Vakderm vaccine for cats and dogs. Application, side effects and price of Vakderm

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Infections that affect the skin, fur and claws of a cat are much easier to prevent than to treat. For these purposes, practice-tested vaccines are used. Veterinarians often recommend Vacderm F (Vacderm-F) for cats. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of various types of lichen. Compliance with all points of the instructions for use of the vaccine guarantees a minimum number of side effects and the effectiveness of the product.

Composition and release form

The industry produces the vaccine in two versions. One is intended for several species of animals - this is Vakderm. The second one is aimed at cats - this is Vakderm F. Both varieties of Wakderm contain only one component - deactivated dermatophyte cells. Dermatophyte cultures are grown in a selective nutrient medium. The resulting cells are weakened and stabilized with a 0.3% formaldehyde solution.

Pets can become infected from homeless stray animals

The drug is supplied to the consumer in two forms: as a suspension, ready for injection, and as a powder. The injection material is a homogeneous beige or gray mixture without foreign impurities.

The medicine is available in glass containers. The liquid form of the medicine is also available in sealed ampoules. The powder containing the immunobiological preparation is packaged in glass containers.

Ampoules contain 1 dose of the drug with a volume of 1 cubic meter. cm. Containers contain from 1 to 450 doses. Minimum volume - 3 cubic meters. cm. 1-2 doses are placed in such containers. Three or more doses are placed in containers from 10 to 450 cubic cm. Vials are used as containers. For large volumes, graduated bottles are used.

Vakderm vaccine must be stored and transported in the cold.

Containers with medicine are marked. They contain the warning label “for animals” and the name of the vaccine. In addition, the following information is given: the name of the enterprise that manufactured the drug, volume in cubic meters. cm, serial number, concentration, date of manufacture, storage temperature, number of doses, expiration date and barcode.

The commercially produced vaccine is stored at a temperature of 2 to 10 °C. After 365 days from the date of release, the medicine must be disposed of. In addition to expired medications, medications stored in open or damaged ampoules and vials are prohibited for use.

The vaccine is disinfected before disposal. In 60 minutes at 124-128 °C and a pressure of 151.99 kPa, complete disinfection occurs. The disinfected vaccine is disposed of as usual, without special safety measures.

Individual bottles or ampoules with a capacity of up to 50 cubic meters. cm are placed in plastic or cardboard boxes. The package contains 10 containers. The bottles are separated by cardboard partitions.

Boxes with dry substance may contain bottles of liquid for dilution. The amount of liquid should correspond to the amount of dry vaccine. In each box containing Vakderm , instructions for use must be included. The packaging also contains detailed information about the medicine.

Packs (boxes) of medicines or medicine containers with a volume exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm are placed in boxes. The container can be made of wood, thick cardboard, or plastic. The weight of the box with medicine is no more than 15 kg. It contains a packing list containing an indication of the manufacturer, the name of the vaccine, the number of boxes in the box, and information about the packer.


The Vakderm F vaccine has two analogues that can replace it. You can use another medication only after consulting a veterinarian. Since only a specialist is able to assess the cat’s health, the feasibility and possibility of replacement. Each of the alternative means has its own characteristics.

Microderm is a combination of dry matter and dilution solution. The therapeutic effect in cats begins to appear 10-15 days after the injection. Immunity is formed from 20-30 days. The shelf life of this vaccine is one and a half times higher than that of Vakderma-F

Polivak-TM is a ready-made injection solution containing eight types of inactivated fungi. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to administer the vaccine twice or three times. The shelf life is 18 months.

Biological properties

Vakderm belongs to the group of immunobiological drugs. Its therapeutic and preventive effect is its effect on the immune system. Thanks to the vaccine, the body's protective reserves are acquired, increased, and activated.

If you notice wounds and bald spots on your pet, you should immediately consult a veterinarian

Vakderm vaccine causes a targeted immunological reaction. The purpose of Vakderm is the destruction of fungal formations and the complete destruction of fungal cells in the animal’s body.

The effect of the vaccine becomes noticeable a month after a double injection. Immunity caused by the drug will be maintained for 365 days after vaccination. You don’t have to think about dermatophytosis for a whole year.

The vaccine is harmless and does not cause allergic reactions. An important advantage of Vakderm is that it not only prevents the disease, but also has a therapeutic effect. Symptoms of the disease are reduced and the coat is restored.

The animal recovers fairly quickly. There is a nuance. An animal whose appearance and behavior indicate complete recovery may remain a spreader of infection. Tests and cultures are required to confirm complete recovery.

