Is it necessary to cut a Labrador retriever: the main types of haircuts and whether it is possible to carry out the procedure yourself

Labrador is a dog breed that was originally a hunting dog.

Now they are very popular in all areas of activity.

These are excellent companions, guides and rescuers.

They are friendly and smart.

They are distinguished by high empathy and will never leave their owner in trouble or in a bad mood.

Do I need to cut my hair?

Haircut or grooming of a Labrador is included in the mandatory range of rules for caring for this breed .

The coat of this dog quickly acquires an unpresentable appearance, so many owners are increasingly inclined to believe that grooming the dog is the most convenient and correct way to preserve its appearance.

A specially trained person, a groomer, can handle Labrador haircuts most skillfully . Before the procedure, he himself carries out the necessary set of measures - bathes and combs.

Hair trimming can be a solution if one of the family members has allergies, and it also helps to avoid matted hair on the dog’s body and tangles.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The question of the length of a Labrador’s coat is a decision of the owners. If the dog lives in an apartment, then it would be wiser to leave it short: the dog will shed less, which means there will be less hair on the furniture. But if the Labrador is on private property, then it will be enough to simply bathe and comb it in a timely manner. The grooming process itself does not in any way affect the dog’s mental and physical health.”

Hereditary genetic diseases

Labrador diseases found in the breed are most often genetic. If symptoms of a hereditary disease appear, appropriate measures must be taken immediately.

Treatment for such diseases is ineffective, but following the veterinarian’s recommendations and appropriate medication support will help provide the dog with a comfortable, full life.


The disease manifests itself in the pathological proliferation of histiocytes - connective tissue cells that perform a protective function. This pathology is the most common among skin tumors in Labradors, and does not always have a benign course.


Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. This is a serious disease of the nervous system that leaves behind a lot of unpleasant consequences. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to stroke in humans, but the causes are often different.

The prognosis is very cautious or unfavorable. The treatment is long, painstaking and at the first stage only in a clinic, under the supervision of a veterinarian.

There is no evidence that stroke in Labradors is a genetic disease.

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

When solving this question, the answer is obvious.

If you have enough skills to groom a dog, you can do it yourself. But in the case when you have never picked up a machine in your life, it is better not to take risks, but to give the dog into the hands of a master.

A groomer is a specialist whose purpose is to give the dog a harmonious and aesthetic appearance . His list of services includes not only hair cutting, but also cleaning, styling, and even nail trimming.

Remember that the appearance of your pet directly depends on the ability to use the machine.

If you doubt your abilities, leave this matter to a professional, because careless movement can injure the dog.

Labrador nutrition

Keeping a Labrador, like any pet, must start with good nutrition. However, let’s make a reservation right away: the animal should not be overfed, since excess weight contributes to the development of diseases in the dog, deterioration of activity and quality of life. As a rule, Labrador Retriever puppies fall into the hands of their owner already adapted to eating independently.

In the first months, the baby is fed 5-6 times a day. With age, feeding is limited to two to three meals, depending on the activity of the animal. Care and feeding are interconnected things, so it is better to prepare a complete diet in advance, which will include high-quality food, home-cooked natural food and special dietary supplements. Labradors are prohibited from eating sausages, cookies, candies, any spices, baked goods, fatty foods and meats, and legumes. In addition, you should not feed your dog between meals.

Basic types of haircuts

Labrador haircuts can be of the following types::

  1. Puppy . Grooming is used quite rarely and only in those conditions when the excess hair on the puppy’s body really bothers him.
  2. For boys . Emphasizes the physique so that no one has any doubt that this is a male. Refers to a type of exhibition haircut (shown in the photo below).
  3. For girls . Also classified as exhibition. Some areas on the Labrador's body are left long to emphasize the gracefulness of the dog.
  4. Exhibition _ This type of haircut can only be done by a professional groomer. Its task is to emphasize the natural lines of the dog and its advantages.
  5. Hygienic . This type can be done yourself at home. It involves trimming the hair on the paws between the toes, around the genitals and anus. If necessary, vegetation removal is performed on the inner surface of the thigh.

Remember that the best haircut for a Labrador is one that looks natural and discreet.

For boys

There is one standard type of haircut for Labrador males.

Removes feathering on the legs and too long hair on the hips, belly and tail.

This emphasizes the dog’s natural advantages, its strength, and also allows experts to observe the dog’s physique during activity when assessing.

For girls

This view is slightly different from the previous one. For girls, in addition to physical fitness, the grace with which she moves plays a big role.

To highlight the natural features of the bitch, groomers leave hair on the belly and chest.

