Ivermek for cats - is it safe? Instructions for use, dosage, contraindications, price and reviews +Video

Ivermek is prescribed for cats against worms and in case of infection with other parasites. The medicine is available for use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In veterinary medicine, the drug is used not only to treat felines. You can also give injections with Ivermek to farm animals and birds. Before using an antiparasitic drug, carefully study the instructions for use, find out what contraindications there are and whether an overdose is possible.

general description

Ivermek is available in pharmacies in the following dosage forms:

  • injection solution;
  • gel;
  • spray.

The solution is used for injections, and the aerosol and gel are used for external treatment. And although the dosage forms are used in different ways, the active substance in them is the same. The antiparasitic effect is due to the presence of ivermectin in the composition.

The injection solution has the appearance of a transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid. Glass bottles of various capacities are usually used for packaging. Pharmacies most often sell containers of 20 and 100 ml. For cats, it is worth purchasing small bottles, since the medicine can only be stored for 42 days after opening the package. Purchasing a large bottle for small animals can be a waste of money.

The spray is available as a colorless liquid, although a light yellow tint may be present. To package medicinal liquid intended for external use, bottles with spray heads are used. Thanks to them, the drug is easy to use.

The gel is made on a water basis. Externally it has a light yellow color. Packaged in polymer tubes. They can hold 10,20 or 30 ml. There is no need to observe special storage conditions, but after opening the package, the drug is suitable for use only for 60 days. Since the medicine cannot be used after this period, it is better to put a sticker with the date of opening.

Buy "Ivermek" for cats

You can purchase this medicine at a veterinary pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The usual price for 1 tube of Ivermek gel ranges from 450-500 rubles, a spray - from 350, and a 20 ml bottle of solution will cost approximately 150 rubles.

Reviews from owners are divided into 2 different points of view: this medicine saved some, and did not work for others. Veterinarians strongly advise not to use Ivermek on your own without consulting a doctor.

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pharmachologic effect

Ivermec contains ivermectin, which has an antiparasitic effect. It applies to almost all types of ectoparasites (ticks, fleas, etc.), as well as roundworms that parasitize the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. The effectiveness of ivermectin is due to the fact that the substance affects the nervous and muscular systems, so the parasites have no chance of survival.

When using an injection solution, the active substance penetrates the bloodstream, and with it through all organs and tissues of the animal. The therapeutic effect lasts 10-14 days. The injection solution also contains tocopherol or vitamin E. It improves the absorption of the main component and accelerates its distribution throughout organs and tissues.

Important! The active component is considered a very toxic and dangerous substance. In Ivermek its concentration is low, so the drug is classified as safe for animals. To prevent it from harming the animal, the dosage must be strictly observed.

When using a spray or gel, the active component does not penetrate into the blood, but remains on the surface of the skin, so they are used only to combat external parasites. These dosage forms also contain panthenol or panthethonic acid production. These substances improve tissue regeneration. They not only accelerate the healing of the skin, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The gel and aerosol also contain lidocaine. This is a local anesthetic. It suppresses pain well and also has an antipruritic effect. When using Ivermek for external treatment, not only parasites are destroyed, but also unpleasant symptoms are eliminated. The spray additionally contains chlorhexidine, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Thanks to this substance, the risk of developing complications in the form of inflammatory and purulent processes is reduced.


The active ingredient of this product is ivermectin. This component of the drug activates the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the pet’s body. The latter does not pose a danger to the life of the animal, but has a fatal effect on various parasites, provokes disruption of the functioning of nerve impulses and causes a state of paralysis in pests.

Vitamin E has been added to the drug as an auxiliary ingredient, which helps in faster absorption of the main active ingredient. This component also helps improve the general condition of the sick animal and prevents the development of side effects from the use of the medication.

The injection solution additionally contains lidocaine and panthenol. These substances relieve pain and inflammatory reaction after the injection.

