Milbemax for cats and dogs instructions for use

Description and release form

The production of the medicine is carried out by a corporation registered in France – Novartis. The product is produced under the supervision of the veterinary company elanco. Milbemax is widespread not only in Russia, but also abroad.

There are two types of product: for dogs of medium (up to twenty-five kg) and large sizes, and also for puppies and small breeds. There is also an option in the form of chewing plates.

  1. Regular Mibelmax tablets have a snow-white round shape with a smooth notch in the middle (to make it convenient to break the tablet in two). One pack contains two tablets.
  2. Chewable Milbemax is produced in the form of four chewable coffee-colored strips.

It is important to choose the right medications for your pet, otherwise there is a risk of overdose. The option for large dogs has a much larger number of active ingredients. Below is a mini-tablet showing the relationship between the size of the dog and the number of tablets.

The drug contains: milbemycin oxime (hereinafter abbreviated) (2.5 mg and 12.5 mg for small and large dogs, respectively) and praziquantel (25 and 125 mg, depending on the type of tablet). In addition to the basic components, the contents contain the following preservatives: E171 and iron oxide.

The chewing version is identical in basic composition, only the production technology changes. A number of additional components are noted: Glycerol, Propylene Glycol, brown iron oxide, butylated hydroxyanisole (E320), propyl gallate (E310), pregelatinized starch, natural chicken flavor, powdered sugar, Sodium chloride, citric acid monohydrate.

Important! The shelf life of all types of tablets is 2 years from the date of production. It is prohibited to use medicine that has expired.

The storage conditions for the medicine box are the same as for many similar ones: in a dark, dry place, protected from sunlight, away from children and food.

How does it work on parasites?

The action of the main substances is due to disruption of the vital functions of parasites and their nervous system. After the tablets begin to act, the helminths first experience paralysis and then death.

The maximum concentration of active components occurs within 3 hours from the start of administration, and the decrease occurs within three days. Milbemycin oxime not only participates in blocking nerve impulses, but also causes disturbances in the reproduction process in some types of parasites. The action of praziquantel is aimed at causing muscle spasm.

Dead helminths are found in animal excrement two days after the start of taking Milbemax tablets.

Pharmacological (biological) properties

Milbemycinoxim not only has anthelmintic properties, in addition it has an effect on insects and ticks. Acts against nematodes living in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. The highest concentration of Milb in a dog's plasma accumulates within 2-3 hours. Most often it is excreted unchanged in feces.

The second active ingredient is praziquantelum. It has pronounced anthelmintic properties. Increases the permeability of the membranes of worm cells for calcium ions, causing centralized contraction of the muscles of the helminth, which leads to permanent paralysis, which actually kills the helminth. The highest concentration of the substance in plasma is achieved from one to three hours. It is excreted by the kidneys (eighty percent) and a small part is excreted in the feces.

According to its composition, this medicine can be classified as moderately dangerous.

Special conditions for using Milbemax

When contacting Milbemax, you must adhere to general safety rules: do not eat, refrain from smoking, wash your hands after treatment. If part of the tablet remains during the deworming process, it can be stored in the same blister for a maximum of six months.

To store the drug, you need to choose a dark place inaccessible to animals and children. The medicine should not be frozen or kept at temperatures above 25 degrees. The drug can be stored for three years.

How to identify worms in a dog

The first and most important sign of the presence of parasites is noticeable weight loss. In this case, the animal may eat even more than usual. Symptoms of anemia appear, the coat loses its appearance, all signs of vitamin deficiency are evident. From the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, diarrhea and constipation often alternate.

If you examine your pet's stool, you can see parasites in it with the naked eye.

Be especially vigilant as adult dogs do not show symptoms as often as puppies or teenagers.

Dosage of the drug for puppies

In this case, everything is extremely simple:

• With a puppy weighing from 500 grams. up to a kilogram inclusive, he is given ½ tablet. • If the pet's weight is from one to five kilograms, then the dosage of the drug for puppies is one pill per animal.

The medicine is prescribed once. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, 10 days after using the medicine it is necessary to analyze the puppy's stool. If, during the test, parasite eggs are again found in the feces, the treatment is repeated in the same doses.

Special cases of prescribing the drug

The problem is that the above treatment regimen (with a single dose) is only relevant for typical cases. For some helminthiases, the dosage remains the same, but the frequency of use can increase significantly:

For thelaziosis, the medicine is given 2 times, the interval between doses will be exactly a week. However, based on the results of diagnostic studies, a decision may be made on a third or even fourth treatment (the interval between them is also seven days).

