Pros and cons of pet rats: is it easy to keep, what are the possible household difficulties, reviews from owners

Rodents are often kept as pets for children. But rats are one of those animals that quite adult, adequate people willingly keep at home. Simply because they fell in love with these animals. Before buying a pet, you should weigh all the pros and cons of pet rats. A living being is a great responsibility. Perhaps, after reading this article, you will prefer to get another rodent (for example, a guinea pig) or even wait until “adding.” I became infected with rat mania as a child. Although there are no rats living in my house now, I still hope that the children will grow up and help me persuade my husband to get a couple of rats. I promise to tell you about the disadvantages of decorative rats. After all, rave reviews from rat breeders on the Internet are not very helpful. It is the shortcomings and content issues that should be of interest to a beginner in the first place. Well, if they don’t scare you, welcome to the society of rat lovers.

Author of the article: Olga Shiltsova, practicing veterinarian, author of the books “Dachshund of Fate” and “Tails of Fortune”

Social pets

Decorative rats are drawn to people, becoming attached to their owners. The animals are not interested in living a solitary life - when they see their owner walking, they like to actively jump, inviting them to chat. Rats quickly get used to hands, looking forward to playing together. One cannot ignore the high learning ability of different teams. Depending on their character, some rodents prefer to take a sweet nap in their arms, while others prefer to sit on their shoulders. The attention of the owner is important for little friends, but it is recommended to have a same-sex pair of individuals, because communication with a relative cannot be replaced by a person.

Note to future owners

In order not to make serious mistakes, you need to know some of the nuances of keeping decorative rats:

  • Do not leave the cage with the rodent in a draft or in direct sunlight. The animal will not survive even a few hours in the sun.
  • It is advisable to keep an inquisitive animal in a cage. While walking, do not let him out of your sight. Otherwise, while exploring the territory, the rat will damage things and furniture or eat something inappropriate for it.
  • The rat chews on everything. Buy a cage designed specifically for rodents. To make it easier to wash, it should be of simple design and light.
  • Doors - the wider the better. This makes it easier to get the animal if it resists.
  • Don't place your pet's home near the wall; she will chew the wallpaper.
  • Keep your pet's cage clean: remove stagnant food, provide fresh water daily, replace bedding and litter. This will help avoid unpleasant odors and the development of infections.
  • The rat is trainable; teach it to use the toilet.
  • It is noticeable from the animal’s behavior that it is boring for it to live alone. They do almost nothing except eat and rest. Immediately buy her a mate of the same sex. The animals will have more fun together.

Interesting to watch several pets

The pair of pets is fun to watch - the rats often jump and “fight” with each other. Children especially like rat antics, who can build them different climbing frames and create toys. Rats are curious and enjoy exploring new places and objects. You can teach a rat to come running when a certain sound is heard and do other interesting things thanks to educational videos on YouTube.

High intelligence

The rat is a very smart animal. A long time ago, people noticed how cleverly this animal avoids poisoned food, pulls out a tasty treat from a rat trap and transmits information to its brothers. Today, scientists claim that the rodent has a sense of humor and abstract thinking. He makes a lot of sounds and has sign language. This ensures high-quality communication among animals.

For the owner, this will mean that it is interesting to spend time with the pet. A rat can be trained, it can respond to a call, understand what you want from it, and correctly evaluate your gestures.

Domestic rats perceive the cage as their home

For many, this is a very important fact. For example, many cats and dogs often go everywhere, being close to the owner, since they cannot be tied to one small shelter. This is natural, but several points arise here:

  • Not all people like the constant presence of an animal;
  • Some people experience allergies.

If in a small apartment it is more difficult to “hide” from a cat or dog (allergies will bother you more often and can develop into a serious illness), then contact with the rodent is easily limited to a cage where the animal is comfortable living most of the time. Naturally, we are talking about rare, small manifestations of allergies - if you notice constant symptoms, it is better to refrain from keeping rodents.

We have looked at the main advantages that those who want to own a rat gain, now we will talk about possible disadvantages.

Why you should get a rat or not buy one

You can get a rat in any apartment, since there is room for a cage in a small room. The animal will bring a lot of positive emotions and will be a devoted friend, provided that you have thought carefully about your choice and are ready not only to care for it, but also to endure some inconveniences.

