Comparison of breeds: how a French bulldog differs from a pug

The pug and French bulldog are among the most popular dogs for city dwellers. Due to their compact size, they take up little space, allowing you to keep them in a small apartment. A friendly disposition distinguishes both representatives of the canine world. Neither a pug nor a French bulldog will let the owner get bored, as they are excellent companions. The external similarity of the breeds prevents a person from deciding on the selection of a puppy.


The similarity of the characters of both breeds is expressed in clumsiness and laziness. They are equally friendly and selflessly devoted to their owner. They get along well with small children and get along with pets.

The differences in the pug's character are stubbornness and vindictiveness. He expresses his emotions by indignant sniffling and snorting. The French Bulldog will silently endure dissatisfaction, occasionally using its voice. If there are very young children in the family, it is better to wait to purchase a pet until they are older.

Pugs are more cowardly and phlegmatic. They are unlikely to get into a fight with other dogs. And the bulldog, without much hesitation, will rush to protect the owner if he senses danger.

English bulldog

The breed acquired its current name back in the 13th century from the word “bull” (translated from English as bull).

English Bulldogs are very powerful dogs. And if they need something, they are ready to sweep away everything in their path.

CAREFULLY! In 1835, the breed almost began to disappear, but lovers of these pets saved the bulldogs. They began to breed them more, develop their character... What about their appearance? Dog muzzle with folds and cheeks

The folds are needed to prevent blood from entering the eyes during the fight. The jaw protrudes forward and opens the teeth

What about the appearance? Dogs have a muzzle with folds and cheeks. The folds are needed to prevent blood from entering the eyes during the fight. The jaw juts forward and opens the teeth.

The shoulders are broad, and the large head creates a squat appearance.

The dog has a small pelvis and a massive head. Because of this shape, English Bulldogs cannot give birth to puppies without the help of a veterinarian.

The puppy cannot pass through the birth canal normally, so veterinarians perform a caesarean section.

Experts advise stocking up on air freshener.

English pets often release gas.

This is because animals breathe with their mouths open and swallow too much air.

English Bulldogs are not the most gentle dogs, but they are very smart.

They are the national dog of England because... represent courage and strength.

Pet character

Dogs are very loyal and serious.

They are more suitable for those people who will love their pet and give it attention. Bulldogs love to accompany their owner everywhere.

Bulldogs love to accompany their owner everywhere.

After 1835, this breed was bred as companion dogs. They tried to develop all the necessary qualities for living with people.

The animals are considered a dominant breed, but behave well and calmly.

They are also very attached to their family, so frequent changes of family are a hard blow for them.

Some bulldogs are great for keeping with children.

NOTE! Animals know how to show patience not only with small children, but also with older people.

But you shouldn’t buy an English bulldog just so your child can run and play with it all day. The Bulldog is slow and quiet.

This breed has a very interesting and unique character.

As mentioned above, dogs are very smart and intelligent. Their slow reaction to the command is not a negative factor. Before executing the owner’s command, they will think it over carefully. Sometimes they are lazy.

Care and maintenance

Who is easier to keep - a pug or a French bulldog? Hair care for pugs and bulldogs is without any special features. It is enough to wipe the wool with a damp cloth once a week. You can bathe once a month. If the street is slushy and dirty, then the paws and belly are washed immediately upon arrival home, wiped thoroughly, and the animal is protected from drafts until it is completely dry. During shedding, you will need more frequent brushing with a soft brush or a special fleecy glove for grooming.

Skin care for representatives of both breeds involves daily inspection for inflammation. Particular attention is paid to areas on the fingertips and folds on the muzzle.

The French bulldog, compared to the pug, does not have a specific dog smell.

Main differences between breeds

General differences between dogs:

  • in terms of cost, purchasing a French bulldog will require less expenses;
  • Pugs are half the size of bulldogs;
  • Pugs differ from French bulldogs in having a longer lifespan;
  • bulldogs are more suitable for calm and homely people, and pugs are more suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle;
  • Pugs tend to shed heavily, but bulldogs do not.

Below is a more detailed comparison between the Pug and the French Bulldog.


Pugs often suffer from obesity, skin diseases (infections, allergies) and eye diseases (cataracts, conjunctivitis). They are allergic. Often - problems with bones.

Pugs can also have breathing problems. They do not like moisture and do not tolerate temperature changes, high temperatures, or frost. They suffer from a genetic disease - encephalitis.

Pugs live on average 10-14 years.

Bulldogs can also have problems with the respiratory system, allergies, skin infections, eye diseases like conjunctivitis and excess weight.

The French also do not tolerate heat and frost well, cannot swim, have poor bones and not very strong teeth. These babies may also have problems with mating and delivery.