Angiostrongylosis is dangerous, since in its case the drug is given exactly 4 times. As in the previous case, the interval between applications is exactly a week, the duration of the therapeutic course is a month. In the case where the puppy lives in an area unfavorable for the disease, once a month the medicine is given in the usual therapeutic dose (i.e., one tablet per animal).

For dirofilariasis (also known as heartworm). If the puppy’s area of ​​residence is unfavorable for this disease (i.e. there are at least isolated cases), preventive treatments for dogs are carried out monthly (in a standard dose), starting from the first warm spring month and ending with the time of the first snowfall. This is the only way to protect your pet from a very dangerous and severe disease.

And a couple more nuances related specifically to dirofilariasis:

If there are few cases of the disease in a particular area (no more than one or two per month), then it is advisable to conduct a blood test before treatment. When no parasites are found in the blood, you can not give the medicine at all.

In cases where the number of microfilariae in the puppy’s blood is “off scale”, the treatment should be entrusted to a veterinarian. The problem is that the death of a large number of parasites almost guarantees the development of allergic reactions and other troubles. To avoid them, you will need antihistamines and other medications.

Instructions for use

No special dietary reductions are required before removing worms.

In order to prevent infection, the medicine is used quarterly in the dose prescribed by the doctor. To prevent possible dirofilariasis, milbemax is prescribed monthly.

Before using the medicine, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary, because For different types of worms there are different treatment periods.

The use of different types of tablets (chewable or regular) is similar, but to be more sure, it is better to read the instructions.

What danger do helminths pose?

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on a number of factors, the main ones being the type of helminths that infected the dog, its age and general physical condition.

The habitat of helminths can be the intestines, blood and internal organs, including the liver, lungs and heart. Worms cause mechanical damage to organs because they pierce their walls during attachment. The resulting microscopic wounds cause inflammation and anemia. In addition, helminths take away nutrients from the body of their “host” and release their own waste products, as well as toxins, into its blood and tissues. There are types of worms that provoke allergic reactions and all kinds of dermatitis.

Puppies and small dogs are at greatest risk from helminthic infestation. The presence of a large number of parasites in a dog’s body can lead to the formation of a ball of them, which, due to the small size of the puppy’s internal organs, can clog his intestines.

As a result, intestinal obstruction occurs, and in severe cases, even death is possible. Parasites that live in internal organs (liver, lungs, heart) without timely treatment can literally rupture the affected organ, which leads to the instant death of the animal.

How to give Milbemax to a dog

The medicine is used either during feeding with food, or under duress, after eating.

Calculation table (how many tablets to give at a time):

Animal weightMilbemax for puppies and small breeds of dogsMilbemax for medium and large dogs
0.5-1 kghalf tablet
1-5 kgone tablet
5-10 kgtwo tabletsone tablet
10-25 kgone tablet
25-50 kgtwo tablets
50-75 kgthree tablets

Attention! Before use, consult a specialist and read the instructions on the package!

special instructions

When working with Milbemax, you must follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety, as when working with medications. In addition, when working with Milbemax, drinking, smoking and eating are prohibited. After working with Milbemax, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If you accidentally ingest Milbemax, you should immediately drink as much warm water as possible and, if necessary, seek medical help (it is advisable to have a container label or instructions for use). There are no antidotes (antidotes) for Milbemax. The period of use of products of animal origin after the use of Milbemax is not regulated. Milbemax is toxic to fish and other aquatic animals, as well as aquatic plants.

For prevention

For preventive purposes, milbemax is prescribed by a veterinarian, one tablet once a month.

Worms in dogs are a completely common occurrence. Use the tips below to prevent the appearance of worms in the animal's body to minimize the risk of infection:

  • carry out a mandatory food processing procedure before feeding the animal;
  • do not allow the dog to eat something on the street or rummage in the trash;
  • once a year, take your dog’s stool for analysis to a veterinary clinic;
  • and of course, take anti-parasitic medications every few months.

10 days before vaccination, dogs are also prescribed anthelmintics. Bitches are also prescribed pills 15 days before estrus (if breeding is planned) to avoid possible infection of future offspring + it is mandatory to take pills 2 weeks after giving birth.

Indications for use

Milbemax tablets for dogs are prescribed for the prevention of helminth infection and the treatment of helminth infestations. They help against the following types of parasites:

  • cestodes: dipylidiosis, bovine and pork tapeworms, echinococci, mesocestoidosis;
  • nematodes: hookworm, toxocara, trichocephalus.

