Who is cooler: Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd? Comparison of breeds

It is believed that Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs are closely related, because these dogs have a lot in common, both in appearance and in character traits. And many breeders use Alabais and Caucasian shepherd dogs for mating, so that only the best qualities of both parents are manifested in the puppy. What does an Alabai cross with a Caucasian look like, what is its temperament and are these proud and independent animals trainable?

Mixed Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai

Like the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, the Alabai is a representative of a large, giant breed.
He has the same thick fluffy coat, but his hair is somewhat shorter than that of the “Caucasians”. The crossing of these dogs today is purely amateur, without breeding an independent breed. Several similar traits can be identified in Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherd mixes:

  • Large, massive build.
  • High intelligence, intelligence.
  • Tendency to learn, relatively easy to train.
  • An animal with pronounced fighting, security and watchdog qualities.
  • Caucasian Shepherds can develop a jealous attitude towards their own territory.
  • From Alabai - innate distrust of strangers.

"Caucasian Alabai" is a strong, brave and stubborn animal. Due to its physical and mental qualities, the dog is prone to dominance. Why should people with a strong character and physical development get such a dog? A person must be able to build a “leader-subordinate” relationship with a mestizo. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting an aggressive, uncontrollable, wayward and at the same time gigantic and powerful dog.

Photo of a cross between a Caucasian Shepherd and an Alabai:

Distinctive features

The distinctive characteristics of the Central Asian Shepherd are:

  • The head of these dogs is massive, large, and shaped like a rectangle. The stop is smooth, the muzzle does not taper towards the lobe. The nasal mucosa is black or deep brown. There are pronounced brow ridges.
  • The eyes are round, not very large, set wide apart, and the color is brown.
  • The ears are in the shape of a triangle, drooping from birth. They are usually stopped in the very first days of life.
  • Scissor bite. Teeth with snow-white enamel, large, strong, fit well, 42 pieces in total. Large and powerful jaws.
  • The neck is strong and of moderate length.
  • The paws are straight, strictly parallel, powerful, with strong bones, set wide apart.
  • The body is not long, with pronounced muscles. A slightly pronounced high rear is allowed (the height at the withers is 2-3 cm greater than at the rump).
  • The chest is broad, with well-developed muscles.
  • The abdomen is slightly tucked.
  • The coat can be short (from 3 to 4 cm) and long (from 7 to 8 cm), smooth, soft to the touch, with a thick undercoat.
  • The tail is saber-shaped, thick at the base, set high, docked.

Training and education

Like any dog ​​that has strong protective qualities, it needs training. Alabais have a wayward character, so they will obey the owner, who has pronounced leadership qualities. The main thing in raising a Central Asian Shepherd is patience and systematicity.

Training should be daily for at least 20-30 minutes. Experts advise involving all family members in the educational process. By the age of seven months, the puppy should know the following commands:

  • "To me!";
  • "Sit";
  • “Place” and other standard ones.

In order for the dog to show more diligence during training, you need to interest it. Be sure to reward your pet for following the command - with praise or a treat. The owner will have to be sympathetic to the desire to independently explore the world, excessive curiosity and perseverance.

As the Central Asian Shepherd grows up, it becomes strongly attached to home and family. Alabais are possessive by nature, so the owner needs to carefully monitor the pet’s behavior towards strangers. There is no need to allow familiarity towards family members.

Attention! From the first days you should not be allowed to jump on your household members. Alabais grow into large dogs, so maintaining such weight is not easy. Males are easier to raise, girls are more cunning and resourceful, so as not to obey the trainer

Males are easier to raise, girls are more cunning and resourceful, so as not to obey the trainer.

To raise a wayward puppy into a real watchdog, you will need a lot of patience. If the Central Asian Shepherd does not feel a leader in its owner, it will not follow his commands. Therefore, if the Alabai owner does not have experience in training dogs, it is better to trust the professionals.

Alabai needs intense physical activity

Who is easier to maintain and care for?

Both animals have thick fur, which not only helps them withstand harsh cold, but also has a habit of shedding in the spring.

Compared to the Caucasian, the coat of the Central Asian is shorter and therefore does not require special care.

The coat looks well-groomed and tangles easily. Nails and teeth require much more care.

To avoid troubles, the Caucasian's coat requires regular brushing, at least 3 times a week. Nails and teeth are also not left without attention.

If the dog lives in an enclosure, this does not free the owner from walking; Alabai loves active walks to maintain and develop muscle mass.

Behavior in a dangerous situation

If we consider the tactics of action when protecting the owner, attacking a stranger, then there are huge differences.

It is against the law for a dog to participate in fighting. This is prohibited in many countries

The Caucasian is a serious guard, he is not afraid even of a knife, he will fight to the end. Quite cunning, he waits and does not scare away the enemy so that he comes closer, then he attacks. During a fight, if a person gives up, he will simply stand over him. If you do not resist and lie down, he will not continue and will wait for the owner. They have the ability to instantly switch to a point that poses danger.

Comparative characteristics

Alabai is a strong guard dog whose homeland is considered to be Turkmenistan. This breed was bred to guard houses and herds. Raising it is difficult, but with the right approach, this animal will become its owner's best friend.