Pros of keeping rats

The undoubted advantages of the animal include:

  • friendliness and lack of aggression towards humans. In terms of the degree of attachment to its owner, the rat cannot be compared with any other rodent;
  • simple care boils down to regular cleaning of the cage;
  • simple food - store-bought food, vegetables, herbs, fruits;
  • maintenance will not require large expenses. You need to buy a cage, and the owner can make accessories for the animal’s games and entertainment from scrap materials;
  • Rodents are interesting to watch, they are always busy with something;
  • domestic rats practically do not get sick because they are very clean and have good immunity;
  • does not require much space. The cage is the main location of the animal; the rat is at home in it. After a walk, she will definitely return to her home for food and rest.

Possible disadvantages

The main negative point is that the life expectancy of a rodent is no more than 3 years. The death of a pet will upset family members, especially children. You should not have a pet:

  • if the owner is absent for a long time, the animal may die alone;
  • or there is no time to communicate with the animal. Without this, it will not become tame, will experience fear of humans and may bite in self-defense;
  • Someone in the household is allergic to wool. In this case, the solution would be to get a sphinx animal, it is naked, only in a few places there is a small fluff;
  • or there are other animals living in the house. If their relationship does not work out, for a rat, even sitting in a cage, the presence of a large and active animal like a dog will become a source of constant stress. It is possible that the rat’s home will be upside down;
  • If the animal is unwell, it is difficult to find a veterinarian of the required profile.

Don't forget that rodents are more active at night. At this time, they can energetically run around the cage, chew it, and tinker in the feeders. It is difficult to fall asleep while listening to such noisy activities.

Whom to choose

If the decision to buy an animal has been made, it’s time to think about which rat is better to get - a boy or a girl.

Females are smaller, graceful, more active and playful. They are impulsive and may bite accidentally or through inattention. The female will treat the friend placed in her cage with great affection.

Males are larger, bite less often, are much calmer and even lazier. At the same time, they are more intelligent and sociable. However, they smell stronger and mark everything. Older males are more likely to have joint problems and may become bald. When another individual moves into the cage, conflicts arise. It happens that the male does not allow anyone into his territory.


Although these animals are inexpensive, they need a spacious cage. If you keep rodents in pairs, the cage should be large enough so that the animals can run and jump freely, make hiding places with supplies, and choose a favorite place to rest. The minimum acceptable dimensions for one or two animals: 60x40 cm, height not lower than 50 cm. It is logical that a spacious, high-quality cage costs a lot of money. And since pets spend most of their time in it, a small home will make the life of the rats miserable.

Nutrition and care

To live, a rodent needs a spacious cage . You can buy it at any pet store. There are models with additions (wheel, ladders, house, etc.). They are better suited for a young animal, it is more active. An adult rat does not need regular exercise. Boxes, cans or containers must not be used. Once a week, the cage must be thoroughly washed and disinfected to avoid diseases and germs.

Large sawdust will be the best filler. Small particles can get into the animal's eyes and respiratory tract. If you choose paper, it should be clean, without writing or ink.

The diet includes fruits and dried fruits, grain feed, vegetables, dandelion leaves, chicken bones. It is not recommended to give meat often, maximum once a week. You should not give your rat salty, smoked, fried, sweet, sausage, bread, cabbage, potatoes, radishes, beets, soy milk and cheese, almonds. It is enough to feed adults 2 times a day , cubs - 3-4 times in small portions.

It is advisable to place a mineral stone in the cage so that the pet receives the necessary dose of calcium. The water in the drinking bowl needs to be changed daily.

Need to pay attention regularly

Decorative rats are sociable, so they definitely need attention for at least an hour a day. You can do this for a short time, but at different periods of time. It is important to play with the rat with your hands, allowing it to stretch its legs in a larger space than the cage.

We can finish with the main pros and cons of keeping rats. So is it worth getting a rat? To make a suitable decision, you need to think carefully about all aspects. What can be said for sure is that rats were, are and will be one of the most favorite types of pets to live at home, continuing to give joy to their owners. We wish you success in choosing a new friend!

Cons of content

Unfortunately, rats do not have their drawbacks. But the shortcomings of these cute rodents are very minor, and they can be easily dealt with.

Tendency to diseases

Rats have a fairly weak immune system, so fluffies often get sick. In addition, a predisposition to certain diseases is inherent in them at the genetic level. Most often, rodent owners encounter the following ailments of their pets:

  • ARVI;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • renal failure;
  • pneumonia.