French bulldogs range in age from 10 to 12 years.

Thus, when assessing health, both breeds are approximately equal. As you can see, both dogs have both similar problems and problems unique to one of them.


Your pug can eat dry food without adding water or milk, as long as you provide him with enough clean water per day (which is double the amount). Two or three times a week you can give your pug raw (not cooked!) bones.

An adult pug needs to be fed three times a day. Overfeeding your dog will directly lead to obesity, so there is no need to offer him supplements.

French bulldogs are not fussy eaters, however, their diet must be approached with the utmost seriousness due to the breed's tendency to allergies.

Dry food for Frenchies requires the best quality.

Bulldogs quite like homemade food:

  • meat (the more the better);
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fish;
  • fruits (in the form of treats).

These products will provide them with balanced nutrition.

An adult dog needs to be fed twice a day.


As we mentioned above, French Bulldogs are also prone to obesity, so we do not recommend overfeeding them.

Both breeds are not too picky eaters, so providing them with proper, balanced nutrition will not be difficult.


Procedures necessary for pugs

  • cleaning ears and teeth;
  • wiping the eyes with a damp cotton pad and skin folds with lotion (especially in hot weather);
  • combing fur;
  • nail trimming.

Of course, the dog needs to be walked and played with, that is, to provide the pug with sufficient physical activity.

Unlike pugs, bulldogs do not require as frequent brushing, since their fur is short and they practically do not shed. It is enough to comb the fur once a week.

Frenchies require special care for their teeth, eyes and ears (they need to be brushed twice a week). The folds on the face should be wiped with a dry cotton pad. It is advisable to trim the nails and check the paw pads for cracks.


French bulldogs are more suitable for keeping in an apartment, especially a small one, since they are not too active and spend most of their time calm and quiet. They are unlikely to destroy the apartment, tear things and bark incessantly. The same cannot be said about pugs, who, on the contrary, are always full of energy.

Read more about French Bulldog care here.

Both dogs love children madly and will never harm them or bite them, no matter how much they torture them. Both pugs and French bulldogs cannot be called boring; they will always find entertainment for themselves and thus will constantly put on a real show for you and your children. So, both dog breeds are great for living with children.

Education and training

Comparison of such character traits as ability to train and difficulty in upbringing will help a doubting person make a choice.

Pugs are ready to learn new commands no more than 15 minutes a day. Then interest in knowledge is lost, the dog needs to be distracted by more pleasant activities: lie down or take a nap.

The French Bulldog can be trained even when it is quite old. Playful learning will not keep you waiting for results.

Main differences between breeds

A person who does not understand dog breeds easily can confuse a bulldog with a pug. They are really similar, but if you look closely, you can find many differences in:

  • the size of the animals, since bulldogs are much larger than pugs in both height and weight;
  • the shape of the head, muzzle and nose;
  • body structure;
  • coat type and color;
  • paw shape;
  • position and length of the tail.

The differences between the French pug and the bulldog are expressed not only in external features, but also in their character and habits. Pugs move with a kind of “rolling” step, due to the strong push of their hind legs. Therefore, this type of dog is not known for running fast. The movements of bulldogs are more confident, fast and smooth.


Dogs of both breeds are susceptible to various diseases that are characteristic of artificially bred breeds. Before getting a French bulldog or pug, it is better to think several times about your ability to devote enough time and incur material costs to go to the veterinarian.

The main problem of pugs is excess weight and the ailments that accompany it. Skin inflammation, allergic reactions, conjunctivitis are the result of an incorrectly selected diet.

Due to the structure of the skull (small size of the nasal passages), they are susceptible to breathing problems. Pugs have a hard time with temperature changes; they suffer from excessive heat and cold.

Eye diseases are a common companion of this breed. Loss of the eyeball as a result of injury occurs in almost every dog. A timely visit to a veterinary clinic will help smooth out the consequences.

French Bulldogs are also prone to being overweight. There are frequent skin diseases, which manifests itself as allergies in Frenchies. Intolerance to environmental components (dust, pollen) is usually a hereditary disease.

Hip dysplasia is a physiological disease. Associated with obesity.

Labor is difficult due to the structure of the torso; delivery occurs by caesarean section. Seek the help of qualified and experienced veterinarians.

There are breathing problems. Shortness of breath and snoring are noted, which is the norm for the French. But brachycephalic breathing, caused by the specific structure of the larynx and nostrils, is a complex disease. In this case, the dog takes every breath with great difficulty. The only solution is surgery to correct the inside of the larynx.

The pug and French bulldog are not examples of good health; the owner will have to constantly take care of the pet’s well-being.

What do they have in common?