Girls with boyish haircuts evoke mixed responses from the commission at exhibitions and competitions, which is something males avoid.

Short description

The Labrador is a medium-sized, proportionally built dog, growing up to 50-57 cm at the withers and weighing between 25-36 kg. The broad, wedge-shaped head with prominent brows, flat cheekbones and a slightly convex forehead has dark almond-shaped eyes surrounded by well-pigmented eyelids and triangular drooping ears. Under the strong rectangular body with a wide neck and a flat topline are straight, strong limbs with strong joints and paws gathered into a ball. The entire body of such a dog is covered with dense, water-repellent fur of black, chocolate or fawn color.

The Labrador, whose photo cannot convey all its beauty, is endowed with a good-natured, flexible and completely non-aggressive disposition. He is quite trainable and gets along easily with other pets. This affectionate and sociable dog will happily play with the owner’s children and will never refuse long, active walks. With proper training, he makes an excellent companion, an excellent hunter and a worthy athlete, capable of winning competitions in freestyle, flyball or agility. What they lack in speed, they more than make up for in endurance and agility.

How often should the procedure be performed?

Labrador coat care depends on the time of year:

  1. In winter, the Labrador's coat does not need to be trimmed. It is enough just to comb out or cut off tangles in a timely manner if they form.
  2. In summer things are more complicated. If you have made such a decision, you should cut your Labrador's hair no more than once a week, even with the most abundant hair. The best option is once every week and a half. Dogs need to be brushed at approximately the same frequency.

Labradors love having their fur treated, so you can easily turn this process into a game..

Walking a Labrador

Walking a puppy is also part of the full care of a small pet. For a Labrador Retriever, the first walk outside can be very stressful, so getting to know the street lasts no more than 5 minutes. In the following days, walking increases to 20 minutes, and when the dog finally gets used to it, walks can be increased to 2 hours.

A small dog is not yet able to move long distances, overcome obstacles or flights of stairs. Therefore, while keeping a puppy, spend more time playing at home than walking, and when the pet grows up, vice versa. Walk the dog 2 times a day. Do not let the puppy off the leash and do not bring it near larger and stronger dogs in the first days.

Required Tools

To provide your dog with minimal grooming, you need to stock up on basic attributes. The most basic thing is a machine and scissors. If you are just planning a hygienic haircut, then a clipper will be enough.

In the case when you have planned a complex haircut that claims to be an exhibition one, then professional devices may not be needed; you can get by with a hobby-grade device.

It will successfully remove all tangles and combs.

The machine for cutting mats, or the so-called mat cutter, comes in three types:

  1. Vertical (looks like a comb).
  2. Horizontal (similar to a knife with 9-12 blades, sharpened on one side and rounded for safety on the other).
  3. Drop (pocket tangle cutter).

You can choose the device that is more convenient for you to use, they are all good to use.

It would not be a bad idea to have a special couch on which it will be comfortable to groom your dog . On uneven surfaces you can injure your dog and your hands.

Breed standard

Purebred and compliance with the standard can be determined by the average weight, height, color and six values ​​of the dog:

  • weight for males – 30-35 kg, for females – 25-32 kg,
  • height at the withers – from 54 to 56 cm,
  • coat color: chocolate, fawn and black. It is worth considering that the shades of these standard colors can be very diverse: from light chocolate to cream. It all depends on the type of breed,
  • the coat is short, hard, dense,
  • athletic build, well-developed muscles,
  • floppy ears, wide chest, webbed toes ,
  • the tail is short, thick at the base and narrower at the end.

How to cut your own hair?

It is much more convenient to cut a dog's hair with a clipper than with scissors, but these processes are in many ways similar.

Use a short nozzle to treat the following areas::

  1. Rib cage;
  2. Paws;
  3. Intimate area;
  4. Anal area;
  5. Stomach.

Labradors do not have their muzzle trimmed.

Use a long nozzle to remove hair from these parts of the dog’s body.:

  1. Sides;
  2. Back (if necessary);
  3. Tail.

Before grooming, the dog must be bathed and combed. Try to untangle the tangles with your fingers, but if that doesn’t work, then use a tangle cutter. When cutting, hold them with your fingers and do not pull them back so as not to cause pain to the animal.


The genital area needs to be treated with extra care and attention - this is the most problematic area.

To avoid injuring the dog's genitals, hold them with your hand.

Trimming the fur between the paw pads is usually not difficult..

After you remove the hair from the rest of the body, it should be trimmed with scissors, and also thinned if necessary.

You should always remember that grooming a dog at home is not an easy task. It requires a lot of attention, as well as careful preparation.

Even buying a special machine is not a cheap pleasure . Without such a device, it will not be possible to achieve a good appearance.