Important! This dog is not suitable for living in an apartment; it needs space. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were also bred as a guard breed

But at the same time, it has an even more capricious character than the Alabai. Even with proper training, such an animal recognizes only one owner, whom it considers the main one in the house.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were also bred as a guard breed. But at the same time, it has an even more capricious character than the Alabai. Even with proper training, such an animal recognizes only one owner, whom it considers the main one in the house.

External differences

The main common feature for representatives of both breeds is their large height and weight, which is why owners of private houses pay attention to these dogs. If we talk about other external features of the breeds, then:

  • Alabais have thick and short hair, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have longer hair with a thick undercoat;
  • Alabai dogs must have their ears and tail docked; for Caucasians, this procedure is at the discretion of the owner;
  • Alabais can have white, gray, reddish and black fur, they can even be spotted. Among Caucasians, gray color is more common, but brown is also common. A characteristic feature is the presence of a dark mask on the face, but there are animals without it.

Thus, despite the external similarity, there are enough differences between representatives of these breeds. And even a person far from cynology can easily figure out where the Alabai is and where the Caucasian Shepherd is. But with mestizos the situation is a little more difficult.

Differences in character and attitude towards a person

What distinguishes these dogs primarily is their character. Alabais are considered not only independent and proud, but even to a certain extent self-confident and arrogant. They relate well to other animals living in the house, and can even get along well with other dogs.

Note! Alabai consider themselves masters only in the territory that they define as their own. Outside of it, they are neutral towards strangers

Alabais, despite their pride and independence, perfectly sense the mood of the owner; often such a dog becomes a good friend to its owner, but only if he raised and trained the puppy from a very tender age.

Alabai motley color

It is interesting that gender differences are noticeable in the character of the Alabais. Males behave more aggressively, they are distinguished by their courage and hostility towards strangers in their territory

Bitches behave more cautiously and can even act with cunning; they turn to direct aggression less often

Caucasians are a breed that is also called loyal to its owner. But at the same time, its representatives show their feelings very restrainedly and are more independent and self-sufficient compared to the Alabai. In addition, Caucasians choose only one owner, and can show aggression towards other family members. It will take a lot of work to eradicate it. This is also the difference between the breeds, since Alabai are neutral towards the family.

For your information! If we compare the life expectancy of representatives of these breeds, then for Alabais it is on average slightly longer - 12-15 years. While Caucasian Shepherd dogs live on average 10-11 years.


Main differences

Let's highlight the differences in general form:

External indicatorsCaucasian Shepherd DogCentral asian shepherd dog
HeadLarge, wide at the cheekbonesProportional
EyesSmall, slanting and deep set. Attentive look Widely spaced. Confident look
EarsSet on highLow set
Muzzle shapePointed towards the noseRectangular
WoolCoarse, straight hair and with thick undercoatDense, coat slightly long or short
PawsShorter, but a little thickerMiddle length
TailWrapped in a ring, fluffyOften docked, so the tail is short

A Caucasian is inferior in height to a Central Asian, who on average grows to 70 cm, or even 80 cm, while a Caucasian is 60 cm.

In rare cases, the Caucasian reaches 75 cm, which is still not enough to surpass the Alabai.

The weight of the first ranges from 45-75 kg, the second - 45-80 kg.

However, both dogs have impressive size and well-developed muscles. The difference in life expectancy is small. On average, a Caucasian lives 10-11 years, and an Alabai lives 12-15.

In general, Alabai is larger in size, but a lot depends on nutrition, regularity of activities and walks.

Character of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or Alabai

The breed standard for the Central Asian Shepherd says that it is a confident dog with a balanced temperament. She behaves proudly and independently. The Alabai is characterized by a lack of fear, even if the opponent is larger and stronger, high motivation to work and endurance. He has a well-developed protective instinct.

The ancestors of Asians were accustomed to doing without constant control from the owner. The dog was responsible for the protection and safety of the herd around the clock. Therefore, she decided what to do when her charges were in danger. The dog could chase a wild predator and engage in a fight with it. Or he could drive the enemy to a sufficient distance and return to his lambs so that they would not run away. Modern Alabai have inherited the ability to think and decide independently. It is this quality that many consider stubbornness or even obstinacy. It is difficult for people who are accustomed to working dogs to understand and accept the Central Asian habit of thinking before doing something. After all, for example, a German shepherd constantly looks back at its owner, as if asking what he wants. And Central Asians are always confident in their competence on any issue.

By nature, Alabai are distinguished by their balanced and calm character; they do not fuss and do not show aggression without reason. Huge dogs are friendly and quite affectionate towards their family members. And towards strangers and dogs - wary and distrustful. This quality makes Alabais excellent guards. They guard their territory and pack members jealously. But they will not attack a stranger until he has violated the border or threatens.

Huge dogs are surprisingly loyal to children. They do not offend those who are weaker than them. Alabais are ready to endure the pestering of kids and take part in games. But still, you shouldn’t leave an unintelligent child alone with this toothy giant. Still, this is a beast, and its behavior is difficult to predict, so do not forget about safety rules.