Reviews about the medicine


Larisa, 36 years old, Mozhaisk:

“My son and I picked up a kitten on the street. He was very thin and had patches of lichen all over his torso. I immediately took the foundling to the veterinarian. He prescribed the drug Vakderm in the form of injections and Zoomikol solution externally. Vakderm was administered at the veterinary clinic twice with a 2-week interval. The injections are painful, so I had to hold the cat tightly.

After the procedure he felt well. The bald areas began to grow over with hair after the second injection. 3 months have passed since the end of treatment, not a trace of lichen remains.”

Vera, 27 years old, Yelabuga:

“I have 2 cats at home. One day I noticed dark dots on one of her nose and around her mouth. The doctor said that this was a sign of ringworm and advised using Vakderm for treatment. It was also prescribed to a healthy pet to prevent infection.

The drug helped both in treatment and prevention. The only thing I didn’t like was that it comes in a solution for injections. I didn’t dare do them myself; I took my pets to the veterinarian for procedures.”


Anna, veterinarian, Tobolsk:

“In my practice, when treating dermatophytoses, I often use the Vakderm vaccine. It is indicated for adult cats and kittens over 1 month old; it is effective even in difficult cases when other means do not help.

The only negative thing I can note is that the drug has a detrimental effect on the liver. In order not to harm the animal, it is important to accurately calculate the dosage. Only a specialist can do this, so do not treat your pets at home, consult a doctor.”

Gennady, veterinarian, St. Petersburg:

“When cats with dermatophytosis are brought to my appointment, in addition to external remedies, I recommend giving them the Vakderm vaccine. It not only increases the effectiveness of treatment, but also provides immunity for 12 months.

It is especially important to immunize cats that their owners let outside for walks, since it is not difficult to catch dermatophytosis there. There have never been any complaints from animal owners about adverse reactions from the drug, although I have been using it for several years.”

Doses and method of administration

The veterinary drug is administered intramuscularly twice, into the thigh. After the first injection, a pause of 12–14 days is taken. During this period of time, the animal is observed. Vaccination accelerates the manifestation of the symptomatic picture if the animal is infected and the disease is in the latent phase. If there are no allergic or other consequences, a second injection is given.

The vaccine is used not only as an immunological agent. To achieve a therapeutic result, Vakderm for cats is administered 2-3 times. Simultaneously with the injections, an external local antifungal agent is used, applying it to the affected area of ​​the skin and coat. In severe cases, they switch to complex fungicidal medications.

Vakderm is injected intramuscularly into the animal’s thigh.

Preventive immunization provides the following doses:

  • three-month and younger kittens are given a dose of 0.5 ml, older cats - 1 ml;
  • Vakderm for dogs is used from 2 months of age - 0.5 ml, for more adults and weighing more than 5 kg - 1 ml;
  • rabbits and other fur-bearing animals from 50 days of age receive a dose of 0.5 ml, older animals - 1 ml.

The vaccine is administered annually. According to one scenario: the first injection, then 10-14 days of observation, after that the second injection. An absolute requirement is deworming of animals. Measures to get rid of helminths are carried out 10 days before the Vakderm for lichen .

Vakderm TF

International name: vaccine against trichophytosis in cattle. The most popular packaging of the biological product is in bottles of 10 doses, the cost of which in January 2022 was 60 rubles.

The vaccine is injected twice, intramuscularly, into the croup with an interval of 7-14 days according to the scheme:

Age, monthsDose, ml
Adult livestock44

If the animal is in the incubation period of infection, it becomes ill. In such a situation, he is injected with therapeutic doses twice with an interval of one to two weeks.

Side effects

Vaccination carried out in accordance with the dosage usually does not cause side effects. Rarely, lumps may occur at the injection site. Over time, the seals dissolve. Animals may sleep more than usual. Drowsiness goes away in 2-3 days.

The drug is used to treat dogs, cats and rabbits

What does the vaccine protect against?

The product is endowed with powerful healing properties and can prevent and cure dermatophytosis. This is the name given to a fungal disease of the skin in cats and dogs, the causative agent of which is Microsporum canis. Transmission occurs from already sick animals or rodents. This type of bacteria also gets into the soil structure if a sick animal has been on it for a long time. The congestion of cats contributes to the spread. The fungus is more dangerous for young cats, the incubation period ranges from 1 week to 3 months. Sometimes a pet can get sick in a latent form, which leads to complications.

Veterinarians also prescribe the medicine to treat or protect against diseases such as trichophytosis (commonly known as ringworm) and microsporia.


Vaccination is not given to the elderly, pregnant, malnourished, dehydrated or those with a fever. The veterinarian must be aware of whether the animal has undergone any treatment. When was deworming carried out? Are there any allergies to foods and medications? Based on these data and an assessment of the general condition, the issue of using Vakderm .

In addition, a cat, dog, or other pet may currently be treated for any diseases. They may be given medications. In this case, consultation with the treating veterinarian is necessary. To avoid an unpredictable reaction to the vaccine.