When to use

The injection solution is used for cats with helminthic infestations caused by roundworms:

  • with toxascariasis;
  • with toxaridosis;
  • with hookworm;
  • with uncinariasis.

All dosage forms of Ivermek are used for external parasites. The medication is successfully used to treat the following pathologies:

  • notoedrosis;
  • demodicosis;
  • otodectosis;
  • sarcoptic mange;
  • psoroptosis.

For cats, the drug is used only for medicinal purposes. For prevention, it is worth choosing a less toxic medicine.


Overdose of ivermectin in humans is quite rare, the symptoms are similar to the side effects. It is necessary to stop taking the drug and use antihistamines. In animals, as a result of an overdose, two stages of changes in the central nervous system are distinguished.

The first of them is characterized by:

  • excessive salivation;
  • refusal to eat, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • frequent urination;
  • muscle spasms;
  • late students;
  • loss of vision;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • general depression.

In the second phase, the depressive state worsens, vision ceases to matter, coordination problems increase, and coma and death may occur.

How to use

The use of the drug directly depends on its dosage form. Before use, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible side effects and complications.


Injections of the antiparasitic agent should be done intramuscularly, preferably into the thigh of the hind paw. For injections, insulin syringes with a thin needle should be used. When using the injection solution, it is necessary to follow the rules of asepsis. Be sure to use sterile syringes and treat the injection site with medical alcohol. Usually one injection is enough to completely get rid of parasites, but if the infection is severe, a second injection may be necessary after 10 days.

The dosage of the drug is calculated as follows: for every 10 kg of weight you need 0.2 ml of solution. It is important not to exceed the dose. Since it is quite difficult to calculate the exact dose for small animals, the solution is diluted with water for injection.

Since ivermectin is highly toxic, it can have a negative effect on the liver. To prevent possible negative consequences, hepatoprotectors or herbal-based liver medications are additionally prescribed.

Spray and gel

Treatment of an animal in the presence of ticks, fleas and other ectoparasites is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Clean the affected areas from scabs and crusts. For these purposes, a special cleansing lotion can be used.
  2. Next, apply a thin layer of the medicine. The aerosol should be sprayed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the skin. Do not spray the spray in the eye and mouth area. The medicine should be applied to the fingers wearing a rubber glove, and then rubbed into the affected areas.
  3. Along the edges you need to capture 1-2 cm of healthy skin.
  4. A cervical collar must be put on the animal so that it cannot lick the medicinal composition. Ingestion of the drug is strictly prohibited. If there is no collar, then you should hold your pet until the medicine dries (is absorbed).

The instructions for use indicate that the dosage of Ivermek spray and gel is 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. Usually the procedure is repeated several times with an interval of 3-5 days. If the mite damage is extensive, then the treatment is carried out in two stages: one day the drug is applied to one side, and only the next day - to the other side. Using this treatment regimen, it will be possible to avoid an overdose of the drug.

For otodectosis, a spray or gel is applied to the ear canals on both sides. They are first cleaned of scabs. If the disease is complicated by otitis media, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents are additionally used.

latest comments


. FOUND! Good evening, on March 6, I injected the piglets with Ivermek, on March 8, the pig got worms, about 25 of them, tell me, after how many days do I repeat the injection?

the piglets began to fidget. After Ivermek, they came out the next day. Milk from dairy animals is allowed to be used for food purposes no earlier than 28 days after the last administration of Ivermek. While working, it is forbidden to drink, smoke or eat. How and when do worms come out after taking Vermox: the principle of action of the drug. It will not be possible to remove helminths living in other organs, especially larvae that form cysts (echinococcus).

Worms can also enter the farm through newly acquired individuals. Ivermek; Alben. The worms begin to die and come out naturally on the second day after taking the drug. Directions for use: the drug is taken during or after meals once a day. From roundworms ─ Medamin, Pirkon, Pirivinium, Ivermek, Vanquin. After Vermex, live worms come out. The doctors explained that the worms stuck to the intestinal walls, so they don’t come out either. After Ivermex was injected, the worms came out in TONS, I just haven’t seen anything like this!