The main similarities between representatives of these two breeds are height at the withers and appearance. On average, pugs grow up to 32 cm in height and weigh about 8 kg, while French bulldogs reach 30-36 cm in height at the withers, weighing from 7 to 16 kg. The similarity is also noticeable in the chest, which in animals is very powerful.

External similarities and differences between a French bulldog and a pug

Otherwise, there are no similarities between the pug and the French bulldog.

Price of puppies

These representatives of the two breeds have approximately the same price tag. In a nursery with a high long-term reputation, a puppy will cost more than from a novice breeder.

You can buy a dog for your soul, without any claims to a show future, on the market. Price 1-10 thousand rubles. Such a puppy will have signs of breed rejection, which is an obstacle to further breeding. There can be no question of pedigree in this case.

Nurseries offer for sale specimens divided into categories:

  • Pet class. Puppies with slight deviations in appearance from the established standard. There is no negative impact on the quality of life. Price 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Breeding class. Dogs with the prospect of good offspring. Purchased for further breeding. They do not participate in exhibitions. Price tag 20-25 thousand rubles.
  • Show class. Dogs whose future lies in participation in exhibition shows and competitions. The price of a puppy is 30-50 thousand rubles.

Features of pug breeding

This process has its own subtleties, so it is not recommended for beginners to engage in such activities. Incorrect crossbreeding can result in offspring with an appearance that is far from existing standards. But if you want to breed dogs of this particular breed, you should listen to the opinions of professionals:

  • Before knitting, you should undergo special training - give your pet medications with an antihistamine effect for 3-4 weeks and make sure that the dog loses excess weight, if it has any.
  • The earliest age for mating is 10 months.
  • Fertilization will occur on average 10 days after the bitch begins to breed.
  • Pugs need time to get to know each other, so you shouldn’t try to force things.
  • For 100% mating to occur, the meeting should be repeated after three days.

And most importantly, like many decorative females, pugs may require surgical intervention during childbirth, that is, a cesarean section

Therefore, it is important that pregnancy proceeds under the supervision of a veterinarian

Interesting names for pugs.

Whom to choose

Both breeds are representatives of decorative dog breeds. You should not expect a pug to be very active and playful. This is a balanced and calm pet. The pug spends most of his time on the couch, watching what is happening. These dogs will become companions for people who often receive guests in their home. Thanks to their balanced character, they get along well with young children. They are happy to learn standard commands and simple tricks.

French Bulldogs are less trainable than Pugs. The latter understand basic commands more easily and quickly master the general training course.

A person who is constantly away from home, but dreams of having a pet, will make the right choice in favor of a pug. Do not forget that a dog is a living creature, it requires attention, and if the owner is absent for a long time, it will become sad.

French bulldogs are good-natured, funny people. This breed should not be chosen by those who need an energetic companion. Weak joints are not adapted to active physical activity. The imperfection of the bulldog's respiratory system is not conducive to long marathons.

Brief information about the French Bulldog breed

The dog's ears are erect, wide at the base, slightly tapering towards a rounded tip. The brow ridges, protruding above the eyes, are separated from each other by a deep groove.

The eyes are round and large, with dark rims.

The dog looks like a typical fighting dog, but of a small format - stocky, smooth-haired, powerful, muscular, with a short tail and muzzle.

The height of males is 27-35 cm, weight 9-14 kg.

Bitches have the following dimensions: height 24-32 cm, weight 8-13 kg.

The life expectancy of this breed is 10-12 years.

Read a more detailed description of the breed here.


This is a companion dog, you can easily have fun with it - cheerful and active, at the same time it has a stable psyche and loves children.

Treats guests calmly.

This breed is balanced, trainable - brave, smart, friendly and has a good memory.

Dogs have developed reactions and muscles.

Dogs of this breed are not very suitable for the role of watchman and bodyguard.

It can show aggression towards other dogs and cats, attack larger breeds, but this depends on the individual qualities of the dog’s character.

IMPORTANT! The most important thing is to give this breed as much attention as possible. Without it, the dog will only show shortcomings - stubbornness and laziness.


The main coat colors are white with or without spots, white-brindle, fawn, black-brindle.

Characteristics of colors:

  • The brindle is characterized by frequent inclusions of red hair on black fur, or vice versa, black hair on red hair.
  • The spotted color is distinguished by the presence of variegated brindle spots on a white background. They are located on the ears, head, sides and back.
  • Fawn ranges from bright red to café au lait. A white blaze to the nose is allowed on the head of fawn dogs. Other spots on the head are considered defective.