Alabai are tolerant of pets; they consider them members of their pack. But Central Asians do not like strangers too much and do not respect them at all. They may start a fight while walking, especially if they meet a dog who does not want to acknowledge their superiority. Experts explain this enmity by the fact that the ancestors of the Alabai protected livestock mainly from wolves, and then transferred this hostility to the rest of the dog tribe

Therefore, it is very important to teach your pet to be tolerant of everyone. To do this, from an early age you need to introduce the puppy to different dogs and encourage friendly behavior. The Central Asian Shepherd is a serious dog for an experienced owner who is strong in spirit and body

In addition, he must understand the pet’s character in order to find an approach to it. It is not easy to gain the authority of Alabai. But if this is successful, the person will receive a faithful friend and a reliable bodyguard

The Central Asian Shepherd is a serious dog for an experienced owner who is strong in spirit and body. In addition, he must understand the pet’s character in order to find an approach to it. It is not easy to gain the authority of Alabai. But if this is successful, the person will receive a faithful friend and a reliable bodyguard.


Central Asian Shepherds do not eat as much as they might seem. Feeding your pet comes down to creating a diet “according to needs”

It is important to understand that, given the high energy content, food should not contain large amounts of carbohydrates (especially for young dogs). Diet adjustments are made by monitoring weight gain; obesity is an extremely undesirable disease that has a detrimental effect on the dog’s joints and heart.

The best option is natural feeding, that is, meat, grains, vegetables and fruits. Usually, Asians are given moslaks, but not as food, but as a toy. Fish is not that important, but ocean varieties are rich in trace elements and essential amino acids. Dairy products are useful, provided that the dog itself wants to consume them and does not experience stomach upset afterwards.

Feed can be considered as an alternative. Naturally, the products should be designed for large and fast-growing breeds. Until the age of 3, the pet should receive food with a strengthened composition. Product class is not lower than premium, for puppies and old dogs, not lower than super-premium.

Sizes of puppies compared to humans

Tibetan Mastiffs are characterized by their rapid growth, so at the age of 1 year they weigh as much as a 13-year-old child:

AgeTibetan Mastiff weight (kg)Person's weight (kg)
Newborn400-600 g3,5
1 month53,8-4,7
2 months114,5-5,6
3 months155,2-6,4
4 months175,8-7,2
5 months246,3-7,8
6 months286,8-8,4
7 months317,3-8,9
8 months357,6-9,4
9-10 months418,0-10,3
11-12 months428,7-10,9

Considering these indicators, we can conclude that upon reaching the age of 1 year, the weight of a Tibetan mastiff is 3 times the weight of a one-year-old child.

The dimensions of the Tibetan Mastiff allow it to deservedly take pride of place in the list of the largest dogs in the world.

And thanks to the presence of such large representatives of the breed as Hong Dong, these dogs are confidently moving towards first place in the ranking of the largest.

The main thing is not to forget about training and quality care for your pet, because even such a formidable and large dog needs affection and care.

If an animal is treated as an equal, then it will become an excellent protector and guard.

Interesting facts about Alabai

Asians have a very capricious character and will never mindlessly, automatically follow commands. They evaluate their feasibility and only then implement them. These dogs have a strong character, so you should start training them from an early age. Under no circumstances should you beat or humiliate them, since such behavior can destroy the animal’s psyche and turn it into a real monster. It is better to entrust the education of Alabai to a specialist.

Interesting Facts:

  • Alabai puppies are prone to food aggression and this is not considered a deviation in the normal development of the psyche;
  • An Asian must be in contact with the outside world, and not sit constantly in an enclosure or on a chain, otherwise in a fairly short period she will become aggressive;
  • Snakes, spiders and even scorpions are afraid of dogs of this breed, therefore, where the Alabai dog lives, there will never be reptiles.

Many who raised an Asian incorrectly are themselves afraid of their pet. For this reason, he spends more and more time on the chain, becoming even more aggressive and completely uncontrollable.

Being descendants of ancient dogs that accompanied nomads in Asia, Alabais inherited excellent health and strong immunity to many diseases. The “Achilles heel” of Asian Shepherds is the musculoskeletal system.

Despite the fact that Asians are among the ten largest dog breeds, they occupy only the eighth place of honor. Among the Alabais there are absolute champions. For example, a male with the characteristic nickname Bulldozer. His height was about 2 meters, and his weight reached 125 kg.

Who is better to have: a Caucasian or an Alabai?

An adult representative of any of these breeds will make an excellent watchdog. But, in addition to its service characteristics, when choosing, you should also take into account the features of caring for these animals. For example, Alabai wool does not require special care, it does not tangle, and is easy to tidy. But Caucasians need regular brushing, at least three times a week. In addition, releasing such an animal into the fresh air in an urban environment is always associated with certain difficulties, since Caucasians do not like to walk under water. So, all other things being equal, it is worth thinking about getting an Alabai.

History and purpose

Both of these breeds belong to the wolfhound family, which in turn indicates their ancient origin. Central Asia is the homeland of these breeds; they are relatives of the Tibetan Great Danes. Such dogs were necessary for security and protection. At first they looked after flocks of sheep; the shepherds could not afford a large number of dogs and chose the most reliable and best puppies from all. Then they worked on guard duty. They have proven themselves through their fearlessness and endurance. Increasingly, they are being used to protect private territories.