The worms came out for some time and stopped. Ivermek (Nita-Farm). DESCRIPTION. An antiparasitic drug, which is a unique slaughter of animals treated with Ivermek for meat is permitted no earlier than 28 days after administration of the drug. How long does it take for worms to come out after Ivermek - NO MORE PROBLEM!

It is recommended that animals be allowed to mate no earlier than 2 weeks after the Ivermek injection. On the pasture, only after the dew has disappeared, when the sun has burned through all the intermediate hosts of worms, swampy areas and puddles with tadpoles. How do worms come out after Vermox?

Helminths that are sensitive to Larger worms (pork tapeworms, roundworms) may not be taken within the specified time. Do not purchase medications directly or through intermediaries on the Internet if you do not want to. The drug must be taken with meals or immediately after meals. To prevent reinvasion, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 weeks. How worms come out under the influence of the drug Vermox. Even companion dogs (Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Toy Terriers) never come out. Puppies suffer more severely from worms, and young dogs a little less, while in lactating females preventive deworming is carried out after 2 weeks after the birth of the puppies, and then at intervals of 2 weeks until weaning. Ivermec (JSC Nita-Pharm, Russia) Injection 1% solution in 1 ml even comes out of the anus on its own, without going to the toilet. They advised me to take Ivermek (injection) - I did it, it went away. After some drugs like Prazicide, such a thing is not uncommon - worms from the mouth and butt within a week or two. Why after the injection of Ivermek, the sheep’s legs seemed to cramp, the stomach was swollen, at first it crunched its teeth. Big plus that in addition to demodicosis, it copes with many types of skin parasites and worms, it has a wide spectrum of action. How long does it take for the worms to come out?

Another argument must be taken into account when discussing the topic “How many worms come out after anthelmintics?

»How to inject Ivermek into cats and dogs. Ivermek is a medicine for cats and dogs, an effective remedy for parasites. He hugs patients, licks them and stays nearby while they recover from anesthesia after surgery, without using scientific literature and patient reviews, we will try to figure out how worms come out after Vermox and Efficacy and indications Instructions for using Vermox How do parasites come out?

Mistakes during administration. This should not be expected after Vermox. Dead worms will be passed out in the stool. This is necessary to eliminate not only adult parasites, but also their eggs, from which new worms appear after a while. Medicine for worms Nemozol: reviews of the drug, how long after taking do the parasites die?

How do worms come out when using this medication?

How long after taking the medicine do the worms die and come out?

Contraindications and side effects

According to the instructions, Ivermek is not used for weakened and sick cats. Its use is also contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • when feeding offspring;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • in case of intolerance to components.

It is strictly forbidden to use antiparasitic medicine on kittens under 12 weeks of age. If you have liver diseases, consult a doctor.

If the dose is not exceeded, Ivermek is well tolerated by animals. In case of overdose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • increased saliva production;
  • tearfulness;
  • vomit;
  • muscle tremors.

Spontaneous urination and bowel movements may also occur when using the solution. There is no need to take special measures, but further use of the drug is canceled.

Can it be used?

There are 3 forms of the drug on sale: spray, solution and gel. The doctor prescribes one or another form of medication after a thorough examination of the animal and tests. The weight, age of the cat and the severity of the disease are also taken into account.

The drug is indicated for the fight against lice, nematodes, blood-sucking insects and has a pronounced therapeutic effect even in small doses. It is recommended to use less toxic medications for ear mites. Ivermek is not intended for getting rid of lichen. Main indications for use:

  • sarcoptic mange (subcutaneous mite);
  • toxocariasis (helminth infection);
  • otodectosis (ear mites);
  • demodicosis (skin disease);
  • mallophagosis (parasitic disease);
  • estrosis (infection with gadfly larvae);
  • hookworm (round parasites)
  • thelaziosis (nematode disease), etc.