Gray-blue color, blue brindle, chocolate, chocolate brindle, tricolor, fawn with blue mask, Isabella, merle, pure black are also considered color deviations

Interesting stories

Curious case

A resident of Gomel decided to give a gift to his wife. She always dreamed of a French bulldog. One fine autumn day, a man saw a dog sitting alone on a leash near a store. Deciding that fortune was smiling on him, giving him the opportunity to acquire the treasured dog absolutely free, the Gomel resident, without thinking twice, untied the dog and disappeared with the loot.

On the same day, a report was filed at the nearest police department about a missing pug dog. The owner insisted that she only came into the store for a minute. Having gone out with shopping, the woman did not see her beloved pet. As a result of operational search work, the man was found 10 days later. He did not deny what he had done and immediately admitted to the kidnapping. Not knowing the difference between a pug and a French bulldog, the attacker made the fatal mistake of bringing the wrong breed of dog into the house. This aroused the ire of his wife, who demanded to get rid of the dog.

Pugs and Bulldogs: The Dangers of Air Travel

An interesting study was conducted by American airlines. According to statistics, over the past 10 years, 280 animals have died in flights, 80% of which are dogs. The most vulnerable were pugs and French bulldogs, dogs with flattened faces and flat noses. Since then, many airlines do not accept representatives of these breeds for carriage in the luggage compartment.

Brachycephalic dogs are sensitive to changes in the air condition in the luggage compartment and temperature changes. Have more breathing problems than other dog breeds. However, being overweight has a negative impact on your condition during the flight.

Veterinarians advise: for a favorable outcome of the flight, you need to bring the dog’s weight to normal, and also accustom it to carrying in advance. If the size of the dog allows it to be transported as hand luggage, then it is better to take the animal into the cabin.

And yet: pug or French bulldog? When assessing appearance, it is worth noting that the bulldog makes a more serious impression. And it’s not surprising, because his ancestors are fighting dogs. Pugs are so cute, just one look is worth it! The funny folded face has captivated millions of breeders.

If you compare these dogs, it becomes clear that each has its own pros and cons. But it’s not for nothing that they say that a dog is a reflection of its owner. How you treat an animal is how the owner will treat himself in the future. Patience, affection, and exactingness in upbringing will help you find a true friend in a pet of any breed.

A little about pugs

The pug is a breed with a rich history. These affectionate companions were bred back in Ancient China. Dog experts believe that pugs had similar ancestors to modern Pekingese. Pugs were brought to Europe during the Middle Ages. Small dogs quickly fell in love with the German nobility and became widespread in modern times.


The dimensions of pugs are as follows: dogs grow to weigh 6-8 kg and up to 25-28 cm at the withers. The body structure is square, stocky, the head is round. The area of ​​the mouth and eyes is black, the forehead is folded, the eyes are protruding. According to the breed standard, the ears can be in 2 positions: “button” and “rose”. Ponytail a la “curl”. The coat is short, but prone to heavy shedding.


Perky, active, friendly and gets along well with children: that's all about the pug. The pug will always tolerate being squeezed by your children and will not show any aggression. The other side of friendliness lies in the excessive gullibility of pugs. It won't be difficult for a stranger to take your pet away on the street.

And pugs are real piglets. Every now and then the dog will try to eat something on the street while you are not looking. One of the most common problems with Pugs is obesity. If you don't watch your pug's diet and don't give him enough daily activity, he'll soon become overweight. For some, long walks are a significant disadvantage, but for others they will be a plus.


There is a very unpleasant myth that pugs are a little stupid. In fact, this is not true, pugs are smart and understand everything perfectly. They feel when you are sad and will try in every possible way to console and cheer you up. This myth has spread due to difficulties in training. It is really difficult to teach a Pug commands, but this is not because of stupidity, but because of its stubborn nature.


Your Pug may experience the following problems:

  1. Keratitis, conjunctivitis.
  2. Obesity, as a result, heart defects.
  3. Skin diseases.
  4. Breathing problems, brachycephalic syndrome.


  • friendly, affectionate friend;
  • suitable for living in an apartment;
  • You can take a pug with you on a trip; dogs can easily endure the road, but have difficulty adapting to sudden changes in temperature.


  • expensive care, frequent allergies;
  • tendency to eye diseases, obesity;
  • molt.

Pug mix - how to distinguish mestizos, with whom pugs are usually crossed

Not so long ago, the results of unplanned matings of dogs were considered a marriage. The resulting puppies were equated to mongrels. Today, crossing representatives of different breeds and obtaining mestizos has become a new direction in canine selection. The most interesting and varied results are obtained by crossbreeding pugs with other dogs. Some of them have a unique appearance, have strong immunity, others are distinguished by poor health or undesirable character traits. For this reason, crossing pugs must be done responsibly so as not to produce non-viable offspring.

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