East European Shepherd

This breed is well known from the film “Come to me, Mukhtar!”

The difficult history of its creation and preservation has lasted for more than half a century. Initially, the work of dog handlers was conceived as “our answer to the German Shepherd.” The purposeful work of domestic specialists made it possible to create the East European Shepherd dog breed, which is distinguished by its more massive size, endurance, balanced character and adapted to harsh climatic conditions.

With the recognition of the German Shepherd by the international canine organization in 1991, the breed of Eastern European dogs became illegal, as it was considered their subspecies.

But enthusiasts and lovers of the breed, who did not agree with this approach, continued to develop and improve the East European Shepherd. The result of hard work was the recognition of this breed in 2002 by the Russian Canine Federation.

The breed standard stipulates the size of a male: height 66-76 centimeters, weight - 35-60 kilograms; females - height 62-72 centimeters, weight - 30-50 kilograms. Life expectancy is 12-15 years. The coat is medium length with a thick undercoat.

The dog is large, active and physically strong with well-developed muscles. These animals are distinguished by a strong nervous system, strong immunity, and the ability to perform tasks in harsh climates and cold weather.

The breed was created for military service, territory protection, police work, as well as searching for chemicals and narcotic substances. These dogs were also used as guide dogs for the visually impaired and guarded the state border.

Shepherds are highly trainable, especially if trained from puppyhood. During training, they are happy to demonstrate their obedience, do not try to dominate and show will.

The shepherd has a friendly character, but only with “its own” and becomes “combat” at the slightest threat to the owner or family members.

Excellent characteristics and calm temperament have allowed the East European Shepherd to gain popularity among people as a pet.

The dog is very attached to its owner: smart, unpretentious, and has the typical characteristics of a protector. He is wary of strangers, but does not show aggression unless necessary.

A shepherd dog can be kept either in a spacious outdoor booth with a fenced enclosure or in a city apartment. If a dog spent the first years of its life in an apartment, it will not be able to adapt to life on the street.

Each breed is interesting in its own way. When choosing a guard dog as a pet, be sure to remember that:

  • all breeds require a special training course;
  • guard dogs need daily active physical exercise;
  • the owner will be required to demonstrate strong character and leadership qualities when raising the animal;
  • The socialization of dogs must begin at an early age and carefully monitor an older dog when in crowded places, accustoming it to a muzzle and a leash.

Authors of the articles: Belanta Clinic team

Ways to avoid unwanted mating

Accidental mating can lead to an unwanted pregnancy in a dog, making it difficult for owners. To prevent this, we will describe a number of ways to avoid troubles with pregnancy, mongrel babies, and the upcoming distribution to kind people. The information is useful as a reminder to inattentive owners who encounter similar cases.

Ways to protect a female from mating:

  • take him out for walks on a short leash; cannot be left out of sight; It is recommended to avoid walking in dog parks during the heat period, and to avoid places where dogs congregate; in case of oversight, try to disperse; if the animals are already in the castle, it is better not to touch the animals, this threatens with psychological and physical injuries.

It is acceptable not to go outside when you are in heat; three weeks is a short period of time to worry. To prevent pregnancy in case of unwanted mating, you should contact a veterinarian within 24 hours from the moment of mating. The doctor will inject the animal with special medications, providing a guarantee of getting rid of the offspring of mongrels. For the remaining time, the female can no longer be mated with another male; she must wait for a new heat.

Mixed Caucasian Shepherd and Husky

The Caucasian Laika is a large, powerful and very cute dog. According to the owners, this is a family pet that loves children. But at the same time, the animal is extremely suspicious of strangers, especially men. The dog has highly developed security functions - it strives to protect its family from all threatening dangers. The Caucasian Laika makes an excellent watchman: he will definitely not let strangers into the house.

The crossbreed is obedient, but only if properly raised and trained. Such a dog will only obey its owner - it remains distrustful of strangers.

A dog needs physical activity every day. Most of all, the “mix” loves to go jogging with its owner.

Photo of a cross between a Caucasian Shepherd and a Husky:

Comparison of breeds by other criteria

Like other herding dogs, these animals benefit from intelligence and intelligence. Herd protection presupposes the ability to adequately assess the situation and make decisions independently.

These are brave dogs that, like their owners, are capable of acting alone.

However, there are many differences in the temperaments of animals. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog values ​​freedom, and therefore obeys its owner with great reluctance, while the Alabai craves attention and approval.

It is difficult for a Caucasian to live in an apartment because he is used to large spaces and physical activity.

And the innate distrust of strangers makes the dog an excellent watchman. Compared to the wolfhound, the Central Asian is cunning and flexible.

This is a calm animal that will be imbued with sympathy for the family, and in relation to children will play the role of a nanny.

OptionsCaucasianCentral Asia
AggressivenessMore, everywhereSmaller and on our own territory
Security qualitiesGoodGood
Attitude towards the ownerDevotedDevoted
Attitude towards childrenWaryFriendly
Attitude towards other animalsPatientLoyal towards your own people, aggressive towards strangers

Who is stronger?