Rats also often suffer from fleas, lice, ticks, worms and other parasites.

Short lifespan

On average, rats live about 3 years. Compared to other types of pets, this is a very short period of time. Some varieties of decorative rats, for example, albinos, live only 1.5-2 years. Long-livers are also found among rodents. With proper care and timely treatment, a rat can live up to 4-4.5 years.

Marking territory

Some novice breeders mistakenly believe that only males mark territory. However, females also put their marks everywhere. The only difference is that the urine of male rats has a more pungent, specific odor. Regular cleaning of the cage will help solve this problem.

Unpleasant smell

During the life of a rat, like any other animal, an unpleasant odor is released. And it doesn't just come from excrement or urine. The endocrine glands also emit a specific aroma, to get rid of which you will have to regularly subject your pet to water procedures.

Unpleasant associations

The appearance of rodents, to put it mildly, scares some people away. Some consider cute decorative fluffies to be as aggressive as their wild relatives. And some breeds, for example, the Sphynx, are generally terrifying to especially impressionable people.

Damage to things

As long as the rat is in the cage, its owner’s property is completely safe. But rodents are very agile and are able to open a weak lock on their own. If he escapes, the fluffy will chew everything that gets in his way - furniture, wallpaper, clothes, wires. Therefore, it is recommended to place even a cage with a rat away from walls and any things - otherwise the rat can reach them through the twigs.

Noise at night

Rats are nocturnal animals. Therefore, they often go to bed only in the morning. And at night they stay awake, play, frolic, learn everything new. This feature can cause discomfort to owners, especially if small children live in the house. To ensure that pets do not disturb anyone’s sleep, it is better to place the cage in a separate room.

Aesthetic problems

Adult male rats have very prominent genitals. This is especially noticeable in representatives of short-haired and hairless varieties. This feature is very off-putting or confusing for some people.

Expensive treatment

The health of rats is quite poor; fluffies get sick very often. Therefore, they will have to be treated constantly, paying considerable sums for medical services. Moreover, ordinary veterinarians rarely work with such small animals as rodents. Most likely, you will need to look for a special doctor for rats - a ratologist.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that there is only one specialist for 2-3 cities. Therefore, for treatment, you may have to transport the animal to a neighboring village.


Ornamental rodents are bred for sale and for breeding new breeds. To do this correctly, you need to have special knowledge. Caring for and maintaining a pet intended for breeding is slightly different from regular care.

Determination of gender

In rats, the genital organs are fully formed by 1.5 months. You can distinguish a male from a female by several characteristics. Males have large testicles, which can be seen by raising their tail. The female has two rows of nipples; males do not have them. You can also determine sex by the distance between the anus and the urethra (females have less, males have more). Males are much larger than females. In babies, it is more difficult to determine the sex; this is possible only after reaching 5-6 days of age. Females are distinguished by the presence of nipples.


Sexual maturity occurs at five weeks of age, but mating is possible from eight months of age. For successful reproduction, individuals are selected without birth defects, both must be healthy. Mating is excluded between related animals. The female and male are placed in the same cage for 2-3 days. Fertilization is possible during estrus, which lasts from 12 to 20 hours, every 5-7 days.


Pregnancy of domestic rats lasts 22-23 days. If complications occur, premature birth cannot be ruled out.

Signs of pregnancy:

  • pear-shaped body;
  • rounding and enlargement of the abdomen;
  • nipple enlargement;
  • increased appetite;
  • decreased activity.

As birth approaches, the female becomes restless and begins to build a nest. The average number of cubs is up to 10.

Newborn care

In the first days, the mother does not leave the babies, so it is undesirable to touch them. The temperature in the nest must be maintained at least 38-39 degrees. By the second week of life, babies open their eyes, and by the third they begin to become active and explore the surrounding space.