The drug also reduces the severity and reduces the risk of infection with crenosomosis, angiostrongylosis (French heartworm), and dirofilariasis.

On the topic: worms in dogs, how often should a dog be wormed.

Side effects

When Milbemax is used strictly according to the instructions, side effects occur quite rarely and are rather the exception. Among them:

  • sluggish appearance;
  • ataxia;
  • muscle tremors;
  • vomiting/diarrhea

If you notice any side effects in your dog, stop giving the medicine to the dog and take your pet to the vet. to the doctor.

Overdose symptoms:

  • depressed look;
  • increased salivation;
  • muscle paresis;
  • trembling/uncertain and sluggish gait.

Price and where to buy

For dogs 5-25 kg

For kittens and mini breeds (from 500 grams to five kg)

Chewing plates

Chewing plates for mini breeds

Breeders reviews


“We take it according to the advice of the veterinarian. Giving the tablets is simple: I crushed them into powder and mixed them with food, the dog ate them. There were no side effects, we are happy with the purchase, if something happens, we turn to Milbemax.”


“Every year we give our Charlie Milbemax before vaccinations. He does not eat the tablet in its pure form, apparently it is too bitter. After several uses there were no side effects.”


“A couple of years ago we got a German Shepherd puppy. The first thing we did was take the new family member to the veterinarian. The baby turned out to be completely healthy, without any abnormalities. Since there are small children in the house, the doctor advised sometimes to prevent worms using Mibelmax. We use it this way: I put the tablet inside the fruit, the dog absorbs it without whims. There were no side effects; the only drawback of the drug was the price. But, for the sake of your pet’s health, you can fork out more.”


Like all medications, Milbemax for dogs has contraindications, these include:

  • Intolerance to the constituent components.
  • Serious diseases of the urinary system.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • It is not recommended to give deworming tablets to malnourished pets.
  • There is no need to give water to dogs with infectious diseases.
  • It is contraindicated to give to puppies under 14 days of age and less than half a kilogram.
  • Adult tablets can only be given to animals weighing more than 5 kg.
  • The drug is not recommended for breeds such as Collie, Bobtail, Sheltie, due to the increased sensitivity of these breeds to the components of the product.
  • Lactating and pregnant females are treated only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

The instructions for use state that the medicine does not exhibit side effects; during an overdose, the animal appears:

  • Apathy.
  • Profuse drooling.
  • Trembling in limbs.
  • Spasm.
  • Allergic manifestations.

Usually, side effects go away on their own without additional treatment within a day.

Reviews from veterinarians

Ekaterina Andreeva:

“When people come with complaints about helminths in a dog or cat, I most often recommend Milbemax. The drug is good, does not contain unnecessary components. Allergies occur very rarely. In my practice, there were no special complaints about side effects.”

Sergey Viktorovich:

“The most advantageous drug compared to analogues is milbemax. Quite potent and does not contain any hazardous components to the health of the animal. Milbemax acts on the entire body of the helminth, destroying it from the inside, without poisoning the dog itself. Many owners do not give due importance to the problem of worms in dogs. They try to cure the unfortunate animal with mythical folk remedies, mistakenly believing that this will help. It is very important to choose a safe medicine for your animal in a timely manner. Otherwise, irreversible consequences may occur, including death.”

For what symptoms should the drug be given?

There are standard symptoms that indicate that the dog needs to be given Milbemax, these include:

  • Abnormal stool.
  • Butt riding.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Vomiting and loss of appetite.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Deterioration of coat condition.
  • Profuse drooling.
  • Apathy.

If the owner notices signs of helminths in his pet, then he needs to undergo anthelmintic treatment, with the drug Milbemax being a good helper.


  • Of the tablet anthelmintics, Profender can be distinguished.
  • For puppies, there is a medicine in the form of a paste - Dirofen.
  • You can also try suspensions - febtal combo, prazicide.

In addition to medications, there are folk remedies for parasites. However, do not rush to give up all medications and poison the animal with unknown herbs. Before treatment with traditional medicine, carefully read the properties of certain plants, whether they will be harmful, whether they will cause allergies, etc.

What you can give to your pet:

  • Carrot. Yes, yes, the most common and widely consumed product. When the carrot pieces pass through the intestinal wall, they remove the wall bugs. You can add it to porridge or give it just like that.
  • Hulled pumpkin seeds in small quantities. Pumpkin seeds are not only effective anti-parasitic prevention, but also a good source of vitamins. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity, as too many seeds will be harmful.