There are a lot of videos on the Internet “Alabai vs. Caucasian Shepherd – fight”, where you can clearly see who is stronger. Although everything directly depends on the care of the dog, its character, devotion to the owner, and training. Everything is very individual, which is why it is so difficult to find an answer.

From the point of view of character and speed of reactions, the Caucasian wins. He is fearless, aggressive, ready to jump on the enemy without further ado. This is a murder weapon, full of courage and the desire to show who is in charge. He is smarter than Alabai, able to quickly understand the enemy’s fighting technique and predict the next blows. Therefore, at dog fights, the Caucasian Shepherd is treated with fear, and not everyone will dare to put their dog against it.

However, Alabai is larger and also smart

He is ready to show his owner his devotion, to earn respect and attention, even in this way. He does what the owner tells him to do and always does it well.

The Asian’s reaction is also quick and clear, and his actions are thought out in advance. He does not give the enemy a break, attacking constantly, directing all his power to strikes. His grip is iron - it is almost impossible to get out of his mouth. Therefore, Alabai is considered the “angel of death” in dog fights.

It is impossible to say who is stronger. Representatives of both breeds have almost equal strength, they are distinguished only by the manner of fighting, aggressiveness and desire to please the owner. Little depends on the weight and height of the animal, since the saying “the larger the closet, the louder it falls” also applies to fighting dogs. Victory is often a matter of chance. But most dog breeders still vote for the Alabai. He does not act on emotions, which distinguishes him favorably from the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Dog fighting

Both breeds became famous for competing in dog fights. Moreover, both occupy second position in the list of the best, right behind the pit bull.

Dog fighting appeared many centuries ago; even the ancient Romans pitted dogs against each other, as well as against bears, elephants and other large animals for fun. In the 19th century, these fights were called sports, and in the 20th century they began to earn big money from it.

Today, dog fighting is prohibited in 50 countries, and officially permitted in only three. The most brutal battles are held in the United States, and the organizers of these events are persecuted more than anywhere else. Even spectators of underground clubs can go to jail for a long time.

Dog fights - Alabai versus Caucasian Shepherd are held quite often and are the most spectacular. All blood lovers gather there. And, if in Europe they want to see who is stronger, then in America the whole point lies in who will win, that is, who will survive. To be fair, it should be noted that in states where dog fighting is legal, a veterinarian is present, and the fighting itself never ends in the death of the animal.

If you are interested in blood sport, train your pet well, take care of it and let it rest after each fight. Some do the opposite - they treat the dog terribly, do not feed it and beat it to provoke aggression. Some of them even inject drugs into their pets to make them stronger and angrier. But you and I are adequate people, aren’t we? Is the health or even the life of your beloved dog worth this “black” money?..

Similarities and differences between breeds

When choosing between an Alabai and a German Shepherd, the owner should understand that both breeds have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to choose an animal based on the purpose of acquisition, the nuances of the pet’s character and maintenance

Before purchasing, it is important to study the description of the breed, take into account all the difficulties of upbringing, disadvantages and advantages of the breed


If you look at an Alabai and a German Shepherd mix, you will see that their exteriors are completely opposite. The appearance of the German Shepherd is determined by the breed standards, and the appearance standards of the Alabai are constantly adjusted and supplemented.

The Shepherd is a large, muscular dog, weighing 25–35 kg, height at the withers varies from 55 to 60 cm. The German's muscles are well developed and his physique is strong. Basic coat colors: black, gray, black with red tan. Her appearance vaguely resembles a wolf.

Alabai is not considered a separate breed, but a breed group of dogs selected in Central Asia. Their weight varies from 55 to 65 kg.

Among them, one can distinguish the Turkmen subspecies, which are large animals with spots all over the body. The Tajik subspecies has longer hair and folds on the skin. Animals of the Uzbek subspecies are distinguished by an elongated muzzle. The smallest dog is considered to be the gorse, which can often be found in the northern regions of Kazakhstan. In appearance it resembles a greyhound.

In dog fights, the more agile small Alabais are often pitted against German shepherds. They are distinguished by mobility, endurance and energy. Large Asians are quite clumsy, despite their size and weight, it is difficult for them to fight fast Germans.


The two breeds also differ in temperament. The German Shepherd is a choleric dog, oriented toward its owner and family. She obeys unquestioningly, treats her family with love, but is aggressive towards strangers.

Alabai is more independent, despite his phlegmatic nature, the blood of a wild beast flows in him. In its homeland, such a dog can independently find food for itself while walking down the street, and recognize who is a friend and who is an enemy. He does not obey commands well and prefers to make his own decisions. Dog handlers believe that Alabais have a higher IQ. This dog is not without cunning and ingenuity.

German Shepherds get along better with other animals and cats, but the Central Asian Shepherd does not like other dogs and cats. They have different attitudes towards children: the German is more patient and loves children, the Alabai is indifferent to them. Experts warn that it is not recommended to take Asians into families with small children. At the genetic level, this breed has an instinct to attack smaller creatures.

Maintenance and care

According to reviews from German Shepherd owners, the pet's frequently shedding coat is a big inconvenience. This breed is not recommended to be kept on a chain or in an apartment. When tied to a chain, a dog quickly loses its skills and may develop mental problems. If a German is in the yard, he needs a lot of human attention.

