suitable for a city apartment, but currently this is too common a breed, and their breeding is quite widespread. In order to be able to train a Bulldog professionally, you must have experience working with large dogs.

Don’t forget (and no one denies this) that Bullies are not at all the kind of dogs that need to be looked after as if they were something supernatural. Bulldiz does not need constant care, he does not need special combing and trimming, his cleanliness depends on his own efforts. So don't waste your time and energy training your Bulldozer.

The Bulldiz have up to six different body positions depending on their position on the battlefield. If you suddenly did not notice one important feature, then do not rush to panic. _________________________________

American Pit Bull Terrier. The breed was developed through selective breeding. A pit bull is able to protect its owner and his family from ill-wishers. Pit bulls are used to perform security functions. This is one of the least popular working breeds.

Fighting dogs are dogs that are used to participate in competitions in sports disciplines. The choice of fighting dogs is not accidental. They train to win. Their training program is designed so that these dogs cannot lose. Breeders use equipment that can cause injury to the dog during a fight.

General description of the breed In appearance, Great Danes are friendly, playful, cheerful dogs, as well as loyal, balanced and intelligent animals.

The general name in cynology for dog breeds with a vertical type of build. In the Far North, dogs of this breed are used as sled dogs.

Description of the breed Most of the territory of the former USSR and Asia is inhabited by large, medium-sized dogs belonging to the Molosser group.

The Beagle breed is a well-built, active and intelligent dog. Representatives of the breed do not need special

The German Shepherd is one of the oldest herding breeds in the world, descended from wolves.

Many novice dog breeders wonder what a terrier is and what it looks like? You probably know that the Beagle dog breed appeared at the end of the eighteenth century, or more precisely in the eighteenth century in England.

The Terrier is a small hunting dog that is incredibly energetic and focused on finding and chasing game.

Each breed of dog will be with you throughout your entire life: you will be grateful for its devotion more than once, and for its courage they will protect you more than once.

Small dogs are not only small ponies, but also leashes for them. These are not necessarily collars with a chain, as the dogs can be tied to a stick with which they can walk. When choosing a leash, you need to take into account the dog's weight, size and temperament, as well as what he will do when he is outside. After all, for some people a leash is suitable for quiet walks, while others love free swimming. ___________________________________

Doberman. This is a friend who is ready to help at any time and protect from any danger. It’s not for nothing that they say that “Man’s best friend is a dog.”

When they talk about “naked” silk wool, they mean the same phenomenon discussed above: the unconditional dominance of female wool over male wool. This means that any hair deprived of nourishment begins to flake. Without food, without rest, without deep sleep, this fur thickens and pushes out neighboring hairs.

Silky, silky fur is the first sign that your pet has not shared something with you.

Coat and oily skin. In fact, this type of coat has a number of distinctive features that depend not only on the type of breed, but also on the physiology of the animal itself, the characteristics of its care and, most importantly, on the quantity and quality of care products.

Often (especially in the summer) our pets become victims of demodicosis - a disease that can lead to hair loss and brittleness, as well as damage to the skin.

At the earliest stage of the disease, the dog’s fur actively thickens, becomes matted and smooth, and is practically impossible to comb. As a result, it is completely deprived of nutrition and cannot function. Easily soluble gray spots form on the surface of the skin, which, gradually increasing in size, merge to form plaques, on top of which new fur lies.

If measures are not immediately taken to eliminate parasites, intense hair loss is observed over the entire surface of the body. Humans see this, but animals do not notice or pay no attention to it.

But the second, more common type of disease, resembles the picture of ordinary baldness. Animal breeds with such coats can have curly, coarse and straight hair. In this case, hair loss occurs slowly, and a series of flaky spots, shaped like “scales,” form on the surface of the skin. The disease usually occurs in winter.

When hair loss occurs due to a lack of vitamins and under the influence of various external factors, the result is puffiness and sagging of the skin, and its early aging.

Features of training a pit bull

Breeders recommend that pit bull owners undergo a general training course to learn the basics of obedience. If desired, you can continue training aimed at protection and security, since the pit bull has all the necessary data for this. Among other things, this will help control your pet’s aggression.

The owner must always maintain communication with his dog and not show cruelty or malice, because it is the attitude that determines the pet’s character in the future. It is necessary to focus on the dog’s curiosity and desire to please the person in completing assigned tasks.

If you are wondering who is stronger - a pit bull or a bull terrier, then we can say that pit bulls are more resilient and passionate creatures. The breeds differ in that in a fight pitas do not consider their position to be a losing one under any circumstances. This means that the dog will fight to the last.

Pit bull mastiffs - does such a breed exist?

If you refer to international canine standards, study them carefully, you will not find the pit bull mastiff dog breed there. There are breeds there: bull terrier, bullmastiff, mastiff, American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier. Mastiffs, by the way, have many varieties in the standards: Spanish, English, Major, Tibetan, Neapolitan and Pyrenean.

Can't you find why? Because there is no standard for the Pitbull Mastiff breed! It is not included in any international classification. There is no standard, but there are dogs! And even included in some lists. Next we will look at what a pit bull mastiff looks like, what kind of dog it is and what kind of character it has.

Important: you can often come across the statement that pits (the American pit bull terrier breed) do not have an official Standard. This is wrong! Pit bulls are recognized by three canine organizations - ADBA, UKC, AKC.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Features of training a bull terrier

When training a dog, it is important to remember that bull terriers of white or other colors, having sensed a person’s weakness, will no longer obey him. Therefore, from the first minutes it is necessary to show your leadership.

Even as a puppy, your pet is taught to share its toys without showing aggression. The owner should demonstrate his dissatisfaction with the dog’s behavior and under no circumstances indulge his whims. If the puppy is tired, there is no need to force him to train, but reward each completed command with his favorite treat. You can’t scold a bull terrier; they can remember it for a long time. All commands are presented concisely and clearly.

It is certainly possible to train a strong and aggressive bull terrier. In this case, only a fight will help decide who is stronger: a pit bull or a bull terrier.

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