You cannot give:

  • It is highly undesirable to give garlic to dogs. Contrary to popular belief, it is ineffective against reptiles in the animal’s body. Instead, garlic can cause serious complications such as gastritis. There are different variations of pseudo-medicine that will only harm the dog. Some people suggest giving your animal vodka against parasites (even a puppy!).

Always think for yourself and take care of your pet’s health; you cannot save money on this.

Milbemax deworming tablets for cats

The drug for deworming kittens is available in tablet form. The tablet is an oval with beveled edges. The form with a low dosage is covered with a pink shell and has notches in the form of the letters NA and BC, and with a high dosage it is covered in red and has notches KK and NA. The medicine is sold in metal blisters, each of which contains 2 tablets. To treat kittens, use the dosage of Milbemax, the concentration of active substances in which is 4 times less than in tablets for deworming older cats.

Milbemax should be stored in the manufacturer's packaging (necessarily closed) separately from feed and food. The storage location should be dry, well protected from light and inaccessible to children, the temperature should be within 5-25 degrees. If all storage conditions are followed, the shelf life of the drug reaches 3 years. Unused 1/2 tablet can be placed in a blister and stored until the next use, but no more than six months after opening.


The questions are answered by a veterinarian, one of our authors - Elena Starodubova

Is the drug dangerous for pets' health?

Milbemax is safe if used according to instructions. It should not be administered to animals weighing less than 0.5 kg. (dogs can reach 2 weeks, kittens from 6 weeks).

Milbemax can harm a pet if its kidneys and liver function are impaired, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug (active ingredients: milbemycin oxime and praziquantel), especially for bobtail, collie and sheltie breeds (they often have increased sensitivity to macrocyclic lactones , which is milbemycin oxime).

Drontal or Milbemax - which is better?

Milbemax is active against nematodes and cestodes (round and flatworms), and drontal, in addition to activity against nematodes and cestodes, also acts on the simplest organisms - Giardia (giardiasis is a fairly common infection that is contagious to humans).

Milprazone or Milbemax - which is better?

Milprazone is an analogue of Milbemax, containing the same active ingredients in the same quantities.

How to take the drug before vaccination?

If the animal is healthy and deworming is carried out for prevention, then the tablet can be given a week before vaccination. It is worth treating fleas 4 - 5 days before deworming.

If treatment for worms is carried out for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to give the drug twice with an interval of 7 days, and vaccinate at least 2 weeks after the last tablet, when the dog is completely healthy.


Milbemax for dogs is one of the best anthelmintics. In my practice, I have rarely encountered side effects after taking this medication, and all of them were associated with the individual characteristics of the animal: diseases, hypersensitivity, etc.

But Milbemax is not unique. It has worthy analogues. It can be replaced with Milprazone - the composition and dosages of both drugs are identical, but the cost differs significantly.

"Gelmimax" and "Kaniquantel" are considered safer - they extremely rarely lead to complications. But if you have a collie or a related breed, take “Febtal” (only the regular one, not “Combo”), “Troncil” or “Dehinel Plus”.

Read more: Small dog breeds

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Milbemax is one of the most effective antiparasitic drugs for animals.
  2. There are two types of tablets: regular and chewable.
  3. Do not confuse the dosage, and the treatment will proceed without negative consequences.

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Advantages of the drug Milbemax

To effectively influence helminths of all stages of development, from adult individuals to the larvae they lay - this is the principle of operation of the drug "Milbemax". Reviews about the effect of the medicine indicate that it has long won the trust of veterinarians and dog breeders.

The main advantage of the deworming remedy "Milbemax" is its effectiveness and complete non-toxicity. Those. the drug does not have a toxic effect on the animal’s body, which allows it to be used even in relation to pregnant dogs. Not many modern medicines can boast of this. The last period of pregnancy, as well as a period of two weeks after childbirth - this is the permitted time for using the drug "Milbemax"

This is very important, since puppies are infected during pregnancy, during childbirth and through mother's milk. Milbemax can be used for puppies when they reach 14 days of age and weigh ½ kg.

"Milbemax" has a wide spectrum of action. In addition to destroying intestinal worms, it kills heartworm larvae and microfilariae in the dog’s bloodstream, thereby preventing such a dangerous disease as dirofilariasis. The drug acts very quickly - its maximum concentration is observed within 2 hours after administration. Convenient dosage and small tablet sizes make the process of administering the medication simple and quick.

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