For Alabai, keeping in an enclosure is best. Thanks to its thick coat and thick undercoat, the dog can sleep in the snow without freezing. The large size does not allow keeping the animal in an apartment. The breed is necessary for protecting large territories, just like the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The German is more suitable for protecting the family.

The enclosure must be strengthened; the fence around the house must be high. The dog has a tendency to run away. He can easily jump over a fence or dig under a hole.

Training and education

Central Asians are trained worse than Germans. They can do what the owner wants, but not blindly obey commands. Their behavior during training resembles that of a child. The animal must be motivated and interested.

The Germans train with pleasure for the sake of ordinary praise, but training Alabais is much more difficult. It's better to leave this to a professional. A specialist will help build a clear hierarchy in the dog’s head.

Who is stronger: Alabai or German Shepherd? The Asian is larger and stronger than the German, but he is clumsy and clumsy. Dog handlers note that when trained, the German attacks head-on. Alabai uses more cunning moves, attacking unexpectedly or from behind. He also uses a similar behavioral strategy in dog fighting.


Central Asian Shepherds are considered an aboriginal breed, so they practically do not suffer from infectious diseases and do not have genetic abnormalities. Germans are more susceptible to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and otitis media. They may have problems with their hip joints.

Description of the breed

Alabai is one of the top three strongest and hardiest breeds, second only to St. Bernards and Newfoundlands, which are actively involved in rescue work. The Central Asian Shepherd has its own characteristics - breed standards. They are discussed in more detail in the table.

Table 1. Exterior of Alabai

CriterionBreed standard
DimensionsMales from 65 to 78 cm (weight up to 79 kg). Females from 60 to 69 cm (weight up to 65 kg)
Coat color and characterThe coat is thick, with a dense undercoat that protects from the cold. Two lengths are possible - 3-5 and 7-10 cm. A mane is allowed. The colors are different. There are both brindle and solid colors - fawn, brown, black, gray, red
Head shapeThe muzzle is blunt, the occipital part is well developed. The head itself is massive, wide, symmetrical. The ears are drooping and triangular. Left natural or cropped
Jaws and teethThe lower jaw is completely covered by the lips. The jaws are powerful, scissor-shaped. Teeth white, strong, large
TorsoThe dog's body is large and muscular. The chest is wide and the stomach is tucked. The back is short with a convex loin. The front and rear legs are set straight and wide. The paws themselves are massive

The main characteristic of the Alabai breed is the specific structure of the head.

Some breeders and owners of Alabais use a classification that involves division into three groups, depending on the region of residence and specific climatic conditions:

  1. Oasis-desert type. They are kept mainly in hot areas, so they have a short but thick coat that perfectly protects against overheating.
  2. Steppe type. These are fast and lean dogs with medium-length hair. They are considered a universal option and best reflect the appearance of modern Alabai.
  3. Mountain type. These are large, massive dogs, more reminiscent of mastiffs than any other. They have long hair with a thick undercoat, so they do not freeze even in extreme conditions.

Deviations from breed standards

All puppies in nurseries are carefully examined for possible shortcomings and defects. Among them there are insignificant ones, which only lower the class of the animal. These include:

  • variation in the dog's height by more than 2 cm in a smaller direction;
  • tail in a tight ring;
  • tail lying on the back;
  • close-set eyes;
  • blue eye color;
  • muzzle too narrow or elongated;
  • loose build.

Blue eye color, despite its amazing beauty, is considered a deviation among Alabais

There are also vices that require mandatory castration of the animal and a ban on participation in exhibitions. The list includes:

  • curly hair;
  • eyes of different colors;
  • atypical nose color;
  • missing more than two teeth.

Serious defects also include atypical manifestations of the animal’s character. Alabai should not be overly aggressive and emotional, as well as cowardly and uncontrollable.

The aggressiveness of the Alabai, which cannot be controlled, poses a great danger

Character of Alabai

The Central Asian Shepherd is a reflection of greatness and tranquility. With such a security guard, everyone will feel safe. It is noteworthy that Alabai always become attached to their owners, but are wary of strangers.

Despite his strength and power, Alabai knows how to limit himself

Alabais kept in houses become full-fledged members of families. They love children and are able to get along with other pets, but they can show aggression towards other people's animals, as they instinctively protect their territory.

The calmness and poise of the Alabai allow him to find a common language even with children

These are calm and patient dogs that do not make unnecessary noise. They, like all pets, love affection and comfort. At the same time, Alabai are proud and independent, so difficulties in their upbringing are possible.

Benefits of Parenting

The temperament of the mixed breed Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd is distinguished by its complex character. If you indulge a dog in everything, the result will be an untamed pet that will not obey at all. The owner must be consistent in his upbringing and try to make as few mistakes as possible. The future of the dog depends on how much he can invest in the development of the puppy. You should always remember that it is easy to spoil the character of an animal, but correcting the mistake will be quite difficult.

Education should be approached thoroughly, without making significant mistakes. If you initially spoil a dog, it will become difficult to re-educate it in the future. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase small puppies. The most suitable age for handing over a baby to a new owner is two to three months. It is during this period that attachment is best formed. A person has the opportunity to raise a puppy the way he wants, to make him an excellent guard or just a furry friend.