The components of the vaccine are pure samples of three tiny fungi, which are specially cultivated on a nutrient medium.

Biological components include the following types:

  • Trichophyton,
  • microsporum,
  • Epidermophyton.

The saturation of fungal cells in one ampoule is 50-80 million/cm3. During the production of the vaccine, the activity of fungi is reduced by formaldehyde, used at a concentration of 0.3%. This substance also acts as a drug stabilizer.

The healing properties of the vaccine are enhanced by the addition of the immunomodulatory substance Ribotan at a concentration of 0.2%. The mentioned substance stimulates the immune system in the body of a cat infected with lichen.

The Vacderm vaccine, similar in components, is intended for most pets, while Vacderm-F is developed only for cats.

Storage conditions

Storage rules comply with the federal law on the circulation of medicines. Vakderm can be stored in cabinets, on racks, shelves, and in refrigerators. Unpacked vials and ampoules should not be exposed to light.

Storage conditions and periods are indicated in the instructions accompanying the medicine. Typically, the temperature should not be lower than 2 °C, higher than 10 °C. The vaccine cannot be stored for longer than a year. Drugs that have expired or were stored in inappropriate conditions are destroyed.

Price for the drug

The inexpensive price for Vakderm for cats is indicated on the manufacturer’s website:

  • From 69 to 120 rubles per bottle, and for a package of 10 pieces, you need to pay from 690 to 1200 rubles.
  • The cost of the Vakderm F vaccine will be 76.89 rubles per bottle, and for packaging you will need to pay 768.90 rubles.
  • The highest price for a bottle is 150 rubles, and for a pack of medicine you need to pay 1,500 rubles.

Methods of personal protection when treating an animal

Dermatophytosis is an anthropozoonosis. That is, to diseases to which people and animals are susceptible. A person can become infected from an animal and another person. The infection destroys the hair and surface of the skin. Caused by microsporum and trichophyton fungi. When infected from a person, trichophytosis spores are transmitted; when infected from an animal, microsporia spores are transmitted.

The disease resulting from infection from a cat or dog lasts longer, is more difficult to cure and is more severe than that transmitted from person to person. Children and adults with weakened immune systems are at risk. Direct or indirect contact is the main route of infection.

When examining an infected cat or dog, caution must be exercised when vaccinating a healthy animal. The veterinarian carries out all manipulations in special clothing and medical gloves and a gauze mask, that is, he adheres to the usual safety measures.

Purpose of the drug

Vakderm F for cats is a vaccine developed to prevent and cure various forms of dermatophytoses. The drug was invented in Moscow, which acts as the manufacturer of this medicine.

  • Dermatophytosis appears to be a transmissible zoonotic disease.
  • Sick cats serve as a source of infection for animals and people.
  • The culprits of the sore are the smallest pathogenic fungi of 2-3 types.
  • Fungal disease in cats is detected in the form of one or multiple inflammations of scales on the skin.

Under the influence of Vakderm, the cat's defense mechanism against ringworm and other types of lichen is strengthened.

Individuals with low immunity and kittens who are not yet 1 year old are most prone to dermatophytosis. To prevent infection or stop the growth of spores and trichophytosis, this vaccine is used.

Preparing for vaccination

If you want your pet to be successfully vaccinated against infection, you need to properly prepare for vaccination. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Vaccination is carried out from the age of 2 months.
  2. Contraindications to the procedure are pregnancy, lactation.
  3. Be sure to follow the deadline and schedule established by the veterinarian.
  4. The animal must be healthy; after completion of active treatment of the last disease, at least 2 weeks must pass before vaccination, and if steroids were used (prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone), then 3.
  5. If you plan to vaccinate for the first time, then it is worth protecting your pet from all sorts of stressful situations - moving to a new place, visiting guests, traveling on public transport, visiting exhibitions.
  6. If, before vaccination, the cat had contact with an animal infected or suspected of ringworm, vaccination should be postponed for 2 weeks.
  7. 10-14 days before vaccination, you need to treat the animal against parasites - worms and fleas.
  8. Before vaccination, be sure to carry out a minimum diagnosis for ringworm using a Wood's lamp.

Possible complications: The vaccination is usually well tolerated; a slight (!) decrease in activity in the animal is possible. The most common complication of vaccination is an abscess at the injection site.


You can now see the current price of the drug Vakderm and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

When purchasing a vaccine for cats, please note that the price may vary slightly depending on the variation:

  • Vakderm 1 ml costs about 100 rubles;
  • Vakderm F 1 ml will cost 120 rubles.

Prices may vary not only in different regions, but also in different pharmacies within the same city. When purchasing, pay attention to storage conditions.

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