Vitamins and vaccinations

A description of all necessary vaccinations and procedures can be obtained from your veterinarian, as well as how much each drug costs. It is important to first diagnose worms, remove them, and only then vaccinate against parasites, and not vice versa. In addition, the animal’s fur must always be protected and treated from fleas and ticks, which especially bother the animal in the summer. To ensure a complete diet, vitamins and dietary supplements are added to the food, which can be purchased at a veterinary clinic. When enriching the diet with vitamins, make sure that the dog does not develop an allergy.

How to properly care for your fur

Labrador coat care consists of the following procedures::

  1. Combing the undercoat with a comb with straight metal teeth;
  2. Combing with a stiff metal brush with crooked teeth (slicker brush);
  3. Combing with a silicone glove or rubber brush;
  4. A haircut.

Combing with a straight-toothed comb is only necessary during active shedding periods. You need to scratch in the direction of hair growth in the back and tail area.

Combing with a slicker is done along the growth of the spine, then against and again along the growth.

This should be done with special care in the area of ​​the lower chest and paws.

Combing with a rubber comb or silicone glove is done only from head to tail. It is needed to give shine to the dog’s appearance.

You need to trim the feathers on the paws, the tail and the area between the toes. A full haircut is suitable for a dog living in an apartment.

It is not recommended to bathe your Labrador with various shampoos too often . This is necessary to avoid washing off the protective layer from the hair, which prevents the dog from getting wet. To eliminate a specific odor, use dry shampoos.

How much does grooming a Labrador cost?

The cost of grooming depends on the salon, the professional skills of the groomer, and the age of the dog . Grooming a puppy costs an order of magnitude higher.


The average price for a full range of services is about two thousand rubles.

There are higher prices, but the choice of salon is always up to the owner.

At the same time, many salons offer owners to create a list of procedures that the dog needs, and then announce the price . This way you can avoid overpaying for something you can provide for your pet yourself.

Outdoor content

Labradors are a domestic breed, and it is highly undesirable for them to constantly live outside.

This especially applies to puppies, who are sociable and affectionate creatures. Labradors living in a private home are the luckiest of all, because they are provided not only with cozy housing, but also with an excellent playground. As in the apartment, an enclosure for the dog is being built in the yard, in which the place of the bed should be taken by a full-fledged kennel on an elevated island. A Labrador's kennel must be large and strong so that the dog can fit in it completely and comfortably. Standard kennel sizes for this breed are 110 cm in length, 90 cm in width and 80 cm in height.

Similar article: What types of Labrador mixes exist in nature?

In addition to the booth, there should be a feeding area with bowls filled with fresh water and food, a canopy that creates shade, and toys. When letting the puppy out of the enclosure, make sure that he does not come across trash in the yard or food waste. In addition, Labradors are capable of digging, so the fence and walls of the enclosure must be strong.

Possible difficulties

The theory is clear, but in practice everything may not be so smooth. It is especially difficult to predict the behavior of an adult dog that has never been groomed. Not every animal likes this process - it may be scared, and some become aggressive out of fear and try to bite the groomer. You need to be able to control the dog and finish what you started in any case.

If the animal behaves aggressively

An aggressive and angry dog ​​also needs someone to cut its hair. Some growl and bite out of fear, some out of a bad temper, but there are several ways to deal with them.

Firstly, an aggressive animal behaves more quietly with strangers, so it is better to go to the groomer the first couple of times so that the dog understands that nothing bad is happening. Try to calm the animal, but if it still tries to bite, it is better to put on a muzzle and continue with your business.

In extremely severe cases, the groomer can offer sedation - this is an effective method, but you should not experiment on your own, since the dose of the sedative must be carefully calculated.

If the animal is very scared

A frightened dog needs to be calmed first. Talk to him quietly and confidently, because the owner’s fear and anxiety is transmitted to the dog. Let her get comfortable and smell the tools.

Try gently scratching your neck and letting him know that it's not a big deal. If you are afraid of a hairdryer, then do not dry the animal: wash it the day before and let it dry naturally. Choose a machine that is as silent as possible - many four-legged animals are afraid of an incomprehensible buzzing sound. Sometimes sedation is a solution in this case too.

If your pet hasn't been groomed for a long time

If your pet's hair is cut irregularly, the combs are taken out once a year - this is an unusual procedure for him. Often the friend is not only shaggy, but also covered in tangles.

If the poor animal looks like a felt boot, then the easiest option would be to shave it to a minimum length. Sometimes groomers spend 8-10 hours on neglected clients to leave them in coat, and of course, this is a lot of stress for both the master and the ward.

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