Thus, a cross between two breeds sometimes looks quite interesting

The photo of the Alabai mestizo certainly attracts attention. True breed connoisseurs will most likely want to see their favorite traits in their four-legged friend

Without a doubt, such dogs are perfect for guarding a private home. It is better to refuse to keep them in an apartment because their fur is too thick and their size is quite impressive.

How much does alabai cost?

There are a number of objective and subjective factors that determine the cost of an Alabai puppy. These include:

  • exterior. Experts distinguish between excellent, good, simple and very simple. The price gradation is directly proportional to the assessment;
  • signs (or lack thereof) of tribal marriage. This should be of greater concern to those who plan to participate in exhibitions or want to become a breeder. A dog with a plembrace is not suitable for this application. And don’t even doubt that he can become just a good friend and a reliable guard for you;
  • puppy coat color. White alabai will cost much more.

The cost may also be affected by where the breeder lives. Statistics show that in Moscow and the region prices are higher than in the periphery.

Contrary to popular belief, the size of the puppy does not particularly affect the price. Nature alone knows what exactly your pet will be like as an adult.

The average prices for small Alabais start from 15 thousand rubles - most often these dogs have a breed, puppies of a simple exterior will cost in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles, for an Asian “with a future” you will have to pay at least 30 thousand rubles.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

These dogs look like large bears. The breed became very popular during the USSR, and in European and Western countries they became interested in it not so long ago. It is believed that the homeland of the shepherd dog is the Caucasus Mountains.

Description of the breed

Caucasian Shepherds are large dogs that resemble bears in appearance. They have a wide, square muzzle with pronounced brow ridges. The jaws are also massive and the bite is tight. This provides a death grip. The eyes are small and black or dark chocolate in color.

The ears of Caucasian Shepherds are set high and triangular in shape. But they are often docked, which makes them even more similar to bears. Their physique is harmonious, their muscles are well developed. The tail may be curled or crescent-shaped.

Advantages and disadvantages

Representatives of this breed have a number of advantages:

  • pronounced security qualities;
  • balanced character and stable nervous system;
  • hardy, can live in harsh climatic conditions;
  • very clean;
  • unpretentious to living conditions;
  • have a high level of intelligence and are highly trainable;
  • have good health.

Caucasian Shepherds are social dogs that can get along with other animals. They are very devoted to their family and will never hurt them. The advantages of this breed can be listed for a long time. But it also has disadvantages:

  • takes his responsibilities too seriously. Sometimes even family members cannot take things from the controlled territory;
  • lazy and stubborn;
  • this dog needs a large amount of food for normal physical development;
  • He is very wary of strangers and can show aggression.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a breed that requires training. She won't make a great watchdog just by nature. She needs to be raised strictly, but with patience. Under the guidance of an inexperienced and insecure dog breeder, the dog may become confused and not follow commands.

Important! The Caucasian Shepherd can be kept in an apartment. But still, this breed feels more comfortable in a country house, where there is plenty of space.

The dog needs daily exercise. Your pet will make a loyal protector


Despite their cute appearance, Caucasian Shepherds have a stern and independent disposition. Their main duty is to protect the owner and the territory entrusted to him. They always react warily to strangers and unfamiliar people. If you need a defender, then the rugged Highlanders are an excellent choice. They become kinder and softer only in the circle of loved ones. But earning their trust is not easy. Caucasian Shepherds are smart, balanced and have a stable psyche.

Important! Shepherds get along best with decorative breeds. In larger dogs, the dog will immediately sense the opponent and the struggle for leadership will begin.

What to consider when choosing an Alabai puppy

Before you finally make a decision in favor of this breed and start looking for a kennel for Central Asian Shepherds, we would recommend answering the following questions.

Are there any children in the family?

In the presence of the children of his family, the Central Asian Shepherd turns into a kind hulk who can endure a lot. However, under no circumstances should the animal be left alone with the child - in some cases the dog’s reaction may be inadequate. In any case, if there are small children in the family, it is better to consider purchasing an alabai at a much later date.

Are there other dogs in the house?

According to surveys of Central Asian Shepherd owners, more than 70% of them said that the Alabai is extremely unfriendly to other dogs.

Do you have free time to exercise with your dog?

As already noted, the first three years of a dog’s life should be completely devoted to upbringing and training. Therefore, if the owner spends most of his time at work or simply does not have the opportunity and desire to give his dog about 6 hours of active physical activity every day, then it is better to get a pug.

How many square meters are there in a living space?

Alabai gets along well in an apartment, but given its size, the living space must be quite significant - at least 60 square meters, otherwise the dog will resemble a bull in a china shop.

Ideally, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog should be kept in the private sector and in a fenced-in yard with an area of ​​at least five acres.

Can you afford this breed?

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog - Alabai - is a very energetic and strong breed that requires a lot of food. Dry food is absolutely out of place here; only natural food is suitable, mainly bread and meat. Today, in compliance with all dietary standards, at least half of it, to feed an adult Alabai requires about 500-700 rubles daily. Not every owner will be able to afford such expenses, and saving on this dog means killing it with your own hands.