Parasites live and multiply on cats' fur, ears, and intestines. An animal can become infected in different ways: on the street, from other animals, due to insufficient nutrition or unsanitary conditions. It is not always possible to recognize the disease immediately, but you should pay attention to the main signs of its appearance in cats:

  • lack of appetite;
  • blood in stool;
  • stool disorder;
  • drowsiness;
  • heat;
  • scratching ears;
  • lethargy.

Owner reviews

Marina, volunteer:

“Most people pass cats on the street that are covered in scabs and the animals are meowing and asking for help. I am part of a group of volunteers in our city. To treat scabies in cats and dogs, we have been using Ivermec solution for a long time. An excellent tool. It is inexpensive, but in just 2 injections it helps rid the animal of parasites. The fur grows back quickly."

Alla, owner of the Scottish cat:

“We were prescribed Ivermec for demodicosis. The cat turned out to be intolerant to the drug. After 2 hours, severe vomiting began and continued until the evening. The money spent had to be thrown in the trash, and the veterinarian selected another medicine for treatment.”

Indications for use

Indications for use:

  • Demodechosis is an infestation of a microscopic mite that inhabits hair follicles, sebaceous glands and human skin; in hair - in dogs and cats;
  • Rosacea is a facial skin condition that causes redness when a person's blood vessels dilate;
  • thromboembolic acne - an acne disease characterized by the presence of large inflammatory acne on human skin and tissues;
  • scabies, a disease caused in humans by female scabies; Scabies of the ears, scalp and itching in animals caused by certain types of mites;
  • helminthic infestations of all types affecting people and animals (except flatworms and tapeworms);
  • filariasis, an infection belonging to the group of nematodes;
  • human infestation with bedbugs, fleas, lice, lice (pediculosis).

special instructions

Caution should be exercised when using ivermectin:

  • heart failure;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • Kidney disease;
  • digestive system disorders.

The drug has an aggravating effect on the body, therefore it is not recommended for people performing physical work, patients with central nervous system dysfunction, and patients with epilepsy.

Hot weather can be a negative factor.

The drug has a prolonged effect, is eliminated from the body for a long time, and has an extremely low degree of decomposition at high temperatures. The other side of the coin is restrictions on the use of animal products.

Ivermectin derivatives have been found in the milk of dairy animals for a long time. Slaughter and milking for food purposes are prohibited for one month. Entering the human body in pure or metabolized form can cause poisoning, allergies and dysbacteriosis.

Interaction with other drugs

Ivermectin increases the level of warfarin in the blood, so it should not be used simultaneously with warfarin and phenylamine.

Concomitant use with barbiturates, sedatives and hypnotic psychoactive substances is not recommended, since these drugs increase GABAergic activity.

To avoid side effects, this medicine should not be taken with certain antidepressants such as fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, venlafaxine.

Alcohol compatibility

The use of alcohol and ivermectin is incompatible, since the drug is metabolized in the liver, and when taken with alcohol it has the greatest load.

The liver receives a double blow and reacts with intoxication of the body:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • decreased concentration;
  • drowsiness and dizziness;
  • disturbances in brain function;
  • loss of consciousness.


Ivemectin has a number of analogues:

  1. Stromectol and Mectosan are trade names for Iwermectin tablets.
  2. Baymek is a complete analogue because it has the same active substance. It is used locally in the treatment of demodicosis. Price 364 rub.
  3. In memory is a drug of Indian Albundazole, intended for the treatment of intestinal forms of helminth infections. Effective in the skin and charming helminthiasis leaf migrants. The average cost is 222 rubles.
  4. Cysticid and Cesol are broad products with a wide action profile. The active substance is Pazykwantel. The average price in Russia for Cysticide is 480 rubles. Cesol - 375 rubles.
  5. CallAntel is a medicine based on the sale of CallaNtel. This is effective in the treatment of endo- and ectopasitis. It is available in tablets and bottles. The price varies from 100 rubles.

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