There are far fewer disadvantages to keeping a rat in your home than there are advantages. However, there are still disadvantages:

  • Short life expectancy (only 2-3 years ) - saying goodbye to the animal will be sad, especially children who are accustomed to the rodent suffer.
  • You cannot leave your pet unattended for a long time , he loves to communicate with people, without society the animal experiences stress (some representatives become sad when the owner has not played with them all day).
  • an unpleasant odor may emanate from the cage (although this is a miscalculation of the owners, not the animal).
  • Adult rats do not like it when a new animal appears in the house; fights can arise; it is best to introduce a rat to other animals in childhood, and then they will be friends all their lives.
  • Some family members may develop an allergy to wool , even if it has not manifested itself before.
  • Rats are rodents, and when they are allowed out of their cage to walk around the house, it is necessary to hide objects that they can chew (wires, things made of cardboard and paper, fabrics, etc.).
  • Thanks to its high intelligence, the pet can open light latches and locks and climb into dangerous places; you have to constantly monitor the animal (some individuals are able to open their own cage, so you should immediately think about the closing system for the house).
  • When the animal is in the wild, it is necessary to monitor its movement; due to its small size, it is easy to miss it and step on it or crush it with something.
  • Sometimes you have to cancel plans and take your pet to the veterinary clinic .
  • Rodents do not tolerate water; you cannot bathe them , otherwise they will experience stress.
  • The cat needs to trim its claws so that it does not scratch household members and furniture, and this process is unpleasant for both the owner and the pet; if done incorrectly, blood vessels can be damaged.
  • Rarely, when human communication is enough for a rat, they need relatives , they will have to get another animal (of the same sex, so that there are no unwanted offspring).

The main disadvantages depend only on the owners. If you take care of the rodent and regularly clean the cage, there will be no special problems in cohabitation. The main disadvantage is the short life expectancy when the owner becomes attached to the pet.

Article on the topic: How to determine the sex of a rat: distinguishing a boy from a girl (photo)


The rat, like a pet, is very smart, so training is easy and effective. It is better not to feed your pet before starting classes. You should start with simple exercises and commands. The duration of the lesson is up to 30 minutes, but no more. The main tricks that rats can perform are: jumping over barriers and hoops, walking on their hind legs, searching for food in a maze, choosing the right item from several, running up stairs and ropes.

Accustoming to a nickname

Accustoming to a nickname will be easier and faster if you choose names containing the letters K, M, D, S, Sh, R, N. These sounds are perceived and remembered by rats faster. During games, activities and feedings, address him using his nickname as often as possible.

Return to the cage

Walking around the apartment is very important for the physical development of the pet. For an easy return to the cage, you can offer a favorite treat, or walk it just before feeding is scheduled. For convenience, it is better to lay something like a bridge from the cage to the floor of the apartment.

Other commands

In addition to standard tricks, the rat can be taught several commands. Using treats and affectionate calls by name, it is possible to teach the animal to sit, lie down, and run on command. There are also unusual commands, such as “give me your paw” or “kiss”.


The diet of pet rats should be balanced, taking into account their weight and food preferences.

Main Products

The main products are:

  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • raw and boiled meat;
  • fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cheese and cottage cheese.

Favorite treats

Each animal has its own taste preferences, but there are several products that are among their favorite treats. This can be a biscuit, a sweet bun, cookies, as well as grapes, apples and other fruits.

Forbidden food

You should never give your rat onions, garlic, sweets, or chocolate. In addition, you should not treat your pet to fruit and berry seeds, as well as exotic fruits. Among the vegetables, the following are undesirable: white cabbage, turnips, radishes, radishes, eggplant, fresh herbs.


Water contains useful minerals, so timely watering is very important for the health of rats. Prolonged lack of drinking can lead to death. Rats drink little, but there must be clean water available at all times. For this it is better to use automatic drinkers.

A little history

Cute, affectionate and tame decorative rats are descended from ordinary wild gray rats, which cause a feeling of disgust in humans, as well as a certain fear. This is not at all surprising, since wild rats have gained notoriety not only for their behavior, but also for their ability to spread various viruses and infections.

The Chinese and Indians first became aware of wild rats several thousand years ago. In the 16th century, as maritime trade developed, rats spread throughout the world, moving from continent to continent. In the 19th century in England, these rodents began to be used in battles against dogs, after catching them. During the same period, some hobbyists began breeding rats, especially tame, white ones. Such tame rodents were shown at exhibitions; in addition, white rats took part in circus performances. Some pet lovers started keeping rodents in their homes because they did not pose any danger to humans.

Some of the individuals were used as experimental animals in various laboratories, which is still practiced today, and some of them moved into the homes of scientists. Scientists saw in rats animals that are quite intelligent and attached to humans. Thanks to the crossing of laboratory rats with wild animals, new species and breeds of domestic decorative rodents have appeared, which can still be found among various breeders.

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