Mixed Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai

Few people are able to recognize this option at first glance. Despite the fact that the appearance of the Caucasian Shepherd is quite characteristic, not everyone recognizes it. The fact is that the Alabai genes mislead some people. The offspring have long thick hair and are large in size. The mixed breed of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd actually looks quite impressive. A puppy of one and a half to two months looks like a clumsy bear cub. At the same time, it would not occur to an inexperienced person to start joking with the baby, fearing an unforeseen reaction. Most will still prefer to stay away from the big dog.

What types of mestizos are there?

Alabai is a Central Asian Shepherd Dog. The appearance of mestizos depends on what breed the crossing took place with. Excellent external and physical characteristics are inherent in the cross between the Alabai and the Caucasian Shepherd. This is a strong dog that has inherited the power of the “Caucasian”, his dense and beautiful coat. In the neck area it is so thick that the head seems very large and round, like a ball. The beast inherited grace from another ancestor.

The paws of such an animal are strong. Some owners dock their puppies' tails. If you leave it, then in an adult dog it will be fluffy and long. As for coat color, it can vary from white to dark brown. In this case, a darker shade will be present on the back, top of the head, tail and paws.

It is impossible to predict the appearance of an Alabai crossed with a German Shepherd. It all depends on which gene takes over and becomes dominant. You don’t even need to be an experienced dog handler to not understand which breeds took part in the mating. The features of a “German” and a “Central Asian” are noticeable quite well. The adult specimen is impressive in size. There may be a dark stripe on the back, and the muzzle is also dark.

Thanks to their thick fur, such animals can be successfully kept outdoors. Semi-erect ears and tail are not docked.

If the Central Asian Shepherd gene is predominant in Alabai and Cane Corso mestizos, then the offspring grow large with thick fur. The massive square muzzle is a distinctive feature of the individual. Ears and tail are docked in puppyhood. The color is mostly dark.

Alabai and East European Shepherd puppies are very fluffy babies with semi-erect ears. As they grow older, the dogs become more like the Eastern European species. The color of the fur on the face, ears and along the spine is darker than the main one. The tips of the paws may be white.

The Tibetan Mastiff crossed with the Central Asian Shepherd Dog grows into a large individual. A powerful torso, large paws, dense hair, hanging ears are the characteristic features of a crossbreed. The color can be very diverse: from black with a white chest to red. It happens that the muzzle, bridge of the nose and forehead (in the middle) are white.

A crossbreed with the Moscow Watchdog , this is a graceful dog with powerful and strong paws, a broad chest and a thick undercoat. The tail of such individuals is docked. The ears are triangular and drooping. The inside of the paws, belly and chest may be completely white.

The mixed breed of Alabai and Rottweiler has quite large shapes. Its weight can reach 70 kg. This is a very beautiful dog, with thick long hair and drooping ears. The tail is docked at the owner's request. Red-colored individuals whose upper body (back, sides and neck) are covered with black hair look very impressive.

The Husky cross inherits the Alabai's large build. Coat color, blue eyes, erect triangular ears are a manifestation of the husky gene. The fur of this pet is dense.

A Central Asian Shepherd dog crossed with a Labrador retriever produces good offspring. Adult individuals are somewhat less impressive in size than the alabai. Dogs are characterized by playfulness and an active lifestyle. Fawn coat color is common.

The Shar Pei inherits the Alabai's original color and courageous character. This is an excellent watchdog with a powerful broad chest and massive paws.

Character traits

All mixed breeds are considered unpredictable dogs, since when different breeds are crossed, different temperaments are mixed. Matings of other types of shepherds with German shepherds are usually carried out in order to produce more trainable, obedient offspring that will undoubtedly follow the owner’s commands. Alabais are no exception; purebred representatives of the breed are characterized by stubbornness and a tendency to do things at their own discretion, and not according to orders.

It’s good if the crossbreed receives character traits in which the best properties of the German Shepherd are complemented by the characteristics of the Alabai:

  • fearlessness, courage;
  • learning ability, intelligence;
  • excellent ability to guard, protect;
  • endurance, energy;
  • equanimity;
  • devotion to the owner.

Dogs can get along well with other pets. They are kind to small children, however, they should not be left alone without supervision: crossbreeds are large in size and can accidentally push or knock down a child when moving.

Your dog needs moderate exercise regularly to exercise his body and mind. Long walks with active games will allow her to channel her energy into a “peaceful direction.”

A cross between a German Shepherd and an Alabai quite easily learns commands, but can become stubborn when executing them and do as it pleases or is convenient. This behavior should be stopped from the age of the puppy. Only through training can the constant desire to dominate be smoothed out.

When inviting guests, owners of a mixed-breed Central Asian Shepherd dog need to take into account that he is wary of all strangers and barks at them. It doesn’t matter to the dog that strangers have entered the territory it protects with its owners. This feature is inherent in the blood.


For a dog to feel good and be healthy, it needs the right diet. If you prefer dry food, do not buy cheap options. Premium products have a truly balanced and natural composition, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Cheap analogues can only harm the animal.

You cannot feed your dog sweets, flour, fatty or canned foods. Bones are required, but non-tubular bones are allowed. In this regard, beef ones are ideal. You can also give offal. The basis of natural nutrition is meat.

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